The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 09, 1948, Image 1
- ,i;l /» : i •! ENDDRANICE 1 ' OVER HA|P L0NGV1 :w, the halfwar world rec<rd, M ^ Pred Vlrnnint watched fot go. hope* of re uell , So fat tley ‘ f by awodpin r do i h drums JTrom! spc Ml IE r: ov. k to endurance; nd Mt weawer in |he vo pfeked an*'l pu W H Volume d|8 *1 ! Sio*. ; They had plftl, ine in the air Bund wind* provsntw did some 03 porlnientnl flyjnirj wl the propositi rpfuelldfir that synch ‘Onli^ttion iswll too difflcu t' proves. Vlnmont mid IjSImo: sod tho 4a( .hour mai yesterday, < oitei|atod fthel tlpn to go f tr beyond llhft record set i 1 llifti by At ani Key nt Metkilnm Misri.The fliers set tt uir goal af -IWHl which wuul I bring th|m do about a w<ck hofortj Christmba, but said tlry might extend it to Christmas qvo.' ■ rtedj themNdvoi th Sunday!. 1 . l, ! : < , ;t::t I . 1 ■ I ■ i ♦ k' : Both repr best of hen 1 v ihe CHIANG DEFIES COMMUNISTS ARM* NANKING, Mi# 9 Chi- anjc Kai-Sh|i‘k, far frOm dowm aind ,out, warned China today’to get ready for eipht more year4 of war on the Rods. [{ resident wtid ihe‘ vfill ace With tljc Commun- bnly chance for peace, exterminate the Reds China’s not make . ists. China’s he said, is on the fiel The stat 000 Kuomi and legisla Current munist ins / of battle hj -IM inent was^ made to tang (party) members eace rum<iii*s are Com red, said Chiang ized for the faih lev. tor t He apoloj ized| for the failure;of economic an 1 currency refoirms and and new m lasures to bolster the situation ai e being jjltawn. like wise, he det lared, hewl life is ^eihg put into the I nation’s aemieis. ] ; ! Chiang d;)J not try )o minhnSze recent defes ts. The lo$g of -Mukden and CHinhsHn wore the greatest setbacks of the long, bloody China revolution,, he presid mt dsolarcd. ‘PHANTOr R^I’ORTED OFF CRIM ? SCENEi i TEXARK VNA, ArW., (A*)— A dlputy pro^ecu said he was jtold last rtl|tht ;that the University >f Ark an rub freshminn who left n suicide t|<lte ’blalnlhg himself for |hree of tlfi Tebca ‘ “Phanton” rllipga vtii, at bow® e, night of one' of thf c«n . k Earfler, ilt FpvotteMlIo. iSHw+ff BrucoiCrldpf dlttlnswls that nnison lefft two ether f them (fntd; I'Tleaae other nAMwaiesiDiat I Have writ en/| [ - I ' Crider rs«|d He hml ( no id which ordn the notes* web' ten. :| , -In [ ' ; Tennison was I fount] dead'ih pia room in Kijvettevlllellnst Crider said ne H U H swMlo son. old Hi 6. notea. One A.dliregartl a i: W" fxi\ \ ' V4 I 'C IjfT . •s H! vT i:,; l i am ■ L> .v; ,>1 i. m II -■rn' n Tj'j/ .j-T.; | 0 r i I ^TWfrW ■T nit -iijf ./• v |;|! ■ t ■-; il St I M • r.m RFTir r- : I mm pfi T Z-j i m [*1. !• ■■ .‘H ' fei) •it in !■•• » i -l t l i) ' * *,*• h.K ' J iili !k I iL ^ H! kX I % J / J/J A -.ihM m m 1 S’!! 1 Kir" ft.--.-: m ■/ • f ■ v .Y\!' ' ? '> y . „ .;•! . m JT :! •• li m ' jS % ■i-r''h - A' ' ,*){> m ii 14^ . r v .j # | • ! i :| ‘ill; , 1 • •• . k ‘ / 159 Metermen Registered For Public Utffity Short Course One hundred and fifty-one electrical metermen have registered for the Public Utility Short Course tfhich opened yesterday and will continue through Friday according tb an announcement by; N. F. Rode of the Electrical Engineering Departmen ien it fficial To *♦ Registration will continue throu ghout the week, and the peak 0 attendance is expected to be reach ed; Thursday or Friday, Rode!sail The short course 'was opened bj Rode at .10:46 a. m. in the Genera Assembly Room. The group we omed by Assistant Degn 0' eering R. P. Ward. JJ Fen porintendent of th ♦f tho Texn “Raili Practices fifth of iscussioi Accounting md Principles,’- light railroad pane) :to be given here by Southern Pacific RRllroad officios, m be presented by G. BJ Heirbirt, S. pThtiditor, •j* Deputy P rosecutor 1 i Robert IE- ill said Iffl-yeir-oldUamjjs Frce- ap came, to him voluntarily!here to relate tnat i-Tenn son |waj» ;*t home the ni^ht of May'3.1194$. On that nghtjj VirgilfStirkn vfas shot to death artd his^ife.segtoim* ly wounded. Young Freeman wa.s sut date because, Hall satd hejre he spent that evening jwit]i 'nenM- son and then Hard a’ : radio of Stark’s k Uinjr. 