The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 11, 1948, Image 2
The End 'r ArmiHtict' Dji J04 Aan ])Co])lo once gfiin tare with appre nsion .den, the qri.sisi Falestine—incid day caat new clo gelations. || jWhen the U|ik^d m a i s THURSD ifar . is ni SMir: d<» the Kmet i- rvinK the fp- fall of Mil he conflict ^ j policies eve y il fll aun cif humi in | f | • [r ' [toiss entered tie 1 I I ^ eried that ‘‘this Avar i When the warf armistice on N' Active peoples sigh of relief. Pfehce h '.>t. Yet in the ^ijy'eari il -T- .1 i first World Wa| in the siatesmen| i8 ^ e tof end.all Wars. J ^teadishou d we not strive to improve ou tie is signed tie m ■ '■ I I Li ti \ if'.e a War (oes not just “end?" Wfir* ia<e tyerythfoig else have their , hltenjrtathsj political, social, economic. Np oho ‘‘winsl in a war, but someone shouldi ilmure! that; some good is derived from the miirnirj-vijrtwy!' FH f ■ ' ■;V'T] For thih reason it may be just as we 1 ■ • i - i / > n I ■ 1 ;^ '• .:i ' r T P I lG Hr wm I .y ! ’ / m U ^ ;J m •■»k i.asstV] Sf* S lf5j f I ; day in November. 1! yd tb. the ; • been subjectqd r erable conflicts includii .i? ; struggle of all time, V' _ Although we|have \Me J Day” on August^ 14 an^ithi Japan surrendefed, S 1918, the c<i>l-< " . j, . . Id breathed me. injCe thar 9^$, Ihe world h|is |hes of itinui n-l e. most terril lei jhas. attempted ion which we % j t) 1 set lould ci jof World War IfrCuii) Mrs. Roosev tei I jieff particular day .te the ending that wrresi) IPolitka | Ithat thje Ainerican people do hot empha s I stye the ending of tiu|; past conflict, tn- tbad isnOul d we not stri world jio tW-we and dur children rpa; fiffliW ; • ; . : li A|| >ve,Observe the folly of winning O' militairy viptory and then sitting back and’ igiiorj iig the aftermath and the causes of \ ■ /'.r'-’* H . II \\ *1! / --i- ih A Tii •i ••! I I i Active i. J- ,f M Wi on Thomas H. ColUm, on in the lnfantr>’ S Y: 'j ’oul DH Of rlri - A.) 1 : •if Wv^yTT- ■. ' If] Jia im . ... -II : ; I therefore, - the ir- j §■1 . -a « E j* i f! Hi 'tik the Lord, beaeech tour of extended J t* 'IF ■ : kn a. •P P ! your bin i active duty, Colone Oscfflr B. Ab- . ”T P| plane bound for slatonvd .with th, ?.g>»»» 4th Infantiy Regiment at Fort f f ia . ct -5 m,c . ^ our Lewis, Washington, and will revert fe8 «® B? h ® ^ ’ 1 to his war time ranit of tat Lt. Oh, yes, I am Captain Collins, of Rouston. Tex- question continued as has been on temporary duty THINK! Whatever with the Office of the Senip ’ of fhc Rest ipr In- miisht te "Are you structor of fhc Reserves in Austin, of your call in )ife?i He first entered the lA'rvfee jp 4:1.7. i 1 s < 1943 and was ■ commlssioni-d the ; ^ i sump year after attending officer —: r --.L ,^ candidate schijol, Dtkring th^> war ;t 7 ~ j - ——■ •,v he served ip the Itefian eumpaign with the 87th Jfourjtaltn tlnfnhtry and participated in two major e» s-!5 ri Y ifl m “Could this be pie Aggie Dream we fight together for?? i Sneak Preview tun mi i 5 Vi i War II. nofficial ‘‘V day on vwhi :h ber 2, 1)0 p ie jmahity | siumld womein from |1 i. uis rededicate ourselves to itity pud peace. Aijciistjicb Day is a day on* which wb relhember aiul honor the men and who sapifi^ed their lives