-rpr-^ ) : •m Improvement : HI \ ,^11 y:|| Improvement of . T7I I A&M was begun last yea: IHf M I uration of an instnii . Furthej/ impro\ by hsyipg students ef\ ^hools in the : The^qiie^tion of im| ready been sctyjpb He l Merits enrolled in h|s cres^e if the curricifln comprehensive. • The most piling e; ourse are those of t|he stu ours Salesman, Kntgbli) 6 J i 1 ton i> * - 1\.V| I 1 ri- Ross. founder of Ag| Traditioni action at heinaug system, be made, cuiriculat 2oiild remerits l)as al- official li CO it. Why don’t we halve taken a course eva|uat< means of improving rany lexisf? , After the rating* of ip f ^ sir made by A&M students! fr 1[h<{ of the facul jy ■ siu^: valnations before theirp ority seemed to fee| tha iz-ing the better points * £ y-'-p- . '■ I;;' Mr. Lewis S •imi n r j. I i r flere are some of thc c Mr. John L. Lewis, who of a rather large gtbui p 1 wo^kinr men before a scssic of the rfi| rthat group of workl ig m y Mr. Lewis was s;)ettkin Truman, who is the pr large group of work li .. v j ‘‘He is a man totall| position/’ Lewis said to, horn-blowing openinl? s< .Convention. , His principles g ; less with the truth | - scheming sort, of ; i n dangerous not only Workers but dangje States of America,” ; The UMW leader man was “too co\y, jail in 1946 and list i ^president invokeddnjuiicl nn i I Hr , f !.■ • 4' \ » i d ■ U/; A m I, -p II, ..III • •-br, in r, the eyalug^ions pointed out those de fects in their techniques which they them- - ves had failed to observe, A, similar system of rating courses quitq possibly mean extensive im provements. In some ways a course eval uation would be much more accurate than in one instructor rati Students coOld be completely objective their analyses of a cdurse. Instructors^ personalities would have place on the: questionnaire. Of course bes nit (|f sfu mignt in-i more On any jwho take wh) havej 4 s iggesti °f defects T u> ' empha-: latent ability of the students in the inter (heir teachp esjt of a greater A&M College. of Mr. Truman ||.. iy ; ■ J I ; . |! matiks made bj| pljing mine strikes- presiden reset .tat jjj M l ' m y. '! », HH TUI ■ ■A m/ r: A •v! •i; '.r f i! I: • no thje material well be de teacher, but tl ? presentations would be surveyed. Only by utilizing all possible means of ented in a class might ined by the individual material, not the manner r. 11 1 i 1 tors m* past year| coilegi^ ’(fed theii* A ma ,r - ..j, - r . - , , ,, TORTt’RE CHAMBERS? improving th^j buiricyla of A&M can we Editori The Battalion ;i: - a leading ‘ " * achieve our itful position as ' 1 "as ' i: 1 j — HIP , Vintage VTA. 1 b \M I . / • ■ . I I H ■i Sfr IH Possessi ^isMifSfaL et of Michigan University, telle of i frejm their state who shoi factor to anyone having a of a name. The fellow is I raised Join ffK m new* of Michigan University, tells of a man should be a cheering a long, jaw-breaker tye fellow is a resident of Bad an a raisea ioh’n Doe. Tohn^m^'lSt be more specific. Jh h [!! Doe’s life is just one series of misunder- standings. T ' ^ | “* blrth Simp* U : L 4 , !' cate with him at iall times, i 1 [ |: The worst period of Doe’s name-cor^* sioin was during his army days, fta would a week go by that he didn’t receive TTTW^ Letters I ®ljtttb of ®ljt0 ' f I j i- !' tiOn as to his name. Perhaps Doe sees some laudal his name." His five-year-old son carries th handle of John Thomas Dc^ “Let thit. mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” Phil. 2:5. j Christian humility, patience, courage and devotipn will lead to the fruition of a life of love* In ! \ va uni. iciti vjn . wish to wholeheartedly agree Wiih Marvin Rice in his recent exposition in meter (^pem) about „ _ _ _ _ _ The admilUtation e»n mike their LWjjWSjiSS o^n tasks eaeiii^r by using the heretofore head. it not a thing to be grasped aftef Would it be asking too much j to be equal with God . i . ,Hwe ice Harrj tomwothc 4 i S11 VC8 Fines totaling $2,130,000 (M) were ihj imposed on Lewis and the union for aw* of telmpt of court orders arising from the 5 net ion, |1 i I [v. A ‘‘Men have klcMg coal to pay that fine" Liwis Maid. "iHow many men are going to die to pay it?'M)w rhany men will break inf if .'d ‘or thf their backs to pity that fine;? H^trry don’t may get a vague con- „ tion o f just HOW THEY DO we had this attitude. (Read Phil. AT THEY DO? 4:8-18) this'request were given some , . |,v vc could bau,v wJS*® Study Enlarging :trt^ d 4 :! !# ■ / - - ' Y - il,/' :MI,J J 1 ! ' Hr What’s the batter with the world? We’ve just fought one war which made all previous war* look like skirmishes. Europe has not cleaned up ifs rubble yet. And there ale those who are clamoring 4—*- 4 !• j M- !jr R. D. Rivers w(ll give a pm«ti- cnl tiemonatration on photograuh unlsrgii)g at a meeting of the Camera Club at 7:18 p- m„ Monday October 11, in the rafale* Bund ing. The demonstmtion is (lesigijad to start the beginner off right and also show the advanced stu- ! dent the proper technique Of pro- ■ duchg a quality j>rint, Kivors said. He said the object of the or- : ganixation is to further the inter est and appreciation of photogra- i phy. ^ r-t-r H New York Cafe 118 S. MAIN jl BRYAN our war remember the le Who ek- Iqst ono too vividly;; From ilOTC or Na- m enemijs t idual Guard to Army to front lines ip only ijo %h, as tup j «i| matter of wefts, j jrp the pt'cj- That is why we cannot become enthu- aro tlL sliastic about aiibther war. i f T -a'-'i 1 m L' 14 I- Jl, : I*,': .^41 ■MA j.' . wpjiikelrs who r Mr. Truman denies that the Republi- (Sfij, uere npt dan party hiaa?; h monopoly on patriotism i ard Streets aib qven though t^4 ; Republican party has al- • .J i 1 4 me re cob- Ways been branded as the party of mono- poly, . a! 3, • i : i I ' -I / 44A MM ■ request exclusively to ithe use for d in; the! papeir and local all othf: laager herein are a and drcula ition periods. During the Bummer The ion rate $4.80 per school um i—rr r ! ^■f The As spy Lanbef of ,1 'United n.tion.iiy sisociated ine lift 3 Ijr by Nations] A4- at New York City, and San Francisco. > twi) Bunjes. lUNDER in IISURE ... undromat Equipped ONE-HACF r LAUNDRY! —Open Daily 7:30 a.m.— Last Wash Received— Mon. 7:80 P.M.—Sat 8:30 P.M. Other Days 5:30 P.M. STARCHING & DRYING FACILITIES AVAILABLE j If v Tj ' r ■ ' 1 : R. C. ECHOLS H ! f Realtor I Over Canady’s Pharmacy Bryan IMm» «-04«4 1 .. 