The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 12, 1948, Image 1

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! CfllNA HI
greatest battle in Ch
i — involving More
w , men by goverhmen 1
; | raged north of;the Yi
I with Communist
■ slight numerical advai
i , Government spokes
Teng Wen-Yi said tl
joined along the Sud
* line which guards the| yopd tj^
national capitol.
• „ V—r Teng said govemmi
fought the reds duri
ing phases of the giai
that they had mad'
withdrawals to “■
j - lines.” ! ,
He said Reds undet
Chen Yi, Liu Po-Ch'
Keng already were
available manpower
on which hinges the fcite of
central China.;
The government too,
ing up reinforcemen
with some trobj)s fi
Peiping.Hankbw ral
ready moved into ba
‘ Teng said the R
21 armies numbering
into the battle^
i JLl
ume 48
at. Beckn
/ ■ .1'
William L. Clayton plans to
to active direction of , his
brokerage firm in Houston,
after eight yearn as all top 1
istrativo official in Yfalsnin
Clayton’s resighatioj
mic assistant to the.
State was announced-
Since joining the §
racnt ns assistant secfcijtiiry
lie has been ivsponsiWo fo
oKp U
of U. S. Foreig»» Ec6
. * l - -Clayton helm'd orgi
^ Marshall Plan k.. .
the administration buttjlo l
ktohs la^t summer for V<m
the rofllprociil trade union.
Clayton stepped wit ns
H j secretary In NoVombdr,; 19'
cause ho wan concei-pt'd w
wile's health and wniitt'd
j !;
Hot In u long vncAt
this, he accepted a .1
ment ns a special .assistant
| "i vise secretary iMarshall bn t
±\ nomic matters. I j j.
i \ KILGORE, Nov.
i endurance fliers Prod [VinmOf
* Bert Simons are I still ialofitj
l 27, nearby Gregg County
| > is going to bo a busy pllace
On that date-af 4]
( will have broken
i durance record of
a thousand planes
V parts of Texas ar
j j) swoop down on the liil
Tickets are now on sale for
the Xavier Cugat show whicl,
will appear! in Guion Hall at
7:16 p. m. Siturday and for
the dance which follows in
Sbisa at 9 p. ah., Grady Elms
assistant director of Student
Activities announced yester
Tickets lire being sold in
Room 2091 Goodwin Hall
Dance tickcjtg are $2, with
without d
cert tie
are $1.
The concert,: first to be stag'
in Guiion sinpo {its renovation, will
feature sumbaft. congas, rhumbas,
and popular spnpi. With Cu)gatfs
orchestra will be Jose Luis Monoro,
Norma, and Albddin.
Follow ing the concert, Cugat
will move wwii his troupe to
Bhiwa Hall to entertain for the
All-College Dance.
The Rajnih Uhunibn and his com
pany will arrivt' ®y <d r on » char-
tered piano Batunlay afternoon
and will leaitnjby plane ofter the
dance. i' I -
; student con-
are 70 cents ami
concert t i c k e ts
J Spitalny’s AlljCirl Orchestra
To Be First town Hall Show
movie star, radio star, comedian,
composer anil last but not least, a
showman. I { |; /
The- first musical film ever
made in Hqlljjwood featured Xa-
bration of the fea.
The mass flight idea is
sponsored by the fyjhiji
fliers associatior
The Dallas fjiera-, . „
1 weeks in the air y^fltqrda;.
hope to stay aloft uWpd| Chiji
(/P)—Weary crews, febdirtg -a
long battle, Thursdi
der control a bioish blhz^
burned over 47,000 ' acres
-Santa Ana mountains oast
Supervisor Hamilton I
the Cleveland National: for
however, largc crews Wool
J qufreci for several day 8
stall any possible revival.
A dew blaze in Woods
behind the artists Oolony
guna Beach, also was repor
trolled by E. F. Au
date -state ranger.
