i In wea 1 through a No men! in Kice or wprkinlK ties to atoj) tho Owl '-r- In the fhit « taking the kii ks offennivo attaika w t ye tjac 1 black fjeld this i A fhiilfbWkt •lota, ami Bob >y Golf ut f illbick * Buryi B»ty van lc|(jhin|f (rood at the ouarterl inck •and Ralph Panel » I ' Htllrt mhrA p.onducivA 11 sctjirhmige yesterdnv \ , i ! ‘ I lortelwere seen on ufer Hi’ ffensl •vi Vj M Burvl :t^I ol] Gojodtj both hull hnilulllntc Hh* rwudverH, An (I CharUmWright, Cw and George Ki deiu right on the nuuk were looking rood l Working In Ae bu«;kflcld won Jlnufi quarterback, .Jim Vi and Charlie uRovab , Tor no at the halfb The other backffi woiklhg ub u unit w Don KlcholuM uh tl i uid I mndngi II Ihoiix \W C( nelijiid', Bubbu YhIoh it the and Jim BoHft’Otl Smith at the halfb|i 1 The only man was Wray Wljittakifr on the practice fiel squad go through i taker will be. out i the season because jaw he receiv 2d i :a in U fji t' \ ;v. V • ter of the Rft - Coach Bill Dubos > •men concentrating efr the Rice offei sive, pears to have re# stride. Speculation was iHc Kyle Field as to \v really hit its peatf year like it l as in ft „ about this time, have has Coilch St Reports reaching staff stated that f; the Owls w$re hi fpy their gair the Hogs whi e the appeared to be in jthe w&s coUld bojttJtd their encounter v.Mb weekend. Tin ■ rep< say thatj the Owls a |mar;nt y ijould do nothing wrong their ball hmdlin r their quarter mckir a criticized, am their < kept the Poikcr bj|i up throughout the Today the vai\s (apering off .heir the Owls, T U) sqijb came out? in good* the tilt with the 1 taker, a find Hti-iijb om> loHH, Tl o-Hgb In their first of the season that UlHHUlh MWj G‘ peuind; (ore 1» lug lib in iHijlal ani| taking Uibm; dco ul | stiflng (ns dop at [N a. fullback aiid i 'FifHnk ppa* . Imivy. Ijaivofites Ip SittUl'dhy f Id ithiit j»H* llomecpnlii Igfclash between the two lyiHod o| lenjins ijn t lit’lTCll Stadluni, ha i his line- wi ys to stjop >w :hat iti ap- (bed its ftijl ing on (Ithen F' atrimgjth ithis r^Vahlfper he ^ears pasi .!-.nfs • havr nniirlr* he years pasi y pay jit] edi hat, th> telel w trie Batt spoirts ap >ears iilv kepd e lastf Sat 1 ird lloanting (SM It C , Jf'eni op M n uniiati, fullbiu k spot, ltd |Pqc Wet ek niot^. j: ill t nifjjrm whjo u’as out watching the paces, Whit- jt tiie res , of of thejbrcker. tpe rirst q iarj- e ijist Saitur- exas Favored ver Horned N* SalBrda y ! FORT vjojtTH—Tradition pak- •s It (llilljicijilt for T«x*n’ Pong- horns tn v inMiVer TCU’s Froip in Fort Wpithf-they nave' it inly thret times since 11)21)i and otj at till n |ho last eight yoars— IJut «tailsdek make the! Steoif fardrlte* in rsittui'dayh hgfeu t M’lTC. '.ua-Hns Ri'pgeii (thij fe|ise arid |(lefense jin al- y> denajftijnent of! th( Iwnghorns hafe beatei itfkree teams which have jqn ablei t,o conquer the T . _ ! ! ( -T ’.'J ' ' 1 1 rntflusivc evidepcej how ‘ver, lies i n the breakdown of Wiese While iatical tin on both o mdat evt# gape, the vvo of the ihiis far Frbgs. More