3 PROMISE HEUD FOR QUICK STRIKE FINISH, ; SAN FRA NCISCO,fNovi 9 r-tTt A formula For reopening negrtaa- tions held promise today -of hulck settlement in the 67-day -West Coast Maritime strike ' | , Resumption Of negotiations ’■ a- waits the amvial of inisticinal' CIO representati .Employe: last night said they end the s waterfront ipeade in The agreement! call tional CIO to ; partici i ' lM EAST TEXAS FIR STILL CALLED ‘S LUFKIN, Nov. 9 eight forest- fires giney woods of East ^exas y . As north winds s of new areas a Texi* vice official said “thb!)iit rather serious again.T Damages caused by Eait Texas f at 7:80 tbrnght in thd^ARTi* culture Building lecture Hcitert Will speak at a s; meeting of the Accounting 8< J. E. Hi CWl he Accoi ogap, Society reporter, an nounced. Tthei Accounting sreiet sponsored Herbert’s appearan here and will! act as host during his visit. Longhorn pictures for the Ac counting S4cifty will also bj taken at the meeting. Hogan requested that members: wear coats and ties. Thursday! T. Fi Jones, S. P. valuation- engineer an dtax com missioner, will talk on “Railroad Depreciation ; Procedure and Ac counting.” jThse session is planned for 11 a. n). ]n the YMCA Chapel for business and accounting sen iors. Jones is h brother of D. C. Jones mathmaticsi .profeasor at A&M since 1909. '■ \ rhomas, superh „ wr delmriniMK (Power and Light Company i! an pradident of the Metermen’s Ass ciation, welcomed tho moterme am) explained to them the detail of the program planned for th short course. > 1 The group was! then addressed b; Profassor M. C. Hughes who talk ed on service: Ho outlined tho Nov York Ed Won Company’ll pol icy 0 serylOo first. The group was s impressed with Hughes’ talk: thu nubierous requests, were mode R I Rrt a written copy so that )t couli |bc published by the various util Companies represented, Rod - t p’ould ipaure [ the ! fdture. I for! the n&- > ; Jofis’i .(A*)-*- Forty- in the in th y^siter ept (he : fires l f’orest Ser- tion is Sad< Forest flrea this yehir was esti mated so far at morofthnrt 12,600,- 000. Tw6 Uvea have hUn Ipai.’ Dunmire aaid only! . of the 14,000 square dalles nhdur forest protection had been Mmmil over py foreat flrea. ||f. 1 I ■ Hut ho aaid the btirnot area la equal (Oi-a atrip five mi Pa viap and lift miles long. i In Bryan Nov, 16 Raymond! Swing, analyst of talk at the \. i UN TO WORK 01 alder nt a private ^ PARIS, Nov. P ti tde Informant laid liat nlil, , U, N, Security Oouiic]l Will coin- aider nt n private njeeth g ioday n plan to replnqu tho shaky 'truce In Paleatlne with an^ ‘ ‘ world affaiira, will Stephen Fi Austin High Schoo Auditorium! ih Bryan on Novem ber 16 in the second program of the 1948 Bryan Artist Series According tb Swing, tihe da years in Europe are 1948 and while the wiestem countries are re latively weak and Soviet power can take over Europe by force without effective resUtanco. .Swing made an extensive tour of Europe .in the summer of 1948. During (is’ tour Swing »ny Iked \Hwinu with badeifa i In Knglsiul j and ‘ Impai here nger turod SaU- pap J 1 , _ , \ WEATHl f Eaait Toxai—Pnrtlj colder, this afternoon near tho court. Partl| colder tonight with h i- W eat tempeir- atures 28 to 34 in northwest poi tion. Wodm Fresh to occaaii eriy winds On Wednesday |l|f] Cloluiy and ' P ith shpwi vlojudy s : aind! cool. ap, £ France. He iviilted Gt ho flew Into -Berlin ns pii on a coal-cirflo plane, He J at the llnryattl Seminar 1 bury, Austral I Swing murned from fiurope confirmed In hie belief thati only the eaUblhihrrjvnt of worldT ment lean navi tha. world ti ..ill,- !L ** ,|tip, "To “iihould: be tho ob the American govern ment, and «lomhlng It dora ahouk bo mdnsure I (tt torma of whether it aerves fd • tnat end.” the; Vain Balck udging Meet of! the Dairy products returned to A&M ty, Ni J. ted A&M in fiJL ttlantic Clt; ted i tlry Products the attendants were divided ihto two groups. One consisted Of men studying single phase meters and other studying poly phase meters. The theory for the single phase meters was handled by L. M. Haupt, and N. F. Rode handled the theory for the poly phase meters. According to Rode, the course i? well attended in the field of the different companies in Texas, Ok lahoma and New Mexico. General Electric Company was represented by R. H. Mighell, E. S. Tounsend, and H. E. Trekel. The latter two have come from Lynn, Mass. West- inghouse Company was represented by H. L. Buechner from Pittsburg Penn.: C. J. Snyder from S.t. Louis and T. D. Barnes and J. M. Heggy from Newark, New Jersey. T|ie Sangamo Electric Com- - pany from Dallas was represent ed by W. CL Fowler and C. W. Ingram. W. J. Deffendall from Lafayette, Indiana, represented the Duncan Electric Company. A banquet will be held for all metermen on Wednesday evening at-7in Sbisa Hall. J. Fenton Thom as w|H preside. The speaker will be O. S. Hockaday, superintendent of transmission, Texas Electric Service Company. * Longhorn Seeks 4 Veteran Seniors Tim Longhorn office needs more information on four veteran sen iors in order to print their pictures In the ’49 Longhorn, Kan Row, co-editor, said today. tiemge K, Desha, Harry R. Ot- ill, Hugit H. Karrtetor. ami Calvin R. Thrasher comprised tho list Rose asked that thv m«n ham- •d bring the necessary informa tion to the Longhorn office in Goodwin Hall. iji Proctor & Gamble Interviews Listed ReprewnUth A Gamble com; ! /- ! ■42 ;• r T ti i- '"‘IV : ;K# - •Hi ■ I l: a :i __ ,.. rr ^. = . rr —.. , ; — ,^ r , , - ”L ^ : 1 LI' ! : ‘King of Stokers’ Title Due For Wi -IL ' I I't mf" Rr" Of Bait’s Annual Pipe Smoking Co ' >■! 1 ' * 1 II /. Number 73 Ii Dr. Winters To • • I 11 '' Address local ACS Thursday Dr. James C- Winters of the Resinous Products and Chemical Company, Philadel-' phia, will address the A&M section of the American Che mical Society at 8 Thursday night, Fred W. Jensen, sec retary-treasurer of the local section, said yesterday; Winter’s topic will be "Recent on Exchange Developments.” In his talk Winters will give a rief review of the chemistry and tructure of synthetic resin ex hangers, Jensen said. He will discuss the significant dditions to the theory of ion ex- hange which have, resulted in the >ast two years from studies of re- ction mechanisms, kinetics, , ex- hange equijibria, and chromato- •raphy. Prediction.