Ihe burn at appro* 1
vier Cugai
and prow
in Spanish
the United
1 Curat wai
by Enrico
opera star oi
heard Cuga
brought hi
States for a;
j, jt wan entitled
hos. and Monolaa”
nancial success
ters throughout
iVered in Europe
ydars ago. Caruso
the violin and
to the United
es of concerts,
4-HC14 Winners
Will Attend dob
Meet |n| Chicago
Resident^ return(4! me|ji|
to Silverado dnd MotUeSka
>0 miles southeast of to
from which the/- were
Monday during the height io:
Howe Complefes
J-Week Co irs
ther phase ip the 'rogiAmi
of Instruction for w iter upd shw-
age disposal plant ftitpcrvii
omploted NovembV 5 b;
Iew«, of the A&M Indus
tension Service, j 1 [
,; Howe conducted cobracs
view for 25 supomiidM
cipal water plants nind 16
disposal plant supervisors
the thrcc-wcok coin se,
tod as a consultoht iin
individual supervisors in
tion of problems peculiar
particular areas. 1
Communities represjnte
class enrollment 1 were P
Olton, Littlefield, DlnhmiU.
Silverton, Quitaque, Lockm
dada, Crosbyton, Petersb
Abernathy. ; y
Awards Which ranged all the
way | from ajll-fexpense trips to the
national 4-H Club Congress to $25
savings bonds were received by the
winners in 47 h-H Club contests in
£.1 Texas, J. W. Bolts, 4-H Club spe
cialist of thi extension service, pas
Contests fob boys ranged from
soil conservitipn to sheep and wool
production. For girls the contests
included canning achievement and
clothing designing.
LeDrew Aifot iof Coke County,
winner of t ie plate sheep-shearing
^ 1 contest, wil gb to Chicago to com-
lg ‘ pete in the national sheep-shearing
contests. The trip is being financ
ed by the ITctcos Sheep and Goat
Raisers Association, Potts said.
Twenty-n hd of the wjnners wi 1
go to the 4-H Club Congress id
Chicago wliiclh will bo hold
vomher 28 to December 2. Twp
group* wil Ifavc, Texas for
cagd November 2C, one from Ain*
Differing «t
reatly from our own Aggie Ramblers and
music about Ole Rattler, the colorful All-Girl orchestra of
Phil Spitalny will launch the first Town Hall performance of
the season in Guion Hall Momlay night at 8.
The all-girl orchestra was assembled about ten years ago
when tbo fiery Russian macHitrof j
Spitalny got the idea thatowomon
make music as good as any bunch
of men.
j Time has proved him to be right
4nd now those Who said he was los
ing his mind when he first atinoim-
ced his scheme concede that it is
an excellent orchestra.
Radio’s first lady of the violin
Evelyn Kaye, is the orchestra’s
featured violinist Evelyn prac
tices 4 to 6 hours daily on her
J '
W E A T il
. tet 1
V* M
West Texas: P;
afternoon, tonight
A little colder in the
South Plains this
rillo and th: cither from Ft. Wort!
Radio Efficiency
J : to
“Radio is j the most efficior t
method foi a vocational agricu 9
tural or a county agent top!#!*
agricultura information to tlie
farmer,” Mjuitay Cox, Radio Fanp
■ pidio station WFAA
•s at the FFA Wednei-
Director for
told membc|r8!iat the FFA We
| day night! ] 1
Cox described how radio is beinig
used today to keep the farmer'it-
fonnod on| the rapid changes! jin
agriculture] v i
A few of! the experiences he has
had in the past eighteen mor
as Radio Farm Director were
lated by Qox. He has found ,t
the average firm radio listener
rather hear a program from
small town! oir from a farm thajn
front the Stole Fair Grounds
the (Ft Worth Stock Slow.
riment l$tati<t r
Receives Two Giltls
Two gins j to the Agriculh
Experiment Station have been
nmmced^bJ pr.^D. Lewia,
One is
is her job to keep tab on the
girls’ dating.
’ v
, Spitalny, an outstanding pianist
pnd clarinetist, came to this coun
try in his early twenties. He first
dayed with the Cleveland Sym-
>hony Orchestra, but after a tame
ie became so enthralled with j the
'oik songs of his adopted country
that he began an exhaustive study
qf them.
T ill •' I J j j -j t
The result is that Spitalny has
taken many forgotten American
folk songs, rearranged them and
j raised them to the level of great
;i ! | 1?
