The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 09, 1948, Image 4

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    .r i
f V The anriouncemer
awarding of the j 11
nier associates
; ner ii) A&M’s I .
chfemistry and Ni
Dr k Ralph Hoi
apfdahl, both ol
merly associated with
r y
{ now completipy a
r ■ -j
M !r.
1 :n ‘
! li
equipment. - Their
study was
ilc auaji'p'ion
in the Bioche
.. feiomeuic ausu
! paratus
,; partment.
The inst
assembling is ei
first of its kind to g<)
ment was one
plishments for
scientist won I
Holman, laf
: American Scandinavian
| tion, worked un *
Bus at the Bei
Dr. Holman,
as a fel
under Prof
University of Uppsala, jSwednrt, ir
the fall of 1947, immodiatel|r be
fore coming to Texas w join tht
staff of A&M. lij ^ L ii
Hagdahl worked as chief ;tech
nician fpr Dr. Tiselius from|l$4'
until he came to this coimtry
in October to carry on rer
using the new apparatus
built here.,_He assisted lin thf conf
r ■ . irork
s'j der the Swedish scientist in
struction oFsome pf the early|tnodi-
* ^ ' inal ,Tr • r
els of'the original and Work
der the Swedish scientist in
of the earjy experiments i
- inding a ^epns for
analysis of the chemical com.
ents of fat# w|ll make poss.ble
many improve m< fits in their pro
duction, preqerva ion add u^e. Man
ufacturers of Soap, lard, vegetable
compounds, painfs and varnishes,
are now greatly! hampered by a
lack of such knowledge, and much
information on taie characteristics
of fatty substances is needed" Ifjo
the field of mutation.
Baptists Plan To
Construct Student
Center at A&M
In a meeting t<| be' held in Hous
ton next wepk. Texas Baptists plan
to set aside $i43|000 for the cpn-
stniction of a Baptist $tu<lent Ceh-
"er at A&M, iccprdin|: to an an
nouncement by pr. Wm. H. An-
pastor df |he First Baptist
^hurch of Bryani
The site for the Student Center
r .. -r, v, i, S-
field. \ /
Hagdahl will be hero for
nine months as a trainee
American i Scandinavian Fc
i Si
tion, abo drawing la stipends
the Univei-sity of Uppsalal
vidt, and other work in thii
field are being supported h<'
the Williams-Watterman F 1
the Research Corporation io
York and the America^ Dai
Dr. Holman and Hagdahl
i; ed together in Sweden in
in Prof.JDseMus’ labnrntorj
ing preliminary studies t
analysis of fats throjigh ui
has 1 been choseh, hnd architects are
’ow working on plnfis for the
building] Tfti
fdt !the Bible u ..
■'ffilces for tht ,head of the chair
and! secretary I of; the B^ntist Un-
lotinge rdom
'uilding. The structure is to house
lassrooms for the Bible Chair.
'Tee 1
: on. conference rdoms, lotinge _
and recreation facilities, Dr. An
"'Irp'iv aaM 1 i
T^he Studenf (jenter will be lo
near the I
neay the i north gate just
’orfch of the bu$ stat ; on.
October 7 tjo 111 will mark the
'•entennial cehibrption of the Bap-
‘istt General Cloreyentjon of Texas.
Of ^he ten mlljlioti doilai' budget to
he appropriated,! one million d'"!-
’ars will go jfo#' the sputhwidf
’aujses such ai Homa missions am
‘‘orrign missiansi five million wil
’n''et the operating costs for Bapi
Ostj institutions jn Texas;! and; the
regular operating budget will rate
at Jibout four million. «
T|he Ai’M Student Centpr will
^ "onstructed oujt yf the four mi Hu
; t! set ! aside in the ioperating budge’
This year’sj drouth b the} ihos ; Andrew added. \
serious since 1925, Dr] R. Af Dar- • if’if"
" ' i .
oratory with a duplicate of the equipment which won a No
This is the first apparatus of this type to be completed in America.