^ will be made of an ‘ven wider [range of activity for he ion exchange process, promised >y development of several new syn- ictic exchangers whose interests ig propertibs and uses will be utlined briefly, Jensen continued. A native Oklahoma, Winters Vectved his'B.A. degree from the 'niversity ojf Kansas in 1939 and a M.S. degree in 1942 and his h.D. degree in 1944 from North- 'estern University) I He is a member of the Amer ican Chemical Society, Sigma Xi ’hi Lambda Upsiioh, Alpha Chii Sigma, nd Nearj York Academy of Sckmctii .. r > jj. . r • 4 ; An Informal dimior in honor of he speaker will be held for sec- iOn members and thdr wives at > 80 n. m. at Agglnland Inn, Jen- m voa of the Proctor pany will Interview Job applicants on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, w. R. Horsley, Placement Office head, announced Wednesday. PAG representatives will inter- raduating seniors in me- hemical, industrial, and engineering, chemistry, tt ! 1 A&M GENERAL—Maj. Gen. John T. Walker, USMC, will re ceive an honorary LLD degree here November 13. Maj. Gen. Walker To Receive! Degree Here November 13 I . M-i'i An honorary LLD degree will be conferred November 13 upon Maj. Gen. John T. Walker, USMC. Gen. Walker is a 1917 graduate of AA M in civil engineering. Ceremonies will he held in the YMCA Chapel, with President F. C. Bolton officiating. A native of Aalo, Texas, General Walker served In World War I and World War H. He was award ed the Navy Cro«« f'for extraordi nary heroism and moritorloua de votion to duty during tho assault against Eniwetok Atoll. Marshall Islands.” He commanded the 82nd reyiment during the assault and capture of Rnlwetok Atoll and was chief of the First Provisional Ma rine Brigade during the invasion and recapture of Guam. In World War I General Walk participated in the lefenia of the Monglrmont sector. He also served in tho Demonican Republic, joining th# Haiti constabulary detachment in 1988. General Walker, now statiohed nt Coronado, California, is one of 30 generals who haVe been nward- mm legrees by AAM HONSHU FEELS TOKYO, Nov. 9 — Three m mid. . -j j ' ' !• • •il - is V. i '. :■ 1 , y A -. . j..,. .. i> ’4 , i H ..v'fc * •light earthquakes ! war® ihu Island todajjjr. 7 / UAKE felt on D|r LARRY GOODWYN Tomorrow^li tho day when poaaoHalnk a big bag of wind may pay off In the farm of pmes. The Battalions annual Pipe Smoking Content for puffera with endurance will be atnged In [the YMCA chapel, atartlng at 4 p. m. With tb lay to accomodate late con teat nntp Cotton Bowl thrllllr SAturdtit, ihA^Pij^ Bowl thriller” may draw the biggeat Hat of entrjca alhee the c|ntoat originated. Aa lurea to proap^ctive puffers, ] r- 1 :rt» will -m-r 1 i.l ' tH(Mi In dofitline for ontrlos extor|de<l to midnight overlng from tho I thrillor” m2 I Corps iyomdlion list Naiiies • : r .jl ■ ! jli'.L -'| i! ■ 219 Men For New Positions Two hundred and nineteen! new. Beecroft, J. F. Ready, J. E. Ruth- * erford, D. (J. Thoni, _H._P. Davis, promotions have been announced by the Military Department ac cording to Lieutenant Colonel Joe E. Davis, Assistant Commandant Walter Zimmerman was appoint* ed supply sergeant of the corps with the rank of master sergeant Tom D. Reynolds was named Cav alry-Engineer Liaison with the rank of master sergeant. Other promotions are as follows: Headquarters Senior Battalion Major, J6hn W. Thompson; Cap tains, Milton L. King, S-J. Ken-! neth M. Frazelle, S-2, William S. Halcomb, S-3, Joe B. Reusi.'SW. A Veterans First Lieutenant, Henry I. John son* second-in-commiind; S t a f f Sergeant, Kenneth Hightower, isup- nly sergeant; Corporal Walteb A. Turner, guidon bearer. C Veterans First Sergeant, C. D. Sexton, brst sergeant; Technical Ser geants, Donald A. Flanagan and Ben F. Brittain, platoon iser- voants; Staff Sergeants, Thomas f\ Ryan, platoon guide, Frank W Cushing, L. K. Carter. Robert E.