m •/ : f Ilf a v . MOSC( ■ t WARY V LONI • tPvnfltic ! Rtudy today RF^OR' nro N, fat il Comm 1 jEurolHyin, (|Ui Ui-gtei In BO| Iqi? tho ition* said it? ia Mor- h' Vr. 1i Volume 48 K • II cow that {Marshal ! mdy ] incite SaSnst ‘ Id do * ■- „ ** in let nations tsido ‘Yut j||8ftid{. sovieti: The so by i Poland, in the goslavia* ts in Corn: SSL mlin feanl';} o appeals to, unfrnry aad c Soviet sphCTd the comr jr Ui s. BOAT • HAIFI^, Israel, Get 25 W_U,S. Brig. God. William ®. RiloyijiU, N. V Chief Of! Staff herd, protested' to the Iprftelf govemment i Sunday . that Isfatli guards'fired on a U.S. Navy bo jit in Haifa Harbor Sat- ' { j nrday. nj- i L; ; ; A tlilited Nations IfBpoljtesman said thpi boat, coming Ashore from the U. SJ Destroyer G.! K.^ McKen zie, wps] flying both ‘U. N. and United! Spates flags. T^e JVlacKen- zia is oni duty with the ' mediator's ndsRioti |or i Palestine. . REBEli MAKING • • VDVANCE IN KOREA J SEOCt, Kdrop,; Oct 2Tj (A>l_ South- Kprean army; h smjqunrters announflod late today that Jtebels had captiiired the to>vn of Posopg but wero being onghged by loyal* troops* :v P.' 1 • ■ ' Tho token in Southwist Korea is 26 mlM southwest 'R' Hunchon, which Hi' arrtiy sitld wasirpeover- rum wmOudutr ji| by Baiilri/Fe jioilirt af flhmpdy f U of; liiirley, and |MU« |il(|usto* lifldr an ddoiicn sei'- wis j^iilWr dy by Bmitfi / J'V open ali rally In rp,n Favorite" or tho “Corps Mweet- ^uuut.” j .. j <• ilhIui j'wiasW .»■ ■— B Co. Engineers. Winners of Parade Davis Announces Company II Kngljneerd won first dado In tin* CaVttlry-Kiighuw Jtog. me ital panMlo mi Octnber 1:», U, CoRmitl Joe H, Ditvis, AssImUint (!(|tnmnmlAiit. ^ hat i nnoiliuied, I'ukilng wenfhd plju’o Wan A Gnv<- airy foljowed by A Englneeiis. C Gdvalry won fourth pluto, Colonel Davis said. f With a totiu of ilO.CS peilntn. B Engineers barely won over A Cav alry Which totaled |)0.0K point))!, he sold. '■ ‘ J. M f - 1 ' First place winnor in tho parade received 8 points in tlw* competi tion for the best) drilled outfit whichi is named at the jimd of the year. The second, third, and fourth place winners received six, four, and two points respectively. _ {Tho Whita Band scored 67.45 points but did not place in the competition, ; i / REUTHER DES' REPUB JCAN S DETROIT, Oct. 25 ?/*> 4- p I 0 United Auto Workers^- President Walter !P. Reuthcr Sum]ay eharg- ed the Republican: partiJi proposes “the.most gigantic 1 steaScvdr pro* !posed| iri all nlfc In a radio mddresa. (over ABC), Reutlier accused the! GOP- of ad- > {jvocatinlg • turning the T®messee / galley Authoi’ity and development of ntpiv ic energy over] tp private busings? and at the 'same time plann rig to give private corpora lions Iccntrol; of tidelaijids, ©>1. He ! explained he’Bppko only of campijiiljn issues in tnif 1048 elec tions | hdcauso the radio time was paid foe by the UAW and the Taft ilarthy law forbids labor imions to buy no io time tp endbme candi- ilatcs j'jllp [7 “i i *• Ho vpicr, BcuthcV sabljhe 'would speak) rifcain next Hdadnyfon a pro gram pjiid for by! Voluntary con- t ribulioi is and would mime the can- • dlduks the Auto [Workers lUnipri . Huppprt )< r •; A The JAW chieftaiti'.fi(oviouHly bud vplfod bis pcrtonainwlpij'ort of the 'riiimiiHsRarkbty IDomocrtitic ticket.! 'j : [f-f The livd-haifed ilnjmiifVader, his arm Htijl in h cast from Wounds i: racolvci tempi s GOP se iii an nsansHlimtiijin at- months dgo, declared the •ks tospnrlili gieat corpor ation- bj, turning ofor to |hej« nnt* * ourcejK, UAW prrtaidoht charged, heir s to thank thn Students at AA.N for their cordial welcome mm splmdld siKirtsmanslijlp shown las) wet l end. ’I’be farilithK made avail- abl> to! us Were the best, and we euji)(|'d Uping tbeni. Our yreutesf dm ii ts for the inforrtmtlot) burenii In ‘ tint of the Y. “Nife sincerely ho|u| that each of ym i ktudenta \vlil find our “enm- pm welcome