The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1948, Image 2

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V : '
11-";. -
f Statesman, ^
Ross, r<«*()ler of 'kggk
list Bovjfl
’he people; wlfo dejeijriijine traffic reg
ulations about ith^ Canjipys have failed the
while shirt, test. . | !• j! /
In additidiji to facing this! test, tfteyj
have failed to fulfill t^e sflfety regulation
0 k = i
^ince the. beginning of the ichool year
atudenU, bicycles, trucks j curk, and in*
•tructora erupt through the small cUmt-
fllled opening blfHldo| thi Water Tower.
The more a«Hh etudemh and n few of tho
tnetruetolrR art! jlblo tb Wlk ^ttujough the;
drlvowny; others, have to rdy upon their
ability to MtW-etSp'-tljje cars which come
through at all!times. |; ivj ;;
1 Recently some of tbe trees and shrubs
toWer werej cut In order to en-
oiioning. Even thi* enlarging
j has its bad points, j; , :
The drived is filled with gravel and
much loose dust.' The cars, though they
may not be moving b(ii 10 or miles an
houjr, kick u|
surfounding i
ehough dost to cloiid the
reals. 1
_ t . ' ■ ' i ji
icial told us | that when
fAmerica, in giving aid to des- i ands ^ ^
titnte peole* of the wc rid without ratn
hope of remeneration, has d
strated a spirit of Christianii
paralleled in history,” ]J. F. ”
chairman of the Texas Coml
of ithe Production ana Marfce
5 ’\y
' *• 1
; i.t
' ■
; /
j I ' * 7
‘1; >| •
i : *, r
T' '' ‘ *
, •; r
A. v,'* i
• .
: >'VJ
1! ’ 1 A'' /
; / I
J Below in the valleys riviajh* have bbnoxii
I filled with silt causing twining
iy season,
son land can
un * mum of food
ance,. WM
ministration (AAAj'U toll
tCA Cabinet last eviming.'
v’ance has jlecentl i re
ten months of n habil
flooded durtrtf. the
During the ilrv sea-1\
produce onlj^l»«W'
W; * ••
’ance’s desorption of
he rec
i offiC:
nendutioi made last spring to
plj&e this opening to all traffic except pe*
destrians, several people, who used this
rticular parking area, protested!
(Those people said that they used this
drive exclusivelyi ai|d (did not want it
From the mountains sw<
small but numerous banc
titute guerilijh fighters
the vaUey laming viliai
,*4 food. These bands, most
Communists, have motive
lew hold the,Communistic,
Today only two-thirds of '
1 considered safe from th*
ills attacks.; ' '
, "Without America, Gi
is gone," mid Vance, Amt
in the forms of wheat
m >»,
I That is hot id gopd i enough excuse to
lokve this driveway ype^ to JcUra i
Ufo drive In front of tho Library.
the drlveWay
could be used
pfeseht n safety
forth of the Water Tow*
by curs, blit this would'
hafsard. People Walking
rriight be struck I y cars coming from be*
hind the bushes Nklfle the tower.
We.say, as wo have said before, that
t|e opening bes
should be closed
• gli- **•
trians. The drive
Aiqademic Buildin
“ For those peoplejwho doubt that dust,
gtavel, Cars, and people can’t mix, we sug-
_ t , _ . , , a
clothes, and hain Of bourse, a little clean j from 7:45 to 8 mar this driveway. Th/ey,
too, will know why our traffic regulation
officials have failed the white shirt test.
hh ' I •• j j • j . . OT]—• I!-*—-1-y — o
iis dust, kettles Upon students’ faces* Jgpst that they spe id a couple of mdrnings
s, and baii\ Of bourse, a little clean
, di^st will hot hurt anyone, we know, but
| there is simply no need for this particul-
One of
ietter Air Outs
i-'i • -t4
i| • ] v .. _ , _ ( ^.1 ■■■■I
-j Last week the student senate had a
rather tumultous meeUrtgi I |
' * !> K. ^ ^' j • I, I ij ' : j' ’ IT i ‘ 1 [ *
There was a .great deal of heated dis
cussion, violent argurpent,. and! even some
harpe calling. But despite the few touches
of lunpleasartjjiejss, t^ie meeting was, as
onej senator put it, “ihe most stimulating
I have ever attended!”' ! [
L ,we are wonderinjg if the boys didn’t
accidentally stumble! onto something in
thk ; session Which they have been needing
a long tiihe. H I r! ; j ' -r f ;
* I ■ > i f Li J ^ 'fij' 1 r^ * i
Admittedly:some;of those in attend
ance camC with profojrmed opiihlons. Some
of them possibly hadj very biaHfd axes to
grind. But ajli of therh wore lie percent
interested in the sul joeb 4 they were dis-
cuasing and they stln od up a large amount
of inteivst amohrf tlje student (body an iy
whole, Finally’ jand iiWt notably, they
brought theli*|problf«j(k out,li| IJhe oixm for
a round disciiMsipn ami airing.