< Sullivan, Lawrence M. Hinjdey, •quad leaders; Corporal, pEari D. Sherman, guidon bearer, i E Veterans L Technical sergeant, W. L. Hjahn. platoon sergeant, Staff Sergeants, W. It Shannon, scholastic ser geant, J. 8. Dennihg, j. riatoon guide. W. L, Bruock, C. V. Woo- tun, W, C. Myer, and T. !W|. Kel ley, squad leaders. j Senior 'Rand } j • ' First Lieutcnanta, D. R. Howell, sccond-ln-command, T. B.. Rox burgh, administrative officer, J. A. Htahdofer, platoon leader, H. (?. Boynton, Scholastic Officer. White Band Flret Lieutenants, Gerald Post, nhd A. E. Lurrocn, platoon lead- eh, C. B. Kitchens, scholastic of- ncer, J; H. Long, fifthlctic; officer: Technical Sergeants, J. Qtojmrc and F. Davidson, plntodn ser geants; Staff Sergeants,; W. J. Worley, platoon guide, H. K* Bas** G. Wyly, and John Mdrtensen squad lenders; Corporals, R. Jack M. Adkisson, S. Thompson,! F. Elatt, and J. W. Norris, assistant squad leaders, C. H. Neeley, guid on bearer. Maroon Band ; First Sergeant, L. G. Maxfield, fjrst sergeant; Technical Ser geants, W. E. Hollar, and Ben Bickham, platoon sergeants; Staff Sergeants, J. O. Williamd, schol astic sergeant, J. C. Slayton, ath- lOfic sergeant; Corporals^ BJ E. Sigma Xi to Hear Jensen Speak On Analyses Methods / * Dr. Fred W. Jensen, head of the Chemistry Department, will ad dress the Sigma Xi Club Wednes day evening at 7:30 p. m. in the Chemistry Lecture Room. TTlie sub ject of Dr. Jensen’s address will be “Analyses in High Frequency Fields.” ; • : ] I Jensen has devised a new meth od of analysis which depends upon the effects produced when liquids or solutions are introduced with in the field of a high frequency os cillator. Advantages claimed [for the method are flexibility, high sensitivity, and elimination of the use of electrodes and indicator^. It ty possible to follow tite ebursa of a reaction or titration directly on a meter, Jensen says, | . Jenson Is one of 2 scientist* no minated for tho first Southwest iegional award of tho American Ihemlcal Society, R. L. Goodwin, E. 3. Snead, as sistant squad leaders. ; . j Drum and Bugle Corps Technical Sergeants, J.| W. Hor- rell and A. D. Waldie; Corporals, W. A. Dunlap, W. El Elmore, H. M. Scott, E. L. Stiles, E. C. Rod riguez, and 'C. E. Wyatt. Headquarters Infantry Regiment Major, Erich Gottlieb, Sv3; Tech nical Sergeants, W. L. Mackey, communications sergeant, R. H. Gregg, transportation sergeant, M. M. Skaggs, and H. P. O’Neal, color sergeants; Corporal LeVon Massengale, color guard.. Headquarters First Battalion, Infantry Regiment Captains, Bill Nichols, S-2, and J. W; Stegall, S-3; Technical Ser* geant, Art K. Gorman, sergean major, and B. E. Skidmore, suppl sergeant / ; J] ' j ! l- A Infantry Staff Sergeants, J. W. Turcotte, nlatoon! guide, R. E. Curtis, J. B. Stokes, and G. E. Jiidge, squad leaders; (3orporals, A. Wj Noll, C k L. Pence, And H. M. Shelton, as- sistant squad lepders. B Infantry First Lieutenant, Aaron Charles, secQnd-ln-cqjmmnnd, Technleader it nines, 8-1 { Harris- tant squad leaders, J. H. Holloway, guidon, bearer. •] ♦ • , Headquarters Second Battalion, Infantry Regimen Captains, James Gain Technical Sergeant*, John on, sergeant major,. arpi Bryan Mills, supply sergeant, ( •; D Infantry •First Lieutenant JameA W. Rob inson, platoon leaden Technical Sergeant T. -F. Dailey, plato<in unt; Staff Serei leqgst, platoon egants, Arthur jjraide, EdwarJ t tant squad leaders. f | - C Artillery L. Technical Sergeant J. JI. Wells, RnUliwi B. R. i Greenwood, scholastic rg ,. r Platoon sergeant; Staff RergoantS, geant |_ B. E. Solomon, ; platoon -in-coonmfl , C. R. Hamlltion, andTt. C ' toon serofants; Staff unvs, W. E. Richard, platoon -ulde, L. D. Jones, W. A. Tricho. R. E. Patrick, squad leaders •torels, RTfS. Matthews) ‘rcants, ^reeves Sergean f , wi Foresters Mcet« T. Today at Crockett Objectives in th<i forertry pro- •am of the Extension Service arc rf the Extemiion Service. this £ irt- mding the merting are Young, Wade Simmon*, Rhodes. /( ,f iA ■ /( • , „ , .B. Trlckoy, 0. C. Damulth.i W. D; Barnes, and A. A. Korioth, assis tant squad leaders, K. W. Schankc, Tuldon bearer. C Infantry First Lieutenant. B. J. Garner, "Intoon lender, Technical Ser geant, J. K. Rackel, platoon sor- •cant; Staff Soiveont. C. A. Tav- ’or, platoon guide; Corndrals, R. B. Naler, and P. C. Cpfflti, arsty-' YMCA Schedules Reproduction Film For Showing Here (T • 1 # O If A film stressing the biological normalcy of reproduction^ and the mportance of clear, [objective knowledge of these faqts will be shown to freshmen athletes Tues day nieht at 7-30 in the Civil En "■ineering Lecture Room, M. L. Cashi^n, YMCA secretary, announ ced Monday. At 7:16 Wednesday, the film will be shown for fathers and sons in the recreation room of the Epis copal Church. Ahy father wHo wishes to bring his sdhs, fifth rade or above, is invited, Cashion said. i 1 ! j : ly - | j An open showing, to which Oash- ion invited anyone interested to at-j tend will be held Thursday night after yell practice. The film will be shown to the 1 Garden Club in the YMCA Chapel at 3 0. m. Friday (arid that evening it will be shown to the • Aniiox freshmen, Cashion said, j ■ , Models and animated drawings are used in the film to des<’ril>e the anatomy and iten by itep func tioning of the reproductive organs of men and women in the complete nrocess or reproduction, Cashion explained. Uj ' |.,! guide, J. P. Hencerling, G. L. Sha fer, K(| P, Adams, and V, G. Rot lins, squad leaders; Corporals, M T. Thurmond, T. H. Beyder, J. F Monaghan, E. D. McAllister, artd J. D. Hinton, leaden bearer. I* tant squad leaden, A. J. Stansbury, gulden D Artlllo^ ^ i $ a f. i _.„,_ktoon sor- My Staff Sergrt»n&, J. thl X Technical Scrgwttd Honk, and K. D. Cook, Hihg, athletic sergeant, F. PROMOTION, Page 9) Hr? ! -Mi : [flip "i i-' i KMiffii; ■ 'fckf. Cox Will Speak To A&M FFA Croup Murrey Cox, radio farm dim- iwtfon WFAA*LDallaa, will ruret of the AAM •to Cliap' tor for a be the gw , . r 10 „ Hart, preiltlent of tnq ;eluh, ha* r| 'ii ii ;• k- ? h I m •.'•f • In' oompetHU division Avlll If cob’ plixis; rid ft ^ In addtylun tfi 1 fing (iivi‘iii»ii, thii mfft ' I' '>'< I,i.-*.(—' ■ 't ■ ' ’ jlw vUuio or tie Batullo*’* pipe smbkini Oontret wan given a boost Tuesfay when the name* •f the! conUfcti judges were an nounced. Disbeasing justice over thj “smoke-flilled” room will be none other than Tillie, of North ably asabted en- more widely Ugly Man. Un- 4 ‘H'Char! known - a official Editors. CUt Uhrry Good' . on hand to siUe d is pales, ttalion’s Contest kl C. Mnnrob land ^>n- ii . Ti;• itioh ii 1 ihreei other classes e largo b)ftl classy the stand ard class! ai d |the radiator cap class. A« an a< dftd feature a boniest, to decide the “rdll your own cham nion” [of A&H 'will be held will competition b ing diyided into twe classes—pifofcksional; apd amateur The “profekstonaU” will be ex- pceUd to do (he job with one hand while the “amateurs” will he allowed to Use both hands-— 1 and feet, too if necessary. Time requirtnl lo iol|i the “weed” plus the quality 0 ’ the role iudf will bb.the basis oj: awarding prizes. In the \ftri< ui pipic smoking di- ’dsions, each contestant Avill be riven a measured amount’of to- 'mco before 1 ghting up. When tho ' each entry will fire and the puffer la»t- rill Wf (leclanri the M •i S ^bo before 1. •iitoul ls giver, 'Udift'S doslrei ♦dart of styolq) ht's pipe. Thi* pr wUnlra Ir all previous pipe i»l*nd eartv; ehtn market. 