for hu-i -inj World Wars I and II. And hese thoughts may we gain strength! for the struggle to eliminate all causes of Bond Servant Makes Good In “Rachel and The Strange i • - ' 1;■ m ' . r: rf 1 nn i • ! ■; :;i - ' 'Mrs. Eleanor j^ooseM a conttrover-l ionty, System if they are considered as ««l figure: " If if i I,- ■ I DaMm: ' r .1 . ik- ' ■ J. .1 . .... Several times in thit jpMt we have d:s- 1‘Amoiig those who will lose committee jagreed'violently i With Ijibii times we have «up0or(| v r’ At any time.Sho is intelligent and p(jli|:icaj Her views here, exp •esf radio address,’shciw tw|> tifUjnitjTbT thOugj 'I »■' -1 affecting our ateto an [If you feel about heir idp taut enough to Ibok uv : t'Mrs. Flcaiibr- Ho' she would liku'tojjns 1 ‘‘tfjh jm big of the Soutbcrii ifeiiii War fjram|o'ur world. hTheoH . . . lion. Ho#evbi| , pey ate ijfpqrt i«p i imazement he has H<!ei j sternuous opposite^!. Democratic party, •j Hcganlrng tl'i(*i • JVlrs, Hoosevett Maid: "They Won four s lih electoral voteki tvhi' tjofeattai Mr, TfUniun •’ boon closer. NoW/'wlkiir arly Hights I _ „ . (UAruni sjaleS: in gel back into the. 0emobui ‘‘The reason ;Ji t|jey are ainxibus M thji crats have now won the House and iionatl‘,1 M S southerners . are'; eiitilihkl • J: j t l committee chairmans’"' me l --( Association. The Passing ( tike Mark Twain soil conservation; is knows about but’jieAv about it. A recbnl the point homd.H : “Aim Osh 801),bOO. U sbil will wash ajvviay i That warningrcanri Jr., of.Lengue fy.iy!, ?« the Soil.Conservaiidn if i <1 • i . Addressing a ■ cnufcp 1 ; ^ ‘ u ed ui a beceptj it: BY ANDY DAVIS 1 ’ Rachel and the Stranger (KKO) starring Loretta Young. William Holden . and Robert Mitchum. (Campuf).! j Over a century ago,; in the days I of the Guild fearing .pfoneers, men acquired their woiyibn either by love or by paying a price for them. In this case, William ill olden pays 'W price for his bopd RervajP tries her. views!; seveijali; chairmimkhips if they are not considered >r theories. 1 j Democi’ats are Johij Rankin of Miss., one i hearing as an !; <>f t;lie Wst reactionaries, and Sen. Olin dejit iwoman. ! Johnston of South Carolina who snubbed President: Truman, campaigned against him and then was one of the first on the train at Washington to congratulate tho vjctjorioutj presidentj aOter his election, 'j “I ;th|i!ik the people who voted foij , Presidantj Truman did so out of approval It said today; f^j. his civn rights;ldll and other progress ninmnentatm?t-| meat|ifres and would not want to tkai rats I mm t, Kv immjTred by having important com- in ill it ehpirrnanships jn the hull [Is of the telloWH \Jv|io most iSttarly opi osea the ■'presidenti*. ■ >.'v/ ]"! | : ! f! She ,:id[d(*d: PMy huslmnd tried to rl| the l)enPK)‘atic party of some of the most Loretta Young, and There is no lovo tween this man and: W Holden treats Rachel bond servant. Ills yo seats her, thinking ste jis trying to Utk« his mother’s plackt, and never arri, _ . . ivolved bc- ife, because only ps a Ung son rc- • ■ . s gives [her a kind word. if Life.isn't too pleasant fc chel unlit the (>tranger, ^ Mitchum, makes his apimaranee, and then she is showered wjth atteation. Even Holden bedins to take notice of