iii. aroujnS .ce; ! Idaltistical Texas, Jtl4 yard) holding its Frogs ha j er game \Z5l yards On the haye Hina ng in olg defm tljiat |up iy jivitih tcly toward this to gamp; pertfect not be efe isii’e game ;kfi tam^. j ty (will beg|in -I epajratjions fo d is i whole t ond itii n after usta igs; Whit en [1, jw m 1 c me itiojn lof, fop an a' e aquttd ia jixpep .cd to greatly iKisitipn ^iits.' haye nr a 121 1 am ,"en )7( jer 874 made only 102(> yaids -ymb average. In se gapies. thb frogs have Tysheil 1 yi/ids to a re rage IBS yairds came; th dr foes have made 1 ards ojn !|tlle ground to average' PK yards p it gamej The passing records similarly -iye Texas the adyaptage of yards although percentages slightly fjav- ir the Fi igk. The Longhorns hav' ,1 (2 ^-ards veraged prough halve ave aged 89. The respective foes hav ■ passed for (58 and! 61 yairds, re qxlctively, per game. Both slijgh'tly inofe than 16 passes Jpei gantfr Te thb 16,01 (nfe or re gunu' H j nil ed jah a tor The V iiiiteixopt has •••• . ' in ■ j Lcflatl xhid thy expansion conl- nilttee p to >Hhly wip'imake no reC- opmeilqjiitipnsiVegarding HflniissiUn il)cr\;>t the conference ini DallaXllec. 10-11. ivioM dth Synjd paid e horse never luacling up better stn- Mhfn _the Frogi — ir^d !fl fpotball games go on te evision to the homtiji of any ti()achtjj or scouts who care to tune in. Won't] , that gi"c t opportunity to siu bli eking ashimunlrnis, llefensiv WASHING m , ( m every plays, uii.viiink onniKOUiruvn, ovielisivt net upsj ctc„ at lluir IbiiNuref Neoly W,ttH uMked, L "Sure, but I (Ion!t bolfovc it vi>jill nioko any diffeieni'e,” skya Neely. ^‘1 think we all .jknow P wliat tile K Quarterback HARMON C| SWLLL leads the Rice Owl . eoo.a. we ,«owvvHiii.ik nhd In aha a ioafi thur fellowN »ro tfung io do .n.jH ruun ft. CarawcH ranka tRl in ^ the conference paNNlng NtandinKl. 4ion rw'lfalf Peerages. fob example, ' average tal per game whil; ppbsiticui to; 191i ifhf re I averaged 242 yards waile allowing their foes games ose, SMU Films On H' QB Club Tonight Line Coach iflll Du Bose will handle the sneaking chores at the Quarterback Club meeting tonight. The tall Coach DuB schedule fo s |for ah averag game; its opjjpn- per game afr, while the Frogs eiims have attempted 0v11v. ivnmvn me ri’.iih t" 111 of the tllnui or tbit U tv lint they Should da, The Niiijnc goj^'for (ku own piavorN. Bui |t takes more, than that i - 'You tJun give lllko * ime pluyr ( to 11 boys on one!! tide, tl on ii»v| biher, and,let thtiin gr to it. If tin ir talenU are jfrirly evuti, (jae bam will win ouef. The othir wil. (wpi 1 the second ti|ii‘. « Breaks of thtj gam , getting fired up, a dotenni ratiin tr will, a fumble here ijnl tlficre, fall- ure f>>r one manj to gii a block, f ()u tlui1l race going strong \N od or ability of thd ither man to aesdav afternoon as other sports ilure o| one min took a breather.; ' Sforing every possible (wav, "A" Air Force romped over;“A" Vcfs 25 to 9. .lack Wood ahd Jack Scott kept the victort «v|eiry much in the game with their passing and running. "I)” Vet erans eased pasj “A” Infapfljy, 7 to 0. •‘B” Athletic h 9f00 a. m. Friday I They will ieat the arcival in ijobuto] |g o'clock and ithcn W' ■ '' I There will be the game over other apodal edi Hahed by jthe (•veiling. The Ha ranged.for an me fi elude a block, failu to get a facile, (pan tn stay in pass play, a bad ter—shucks, theyf jail football. And w rile helps. 