The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1948, Image 3
r : r gfel 1 f * /‘r I j 1 I Scott Throws Two Campbell Top Gaioer By BILL POTTS Backs :s Clyde Scott, Ross Pritchard, and Leon Campbell, led by a bid: hard charging Arkansas forward wall, smother ed the Texas Aggies 28 to 6 on Kyle Field last Saturday before 16,000 fans, one of the largest crowds ever to see an A&M-ArKansas game in Aggieland. The Arkansas line kept the Ag-»i" ■ —HTT gie hacks time came, kept the Aggie passing W**, to set it down on the Aggie from scoring. ll'- j j L i j - - - f - - Gordon Ixing took it off left tackle then and'made it tp the Aggie ten. Two tries by GspipbeU took mi situ iiik. Workhorse for the i Aggies again was Bob (fr>o<hv! but he couldn't seem to get started in ne. The leadinx this game. The leading ground gainer for the Farmers wa* Ralph Daniel with IS yards and Jim Vosa was second with 12. 9y v; took it to the, nine and then Rogers went four yards to the Aggie five and a first] do\Vn. Campbell tried through : the Saturday’s] loss was the scverith middle and made it to the three. [ straight for [the Farmers this sea- Rogers hit left U^ckle for no gain now aj " J CEDRIC CO| CALVIN Dl I i-i ) lee i''. ■. iv-i WACO, Oct bine of the sfeason he of 1^-12. ; \ &&M dijew first one-foot linfe This returned a Charles Hodg try for point was lo ; immediately I! | Baylor ' L pu ’REE (6^; uajiOt y Waco Eri V' M \ l,> ■ It I/': y The 18 yirds. _ the extra Baylor dame’ back tig the spore, j ^ Marshall Alford's Billjy Tidwell on the recovered by Dan or on the t6-yard’ sed to Baylor End ih the ; right f at. /] Trout went p\ er standing up to ^ tje the score Jack Schhieningj, kicked the extra point to put the Cubs.ahead" 7f6. i| till vJ mir yards off tackle of Arkansas, 87), guard CARL ' ■■■■. ;■.!/1 ■ ill upped by guard shown are end (67), and guard son and it is] now a year since they have come out <m top in one. The Aggies’ last win was against Bay lor last year. tT About the only thing the Aggies managed to accomplish against the Rmorbacks beMdea their last min ute touchdown was to slow Clyde on came during the’second period. on the next play Campbell plung ed over far the touchdown. Jim Reichert’s placskick ; was. good and otie minute of the second quarter wa* gone. The Aggies other break of the game which they failed to cash in By FRANK SIMMEN, JR. -The Baylor Qubs handed the Aggie Fish their first drub- on the atre igth of their air attacks, winning by a score w the,score, convert, ntakidg ’the score Baylor repe v eat Fish In ight, 19 to 12 Scott down to the status of third leading ground] gainer in the game. . While they were doing that though, Leon Campbell, the 193 pound full back of the Hogs went around and through the Farmers to become the leading ball carrier in (she game, with 57 yards, j ! The ball game had hardly got ten underway before the Farm ers had their firpt chance to lug the pighide over the Hogs double stripe. On third down, Clyde Scott fum I J. bled and end W rpy Whittaker re- wav ^ g 0a j jj. ca ji ec j t,le i back to the 82 whe ,, “ v '" k 0 ' 1 B *" r '- pecl out of bounds. covered for the Aggies on i ine i ubs the second qUgrtier when they re- fDvered an A ;g|e fumble on the A&M 40-yard ine. Haimer injmedi- altely passed tb $tan Williams for Sldhlueningf failed to 18-6.. cut over right tackle, shook off downs on the se 'en yard line, three Baylor tacklers, and