Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1948)
h If .ii* li-; ■ K 'j' (J, <■ ll'i ! '■ ! ' a ii- 'Mr*. I /'I p Betty X Colie no Station td portjra * iw UlO nj^ the lendti Ajhtio Plgyj Auction of tho ye Waxes,” Lillian Hei wuminff Broadway Mrs. Edward son better known as tflll l)o cast as Sho is remeriibcKed less performance |il of the 'Asrgic Playdni: ot“Hedd4jGabler/ r |(>k U " i; WB! a? p* Rw n’f uo 6 is 1 Si „ (iWclitSjs. r lief fl the W ■ ■ V ' :\j ‘ r ; r .AUFBNBEWG k the^ jwl 4 7 the pin; am ce: piny no oi ttbr ovoi I. ■f. : ; . . I ivhen m sonted in March/ » "The Little Foxes vember 18 in tho • ; i and is scheduled talk b?own- ?pen u,L a Tht: does not| »< . tures alone for and Captain: id J. D. . fttrikin wardsoi good f< cess, foi extensive draining speech and radio, lAnfl, sM had a wide experience in a tX of roles prior to joinitajc j campus theater gr^dp. 11: i. Mrs. ^Idwardson Bryan and is a .griduato phen F. Austin' high echo attended TSCW 'whfere she' ed BS and BA degrees hi and radio. After 8er from college, she ; contin studies in New Ynr| City sent she is employed as • dfrfftor fo? radio spit ion When Mrs. Edw^rdson , ted from TSCW. shd left b*»| Imnresslvo i*ecord hf ,acc - mente, Bho was pr^tdent Phi Eta,'national apeecii s i secret my of the Htuilpiit boi v president of th*r ifntloiui" ffiitte Players, an ajonorafy uml kIhi it mi we shall have a iiitl y^nt to mhw.” psl- aders.- \f rs First SqUi ir Group T Ifv liram C. Sloan; S-2, 11, S-4. , : \ ilAir force' \ Corpdralh, |E. G. Clayton, D. L. 1 Pipes, G. PI Goldston, asSistaiit squad leatferf, Ip Mock, guidon Air Force 1 First Lleujtenant, T. D. Bene- |‘field, platioit leader; First Ser- geht, B. L.; Huebner, first ser- gpant;, Cohierals, F. D. Grazier W. C. Rotiertson, W. E. Harwood, and Jimmyi Smith, assistant squad leaders,; Cl H| Fuller, guidon bear- cr. I ^ ! 1 ^ ! 1 Headquarters First Battalion, Composite Regiment Lt. Coilc OiMUrmMUi :: . : i . r< '■■r ,; .1 fV| / r u ii ft | Pago 6, sumlnutiiiirt *4 MHpl ' I m / * m Huituti SSIFIE /libs f — —Lft TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 19-18 mil /i .ii. 1 r. ” 'F 1 . : i ill . :/. i': vK •:ry f /[! 'i. of tto f'it ftrl^iulo | ] I. W / r II ‘ i ; *• ! - ■fffi ri ■ ■ ■■ ■ 7 ‘ minimum , Katas |. fnMtrtlpo » _.- . T J n.m. of the day hefdre word par ». Bps** Student Actlvltka -TB f- 1 - 1 ‘ 1 NIGHT CLASSES In booipfeaplnff, L' PERSONAL - Ilormtlo: heard aUxit the oil well MP. :Shj< raid that i perl diamond in the rough after mother trn iK-rkad >U were a ^ ,r«raM' that she always knaw you would amount to. domethinsT one of there day». Clara. hdiEr r t ■ T- T ■ ^—r—f rollmenta | will i commander; ■ > 1 NJ Major, Robert G. ■ss^-r. 8S&?K^ ul abner Phone 2-ltllfl. Calvlh Uykarck free parr to Campun. 