h 1 ! ‘i — ;—
Drouth wltM
1925, Darro# Fijid
„ R.iA Dar
row of the Ranee apd Furiestpy
d Fcfresfry
Meal Big Business
Students! Process Meat
tied At $11,778 in October
$y JOE BIRKNER ! \ {^-■-4—
Texas State Fair
.ab iastra.Uon^M J2 College SwlnC
Win 17 Ribbons At
J Meat
is big ! business—but it’s
Last yepr the Apipial HusbandiT
valued at $62,753.:
of this year, according to 0. D.
tier, assistant professor of ani-
nial husbandry’, $10,274.82 worth:of
jrtment meats labor atopy
fhtered and processed livestock
fed at $62,753.20. In October
aroon and Whit(
Bands Place First
In Corps Review
Department announced todal.
Measuremehts, taken by
Heady of the Range m
Department at the SK'perf
range area near Eas^rwool
port indicate only 12.]3 incnlefe
rainfall since March 1. The| avpr-
age rainfall for thift .period I wp
25.37 inches, twice the amm||qt feic- 1 ;
tually received. . . , | . }; 1; ji Ih? Marooi knd WJiite Wds
Data 5 on an expei|ment!: also tied for first! place in the Corps
shows a greater amount ojfj ei’a-fj Re\|iew on NcWeinber 2, Jqe E] Da-
poratfon in grassland than?wopfl-j vis,i Assistant Commandant, said
landl The same experiment jahiiwW yesterday. , j ! I '
that maximum ternparatura isl !2 ! : Troop A Cjaviilry, tpok second
to 4 degrees higher in grasj*ljjiid) plafee and. Ej Company Infantry
than woodland, but the miniifuitij 5sj wojj third plfcef.
2 to 3 de
Heady sa
livestock was bought and slaugh
tejred by the college. r Additional
privately owned livestock valued
at $1,504.53 was slaughtered I in
class work.
I ■
• j 1 j i j
Sports Staff
Outstanding Lineman of Week
chosen b;
Tackle Jimmy Flower
by the Batt i
staff as the outstandii
man of th^ week in a ppp tak*
Ly. The voting- was
en yesterday
the closest this season witl
Stautzcnberger, Jim Winklpij,
Andy Hillhouse all coming in
praise by slowing down the SMU
backfield’s running attack.
Flowers was especially a ’gran
ite block with Jiis excellent line
backing. Time and time again he
speared through Mustang block
ers to haul down Waljker, Rote, and
McKissack on both lend runs and
line bucks.
Stautzcnberger and Winkler
were both 60-minute men, and
ute. Winkler hit Dick McKissack
with such a driving tackla! that
the Mustang fallback had to
leave the game at one point.
“Smiley” Andy Hillhouse was
good on both defense and offense,
and put the Aggies back infeo the
ball game with d high catifehi for a
score near the end of the lirst half.
Hillhouse had to: go up td take
the ball away from halfback Da
vid Moon of SMU. Hillhouse also
caught several pther of Baiyfs
‘ irV
tosses, and
Twelve College barrows recen
tly sent to the Dallas Fair won
seventeen ribbons which included
the Reserve Grand Championship.
They also won four champion
ships in their classes, five first
ii Butler stressed these figures places, one .third place; and t\yo
proof of the value of the livestock fifth places. ,
Claim Beriefii
Eighty-one percent of 1000 /.
&M students that have taken vo
cational guidance tests ifeel.’ tha;
they have benefited, piid B. H.
Hughes of the Veterans Apprai
sal Service, recently.
Any student at A&M may tak ?
guidance tests covering achiever
ment, intelligence, aptitude, ab.l-
ity, and personality. Them i tests
are designed to help the student
make a wiser choice in his Course
of study, Hughes said.
Students interested should con
tact R. H. Hughes, Veterans Ap-
oraisal Service, second floor df
Bizzell Hall.
necepsaryi to give the students com
plete training in this field. I ’
ji “Commercial operations are pprt
of the necessary Instruction, and
also help -bring the meat plant op
eration dost to a minimum.” he
pointed out : j .
