The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 04, 1948, Image 6
t 4 # ' V-' f j:! + ; •■ ctt of P 9‘fc «» sl day, Lyle Blaftkf W rotary fbr thie B9U nounced todey. fj <; AU Baptist: tudonts , /, attend tlto * Prentiss W. Chunn, . the A&M BStl at the tion Baptist Ohurch, said, The party be hL. Lakewood, and those wh attend but have no m sport*tion ^ ] the SMU Post Office, v-v mV — — AH Class to Cowtonn Jo ' . The *iima judgintr class, hold their Satiu ’ \ at the Swift a s . in Port Wort! i, J. C. of ithe Anlmaf Husban ment, onnountoi .Wwlr u| The class will judir* _e ■ Satur- aoclal setv til,; an*i wish to contact irectoi of oileire Sta- * nkcnship up al Sjjid.: ti m : ■ v I at thy Flat Topl^ HprlnKa Hatu^li Miller. Hftlu tl will -ho spent S’. ° vl Vt ' oampusFrlda teS* 1 * ll » they w lies, Miller V ■ if V f oluiii plan oit, bea 4 tVal-i ly aftrmoo at /Bunill^ irtoi nlnjj| JudjflnirlHaiHMhlrst around fow’li ml> • class wl|l| loi vo; ths Vustlllu ass oi! Ill , said ■ m m ii—ysmuSfi'do* Vi| • i , * ; ' i V- i N AB| E. CAMPUS TYPE OF ElW *#*«♦*•' " mb Fin The Sj! '■ ill in thi. ,ntr# Battalion. eligible to participat m r >4. if' r i - i -1 i* «• i ; ri I n .. k [ i|Any OKIM RV Bl k If i ili senior U ! "f rw <! J, T.jThursday, South So- "tewus* mc \m, 7:30 p.Lm., , Room 108, Academic H CdniNr^Y CLUB, af- prac|ice, [Rpom 205, Aca- uildir g. ’ Longhorn pictures vill be made BASTROP-: ;-E E COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 Bi.nt., Thursday, Room 208, AcademJ gu iding. BAYTOWN OLUB, 7 p.m., Wed- COLLIN (OtUiTY CLUB; af ter yell pme ice, Thursday, Room 224, Academi: Bulding. Plans fori Thankagiving saclal. , j CAMERA CLUB, 7il5 p. lafe|ii*w - Thursday w ‘ -■/ r. - 7 Acndei sday, Eh*I 1 tun DEL tico, YMCA P,m„ Tpu ilcmlc B Tiiunksfn HEN 'Buldii!^ 1 " 0 ' tudent’s Lour nesday, 1 ept-stuaent’s Lounge of YMCA. Pictured m be taken. CLUB, after ycllprac- Reading Room, “‘iriatmas dance. Y'CLUB, 7:30 >th 327, Aca* Will (llseqss ^vMnrqLOB, after val prattlre Thursday. Room %JP T “ CLUB*!7130 if, tn,, Thurs. I \ nM 4—1 a.a I**,.; .M ahk and bring or raai student or student' 'tf tjb Contest Editor, wife at A&M is il'T ; > AGlklES.. ^ : ; i ikL 1 - 1 ' -xL- - -ii,- Vu Club Page* ■ j i^ 1 I '' A ' 7 fy. * - M ~ ~ The Station CLASS IIFI ED f " Ik te iADS !: M .4 j 7 XT _ T 5D 4t NO WITH A BATTALION CLA8SI Rate* . . . 8< n word per in* a 25c minimum. Space rate* j tn Tied Section , L . $0<> per cqluom Saad aUiejamifMa with remit- bee to the Student Activitleu Office, it ads should be turned in bj 10:00 a on. of the day before publication. r-H ' : ■ ' ^— f SALE — Royal portable and office pewritera. Victor addine machines S.80 and up. Brynn Ruainess Marhipe i. 209 North Mai*. Dial 2-1328. Bryan. Texas. i I' 1 ’ i; w-4» r ■■■ NIGHT CLASSES in bookkeeping, short hand, and typing start No\viul>er 1st at McKemUvRuldwin Business College. En rollments toili he taken October 16th. IMM 2-666S. 1 ■ ; 7 FOR SALE—Wood: 4 ft. lengths-310.00. 