Native Texans in the group in
clude Jan McLean of Caldwell,! Ro
ma Ball of Dallas, and Jeanne Phil
lips who has BS and AB degrees in
music from the University of Tex
as. J ' r ■' j [[ J j ji
Each Sunday afternoon, 'the
Electric Hour sponsors the all-girl
brehestra on; the Hour of CHnrm
over the Columbia Broadcasting
System. ^ j j! j j H. | ■
Southern Pacific
Officials Present
Operation Panels
Two panelk on railroad opera-
flons and problems will be pre-
tented to A&M students and xac-
pity Tuesday by top pfficiaih of
the Southern Pacific railroad.
At 3 p. m. J. F. Sullivan, pas
senger traffic manager, will speak
On “The Part Played by the Pas-
nger Traffic Department]” This
eetiiig inj^luilding J1I6, is pri-
arily for the junior military
ranspoitation class,
i At 7:30 p. m. F. L. Gordon,
freight traffic manager, will speak
On “Railroads from the Traffic
Side.” The civil engineers will be
host group for this session, w^ich
will be in the YMCA Chapel.
All students and faculty mem
bers interested in either program
arc welcome to attend] according
to Professor C. M. Simmang of the
mechanical engineering department
who is in charge of arrangements.
Debaters Gain
Draw |Froin jUT
The Aggie debate team |b«Uje4
the University of Texas debate
team to a draw’ on Tuesday night,
in classrooms debates, H. E. Hierth,
sponsor announced today. r
On the basis-of change of opin
ion ballot*, TU won the first de
bate, A&M won the | second, and
debate number three was a draw.
The Aggie debate team is e<
posed of Pat Hipp, Milton Abel
.Tohr Shortal, Jim Stephens, Jar
famur, and George drupe. T
j ar and Grupe are freshmen.
Senate Decides
Seating Plan
For Rice Game
ic&ing ol
game ^ v
leetincr of ^ ,
vted above
The seating
for the A&M-Ri
decided at the last
the Student Sen^
utilized Saturday.
Veterans will be Sea
the Corps from midfield north
around tRcV horfiesho];. The band
will occupy its usual | position, in
the first 16 rows of j Section 132.
Corps Seniors with dates will sit
in the next 12 rowjs above the
band, and seats above that group
will be reserved for. veterans.
Corps seniors will also sit next
to the band and forjthe next 12
rows up, as far over as the first
entrance ■ ramp to ihe north of
Section 132. From that ramp north
the first 16 rows will be reserved
for the Cadet Corps,; and the top
24 rows will be for Veterans. The
walkway j into which the ramps
enter will be the dividing line be
tween Corps and nondnilitary.
Rice students will!sit south of
the 50-yard line.
Corps members will not meet
their dates in the section above
the band, as a special! place will be
designated for all classes to meet
their dates. Last time the Corps
met dates in Section 132, but many
of the cadets did not! move out to
make room for the i Seniors. The
senate decided to designate separ
ate meeting places for this game.
. ; ..I'- | l ...^.l],l
IVs Wfll Represent
Rochelle Says at Ceremonies
\ f By TOM CARTER' i ^•-l|l
I [. j Jf ■ 1 . j ••{$ -j £
"A Ross Volunteer is expected to conduct hitrihOH ill
Mie spirit of a member of the only special military and Hqeih}
irganlzatbn of the campus, always ntriving to Wvo ilp
'he code of a soldier, statesman and knightly, gentleman
. B. Rochelle, captain of the company, told the membetp a
4-tlic initiation ceremonies last high 1
/ Kochcllci cimlinuod by ]
that the Volnntoem, as « toll
organitatlon,; would represent the.
College to tlie people of ( thi|;*tnto
As a social organization* ho sal'
It alma
cool leather J
Activities will fie
th thefABG
ft viti 8 i
ight 1 yel|
itta playid
Houston 4
Lcathhead to Talk
To Forestry Club
* ' U .* I
Hank tcutlihuud, soil conserva
tionist, will address the Range and
‘Forestry.jClub Mondfey night at 7
In tho Ag Engineering Lecture
Room, j
Leathhcad is from tho Marfa
district of the Soil j Conservation
Service.! He has worked with the
Highland Hereford Ranch, p well
as on many outstanding / range
problems throughout west Texas.
He U one of the leading authori
ties in the field of range manage
ment, W, E. Dickens], president of
the club, said yesterday.
Before coming to Texas, Leah-
head did work on range problems
throughout the West
As a reminder to ; the members
of | the club, Dickens states that a
group photograph will be taken
for submission to the Longhorn,
and that the fees for the picture
will be due Monday! at noon.