her. and pefepe too long, realizes he is in loie with Rachel. Romance is put short when ihe Indians stage a raid on Holden’s vabirt in the wilderness, but all jtre saved from destiuctibn. The strajn- ger decides ,to joumey on, j|nd Ra chel, her husband and son plm' $n startitig nnew. The film has alt the qualities >f assuring the audience of |an en joyable ; ninety-two minute^ Letters To The Editor ight Well hitiini he vijding t^tteUotinlry .sutfi.hurnerk some feartj ngti o th^ir Aitter! when he ilmliTtook to detent sevijral legi^ ectd over th(|irS liters wljum he felt wtjp sabotiiging tljie C): |relea.fe brin oJis of Texijs topi next year, n W. S. Dav nt-manager ict Superfisojrs mght, Davis said:: | jit. . “A total of 1 >n dibneif la I'M 1 tons ( of ;topS(j)i lla nous weath(|r,j id going tb wash and flow off the surface H hing eveiyo it| of our gr$ut proud state in the next twelve! le do anythitigi monihs. Letting our topsoil, our lifeblood liberal 'measures he felt:he had been mail* dated to! >ut into effect failed in this. ,, . . r _ . but now that the hj: Dixiecrats have chosen of their own ac-i ic .pariy. ice t|ie OettH jprity iiij bo veral of thesej cord to Valk out on their party duriiig i|i] to important! election. F think the Democrats should iji- under the seu-j; sist thatl thev stav outT I , "| 1 i ! • I: • i- : ■ • • ! ! ade .i . t 1-1" ■'!: v | 1 .1 | tji 1 I ain’t it Si): Editor, The Buttalioni When you soy, proljably with » ptqus gleam of brotlierly love in yjour eye and a self.lJiuideped pat on the latek that yoii ’hijve (so open-mlnde^llyI \ decided to give | fjie other side an inniil f on the is- ! sue of a more liberal k ducat ion in this, a teehnik'id, kHloo , ttijul then pu«Caeil to pf)nt H.pMtabhJ nr fn- i»le (.Monday editoiripl, fit Ain't * S'ccessHi'lly He") itim l don't think gives (he <i ( thoi’ s|(tt (•vett one Strike not to nwnlitfn i, foil ilininu. I think yoti'ro just hutkfitg in the minor and Imiotdy ndiiititling that the fellow' you lien there jk uii- doubttslly a till'' . S| eeiuH'a ot hroad-minded, ' logical;! lytirsWning, p<'n»onified, fin top of it all, uftijr yoti print ed your holdover from the hill-' country gazette, you jWe jhat oh. so pertinent. <>nlightcn!itig, iipul ju- yenile question: "\V||1 hny of those (dear, rule, cuddly-svf ddly, itsy-i bitvv) animals, upon graduation be forcejd" to hold ibnen his job by fighting a slide rule [ II dav and: then going to the bossf party that j,; night to play bridge wjrh the Iwss’ CHr ’t just wife, discuss Rise Sh-vcns with: ., |K j his daughter, and answer his son’s learn "the questions on why the jitomic Cloud was radio-Uetive?’’ j To begin with, if his bosh is the kind of teas he should he. rightfully pie like t|hat is just an aJmhsttiifn to themselves that they don’t know theiji’ line of work well enough Ite kee|> their joh unless they apple- polish the boss and his persoijaj whims. | This is a technical school, M#. Editor; carry «»n your feullttitt crusady If ytiu will, hut' knoo this: If a man comes he# with his mipd made up that I# need nut kuna one speck of ailylhiat tesldes technicnl poup, lt«t is no!) gqlhu tr, te much good -as att • nglnetr with llhcrttl edttratiou or without. But