The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1948, Image 2
Page 2 M ii ; |/ i^--: Pick : • • • How are you goin^j to < ful vote in this fateful No; t election? jj- ; ; ' •j '?'• f 1L -, your fate- ,ber second l ' WU *| :• 1 ( : f The American genius fprse f-govern- methods have made exiiaust ng surveys to isolate some ment has produced r _ T . lJ for determining how ; to tiotie. to ii smart, Ross, Fo Kmvbtlj (jtnfli . I ’■ . V 4 i iiyri ■ inder of Aggie Traditions t eiised by flexibility and a more mature imderstanding of the pol of the more practical methods i for vote determination t if ; H The first division! iw||found is the mechanical method typiei It id a laiyzed as follows. First, you pan! flip ;a co In. This is direct and shows that you don’t play fav- ori^Y! Yt f' :i: , Second, you can pfuclt'ithe jpetuls off daisies. Trtis will Immediate^ place you in the sentimahtal old! achdoli circa eigh teen and ninety, blit It top hn« : merit. If you don’t raise your plvh daisies is can b« axpenalve, howepwi! j!] • Tmrd, you ican yotjn a itryilght ticket. The diHadvaiiiage to thin i i inat It lacks imagination. It has lu^h vastly iver-raietl by the politloil profeHslonj l^ciwso they dislike to put things oft a jwojhnMevcI. The second divisfoil Is thq cfeatiion of another typo of personality it Is chorao L^OLLin-.! Setting ik Pour 'fY • !■!.'( ■ ■ iil f . i ■ h If only I were CHatloiI!’ the Aggie Sighed. “Look at this article) Citation funs alone in Pimliic collect $10,00d sixteenths without competitiioh." £ ' , S ' i tm eighteen hor- . I: noli want to be J Being Citajtjion, ;ini tages, but we ses whose shoes in. The horses j we reffer to College has gfhzing bi the 1 , „ jt calls a pastiire at the ribrtlieast corner h|ivb jits advan- nation. i' If of the campus 1 , j , ] jj; , Although we thought a ! m^onth and a half ago that the pasturage oiild not be come worse thin: it: wjM at tl at time, we seem to have 1>een Svrohg. 1 j- The lifumbe • of horses gr*zhg on the land in Septerr ber was labout two dozen.' College authorities havfe. s crease that nutnbef tp the teen. Yet the grass continues ' lill 1 J MONDAY, NO\ "Aman" 1.;:' J U 1 i :-Y ;■ [v: , , r ■ i.', : 1 1948 — - Y! Y j i n !i )' ' 1 •I ii ;! 1 j . !i ,i i: ! ‘ i 'll f .. ;/ , ' 'r jtj First, you can vote like your grandpa eljls you to. Kely oh ms lohg years of po- itical experience; Ybu cari’t go wrong. ; Second, you can consult; with your :oi)igressman or Ward boss. I’ney’il be giad. 0 |give you tne low! dowri on an prominent 1 lejrsonages. finis \ hMIthod kiows mat you •eijipect me ddbice of experts.; 11/ | Third, you !;can read tne paper, study lipeecneii, and listen u> news commeina- oLs. inis will enable you tp form nhle- lepuept opinions about ine/vanouti candi- iaies. 'i nis metnod mis i/Ltie to cunirneml becamM it envoives uk> much worn and lejiause Sources of ntiitrnuuiou am no}, al ways rduftpid. ; A\ ■ !/ /lit : i ; Study tMMo hyaterhs and hick hut the ouh mat sunn your jicYsonaiMy, (hist otif yojiir poll Aha j Y U Juip tidl great hfong of/oUf* at thje poaa. ; 1 (ui/ob ruin ho a part of; the gr^ftt tide d ldethoermic cxpreftsioii inlit is me ioim- ifibtm of thy A morion n genius for self- toyefhment.m 1 ’ / j 'I "... r ! . !j V v ; y ./ J . -j.?.- i Kv A Y 'pi- ! ■r : — // V Y / / '• ■ ]/:■ /■/ t* / - b; y f a P p » - -i i W; 1 I; ii Yr A e lTc^KTa . A P P LI A N C E J STORE IN BRYAN-— j, r. : t Come to and see u« for large or small appliances: and I ■ • ■ \//h • i APPLIAJN - « ' ' 'i/ f - FARM !