1 don’t th nk will ma;ke it any ;itore to the game." 1 Football A Lively in Corps Intramurals Corps tea ms kept their r,cd will be pta yers^— ccording «odd Irvin. [mM iol at Huedlea rf- game ' J re or one man failure of one IiosUicn on u pjass from cen ter into scouting elevinlpn mportant Baqkfiehl Coach i Ce< il Qrfeg. P^iluV^n^nrtVufh- « l 4j or sf" tif® ^ce pjws in actionFthis year, but „ , knows a gre^t deal about them from the scouting information who has been assdc atelwith foo - downing “B” Fi' accumulated over the season. bull as 'player orfdoaclj for niore to 0. Bill Wilspi, I + r j : -4 However, Coaclj, DuBosc will an- t ! lan lh r ee 'Secadds usAl a iiflua-.j broke the. hearts tr —, - — ' swer questions concerning the Ag- tion jo illustrate jS'rely.J poinit.iHe ; when he took a gie team, its physical condition, and the prospects for a victory over the R.ciebmls. No member of ;he coaching staff has made any difinite statemej.it;! that we will beat Rice, but Coach S^teler is on ths optoinistlc side! of the line. t;, . He said that if the team playk I the ty|»e of ball it did againsjt Crippled Bears ToMeetTulane As Underdoes iWaco. ^ The Bijiyjor Buatjs (jvill Ip intetsectional contejs. sqn this week when xafs has cohipleted 7j2 of, tlie average, while TCF T hajs comdleaed 7.8. Exact percent- ages are ,4p6 for the Frogs, ,4*3 d Both clubs have for the Shelf's. T(,’U’s combined op- cjontest thisj j sp 28 of,69 forwirds i!| oT .*(15. Texas’] op- hiiis connqcled on 4-'i of 42 R. ' o>s have had 11 passes >(!, the Lonjghorns Jl; TfCU voted (*igjil opiioailtion , xita |l), ' 'j ■ •. • isi (*i lug records b|#o give fi (im\(\u(f|ln the ju(fv|intr Nje.w Orleans to meet ‘ ut Greejai-iVavo Tblqn Bpwtl. cbntiest (hid > sjiasop getting tripped; earl t(y Georgia Teijh an eorg.„ ..... lling n hArd](ought contest is, last week- iji com jvliii'h nr rely it clicatt irepn WaVt) holds " ■ >f i Arkansas, the cin(fur-| dy TlnNley, j(i\ all-u it SiWhftAiyi hutijgin oveirj l is the margin te Bi* hy w (MisfiVsippi Ljlale, a |lor j tied at .Mfmpljh etJi ly this . jseiupjn 'I'fic-'BruiiliN (j(*nsideivd hexi fonuat lu Mu! poores [ phy; leal con dltlbn of tiifi year, foui key nu n will funtU y .ibnee, star L tnlHNliig tlrt big in Utrgcctionnlj Igamc. Co-Ca)'t«. Bud dy Tinsley, an all-a twricqn citiuli date at tackle, and m giund. aklng w ith Owge Sinbt and Ei,d J. all linisKed Apore th> Texas gamh hue Ur absence played a hi ' Bruin dcfc^E recalled that back in tlit midj-thir- Joe Hilton for a ties Tegas Christlah h;|l thq ‘fin- score 6 to 0, favloring “C” Field, dian sign” on