The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 10, 1948, Image 2
■ • : ■121 Page 2 Vi' ;u; The ■ Bait i i .1 m r er, Statesman Lawrence Sullivan ^Rosa ir 11 an n k 1 I'; . WEDNESDAY, > Knightly Gentleman y I ■ ( r.- founder ; of Agpe v . , II - p' I • ^ . | i r J N \' 1’ r is! 114. VN.J Today \ " birthday. t <i tv ok com' ' [in , 1 (j'oj'jjH' ilTdini | of aoVenil wuu’H that tlu'.y ran do tW hl« Flnxlujf Ifia w ii'rlfloi : i ijnuMilct 1 >. iniH* of t|o CiM iSdWot fh (trolty f hot In ; i i ■ , j During I In* luKtlwar t hey \yen* ifoitiM | ri u | j- called on to jj;lv« heavily, Thoho of i'moi - ua ia rival armH* ip the Pacific tlijeatre leather coll^ tr vlth tfa intli Tr shot ■ ^Ey during In this leatherneck^ ,weref ffus j . and dish it j u , ai . . j J \ (jit, T i * Hey The Reiii^blica ' tituda in thj“ last ^ „ week in thq histo \v df • - ■ ^ They ha deride them menfators, Vb let ’t set in as vri. ' stratiuK to the um - alike that soi ility liasr : , The Miu ine Co :|i«* s mil oldest[(Jefonije arrtt. Devil- %gs ip their i eck-prptkting 3cc cutties bldjw^ ami he <ineimi ?s of wir cqun-. j; ■ 7[T| list, t: ohfl^icoUB coni'kjt, tl: oilts andj Otheifs ^HidW them for their intense’espetlt ;.J i.. ... l.-u corpf liaml pride in jtheir outfit MIA 1 db (Wiger.tb take it isiivd. proved over ;x ' I| ' Has thJ G))P ^uit\party|ng l[. . •/ f • - '' H 'Hr ■ • I ^ I'd Omni <- ^hose Jchifef bi^im to cience is tljiilt tiny rjde ’the fence,: have ■‘vVi J I ridiculed Gcv^rnoi as if they wnile idi< Why haven'j: the h Has political’d nous that tl|i|se wii were naive jlribie.« idols or hel<jl jfoor! ,.1 7 ; \ ' f - j,. ip h|0Vp $hoAvn le'ss 'fo: - I tliird 11 ime, feet thajn in ahyjotherj this experience hejir par:y.i kid a iyl the jl) imperats hnmei4ifljill;i The ncwscom- Trad ! / v. /'! iER 10, 1948 tionp ../l 'r ft \y ,'iU m ,,W . '! w r:/: iHLzL ^ mogt V; d*r v iv^'. wm A ■/ I TT ' \A rl>A-y yiA : / Y ' .! ■ m Opens NetfjWee. ■ /l Pup ¥ M. it k\ i f rV W mmgugnimwmmm if". HI 7' il- ri|| i : ■ ; : ' /1 i . ■f. "fXLf '!) •[ ' ■l l ^ A» j tl t WM Wi ; ifr ■" r* 4 : Bill KrauseNamedto Prominent “Little Fox By JOHN W. MUFENBEBG IT ... ,, , One of the mod polUhek) Actors of 1 V ew, Bill Kruurc ! has l>«cn selected Horace Giddeiui! in he V iSSV n<i :! ♦Hn uTeTv* Plnycra THE FO> wniwn ii •2: !i!i7 « ;j- fd one kidded them on their combat: reebref. Such casiirtlftyl liste as.the oterall: 80 percent at Okinawa and thd individjualj ISO percept-, of the twice-replaced fiimj division during thej Marshall’s campaign speak [for themselves, M. I Congratulations on your birthday dev-, ildhgs? we wouldn’t trade you for a long range;atom bomb, i j : !l ^ |jl i J 7? V UYti I a ’p ; ■■I ' i / m fJiL'+***■■*’■• ,. •t-nfed in the Amiembly i, Hith, an Six font lull, coal hlfiok hair, „ pot «[ fanftt wi n i; a arxe the la i» <338 M?