The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 09, 1948, Image 2
> u .'Y •:Ii. Pftgo 2 i. V . . ! : ' ' i .i i I i r 'Ci Your Pa || f, L I-' ,you that the water us^d b.v of the Power Planlt ca Y, How many .ot W — r \ i.L, mi td i\ ■T '' :>r Stattman, m, fotibt/y Gtntlm . i!i4 — >• I. ill' iMm H novkmbeh e* im an" Traditioni' ,"|v W' *1' mobile? . ■' • . uatt iAvriera kilow thii cooifihg tower damage i’our ahto- 'haltjj iy |ipm f is that M ; ! T; - I, tm m.'': w I . ■ j. ‘ H-' 'i : / ■ { about ;i feet off the bottom of the pool. j Yeti this fact does not mean j^iat cara iire safe in the nearby parking ajrea. They * i'^r’ iimMHmmmwmmmi si l : Nily t; :\ Y /' M L. ■ Trampling On| w* »i fl •JSte. ii • ! f -M Chivalry Ston$ » , 111 1 . v * i: » i ■r. /■v tnatMft I ir ‘ not. j. .1 doing so awaiin poomtown J As long as* it is imposstible to correct hi situation at the cooling tower, vehicle the to tVer the wAter )\\ners will dd well 'to follow several sug- Sneak Preview inii It dm. And It. pr daily if you park jutb Just east of the tpweit The reason/thi sp is able to harm yc ur c has a strong contentrkion jof alkali and fo^n, perhaps in jtfie areas jnear the army hiqride. A laboratory!test Of the coo ing tower water was madi for Thej Battalion last July. The teit shp^edla pH 9.6, al •What aw* you com 1 iiiplaiatn’ about, UiJn Mit air would coot $10 a day in Oalvefibon?!" -hf -h;' rented precautions. 1. Park in soihe other ^rea ndtor po'ol and the f jit is possible. 1 ■n' f ' 2. If I oonv i, Petroleum Building, ! i though pH 7 is iiieutrM .tjapic phthalein. to phenol-! This coiicentn i|tiori| Is Isiropg enough td remove commercial :ar waxes and con tains sufficient c|dori(|d tc) danijage metal , .. you have to park in the area.adr ajent td the offending tower, be sure to wash your car rtegularly with a r solution tijong enough toj remove the sprayj. ■ surfaces and eaujie-sc ^mUj°f |the pkint ' Spray from tide tower is carried an- the ? d - pray from the to|rer is carried ap- ’ proximately 1501 yarqs: stray j from source, thus it cfjjmplitely eoveirs the •: 'jacent parking area. i • j At the time <ff thiis.inmtiiation ahi ger >f the Pcjwer Flant iL ^h eitrlier test he Ii ngiijneerijjig Exneri- recclmmpjided draining il Trifling Hubby, FGitin. Wife Theme in “An Innocent Affair” Hy ANDY D.\VlS • in his nnupr In pneouratre Rosr- : ! (Ii An Innocent Affair (Uniled Artists) starring Madeleine Gar- Cpoperatlim of college i»uthori«es ii ! j YS MdJi’ leixlod to accomplish several recomnhenda- . ii •> ions which are suggested below. (Campus) When Madeleine Carroll sus- summer the n|iahi||jger )f f 11 -* explained that hjllow hg hh r.-- P. J. A. Zeller of ment Station had andpleaning Avas impossible^ I. ■ . At present la.s,t | 1. Signs should! be erected at the en- ninces to the packing area next to the Power Plant, Th&jie signs jshould explain hi* danger inyolvW in parking in that u*ta so that drivers may bd able to go else iv&ere if they, desired. A , . ^ tow# every 6 months'. Such an opendioi v'm kj ij^uiite shuljtiiig dawn the PowaHjliint inulifor Ibis repson pnee, u month' with changed dovvu 4 td pipes. Thrtnouthf t '■ ‘I I hi) he 1 (ghtiof |he suction That Hilltop The “Twelfth Manj; bfiy Bowl, while qi ii<St I i Plenma haughtily linanijihl off the field behind the crowd pfolloH’ind Ihe stood around list min playing swing ir i; sic. Mustangs ami Agt' each other, “Gom gan .0.” Everybody wt sThoafse 'Contrast, this scqhje bottle incident” ' v . .. Cotton Bowl, oi I* V resulting