North Gate Bank
Plans New Home
Plans for the erection of a new
building for the College Station
State Bank have been announced
by Harold Sullivan, executive vice
president and (enaral manager.
The new building will be in the
location as the present bank,
t plans have-not been com-
by Architect P. G. Norton
submitted to the building
These nine
lavard Elected
*rexy of A&M
Science Group !
Chester Havard was elec-
eti president ot the Texas
Collegiate Academy of
Science at a re-organization
meeting of the group Wed-
tesday night
W. D. Lewis was elected vice;
president and Sam Coleman is the
new treasurer, J. R. Fielding and
W. D. Lipscomb were selected as
co-chairmen of the publicity com
mittee, and Walter Dickens and
James Liverman will servo on the
refreshment committee.
F. T. Knapp will lx? the club
sponsor for the coming year. {
The purpose of the club, accord
ing to Secretary Sam Coleman, is to
romotc unity among the various
iological, physical, and social
science clubs on the campus* A)1
members of any of the science
clubs are eligible for membership
in the club, and there are no grade
point requirements.
Havard stated that in the future
special speakers will be present to
give talks on various scientific
subjects of interest to the mem
The next meeting of the club
will be held the third Thursday of
this month. • j v s
Ons 4n Housljo]
Sponsored bj
*nd Composite 1
resented to th
idldji ifs
h Will
11 and
ti tihe for
tu 'o the mupic
aid Ms band,
at th| PlantaV-
id Dallas.
0 Air Fo
ment: 1 and tty
mient and the
t marts to I
U : >
one] will 'bo
cothtart Col.
rVson)t k wplst
heart, and all
will rocoivc
to add to the eiflbytoc
ot their student life, particular
nnuol Apri
ipe<l will cc
\x to the i
The ceremoni^ consist^
in the giving of an annp4il i
festival, whiflh it is hoped w
stituto a fitting climax to th
rial year at! A&M. ‘ ^
Singing Cadets To
Perform at A&M
Methodist Church
rogram of spirituals Sunday
A pi
at the A&M Methodist Church will
mark! the first-local appearance of
the. S|higlng Cadets for the 1048*
4f -yakr.' . j '!;■■ F
On November 20, the Singing
Cadet*, accompanied by the Aggie
Ramblers, will appear in Son An
tonio as guests of the A&M Moth
ers' Club Ben Scholl, Singing Ca
det reporter said. The Cadets will
sing at the Brooks General Hos
pital in San Antonio Sunday.
The Cadets will appear at Den
ton December 4. A January cojh-
cert “somewhere in Texas" is also
planned. ,;
Most of the activities of the
Singing Cadets occur during the
spring season, when their annual
dance and award banquet is held,
Scholl said. F ! |
74**.- I
the roll call of the new raemb
followed by the reading 0/
constitution. George Edwards aCo
ted as reader while uejw
members stood at the front
represented the group. *
■-Jf: ?
Following Diis, Dave Gentry
the history iqf the organizatii
which in the! past has gone; Under
such names]as Scott Volunteers,
Foster Guards, and Houstorr.Riflcs.
The ceromonios were preceded by
a banquet. . Xfj r,;
Honor guests attending the
meeting weiie Spike A mold 27,
former RV; Colonel II. L. Bbatpqj 1 *
P. L. Downs, Dick Hervey, E.
Angell, Lt. Col. Joo E. Dnvifl,
Col. Bill Beckfer, Lt Col. Jod Oiten
and Lt. CoK. Dexter L; Hodge. Fj
In talking to the unit/Col, Boat-
ner re-emphasized that thijf memb
ers would put more into thd orga*
• - ■' yi iB»
; or jtlie hlill.
From thcRo
tlgoil the
1. L. Boatncr
atch to tho
KiP! R. Hwdi^rju
f doc art* a t i 0 p I :
bhnhy Hhorta IjiMi !>nxjured two
pH, otm f»7m n ytico llotii rifl*v a
d #1. tookhini |h|h uid vhomliml
' . give ? the half
‘t>ls,| SCR radio
will hoi dp lot each end
the dance floor jot guest to wj
Operation of ithb .ruilio# will
handletUliy the Sign 1) C«rp.
