Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1948)
: ? f ini i pil k 1 * j'i si | |i:|! j I '" : ■ 1 ^ • - : j ! | j ': f\ . '4 ■ i ODELL STAUTZEN BERG ER BOB i Steers mm^rwm mw : : m t:®/ 1 - i . s :fe MAflf ; ' ?r?w' ir »K r JIM WIND Longhfms l^ady for Aggies, Editor exan 11 fi ; m . tm- ■^j! ||r | I A(&M studenits cans remember tl 10E CHRISTIAN rta Editor j i)aily Texan last time an Aggie eleven defeated Texas—back in 1939—could well lift ye their most enjoyable Thanksgiving supper this November since that Thursday afternoon nine yeai Despite the .Farmers’ d4irk record tfri the Longhorns will go intd tlie game Thu Some 70,000 people .Will' ovet-A- flow Memorial ‘* CJ: " !iaas fL '- LL is year, the feeling here at the University is that day with little better than a 50-50 chance to win. crowd that ordinarilyi;;forties see a team with a s‘ record play a team ‘wh'ii kick-off time. That's not the stye 1 ped nine out of nin<j.; fi|| : Texas people respect the Aggie* —and that’s a fetdin* vfchat goes down to Coach Blair Cherry aind his Longhorns. If Agg^pmd -par tisans think Texas Vrilf ifo into foe game on an air o^dvefconfide they are sadly mistaken; ; • ■>] Cherry does not; have: a great team, but he has ohejwjieh is good enough to come ffom behind afid win? when the chips down. The Steers are at foieir-pest in the ;hat ftfoility |to Jbeir*, opponents .‘them Jour vile- Aggie Spirit to Be Deciding Factor in Turkey Day Game By ART HOWARD wfeek this writer was so brash as to say that he would junnpiinto the birdbath if the Aggie Freshman beat the Shorthorr: information Lippman was badly 1 JL file 1I1AL hurt mad j It look like a sure and heavy victory for the visitors. B it! Ole Armour earned — through without the Galloping < L_A good example of this was the second half, and keep going when weaken has given iwieiw ? lories in conference pllyi i j|i . The oiily league teani which has failed to score first agifobt. Texas was Arkansas, attd .tl5: Porkfos held the Steers down fo?* 7<i6 lead before Perry, Samuels fooled at the dose of the final garter to salt away the victory. • The LonghornH stakSii Rice fo a 7-0 lead at halftline'Stid fhep fought hack in the Mi half U> win 20-7. 'rhe 78-md Imchdown P»hk from Paul < Impbell to B| ron Gillory (hut ffixis i second ncore wu» one of the mo perfectly executed ipllyti we’u ever sees. Tho Longhorn* o mutter how toht ffoy, tried, exa* rolled up 28*# rjtitKiwii* uhd Ghost, and mp friends insisted on seeing me carry qut my promise. And the onesj who didn’t see the baptims clutimoreri for a repeat performanep. It’s nice to have such friends. Your repirtjer has also picked up some advance) information on this game—r-Tex is i is favored again'. But judging ftom the*Story above, the Tpasipijpers are afraid of losing hi’a game. Something must have mfde them change their minds, for a jfew days before the A&M-SMU game they were tak ing.bets that; the Aggies wouldn’t Texas rolled up 23*1 340 yards rushing Hri . " could score only: eifo.1 seldom had tho hath the scoring puncm hit wUs , un,,, . | h*y ijtjd cruia ' ‘ enough for n Baylor bolted toril11 tho Chorrymen, y«. T the final two mintffc's t6-y pass from Campbell to-©gorge M Pull ‘ « Sf'l ' ; TCU took a 74IMS* and then watchcdi tho .. powe Texas ground game iidow under in the third 7 Longhorn victbi I After that on& "We’re a winning . you can be deadjeer ways have to do) Mi way.” |1| Texas IS a winning has all the esS< ^ running game the number two ing, and a smar But the Steers mistakes this s can win nine committing e even show jiipi for the game tomor row. s’j/l We donit want any One taking away our underdog status from us, w« need every advantage we can get At i the same time, thr Aggies hnve shown sparks o hot playii ig„ and some ashes ofii The - piost this, year with which No sooner d the other and humilifi tie the scoie uraging aspect been the rapidif have lost our 1 we get ahead gets mad, scared SMU game. Imme<jliately after We tied the cover ki|ds, the Doaker ! romped and stomped over for a Score in a few plays. That 'has lhappened all down ! the