2 ft. lengths—811.00. Dry or other lengths if desired. Truck for hire. H. E. Goodrich. 805 S. Preston Ave., Bryan. [« ' . ; , ' yv. :• ' day* Room 425, Academic Building. INTER-FAITH COUNCIL, 7:16 r >. m., Thursday, second floor YM CA.; KAUFMAN COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 303, Academic Building. LAREDO A&M CLUB, 7:16 n. mu Thursday, Room 120, Academic IN ’it! i ?! [' I copes You ITi . : :ii SPECIAL TICKte Aviiiliible At 800! .I AGGI Two Activities Office A»i(le for Th • : • Ted &Ril I; yly Sherrjt Floor S —starring— ' lows ■ . “PpBLElS" > :|. ohnny Cola’s Orchestra ; i III! i|. !| y: Hiding. ! i MONTAGUE COUNTY CLUB, 7:80! p, til,' Thursday, Room 128, Academic Building, NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS CLUB, aftor yell pmctlco, Tliun* dgy,: Room 301, GoiHlwIn Hnl|. NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, 7:80 p,m M Thuriduy,' Room 228, Academic Building, IMnna for] Thnnkajrlvlng party, Sport author club, 7:no p. m., Thumday, Room 226, Academ ic Building. Discus* pinna for dub pictures. . SAN ANGELO CLUB MEET* INO, 7:80 n. m. Thursday, Room 203. Agriculture Building. TRANS-PECOS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 227, Academ ic Building. Plans for Christmas dance. ■. j T , iM UPSHUR COUNTY A&M CLUB after yell practice,! Thursday, Room 3Q2. Academic Building. WILLIAMSON COUNTY A&M CLUB, 1 7:30 p .m., Thursday, Room 205, Academic Building. WEATHERFORD COUNTY A f’M ‘CLUB, after yell practice, Thursday. Rm. 104, Academic Bldg. When 40.487 fans jammed the University of Washington stadium for the Minnesota game this sea son, all attendance marks for the arena were smashed. doesn’t have FOR SALE—20 with apartment cook refr|y<r»torl Apt] C-1C-Z, ell ‘ I; ' \ IMi-'M 4,1948 AL — Horatio: time to ern books. Cb — dothrr *aya ah» ■ U>e nontenap ft. Iimuh* I trailer, equipped e and electric Priced right. See Baker, College ViTW. Allan Mon roe Rate! free show at Campua. WAITRESS WAkt^l Experience not neceaaary, preference U> (pay, day off. D—Good icrucr ,iu» ..rCeaaaity, m, wives of vctcrang. Smitty’s College Grill, Gate. 4-1191. 4- .vidson 61 FOR SALE — 1947 Harley-Dav ! O.K.V, Muot nail. ?50(i.00. Good shape. Elder, Apt. C-4-8. Bryan Field, Village. Joseph Sebastian Quinn free pa.<m to /Campus.’ : FOR I RENT—Double unit prefab-?55.00 furnished. Children weltome. Munnerlyn Village. Conuct P. M. Goff, 808 High land (just south of college). 1 lAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Prompt, andostrustworthy service l J. B. BEARD 2-2835 Office Phone 4-4059 Hfsidonco — SUL ROBS LODGE 1 1 5"' sTlT. :•[ . . No. 1300 A.F.