if lie cumes hvrr w|d fue ls the fuel that even though fit ft love isjlo harmtss power ipr huild briiigesi, of leutti about gpiterntoi or the jut *st methods of wieutii . . , . , „ . , "11 ?s| disiippear tljiis way and at this-rate i.s; I stpiaptlering Iti years suchias fhe t|ay. The; ing the, Mate ifeyt fwob' rs Apd i? \\je t astroiiimiciil .sums of money. to come, contihujed losses *e are ‘going to cost us and our childjrbit the civilization we know to-. gi million dollars we are ask- ijpt have enough soil left to raise peanute I'br cbmpajrihoi. i !; e Ba/Ia '4'ho Batlnlion, dfficia City of College Station, •woo 1: Holt |r:; ‘-t-j Fpklay afternoon, telion is publitthed Wilt. Adveitulng Tho AMucItttetiL , crodlted to II or nut (jlhr ml hurahi. Ititfhtii of io|4 —i— i 'mm**. ■ lOilcrwl «» n i*i,tMl*i'1gkii ikutli Often til Ci,Hi's.' hUtteii, 'IV lh« Act of OeuvrcM nt teitidi ■TT I Nows Oouteiki Uoodwiu Hall. 1 Cli Office, Room m; u&mmi B0Ni)|j|( | pjuper of tiu-i.i^kuUural antj ijoclinicAllcoHi'gc of Texas atid thy. (a puldiahcd fiii) times ir week md circulated ovofy Monday througlj J.hollldaytt am qxumimation ileriods.l During the summer The Ball Monday, Wcdi(v^luy and Frida; ’. tiutticription rate $4.30 per achoo : IJ. Vl .i . \ >4t uhtlvr titled bxcluiive yttii the u.ip for rcjnihllcatiun of alt news dlspatchci cjrodilied In tlm titpeti ami local i ndii> Luuls >t«rgna. larvcy. CfitTry, Mu\ Sbig I CHarU JMuiirui: . U.. Mr#.* Nmtcji LjUv BUI UillingilCr * P. Nann«j,..> Alfred Juiinstim Andy Alan CnrrA-. ■ • Xc.'ii.e;l, Maral.. k« • « • • • 4 i • •< •* * *• -v—f- fyrd, t made by tek uiiy 1*0 placed £K... j. .te ■1 o : '•j.. I: II Y ;! I i ; i M L • 5 ' 1 Ji;: loiithl! all iuttlpr hoi -c—hn* ■ « «4| ■■«*» S« te** 1 #*^ ■ ■ ■ W —■ 'HM M irjbcf of The Asiotiatcd Pits* ....AkioctMC , MipOOdtitf EdltersL Kiutdru u miinfw fi«w« T .^...Wir* IL ... Hook KcUirbniS p«OOMO«|t tElor iMl: ur irculul-iuu Uuusiler S'iSffl.- Kdt ur Kd!' ur ± Art Mows ,1* I - i legislature for during the is peanuts by conipajrison.”] F* fit* . I I ' ' i I! the employee will he expected to do more than put forth every effort while he on Ihe job to do it well and effi ciently, and to (io his best to improve himself, his i work, and be of help to his fallow em- ployecs IN THE LINE OF WORK HE HAS BEEN HIRED L.TO DO. which in this case. I think the assumption Is that he is doing a technical mb learned . in schoql. ' :| j' As for me, if I wete' to make- the mistake in the fmd plan; of jiinng myself to s» 1h>|h who e.\- , .. . i , j ti jMseteff me to engage iniall of that on t gfet on the ball we may bridge-:playing and optea-discuss- ing a- at necessary requirement to keep my job, I would presume he were looking for ti tea-sip, imme diately tell him so. and |lCavc after getting ai time-check: ! I hbnestly bcdlcve that any em- ploy<?r who actually fdlt his em ployees would Ik' the ojne kind of employer that should ! not tk': tid- i rtited by ANYBODY. | The Very fact that people do work fur ipeo- • ! :' il ■ • . , . , — yi i.qnll.