R cv. wiriiing game “A" CWS •stepjj(jd ahead of “A” after gaiue in a ijpw. J 4- hadly hrippled p ay tleir hist of lire sea- SMU, and the!breaks come ait the Aggies should least halfway, beat them. ... ,..v Films of the is MU game lajsk hey travel to wtG k wit'be shown at the meeting • ■ U tonight. They shW positive preqf in th|> Sugar thnt P?iul Page caught an Aggie j pass in fair territory, about a odt .0oly• jone yard An front the. goal, ai'' with Tulare then Stepped inter the end gone, H; in th ■ season the officials caught this, A«S| ancf Bayi ir drop- would have had].two more poinj to Tex- and the Wustangs w^uld have hi with c s< oics to kick ,fjom their own *2d-ytfrd anyt ring; the 'litie. a niite-pKiiut r Olhor fa*t ac ci's si tee thatj; a. 40-yard run and his kickoff ieh t ijay Ik'UI dub t uit $ay- witli igon strots inch de by Douk Walker, ,,in iv,..,, ijeturnAvhich«p|iv- cd the wny for inc winning toui h- " iy'n siiapjVy pans.- Aggio receiv •(> down, lluj.vl Bi i ihg atai t|te op< appro u’li K pdsijii.lily Some of the the gjuitc were low a. ' Jj (ruickest niiiH. »f niM* by HoIhi) holes a ml hit otxlitr) in piny a few icconds. udfjback Tho y : in which fflc- lob Gocnic >>11011 ig Ao catch a ppss j ill the thii’d quarter 1 '; The Quarterbj ck Clui> will meet enib . Player W*l)L( » ; S^Ott. (.inn! rip; C. Stout (‘lay .j f G< *>i(i Capuil**!!' Perry i Hurt f KfrU 1 H»t> Player Wal'trij, (jlue*,,. , <'„* KtS'lirV (iiHMlf ; llaye,- Si •.11 ■(' perty Umrlp Cuff inpin ijkim walk* j ('Annilsli Mi.nii (,'!*; ef \( t> it,* 1 , Wrii:l|( . Pfii'hirfl K In nu It nu. SWC STATISTICS I.EAplNci SCORERS Tnuch«jo»n|i<< Conv. 1} l^ I f’ " i p O’ 1 f. n it tl';, ir. ■ ; 0 . LEAjPINU PASSERS to get thc Ntory NOOK NN ppHNihll.; . Thu Fish can exfuetjtd lii(l«t thu fa*UfHt team they ll^vj jijced thik •year in the HouNt^Ms tnlmii Hr Although t ri ()wl|tii havei (m lioya dn tiwla mAjod; th spegd to iurn. T|«« .W . |)| i«Mwrua In i^.f# thulr backfield. ^ j. ; ; ■ ]; the Mike Mlehcn JCwi"! If waa onp of th* leadiiqilpdl* v»ult#r» in'the Htule last aiiriiig, the .hill country tyay plnM eWl for' the Tivy Antlers, as H#>P r i‘TIuf the fl^ (Rd for the Austin High tenth of »ilw The Clajks B slafe.* dash cbpm- pion last firing \fati Tqddy Riggs of .Pearsall, who b^w. |oliia?salr sjpeddater ^ • ’lipymkn.on ’rticorcdiover d poinfs^q High school a ^,.^1 of “C” ! Field t\vo hundred poi of “C" Cavalry ball last fall for ttAmj, long pass! from ; . How ton ^ pl®y 8 touchdown:; final one of the end ^^iU0n fo}v the — ■■ Ricje freshmen aM iWfcs a Very -*5h ± Fd.G. T.*n>l t*oln P n j HI n -5 :(« Gloss, who Has pityed j. real l>all tonight in the LAssombly Hal! nt is season jwijli be out fp r the're- 7:30, and will last appfuxiiilaticly maimlor of itlijo season. lmt all of (,,u ‘ hour, the other Injuired a: e ex >ected to “~ be ready (b(»i the SMU contest, A d c ft. at for (he Ponies would ide open -4 With one jqr two seeitfi; limited throw the nice The Bears wi the encc play next New Longhorns land coil a j locked behi|rd SMI •^1 place withjtjhree win: ia second out tlie;season place with tjhree wiris ariii one loss, at Houston, No dead- meet SMU in Dillajs and will close vith the Riife Owls K 27. 