The meats lab is equipped wjth
Animals taken to the sfidw ifei-
cludeu Duroc Jerscyp, Holanl Chi
nas and Berkshires, all of which
were fan owed last spring.
Fret! Hale of the Anjma Hujs-
banary Department said thtofee aiji-
mals had been used previously ipr
r k judff,ng cla38oB on ^ c
aland, but the miniiimm jsi wort third, piled. L i.
groat lower m gfaftslanfelj j Fourth platje position was taken
id. j.| !|hyjA Company [Sign|l C^pt.
& ' '
The coiitistnnt droutjb durftig tkcl
Hummor and fall mpnths fp-i
^oth the Maroon and White'
Bands reqejiv id! 10 point* toward
the Best Dri led Outfit avvarji, a
■citation given ajid the dale uf the
school year, |)uv ! is continued.
A -Cavalry refedlved eight points
while F. Infantry andiA Signal
Corps receivcU alx and four points
respectively. 1 i
A Kngineejs received h« noinU
but: placed slxthi followed by B In-
tribute to Student instruction which nological Couege judged tne swipe
is the purpose ofi Ahe meats )*b| at the j
Livengood Prexy
Of Lockhart Cmb
Thirst /bi[ j|e/res^ineiii
Relishe^JlpefGold Coke
the purpose of-the meats
and the college as a whole.
Also mvluded iq the ]i
1,000 square feet of cold storage
Ipace maintained at a temperature
of 34 degrees fahrenheit, There are
also rooms for smoking hams, lard
tendering, and poultry killing,
j The quality of instruction and
equipment in the lab ranks us one
of the best In the oifunfry, accord
ing, to Blutler. With the installatioi'
susage mukir
thi fantry, B Voierkna,'A lufantly, E f f » making room It will
ii 1 Artillery aiulj C| Veterans, J he superior to any in the county.
launderette Sold
To Wilson-Bearrie
Wilson-Bearrie Company of Cpl-
Albert Livengood was elected
picsidoiit of the Lockhart A&M
Club last Wednesday night.
Other officers’elected were Con
rad Ohlendorf, v.ce.president; Leo
Extension Service
Promotes Gray]
voers Jr„ secretary arid treasurer; tunnljt in the inluntry. Hu reported Knight of tho Hehool of veterinary
Hr. Knight dujserihad
fovembtr 1, according to Chrfrles
O. Wilson, co-owner. John L. Bear-
jrie is the other cb-owner.
The Launderette will be super
vised by Mrs. W. A. Potter, wife
of a veteran student. It will be
’pen days a week, including 7
'Saturday afternoon, Wilson said.
New Equipment is beine added
five to ten minute service
Housewives may do their own
’sundry, or attendants will be on
hand to! do the laundry for them
Wilson said.
Supper to Be Held
At Consolidated
A Community Supper, sponisor-
of the'A&M Consolidated High
School, will be held Tuesday at
0:15 p.\th. in the school gymnasium.
A community market or “coun
try store” will be operated in con-
community aup-
,, «.m was | mstrumei
stopping many of SMU’* end
sweeps. • t . r | ; [ i
Judging the best Aggio 1 back-
field play wap as hard as picking
the best line work. But the sports
staff finally settled on Buryi Ba-
ty, whose passes blew flame into
the Aggie otjenae. Baty alpo did
an excellent job of quarterbpckihg
the game as he niixed up yups ana
passes to the bewilderment, of the
wildhorse crew across thi line.
