tt Vi 'V ■ '4- I r •k:. ; : tihi - \ ■< v. ? ft mi i ,r w I : •"■- i i b : r-V I ;]j )!i lli ; /r. ' ! : t r •| ■ ■ ITT [.-i ! v ; r;-f 't. n|| hT/Hj; l - : /• — i! li!i s r l: Ki t fv m !! !• 4 ! i '■i ■J K: rr i. f » IF I i! /! V , V'> {f t\ u. A ** ly. M if n I! :i i : i w ifil ! rJrt :A :: v. / / :! Mi / /•/ r/ W- k. W/-\ <■ '■’■If i */ \\$ W. K' • ni ; M N (i -I It k j M m A V i! % A V I <• : "I || i .< ! 1 ■ i / • ' /i' / PUBLISHED IW THE IM - m ■■ - i;,' ' !! l 4' I I r. > af-ik. /• i/ -/i;i h,; «r ? •• ’ -5 1? li COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER^!, lb48 f : 4 1 i J i : a ‘Terminal Educatioi OfJumor Colleg h* V> I i ^ r - f> ’ I •! ; :t 5. ! <» ’Hi ■ ■'i. ' | - ] i; ft Lli, Number 61 f ' i 'il 14' 4 . V / A n I : ' /•< ' * K <1 N-i 1 . 4 m iv • ! r: 1 : MS* Vi m ‘ ^ .-vi r Ruled Valid iiusTlk Oct. 21 mi- Of|),O0U (jolle?* bttlldlnjrl uliuiul- ratMit wdojitcil by Tex#* vdMn l#Ht jMwr ww* ibvluivtl vftllil |Wf»liu4- i|ijy by t> flrnt uint, hnylufr mtolo In'Janith Rlxtrln (Inttft, pmionnuH of the uilfctulmclil ftrn tfxpw twlHo follow! thd hmtlfu* Ifund imtccdunv of u^khiu: the le #ip 3 Day | Conference .Will Be Devoted to Study Of Ag Education and Industrial Training Piiwi § ay 'VJ m R4 iiii mm t TT i : -T -m r-t Iv iltolK'hl* ^oiirt H) ivh tf dOnliH tbi* ‘itwti* flu' cam 1 , loti, they inity ml l4: - , ■;! noi NGIM is a soidvomore at TSCW afltl one (|f the 'idates for Sweelboart of the C’orjis. f~—— 1 nbi t Children Will Be Guests Of The Bill I lames Carnival Sat. Santa? Cla tltis v«ar for y DAVE COSLETT At 2t30 Saturday afte?hqon, lot of ebildre I will. B|pt thciif first taste of ifun ami excitement of the vartCTy v !; ' >.i■. {. the'voles of s: is comidff early thi* unjderpkvilie"ed kids of Brazo; County. || id tarty tat that ' partment 1 , ovphaili eripfdeH chil dren, blind children, ahd-nevispajper carriei's in the coujtty will Itave an opportunity to enjoy five; free rides, two free shows, ami two frae fimhouses, a schedule that should spelt fun in any kid’s, book. Shows currently running in donhmetion \yith! the Brazos Couhty Free Fuir/i: All underp dy loged ehililre he locnj welif a on welfare de- Girl Stouts Plan To Aid TB League The HryiuwOiillpguj Stuilon Girl litOiHt ring h Meuutrt Is sm : jirojoct this (’lit'lstimm in* tl« Mi'iifuiit t'uUnLv etalion, Mrs, th'li! of I in' Girl Mdialf C —d«y, i _ I s tlf 'ir cllyie tirio ifttidtijar »»f the llitll lottPt'* of the ftjuwivuloij # Ahsp. ■ tl, Ihtssel, pifesl- It'lt IUP( V illegal Stnltltiii II, tin i/ll, limiotthwil to,. } ;i .• pj]< J I Meolliit^Fl'.lii ■ (ih) McUUt Little lousc. immijof the I rymi Gtnihiry .’lull on' do) “'“ lJ li “" 1 1 '■••-**** Ultll ft it'Ollit pin tie!pate' “ In il 1 |uuse t'lub on'C!olegij> AvjuunvimitliM-s i 1 . th4tl H Sflkits will Humtlny. tttuli' Friday titilijifitmK of Work uni hf Aggio 'Wivjs to come, Rf: m 4 A .1 ill 1 im V< ' - K a ship Hlfe, Edward Rife, T. E. Rife, and Ray W. Tosch, the new own er* of the Hill llames Shows. Over 1,000 children have been entertained by the; show sinfe the plan iwas inaugefated. The five, entertainment is a por- putlUtnt feature of the. shows pre- sentml through tho co-opt-ratlon of tha Hi wan is Oubh, Lions Clubs, Itotiarian Clubs, Optimist'B ! Chibs and Junior and Senior Chambers bf ComWive In each of theltowns visited by the show. The Bill Humes: Shriws, ImMen- tut y, huve long Wen u leader In thu eurnivul buslniis, Bn*lari|o that denlet this mot . then appeal to tho Sufiromo Court. ; The intefmfslinte court rojetjt- ed arguments that the iinmndinebt Should he invnlidated because no-' lire of the election at Which' it was adopted was nbt published in iliH counties. Also turned down Were charges that there were ir