: . j |y.Hj
Everyone! i presertf was forced
least hoar, if hot consider, the opinions of
the pthei*s present. Ip that, you can never
go wrong. No matter how much you dis
agree with another ^an, ijf ybu hear his
-side of the iksue a fcpv times, you at least
feel sympathetic toward him. jAnd that is
Amplification Department
DUj (Hr:
How long will It be beiove I gut
He corner room In Uothrlgjit Hull
which I wan prqmluod when I
, M
n Fish?
tho I'hlmpuMi iouflotu, wood •burning.
iMrtw. ji
goUing too llhorul In udmlttlitg
•tudepiu of “ ‘ ‘
\ churgCs, und countor-rhmgt's
^thlnkjl tnut muybo the •tfhonl is
Iborul In niimltllni
quostlonuhlo Imok
de the Water Tower
to ALL except pedes-
in front of the Library
Aborcromblc J. ptsfjilk
In un effort to artswer
your question sntisfuctorily.; I have
^ you think Mmethliw buglit chllSl^^uckS?!?' 1 -»to»l^ ,, vStii' wnd co?hiputn?rlddon g^Sfrtment
to bo done to "doun-up" the cum- home made rones. Barefooted and \ — —
should be reopened to drivers who use the ^'As^y^know ^nr'nnis^Te 0 ^
ALl « , si v-.-* w» TD t* M . "Orv ••Ir t 1 I ♦ J* I * A « .Hi l
g Parking Lot.
checked your record with the Rag-
istrar, Btsflpk, and according to
him y
classified senior to have a;| corner
toorii. jAnd this rule is especially
enforced for Gathright corner
romps, j \ ' j ' : • | j|
According to your record, Btsf-
T. K.
Answer: t ciertainly do, T. K;.,
and I; have made a recommenda
tion conceriiing this to Charlie
Kirkhnm, president of the Sttuleiit
Senate. I suggested that he ap
point a group of his sehators to ja
committee oh un-Aggie activities^
According to your record, ctsx- This committee would investi-
plk, you have 587 semester hours, pate the background of every stii-
Norlmally you would be a classi- dent ar)d faculty member who held
fled; senior, but. I am sonryjto say, a responsible position in tho col-
Each pe
taoliahiug tjlreece , » econofhjf. Silt*
gallon ui
ed rivet* tjf« being dredge^ irri*
m being; jdUg by and ri
in Greece,
tie agricultural
American mission for aid to
as a representative of the
States government. - . j .
tie chaotic state of present day
Greece walk outlined in! his speech.
ece still suffer* fhorn the de-
striietion and hunger <f the occh- h .
patlon years Upddr t]he German
Artny. The deatritetion
in the wrecked rar|. a
bridges''in 1 the bTajSlI poWof Tta- hien arid wopien witlt uhoHihumUed
Saf n dWK m± w ♦SKry
deiiround forces, resIstlngethi' Gar* «9 u| P ,nt,n }- li«P ,u ved techiudiues in
inapa or the Germans durlhg their . rn ! l, Vf
withdrawal, The Hungur oln be being t
seep In the eyes of the rigged florijimjntoatlon lines
the oss o 'Hm#- built In "suh*” areas,
lioni df Gieecr* more yeurs df reooveryijjit
- n,W J -‘- f Grseoe shoulft fee wide ^
horself wlUi f^xi,.
. T __ w .. .-i.. vr w .smU uid thd OftM
Ih vdlugus water is drown front 1 »ro>neaMy »ppr«elatlV4| imeri
the single well by peusunts c othed jiml tec U
with P#
ry. Our
jtiwwaha t
of the re-
Vahce admits, is,
iut lea* than ten per-
d rts
loo/; bjUds
Often found to be
t supplied equipment.