1 p; L WHITLEY, \ J roturn to homer- jlweek; when tjiey „ I.KAiblNKt PUNTERS Ucltpol. T ! PunU .1 (> , ' CiHH I l-*7 i KIN i III Ml !■ ! uT isi : | ti-;. i7-j T(V 17(1 HII ,tN‘l Idil NOT I.IUUlNli I'AHN RKCEIVKIW Touchdown Set Vardr P»*»(." 72t ■ 7 7li 111 IHt ). ' 0 421 ! 4- 3i|B tj 2 j j I ' I Avrraec > ll.il ■i JlH.ir ; (17.1 i ll«.7 1 hn 1 114.7. Nil (,iilii / i ]:,v ■ " ■ Mio MO ! i*’A • lp« 1 I4SS bit Jip r Vord- TiiurhdiU-n (Joiiiid Cmiihl 24H K . ", i| 224 / • I 22i • •(> i 21fi/ i J P ( 2(g j' ■ i I I -oi — i nniece. Jhn Pagf, «OT«ied across the troopcjrs’ onl>|; ’ : 'l ‘ In Ilaiikeuiallci knocked hut „ ..... ™ , T 23 to 1.1 count j iSienrge Bfhwn dropped in 15 po iffltlfw (hewin ners. “Eh Infan ,1^ |()vc|rlappcd H Day S(ucj|tnts, 28 tjo 12i A Talley at was high point bi*tt ftyi ,the! in fantryman with’ 13 p«ntH j—Ppr-ff - ■ c B*lti n)n Cavalry 12 to 6,j (jrith A. B. Harris | , ar> ji Dick Bethen ^^4 s I'.P^nts uIIkcsI f0ta j uadjweigli in, J I'B .mknt ’ ] Vieterhns tiratirtg th( Force ,by a A rough. ib#jj He preUminajriejiMn oitfgver, and nil oveut '' IjackH. G1W Wlh Hhobe, and hojve bfgn ii ip« rkouui re :crji ! Jr t, 4 m |u ibPii W.tPit Ip; iho f b If n ; r. I<0 yi 'his Ot ySS, laying v* g II mb* squi d. a»».i ig e hi ml 1 ide < f ' n of W ry j s’ Inid PlnsUl calrp,j (Uenp Lipi nun - lion pi. As k fj. !.siS^ atiitcr now hgen jinproii at (l Might h -r— ■H- A New Shipment if Good .i\J ■ V 1 '!. •j t !a V;' i T7t, : i2,(. CARS 'Ll j i \ 1 ••r I’liimc i t. ’. *.*;• i l ■' i ■ r' # i\ : ’ M/ i \ .ii 0*. r I ir; -i «0 I ofl 1 * •J f / 'la J. ■y 7, * I J # • F ' io *0 f U>ClS ! // J r ■w } M I .il'! i j. Wi' > i * m T owest cost ; ©i ! . 1 i- 1 ! M ■ .j.- i \( /T 7 ' Ti;- UNIS I / l 1/ ni / 1 (. '.! ■/> %y . .Ii 1 Team ! • j Texas! A&M if” smui 1 : 1 Texarj U j'.m; i Bayloj; ( . | i !®i f ■ Thjell (start Fiidbf will) Hodge • t45dG*r. Dolwen of Goral- lungoroui runnor j Hhort pauerr will .humltje moat i(ng for the Fish, gnnirjg ability of m (CroWell Cyclone. (ling tm [jut# jpie posing 1 day against lud vitzh , lice Avkn rPf All •WitMilii# A Uinied Mtoij i; Fiidayl WlPticiH Will lytalve 1 “ Is allowml per isas L 1 t. > Tulaite Dan i*« (»Mip|) 'II ' tojthv Bn .; ... it.-,* fp’f i-j - a ■ i it Wo ti 'k ursotk inAau PH! I • : i- I. -; / d?#! ( J /. i ■/ ■ / P wv ^ !' ■ I r |>rtM *0 an Owle! arr. ndt °n the 18$ pounds, ipj been jrwarde game and Moses il j David; y at ccn- II- ink 4 i (!lo»R : hy r» the T ’xi» gg.-f MlHglamo y ii 'ii f {j.j,.. M L. j Jp • rf* ^ 1 e '"^( !!. ! ■ L. oil j/jirt •l 1 j' , r>rAIf SiztSr- l«5 w wun J i:S k 0 •+* / - Il / *1.1, . i >j / * } -fi xch f r j J f : j J ' 1 : ' ' ’ I' 1 'jj j'-M! J 1' i , I ;. j •J • ' •! . I : , ' / t*. \- : : !| J V • ■* : |. L * ■ ' { f*t : il <[vv J /’ '4 f- IF | * 2 it .* • t- r;. /! I! 1 ii !. ■•i. ■' ’iti ■