The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 09, 1948, Image 5

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    i-' 7
W * -i
In Houst
An underdog
play the powerful
afternoon at the R
■,r- The Rice
the high school
6f Bracken ridge of
end “Buddy” Wilson of
back Billy Burkhalter
The Fish team*Kaa no
all-state players, but tbfcy do |t»av»i
an- outstanding team/ bf leas pub-
liciaed and small town odtbajlllers.
End Clinton Gwm from : Shfeve-:
.port, La., was all-st
an fhotball team Will
in Houfiton Friday
\h m.
performers frbm
• llive
ani j Gerald 01
ayou Stato.
still suffer
injuries with fullback ,
“Bull” Lawson injured foP th|r re4
mainde^ of the season. Backs Karl
Hollijer and Buddy ScHaeffe* arej
btill hindered by a soije sholiilder
and leg, respectively.
standini in aljl tjhese gamejs.
1| “
all-state ; in 8
* •
The Rice team can l>e ex|
ted to try. to get Glem
r off the field as soon a
The. El Campo halfback is the
i chief long distance threat Hand!
is the spark pf the F^sh team.
‘ The Rice squad is not nearfy sd
| i i large as that of the Fish. This ig
an advantage for the Owlqtd bei
cause the (*oaches can I give |
player more individual; atteShtia
with the smaller squads The
only about two dozen boys
.entire Rice freshman squad.
Besides Burkhalter. | the
Bolt backfield wil Ifeaturc
| Riggs at one other half,'
Michon at full, and Lester *
at the man under positic
The Houston team; has ^
advantage of having played four
games to the three fof the Fish,
The only game they Ijtet wgsl.tq
the powerful Texas HhorUv
and that only after leading 'for;
three, quarters before Ithe -
reserve strength wore
down. .
Threei Agglt freshmen will be
guests of the Houston A&M Club
at a breakfas Saturday morning.
They are jjSHjnn Lippman, Bob
Davidson, and jRussell Hudeck.
Lippman and Davidson aro *o-cap-
tains of ine Fish squad and vci o
chosen to reptepjent the. Fish and
Hudeck was chosen because his
home is Houston.
Admission charges for the frame
will probably be'aliout $1.20, I
Student Athletic coupons will be
good for the iFiph-Yearling (game
on Kyle Fjeldithie 20th of Novehi-
her - ! ^ jj I - , :f,'K
; em
Baylor Will Lose
Four Key Wen For
>v. 9 ! b
hrs hai
rep for
DALLAS, Nov.) 9| <^*1 — Baylor
appears lij Bn i est hit by
games Sat-
Injuries as Sput
football teams prep
iirday. |
; The Bears have fodr key men bn
tthe sidelines—back [George Sims,
jtackle cto-captiains Buddy Tinsley
pud Bently Jones
d end _,JL-j i!^.
Houston Writer
And Wifle Injured
NAVASOtI, Sot. 8 —m John-
ny Lyons, sprtp writer for the
Houston Post,) is in a serious con
dition in af Navasota Hospitall fol
lowing an automobile accident five
.miles north of Here Sunday night
Hospital | attendants said Lybns
received a bhana [ concussion Hnd
still is 'unConfieijiiui; His condition
whs termed ajs |rery serious.
His wife 1 re ;eij/ed a broken right
liar bone, bifokjien,right ankle and
possible pel ria fracture.
.. j,- i
They defeated the Did Maijicajhi
; of Corpus Christi, the Fonies
and the TCU Polliwoga.;Both' Kiggs ti’
and Burkhalter have' been' ouV r
'-"’"T"-";'' v -f— rt lift 4
. The^ couple ytas returning
Houstou [from West, Texas, wher
tjhey had, Visited! Mrs. Lyon’s pa
cuts.after attending the Baylor
Texas foptbal ganie at Waco .Ha
i unlay afterm ot| 1
Hospitiil at; ei|dants saiil the Lw- ,
pii’s automobijie jicollided at,9ip^ m.lj
^ with another vfehitle occupied by j
^ tjwo Allep Ai|a(|?my; students who [
ectdved only minor injuries, ’ j
t— i-; "ii "■ 'ft-t 1
All four men missed practice
yesterday. Three may see iim-
ited service against Tulane this
j week. Closs, who hi s a shoulder
j Injury, may be out for the rest
j of the season. 1 V 4
Arkansas’ hopes or an upset
Victory over South rn Methodist
took an upward turn yesterday.