Vance aatd, “With-
ica, Greece will go oom-
ot because she wants, to,
usglske is hum. Si
ran atd 'st&g tho rich (crowing
inoney the pwr, poorer. A coni
-> ■
, peo-
. 1
The Passing F
' A bit’of political rpi
arade ..
i f •.
A bit 5 of political' pressage:itry recent
ly removed from thai wire aeij\ r ice;
f -T' rr t ft a ,
Den*ey offered
’ . !. IT . y
ican candidate
“Governor Thomas E.
■\ today to me Repub
for governor! of Indiana
" contest—with niachiUea,,
in tow-milking
Hobart Creighton; farmer - chicken
The Battalion, official
r nday afternoon, except
talion is published tri-wiekly
year. Advertising rated, futn
Kntered u
Otfic* «t
U» Act of >
Isoodwin Uali, 4ClAsaifi
Office, Room 209, T Goddhtlu
■■ 1 >H< ' r u-
t •
Louli Mor««n
; I' ■ Mm
l.’litrk Munm
. Nsncy Li
am Willlmnlcy..
gwnttli Marak,
wvun morguu
aorv..y Cherry. , 4hti Blncliisiry......
riu*ij Miit.*. . !
icy I.J t Id ■iai4 w 4;L.. r .
iirrlcy .p...... ^.i..
r. Nsuu«y..,
tie first step toward settling grievances.
1 The seiiate haa been needing this type
interest, bbth frorh it’s members and the
students it represents, for some time. As
the nearest thing fo complete student rep
resentation, the senate is our one hope for
getting our several diversified student
elements together,, W ■ \
I The good which the senate can do is
unlimited. If the students are ihterested
ih its fuinctiofiH and feed Jt ide^s; ,if the
senators themselves will develop ft genuine
cbncei>r for the idverall welfare of the
school and not their own isolated clique;
tnen the senate will succeed,
! And a succesgful, intellikdnt senate will
mean student liberties and!privileges that
nil we r existed before,
| \So student-senators, get with it. Any
thing short of knuefts aiwl fililiUs-
tfring\actles \vilt|lw’ Helpful,
Students in goliOral will be interested
4 know tllivt all senate meetings are open
th the publlc\At;tcild them, ami see how
yjnur campus life, is being shaped. Get to
kjnow the people who are shaping it.
Who knows, these idiot’s you’ve been
itentally reading off all semester might
turn otit. to bc'faiji‘ly;.nicc guys after you’ve
ifict them-
' 7 • 1 . ; "! : j !■. [ : m •
grower and nominee for goveriior, told a
owd here “It Would be a great thing to
aye a man who! qan milk]a cbw as the
ijext president of the United States.”
| We agree that having a president who
tkn milk a cow is a ^ommendable condition
1 ut feel that one with the ability to bull-
(og congress vi-oiild be a bit more helpful.
you have a freshman deficiency.
Ypujr record shows that you lack
the first ^semester of freshman
physical education. i !
I know this comes as a kjhock to
you; but it’s all true. When you
took P. E., you registered for sec
tion! 332, but you attended js^ction
253; Consequently, you do ppt have
credit jfor the course. If you take
the course over, you stand: a good
chance of getting the cornet- room.
Dear $ir:
There 5 is entirely too ninth sub
versive activity going: bq j around
ML I . '
Sneak Preview .
lege, Each person called before the
committee would have to testify
that he is not a member of arjy
“Greek lettcir” fraternity, and that
he has nevejr fraternized with any
student frotp TU.
His background would be investi
gated to make sure that none of
his relatives for four generations
back had gone to Texas University.
If some of the ancestry did slip
somewhere back along the! line,
the student! would have to be kept
under constant surveillance.
Mr. Kirkham did not say wheth
er or not he is going to accept niy
plan. However, I feel sure he wijl.
Fiery Love, and Short Life |
Seen in ‘The Loves of Carmen’
Rita Hayworth as Carmen, Is all
the wiiy, hut vemeinbor its r»*t a
movie, and there arenH many like
ThV Loves of Carmen ifti lum-
bin) atarrinK Rita Haywortb,
and Glenn Ford. (CAtnpua)
plemfe keep your sejits und r< -
fl ivin from rat •rails wlien yimji first
»M«t| Carmen. You know w|u! (Ciir*
mnh is, she’s the luaciouW gypsy
with the war id hands, cold nenit;
and limy tins. Tie* gypsy wut men
loved), fought''ftpd killed)lor, (In
fwt yoiir life isn’t worth two-jdt'nW,
onocTurmen h«s her Injoks ln you).
