r- L ,;W f i r» sb MONDAY 1 t ft Vljffl ® > : • • v • I il Ni" '.i: w n .y — is*' 'M: ' NA) I •• • — — ■ -i ii'v h v (. , BY — r < ‘ i 1948 j-'tiy HOW/ [ - V' ' ■ i&Lfe m r ♦i" TT ■ PageS ftfe MethbdistsP: Threaten ic, Up» : t Yak! Yakf! Mighty < Stpie Methodist cafne within j inclkes suffering (arid I mean suffering defeat at thl hands of th'ii lo\ AgguwrXhoafe SMU fans w||«re they didn’t until they got out of the Bowl. ! A&M stunhed Harrj and n|c) by boUnci|ig back front a a4- * point deficit! to. tie the coyjer- + page cham Buryi Baity Johnsoned John- tv son! and Bo|by . Goff out vial- * kercdWalkler on line plunkea Boty In purltc- ulnr had a field day nti he hit hi* i mol v wr * with *hn»d:, lonif, (but t- |fe ok hi I tan#* pest*. lAnd, exd $h*hh, hi* melvere nway fi^ai |tn« Mtli «voitwl«toil Ip : out oi for 224 ynitlR.’ H«tu«lay ipbrnlngyl wont} iiutiln | If MU to 'Me f liOKtev Jpnfliiii} ihiiral* 4 ijlty dftWtor W thttt wlltrictl Wlirn imked what l needed, J t< to conjure ip a big rul Jordan t»aid fthnt “a htbr hurt u* «g[tlnnt ArkUr i/ ’ not today. 1.” That t.as the atllltnie r of the I *nA inctudihi }* i th|l Aggies, _ki , •' i .ji, And was juh pass oovei to his, le)flt ajnld saw ohly onie A oat made It. For those A anotheit ± l : ' >11 P-. ■■ ■.x %• A, j‘ 'Tv" 0 .'j. '!; ; f €9 1 between i hit! i| a took off and Aggjcs who sh ned the trip i to Dallas, I woi like to sayltlliat they missed t best game of! the year. Even the last it could have been A&fy 1 it* Bity’ltttt anjd Goff tearing Up line, f T| rF]' [ i ' ' Even the mighty Walker wps seared njt, t le-close of th4 game when he ha the ball deep ir territory, iistead Of trying scored he ground the ball to imd up time. It wn|rt a Ho| a pretty expensive operatiQ»fo * nearly every body (< copt foi" the at biotic dope Crowd M,t 1(0) But this broke e ««n by [finding Method! it. ' : v It R-ABKA Tho Whft. it (Shock Arkahsl s the Imw ugalnst |A If they iddburki' loss u> {the jtJEl bit o J r.l.n-du ,'t WAtlifejtj:S, "Z7. « *t the halt, ami even.Icafc |a»| S MU. J,ir4li!,ai:: • 1 ill tt rR ^ NK SIM MEN} JRL ' , .v • ■}: ; ^ Beaf rence v-j the P. L. Downs, Jr. Natatorjvmi squads were put out of the im came through )re of l^to 6 in a ■ r i- A :*vJ i- ’'■wHh 0 ^ it- for’the Aggies. Johnny He m ie game was tmeu wun th almost rapid coiisistaiiey. eeman started off the Farmer scoring with* stof# S' ^wicker while the game was only 'it“t niinute and a half old. Heema if took another pass from Summers' three minutes later to rnaHc up! another tally for the Maroon anjd White. u v The Bears jumped ri Mia game with a m minutes in the first q , . ... Aggie defense was broken up arid |hn Ritte y “l! Consolidated Cinches r . i > defeating y fnight in from both shed the title eelt from the H • "'■-is while Green guarded Jjcil McCoy made ri. beau{tifu| ded shot just qUt of gie goalife Ed Knisl fbr Baylors score. Ten seconds later the Farru- ighting 1 this one Irish’ BKANHAH l)f Nil "i 1 I'M nusm finally j hitjl|i4! their stride Hhd| aft IsletWTor AA-M this Ji BOB GOODS take* « SS-yurH pass from BURYI PATY, runs over an unidentified SMU player to the eight before heipg tackled hy DICK McKIBSACK (S«). Bat ^J >a88ing Called fe ' In SIC As Johnson Fades / Rar.orbacks faded ly were thinking ' ,l y S'eaS2!S;wj|gS5 ho juggled Gii Johnson’s tlhnat-! P*'W 1 ' ' 1 “ tt 'Ictoiy^ illm h pass i turned down the 35,000 capacity stadium; at Little Rock to play in their h|ime jSUidium which S' 22,000. As game will be a out. thait is tallies with Sum* if! j lr0, « fullback'Sanny I’m- mars ami Adamson kroflng on l|e»l iP’lt fadvd hack and GkwfJ ati'd di lives, The Baylm itos eaipr 1 , Jnhhlni Mss to and Billy Bsta* baek a minute and tt hiklif later to whn gathered In tha fligitkin in nush; itetinss n Bear imirker wlmn ii Manaly