Fullback Leon Camp jell, defensive
halfback Louie Seha ifele and end
Billy H|x were bkel ed for actioti
(against the Mustanjg. Z
j Dick Rowan and Ohm-lie Tatonj
probably will be Tcj as’ only crip;
pies against Texas Christian this
j Center Rowan has a bruised hand
and Tatom an' injured leg.
Texas coach Blaiif Cherry com
mented j on the LoriKhorns’ 18-10
decision oyer Baylol fast week:
“We’re getting there, but
we’ve! been doing if the hard
End Wayne Rogdrs won’t play
for Texas Christian tfiis week, he
[has a f» a d knee. Jave Bloxom,
blocking, back who hjis a dislocated
shoulder, is a doubt’ul performer.
[With these two exceptions, the
Frogs are in great hape. i
jj Rice, hampered! ijy injuries: all
[yyar, came out of ;lai t week’s upset 7
[victoryover Arkahsiiajin top shape/'
/j However,
H ■
ii •
fir 1
rs Cons!
ner than
# 8'i
if 11
■ i;
( football teem
talker ar
in n
i‘i “ ■ l/ll
and dClyde
Page 5
■7' 1 , , ■!
vj] /; /
i ZZ
Shown above Is “TUCK CHAPIN”,’big 205 pound sophomore
tackle from San Antonio. He has one freshman numeral and will
have two years of elligibility left after this season.
QuarterbacMIub Entry [Blank
, a- i! |i I
■i’-iHji ■ Rice
Notre Dame
to be shown Thursjilay^n
‘-i t*
Texas A&M
j Bay4or
■.I L8U „ - , . , „ ,
■ 7] I : r fi i I ’
All entriei itrti|t be furln j into the Mntt jsmits desk by ft;
p.ftm, Friday, \V|uhet> ijilli) w
game. Only o»n' emvy'fei|:til6\i J
' «
MississipHi t t«|e
crive two tick 't4 ti> the Texas
•ii per perinm. Agkie-SMU gnnjej
t 7::{() In Art*ctpb|y Hull. '/
The T or the Single Wing?
pMi. •'j ' " • I :i| * U ; jfi |;J /\ i J ! | . j| t |- j j/ •! J
Tarheelsj Bent on Proving Superiority of Old Formation
Finals Ahead For
Basketball Teams
4 r • ?
With less than two weeks of
play left in Intramural Basketball
net-e are the official standings as
of today.
Fiist with the military leagues,
‘E’,' Kidd leads A League with
three wins and, no losses. “B 1 ? Ath-
et es’ and “C” Infantry are right
behind them. , \ [ ! j
j B League has “E” Air Foro*
leading .it with two wins and ho
defeats. “A” Infantry and “A”
Ordnance are trailing >ith ttSo
wins and one loss.
League C, seses “A” QMC ahead
with no setbacks, and three Wiltfc,;
“A” Transport and ‘B” Engi-i
neers arc in second and third
“A” Field Artillery tops League
D w th four games playeid, all vic
tories. “A" Engineers and “B”
Field are next in line.
Sporting another good record is
“A’ ASA, leaders of League E
i with four won and no lost. “C”
! Air Force and “A”, Air Force are
! behind them.
7 '.j
In the past two weeks the
runners in the conference, ~
these athletes are fredh in the Aggies’
rurtner, the choice was almost unanimous for the Doafcer
■ thejla^ ^ntedSsgpgf.
v ^ !]('
ft y
! against the twto
:W« Sc»lU The ftaetliig he«|fbi*tolhrf
the futeet
VaMtw wm th*
.irlfe least pa 1
uny atatemunu
An exceptio:
who aaw flm
wntn he aaiu
waisar, ei
I i
v 11
f | j’f
'WM; gt
jtnmy rU»w*ra,
er • liars. Um«
era Mid tnai ihetfe
toueiia.uien bea
' runnen, i j-
r- nowevsrs the q 1
JO rutfitnSg ao.nih
joiiceueo vo he
: ^myer. i
laesde Manon
-u to cnopse oetwfevi
>nHt they. Were uijuc
.ariiers. Back v
fteu, that tkeyi wen Jt «
out aangSiout in erm
Odwl SUuizcnlie
lie W riKbi seem« u iA
Wrighi inkijuiat W.