II you want to know AVnoV
Who in Hpnin, Just ask Carmen,
beciiuse she knows thorn im iltbe
'hen). 4 W hen a young isoldier TriM>y ? is top busy with his'work
men (ijijrmpn's ’ to pay much attentioft to his wife,
Cass Tlmberltine (MGM) stor*
ring Lana Turner, Spencer Trit«
cr, and Zachary Scott. (Guinn)
Wluin n young girl (Lana Tuijip
er) from wrong sole of the tracks,
marries a prominent ihiddle ngnd
attpiney (Spencer Tracy), It tiegr-
ly starts n involution In the com*
muaity. Everything goes well with
Tracy ui)i|l his young bride until
Miss Turner gets bored with! it dll.
, . - d (u
half naked, the peasnutB Walk a
milt! or no to their* tiny patches
. 7 tnjw
wheat by hand. Every ke'rtljuj is
gntiiercd and ground into Ghur,
r principal foo(i.
In citiCa old women and children
men dig in garbage cans for
bitrj of food qnd paper. Ships pn-
load American gfain a hundred
yards from piers into small boats
which pass over sunken yesiwAs
alongside the docks. On piera jthe
cobble stones are picked clean] of
spi(led grain by women ftna chil
The average tojurist and most
American congressmen see only
the| Greece of Athens, the Greece
of ja few expensive hotels Iwnere
only the rich can dine and *lee)) inj
coipfort. They do hot see in those
cities families living six and efght
to a single room. |
Rock bound hillsides washed
clean of top soil cannot feed ade
quately the few sheep who nibble
at patches of grass here and] there.
• : . i/ : j, M
Program Honoring
A&M to Be Heard
An ROTC program payiiig -tri-
huie to A&M will bo pVesentpd |Fri-
dajy over Station WOAI and the
’TeixHH Quality Network according
tojR. H.,Shuffler, head of ihq In-
fornmtion Department,
iritis is the first of a seiflei on
RCITU GollegOH and UnlviMwUlo,
onjtllled “The 4th Army PreM-wU,"
Shuffler ttgIdi
’The -itii Army rtescntij" will
Itues. &
nwim m
nist mi*
ti lout. When order
thvoiifhowt Greeoo
. cry i* imminent,' we will
iut election. And I'm »urc
|ijrl government will be dt*
favor of « democratic
i ,
i*i «•
| Art ''
iAYft WED.
attires at&rtl4-
i ■' i ' ■ ((■■i*
licjn fifteen ntlmtUf program w
piWeiitM a hlHtorlciil Imckgi'd
A&M and tht‘ objectives
Three Aggie HOiige. “12th
the “Aggie War Hymn ‘
mid of
(Glenn Ford) cornea Cairn
waj, nhc disc overs H is the real
thing (love). What happens,
Kortl kills his contmimdutg of*
fkdr, at Carmcit’a bedside (she
had more than one visitor that
might), and becomes a dbrerter.
After he joins Carmen’sillyjack-
inc caravan, he kills her husband
((ill are nothing at all).! What
happens at the end, you guessed
it, he kills Carmen, and; that's
love for you.
ih ' ■ l i||- ■
Between the Bookends
but one of his younger associates
(Scott), tiakc# it upon himself jto
show Miss Turner to a llttlo fun.
They hkve theiy fling, at the c<mt
of her marriagf.
After Miss Turner is in ait auto*
mobile accident, and almost dies,
Tracy brings bis wife home to get
well, and the two reconcile. The
plot is a little deep, and time may
drag, but Turner is always good
fqr my money.
tin* "Aggie war itynui, r ittUv
“Spirit of Aggiclndd" will Id* play-
on by the -dtit Army Band.