line; Villa- nova, Texas Tech, LSU, Baylor, and TCU have all been on the short end of the scoreboard during the game, but A&lM is seeking its first win of the ybar. Ah I see it, the outcome of to- morrow’s game Will depend on the npirit of the: Aggie players, plus a few breaks. If they ; lag' as hard a gamb tomorrow i they did against BMU, they will likely win. If not, it could turn into another game like the one ugainHt Rice, foif Texas will be ready for us. • There is no tetim which A&M would ruther tnko; it* woe* out 6n than Texas Univlcriiity. For the past eight years jWo nave had a Thanksgiving dinfor of humble pie •ftUn to the *trai is of "The Eyes of Texas.” So fur this seal on we have hiid to get part of ou k football enjoy ment out of watch ng Bomconc beat the Texuns, with Cherry’s promise of a conference (Town still echo ing around the Forty Acres. Another thing Which irks us is that "impregnable’’ record of Me morial Stadium. T’lore would be ho better remedy tha a .for this year’s nine-nothing Aggie team to shat ter jthat record, j . It would even be worth another difo to see them do it r - r = — BEAT' Tl Yell Practice ; |Toniglit in Austin Yell practice will be held in front of the Stclphen F. Austin Hotel in Austin at midnight to night As far as it is known, no extra speakers Will be present In Annual Thanksgiving Dali Battle I :jl |r " , .. N' j* ^ ; 'r ' Eleven Aggies {{lay Last Tilt Thursday By BILL POTTS When the Aggies come on the field Thursday in Austin to play the Texas Longhorns, 12 A&M men will be getting the last chance in their college football careers to play for A&M, Ai An Editorial ggies who will be playing their last game Thursday are Rajnh Daniel, Bob Goode, Charlie Wright, Jim \yinklep, Odell frUautzenber^er, Hub Ellis, Marion SetUtgaat, Buryi liuty, Preston Smith, Herb Turley, —■—-— n — pml Calvin Hupree, Eight of these men are Ntartem, i Seven of them hati their college career inierrutited hy military service wlille the other five Were hot eligible for the draft. Not a one of these men ever has been on hn Aggie team that defeated the Longhorns. The title for the "oldest" man among this dosen Is a three-way tie between Dupree, Ilaty, and Stautsenberger,' all 24 years old. The other nine men are either 21 or 22 years old. Quarterback Baty first enrolled t Aggielund in 1942 after grad ating from Paris High School. ‘e won his freshman numeral be- bre leaving for military service, Where J he served 36 months in the combat engineers in both the Eu ropean and Pacific theaters. ! Last year Baty compiled an out standing average in ^passing for the Aggies, completing 45 out of |l4 attempts. This year his best |ame was against SMU when he completed 17 out of 33 attempts. K i Dupree | Dupree enrolled at A&M in 1943 after playing football and basket ball at North Side High in Fort Worth. He won a “B” team letter in 1946 and a varsity letter for playing reserve guard last year. Stautzenberger Stautzenberger, better known as “the San Antonio Wrecking Company,” gained All-American honorable mention as guard in 1946. Co-captain of the team this year along with tackle Jim Win kler and back Jimmy Cashion, “Stautz” served three years with the Marines in the Pacific. He has one year of eligibility re gaining after this but has chosen ito graduate because of his inten tions to play professional football. He has been one of the Aggies’ best linemen all season, even though he injured his ankle dur ing mid-season. Ellis Ellis, one of the best linebackers A&M had this seasbn, was the lone center with game experience at the beginning of the season. He (lettered three years in football previous to this one, and also has letters in basketball and buscbul). He also plans to play professional football. Daniel Twenty-year-old Ralph Daniel will play his last game as half back against Texas. Shifted from fullback at the hex inning of the season, he has a fine record as a line-busting back. He hails from Jefferson where he lettered three years in football and bas ketball. Gdode Goode, halfback from Bastrop who led A&M In scoring last year, has