The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 08, 1948, Image 1

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iff Hafetr Allin
had contacted '
and 1 doubted
at San Antonio wii
robbed the Maloni
Allen eajd ,
Antonio ©fftc<tti
ny rodlo hookup. " 1,i
it of throo hoa 1
ited in n do
tonio Hotel. Off!
t<il found-with
the doacriptlon of
l»y the bondlt who
lone bank Tuwdh;
of the men bid
eeeelon. I
No develonmenl
for the bamllt we
Alton etld It had
llmt tho man wmH
l-'otd nodan which u
Fltlham, Navarro
northcnut o( Mai .
Allen nald kIro fijn
r i
-f ^-4-
5 < •.
I !■ 1
• ' 1 : *
i ji Ti •
. i • -• , ; >
W*! M
( 4 ^
■ '
i t
'AY, OCTOBfilt 8,1948
■ f ■ m
x S1L.m
i. • i
; i; ; .
hi -IV *1- I
’ ;
.,i ‘
1 '
iv-’flr fi
i f
Slumber *2
k nm bln
lajrt Reon At
ity, (*K mllee
he .bcllevr
e Malone robber Wrr trie sal
o robbed the Cdjin Bi
In November of U4b pnd the Rt
bank In AufUlt of 'fjiil yont*. Mount
('aim la in Hill CouKity and Ri<|e
In nelRhborlnff Niivniixi Count; r,
Malone is in 11111 C 6u
Allen snbl the in
] 1 ably "was ni far a wa
r ed to be." Texas ^lir
ducting the search^
now proll
im ho want
ivn nre con
dm suspects
le today, but
lin Ja
en Rvi
Pictures of prtisil
wore vtnken to Malo
no one who saw We
make an identific^ti
fliers engaged in
lift said today the|
sian planes drop 1:
Soviet occupationfizdnC’ about
miles northwest of Berlirt
There is a possipllftjr f
ed incident mightjhiive
of large-scale Rhs»:inq- , ^
maneuvers annourice^ for'tod:
over the Soviet zjdnjj, Berlin arid
'■allied air CorridorA,; including bom
ber flights. :
There was no £<
cither German or
of the bomb rep:
press several mob
that Russian plan*
dropped live boi
towiv xausihg sol
Wayne Oovinty p
N. McNally
u-ould ask a
f Bolton, 30, hm
nevRons with tl
«>• of Walter
April 20. T
McNally said
two John Doo v
ono ngninitt:! U
IIHnnult with: Into:
The proHSeutOlr
hbuncomeut bfter f o
Htato .police, OaWf
ditU nml I roll
I'oUce Camn
Toy of Dcrndt
"It was ttm unah
the ronferdnot
i repoi
pen pat
\f|rmatipn fj-gt
tUssian sources
' TBc German
ago:! reported
on maneuvers
s on a small
il; 1 ]
:. t ■ ;L: '
Pktared above are the new offic
ji | Front row left to rij;hti: A- Jj M
vice-president. Back row left to rights W. Bowling, treasurer; P. H. Walienfelt, reporter, and C. M.
Mprru, amnal cImiYinanu • • r ^ T ] ' nn • *'
ffleers of the Industrial Education Club.
Stone, president; and L. 0. Seienian,
i> if \v«iirv^r«i4 n . ~
oincers ot tne industrial Jbdu
A. J 1 Marshall, secretary; H. J.
y h*
ing Cn|rl
on tlip
her l«|st
Senior Deadline,
Vet Junior Pics
Set by Longhorn
, up.
juitiflos n Warmi|.
eral'Judgv T. M.
Oocembor tt as tl
. the court will be
suits Booking dh
, 000,000 nlkiKcd 1
rnurfUio Texas
pM blf- tib*
ICmmlX of V
>ffl j\ 1
jt, llllurry
noviMn tiint
naims tlplnUm at.
if thp rvldi'ams
„„ HET
- i Fed*
inuv iy bits i |t
Jatci oh whlah
H,trial of 2*0
Acs Of ItH-
nave fesultjcd
"Aly nojn-corps senior ^rho
does not have his picture tn ken
nl| the Aggielnnd Studio, by
Saltuimjr Iftefboon will
hiivo hbi picture ; l« tho
Lm*hom, ,, : T. G. Martin,
ciBto|, ha«; warned.
