I I I -H 1 Keeping Our Ehving Rooms Livable j llhl m\\ til' I At U>njf InHt mitprloH nnd m tlonl- Thorp WAH K hff of Rita Hayworth, Ann Siteridan To Judge Shaffer s Stationery Contest Itital jHaywbrth ami Ank Sheri- version of an'alpround! Mhitioiiepy dan will select the winopg idea fpr Ag«!».■?<. Callahan further itAtv in the Aggie •Stationery design cd 'that; elaborate dc|iWi«ws i or contest spohsored by’ Shaffer’s skedches fere not eapemM d^sir* ipmer : origina|fP|fts! exi, '. '{■ •* ■ ‘»’ ’ nped from bin IMhI Befuddled Angwer: Befuddled you arc , a lucky man indeed. I happen to have had that business f law course myself. I have j also! had the '‘fill-in” type quiz so popular among A&M profCssork so that sentence above offers ino prob lem to mel The aentenqe in it’s wortrl-foi Book Store, according to Pat Cal- ed, but lahan. FVnffey’s manager. messed in a manner fetisu The glamorous Hollywi must use tkei;- \ thoughtful offii-ials. ! -This takes mori 1 | Toward thajt eUd,; chalk up one for the v being allow** if the rhcijuiK g jutHidul n|am oiwx out nf th< Wt m The traffic xilpution. Tlio pHi*kJrt|:|lot try Huiltllrig iA|io\v|be|i fully, taking irk*w t|iph coiigcxtud uTotljli | ; Parallel packing £ nu on the street' ftcirth M. agriculture students twhi cars during the dali strain off other a reuni ■ : ,;;i ft The Passin«; Parade •j ' From Amhefst, Jij assjhcliiussett.s: • ' ' ' j: j H |J| M “The Amherst C 'lle^: chapter of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity p negro studeni||Respite ijts the national of|anizfitio||'. The chapter (M assJihuSetts Alpha repofted yesterday Ijt hA(d been ihfoime sioii _iby nat oim tni ten of Colutr- iiui fo initial iuspensioi ipitiajte a | nisiaij b; r I of ibcTmdefinl e suljiei President Howard ij k dtr of College Friday afteraot ; talion U nubliah rf you. Auvertiil 'mm The A, ed hervin. Ubil: J KnWrwl m tiecimi j ■ Oftlw at 9ulk)«e fit* A#l of CmixNAii Office, Room jit) iKNNKTH'BOl • I Utel# Morttn,.., ... Hhrv# Obrin, Jo "lt,rl. Munmu .... ... >. Mw. NsnepT Li lit, nui BIIHnipil«riu...v r. IVUinny ..... AUrod J oluirtlo 11..... Andy DuvIh 4tan Cunw >j iCuinuth Murjuk,. S« rniik Welch, • (r>**10Win C Uper of the j pubIliBhed : ing holidays and on; Monday, Wedn hod on roqiiCBt. out thiit it: is np longer necessary for a 'patrolman to sta^ul in frojwi pf Guion prevent drivers from pkrking j rivers a i*u (Obeying the signs and [lire paiiking elHiWvpely 7 j Hpei'd limit si)|n/luive been posted at \ the .can 1 pud ent^jjwi There shoklH be nj |hm finned priiiliilg. Thy 1|A talibn, wo are nroud to aniumuee leitdjs the field iu tjhiif. innovation, Hear Hiight One; I have got; n kil wofd yonipleted form toads “W< Agr n.iltt n,l 'KpglWbrrog vnnre ii formation hh lo lurt* pr(ifei*4 ^ l( j*wfy \ ip th<* Htktionoy ljik\ l»ut ln*« "UyU nnpouncod ^oiiday. ing tnr^.T^Wite, she probably wjl) Wlk J£, has some definite ideas conce.mng ,1 (1 ' | )v Aggie ijtutioijd'y, Callahan stated,: , ^.n/qvation wo k|h^|n need ot final. no ikijifr m • Dead inp fot! the contest has been) ! Ij^py Melier, Jipieh Hxtoiuo'l one [week,-until Novems iT r UMI’|coh area. willlalsd’.g Ve ^ her 8», «0 as to allow ovpfyone ini In k. Dickens swiilj, ' f ' extra! cash to enter tbeiil IT Omnult ; IJjr. i Tirlton li. l f \ i Ol’TOMK.THIlHl Is'nif Your ViHmil I'mblano ’(Olt tjl, Mala — BryMr IMmm' MHA< , ; I ' 'I ' I " Ij.! !' , ;f"vi'!'