fights Jud (.Iclnioi^trationd have ’ v 1 UiajiMifig is tjuade mix jure Ij Hung v pipes are | 2. S»*ch draining methoids as, atte p6s- dlile should be used regularly at the cool- ujr tower to hold the concentration in the Artter to a minimum. i 3, College authorities should continue M try'to find, ojr develop! a process by A-ijiieh tin* offq!itdil|ng concehtratian in the' ivlAter could bej rendered harmless. [ Conora. I’a.. jis working to eliminate lif* dangers of -‘Smog”. A$M will have to ivilrk to oliminale the.dangers of “Spray.” j«?cts her husband of trifling, with another women, she takes steps to arouse tyis jealous nature, by- hir- intf a man to flirt witji her. The 'escort agency informs Macljlurray of his wife's doings, and tiie sUiru is set ft>r riotous eveniriir. i Miss Cairrell mistakes her - “hired man’ for a millionaire cigarette magnate (Buddy Rog ers). and her husband, who if* on to her little game, does all in his power to encourage Rog ers. In fact he even asks him to take Miss Carroll | out dancing. Both husband and wife turn up at the same place. MacMurray w ith one of hm* clients and Mitjs Carroll with Rogers. . Everybody has fuh including the mistaken hired main, until Afiss Carroll sues her husband for a di vorce. (She caught him trifling). MacMprray tries to explain that his relationship with Louise Al- brittoii is' purely of a business na ture. but, only gets himself more involved. Afi all good things must come to an. end, so does the pjc- turfe. After a merry chase ort a train the two get their problems ironed out. I ] l Between the Bookends . ,i.l .■.,^^....,...1^1. n i.j. i..i California’s Burma Road Is Theme of Exciting \olume By T. NANNIY ) ;r j. j: 'ecllKHMl in, the Li ! filf'dl out o n i f the!r L'V . ,h} J '■ ! ■ il V \ ,. ! .. i;/ , .. t stjukinti: bodies. who HhOwpd such dikre prd for sporUnmn.ship. '.!'''' Several huhdrfed Algieslaiu jes m •cc tic v m over the nation t )i$ y.*ar vheni the desire i Doak.may havei been the difference in | to win fed the f la tiing dies j lie tq fight. The brought discretm j to fil e lijns knd io the I The treasuiy get for the curre into the red aga jhe b|ack. - T wo ^ams. angs Musi. i We cain understand nowj why SMU won lil* €onf|rcnee Sportsmanship AwanMast yair. , ! •' 1 the Land of Shorter Shad ows. by Krlc Stanley (iardner. William Morrow & Company, : New York, IHiH. On most mbps Boya California ;is a Iohk expense Of lilank. ^pacc suriouflflod by a tortuvrtusly dwist- I ed conhtime. Erie Stanley tiliitlher | early bcitame intcresttxt in that "blank aroii” when he studied geo- 12 Bryan-(!olleg< Residents Get $481 In Rent Refunds y r graphy in grammai Mihooi. The band 3MU cofiiplimbrited I We felt Iw.elcoijn 2 on th^ir campus and tilfev wanted us to (imij happy, .yith ' the “pop lave a good time. 'Caij [in [that jsame ; pthejr stadiums The dance at tile Unio)i\Building was packed with Aggi js, TesSies and Mus tangs. And many i fhooper has added an aijdress or tWo to his collection. | It was a-grdatj Corjxs tri]>. The kind w|* enjoy and likd to refleitt bpon. peninsula was marked “unflixplor- 1 ed” in his text. That one little word eyenutaUy led him tojdnyes-, tigkte the area, ■/ LI lii his pielimiiiary attempts to secure information before making his trip from Tijudna .ioutb iho so- .ciired lots of infonnatictn, all epar- Twtl*1v(! temntis in the Brygn- College Station aiea were helped to get ren t [refunds of $-181,50 dur ing the (nohth of October, accord ing to figures released today by Gordon L. Ilemdngfield, area rent director. iacterized by its contradictory na ture and its coloiful lexpinaion. The 1200 mile road he xyas toj travel Sixtieeji petitions for rent ad- justmgntp: by landlords were turn- «*d in during the same month, he said. 