went On the next play, Arkansas the entire distance to score. Lipp- ivian’s try for the extra point wfas no good and thp Cubs led 13-12. '■ After tha kickoff, an exchange of punts had.placed the Aggies on their own 20. They failed to make a first down after three tries and on fourth down, Goode punted to the Aikansas 48 where Alvin Duke took the punt, fumb led and Wray Whittaker recover ed his second of the afternoon. After Yates and Daniel had had tries at the Arkansas line; from that point for a net of one yard, Goode took the ball on a reverse around left end and ran it all the back to the 82 where he had step- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Four tries through the big Ark- The firgt doWT1 madc bv Goode wete mot good enough on bis run f a ij od help the Farm- and the Ipall went over on erg dr j ve and Jt fjzzeled out* after they had been pushed back to the 40 on three tries. Un fourth down. Was penalized back to their three- x^mo punted out on the Arkansas' On\second down] Cox kicked out ten jj ne ; , ] | to Goode on the 45 and he ran it back to the 3!!. After two tt es by Daniels through the line which netted a total of two yaws, Cashion lofted TT r \ i* ■ • fane £ i - £ 'f' I , ' newest |h Li '*« These P||c).s come ; ,nv thiUl’s Pf4m onl nc on rbe Mur (]hr stm COMHi sm mtly At yam ima' l\hon,iliuil Vrifrrt d|j| Gift Items utMltil l>rel> Imtnics Toy 1001 So. College I j i;’ T 4 t -v 4 If'" i, — Harper started a third) quarter £ .... hvc e r‘:rshetr." %**«*,**4 ing to gain iq three tries, the Fjkh That ended the 'j PoL ill N ,, ng in dress f|o land Girl*! Lii ! •fM iKra P I;li • t; I- ' , M' 5 I breach shirt, pping list. u AND MA liCTlON Gift ltd itif from ftu tor) 1 [*• y Tot >r your cane tjesi^nk 'with your Include Name if ; m H'tfl be I; 1 * '1: Shop Phone 2-1618 The Aggies had failed to go af- j . , ,, ter two trjes and on third down; ssed the double p armer w orkhorse Bob Goode fum-f ^way from him. bied on bl ^ owl1 24 ami bchauieiq , _ ___ scoring i*r‘covcrcd for tho Porkers a gtA off a bad punt and Baylor threats in the f rst quarter and Q n tbe dext pj a y ( g cot ‘ t passed Iffbs tJancxm-i-IS thf balMo The ^ t’® ^ a ^ Ut ^ to 7\ ^nith'on' the Aggie so l2-yard line where Reid passed itoi ] After an exchange of ipunts, the L; n „ „ Williams-for a tpUc|h(!own. : TheL try Hogs startedjheijr first sustained TD.’Six minuted fpr extra point kad low, and Bay- drive for a TD. lor led by a sc^re of l9-fl2, with ] Goode kicked iuto the end zone six miautes left in the ball gamje.! and an automatic on, c gt minutes left in the ball gante- Center ,Janies Fowler did a splejv From then on, dpi job of stopping-ebe Cubs’ riiin; bad their work n|ng offense. T|ukle Sum Mbscjs, Starting from ( Guard Klo NTohivitzai and End they made five [Charles Hodge played n lmng-i|» their drive to g one for thq Fish, Lipppian ran Scott and Pritchard wjith the lialt 11! times for a nit earrying the leal {min of 121 yanls. ^ j around I tho Pai i/ W!hat brand of shorts do college men swear by but not of? j ARROW SHORTS m .k They Ml 4th with H Try Arrow v I? pre- and give needed. for real and ners or rshirti too. T"’ j r M -4<; Tie$l : 1 SHORTS SHIRTS -I f i wo Aggie fumbles in the op ening mirtutes of the third quar ter set up two quick Porker touchdowtis that broke the backs of the Aggies. AGGIE BOB GOODB (nuntbeihftS) grabs a. pass in the end dowklrom QuarfjcrbneK Buryi Haty late