4? H A ins, executive officer, i A Signal Corps Lieutenant, Richard H. r second-in-command; Tecb- ' sergeants; Joe V. Pike, pnd h A. Neff, platoon sergeants; Sergeants, Robert A,>Flake, FOR SALE—20 ft. houre trailer, equipped with apartment cook rtove and electric refrigerator. Priced right. See Baker. Apt. C-16-Z, College View. — ^i ■ FOR RF.NT—Double unit pr*fab-*S5.00 furnished. Children welcome. Manner- lyn i Village, Contact P. M. Goff, 80S J Highland (just south of college). '1 '‘:ll imstead O’ Kn.'iCty qioMPtk uP Tv/o l SilMOCfc-lis WMT CAPIK ty Hunter He l -I / :«S' % : : • •: iV-' 1 • ■!. AlCa^p M and. squa Arthur G. Wright,. guidon beater. der^; Corporals, Wallace nald L. Rogers, Lewis ihie B. Crumpton, cCausey, assistant Wayne E. Ball, — FOR SALE—SPECIAL—ilMl Plymouth 6 passenger coupe in C,; E. parking lot or call 14.600(1. Excellent condition tJ ; ■ throughout. i w A Army Security Agency ^eiyc mat'lc ornnhivatliini urul hm nleflwl to Whote Wld In lUterf ami Urilvpiraan, I • [ , Hli" alHO imt'i'it'iimjliid In thii iteanmlln ui'miuill/iini w| ; THi auid ntevinl I ho h<|( Ing W'ltnt [III '•'nio rhurpy i iivhifm" «if] y < 1 j' Hllitw Off)'*' An iiVlIi'iihM - w 'w-n’-w—■ -jjt.’-j *» ItiiM'e ni-hrin'mlng iri iii itivS n# iu flinnliot for Hm MiSliji'li tflnlf TrtCW, wlio Hindu ijjteliy 'nlhl-te' - h)wi htvipiinte, OMmr I'nhit III M tni'iiinl" H'H'l't' I I' || # i .ii^ I lhil|irni|p;! hi lidhhdi i tli l ii h'ih'I; tfnil < i , nf ' , 1 im «wh" WiiuM hnfa , dljj; lil* wiul; “"!# iwoncy and iiiiwwfi} J'linim Inins as Osr’Br Btilihdvd, |wl|l ! also powjl'MliAM Inti IR'I n|,HtWty as M»n tfnhhnvili i W'iiMv |{vte wv an Leo ffiibbard, Iw i , Mh"|>'*) son of Cspar! aiidp^iWI'p l|ihlii plsvAtl by fhm BWee* and lrivnbi*j[|lt:bl‘ot|*tetl arid tevtiflod wife]; V W i f Bril KrnURo te-.cik^Lns Giddens, Keeinnls |tiw(lwtei| |M bond. f’o|jhl<HJe .fod«*fdnp|ir(a AtewawAtn rWteortMl i, f'** as Wnibm H'f v H ter ns Addie; and jacfirSiiuin «ii CJT-I V .••/flT.s T«T l / * fl ll ‘ 111 Names of thg ca« wer* 1 today by Garvis ‘w.l Littl tor M the/Aefr’of PlayeU. said that the pmhictlon bf f Little Fox®*” is j roll ndijig shane nicely. t r l ; If ’* C<mkin/i ACCcHliillNG SOCIETY, 7:3C n. m., iTutsday, Ag Engineering Lecture Rnom. G. B. Herberb will 8P agg4 ■IbroI, modelers 7:15 u, W« MEBh«4 AIEE-lltE fiu'MlMy,[ K LdctHvo RfHiii, AVMAs flu trul" um K n AMAH edneadny, Room 108 Technical Sergcapts, Charles E. Oweris, and Joe V H. Mullins;’j pla toon sergeants; Staff Sei*geants, Charles T. Taiver, scholaBtic ser geant, Wayne E. Stevens, athletic sergeant, Leroy A. Pantermuchl, and Russell, E. Roarks sguad lead ers; Corporals, Emil L/Huber, Ed ward W. Botldekor, Andrew M. Monericf, Harold L. Hmaldson, Jo- FOR SALE - ISM6 Plymouth tudor sedan, original owner. Trailer Area No. 2, Space H-2. Kinmier. Leslie! Ralph Neal free show at Campus. MY NURSERY will be tipon for the foot- A1 Capp — ball game Saturday. Mr now. Mrs. 0. U. tlatei lege Hills. Phope after yell rimetlce, eetrlcal Eng)neei lug, n, : h ■ ■ ■ d p. pn Tueedliy, Te- Hullding. CLUB, after fiuinetflng Bwllrllng.; Ill) AtoM CLUB, afi yell iintrtl b.lTluinjday, 1 Itrioni Idfi Acadeniiiij lij|illiHii|f, (' o iji |) ht t ( ChrUtml I'TA, Khglnei illdliitf, C pijli'ly pjana, it, nj, Wednes InV, Ag. iH'lliriiji tf'Sufe Root i, IIIU.Wl (1,11 ll, V'll) p, k Wed. aemlay,! AiHMfiiblv Itmiin, A'MltA l.Wt j4u|n\VdVU!' HANaUKT 7 p, jl tifay, IJotlnd teitlteji'nn " irlah," ‘ “ hitn J'le/ueeH jc tl^p, . CltWMFHCAf, • IW KN1>t MOCM W- Y, 