< T'""' .muv’HON^k' iv '~ UP lOUSTKKV HJIO fl SKAT . a Spy davis A SoAg is’Born (RKO) star ring Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo, Benny Goodmati, Tommy Dorsey, Charlie Barnet. Louis Armstrong. (Campus). k j .- | * P ■ Jr* Adapted from the film ‘‘Ball of Fiiv’f (Cooper and Stanwyck), Sam Goldwyn has a«bked to the picture one of the finest array of musical talent ejycr i assembled, What he does with it horse of a different bolor. fhls ta|ept iS, n of; all «uv,j* HbNti’hfl of iponUuiooua or (gut pubiut reaerved. ..I, ^ tof ted Press tk,n*llr b| Natlcnal I Ifitt .jlP . tAr, m In*., al LA* Aua«l«. aad • L , When a group of musical his torians find that they have failed to account for our present day jive and l>oogie woogie, they send professor Danny Kaye out into, the cruel World to get the low down mi its background. Kaye encount ers al the “tops" in the muitica) field, and also Virginia ftayp, a torchy night blub singer. ■ j ! ' ■ ' I! | Wilated by! the police in .con nect i >n with a murder case. Miss nMayc; seeks, refuge in Kaye’s j bachelor quarters, and simn I cause- an uproar in the house- bold. It seems the old boys haVei’t lieen out of their abode in ^ number of years, much less seeing Any one ot Miss! Ma)o‘s caliber. j | ■ Miss Mayo ’’lays lowj" until her gangster Hoy friend gqts in touch with her, but in the mejantime, she finds herself engaged tb Kaye. He and his associate are' tricked into driving her to a rendezvous with the real McCoy, and .there learn the truth. (.Suicicers). ( ‘■if < | J| 1 . t • fi. j Before jit is.too late AlisstMayo reali/es tjhat j she is iii love w ith the Wrong dupe, and (i hot jam- boree saves the day for all. Com bined! talents of Goodman^ Dor sey, Armstrong, Barnet, and etc. turn but some jswcjll jive, and vou can be the judge pf thf rest. |: • ] j' i 1 !' j (Eltutk of jtlljiB w/HM/Mjewr Tl KS. and WED. i>. •[:# -u r.A Jm-i. n n>H. n f Terror Of the'Wyomiiijg Te|)t>ry! | WED. — FREE' $! LCCKV LICENMK * 1' “Let love be ever r iculturalist’ CwAing Off Press The flrlrt Nue of The A*H cu lv (urist will be bff tferpYUff and In ,,(hu mull beforje the Tlmpkeirlvlntf . hulltluys, OttruM York, editor said bnluy, J.' ■ r :; j InehulWl in the prc*Tl)unkwglV' Romany 12:9 genuine, i j [ j _. * A charactetwtic of love jis that it Is eager to sacrifice anything for the pbjejt of its - affection. Genuine [love is concerned with doing sacrificial deedsirathpr than saying Kncrifjcial weirds, j When love is genuine, the sacrificial deeds nr e 1 always done for Mothers. ^-eb ExamiMji! PALACE Bry an Z'SSW STARTING WEI I / , . irT u*.,- ; ! j DR* i ~*Offlc*--* OuklneU'u Jewelry Store ,s Bryan, Texan 1, 7 T~~T *-./ Ooi ''i’loqiom P'lan gi'«t you ll,e nqM kmei ond nqlo omount ot CASUAllY aid FiRf HSUFUNCF •jWNiy flS «II # WtllS ■K f [/J iWWUMit iatc?:, X ;8l«orU OJ&SS Mini; a7 ifudw ^ iXtiUHi ||hutt itei i;ng Isi'iie ary arlicles rleulllig with aids, pasture tnnnugement, dlse«At*s, the K(h1i find C«w»m; groAps IHp to Colormlo, jtbe Af* gie jfcodjtfo uijd a fletlolt itbty, Studetii^wh < huve not BubHcrih 0 yoi »C»V0» y<»• Mioniny’ HftKCMlI (MUMfl UlD hfi vm.ani iY !•* (in? TIh» -Ygr ubmitting FRED W, NEljSON *44! I’lwuo t^tWI * 1 Bryan 207, Goodwin culturiKt may do so their ! I.irdw ire MudiaTs ! ft m. ODRim HUT ~ mtIMM MtMl IILm 1,.;. 1' . I*s*t 0«*Jm« i kMltArnttri v . THI KS. KBOM THI IRI. j tljwinly * ILBH O •' CKfCH, MIIIM /H JMM(j>BTAl.-i— wenifl drama of ChrJ»l- ~ jfwetitrjr makes nor nance as lau might Its retkirh SAT. r ; ■ U |: j jwUnl ' - fe of Bride! *^: 1 *' /■ fl I i •