in the fourth quarter of Saturday's game between the Aggies pd s the Ruzdfback*. / This was the only score of the afternoon for the!Aggies. Arkansas players in tlie picture areJ Gordon Long (number, 45), Jack Richards (number 80) and Tracy Scott partially hiddety|b > v (Joode. { h^i gt^ne winning goal in the 'llosinfe seimds of thellhitml Short horn Jilt. i)ohn is 6 ft. 6 in. tall iftud lAiLs from Wiu-o. Otlfir: members i of last, year’s fTreshmcn ^squad are Jeweip Mc- | J)owe^,| j Sdarvini MiaPtip,: Carlton Battalio n P O R B,r< L Page3 Mi.. M ' ... . • Marvin Miartti.,.. Batted. Wallace “Boomer” .Moon, .(Juy Wallace, Tiaiilt Mobley, Jim ’ Wr I and Fred .Sommers. . IHliiv^ll, who becomes eligi* OrifT Aggie Cagers Start forkoK Today With Promising Squad At mid-term, is probably . ahot, anltong the candid* By FRED S^MMERSj. Basketball at Aggieland gtets underway officially today! 1 ble . rj , best Mot, ja^ebK the candidates and tvjlll be depended upon U> •helpAbe team considerably. , i : Ba^or ind, Texas‘are the co- favorite.i ter the Bdythivest crown ! this yt!ar,, but with d little luck and ;\k lot pf desire the Kamel's should y 1 ! ■■ -arid a few: more. jr when Coach Marty Karow holds his first of th^;; " 1 _ season in DeWare Field House? ' ' 1 1 Caylton R. Lee It One of the most promising feature^ will be the addition ‘ rr and he rab it to the one befon Campbell hit the thuchback, the Razorburks 4t out for them. (heir own twenty first (downs jn had lapsed in the third quarter. Reichert’s kick was goo<l and it was Arkansas 14, Aggies 0.: The next Fnriner fumble >camd one play a(ter tho Hogs had] kicks ed off. Goode rim it out tp tluj 11 . . ,, Farmer 112 and bn tho next; playj ho Aggie got l Peters of Arkansas recovered Dan-i alternate y ivl>|t fum L(I. I Throo 1 nitnnlng plays latejr tluj ball was testing on tire Forme'! ^ll|ne. , tSeetti cocked his •imq’bMk ter thiough aiid nher line witjh MIDWAY CLEANERS !Special Rates ion Cnah & Carry] I ■ i ijJ N I i TWO DAY SERVICE dh the nMt one: and tossed i ll to Pritchard who took it on the two and went ever uniouehtd for tin) 11 Satisfaction Guaranteed M1DAWAY AND COLLEGE ROAD JL Your best NEXT- OF- SKIN! sncoticl Poiber touclulown in tlimi ihlrmtes. Reichert kicked hlHjhlrd per- feet polut after touehdow|t of the game and the arore rvnd'Arktn* ana 21, Agglea 0, with a|x ittln* utea and forty-five seriiadk of playing time left in the quarter. After the succeeding kickoff, the Aggies started their pitssiilg gam* and it worked down to The Arkant ails 42 hut the attack fiz; eled aft tor they |ost back i to 1 holtl 47| Oloode punted to Long on tic Porkt or 20 and he ran: it back to the Aggie 31. Tho Razorbaqks were penalized back to their 48 and oil fm On the next play, Schaufele gained two but they drew a fifteen yard penalty. Then Scott tossed his second TD pasjji <i»f the game to Pritchard who took it on the 30 and went all the. way. Reichert’s kick was good with one ^ninute gone in the! fourth quarter., L / From then on, tho Aggite passed the ball for most of the gjatne but' were ‘ stopped on the Pdrjtor 13 yard line whpn J. D. Smith; inter cepted a Cash ion pass. Three plays lateiT Huh J'-llis in- terceptod a Parks puss i dn the Porker 21 and returned ij). to the ten, in Tioode Ik It-nut ♦ to the varsity of a grotjp-ctp rheitiH from last year’s Freshman ;tean( | i who will give the returning letters men a run for fheir .moipiy-fqr thd li]] frtuiiing bcHhs. It Is .quitG jibKsibl^jj 7 ^nat’ Unie or four'of thu sbii teii r may be sophomores. | The Cadet round haliers - have !