lettered in football the. last three years at Aggielund, in addi tion to winning the most valuable player award in. 1945. ;He also made all-conference fin 1945. He [has two track letters and was conference javelin champion im 1946. IT I : T^ ' Wright Wright, Aggie end Who has bteen near the top in pass receiving in the conference all •, - Aggies Hope to Break Memorial Stadium Jinx With Baty’s Passing and Spirited Line Play By DON ENGELK ING lie *L i j. j j ’ ’ j- i ’ • ' " '4? i • I ’V 1 )| j-. • Texas A&M and the University of Texas renew their ancient grid rivalry afternoon at Memorial Stadium in Auftiin. The Longhorns hold a one-sicjedi tomorrow edge in the colorful series having won) 55 games while losing only 1$. Four of: the gimfos have end- Aggies till over the world will be anxiously; awaiting the ki<jk-oiff for Ihis 4 the game that all A&M students and Ex-A&M students look forward to each, year confidence. • j • ^ Not since 1989 have the Farmers been able tio beat the Teuslupera i This is a message to tho people of Austin. A portion of today's edition Is being distributed In your city for the benefit of our own studunts who arrived there before we went to press and for you as walk ' I i i -I / « • i For many years the TU-A&M gafotc hait been fatoourt ati the most splrited rivalry In, the Southwest Conference. This year we have on* other ambition—to make It the cleanest rivalry in the conference and the nation. We are justifiably proud of our student body and foot ball team. Throughout a losing season they have conducted themselves in the stands and on the gridiron in a manner that leaves nothing to be desired in the field of sportsman ship. J | * . ;'M From their freshman days, our students pride them selves on their friendliness. Meet them, talk over the game with them. In this way we hope you can come to know what we mean by the Words “Aggiie Spirit.” During this Thanksgiving - game period, we hope we will be welcome in your city. In Memorial Stadium tomorrow, we ask only that tjhe best team win. After the game, we hope you will want us to come back again in 1950. To us, that is the true test of a successful corps trip. wil, »S once more to cross TU’s goal the ball as he has done once be fore. He is one of three Aggies who have managed to score TDs in Memorial Stadiom^ Using his last year of eligibility now, he comes from Beaumont where he lettered in high school football and basketball. (See 12 AGGIES, Page 4) lulvnntago, Tin \h« MuitinfM . whllj* TtfcftH lo l III IMilo-k ThHukMgivjlng Day Fuplhall i lasiiie^" ami only [two tffnfo *|nw ihu. ri valry aUrkl liaVit tha Ainiwn bfon abla to hajtt tha Jiortuh<|l'.tia ia AU«* Tha m<Mt <’011*1*1 anr jinx work ing ngniONi A&M foiiUmll for- (oho* I* the Mcnioflai Nfiulluln Mitt; '••'.r'r'x. (ho Htnulum w«* built lit 19114. iril | 'IS Ull Tha two; teams that fop Aitgles k or ' ■ hare won the game from Tena* with hope and n thtdr annual .. j[i|. AgrtM lo*t to ly Minl) A point* in Austin were lit 19211 Hod 19(19. According to the Sport* wiaaHls the Longhorns arc a cfoeh to Wit) their ninth straight)] i front foe Farmers tomorrow Ih iAustfo, but the Aggifo don’t see it that w'ny. As far its won-lost ' focord* are concerned the Aggies are Hnvjng their worht season in • the hlstbry of the school, but as Ambs Melton, Sports Editor of the Fort Worth Star Telbgram so aptly put ()t, '"The Aggies have- the best team the Southwest has evqr sepn font has lost inine straight games, in one seasoh.” - , ; 11,' If the Aggies were to win foe Thanksgiving day battle tomor row it would be one of the big gest upsets in the history of foe Southwest Conference - i:* To pull I this big upsfct the Ag gies are depending on n small pre maturely grey-haired man with as much spirit Und ability Os ahy Ag gie coach has eVer had. He is Har ry Stiteler, A&M’s much respect ed Head Football cqach, who prom ises to bring the Aggies out of the football wilderness, j • Stiteler has at his disposal a group of; football players who are hungry for a victory on foe gridiron. ! ’ . ' ; f! The Aggie backfield is composed of men who can