Hitting his stride for (he t.v*.
time this year, ftaty showed ms
form of the last two sepsopp by
connecting with, 15 out of 33
chunks for 224 yards. He clearly
outshone Gil Johnson, tfie Mus
tang passer]
Oiner backs to receive praise
were Boboy Goff and Bob jGooae,
vioijf was especially good pn his
line plunges, several tubes pick
ing up lb yards or more tjiroogh
tne middle. Twice he went through
on fourth dojwn when A&M need
ed only a few inches, and thp SMC
line was ptjisedi tor a ■epuntef-
plunge. , j
Goode alpo played his ukual good
game. Actually, the Bastrop ath-j
leie leads the conferencej in pass-?
ing, having completed 3 oiit of 3
chunks this season. Gjooae loat
James A. Gray of the Animfd
Husbandry Department, has bean
promoted recently to extension
sheep specialist for the Extension s 0 ™ ort his punfiut aver]
Service t ^ a g e when hO had to puntljouLof
Professor Gray now is the sheep ^° u , nd! ; an, | a ^ a ' , j 3t the 4 0nc «
and goat specialist in’ the Animll ^ f nearly iaii; ol tne
..n.w . ---f- way, but was stopped sport by a
SMU player: when he hpd to cut
back to avoid another tajekfer.
' T ! /■' I]
Husbandry Department at A&ii
He Will take over his new job
arbulid the first of the ypar. J
Gr^y wil)i move to San Angel
n the heart of the sheep country
wheh he assuriies his new {i ut i® 8 -
Hd will work with Texas sheep nfeid
goat men, helping thorn to: solve
proWiMWi? ;| •
Aggie-Ex Called
To Active Service
Tilfonl Jones, an A&M gridiulto standards,
in tHi' class of 1948, h*H !>mi cull- Auvico on rocoKiiixin
ed t<i) active duty as a second liuu- birds was given by Dr.
Turkey Grndefs
In Session Here
Texas turkey graders, who will
soon be passing judgment oil thou
sands ol birds for Thwikagiving
and Christinas dinmira-rnujt at A
&M recently to study g
•-1 !>
i —,
■ i
Drilling begins for laying fouiuJntm.hL the
11 ■
Page 4
i : TUESDAY, 5^0VjEMBER 9,
• ’
Thp Placement Office
(1) November 9—Vaddn -Engi
neering Company to interview me
chanical eng.neers intereaUnfiA the
manufacture of heavy refrigera
tion equipment. •
(2) November 9-10—Proitor &•
Gamble Manufacturing G^hiian/
to intervjew chemical, mechanical
and management ongiiieet^ Atiiti
chemists. General meeting in tHo
YMCA Chapel .November 9 at,9
(3) November 10—Texa^pEm-^
plovers Insurance AssoqiaGdn to
interview - mechanical, ejoctricali
civil, management, and, chcmicaf
engineers intarested in. Safety en
gineering. . / 4
(4) November 10—Kaiser Sort
vice to interview mechanical ohgi*
nters for superyjSory pfeisiaijns iii
tho Production Department.' .■
(5) November' 10^-J. iG. Penney
Company to interview men inter
ested in a career in retail merchaiir
diaing. y
(6) November 11—Amerada P^
troleum Corporation to Interview
engineers interested in gcopiiysiciil
wdrk. I
and systems, aj (feliesitittfM ava
V Hogan Go'i
Officje. i
lorafion, desii
s and distribi
ti ji c^ittrol equife
t; peB' jpi! automatic
c'ontitol for irnlus rial! applications.
able] at
• m
era, a-
tore, of: iamb
ment alii dth
(fontjfepfjfc r ^ ,
They are interesuld in men train
ed in chtnticalj'ar d mechanical en
gineering: and chi luisfryi.
• (3) Chegiio: 1 • - r
sitiqnsi {iV'gila de^ _ r
Copja’p. MftiiniCompany.
t a\ .v - Puwdbr Cbmpafiy t
f >r chdinical and
afin lers-dilterested jin
Liberal Arts
(f) ApaXhe
has;, op linings
mechanical en
«pgincers for pd-
with: Anaconda
the jprodudtioit.of nitiii; acid, sul
phuric iacid, arimpmum nitra't
uitrdKlycerin -ar d hiiroglycerilne
powers, itc. x- , ,j<
, (5) Cqritine|ita Oil Company Has
opehjr" 1 ’ ’ ' ' ‘
pchings dft iheii orguikization for
peirolouni, niecl aniCal: and civil
engiriMijs: whjb iri? j injtcrrated, in
engineeiptig vferorjc in;l^hej Prudiltc- '
tiorv mid :Dril|ing Ddiialrttjiefit.,
((})■ Management ortgimjev train
ed in tjirMr uid niotnm study "
work -f^r The Hairit: and B
Coin)nin^ma nufn ett^re ‘
(study to
and Buck 1
of men’s
i \
j(l) There are opthinds wifh
Wjestern Auto Sppply. CpaipUny
fofe men in teres toil in training tb
befcome managers lof Western Au- .