regularities in notices published ijn other counties, and that more than one matter was dealt with in the amendment submitted to the Voters, j |i } : The opposition to the: amend ment ffurther claimed the ballot did not | fully describe the scope and character of the amendment. Besigned, to give the' state’s college^ and universities a finan cial plap for a long range build- Jug program, the amendment iprpvidea for levying of a 3-cent property tax on the $10(1 valua- tion. J i ' ' 'jj-jt This revenue would be used to finance $43,000,000 worth of build ings for 44 state-supported colleges otver u .‘10-year period. Also -author- ized is the issuance of $10,000,000 iii building bonds by the Univer- 4 ex as A&kf, '■ ~ p from afternoon today, with The Jun|iol^• College Conference convenes at i :30 tlite HarrinRtori, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, as..presiding officer. The confeirence will last through Saturday; i jJi. PlM Conference work will be dividetl into two sessions, o ie t culture, and the other dealing with industrial training. C, N. . tv-fT'-w-**- ’"••-.i f-ri ’.I*- — " i^ir jj. "Ih !v j»4-- w: w tu i; Wm ■ ■■ Vi m fif L- * l tw » . i H fi M ' m i s 1S-S; IHS ES lift, Edward Rife. T. E. Rife. T l^'Wnt school mm|. RV Members Application^ Due Saturday K Ft- > li >1 !; J|' f t 1 #; ! } 1 K M- i H ym.yl r: ] Fwm i*5 \ MINERVA COLUNS of Wichita Falls, was named sweetheart of the Artillery. She is shown receiving a watch from J. B. K0O1KLLF C Battery Commander, The gift was from members ofjtHit Artillen Regiment. 'I T \ ! T - — ihjoty Imvp lo he i thuiHnurlnl by Itieli’ nwn Mpeclal truin, the largest ramlvnl mIuiw trujn la tiirf Nmith,, llw bIiowh have it i i e|iutalhm of lap Irid one of the lii'lfuBL chiflriwt,; iviiil best In show This , repul at loti hits been built up over the years by Bill llnittes (he ofiglnntor of the shows. Who Mlill 1 ravels with:the outfit. iltty-jlpb* wt^ifhiiiLs of work oh The '‘•17(1 memtfcr orgntiiltnUon! (lie,project. : it ' hn« teh rldeS, tluree showsL Itwoj Saturday i hd| Sunjlay itfterjjiopR i fuiin 'houses, tapd 415 concesaiomi. It from 1| to 5 jlhe grciiip will again will run daily from 4:!H) p. m. to meet. NeWci mers tA the; Bryafi- 12 midnight as an attraction of Col lego .Sttit bir dfoii as ;well iiS the Brazos County Fair until the aiv ospeeially invited closing day Saturday. It will he FubBc I said. ! open Saturday afiernOon. —k k ■ - i j. . ^ ■ i ■- — ■ — T A im, i>. Bik \ 4 " 1*4 "The Row* Vuluntcom have had in the paat the fineHt rep- lillitiou of any mililarv orjra- nidation nimposed QNciBMively nf yotinff men in Toniw, m (’o), I, L. j Boat nor, PMp&T and Commimtant, nald yeatorday. During die week, lettcM nf ell- jtthlllty j have been sent to all men (piulified for uteiiibershlp, he said, These men, and any person who did not! receive n IctteH and feels thill ha I* qualified Should have/ hpblicntjlona ut Ross Hull by Sntf urany, .lie stated. ! In Continuing his statement Bontner said, “I have been told that World War II wiped away some of its finest chnrftqtcfiatiCK and left! an organization almost en tirely Social in nature. “Initially and now the j mission | ipf .Ross Volunteers has been to give more to A&M than it ro- |s ceives and to give those things that will amount to most after gradua tion-character, integrity, Compen- tcnce, rind bard work.'’ ; “The Constitution makes me, as Professor of military, seieriee and tactics, the official sponsor of that truly famous organization.! It Is a respqnsibility the importance of which fully realize.; “I guarantee to pqst And pres ent me nberh that I will exert my self to the utmost in trying to per form njy duties with i ’ tygrity competence at he comlluded. “ n Hi r . j n a\ i!