ht gsia mat
oeiier qroaon t e^«, iwun«i,
mat once he c itj»ut o«ar me
KiUeUUfci,' he waf f|hner to ftotUS
up taan ; WM|8co^jr
. i?:
v: l
CHAiPw! Hill, % V.~ Coach
!Carl Bravely j, says J iw ]a rot mi- j
j; sadlng/itn behnli of! the venerable I
l singly/ wing fonm tfoit. but
■ 1 Nl/i'illty of, North (jiii'o|iqn foi't- i
Ii totim mvitih her t oh uaWiftW '
peridrity, over tie) inervanihgiy
poiuilnr T. : I . l : '-i ii
In sweeping their first five iinni<'
he TuV Heels whipjnid four tonW
mploying the T—' ‘qxHM, Ueoiglli.
Wako Forest uni| L HI. ; yr
“I don't 911 all put to beat a
team simply becaujsy it uwih the
T”, he says. “As! a /matter of
fart, ne’ve had a T team j»f our
own here at Cnrolip* ripht along
running an affenii,ti against us
| since last spring practice. When
ever we hear of siomething new
in the T system w£ give it a try
in practice see ff it might be
fitted into our attack.
j I •' ; T I ■ \
‘Til; tell ypu thi.^ (much: In the
pring the ft teaip was' given a
Plastic — Straw
Convertible Tops |
lilt VAN
Eyes Examined and
Glasses Pitted Bv
'ft —Offioe— ft:' j ..
Caldwell's Jewelry Store
I Bryan. Texas I
&*[[ S
■7 v v ^
CARL SNAVELY diagrams some of his
— •1 — h
know, any imy interested in
foivtliall would rather play than
sit on the bench.”
This is hurley JOE WATSON,
the 280-pound center on Rifcefl
team. Watson was one of/tie..'
players who wrecked A&.V* lajtt
tuns again this seasoq; f
as jioniZmmuAl
even if
e«uaivi.,<Smk ’•
ptayert, ..
T. ’>«>
he aape /
Tackle >*i
- * low ;
■wt aiach ....
HW-'/ itwo -•
as limited
fu, j waiiker is.
; oesc Kicaer,
Center'Huh Eli
ed aga.nst liqm
tfld suoject,
out Andy hiiinoiistfjiavijjivd wai-
•‘bmhckdve^’ Scbl
champion tn i thi
cOe Uu-ysiti [mgt i
220-yaia low HUJid
tramural Action
Slows Down After
Big Week End
Flag Football ,
hogiioil the Ihframural play
ami Volleyball
amoral;play Mi
day Afternoon., r
“D" Vctemns 'were the: Victor*
over “A” Ordnance on the iB'idii brt
7 to 0. “B" Infantry forfeited Ao
“T’ Air Force, “A” CWS defoiat-
eii “A" Field Artillery; U
1 Hon,'’ k? .!*««• »iil. "Bat with .0 Oi/Siiiiv Mrin'i’jw*
dKlin- :
m, nay.tig
i type
OoiX also
govu men,
and Char-,
iavoi tsooit ,-.
aliker was a
runner, out
s, who has play-
them twice;
i-yant joMn,
iruiv* ano me
_ J, wps named
jear and has b^en "iroTne irreit 88 t,ie! ^ n;.Witnout OOUiot,
ear, and has been going greft ,, nf th Z tW0> rt( we^ei, waiker s
eiuswc mnmhg gk>e mm the most
votes as tne ufest ujiiper of the two.
Conference ! sea ;isi|ca snow that
Scoit ts tne teaung jrroulml-Kainer
in tnei cohlenenctj. He naa a total
of pad yan.a on tries, or an
avertgje of 7l yi nlipi per uy.