toj stores. „• ][[ ■-# ^
);2) Samuel A. EHslfeepry <k)m-
papy has openings for rtonie men
acquainted with the building mai-
terials business. Tho man ik'od not
j'ri! fe
Money Cbnted To
3® hm Rat
* „ iill
14m Hi’ S
hijvq an engineering degree A. ......n/i'.L'o'
though it would be iveljiiul.! The ,' t S
jefca available are f in sales ana V, : l.'ISBl
,.. ,, , P| Blhjj HeoltL Sler-
vice h*4 fttiade |i gffijr t of $2,|K)0
to suiisi ort ikivc stigujiunfi (hi the
tti'iUdhll- I'cniiiremliitii of the
htii of the
aaaijf sij h is i
a}d Ft. Worth.- ; , Aul.tdi*^ ,,iu|de) , thH dkretion! of
jCU Thme are two Hoi)iitidu» open 1
9 Medicine.
no itymptoniM Of dmunsos pi a
*»*• ■d'Z iiSKra® v „^t;f
W™u. jterig “ ml “"“•'“’e iivlWu* e- I’S' J j:
Veterinary i ’7 UU t , niM-s. • C^dMm
(l) Union Switch & Signal Com. ami pm
Edgar Black Jr., sonql, Hecrorary; | t0 Kbrt Ord, C|a|ifornik, Ontfibafl:
? ch }JJ ,| H 0 * •rnw H ,„| L now training reicrulpi iln, ... . . . ,
and lono Met tee, rppoiAOTr | eignt! wioks basic traiiiinjf <|ourjMi> turkeys unmarketable or their meat niny has ojiohlngs foi engiiu'era
Another mqetiiig is tentatively ! Jofies was a two year lettbmhn unpalatable.,: Twenty grader# are iiitereslcd in dosigh shd ('redtiie- i
planned for next Wedpradifey night, in triock while at A&M. | attending the nhort coulse.: lam of railway sigiwd hppsiinlu# j
1 ‘ ,u — }-■* - t ...i ... ..^i. i w . Ml —i „ {ii.| 111 ip# ■ ati ■■ i|w ■ - i i .. . **•. •*"**■■*—»
djlmrni! ’Iii uiqd <'Xteiji»i-
J>xp?rlt lenfal studies [on
litis i»i(l oifeuff Virus fls*
iideiKta)id Mre thi nuiii-
: I j ‘ Iirv*. CdilM jiue itlyf. Ii i#j impifert-
tlenal i ■ (|H 1 1 i ini 1 nts [of ihiH^nnimiul
and Pm. ' jutinil) c rail tinviship of
inittltioM^i tlui imjlli noe uf Mar-
i! '1
ions vjl^Qpiimcu! esDI't
ed out. .
uraon point-
• Yes, Camels arq so wild that a Hati onvyidjc iO-day
test of hundreds of smokers i^yedled| not oifCringle (
case of tbtoat irutalion du^ v fo isr
The this test 'A*j
njea and women-
smoked Cana^is eXfdus.ivjbiy f'pt 3C| cd nse(pt|ive days.
Smoked anAaverage of one to jtw j packages bf
Camels a dijy. Jiach wedk (heir throats fere ex
amined by noted throat spedifediSts-ja iptaj of 2470
exacting e^aminiltions. iffi
thei. throw sp^bll.b
|j i w
ii |
l i
, : |.
• ' I ,! ,
' ' 4 i'.\
• i.
j ;
L ’ •
■ ■;
1 ■ :
" i