•; six returning lettcrmeli, Ground whom Karow expects to build a. | , fast ami huslling haskctliall . cluh. The lettermen iire Bfll j Turnhow, Gene Shrlcket, Rill Ha ley, Mike Garcia, Ham Jntkins, and Jim Kirkland. When .itbese^f‘> men arc in condition, they.'aite rupaldc of kccpbig up with the. hesi IHIn iconfbrcncc ha^to oTter. y The Aggies will not* Wave o let4 t Visual & ems 1 TOR THOSE WHO 1 DEMAND THE BEST . . . College Shoe Repair 'j] ' North Chat* ! 1 mi , le^inan all the |>lvot imaitiop; hut lohn-Dewitt li» expretod liV htdil fourth down, Cox putitet the Aggie eights out on After one try at the line, Goode the 38 quick kicked to Long on and he returned to the 49 ! tin own u( this iMWt, Du Witt Uttlinl oil his mintci'nl. as a li'cHliitiift} hist' vrar, ami tls especially teiiR'iiiilMv'k „ irii8 |i| j Ml" J iBI ' 1 rthi—hirtiii ii*; - Buryi Haty then passed In the end ziine mull.ho toi of tho hands: of twp Arlfunsns do femlet's for the lone Aggljo touch down. llerh Tuiley's kirk was wide, Fifty seconds were leftj'ih the •ft mm .HI, i pork. FreslimanjAgijies ors in possession on their] own 33. A&M Ark. First downs ] 9 I! 10 Yds gained rushing* 77 |] 21.0 Yds lost rushing 49 j] 86 Net. yds rushing 28 | 174 Yds. gained passing 121 93 Passes attempted 21 | | 7 Paeaea completed 11 j; 4 Pap-sea intercepted by 2 1 Touting 31.4 42.5 Penalties 2t-80 ] 10-90 Op. fumbles reed, by 2'I • 2 Runback yd. kickoffs 402 12 Ruuback yd. on punts 36 HOLIDAY «ili oklng Wo will definitely pick dp and deliver 8hoe Repairing!oil Mon*j days and Thursdays at 3 At The ICxehnngo »ton> Altlu'X 1 BEGINNING N’OV. iHT fj • * P H O LIC K ’ S BOOT^HOP (Saw itoi -h iiHh — ARROW UNDERWEAR ARRO Radio A / \\ Mr JrT 'iI Repair... is our specialty I ' 1 j j I ^ ' The Radio Shop I l ' One Block west of Post Office on W. 26th S ARROW SHORTS} $1.25 up T-SHIRTS AkROW GUARDS $1-25 up $1.00 up I; I . I | |.\ ;; ; Com© in and see our fine selection of Arrow under- ihorti and underihirts. : \\/ , I: IML '1 j./:; ■ ‘ ii- I 4 4, “A member of Philco Service” ! BRYAN ! ! i‘ill iT-'u ■■ PHONE 2-2810 1 : .L : i’ COMPLETE REPAIR ..on all makes and models of radios 5 t fi/> i CLOcfxlERS College and Bryan ‘ •Ki »| Ii' i !• -j- -T-.l 1 l: il ' ii L- i4 l ALSO irr -BATTERIES j[w \ FOB YOUR POBIABLE wT /• : s/. It 1 A /in i/ ri HOLIDAY l 1 m 4—4a I _ , ' j, . •• > 5 ; . hW • ;■ ; ; j .f' • J. Paul Sheedy* Swilcheit to YVildrool Cream-Oil Because He Flunked The Finger-Nail Teat I If. Ai: ; ' ! *WMi< ■ . i • " K. i *;^ < r ’itr iv'-i igp',n mf ;s' ' | j Wm ■fl r. . Mil m §v-W p 1 L . SSf EO m •Nil IT’S |AIY to Uuga at aomeoba clM^ wiM untamed heir. But i your^wn, it’s ;i i life with three i K- - *Hb 4 I Ii tiair w ~ tonic grooma.your lu|r oeatty and natuiW without that grewy, plaitvrcd down look. Ufa aon-alcohaUcu con tain* Lanotm. Relieve. ~ dandruff. Helpe you paM the Fin** barber for profbttlonal applbttiotu. And nut clown to your ncareit drug or toilet job da count* far « or tube, today I Your half Will’look and (tel better than It **r veldt j 1! J : lj| b •/ 3Jt Burroughs Drit*, Suf jtn Nr Yi i4 Z 1 / n 1 Wildroot Company, Iae.> Buffalo If, b ■‘t ill . IT -1* X if Ai ■ U V 4 ;T : M || m j j.;j •jpa Ns :•*•! : }-\ \ iii : • t ■. T Ct i' ‘ {■ 1 N.rt i i ir- I y / ::. v i|| /• S : / i I, ’