'If | i I: ■ 1, ' was the most mysterious S»k;m of BBS) Twelve tenant complaints were The Passing I'aiid^. irepottod it fisml n afjipV ; Treasury figures] since July I to Jm ^ cess of income a,! of def Tongresslqniiil : $797,1^5,*10H,I-i Ijifid Counting tha n e\T r L'l get books would , d i ., 1 /t !i‘l (lereil othcrwliit* for !»! 1 -'ii p. ' '1 lie tiftttulii I* i City of College jteti Friday afternooi Utlion in publishetl. yeor. AdverUspU Tf *—*-*- ■ The Aisoclah it .tit" crediteef to ,« 0(T herein. Bights m Entered as »«r»nd<l. OfHco ut (VUckc Sti tha Ac t ot Cope res* S News contribu Iwin Hall. Cllj .ee, Room 20$, KENNETH BOND 4W- Louie UcnraiC . ,74f91 djtpyr 29, even un- vlerk! mf' tojeount it llir fojiTigni aid. t !' F , I \ii (-' oxpfndi Wh1 i (4 all. Some said it was impassable, some said it was; 1'ineL song} jsaid there was no roadj; the tnith about that road is in the text kf the nook. icceived during the past month by his office at Biyan, and to date, compliarcel has been obtained id siv of tliflisp eases. j !.:• (Hp game, but ityivas th" SMU student i)(|dy that was the difference on that plica- saint Corps trip. J It’s tne American continent's parallel to the Burma Road. It’s Figures for the month of sOc tober lujibg to ?l,7olU>!) the total : ^ ’ - TOf- i ' long anti twisted, rough and ragged; it goes straight up and drops straight down; it hhs 12 to 18 inch highH-enters and has no .centers. It’s all an\ road can be without losing its identity as] a road. (odajy the bud- "ir nag slipped long period in deficit amounted ijo $80.7j908,155.351 with jijie-third of Ithe fi teal ye# gone. Compajrifttiivef\(% there j was a budget / On thy!trip south, Ganintir took A along his two secietark's and their / office equipment, He also carried " gasoline, water, three frupids, a stove, canned foqd, aixl great bon- ront refunds which the Bryan ( fire has helped to obtain during ihe first 10 months of 11)48. j Fifteen of - the 1<» petitions [for rent adjustments by the landlorcs wore approved in October and ore was denied. Including the 16 peti tions rcjceivethlast month, a tptkl of 104 such petitions have bent received since April 1, Berining- field said. Of those, 86 have been appiiovcjd and 18 denied. “OcjeasSionlatiy we heaf- it said i h jjvgd spending biirplus of $88,638 452.69 Lat this time Ifist } ,,f aU ' oho ‘ for P' ckli ?R bi °- that present: laws afford no relief on- far,! ^vhen all kljending; items were in- pllidedj. , ' Thii>[ notice >vas plucked off ilw* A!P re, jus thj* bud-! 'tjss l|jinl n i»t or- lisciil yi*a(r, thej Hire the same day f'K [ Could it, have like Hope)’, GulUip vitas imticlpntitigja tim? “Hr U Mr| Tfuman jmlFqd hjs jeep tljiat the treasury, , and the stock market, Kepublican axlmitiistira- ! logical specimens. Gardneir tells us about thg whole glorious adventure, without roman- j. ticlking it. It was a legitimjitp ad- ; venture honestly ivporUkt.J It Is j vastly stiperior to the travel books 'exemplified hy the Richard Hnli htulon Hchnol of romamjc j: moo n bem os. It’s in the Cushing lllumy , j like it whether gott like; Pe,dry Mu ! son or not. and You’ll to landlords whose rents are con trolled,! but these figures rcfujtc i)Js( contention. Our office f»pejr- ates on the impartial polity yf aiH- ing lan|dli«pdij) to