H’- '4 ■J V I •! Zi-- 4 If C( odiKt, Kit football firjAmot Hern ntt Knyoittwillt*. H U*. 8c [iftXftl jiftt to iind b«At A&M. ( tain »ye iH-llt. 'I'l'XIUi, ArkatiRMH (< und boat orn Meth ithoi Arliii U 'While ArHaiitftB 28i6. I Toxhb vk Te # Fort Worth. Te: und Arkaiias. lost to Baylor a: Rice Vf i Station. I loat to HTexas Methodia t.1 A sas and Sou i A&M , a ihoBt Methodis, howt r loat to S W 33- •|j: The on , itism goe^JJto Tfj&as exaif !Aa ex i : ■ ] -r ; I |.*f ,i4r}LB V. R\TUFf. I U ctMiwnMvo neural menn anytthiK. Mouth.: uld win th« S oiithWoat C)dferoi RPLI) V. RATt| ivo «x iinitiv« up darntm*. Hbi the 1 run mean anyth! In. the f jwo^k, j That lui i oroa. Bouthem A c you don 1 ' ' : podint vii CWUM Bt OBt 'to bat thei ook t n jT|'T;R • ArkanaaM T? and lost eleai ChristramH '4: Arkansas i nd R iBues are Confe And alwlr all 4he rcadei hould| the wind< v Southwes is no way! to gi strength bl the reason is .Y at the playing f fun. ness now. Each one it wr nts to ill the n team getd fup” is “down' tl The n the cam iiign i and it l< ence play Okljihom# 20-J Missouri Southen Soulheri Santa 1 C la mewhli! n thd. •this t is idigested, ustlthrpw jt out At ||iis Htage'cif the JUred ce rajee, !thei|e l»t pu; 'h M«thhdl»t '■"! ” "''“f siSjSiA Yet A«»i«» To Be Defeated In litramurals (^hriktian nsusl hrihtian aU heat Baylor exiis Arkaij a:M at.k'oUege Aijhanjias'land Southern to Arkan- Methodist. odis Southern Uic why. m tjo fttvoif- . oVCr TexaLs sjes fie but Mac null won (on penetrat tails. | Puryetu 1 romped over Dorm 1, 26. to 6, Lilave Thdmas carried the load fpr t|e victors, throwing two TD_ papfcea and scoring six poirus himselt. Bill McMahan of Dorfti 1 ran 30 r'af'ds for their only score. fn h jlie of the cold w.eUthCr, Trailer ('bmp and Walton met in Votlfe)l(iiU. frailer Camp were the vo tors, two straight games. Hioiug iind Alr.K were involved in a ul^e Itoneit. Dorm |.7 rail ed tjo hIoih lor their game with DoTflt !7i Kl Cawiwi wo» over Fl'.i ibijforteit. Ahjf K and Agf roioMhi IdcMy wir| wiiinyra Ii iloiuul |Nj (iaAv«to«ro < lab no liHAjh uyrd away. 1 Jo li e | totiaouoalw Itaodhid ,;Vfd T *■ ,f | v lij kM ‘jmtm r--T-r ; 5s ‘.j R| Y ... ii* I.- • - ( Mi f -■ ff | ' . :I » ■t 4 II- I-, ■Tr »* ur -s' '’ilk' • ri "A II jf I M 1 TF Jl fl H- ./■■ I ^ T rd Battalion/ PORT AY, NOVEMBHR 10, 1040 —t-i. m .'ih»«tSMU Came Show That Jtiicials Missed Setback Play H. F. Miller was the lucky winner af the Quarterback t Jlub contest last week. Nb entry picked all of the correct ✓inners, and Miller's entry was chosen out of the 13 guesses vhich hit &U but one right. ► Penn State’s win oVer PennByl- I vania, and ,the Rice’s Lromping of Arkansas ebught most of the icon- testants unaware. M.Rer’s guesses Rict 1 ■ I: I I 1 f' ' Br F: tau •i ' 1 By BACK v When th« Agg fUld Saturday al m««t tha Rice Ow third time. The Fa tn twenty of the two gameB, the C and thrde ending Aggiea hoi of 414 pointe to t m>d flock from H yeare ll)3« to ir Aggies did not loi although the Ow( , • TV ] • I. - 1 iggie llaiineTs ’rime fbr Meet \ext Week Soon they for’the thirty* ir» have la If. Tap; with an^aven scorlnife.edi for the |«satl . . tatt. FmStt the inclURiVe the game 10 Wee Id manage to sjini In the football rating ayntem of footiinUTekm Paul B, toouMviiii, A omio V SplitgcHMM I Vvi llttmson of rt20l |)«nm‘0l Ht., New Orlehns trffcjppa atu| ; McUowoil ae.j Wld lamaon t|atuB (tot' first ten^-— ANDY HILI terrific game against the SMU Mustangs in tb£ (Fotton Bowl last Sa turday. Hillhouse Is'a sepheraore with two ye irs of eligibtIUy L1IOUSE, 230-pound end from Alvin, played a Mr ■ ouae romuininu at A&|^L played one year at Lama^Junior College L Beaumont. _ illiamson Rates Wolverines " . ! | /! !’ ; J: >Z | 11. - Nation’s Outstanding Eleven ■ .1 ii f .^nTj : V L 1/ Michigan InlveBaltyj Htill holds down tho humlier ofio ‘ “ ' r “ 1 ‘ * ■■ “ T xlrt I’mil B. 15, Ln. Mr. A&M’s chances for a conference .lampionstup ini Cross Country .eem oetter than ever this year, -c mis been a tong time since tne .xggies nave nadia conitrence w,n- utr in this event as ’Texas Uni versity has nominated Cross Coun try running lor (tne past i? yejars, This year A&M has must oi last season's ritinners baca and are lavoiea to win the Confer* ence meet which will; be heiu at Conege Siatiop on Nov. te. j Coacn Anaerkon's (xikcKstcrs have won mree; uuei Imeevs wjnue i los.iig only one. md team jioet I men* urst start against tne Un>- (verstiy w uaiaoooia in a most lirusn and men won ineir next nieeis uguuiit Norm Texas &tavu, OKi.»nou.a Afii.u, andijTexas UpV voi s)Ty. woo dVj.. | foitud llij it Lay (if to iviwh the I sc mil In 114 Luyooimil Mf Down 11 as; 1 partner« i|ct down Ki>lltgci'liei‘ ahd j .Simplon (jo reach tns tinulH. Bill HUim umplr«|-in-Chief:of thd j Nutlondl JLcague, vyorkod in morq ■ World ie|ics than any other om+ crnli Ktciii umpired 10 IK serie* betwoeif EOpS and 1940. —I p- 1 — ~|rXi- teMniR in Ibis ordci: Mic^iigHo Notre ftami Army i N. Car, V. Califorma Georgia Ted: Mich. State Penn. State Northwesteril II 98.4 0H.1 1)7.8 to!, 3 06.9 P5.7 96.5 96.5 96.3 pr: .11. dklahoms Ohio state, 14, 4 ill' ■). Lk DO. Tulane , j ? k 94.9 The RiK’ond lli'ii IChoh are rat. ed In this on 12. Grorgia, Ole Miss, 15J MIrRouH (.!., 16. Clemson, 17L iMU. 18. Vander* hilt, 19. MinnejNeta 20. Texas. The SMU team slipped thrue places over tnle weekend due to the fight that tne Aggie squad put up before finally going down be fore uoak Walker and Company., In the .Southwest games vVill- iamson’s system rates Tulane gigs over Baylor, SMU over Arkan sas, Texas over TCU, and the Rice Owls over the Aggies The five major femaining unde feated, untied earns in the nation are .Michigan, A’otre Dame, Army, Clemson, and ralifornia. All five teams are picked by the New Or leans peer tjo keep their records unsullied. 4 m* season the AggieN are led by J, u, naihpum umi Julian tivroog. itiestf two funner* un- i*ii»u onanwoj! »n »j uuei meet wiiii IvgaM tinivarsiv) at Austin on iNiiowir wfwiitcii A4HM won 2s.<»L luiuiidOlg out tn# Aggie Ham me taiiui limnt, jviry imonen, Wi orut imoiiv, and way iiomiwok. i| 1 T him year T«x«r will not have .leiry i nompROtl woo 1111* been urn oungitorn'a nuufuar ode rtinutif ior toe poRi tniee y«arB| ■ Lam year 'itiompion fInlihed fii'Hi in uie cooieivnca meet wjnico enabled the Texas unm to udKui tne Agg.en ior thy cunuMvme cnampioomop. ! uading tne LonghornB in this year a meet will be iltckie br<|oKB, ♦vuyne lliinnoni and TJoooy Vvnin. cnant, Bro0K$,4he top icxub i*un- ner Uns scaaonj, lim«ncd tnntl in me recent duel | meet with the j Ag- were as'follows: SMC 27, A&M 7; ’! Texas 7, Baylor 6; Rice 21, Ark- ansas 16; Femmylvania 14, renn State 7; Oklahoma 21, Missouri 6. Last Saturday’s game with SMU will be shovfn at the Quarterback Club meeting tomorrow night, and a yet undecided speaker will be obtained frdm the coaching staff. These