| ; A At t-\m ! 1 / ffmrrrT ONE DISADVANTAGE OF SHOWERS ON THE SAME WATERUfl t : H A h ' Y [ i ^ i . jI ■ Agricultural Example •.. I - '■ j ' Y j' : 5A' -i ^ ' j] kybuld probably bloav the loose soil of the pasture over half bif’the counties- in the Brazos River bottom-lands. I f : ' jj. There ai*e three questions whidh come to the mind pf a person observing this sit* Could not these animals be fed better feeding pens than [they are at present on! this overgrazed pasture? Certainly the afe those the hP ! P earance °f the l eac ty us to believe barren w r aste thb stock al-e- being! underfed now> SAM Schedules jl t ■ ■- {/; j . 'I, j Dinner-Dance r A barbacu® dinner ilinu’« ivill l*t htfld November 10 jit I 1 ’ranklin'* for membtM* of the Society for tho Adviuicemcnt of Mumuft mont, khWr wive* oml ufiieHt*. MiHiordlnir to(C, }l, Burke, cntcrlkljmieiit eonl* hdtti'e eholrmnn, lilOnrr Will l»n Horviad «t 7i!lo t, InJ Ticket* mi $t.n(i filcb lire avnil* Ohie In the MnimnohO’itt EiKtlltoef* lol; OeparUneol offlee. Itoohi 1, AuMih Hall, iloeat* will bo num- bcK'd, andj a fdift will be Hwardwl to! the person; holcliiur the Iuckj>' munbler, Burkii stutoH. Tuesdaiy, J. T. ElrWl, ilii- tit^uctor of the ;Unlver«lty of HouY toj), spoke on the functions iof tlte Houston chapter, which includ(j|s members from all forms of busi ness find industry. Attending the nnjothiK with Elrod was K. W. Pat terson, industrial engineer with the Emsco Derrick and Equipment Company .Patterson spoke on the "fwoblenii in the Production of Drillinf. Rips by the Emsco Cbm- pWD'-'’ PATION .-.I, . j.; « • ,L .. ! : , - sl ,, A • { jh -L T .A •. 1.1' j,! [ ■ t '! f i Doesn’t this pasture land need to be •ebuflt through re$odding or growing pripps on it instead of further weakening by continued grazing? Even a good / ng, utilization of college lands for live- d^k pasturing in this case, can be over- lofie. , j-J i i -j ( . j- Doesn’t A&M cast a poor light; on the Sen |jt to de- iatige- management jpfogram taught here p *eiicnt eigh- M falling to exercise good judgment in managing its, o' vn lands ? Surely the best recced into vay to prove the value of a course taught £?,! ;s ; »'ES thnTYu: fw HTIH0 FOOLS! ;he ground aalthe ahiifiaisjiitijniipt to find it! A&M is to demonstrate the effective* another moutliful’ at(j th^Xpehse of the ichs of the principjleiii offered to’the stu* ! j ? very roots of the grAas. jH ItJ^ng wind Hchts. ■ Y • j. !•; ; 1 T . • 'j Ovor a iffo |Wb rkniah editorial j>fI opiflt. ^ncornlrig thajclcaninT hf hii ttaphy cas<! [ Ottf-corik co-e<litbr informs U? that in the Acadethic ^uilalng tkliplA.. .hj* case cleanup ijiqimd came from our old . r We dwelled! at lenlrth ot 3ure enbu; trophy case w only t( But It was out fqrj;sure vrho the were! w?uy ^peri ormed : q ■ It —- City of Co! Fnday i ' ;a!ion is ed Assoeia to it or h, a sHbft time|later, the lulu have added to iihh lustre of tlie insti- void i >f cobwebls and dust ujions most |)Hdecl showpiece. The ships an4 looking,Ii)sje it’s o d 1969 ielf. igurehead is now clean: day faint we found | The hext time \fbur commander has a lijfact that ’rlends, the Aggie band, who found time i the caae wqs dirty arid that in ike past we nit from th(H|r crowded schedule to police hnd received admiral)!e coiiptration from id the trophy cache, the caretakers |of the (jase. ; Men, for;[the sehbol, we thapk you; ,SS|»' fhddst Ibus troops liifty trumpet, send him by. We are mov- thisj Wnbificial act urijto a point of reciprocation. i .: l I < • J! :-Y. , /L-• ' ,: u * i •*! : /• LJ,;J—; -l.,...: . j,, u. j, .. Y. j, jj' i, he Battalion i-i—vIhi .Y- . . jj.. TODAY thru WED, FIKHT KI N BRVAN.OOI.I.KUE .i —FMtiira [lUrtfr- 1:30 - 3:30 • • 10:00 ] We will definitely pick i. deliver Shoe Repairing on Mon day# and Thursday# at 3 p.;kk At The Exchange Store Anttex BEOINM.VG NOV. 1ST HOLICK’S BOOT SHOP it Wickodoit and Molt: Boautliul Woman : j II7/1 ii’ * A 7t V * / M ^ SiilSIS Ow oanady'a I’HOf 65. iiiY l:h f ii ■AM 1 Sanitone “The better' *We specialize in. “ / ‘1 - m Cafe 'AS” 1 ^ > We •■LI A 1 //■ ■■ S-j / ■ , - A ■fir ith Mr a* 1 ! : ' til i; :• .pi ••j ill a 1 ; 1 lijii; i- r r *• ■;r A },./!• i : ?• | 1 Group Batnp «#4< if Dresses Now !■ J, I’ill ; : ifj i|ij .ii - Infant White i :| ‘f; , :■ T O I) A y ' i I Ji I, ■ MrtS^K "■•■Cc&rr$£ with VICTOR JORY . r -f Plus— TEX AVERY CARTOON ‘ LI C KY DUCKY” LATEST NEWS sHi THUHS. - FHI. - SAT. FIRST RUN BJRYAN-COLLKGE S I •Liilflir'i 1 zffllil'f • ; \ Hj .{f I 'p! i • . .1 ' * Mm knit 14 Kimono .Ip IP 1111 Durene; ii Sizes 0 • 2 -ri Blue, white & yellow Extra Special Y Wefe $1.^ & $1.39 !■ !i Now 75c I mill 11' Cordi f ' J'.il Sizes — Small, Mie mi! 1* umtiit •Mwiahuri AOtrWnrtfMMa jkf ; p - Pin#—J ■, CARTOON - NEWS . except jj or tyd Pre not ot M Kcond-dan mai rates Right i of ro: lica A- IY Y Kmirli ff i ^ t m Aet is a^cr of the Agriciiltiiral and Mechanical College of Texas and the ”shed five tirtes a week and circulated every Monday through »ys and examination neriodi. During the summer The Batt iy, Wednesday ajid Friday. Subscription rate $4.30 per school of all ot! News cont Hall.. in the pap< r i 1 other matiter TOM i: • «*o*o*o—••>, , ro »«*•••—#»•♦**• ibin Ooe«* .. ■ V; :m /i 4 i .K NftY i T ■> ■—r exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches .j -o- and.local npvjre 6jf spontaneous origin pubiiih*- it herein are also reserved. ? i i! Member ot Bepeewated nationally Sy National A*o The Attocaed Pte^ by telsphone (4-5444) or at tjie editorial office, Room 20i, ephone (4-5324) or *t the Student Activities I ! 'J . ' I ' 3 1 M. 1 • f ! ! A, mm itc Editor Editura .-p...8^orta S S IPSSSnttafcsSsa- »Howard-... Boa Engelkiti#. Urry CoodWr* Aaaletant Sportt Editor^, .,1.. mil V.M. Rill IT.nnz Rill Tb„rnlr„, la Mananr V. !• . .v -i-44— 1 C. Ki lltt, ClWlOM ■' IY ml ■ A- 0| MichuUk •rtrrafr Henry UcouV, Carjey ... - I Hi -I ii- vi it 1 i' H.-l. i Tins# ti WED. MG-M’s HUDE AN EXP10- ilVE ROMANTIC PICTURE ’ROM SINCLAIR LEWI! BEST-SELLER I ft -if i COTTON HEATHER SPUN PLAD) YARN — YARN DYED FAST COLORS — | 12 colors to select from Simplicity Patterns Cannon Nylon Hose SALE PRICE I -Yh Y'n T • ! : - ! ' i - - -i 79c Yd. Pruitts vH!,! 1/ I SdrU MOP OPEN 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Pliotie 44169 *** SOUTH SIDE YlL ■ COLLEGE STATION TRACI Toddlers y . • •. „ t-.jj | ip Sizes — 2, 4, - jBaalb 6k j—Navy, Wine ' • i- r- 1 Gri , Slaea Ui Were m ■ ■ !• ill •j /'||i 1 Grot ' - j i ^ Jm * Sizes l-i ■96 ft $2.98 $1.00 ■Ii A .a * 1 Group Sizes — L 6, f * 12 ■ m ?«:'i ZACHARY 01 Al Cass A vm OTH : , :i \ -TIH. -V- IHNMHMIiaiM OifKtol by GEORGE SIDNEY r|i| PiodiiMd by ARTHUR H0RN6L0W, 1 Yf AU I / tf ■IffUM. ■>».«. «K. rtniiM uni (tm CEMM SIM-- ■ •>1 4 ■ ! I > K 11 j: i! 1 |; ■J iff ■ ~v -