mat" out for them Wh> l eVer they cotilo U|i. p to a wonderful school, stnj- dert ; body, and football team, we sen-i our tlianks 'three foibl for a tru r Wonderful Aggic-T('U week- cml. * : 0B 7v ii: 1 .TP" | . ; 1 /: V. ■ 5 i / P / ; A >/ % 1 ■f .81 i INTEREST0? A CR£>COLLEGE WLY, OCTOBER 28, IMS IF3 L r— /■'A \.l\ I, m •r§;’ fl T NEI.MON N. HOBS of Cofsicana was elerted president last week. MK8. ll. t«. BURl.l'JBON of Midlothiiin was electiHi l eft to right, l)K. F. I„ THOM \H, DR. II. G. JOHNST0S, entomology department. D, W. HU I.AY, MRS. HURI.KBON, NHI.BON N. ROBB, and l. A. M[ RAUNKIT, Bwretnry Treasure Houston. I -M- Agj^ie Band Shinty A^ain . . , , . „ y.-. * < ■ >--gl pd'ji w.—Liiw. Waco Relaxes A. Treat Bears To ■pip 1 I!-. !'■ j of the Texas Ih-ekeepers’ ASsiH-intlon president of the Woman's Auxiliary. Treasurer of ~~T i i i . •• jy y j r: :JJ i - 'i. ; ! •71- ! 4 i ■ / •1/ if Kin / / ■f f v NumjKtr d;i fv p t4 iGive WillDfatt in Tfxfc Co nof Rifan will dk the Text}* (pimstitutio il elecidio vv«i »» irtf* ,»tMMCHwnji* «.mi|;vuN{'tilUv IS S A&tf Pre-Law Society »ml ii Mtheduled t 4 :45; until 5115 pkmj hyfr thp. cairtfiua radi . 4 ! Judge W.S. posed amendmen voted on in the ’ over) WTAW Wet Tito Cnizar ToS Entertain Here ’ Wednesda : :.... ,! ■ v jmmifir; ■ Tito Guiaar and “Bing ing Mariachis’" .will tnlertain at the Assemldyl Httll;We run.” then countermarched and retarnfl ed to midfield. There they form ed into huge letters spelling out “BEAR$” and melting from this j , P- pride themselves victory. Good spovtemaiydrip w;ap t|ie key note as the tee from the stadium. fan's As a ter Aggies rying urice i net s»r Kharing tb)r spo Will bo Mariiti i'i pegf t iwt» yeate aK>j nri'L InVne f4i6leiiV(); .iHiiiol* k .flte, Uflri irica.i editor put. il, Baylor usy trying to "spllct' newspaper the fimy.Tilod ends of thrill* shattered lit*i veiit" knjlio nnythingj but jhappy, i ului tl/ Aggies went consoling i'lvkm with the 1 kttolWIt thiy' AdrM had played a 1 Mght game that bad kept tho ollower)i of the giloeit altjjj gold op the edge of nervous collapso- throughout tho at'tonu»on. ! • ■/ As this is being written /fod Sunday afternoon) tliOi Agguts are trickling back to College Station aiul the Bears are beginning; to re lax. Despite the fact that A&M lost the ball game, tjie wfhekgnd didn’t go to naught, ‘for as one Weary Baptist ex put U, “We may hove won the ball gam?, but we all know the Aggies haW been to town." ij \ [' with tli|e | knolwlrilgo harder won poured Waco . ^ S' 11 tlt»rk4» yrd sopmnp!\yhn4JI|[if:dri‘Ht.1 J. mtro pivter Mvicmtiii Sotlft-; ln>; , The usual miuiII urcIMte’Wlll be nipliired l*y.U«« plutiiUts, A *r> Jorlrij Harper and Ylheeftt dgMnbi. A jinnee tejun illrierl, mitiUWHM i‘u wHI ptsmenl dyrtfllm, M f x lea n I ntllim|• ‘ || \ j trim-: u ,nn cents for student hitd |l '(oi'-.hon j Mwlditte. ■ oU /'i!’ Tic ;i’ts Will (T'fih.'ij': hi, ' i -n! I bn hrtJ riflylmifljb h«|^ Mont|lfiy .morning at 'thty Wdoi'iit) AciiyMMs Offiet* i t Oo^dwtp;liaii . iT I-lli : urge crowd !ls iXtierted niul; one who plottitirte attend ia ml- to'-purchase It d lk^e^iitlrly, concluded. Agronomy Society Slates Speaker »r College Educators [Hear Ideas on Ag Instruction r : I V.. [ I, 1 • ! f | ' bj-. . Good, well {managed herds of cattle in the immediate vicinity should he used for instructional purposes] Dr. J. C. stiller of the Aitimal Husbandly Department tohl members of the Junior College Crinforence here last week. ; Such arrangements would be more satisfactory viding Inboraterieji than would u+ 1—— makeshift unit owpod and operinted by the college, Miller painted out to the agricultural section of the conference. Tho conference, which was split into agricultural and indus trial hccI'ioiim, closed Saturday mt.ruing after a two-day necting of cotiNidering tho- problems of on in the junior terminal oducatioj