>f . i! j- ealinpr with education for affri- Shepardmon, dean of the School *of Agrieultute, will preside ov»w the Hgriculture sections, and, 11. NV, Hni'low, dean of tho School of Kni gineerlng will bo in charge of the InduMti’liu training seidlim, 'I'heme of the session* will be "Terminal Hdueatiun In the Jibt* lor Colleue." lingisUatIon will bp lujlil from l tjo fl |hls nfternooii inlthtdAs* aeinbly Room of the YMijA§iit lilH), Piesldimt F, (!.' Holton will grisd delegates to thq eonfprehco. The the no of the fli*st Sik'ifOheS will l>** "How to IMri'tolmt Need ed Offerings: CommonHy iJjjui'vii-ys Non-Local Factors, etc,” ! Principal speakers this lifter- noon will be Maurice U. Grt Puifdue [University, wbii wi on “Terminal Education Junior College Level—'PH anil Objectives.”; Dr. 1 Me will* vey Program”; land R. L. Elk ini, Texas, A&M, who will disedss “general Factors Affecting the Triiiiiing N(HHlwl by Workers.” ThiX evening at 7 :T0, the agri cultural section will hear talks on the general theme' jfWhat the County Vocational Agriculture Schools for Veterans |1 av e Taught Us.” The theme is di vided into three major topics. The fust of these topics,; ‘‘A« to Needs and Objectives jjpf Tenninal Courses,” will be given by S. L. Adams ,of the Veterans’ Educa tion Division at Austin. E}* jV. AVal- tqn, Agricultural Education de port ent A&M, will next speak,on “As i] Methods and Procedure in Ter minal Courses.” “Comment and Summary” will be giben by Dr Merton E. Hill, eonference consul- tqlllt. jj// . j . ’ ; i'tl j At the same time, the Indiis- trial Training Section will hear [ talks on "Relations With In-; dustry. Types of Training Dc- Ti J .M stir: aney; of il sjienk on the ilosophy jrton E. University of California,Who discuss “The Coinmun ty Sur as I the Basis of j the College ?p y Lu ther Evans,\I)ow L'luinUOal (Jonv dhtiy, Frueport and TI W. Mpbre pdustrlnl Relhtlon* [Dlylsjon of Ilumble Oil and iWlnlhg Cqnlpiinj ffajftiitaiik*!' \ [j 11 j 1 j l \ "Comment and Hitmmnrvj" will lie given by Maurlce^t. (tniitcy, ronferenro conauUatt(,\ Friday morning the '' genera’ theme of the confereneo will b. ‘‘Subject Matter and Proquraihent” The Agricultural Section will Vai talks by several A&M staff mein- bej-s and by Dr. Mertoiil Bi HilK while the Industrial Training Sec ,tioh will hear talks by an A&M staff member, two heads, of trade and technical schools, and Muurier R. Graney, conference consultant The talks arc scheduled to begit assistant teaching while# working *"■ '* * ' L ie in'BaoflOmiCs, r^i work stayed on.'aji an ins®kic|ety mid siHjiiHcfrert i8 for two' I.Vbitrs until his ifppointmpinl ns Ah- wisttqit to (iho president. . I KlkiiiH nmrrhiil in 11*33', and U ! thhi fiitluifraf two glrls and ii hoy. His ;wifi>. W the[ former Jodlo 'Lmi 1 Joriejn of Attder^ou, Textmj' • Hjhee the or^nlt the ;1 Umilroesa DeimiGm’iiL- KlWn* hiiM I. miumwir Fd; .1. • - j , ; ; .. . - s . 4 ■! 4, tight PtM'Htimtrl muiiinfpnwtti and itjiH II" la all I doln(f intt'i time IrttHilng liltmg with (ila dwtle* In (W[ nrMldhttVa otf'lce, ULIlpMUmtlUTlON IKK MILLION (]»liTlWtf./p)'i.''arf feiriiisiit .i/eu-. Th.. s milouiehlle j LM,., Jnlwl Htale* f thw year Ifolled, «ft the A* ram hi y lltip* thN work, ;■ With the 11ticks and ronehe* ptoduerd wince Jau. J the indus try’s 11148 output to (late now exl ew*ls 1,1215,000 vehltliH[J[ ! [ V— *' " 4 j - • - A ifi i * '•|i: if j ■ DA m Corps Student Caught Putting Out Circular^ The green and gold i were diutriblilcd last night ■Mm " A&M studd i j T\ i'll wiU ’! V _ 5i'>- ■'P IvM |.vj 1 n il r- ; ■f4 ■ j! | •> It A. il .! •inv BMS ; ..fft H N lYTIaano nmjanee*. i,l I ' ; II • :• I the twelve % Junior In |:|l .riiv • 4, •; ii-yH