took a pas* from Met/ny to acnt'O imven fuel from the wlrkfr. ... arley Roy alty. That ended it for the Aggies, ou. of fbatk David Moon. Herb Turky kicjked the point and the Angies) took their half-time intermission trailing by only seven points; They were quick to make up the f difference. After one goalward thrust was stopped by the Mus- tangsi the Aggies roared hack to , •parade 65 yards in just four plays. Getting the ball on their own 35, the Aggies uncorked another length of the field pass to move hands of Moon. H iu haif- snows BIG VOTE DALLAS] Nov. 8 tabulation Bureau on lion, issued! I * •Ah— Final of the Texas Election eclipsed turn of his ty. From press box look' given the s ball to Kyle! Rote bent ^ down, apd Wa|k( straightened up, concealing tl hall at hislside. ' 4. B* i- t _v Hurrah! U- k 3il Teixam mately 40,(1(00' votes uncounted. The figure} represents, 'a, high for a possibly; af luted, for election. The ious high viilsi in 1040 when 2P0 voted for governor hi t!he Democratic # ; • ■sday’s general eljec- rday, sljiawed 1,1! oted. With ap'pn before the game ended. When it was alj over, there wasn't very much anybody could say—the Angies ha'l almost ac complished the “impossible!,” but not Of'te. As for SMU, they had very little to say except possibly to add ont more . nraver of thanks for having Doak Walker. One note taken off the A P wire j I from Dallas might sum it all up. - Said the gtory: “Baty’s exhibition . . . was one of the greatest ever > AcdeA SMU 20. AdtM 14. j £; Rice 25; Arkansas 6. ] Texas Tech (i6, Texas Mines 6 Stephen F Austin 21, U. of H. Boston U. 33, Fordham: 7. Yale 52, Kiilgs Poins 0; Dartmouth jjO. Columbia 21. Princeton 47, Harvard T, Penn State 18, Pennsylvania Cornell 14.,Colgate 6. I Army 48, Stjantord 0. | / ( Wake Forest 27, Duke 20. Summers wmm put Out nfAlte fr«» for umteeeMsnry rogghneMs ana! Hnytor quickly scored their iant marker hi tin | w ht> iilh* rear of the end > edu«at«d toe of Johltf i(i'OVed to Ir* the wiott] i *« he kicked the extra poii)l The lllough targln, f:- 11 f-. powerful air Trojans 7-0, Wd exhausted. 81 yatros and \—7 he field between nes in the lg«t e game the Tro- ain when a paw rary wertt down it the play was offside penalty , .' : A ■ i! ' : !'''l/l.. |The Trojan score cfatixt; late In they pou the first half IXrt bri n nger tumme ott the ctgn- Summers waa only out of the game five second* when Manaly took a hnndoff from Odom ]o mage the Baylbr mnrkier. * — • ri ■ ' ". *T ——— -r V*' — —- - * w third neriod, wheii they pnune-1 6n it Tiger, fumble on Die cigh- , gj ™ ‘I" 'PlUllg* Jdf fullback Znm> Grl'gorV. After yardK on the bruising Hii«»jpluiiwii '(ff fullback Zarte Grecorf. After /Gregory hud slashed iloiVa to the lldno foot, line on runs of four, six-, That started off the fireworks two, and five yards, halfbifek Ray- and half a minute later Bernie jthond Velesquei bucked .over for Syfan and John Ritter wbre put Out 1 tHbXtally, They . failed tHd extra of the game for holding u little ipbint attempt when quatteiblick o ni«fc. m,..o *jri{ ding a i brawl in the middle of the pcol. Wilbert! R. Dick was trapped thred Summer* made a quick shot just yards from the g6al line km an end before/the end of j the; half to jiHin; ; ' stretch the Aggie lead j over Bay lor by four points. The / Farmers, defending uhe North gjoal, started off! the scart ing right away in the second half when a pass from Heejman lieft Sumnierp wide open to strire on the J Baylor two foot marker. Summers Passed to Heeaian A minute irilti L general election, tier all votes arc, primary. f ! Hurrah! , - . ? r( to touchdown vicinity in one hop.! seen in the Southwest,” The 51 yard heave—from Bitty to That’s just aborit it. Baty—and end Charley Wright—went tight everybody else wearing Maroon ovifr the head