college. Tile agricultural in pro- -f-r~ Hcssior h wore ih an of engineering. Tho funotjotiM o heuded by (’, N. Khopartlsi it, dean of the School of Agriculti jv, and the industrial soiwdonsj wire) un der tho direction off H. W. Bnrilow, f iioiiM of a traau or oc cupational unnlysip were explain ed to the ihjduatrial sectio i of the two-group confeiejico by Cliris H. Gronehtun of the j Industrial Edu cation Department. !. j Gronemmi warnk'd that “« one man analysis is to bo guarded against because if represents one man’s point of yiew." ‘B|e urged that both teachers and craftsmen participate in the janalysis. “In a terminal!course in poul try production,” Dr. J. H. Quis- enljerry. head of the Poultry Husbandry Department, old the agriculture sectibn, “maiy sub- jeets must be covered in more detail than would ordini rily be necessary in a general col survey courke used as a prerc- 4i Dr. N. D. Morgan, manager of the Southwest Division of the American Potash Institute, will ad dress thd Agronomy Society at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. His subject will be •The Us* of Potash Fertilizers in Reid Criop Production.” Dr. Morgan received his doctor- from Iowa State College. He is er and operator of a 400-ucre iD ■wnt, will b, umd. ! ' ill • ij quisite to more ses in specific f tion. Such a coiurse m Gcal information ibation, parasites advanced cour- elds of produc- Cuba mg. ast presjnt prac- tm bree ling, in- bt*ooding, housing, feed- amjl diseases, mar keting. and poulti^- farm manage ment.” SOUTH TEXAS FAIR SETS ATTENDANCE MARK BEAUMONT, Tex., Oc:. 25 OP) An all-time attendance repord was Mt at the South here Saturday wl passed through was children's tended during $0,000 present at will continue t fexas S ate Fair 50,000 persons s turnstiles. It and 20.000 at- aftern night ►on with The fair j ■fa. Jfh nejft week, v Gilchrist Speaks To Employees Club ! 11,1 : “1 say to you thud, a fun' yob have bejcir at A&M ptio yylt you Won't ei’or wu|nt to lliiyMO<.) second: iliiuimliliriiii, 1/ ei^ would iteoildt* a Imoid li> ippilimi llt(i atfite into semifbi ulltellstrletsf and' rcprcieiitadvi' lldfleteriii Mte; event tInti th)- (‘dllMvUrie fitlletl to dp' Hff. B^t-flioitliig uf jcoipmutilty .pi" ji’f*' butiyof11 tMo mislinud ante jlfttels thei i>'oiiusal, of tlio filial,'t mviSlmeHt. ‘t he Cmictli propoM -d ne^lmeivt vriiuld provide for gim- •tiiitjurial ttitri-don in the event ' ^ disability uf tlv dentil ifovSra'iior-C’leol viriri;! event of before he qaaiife otjher^sui'h roiltlm alifien g- fnVpting ?3,0OO ot the nssifK xalde valt?|. <>£ all reskltirce Jteuds fijortf'tui state taxes is |sed by tjhi fifth amendnunt on the uaLQ|bj/| (.smpulsory icompdnsatlon. of cmiftty law on orcentent officers bn ii salary liaiifs rather than by i fees in cOuntScic of: less than 2(1,- i 000: population is the provision k 1 ■ : wotild vjof;.|jio sixth)a '1 THjli seven t I'Onidt'e the pi x and uiWtea to ct> X Sistead.' nendment. nmoudment esont istate ad vnl w mid empower b £t tjhia nd valor v ■ >A^Seighth dmendjjnent would 'Otrige the ,Kg slaUire to jtrov to retik’nn uit arid cornpenfc certain 'membcrs jif on t|a buki* judicial; of ijerv ii c(/«ge,|or disability. AVMA T„ ennanan 4 ■ Colt, genicivil in nhenvTlIc.y will , g urns ockil II &ni> I’ll 13 f -H »Hjuaf P )ican| Vccrlimry ijofi, Tim meelint , I’etioft* Scott IuIhIiU attend h mbei\of in 1914 me- bo 7::i(i If* Af pal ^pcfajkori Tuttsilay at at u ri ecting of the Jm ioi 1 St'lnary Mod tea I As* ntMtlntf wiill be. held xm Loeture Jtaonu •Wt?lvc4| b degrojjj iri ►dry iTiim A&.% olid g school liteoJhoiyvnK the (varsity football After leiykig A&M., fossiouul ftHglwiI. ' V- V •• if-- 4 m i; -i, m r / ^ F v; \ • ■ 1 I;! If 4 w LI* > l/fj t5.! . > m 'Gii; £j - r i ml i i / r ’i I ■ id: ; ' offer two ni H with TITO mm. hrH m* dancing pair A' 'A Ml * ii ■M ’A- W- 1 A if