°SI SBWWisSflfl tiiurulahod clm'rmkrlHtiw. Many mcmlK'i'a of the EnirUah Depiul* -jJI’Ji- K - uidnt haw aald tlmi Hill KraiiMO mind than any ndur' they htrie swii tn many_ colhiut; pi'othictlttim Ahpenri)i|( In ah Atrifllii Player •nductiorij for the alxth jtimo, hp . *‘.VU over thv nation, Riiy Npiriled c»)lleKi‘ stud^ntM are hlk njr over autumns paint cl hills and (lull's, reveling in the homilies nature, lireathinfr the fresh air of ^*9 - Letters To The Editor it* strategy failed. After] , jtvej may hope, the Repub- limans] have 1 le irned their lesson. If the Dewey end his) cohorts ts", scarecrows or wors pubiipins kicked bad' ? eat became so igjnpm i- o klse miiistTiiflmif,they rsbipj^ed; fal; e The Ddmocrais wity. .fhat was nCwspaijjer^ iti H otes jcoirld be clou j- nol; eotrititutd»a: rav: mhj a: out' L r' ( poreent of It he vcSt of the election. ' The ChifLo 1mrsh thing’s! iil»o.i|t wblt-h nre nKiri* In i typical, of t \o kic i •"7. "For thp/ thiti ('.Oiivonfion (Jdl i tml noniini,t|ki a coming oil i 1‘me- e. nas sijid son ? mblicjui Par i; wise, Tliey a h.rtillmign, ri« \am'e jorceS control the next Republican COnveMibn, the pairtj[ is finished anil’the millmhs of pat uotje rpien and women who have locked to it fbr leadership will have to look eWwheiie.”j. | |;| i I What this yicibus influence which they riefer to\What;is this ‘me-too’ deal ? The tjvo! partii‘^ agreed on major issuer. WhaU makes t je loser a ‘me-too’ candliH Itate’l : f ' flfKl' " T 'IT! Dekvejy lost because he couldn’t jsell his fiersot|ali;ty ; ; not because he lacked intelli gence ior initiative oi| Character. Thp American way of life i.Tsupposed (tlditor's Note: j\Ve »avc re ceived a letter and a vefse from one of our students, bujt he did not Rive his name. If thi^ student will personally identify himself or write a letter establishing his identity. We will publish his lef- i ter and verse.) HONEST MOTORIST Editor ,Th<* Battalioh:i...j On Friday, November! 5, three cadets on, their way to Dallas rode ixart of the way witih ma, and one oif them left his shaving jkit in my cur. k. well rbmemberjul for bln m bdrfhrntnnceH u* Oeorgo _ T . in "Hetldit (mldt'iV mid n4 Dr. (likjbi In “Ojur Hbri ace Giddens is a (lonh.UfclcjiUoijf in telligent jiuiin und a bvlieVer ihtlul' decency bf roan; but he is too ill to battle tne powor-crazedilust* of his' wife. And of nis brpUieri-Inj- law. 7| | . | • Krause haa long beejn; inter ested in tthe theatre' And VvAh formerly vicc-prekidont ; / pf thb cellAnt Tesroan | ; I j r ||j . „ giving these shots; they nti’d not be gjiveh in the hospital, in less it would) be more ad vantage us. If WorC space would he need* d pos- jsibly the YMCA could h< used. These shots need opt) he gi?en all iati the same timje. Necessitating waiting in lines, but could b< hand- Sled tjdphabetical(y (JiveV a pe riod of two iweeks or ninre. I S L* These, flue shots grAatly i iterest me because while I was at