1 •“^ '•epi^ with dates ah'
the Ball may
Invited. 1%keti
bo rittnipw fror
Wi) to
nizntion than they woiald get t
of it. He tolcithem that ho would be
willing to give them any aasistahee
they needed after they hhd ex
hausted all their own resources.
He said this after telling the group
that they were to organize plan,
and run the company thiemselvcs.
Angell told the member* that
their organization was one]bf the
best to survive through th*
He said that many of the rngUftl-
zations whiah were preset* hqre
before the War and were discoh;
tiiiued during It, have hbt Iman
brought back merely liecaujio they
wore not gobd enough. I ■. ^
1 Ti——|t|f
2 FFA; Members |
sipn wilt bip ro.'umojl aftenvards,
he Isaid]
The trlp to Dtillps to inspect!tno
SMU Low Schtop fwip] be made on
Awarded Prizes,
College BSpians
A hayride has been planned' by
the Baptist Student Union for the
Baptist students of Rice and A&M.
The Rice students have already ac
cepted the invitation, according to
L. H. Blankenship, vice-president
in charge of socials. ;
The hayride will begin at 5:80,
and the last group will leave at 6.
Students planning to attend should cu;
be it the First Baptist Church of fo:
College Station Immediate
the game Saturd*
said. ' M
James A.'Cato nmL
Bagley. members of twMMfW
FFA chaptid 1 , were pfaWrijjiH $00
inter-woven -in them was tne
ward for selliiig the la
her of subscriptions to
Agriculturist magazine Inra
test hold by the FFA chafctei
This money is to be
trip to Kahsqs City
tional FFA Convention,
given to them! ‘
culturist from
sold. Hart said.
Cato and Bagley will le
las for Kansas City St
will return November 2"
A feWfed
Law School
Society M
Room 27,
Law Scb<#d>1 Doeiiibdr IjO will be
tbe|A&M; Pre-Law
mday Wgllt ajt 7:15| in .
Build b» Ii, Cbuck |Ca-
icec|.| U
the I mftiibl r*
baniks, presidehtj pt
has. anndu
At .7:46
ciety wi
have th
the* ; l
member* aho^d
*•”<1 slacks, not fjuj
ded.. ; 1 '• J
If discussion o|]
is not complete'
tore jis: taken, tt
the society,
J Ii
the sri-
ounge tb
akon fo
.i«- SMU ,U
fbrO the pic-
bus ness 3cs-
Decetnbcir 10 i ah
during the trip
1. Activities
il include at
tendance at law :laa*B* and inspee- 1
tiorf of law faijll t^s pt "
at the univer
sity on the mo i^in^ o| the 10th
w :
her* bf thd lav]’ Acuity thu
and a rduiid tetldl discubsion with
{tM , ' .
same iftornobn . ; Fiirth]:r inspec
tions will' be he Id t) e morning ..of
tW lith, acccrijinr to Phillip
flobde,:ovganita idn sq-e ponsor.
committee mtuposed of Diavid
Krjiage)’, chaiimah, Buldy Boyd,
and Ton Crujz, Ik
handling the di tqlls foi 1 tho trip.
In order for tliu gropn tjo compute
be ne
_ , >tb ilnoniberH after
the hualmms me ?t)ngj 1* ronclui
f Jodrins fiu, W
t Le«Ve Wlin
:V I
k ■ ii
\- 'Ir
1 lil
ti w th !)oan 8ter«
.14' ‘
raon* dc-
tol|l to bo pre-
djiy 1 dlscuMion,
udry said.
Siewart! will
Eliminationis for ijenlc r livcijtoek
n, <
of iiy 15;
.six wilP be le e<}ted to represent
Urn ini ernatioo il Jivi
report of
3 Hart said itt
of the natio
to acqua
ties in 0
.t the nm
FFA cor
with- F,
and judg; livte:
r 2 I 'will be
gairms, C|a:
ord ng tol Bill I
, Je tram.
fti|de iU competing,
eeijtol to represent
)1 ernallloti il JivoiitocV
Chfcigo, Nojerntxir 27.1
AM Noyoml er 20j tho
Rtori *t Ithe [University
] 'll
t at
ron horses). No
rn will visit ;Pur-
4 next twqidays
Odell yr
at the
* ot;
" li*