4‘. ! Buy Hosiery the Easy Way i - ■ 1 J | f \ MX f] Writu-i BaporUra, l M HODEO BOUNO... In an outfit from . - - j Leon B. ! College Station, Texas FRONTIER plfTSl by Fatuous Maker? j H-rC all woH clastito, $10.00 Levi Strauss aH wool . 42.50 Real Sport Gabardine., 50.Q0 Frontier Pants Elastique .17.30 Heavy Khaki Pants 4 ’ j it;'. dmc, Glijgbaiii PUills a,id / I ■/a t 1 • ; d i j mUh .4! uTr PHARMACY North Side / : h In a it for desperate raised husband filed a frantic divorce. His wife, he said ts Thomas Doe li i, ... . a ‘ 1 survival, a har- window broken out an expensive “ radio, chtuad time* with a || clean shirt* to. floor « complete thoughtfully props The touching b i ter beware. Her l second mate a little;, too, tnqy *ay a good m S * ^ The yotttn tnere, Uieu 1 j ptm-up u; loWf* teiirJ is tau • s ' hey have a little sport , though. ,t those st too tswm mom aud me difters si rules from me Kina prayed Tne sport’s regulations i larts witft two cai s, loat taking modes ap^rt ana anVb acn other. Speeds as mgn as m in the wmen helps some, tag game differs some ies from tne Kind pbiyed ihl tate tnat|jthe' game starts With two cars, loaded with '\jeen-agers, towards i? ■- ! , has more ea hard, m plea for a xiy : r ’ \ { > K-t -y-tH The idea is to see which dr rye. :ine car that biuns ide is/tneuM afid iimuBt c. ,, exactly like auio in a game ft qar-utg. l ne . divorce, ms wite, he said , — n a frenzied Malay running amok,, leaving force tne ouier utter destruction in her wake!.” ^ or touch tne ear lit.- wm itter destruction in ner wake. The specifications listed in the document both are moving; ware enough to make any love-sick youth think at least once before he took the final Those kids areja phnic Wi st^p. (Tll , time-Kiuers. Xo db.uoi iney s His little bundle of charm :had rubbed' Russian Roubcte on ran his clothing with ;k greasy ham hock, smash- town oiignt to be a natural f< ed Christmas gifts, left his car with every , coming mortician. ‘ ’ •' , : I M" T j- j .’'i f ' il -. n _ Ah. . I;,l,l M. m BOOTS! ( I. ! I 'i Hand made — fancy boot* . J $22.50 Large Variety I ! of Stqdk DRESS SHOES CANGELOSl BOOT SHOP Across from Ford Motor Co. — USED CARS EMERY MOTOR CO. (Behind ■Mm" 0 — Ttt h -j-'--biym'-a-irn* TURTLES! •A A I • l iS'S’. T,. »' I mtt rr— f- TTT v -jl: I " ' t ; !l I b I ' . j ’ . • HEATERS GAS & ELECTRIC : i; ! m^x eir llittle and 'ine A. : IV . ALUM I I i ..! 1 . i ! i .4 L! I • • ' 14 \ Complete Stock !;■• , Ijf['f]f. ■ PRICED RIGHT ffli j h- ; ‘r ■i ll 11' I-'- 111: I WilsongBeari# COMPANY Ono Block Eaat of Bank Phone 4r8531 Step up to our Airmaid < p ay case and treat youoelf *> glamorous hosiery S op by anytime... an cpbweb sheer, e|(»ra . the way they wear *1’ r-. I I College Station ■A s - — . •! •< j ; a! if; - 1 LEARN TO SEW 1 llffiij-ill mI Make yourself a dress or suit while , ■ A- v -rr~ - ' f. 1 .• . . 4 i < for pi learning t I A '.411 . r • Sjyj.' ' ■ y \ ■ ! NOW Starting in I IhPI COURSE $1000 hhhf: 11! m m v f- AiM PALACE Bryan2g879\ mmmm FOTUiNO Wilt HIU> TOJ. linr AltHID H HITCHCOCKS I V • 1 ' tl , .•: » // M-:.. BROS ' 21 " ’ f -/ k'l fi-i'/ h: 11 & . ' TUBS. — WED. !i rm H ■! r ii hr ampus HI ■j r*: 1 Ml U_ nmi IB - i : ■ >1 LOM ^ kM h • •if Bm XT 111 f- A m\ +•1 j ' -- SAT. - f. SI -h; 'i M V I GAB ii I i 4