7:«0 p Kooin Ji; jSejeuee Ha 800NRR k'LUlL 7:HP p, |m Tuesday, j lUunn 1 | Acadejirilc Building, CteanixatiloHnl (neetliig, TEXARKANA CLUB, 7:ir» pan. Wodnowlax, Room 108, Academic Building. (1 | [•. |,{. SIOM!A: jXI CLUB, 7:;i() p. m., WedneBaajr, Chemistry 1 Lecfure Room. DiilFKxl Jensen wdl Speak. SPANISH | CLUB, after iyeirj practice^ imteduy, Room lj23, A 0 ® demic Btijwiag. - ] SOClULpljY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., ; "fR'-lom. 20,6. A erculture loyi «<»ph A. WillhclmJ dnd Billy 0. Hon- Winn, Muiktant stpind loader*, Wil liam M, Wjtty, guidon/bomyr, A Chemical CorM k \ ■ First UeutenaiitH. Lutlan L, Morgan, plaUmn teader, Bennie B, Thigpen, relmlRsUi) offleerj Tech- tileal Neiueiuit. Rilltert H. Helieeh* »)') (tml Jon I], Fnmwalt, )tlatooii\ amiteitnUi Hlaff BtirgeanU, AHlmr ». Hants, and Charles U.i Greek, nlnttinn gi Ides, Hilly W, ! Hmlih, Wdwlli’d Me Davis, ami Juba ll, Bartel, squad eadersi I'urporals, Csewr T. Hate ik'ss, Csi‘ol V, Ho* JleUd, Wesi'om t HI Jone|t,! !lhji|t L, lelani, and Leon L>. assls- ant, squad lealers, Rnipli K, SJer* 'rehk, guidon tetter. - t | . jK 1 ; ■ CHIBUPHACTOI Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC X-RA •106 E. 28th St. Ph. M Uiiiirierwnster Corpa » It ! ergbanlsj Lincoln | H, Hirisjih, and Ken tie tb E, Honeycutt, i' plafoob teigeants) Staff Sem'ttMtS, Tom H. Bruridfytt. scholastic sorgonni, Samlny Jo Thompson, nthteCc Ser- gcaivt, Jalncs W, IsenhoWer. mid Harry J. Mack, platoon guides. Ham S. Clark. Leaker A.j Anderson, JWb.,Summers, ftnd CljAle L. Som- nlerd, squad lenders; Corjtorals, ca ., Gale! N. Bmndrett, and jSherman H. Hink, nssistant squad: leadei-s. IFatINGTON-RANI) TYPEWRITERS! Plenty td new portable type writers te r siodebtsl IMenty of late model rental typewrit' ers of all makes I 2-243 Ta*' HKAt COVKI Plastic Tuesday Buildin Tho i final Cl he TAU B to! nesday, jR UNITE "TW rehersals Have be n Jme cast,” Liftje sa: j . , i A Ordnance) ,. ..., , , Tpehnical Sergeant, I. R, iBurch, i. I, R ® w , ^ ^outi am platqqji sergeant; Staff Sergeants, frmk 0n *»T n 8 I11!u e ', G. T. Keene, scholastic sergeant, F. Simmons, and H. W. Enderle, t* plat00n ^ uid ’ es - F - H ' Ki<i<l > R - h ■ McGannori, R. D. Barnett. B. J. m hte(l' 7 -30 p. m. Wednesday, third floor, igtoffregcn, and W. K. Penrod, ""tetjAg Eiigin$ei|ng Bu|lding. jEle^tion leaders; Corporals, W r . G. t of officferfl. I 1- • • *■ ’ ' XT TIT VT-tl-J. Hales—Service*- Repairs 1 Raiuf*; ^ Bryan Office Equipment Co. ' ragnll' : " TT.i . x Your Authorized Remington-Rand Agent ■ ; ; n . I .• ! • ! / ■ j i I j . 3222 Highway 6 South Br PHONE 4-1241 JOHNSON'S! UPHOLSTERING SHOP Back of “Eagle” Office Bryan Phorte 2-1830 EXPERT SHOE REPAIRS While You Wa t v |j Cowboy boot* made fo ordei JONES BOOT SHOP Southside FOR SALE—1W6 Plymouth 4.d«,r «dan. excellent condition, low mil,age. Uy- num. Apt. 36-E, Vet Village. WE SBIXj | : Model Airplane Sppplieii Architectural Balsa Wood SHAFFER'S BOOK STORE •,!. North Gate 1 If b ! : .1 i: 1 ,1.' ■ — . r ~a.