of Walker who and White; in the Cotton Bowl Sat- savpd! a touchdown by naiilinfc urday—was at his best. That the Wright on the 14. Baty wound up best wasn’t quite good enough does again and hit Wright on the $WU not detract from whiat they did. *ix and then turned Over the jfard- Did somehdv mmition Rv« and mskirig chores to Bobby Goff.!The Texas? They're going to have to; i,fallback (fashed to the three, then play real football to win. plorirud over. Turley converted and, .. ‘ it rioa all tied up. r. “ j | 9t a todies _ Mflilker wa» quick to atone for vj rst rf 0W L ' , } ' j*,; ‘ n Ni’t yds gamed tohhipg ffP 148 Iji* j* on > ^ v V' Forward puskck ntpd .15 Ip beautifully to Page »ad aalM 5H Vuii / n n ~ ,.. . rfz, „ nasseu to nee man a minuic later ISm e 2L%S. r So^tltra: o! ! ^ th °- A ** ie8 PeXt ^ Ml °^ d i Georgia 20, Florida 12. ) - Vanderbilt 48, LSU A.. ? Mississippi 34, Chattai'iooga |7. Miss. State !20, Auburn 0. j Tuiane 28, VMI 7. Oklahoma 4jl, Missouri ;;7. 1 Notre "Dame, 42, Indiana 6.j Northwestern 16, Wisconsin 7. Illinois 14, Iowa 0. ; |J j Minnesota 34, Purdue 7.' i California 28, UCLA. 13}S Is’orth Carolina 7, Wm. &l Maty 7 Villanova 1|), .Kentucky; 13.! Michigan 3i|, Navy 0. ■» | North Texa* 27, Trinity jl2. by another marker by A^mson a long shot. This put the Agg i ahead 111 to 4. Adapisbri, threw a 1 long pass to If eeman for anot ler i tally just before the third quarter ended, i . •!; j ■’ i In the last period both teams pushed across two tallies in a sloppy wide open battle to make the final score 14 to 6 in' favor of the Farmers. The game ended i 1 a wild battle for the ball in the i center of the pool just after the Farmers pushed across their last tony, -j ' i —*— u-;—>■— | : I ^ J. . O.J 'In iiiL 41—• ! ; - J- SJNfA IS , I ... il! (4 FOR THOSB WHO DEMAND THE BEST tifuily to Page M down the sidoliml* to i the Igglri 8T, Walker then iljivw Kwd jmsses compleLMl Yds fwd iMsIing Fvvds inlert'ebtod' hy k College Shoe Repair North Oata | Vi f The Wo teams took tum»4 march- 1 - --y— ——■— — ■ 1,1 JOHNSON’S! Ul»HOISTERY SHOP SEAT OOVER8 Plastic — Straw Convertible Topa; I Baoli of Eagle Offlne IlKYAN rr-T— tu v t,5teij±^ $£%&*$&$. ss-fej. Falling to find a recelveMm I yj,] , (lNI ,, y :]H ■mi Mur pa** nitemitt, he t'afady j 1 14 ‘fl’ - ' 1 • l > ■ ri »>,;}. ,. J Radio Repair... >1 ■ ! 11 ' , <" Sanitotie Service- "The better kind nf Dry Cleaning" "We specialize in Rewenvlng gurmenU, draj uphblntcrv matorlalM" We Pick-up & Deliver - Ph 2.8fl0fi Perfecto Cleaners I |i! 2005 South College Road is our specialty j {. : vK'dj-' ■ 1 ■ t'.',;jN,(L The Radio Shop 1 I One Block west of Post Office on W. 26th St ri 1 ; i, _ri yriYil-rl' "A member of Philco Service” « BRYAN PHONE 2-2819 i / ,Y - I . ! ■ ;• ... COMPLETE RE PAIR i / enl l/l: t l '? 9 - , •• : f" ■a>; Looking for the BEST ay’ IS IN Christmas. / L ri,! I ri Cards? I -..fl Select Yoiir \ Personalized • HALLMARK • . ,![!] |4>: Cards !'.] now : ( R c 1 J .1 Top stykj.. .jrti a^jpbri ? nr .vi-oudurfu l \tilu f info! your • r .the *Ru|' /It’s tail .'•iu, i 1# j.! wjashltj# T|h' dtiluc than tl; 'I btopdiRuf 4 a. , ahmziQKlowpricjgl FROM OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWING ; - ■ ' ■ • v 'f f f Hj! FAMFliY INDlVIDUAt^ CHILDREN : 8PORTSMB, ‘1^! >5 J i m- ¥■. c'.That** Vfbrt^ voting robe. That’* y i.VD.t aijtiiim, rt looks Firelight ,\ for easy 'i no better ,, hAtD. , v N' \l . I M la;» :.’i: : Sankcy Park Diamond*, WattiMm. Silver !;*■ - ! ri . • lit/it 11 Say Aggies! , , L ! / . a , ’ . (■ ■. ,r ■ ’ ■ • / 'h i ' ■ ' ■i.- 1 ! :■: | ! ■ i . . • i it fit l-I , ■ Q V ri ri' ' ■ /!- ' E L WHITLEY. JR. INVITES YOU IE SEE "4 : rift • i iCJ! IJ Ni.'l' pllri-i ■ A ■ ■ ' " j ' J • ri . ’ ri'. ■ ■ . 't' 1:1,1'' rif:V "• ' f: ' if .1 u *1 I "/1 V *v Nr. , il/K). y : !