obtain eyerythitjig to which they are entitled updpr the la\y—-and bf aiming fenimtk jtn recover whenever they fure foj’cdd to pay mora than that,” Benrtinjg- I'ield tojifd. -f^* n; ffleii ion, ixcci.l yi-tvej Tu tea j m Battalion • l»^i y ^-4 i-o—4*— . -. -^ .nL I H' I ..Ml • mi isia.i.lMM^I SAVE ON ViOHR INSURANCE NURDS (Eliink of Oil# : - Li... - I/ I . —— ...j... ..L j j...' ... ) . ... ,,. i .. ^ il , . , • 'neM'ptmii'f of the Agrii URvmtl and Meplinnlcnl CollcRo of Texas And the • is viublilln d fivu t mils a Week and llrOU <i Pres of ret » for t. otlfmvi ie mu a s'sil'i. Ikrvt-y Ch*ny. John alaakti'T-i Clark Stunrw Mrs.; Nuucy LvUe 3ill HilHugslfr ,:....,h r. Nann«ar..'... , .ii^4.L Alfred Johnstvn tsi’ fir - -j'* 1 l- U y i/ Kaaiteih ■Ri»r»V.‘wff " nt Welch, C, ;/ ; ; / f hi --L— ■ !! 'yy 1 - ; * :• l*x« ), (lutii cly imi 'rfviifcl credited ii the pu ‘VT atid local nows ))fIspontanoous iiWiiRtlon [of all other pr|tt||'r. herein are also rcac.rved.j / - #di nay Gootl>| it I [a 1. bu mupe by telephone (4-5444) or at tl V.wiyiA.nlT.A jon request. Ijt iif(ulat«d ovgry Mon#y th. lihHdaya apd oxnlulnution' periods During thb uumnuT The Mo^ulay, iVethtwdi iy and 1 ! ’tiday. i; ubfecription rate |4.8(J pot* Cill toc|ay about our <[, . 20% KATE KEDUCTtiON ’42 "1 bineecli > mi llicrelorc, tl croln, by the mercies of tint >e pfeseni jour lioditih IMInif sin l il lee, Italy, ititee|i(t|b t* tut In Ga»r Ham. ii:l cxcbaivlcly U the tise for jtypiiblicatinn of r11 news dispatches Koliglam jand Miieilfiee rjv l|s '|> utShlOj In evdtl lihe pagan fpAa CK f»i of worship, men tnade Mufrlfitys to their gods, Our niissioiiarlekj ell tf and local nows of spontaneous origin publiili- 1 1‘houe 4*726lt Above Aggiehuid Phari ALTO iggieland I’lmrntac. — LIFE — FIRE us of children thrown into ttjngcy SOithewra false gods. They hrpught jdoud rivets to appeust* ithe wrath oi' the _ xjs. They ’brought :[{ snerifire tc our (loti. This vi'e i do Mcmb)crfof ;TO»l dARTER^U The Associated Press iced by deplione (4-51124)' or .UBoU Edituf .! UfC (. f ■■ it . on tod nat Service Chica«oi Luo A byC 1 National [ Ad- N*w York and Son hfe editorial office, Room 201, or at the 1 Student Activity ©S? »M>8I | |o*( hi* . ...J.., , I -ix W.dHtaiit Spoedo. Dili [I'vlL., I..<i» Soaior, 1 Andy MallulL trod So|ninenu..4>l Hardy Ro«8 Frank Tex KWd*. cauekiateiW. H. c blfl 1^0. .>4 K. C. Kidkye, Buir|r lyckilt, Clayton Solyk ...Snorts Editor RADIOS , - * Ti7'i , 100I A Office I v'! ■ lii 1 y- 1 iiP"*”*, 1 if si ’ Ills..,™ Supplies ALL YOUR NEEDS P R.TOBIN TOBACCO CO. DETROIT mmm • s 'h m y. :,i f I- i ',k m 1 i ' )mnn« >mun • •? T; ' !fly ! jFRANK C^SHWtf! i J^ouplc In gtneral weren’t too pupulitr hold the with * Chicago hounewife last week. H«r The *1 estimation of the human race wm;rightfully situation "Were Sf low after her little mixukj.. . i fl. . Phooey on other oman was busily engaged in wash- 1 g ti d^ un^x j Tc -f ■ ■ : ihi 5 1 1 0d ITIvt/ acLivyii ouu t«c viio- ..»» .avui xwtu ia mayed wpmaji. With no method of getting white scalloped f- the sill w^nt ^nto action and trapped the dis- waa not hard ^||Mj to sit upon th feet within t the glass she! allowed the window down oh her legs. For no good reason the burglar lock upon 1 \/- IF n’i^Sfaro toe fouhlh cum m entdmg oar * r* e window Mge and dangle her CaliforM. EsifiBcj he apartment. While ioaping happen tq the atte w 1 allowed the window toj come a derisiN attitufle towards bt loved ot hard to apo ian, thi university’s erit. fhe gaudy car ith its red paint and ?htfuUy at fhe insulting i fords hell nted-infold, whi^e lettejrs upon ;. ! I. I"! n had a h The. fo "A' what a tered appea fires w^re flat The )1 U change j to a colors i f the a Y; fft] -' JJ character in back some more. • . . 