&A.M. Meet* in Amerletn Legion Rill EXPERT SHOE RI ss mCSSm^i 1 p ■hu'ii^nilMe iisr—mm III a-a| MeMNeaAihtohaeMeamwMManBMMpMneHMMWM ■iiH RCA Vlrlor Pnrlwble KhiRom Etiulphcd with the Victor "f olden Thront" HHAFFKIfH HOOK BTORE North Onto | Phono 4-8814 —- The best in recorded music, from Spike Jones' “The I Man on the Flj North Gitte Phone 4-8814 ! {SMU Tickets ■ On Sale in Y Ticket* to the A&M-SMU football game are now on sAle in the lobby ef the YMCA. .Every student is reminded to take his student activity card to the game as it will be checked at the gate for admission to the stadium,, according to C. D. Own- by, business manager of the Ath- letic Department. T CbnnuHj ; Or. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRLST For Vour Visual Problem* 208 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-] 1 L M 1 1 1 R; C. ECHOLS R E A L T O R Oyer Canady'a Pharmacy ; i ji Bryan PHONE 2-6454 \’ LARGEST ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE STORE IN BRYAN— U ; • ' , • Come in and see us for larg< or small appliances: RADIOS ELECTRIC CRONS STUDENT LAMPS, FLOOR LAMPS,! PRESTO COOKERS COFFEE MAKERS KELVlNATOK . , • ... HOTPOINT and many other usefuls UNITED APPUANCES FARM A HOME STORE & AGGIE RADIO Phone 2-149^ ! ! Z4 x.- x" J L TBALL SPECIAL TRAIN TO DALLAS il laecount A. & M. vs. S.M.U. SATURDAY, NOV. 6TH Rest, relax, have fun on your way to the game. Never a worry about traffic hazards as the engineer drive* you over smooth steel ralhh the world's safest highway. ' Hr I’l.ACE or DJ mm 44 ■11 m; A v* ROUND TRIP FARE J. I; V T' j * $489' :i . .■ s 1 COLLEGE STATION to DALLAS (including tax) SPECIAL TRAIN SCHEDULE Lv. College Station:. .5:30 P.M., Nov. 5th At. Dallas 9:80 P.M., Nov. 5th Returning 7 .H ...5:30 P.M H No\*. 7th lx. Dallas .... . Ar. College Station ...9:80 PJH^ Nov. 7th Special will stop at Bryan to pick up and discharge passengers. Tickets re turning also good leaving Dallas on :30 P.M. Nov. 6 and on <“Owr at 17:30 "Hustler" at 8:1( not good on "Sun "Hustler" at 8:10 a.m., Nov. 7, but are bUrtr at 5:00 P tn k ■ : iii • ti., , ' . ■ ■ j 1j Consult local SP Agent for further mfori Ml- v is PLEASE BUY YOU* TICK, SontliRr ! i T. H. BLACK. A|«nt — •M Vi m r K Phooe 4-im ; ; r A — rs i4»«nto ' V .1 y 7 ¥1 1 .7 f iHcMui r > ■ I' »r\ iTv , . • ' l'- 5 » ' •S ; 7 ■ '\p H ; 7 m l! ^ H(- : ’ | -r- 4 plane WE SEliljJI Architectural SaA ^X s™* Phone: 4^8U! ! ' 1 ' ia V ! 1 r I 1 .. ; 'X 1 *r*T- _H ■t: \T COVERS ! }\f rr~T b^V ,-tm Plastic or Straw lit UPHOLSTERING 8 8H IOP Hack of M Bagle M Office Bryan /i [ Phone 2-1639 ur Whll# You Walt Cowboy boot* made to ordor JONES BOOT SHOP 1 ! BimUiildo | BUY YOUR U. K. RADIO TODAY Portables—Table Modola—Consoles ! "t ! $19.96 and op ] McCULLOCHDANSBY APPLIANCE STORE Bryan W.8J). CLOTHIERS College Station ; OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW We Specialize in Refinishing Antiques and Venetian Blinds F. L SUMMERS I Furniture Refinishing Painting Contractor 3200 Highway 6, S. Ph. 4-4682 ^ ^ {'- ! 1 I j SALES i 4* SERVICI Brick-Stratton Motors Small gas engine repair All automobile work UNIVERSAL SERVICE 307 W. 26th St j Bryan 1 ' -' Phone 2:1639 1 'M'i: ■' I. - '■ TT CHIROPRACTOR | Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC X-RAY 306 E. 28tb St Pb. 2-6243 2-1243 TAjk.