Cornell University wltli the A8TP, during the fall of 1914, a lufge gibup of G.I.’fe including m.Vseli! “vol inteer- ed” as guinea pigs for th; first V r , .. , L . ,■! , • ' masli Army flue teats. A iproxi-. As I m) not know] his ijiame, and matldv 250 off us receiver these during Pm sure he does not knojw how to won the elcjcfion called “Inpcfetide i Trumanpjjlead ( ! led and a till |voul f j liitioii. Twe|||y twj>|mi)li|3n Wvtersibclievtdli into lousy' winners. ^Ve-kick them when (.{• uv the %e\(V0Y [vamV tAvil ; U\ey iv^ d<\\vv\. , RyvwbVv^ns »iou\d ■)’ j ability of ;t)(jvern|f ijowiri, Only 4 or 51 rd^ientfitj and we Hholild be ashamed of it, edkled tlfe issues | | TIN' pecont Kepubjican loss Is a li'giti- ohy contact me, I wo^ld appreciate your putting a notice in'yjour paper ‘•so that this boy coiild contact) me and get his bag.'. Thank you. ; S. A. Andrews j Kt. 16, 1M 28U Houston, Texas. j inately 250 of shots in the Cornell !gym, the Space of o ic Kouif. ! j- ; .jit the^ tiro > we though: be just something ] else -brass hat" hjad dreamed lac)* of anything tjo do. Ihe re sults ait Cornell, together with other Army tests, prow d successful that the Arm; now gives flu shots as: A mat er of to cultivate good wtwncvs. We’to tantittg I ..J. 'nr~ J.. muto jttM'K^ for [iokbs iMul hbmor, Itj’H I'NTUwi iilliarious iitiul imlicatiyc of iho . yi Amer|cab Hpirit and .clptructur, but ill is fPImy d'cl nut afli^itmmto jlijrijret for soriotis ritjif mi I he lojte.K vtilt*. : [ tvi.'« /HtfiiiWicfi it[ TtNtsy vv/io tif<ef|i( tWjsuch arc rtjvt ykiclitis i il’ltienc'!) ing jpaliljicrtl and ij^Mlrinnll pettipcss. fT) mc ittib’ jciitididatc who) imvc jet, the iiitosicatioiiof two mjlj on For lluitj: |volcs ri'ifid them ofjf tin an adolescent) jiig f Give (|(u*e (iiv(| GeneHmsly i j - ' / . j 1 The (’ol|egg ^|aMdp (oinmiiUity (^h^jtt l)A(|s jCfutj, College Station Youth ; Fror 2gp t \V i drivb begaii MonMy, NovgmbeN 1. Atthougibl) the IpbiviN contributio|ia fri Station, ahjtl ^ made to securer dk dents, gi^Mirjbm Cojmn The mn i riisadehts <)f .College ijecMl attemiTts will je nat ons (rom.A&M stu- e-t "will be accepted.! ( hjst ; plan has be jn al ley routine in tpe majority camps. If enough interost; and sojititnent can he arouk'd I’m dprteir we at j A AVI will be given the ml untftgc ®bhtk of Uliia WANTS inf^.:enza shots Editor, The Battalion: During the recent weekend in Dallas 1 happened to pick up a copy- of The SMU Campus and mi<| where that selhoiol is giving . . . , till shots, five of charge to all of ') '* f thiiRO flu prevention roe: suits. its students ipid futility memhers. Albert D< Stewart lb. I believe we at A«M should also be given this mlvijntWKo, If one hospital fund would rein (t it im- possilde to provtik' til i,sit* shots; i'rDtl of charge, 1 bid eve they shin, Id btf wlvil-n at ii low, mduiiinl cost, I'osSllily a ebst <>: Sfii; per 1 ] shbt, plus help I'tyin th([ hospitui I'niiu uoiild be ndixjuittc These shiits sluiuld (over, all sti deiits, fnirulty. m*mU*rN, mid I heir I amdies, I mn not udvociit imtj that such shots he manda- lory, hut anyone who lias spent a week or two In the hospital with flu, can easily' see llie nrgu ■ ■ x. t , gram. Recreation Council, Girl Siouts, • I i i r a f t ' j I J ( •• is ^nade to secure* Brazok ’ County Tuberculur Association, tifi r,..n L Imii.tu a .L: College Station Negro Youth, American 1 *1 iL . |, j (jlutpesr Society, a si|in (if .$5('Q will in operatioji)for lOuic.ten iyeari throu^j- , out the cduintry. ]■ charitable Morgan unite in a-lihgle do soi throjt I Mbst poT for fujids i utorsthaii conataptly T" tors. I .. . ft;om the h ,7 Bi;yan YMfc Thu Batla; (Illy df C Friday uftendon. ’ M t! Jtor w- -.rotri* -f n ier) this plan Ail iiis Who ||re | ibiiCtatiqn catnpain ctn| assigned qi lotas are tentative upon the nd College YMCA. A be held ! jn reserve /or any l^cal eijnergeiNciieai. j! : p7.| The first five organizations 1 listed above: Will feceive sums of between $1,000 and f 1,950; Quotas for the last) five groups range front $500! to $893.. All the T meht for prevention. Th# ejist of lost school days to both stijdents nnd fndkiltv memhers plus) addi tional finmly dmitOr hill (to both is unother' argument ;in fuvor of prevention which Oahnot Ih‘ overlooked) i ! j ’ , ‘ ' 1 do not know in whi t manner the plan for giving t|l esc shots .should be set up. No doubt before anything is done, the hospital)com mittee should write SHU about theiy plan and the costs they have encountered. Because tl esc shots need not hcjgiveB directlyby M.B.s our ’nui'ses, plus some selected stu dent help dould be used . As to tHe place and time for j I « ( ( I- ' • : . I- ’ “Bol ye sluill retelle power alien the Holy Spiiril h ronie Upon ion. and ye H;hnll pe my nIllnesses. . , nolo tie uttvriiiost pari of the world," Arts |.8. I The chief need of he (|ii'lMtlaii is power. When the d srlplls fkcoili the eertalnt.V that thi riset C'hHst was tn biifve them, tltey_ w 're sus tained by hi# promile "thiit they should be given the pjkiwer that he kliekv; they would |h i o|. Th ’ source of |t.his promised poitei i;| in the Holy Spirit of;(Jod. SFhroi gh hint power is available) foy tlui suIhIu- ing of every prokilemi thatllife has to offer. | Read Jphii 14:2r>-<58). ... ^ . "j* F i - 3 —-I • U- fh fit [j C in mtkuity Chest, r ! attainaijg ot the jd^Belijal quota) of $9,843. feel that a ^jugle drijref A 'fourteen-mail cojmmittee headed by fikelj fo alienate ceiitrii Ml drives which are lectivle beiftefilc- 1 J-: H. Forrcls is coliducting the local Com- nulnitM Chest palgnI designed to! aid i charitable oEfear Fitipnis 1 without unduly inconveniencing cauijpaign. This is akanv igned to! aid i charitable ottgani- Ojrganr4a|tijbpN! ‘yhijeh| wjU derive funils) thje rdsid(!i|its 0/ this community. ife - .4ib) tpe Rby Scpuw.j! I’hX icajuse is worth) , so make your do- isdidpted Mothers'ar d I natioiis] aii generous ad possible, 'll- I : - il 1 i- {I,));; 1 I: d . -' \.: 1 ROBART AND B EN E DI C T ION St. 