- w «-»»— it -t 4»m»- . fa tin in jr, le can’t do his luikt wh^ he leaves unless he knows some nthbr likings top* tlieie is jr*> fe 1- t raj, njtat (. ]ocul, or natip al l:a\ that says he can’t jearn penouih of thote other things. ffTHOS E LIBERA I. THINGS) on his mrii initiative to; round out hi.I cduc »- ,inl '' 4 ' ! j -i . ■use don’t ask why he is. well go to Srtim* school a ilibtraJ educat|ijn and technical khow-How, bn liis own, jccause just as kure j»s you do. I’ll say why doujt yoU? j camp hew because I like the cun ieiilum as is. ■ FRANK CLEVENGER r ■."'I T i n ! i' • KKCORDS • RADIO! School A Office. . ! : -' : ■■ ' r s Supplies AJL,L YOUR NEEDS mmm ion news of Hpenteneuua origin pubUaii ‘ rewr JtfprcMnM tmlleimlly by Nrtl«n»l Ad : | vortliiUitf MoAlN Inc., nt New York City t'filcuKo. id» jtitfvliw, antf ttuo YrautUcu) o (4-5444) 1 oi at the editoiiul office, Room 301, - ,V * 1 L ’ m) or, M t flic Student Activities • •••••a •'«••••«< Co-Edit CATHOLIC tMASS Friday (l;45 ii*ni ww Ht. >tART’S TTr 1. S V>«,n i;ngidkiit(j :ij.JL.AtwtoUnt SjiuU- LilHuij | 0>l,‘‘attekt' teHsli.. JUII ivy. teun Sunier, VrMak ' v j: j BliuiMji; A ,J> Mutulu. I rH'Humiui'is- /Operte. Itc|iwf1i.-r Jim Tnerlnp. Ifi rdr Horn --kLirtrlh h-VPbut" tugraven 'tevss;. ikyiua dtliJi— iimi i k"Otte Kubi*. Maito .Vuture Writeri UuUcb. Unice Lucuur, Carle; XUlt K«pvrt«4 y- i i- .* - :/ . it Sanitone Service SAVE ON YOUK INSURANCE NE^DS l,: - > ■ Il jHf Call today about bur 4 . | 20^1 RATE REDUCTION BUlie Mitchell,’42 STATE FARM lN8l'B.4iCE \ T OQMTAMI&h | i’huiio 4-72AV AIhhc Afilaland Fit Al to - Lint ~ .. I /l I “The “We specialize kind of Dry Gleaning” ents, draperies, ry We Pick-up & DeUver i- Ph 2-8665 4 rf-r 41 Perfecto Cleaners il I# ^ ^ f 1 5 : m i n ■ i % : ■ . m I i « . r ' i !tel ^. i.v.i ,i. i k.. ; /< "'r 7i 'te ■ \ i* i ■: jl; il j ' p -ter . : • L;' _ SKTUM' ItiVMH mfiTRtl 1 ^OOD S TONITE - FRI. - SAT. 3-DAV ROAD SHOW j —FIRST RC 'N— DOUBLE BILL ' ' '■ yl 11 HAi 00*01 te - ttfil&k Auroxt i uirTflD ' w PALACE Bry-jn THl'RS. thru SAT. I GARY ANN, 4- .| r ' /A r . y i •?'l ik f 4 , ■ ■ UNIVERSAl - INTekNATIOML .♦ u.m I ?i A / -f SUNDAY *8% “State of the Cniofl” i ter JL 1 i—*- ~*-r -Hrfr f| STARRING ROBERT AVI GARDNER * DI J '.■i'4 *41 FIRST M . Mr f-Eoal l 8 4SA3f. ■ -fjOLLEQE 10:06 SUrtiH- TlW-$:10 b < . ft $ 1. '•f": ft DAY & FRIDAY DURANIK * CNARItff • CUCAT»fw! [ '' 'd ■ moaci 1 1 j ■[ 1 • ■ 1 ' |H 0N AM ISLAND WITH YOU’ ! In rtCWCOtO* I SATURDAY ONLY —Big Double F«atun»r~ GREY’S Directed by ,/ FRITZ tANG Anociote Produc- HARRY JO£ BROWN iplus ;• PAGAN GOOOfSS MOTS TH{ MAN WHO TAMES HER! i T: r .4! rv;;. Oft I > I li S~‘ = 'V 1-1 y " I 7 1 I ■f ■ j I' 1 : |i !• W LATENT NKHrt , ' • , ; . / t tel 2cx (feRTVtvrOK X'l JOSEPH L.MANK1EWIM Produced br WIlUAMTEfilBERtf te ! - ■; ■ !|mu WWW J ■' : 7 te — — T H E ii: ' "i ONYX CLl||l H ( {I . / vT 1 • 1 • : . ; T.'i, -.j' J: j" te I f ' •/' I tUKT i\ , 4 1=#= m - ii 4 NC j I4 .. jl /■ fl ' " •:/ ! !* ;te‘Jl: d.:: !?.« tejj; : te ■ : Tjr 'l;- Offers the beat irt . ENTERTAIN : . -i- % - Flan to . ... te— i, |j _.v DIJfE and DA With U# #0OB. . The Onyx Club ... te; \i ' . ;j j. • y N. Ritan on Hhvjiy 6 aftd l ' ■ Ti: ' 41 1 i /: 7 . tetek jn r ■rte / /; 1/ / tel / /f/ • - r 'j ! i X/ / K I], Vt w V tetete ' . , / li V. ’U /; V ' a / ■ i ti* M n 1. 4b. iv. \' . i ■itiu y /■ I 4 ; ; • •r ■tet— -te in 1 ! v-t- ,:f. I 4 1 1 \))