* Is! SENIORS!! How about a . . ^ D I A M O N D f ! 5 ‘ for your Senior Ring? / |1! . i ! ^ :Y They’re.. . BRIUIANTijl SPARKLING? f VlV-f { • ' 4 :} T *! and you will be surprised with the easy pri< i I . { • . \ ... / • ( | I COME IN SOON AND let\s sHor roif. » 1: 3 ! 4 Sankey Park JUK, : '7I / E r £ I £ R: MU. Bryv, L 7} : — m 4- • 1. 1 X j \/\ ■ i/l II v 8 K““ *ffsf ■stir have you bourtt November 4Ui. pjii Work in (two> • M.M. 4o- ’X wugbt ywr Christ^ mas cards? Call 4-8984 (nd get them from the A&M Comsolidat- r- ■ A HOME PERMANEN1 See os for the latest styles OH? ’i:!i , A WASHING MACHINI WBDRLL'S SERVICE SIK)P $016 Cavltt Ph. |WI2fl0. 3m REMINGTON-RAND TYPEWRITERS! J V j j - i T •>. ; Plenty of new portable type writers for students! Plenty of late model rental typewrit ers of all makes! X L d : " ; Sales—Service—Repairs Rentals yr : . ' *. • \. Bryan Office Equipment Co, FRED ROBISON | Your Authorized Remington-Rand Agent / ; / 8222 Highway 6 South Bryan PHONE 4-1241 wm m 'JI . • La -I’ for any event Visit ' 1 4 ■ : j a,!, Henry A. titilei Hardware | | North o4#cf Phone 4.n4lij: :| 7 | • ' f | | (1 block north of Buk Station) '■ ip M !• * V ' i VI' • fi!j ^ I .I**'U.TJIU• ' ■ Heavy ■ mm oa joi If 1 * li BBi L2 om downpi Box JM8[ Vi U7; \ •IdW ■ ' ' ■ H • . i 'i'l ——— ALU GAT V THE ItlT NAMC IN 1 n t ■ k 9 1 » w*w RAINWEAR ■ l ' • if: The Gnlmfnn§ 1 *! . ■ I 819.75 '' I Saif 7 .... J •|! Unusually anuuiIon# ; wearing! A super twill with 4 ; luxurious smopth 'BUede tike * finish. Another outstanding f : Alligator for any weather... : f protects your clothes ... keep* 2 you smartly dressed- Come in J and see the Gale tone and other handsome Alligator raincoats .. 7 they’re topa for style in the raid! N ;!7 7 t T f-* TT\ WIMBERLEY • SVONE 7 DANSBV w:3;iy r vs V l.J •V:!' ' ) •I CLOCKIERS College and Bryan | HWiii l'ii.. 1 * Vi IS ::: — ' r ia. — TO RAIN M ♦ rr-r— z DIAL 1 orica ' ssmw ri L JV_ | {• 1 I : I 1] . 4 7 ./fflF ' I' IT },Tl '.! 'R I'ijH: •! vt “ 1 7 V ; TOYS .'..TOYS...Toys for CoodBi 7 : Mill | 1SV/ n ' ^ 4 ; i 1 : 3 ; I „ j j I '"'I 1 iS- li TT V •A ■ ' 1 ii' 7 .4 ve a wii n & We only by chosen just newest toys ' I ' .' 'V ■ f -i ’ 7 • 1 ' 7* 4 ; ! . 4: .' til ;,i I - Is ' L ' i ‘W '■ i . ! y . ‘|i :r i ' ; i: jjj e variety of toys for boys df all ages,. The / 'lit Kl ■M 7 A / • > • y ; l/.i I ‘7 //-. r .ha • k A - 1 ib ^ l . \M'l- n s'. Only 41 Shopp 'v/V irM i! mgs Santa has on display here for rill they’ll get on Christmas morning when they find you’V< at they wanted. Bring y^ children to »dw to see ‘ '■***■■■< ’ * h ; :i ' / f'S It" ( 7V 7-A f ’ =, ^ fii il't : ' I 3 ' :.' r ;&! ’A": ; , . * . / L-f.' }. ! j ■ [, &;!,!. i !., J " v L1,7 .,7 1 ' . 7 /, r— . 1 A T 1.41;: .7 Phone l/r J; .. > r ,1 ' nl V . . • ' 1 'a \ viW lii ■■ .-ti- ‘ v 1 •r