-r mm. ■■iuwii PRRSONALr—Hi|rten*o :| My dorm Veprc-FOR SA cnntaf tv-<> anlrl fLat wxinsIiMm vardlotiiaa nair K feentitive Mid carnation*, roxen hr the Aggie and that the LOCAL AND LONU I MSI A NCR MOVINfl , Prolipi, and iruiitworthji aarvienL » i J H. IIKAflP S-Milft Office ’ Phone [x 4-4861) Itestdanca aiRatessss Jliv N Ml K M.A T 0 H H j> Montagus llOI'OlUi stationery l / • . \ ' •!' SS/way i a fyi t/cci. te <&?// 'I i tev • ( Bnek Riratteijl Motors Small jgat |a«nna rapatr work UNIVWMAL 4KHVICK 28 b St >bon.. M.lilim r , • (HU, NUSN MiiniN \.r a A M Uwtu M, M. iltt|rrswt,. | i .L . liMi.; u ...|, - , 4 ALE lain Ncoitt rf cle Ph. 2-8788 ■f. i ■ 1 Make sore your FIRE INSURANCE • -. gives you- I; • THOROUGH PROTECTION!' DtPfNDA'OP FISC 1)10,,OL YiyJk. UAUr-)MSU»ANCt!.A7 ip>V COST R. C. ECHOLS Realtor Over jCaiaady’s Pharmacy Bryan PHONE 2-6454 /I^ong, (G. W. Dean, K. W. Colley, and i Hj. L. Giles, assistant: squad leaders. i ii til rr PIPE SMOKING CONTEST ENTRY BLANK *j%, JEred W.N| Phone 2-6084 WrM H arc! ware M utuals ■ NATIONAUT AOVtSTrifo'' r Consult ,j Dr. fPdrltop R. Let i-OPTOMETRIST For Tout Visual Prohlejne . tOS S. Main — ftryoa i I Pltene ?-!««? N A M E CAMPUS ADDRESS •••T* ,_L_L 3^-4 I: ■ ill • ■ TYPE OF PIPE rte ?v MAGNtFIcte 1 With The ^ of Real Cl FABRIC.. .i| TAILORIIWB:. ' m Fill in this I entry blank and bring; or mail to Contest Editor, c/p The Battalion. Any! student or student's wife at A&M is rtijci * gible to participate. OWED *T - 'A / i i ', JI for any event Visit & ■ Henry A. Miller Hardt H- : N. . , , . m ’ . I (I 'I Discerning smokers will appreciate North Gate Phone 4-1146 ■ ■ • . . (1 block north of Bu^ Station) the mildness and fine flavor of Mnntn^s tlo'ronet pays a coteplnnelit to htj.’r good laslC and yotirsl Ex«;uisitc I0U% rag paper, it nest quality. W'liite and delicate 1 . colors.^ licavy and leather- weight. Keep several boxes in your "gift-chest." It’s alwavs right, always appic- ciaitei ^ ]/. THE EXCHANGE STORE BUY YOUR G. B. RADIO TOUA> Portables—Table Models—Console $19.96 and up / ■ J / ' - • j McCulloch-dansby APPLIANCE STORE il ‘ Bryan WJJ.D. CLOTHIERS College Station 1 Stel It n OLU FURNITURE MADE NEV We Specialize in Refinishirig Antiques and Venetian Blinds F. L. SUMMERS Furniture Refinishing Painting Contractor 3200 Highway 6, 8. Ph. 4.4(!M2 ONE DESSERT THAT ALWAY THE KIDDIES-HAPPY IS . I: -liW'.W '-J -' Mello Krea ; 1 a ' 11 lf ! Made by-r ' . jj | ! ii LILLY ICE CHtMM COMFitN I VN. 1 \i TT /16/S/' y.iw/r lllSim>Ar»mnHtjfcuW*ji! ! «lratco'! \ ! ir.i ,, , . ll: 1:1 i J *•—tr,^ - )' *^m^m~** | .-^MAHurACruato av^ "rlLMiUVLZrf 1 .-) (25* l * . <! t \ , Clothing Stow BRYAN Fjtdhlishxl 99 years ago. Sutliff loltaccos have atlained a nation-wide sale solely through the word-of-mouth adver tising of 'pipe smokers who have tried them and there after will smoke no other brand. \ Ijte f ’ j* 1 • • Fj : ; ' \ /. !■ 1 j • . > V I; ( Ml ‘ VI e invite you, too, to try this most satisfying of all pipe mixtures. ; .(|f • 1: v ■ Half pound tin $]. li ' V' ■H Pocket package 'T’L - 1 *r«i . ..Jv.. Aggieland Pharmacy Say Aggies! i i; || L 1HITLEY, IR J j J "NVITES ou r 0 SEE “■ Iv '! *. !}i I 'I m -Ui mum Shipment of Good .i • N m ■; r v • /-t ■i ,i r: . .If J* V i • \ K I ii -! s -m