'Mary’s Chapel TONIGHT—WED. NOVj I0TI 7:3QP.M! Sanitoi^ Service— ! “The betiter kind of Dry Geaning” “We specialize ih Re\n[eaving garments, draperies, upholstery materials” ! ! We Picknup & Deliver — Ph 2-8665 Perfecto Gleaners he Battalion —— — 'll I- n]j« ,1 lull (-—| I' ■■ -li",' ■' k A L i 'I "l' i-— ’|4-— 'J— fficinl rowupApcr of the Agricultural bnd Mechmienl College of TV> t, fTotitt#, t» .pupliahod fiftoltiinck# n ’ ‘ J ‘ ‘ 1 L “ udiun i| pub h /■ w Tlu> Atudkeliited -(Wvdlwd W:*i M nn iiept m dfirlnjg liollidiiys. and| «rii'm|lmtio|i imj Monday, Wedi eollay uml If ml llt'D /lb T iililiM llhtvfr't m *1 i<i|nib(iM'i Office »i 't .ijuU (.nut Ui* A Hi of ('wi (,f ‘i Nuivn eimlribol \ 11,. bom I win HAIM Cl it* limit 1 r f.lllllll) I- Mir 'll miMed ojn roguoMt »- -1 >eNn in eiilitlid olh *n Dti <?mI' ^jk tmd ciivolatod uvery Mpfidaj periodri During the uumrier The Bati- :'hlity.; tty' ncripMon r*t« |4^0 lertycliiool If 2004 Soutjh College Road mmimm J, J & d the rough ► r-y, ♦fMf ■> - !•» •' ,-i, l*? *1 ,t mil e«ltialve y jin tlu* Us • for, rtpul llrnlInti jof all dUpAlehel put T) jut' ci'niideii Hi the pApor tilid mil niiis of f(iu|i(anitouii oi'igin jtyblUif • * 1 ittyicitijlnn ii)f all utliei' iluilli'r'lietrih uhi iili|k t|m i‘vml, nhd r 1 ON 41# Mtjitinfr ol TltwAs , j an***-4»» -h«»Wc. Jf btyrfMpii.Mt |li#tiK'i*llip tty hdlii' idl A* tcnliluv KvrHl'v Ifl*., « hew vrifc Cufi* 1‘lilcU", !l<M Aiiuclw. •ml Bhu m««UNi. j-' ^ 1| V . • ri,- ! •! v,l .- , mmAi > i|« ninj' In I i' d ail i imy ('ludv ln) Hull iatjed Pt;M - I I wii»»ui 1— t I. Md »..■'# .Ilwr'i—(1 II', tnadii by telnpnroe (4 f)44 ) or At tlui tidltojtlu! uffkil, Bo my t u plactd lylteiapboni 1 (4-f>ai!4) or at ; A|liu Btudcpt A * f ■ - —- x—1 - — - -• U . .. 1 .. , 1 .'J-- ■ ActltitU*# lit : " . r-. 11/ ..Co-i:ditor» Art Ilowi Dun Knji Cob ■•*a^C SimtU* 1 rmri Coukt r ffpMidi'.JU II pjiiii tj"'''i> Sower, ^ J ]‘'roiDS(ximitn^.4lsirlii jKrpurtvnt FWdn. Ot^> Km), C, Micbulo i. Murvlu I. h K) 1 i ■ ■ , .i Biyua ’isVi^fc 1 ’IfI, A il Sd 11 (or wetland faitcoUtr, 79t PRINTED FLANNELETTE Hie ojjiiinat Authentic Painted on with pastel col|of«. Your cho|c of Pink, Blue, or Orchid "J 36 im hen ividt yd. |! || ; i 3airic St ‘ ' i- Across Irani Phitofjicv" 1 A; j' Phone 2-1645 r]! -r i -r-Plaa Cartaonf-j “HALF PINT FIGMY" LATE8T M U s , n'ii 11 i n 11 ■n-ji: SPECIAI, PKE FRIDA.V Ul“ FIRST RUN BRYAN (, C t t t e c DUMMY ( • KB9E : * umi.iNin ; mflyo A SONG ; 15; : BORN 'technicoior' ( HUGH HEHBERT[ r*Mt ^ MNNt GOODMAN t - tommy bomr ( I ' tOL'.5 ARM . RC NO ^ C C I c c c . ■ •"".’'rirr'S —iM .■m m k Jm MitwnanA ^^emMsaS' } m W i| fiiih Milk ^ood tMte the trick.