1 tha contort hy-.the inventor and Irit being gl*en away as a hales od not puff all 1 s must bo kept aM.tliw ono of tlw ho may requoat u (from any cOwtoFft. | )/ , , . for entries" and IgyeaFs contest top offerings. The r.n l will be awarded ire not yet on the were donated to I ntoter. f« to, 1 r :Ji m . Wi lUk •• 1 ml ■ -1 m ’ K iiir ■ ; ■ j }:>v MISS PRUNELLA GILDER- AJTCH, disqualified cnlr) in Vanity Fair, left yesterday for Austin where she will enter annual Bluebonnet JBeile bea contest. ; M'; Aggie-Ex Will Be Reburied Nov. 10 Mark Willard Hertx, ’46, will be re-interred in Lafni’ettft La 10 a. ra. Wednosdayi v 'i ,' -m' Hertz entered A&M In 1912, mid ‘ ‘ ‘ the Army Air Forces “•d tho Air ies will have a knre to tri tout the gadgets are placed on jto'tiia fl Wral public. PP Alll jentriks sHouhl be turned ‘In to Contest Ed tort Battalion Office ‘n fiopdiwin 1: all, bafore midhight Tuesday in oreef to {be eligiblje for ‘he contest THuradaj t Ih order to n*kc [the contest to detdripiho tjhe Corn,Cob Champ of ‘hoicprapua it s ■ representative as 'rtsiihle,,' rqlei iliavci Wtm sot up which: will re itnct entries to one '’gndidate frondeach militarj or- rimlzstipn on the campus and two ahoiqates frqtn each nbn-r airea. tprinitory ftoo Ag|: Attem I -military 11 }« Yjg r , • Robert M Baglay and James O. W two agricultural education stooentg, wfllla trend,' the National ite 1 Fanner* in . I I 1' Ventlon j 0; Hr., Rdss^ pro d Education KaBsaa City. November 16 through ip. [ Henry Rcjsa teasor in the Depart- Agricultural E it niefit, has announced. [They wilt b< amonV the 500 Teu- ajn* whq will |lo4ve Dallas Sunday tdoriifnir on 1 Bpccjial train for Kansas Tit r ’ f awarttod tho Air |)1« Heart Wore he nlJSl^ ort Arthur Cli Picture Seheduli ntfon \ ># ot .tat of■ evening, November Hart, proild ‘ * airhounoad.! „ Murrey will dtscu** "How to «<r. ganlio and put on agricultural ra dio programs.” One of (ho objec tives of the A&M FFA Chapter la to teach Ita membere hOw to writ* and put on agricultural radio pro- grama, Hart aaid. : . j i This will! be a apcclal meeting held In liou of the regular meet- •ng which would be M 8. The meetlntTwill iMl p. m. and Will be held ginrering ed. ednetad- Jf' , tte Port Arthur r Wpholographed for AAM Club r the Lout ra Ulent J. . - T „ today, ’ffltl . BrouMsrd aiked that club mem ber* wear WWMWmT’' ™ .ttytall* for gl ^ n .^ n 1 .•■'l s»i”i- A 2a ■I JJil j ' mto Chapter of < : il jbjicrintiorj sell- mtored bj^ W0, \ !; | ^TFutorcj mrm entered afkub teift oampalvr aeon, ftoityh^rn AerimtHurirt, a (fiirift *«a|rs*lne on' bshsd at Nesn-’ilfe •tVoneRaeo, t s«u»h aubscrimlons were sold to nay the egpsnso* Of rtimlnr t«rn men to! tbs National ftoftv*nt|rtn at K **»«*• C|ty, li’V i Roto nvnbtl uni that Ihc nufno*e ibe Niiiihoul Convention ,re Fnrnuirs I* to iglvi* atirtent* sq ohnoHnhlto to mret «tud*nts ftoto sit tb*( other Mate*, A nrt^ti ft»r tne i enaiilng ve ♦R renorts from; vi II be beard, hhd.a contort wl|l W of \\ ♦bra 1 fwrt SiSTnBi, ion* state* v ri»btie enrek ho *s|||, ■ . the blobtlv tt of lb** Tff,|s nddni h'tbe aw* Antorireh Fl»»mer Devrd# wh Hunted to en» decree n*>r owe ‘ doHli Terej will , '‘I'rtri 1 rn: • (4* Uelut 6. CUy, AmiScan commander Ii Germany, will Join British and 1 renCh offlcere today lb tilki deagned .to■unlfy ^ torn fiuropo. V ;r{ IV v'-: y'K/ : M ; j wii II ; ut Hon, ♦bo rb la ou* *v* t, ; ’ i