1 ;t •■ • t. . . Eventually the driver harken'd to her fire deimrtmeht tor$ its colle^ive hhir. was the driver’s sole climbed in the car a.nd drove comment as he drove off. * : i -, The humorist made an extensive tour of for a ladder.! “Nuts,’ One more pedestrian ignored the wdman’s the city. For additional amusement After some minutes of screaming the central headquarters busy running down e lady got results. A neighbor the false positions Of! his vehicle wjl shouting, in vain the heard and summoned the law.. The cops did little gtpod since the apart ment door was locked and they could find kept aiinuuncing|6vi Later he calMW in fo tlje ddpa no ladder. Their only, contribution was to call the fire department. The firemen turned lout to be the rpl heroes of the day.. They entered throukh an / ,| : y H/"[Yjjlir ^ Hillvl Club l(» lieer .►L;—ij. Lecture on Ethics Di\ Thomuh ;K, Mayo, lujiul of; the Etiirllah Dcimitment. will Kpcnk on .luilttli’ utul HpHonlv eth ics tit ii Hillvl dub mooting Wod- noMdtcv itvoninjr at 7:16 Jji thn YMCA Aaitomhjy Room, HutUj lawn oluh pro»)|<iont,[ ftnnmtncijd tmlay. The W<MtK*n< lay Rjilhorinji. will bo im ofiii ii n oHitnr, Gow)n aaid, ami vislttira a fc wolcotm*. A so cial boqr Will Ijollqw tlw mooting. T - fi TcHlay ami VVtvliidHday v‘.ucjbiiiifi doniHvy • I . 1 ArIM n ' l Thrill. MICK ra KUlrr McCfjf WEDNESDAY - Hi.lO . 14- tt sloppy in or out shfe sought the aid of passersby below. ! She shouted to a manrwalking below that she was helpless and asked!that he get a thej hood, ladder to help her dovrn. The peryerted j The h humorist laughed and proceeded upon his ance >, ‘ J way. j j z] | / color The perturbed-one then saw an automo- blue and bile moving plowly alonig the street. She; sity.. ) j f- waved; the driver waved back. She shouted : ; and waved some more; the driver waved A LfiuSdovinlf character n Cleveland, Ohio; enjttyed.himsetf'thoroughly while the r - fire d«meht: tor^ its costive h ‘ screams, stopped the car,, and listened, She Th6 joy-boy i^awffthe fire chief’s car sit- told her talel of woe and asked once more ting empty,.- ?Without a by-'oiir-lbave he ich he the radfo. ] j boasted that he Jiadliket domSdj the chief’s hat. As »a last‘ge.f tfre he tMed on th' siren Iwh a lengthy ollst. Thi police fjhally found He i|ar—empty once mbref long and univer- ' j. , , :;r^ y m- ,i t tuui Ui he kept . i'ff-:' ft •f ii LAST DAY FIRST RUN BRYAN-COLLICGE —Feature Starts 1:30 - 3:30 - 15:40 - 7:50 -10:00 t-RED MACMLRRAY MADELINE CARROMl. Lucky Licence ttite BE PRESENT — IT'S I II-M i / ■ • FREE (ft Y $100.00 i I *. ' if 1 ‘v l I • :q & u An Iiinoceiit Affair*" , -4-Plua - TOM & JERRY CARTOON “MIDNIGHT SNACK” LATEST NEWS P WED. thru SAT i. FIRST RUN RR Y AN -CO I.LEG E --Feature Starts 1:15 - 1:00 * 6:10 - 8;05 10:05 Rolifiil MITCHUM Y 1 11 when We ketq) out bod ties puiv tind eleun in Uis; sight;. (Bead Ron). 12; 1-9). M' / H. ■ ' S.UWF0M mgav ; — :pi yjsSSl”-, iM '.I;. PALACE Bryan 2'$$79 TODAY thru SATURDAY FRIDAY ISTcaioo Y 1: ■It ■: III aU: f 1 x 4-- rr ■/T i: , ' : :f'‘f ■ ' Y\ f.l : . Cj “HALF ■p-Pt ■'A y ty mm IT PYOMV ” 5T NEWS j ]4 / *\' f - ■ .-ivi M', i I./-: , y •t. ■■ • y . ! : iA y : -1 ■ TIE lUtf if ii. mni" : wi^tmmuv' 'Oi Y-, / \ . 'i • ! : •:- Vi Mil fc V,4 \ 1 L fi 9 .J I i i m Si 1 . \ o .^. : J