’Waiker has a | ,w» Of 4oiJ yards
on 7o trfdt, tor fnj tjiverago oi o.U
yard* per iuf
Suavely says college football is
better today than ever. , . ! _
“Thi* is not a poirnsnout 1 condi- Willman and Holiand p^vnii to be
lion, he po.nta out “But with ao the wlnnor*’ scoring punch.
! I>l«y In general I" MlMr than it
over was.
The G4-y«ar*o!d nativii Nobrus-
,• v collwtij |
ing career at Budtnoll inj iil'27 and
kan, who bugnn his
1 conch*
siri,do-Wing plays for'!
week to prepare its plays before the boys derive the benefits
we sent a. d:fcnsiye unit against good conipetition. Well pse ariy
it. The T dub went vfell the first boy in h a specialty if he excels
week of work, hut thereafter our in any ooc phase of the game, i
defense gradually caught uptwjith. i J ^ I , J| ,, j
the offense and had if pretty well i t W( J units with which
checked. Wi> just don’t think we’ve! Jj* started the peason |Uabout
yet seen a T that wduld give us [ f cur °f jthe offensive men could
the results we get ;now. i ^ Stamfouts on defense as well
“We’ve found that the single by using separate offensivp
wing style enables ps to make defensive teams mo
spaced two stay* at North: Caro
lina with nine years nt Cornell,
has a warm spot in his memory
for his unbeaten 1939 Cornell
team. j,! j ft.
But his current red-hot ag
gregation, ighich he slays has
the edge Over that favofttg Big;
Red club in size and experience,
may make him revise that nnin-
ion along about Jan. 1. That’s
the date of the Sugar Bowl game
and it’s been marked in many
a Tar Heel fan’s future book.
Naturally, Snavely , shies from
Bowl talk. “Wo just take each
game as it tomes along^ be main
That in itself, Has been a prob
lem With at least one halfback or
blocking bade on the iri hired 11*1
throughout the first half of
Fortunately, Charlie Justice, the
165-pound tailback, whose run-
ing, passing and kicking have him
up among the nation’s leaders in
all departments, has escaped the
Justice has been an | inspirin,
perfoi-mer. Snavely calls him:
wonderful boy. A great team man
with spirit and qualities of lead-
more yardage, keep the ball long
or and make more points than- any
other offense. It is best suited to
our,personnel. j j.
“Furthermore, I betteve the iin-
because, with the growth *of -the
T,, teams aife becoming less accus
tomed to defending against the
single wing.
"Statistics I kept last year
show that) among 50 representa
tive t r aniti in the country, sln-
gteSving teams averaged about
six points more per game than
those using other symtem*.” [
Suavely disagrees ! with critics
who say using u plpyjer chiefly on
offense and anotbei- ii> replbce him
on defense, as has been dime at
North Carolina sjiju'p early last
season, develop* only [ half a play
er. ■ ■ r ; 7
have a f-hance to! play,
defensive team doesn’
playing • without
rfetory owr "E“ VetermM. Hiwtt
threw two pnssp*. oiuftor h i If
to Herb jGIbbs and one for »
conversion to John Kuykebdall
The acortj was 7 to 0. in a closer
game, “B” Athletic beat T
i • * u • r T• ' 1 ' ’
Air Force on penetrations.
Tuming to Basketbal
took an wtsy l8 4o 3: win over ‘"B”
Vet*. Tom iiaioh *bn accounted lor
Hv* po.mis ior tig uruiierymcn.
“B" janginMra ftiritaUct thsu' tilt
to “G” tavaiky. 1 j : / I ■ >'
On t** viotiej bi 1
Intamry won iwo
three irom ‘B” A
transport had u I
ting down i “nf
samv emint. “E'
n t atopbB*! hm
out or thr4e | ufe
milrh. “A"j4itiM
I WO straight
A* itiiory.
isunie toi
Fliii^ doubiit forfotj.
and jpurj'ear
Hb 'eff] uhd Dorm 1ft
we o (ntjolved ini a
^■Hii ' ”' mm iiU
cjourts, “D”
asim Wit el
Force. ‘‘A"
rd time aet-
tiieijd by tae
lajhtry could-
Vho took two
> In th*ir
rntaater won
u ' I
ft rum “C“
IntantiV; did
, ,)r Fowi 1
A|hli'Uc forfeit-
M &
i i