go when they dre right. Main hope, for the Aggies among this group is Buryi Baty from Paris, Texas who will be play ing his la$t game, for the Maroon, and White. ! . , ; Katy has shown flashes of brilliance as a passer and if he is right tomorrow afternoon his aerials may spell defeat for the Steers. Italy will work from foe man. under slot in Coach Stltc- ler’s T formation. : . Jimmie Cashion, who has been alternating with Baty at tm> qUar- ter back slot, is also a c&paldu puns- >vand Thanksgiving Day may be V hl*Aday to come through, Boh (Jobdc, A&M's all-around Imckfield man will again fall heir to a big Jbb in tomorrow's ganrt./ Goode jwho has averaged play- e* per game doe* everything fW*- ) 0 IIOilltN •Mil hy 14 I Hi’J I'j V:j, n All of:fthe otjiiai' irtutual oppo. m«,uU of itha (w< tn«ii«*. have honlt cn fob Aggie* wl (1 lo*tit'* Itw Long* hpjrnii wlfoth tfhe* Ta*«* a daeld* Itk fouid (day tin* tall tlompmiw In Afollh Ms they, ijlavbd In Dnllrt* agilfot-BltU tleifawtulr* would pull thn^Wyu syj. ; |. Aggies,! Steers: To Battle For SfC Titles / Tomorrow’t \ colntest tween A&M fmjd Texas will be repeated st vera) times this year, only in different sports. Except : for basketball and tennis, every ope ()f the ma jor and mino ’ sports will see these two teat ps bajttle for the conference ti ;le. Thie Aggie witcr pplo team hns jiist fin^had it) third undefeated season foating Texas U. and Bay lor twn.i games eachl The squad, epached foy An Adamson, is now in a process .of-training for the swimming : seal on which begins Januaryi4. , * >;,The [Firmer crass country men, Ifo by flilet J. D. Hami won itp first jonference tit} 14 yeart, whet they heat.the distance men last Friday meet fold in College Station. Coachi Andy Anderson aUo is getting hi* boj ir in foape for the track sdasbn tps spring and will he. a serious-rt^Wndar for fopeat- ing around 55 minuU backficUI. Hli 1* the tup punter tin (he squad, one of the ieadihgfoall carrier*, an 4c- cantonal I piiKScr a * * * Number il safety chanipn. It [ battle bet a* U t Chu Thou \Vill between ing As conference undoul’tcdly U fL foe Aggies, nnd Texail U. The Tea- sips, although losing Charlie' Park-, er and tittle J< fry Thompson, wHI again'foy to s and in the Aggie*' jiath foj» sttpre nacy. I M / . The Ag|ie i :plf team that won the ronfWenca championship 1a*t aprlftg l* lualtig only Travi* Bry an wht> . gri auafodl ta*t June. /Other ^aaindoittN -on the *<iuud are; Jdhn Hepry «&i| p«rt Hal- •tftn, dafenalv« halfback of the .Aggie football] train, > The scjiiad i* coachnd by Guythor Newell, Bryan ilub pro, who couch- od the squad fo confonence vlcto- on ..SMi.. squad. GM«. who la also good, on pa** defense, seldom I* taken man m ohe plaj The Agirle/Iine will ifo headed by group of seniors who will be play- rtesi In-1927 at <) _ In Hdijltion, foe again iq 1947. i, foe Aggin Itaaket- hall tduth Is afoeduMd to show a out for more than time. »e play »t a greatly hrt’d conferance, • a group ot; seniors who win be play ing their last game for A&hL Texa*/will be relying on foeir quarterback and passer, Paul ashy backs om Landry, row’s hoy*., o though hot expect- win the title by any mean*, »hmfld kurpHsf the fon* by; fleld- T : ; q’ Campbell,] and such jrneman, Byron Gillory and Randall Clay ' ‘ pass th* Aggies to run their feet The Tejcas line w] ered the bleat in the Bo die and >tj ered the best in the canference this year ia headed ,by all-American Dick Hargia at “center qnd such -‘'•'““-ts as TacklelGeori- and Guard Vfo Vala ly mutual c li “ “ Longhorn* have lost to paper foe results loaes would give between the. A r is^for the tennis, Individ ml gol imljirovcment l.ding. Marty Ka- ing a muchly Disproved squad. OhdBil ■p ^mki Garda, Bill Tt; i nbow,i and Bill Ba- tey aa L woll ag J aoph John DeWitt tl <| eager* quite a bit. nip-and-tnek battle rgies ahd The Long- I, jmoid [championship snota.’The Aust nites lost year won the baseball, |c(rosa qountry, team ■wini- avorad to win the team tennis title* Director Bill Car-. w> well pleased with Aggies hkve made l be even more aat- future sports pic- '.Jij