]Beginning tills [week, and ) on
ovoty seventh wook, tho 4th Army
will honor the ROTC urtlUi lit tlu>
four schools of the A&M syntem,
atjeording to Shuffler ,
*’**~ l If j m s r! I j i i
• I i
e Bditalion
American Character Revealed
In Gorer’s Study of People
japer of the Agr cultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the
is published fivie I inks a week and Circulated every Monday through
iwlng holidays and qsjamination periods. During the summer The Bat-
y bn Mbnday, Wednesday and Friday. Subscription rate $4.30 per school
tnjahed. on request., 'U j ;/ ■. If nOfT 7 |jjj , '' : I
se for republication of all news dispatches
local hdwf of Spontaneous origin publiih-
irein ar c alio reserved. ,
1 . T' Memlbeit of,
The Associated Press
nt«d nationally by National Ad-
ft New Vorjk City,
.Vfrtlalnf [jfervjee
hicaso. Loa Angola*, ^ad 8au Kranciaco.
or at Itfie sditorial ofAi
lido by telephone 1(4*6444) or at the editorial office, Room 201,
be placed by telephone (4*5324) or |*t the Student Activities
J ■
. ••••••«»••«(
Sum Unr(
,C. W. ji
;Ur «• K;
.j.Aa^ocUU JMItor
LuU Co-Editor*
.Manaalny RSIh>r»
■Jl'cStttrv Editor
Wunain’s rujtm
.Clyoulatlns liana
.....isuff CartoqaUu
^-JidUorlal AaalatauU
rt Howi
u ftngclklni
A> “Back" Spotoe,
UonTicinar. and
TFavina. Hardy
ivo Corlotl. Frwk
Buddy Luca, Chu
nico. und bddle
1 1'uckitt,
^..^.—..^i-SporU Editor
ibvyn AMlaiant 8porU Editor*
tti. Bill Evaof. Bill Thornton,
•I 8h*»)y.U, .|-.4l>orta Bgportara
StuH Itei
I The American PeoJilc, by-
Geoffrey Gorer, W; W. Norton
& Company, Inc., New; York,
New York, 1918. jj
The American People i(i: a pene-
ti|ating study of the American
character. It’s too penetrating.
Mr. Gorer goes deep intio'Thc cav-'
ernouH labyrinths that ‘hide our
f‘true” national character.; He goes
no deep that I couldn’t stay with
him without occasional tripe top-
aiidb for air.
! Gorer made his study Using so
ciological and psychological tech-
,n ques. The result is that the book
d ffers from the usual “impres
sions America made on me” type
of lM>ok. It is a loosely kiftt collec
tion of some very dpseUyjknit ob-
survation*. He took some uppar-
, c Uly unimportant fftetoto in oar
liyes and by subtle and: sometimes
brilliant insight made pwri of their
sign if
lie studied mar
nown. |j
of our national
Since his wit is one of the most
attractive things about the book it
deserves special mention. It is ^so
phisticated. It is iconoclastic. It is
disturbing. . The inteligentsia on
the other side of the Atlantic will
probably find it hilarious. But Joe
Miller’s Joke Rook will always be
more popular here in the U. S. It’s
an American, characteristic.
I recommend this book to ; all
budding sociologists, psychologists
and politicians. It can be a valu
able aid in the interpretation of
the American character, j
• \ I i ' .. ' . ' "
®l;mk of (Ulus
' I.' '
Homans 12:9 “Hale that which
I* evil; hold fast to that which is
gom.” jj ' • • [ ! ■
Majny men have the good • in
tentions of living a better life*-
Bryan 2‘8879
tubs, thru Sab
i lACMArr
V, ^ . JJ
iciih fin m e(HAts uitinriftAti
HtlllllM »«0««AID Klf* tHWARl IM l|AU lt»ll» !
OiiKUdbyOCOROt Siok?
Htotfuefd by ARfHUR HOUNDtOW, 1R.
THt its. & mi.
i A “LUCKY l>U(W
■" IJLmt NEW
Ijant tnsigi
irificance k
Ho studied many of our national latcrJ They usually mean that they
traits und attempted to tepee them iptenl to cease doing some things
ibick to their aourccs, Hiaijtesearch which they arc now doing, but,thi* *
ihilicates that some which iwo think
jRfe universal ^ are Im, reality re- rr V! r .
;»;.ricted to tlic U. S( His obaerva- inleHsctuol set! against moral evil,
Hons on these “AmerioUn” char- but it includes the habit of good
:4u..,....3uih lutiwiu. aiituriatiw uxx sharp ana ,|rlUy. Uvims—luUay.
/i ■ I ■ I * i J / ■ I // ! -P .1 ' I !|
i4 fir
v-. 1 r
A si /
/ § ■-
in ndt enough. Right livii
clude|s not only an emotion
»g :
ml and
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■*- 'Wtri!
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"hen let
Advertisements solve .
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