films give conclusive proof that Paul Page caught the last interception of the game in fair territory, and then stepped into the end zone. This should have given A&M two points on a setbaclul In addition, the Mustangs would have had to itek to the Aggies on the next ptyyii at a time whf;n the dock was rjunning out. This filjfl catches,Jn full the maxing run made by Doak Walker ;hen he ploughed oyer center aim PT avoided several - tackltrs fqr the secopd SMU touchdown. At least ihrec Aggies grabbed for the elu sive runner, but he kept on going. Thej excellent pans ithro\y|ing and receiving bjy the Aggfi-s is also Rhjown, Oh one play Bob I Goode literally Hhatdic* the ball: out ofj ,ho hands of a blocker, and Buryi- Bety niakiK a fin# intcr#eptioiil and irunhafk on another, One of the jncourugmg pointa whidh tliiR film nhoWN iti (ie correctly f^f the best average since the initial week of the season. Major upsejts .. were Tennesftei’s 13-6 victory over . In the Junior College ratirig the Georgia Tech, and William and Kilgore Junior Junior College team of the Justice led is rated fourth best; in the Ration. 1 Mary’s 7-7 tie n 3tr- T: • i - ; t. Wi I 1 mU\ ■!;) FrobUm to hold down cortji, and ipeod the ( extension of telephone service. Solution! ilifth-xtrctiRth wire wliose u|e allows the span between poles to be In creased from 150 feet to more than iiOO. One pole" now docs the work j>f two. . ■ j j/, he problem, (of course, is a coni or telephone people. High-si (with required electrical qualities is only one of many things they have developed to help blem in these days of high eon- In total, their de velopments are the reason Why tel ipthone service here is the best in the wor! d+-the reason why a telephone call costs onjlyj a few pennies. 4- Quarterback Club Entry Blank I Team Texas A&M SMU Texas j Baylor j North western LSU Score Team Score Rice Arkansas TCU Tulane Notre Dame , Mississippi State All enh'ies must be turnod into the Batt Bporte desk by 6 p. in. Friday. Winners will receive two tickets t) the Texas game. Only one cAtry is alldwed per person. Aggi< -SMU gaiiio to he shoyn Thursday night at 7:30 in Assembly Hall. Name it.,1^...,»(.-.......wi (AddroMi d < ,|# i •. <| >o < ^ (I ' ,4^-*•••••**••••*4-^*** \i \ solve thu struction one wire hi! BELL TELE? PHONE SYSTI rc' -i ■ 1 u rr •44. if — Rivi** 1 Varsity to Be In Good Shape For Rice Game The Aggie varsity went; through a light workoUt yesterday as d cold wind swept Over! Kyle Field: No shorte were, ip evidence ai Couch Harry Stiteler started pro-* paring his charges for the game withjthc Rice Owls here Saturday; Only a few injuries in the forni of sprained ankles and sore knees mar the team’s physical condition'. Bobby Gdff was stiff from tha game, but Kis knee appears to be in good shape. Hub Ellis is still plagued with sore ships, but should be ready for (action by the week*- end. Guard Odell Stautzenbergcr in doing fine on his chipped heel bone. He said yesterday that it does not bother him at all now. Wray Whittaker Jolngdi the a^ wn^ : r-T | |lf on lo - Kylp » tin In ht jknd'l(j». rrow U4« uj.until nidnif (hi: 1 .j 1 ’ : . km S ■ I VERNON GLASS EMA r»< f r ithe\mildncss ahd iyl' .,! | •• j. IP I I jtiu. c coiurse will have icea. and ve- iby con-; !. Al W11L;\| ^.'1' Sfp THE BEST College Shoe Repair 1. IL.: mt VSWa0! 'Sti"""' 35 tda*m a IE . _1,. .j u.: Eatabli: naiion-w Using 0 after will ifi’t 1 ill faitmhw ll-A •' . j i ^ m —-