1 hi schedule for veteran
K ‘ ture» is jir follow
I 12—<A,)I
r 13—(:,l) r E,F
r 14—(i.H.I
tSM ■
1.32 T,U,V,W,X
3— LbM day
unlor pictures
,■'1 i t I
federal court ord
mitised a tomuce-a
seeking to twr tne|n
B. Johnson from:
i-lection ballot, i:
The ipeclal’ thr
division of the fi
of appeals, heldf
"The order of Snjju
aside and the eilse
with direction to Uiir
' The injunction
month in a Texasjtd
'petition of^forn
Plan for"
4 Club Will
r^ani/e Squads
j:’] j I j
8 --(A 5 )— IA
| Thursday dts-
ry injunctibn
img of Lyndon
ef Textis geneiral
1 \ v - ;
'he inombjers gf the Aggie Dis
cuksioti and I Debate Club will be
di'ldetf into! debatb squads at a
sp ?cialf meeting Monday night, ac
cording to Iy.: E. Hicrth, Director
of FownsicsL 'Hie club will meet
at 7:3$ p. m. in Room 326, Aca
demic building-
lourt, a
uit court
ction is set
the poti-
granted last
rict court on
>vernor Coke
been selected they will be giv^n ns-
siimmcjnts for debates scheduled
with o|her colleges
debate squads
Officers Will be elected.
DETROIT, Oct. 8 —OP)—! Uni-
Stites factories will build 112,-
894 motor vehicles this week; auto-
mjotivej newsj estimated tpday, j
The Executive Committee of the Student Senate elec
ted John Orr of the Corps Staff as its chairman and Chuck
Maiael of B Field Artillery secretary at a meeting held )a$t
'night. ;v l \ ! M-I ; [' X If-; ji' 14 i
The group also appointed members to the Senate e
Five Attei
Outlook Meeting
The NxUundon Smlco Wl
ropypRonted by five rntmibew or
Hr staff at tim Nationiit OutlooH
Oonforenco In WaRblngton, 1). 0.
October 11 throutb to, accortllng
to Ulr P. Trotter, dlrvctui', 4
Thuy art' Tymk It. Timm, coo*
nomlrtti 0. 11. KatlRi farm manage*
immt specialUt; Had Mrs. licrniciji
Olaytor, Gladys Darden and Gvmt
Thamcr, Homo nmnagemont spnc*
lallsts. if
The Outlook Gonferoncq is an
anual meeting, primarily orgunis*
ed to sei-Vo as a training course for
state extension! ircpresehtntlves
who havo the responsibility |for the*
development of agricultural ana
rural family living outlook infor
mation, Trotter paid.
—, 'il
Combing the entire south! Texas
area continued Thursday in the
search for an AT-6 trainer plane
and its pilot, Aviation Cadet Fred
erick Caplan, 22„>of Roselle Park,
N. J., which has been missing from
Randolph Air Force Base since
Wednesday morning. / ;
Artillery Awarded Moore
4 mad
IU will bo
la with’
nio, or late
alls, ha aaafat-
ctod cjnn-
liilding the
booh ?onti(ac
The Aggie Rod* so will be held
. ** ^cjj^rdittpr to T im
iVoods, as Arcua Director
Tlie decision wall
! last meeting of
it Sirloin Club. ^
Judge of tho e^cr
Davis, Wichita Pi
! , Roberta, Ban Ait
Yancey, Wichita/
struction forer _
j chutes and pirn*
i r Bucking:stock lu
ted from tho ; Dou >1
ed by Dr. Darroll I
4 "Doc" Spence. Tl h
p proved Btring o !
show plenty of R] ill
according to JohM
aro large, ruggoi
: tho notthwcRt, a
tho mennost ill, t
homo of mqan brih|
i ! .[; Entrant scan
and 13 in the
freshmen entrant
the Annex on tt
be paid at time
trance in any
under 21 must aj
vers with them,
| 4 . • j- ;
j /... ij
| Bat^ry "E^ Field Artillery was
fbrmaiy awarded the General
eorge Moore Trophy at retreat
formation last night W. L. Pen-.
ihy| Dean! of Men, assisted by
'lonm. H .L. Boatner and Cadet
blone^ of the Corps Bob McClure,
de f the presentation ' to Bob
mith, batterj’ commander and so-
ior chfronomy major from Rule,
S***'' . 4 • '
| In presentation spooch, Pen-
twrthjt .bnotly reviewed tho four
phnseh on vihich the winning unit
S g|ndeil and congratulated "E"
Mot y upon the effort they put
jorth to wju the trophy before
ugh competition.
Ho then handed the trophy to
adst Captiln; Smith wWtmg Ihci
Unit spccosR: in its efforts to rataln
|talp year, :
tation wan followed
•by review honorlnc
The ret
Battery won thi
mittees where vacancies oxisi
The following appointments We
Mess Hall Committee
Dan PavIr, Bryan Field
Bob W'eynnnd, Dorm 17 . ' i
Marvin Stone, Bryan Field .
Cbcll iSmallwood, Bryan Field
Donald Jarvis, 8en|»r Yk , o.PW*l-
r\|.! dent, | f- i| j' |j
Hosnltnl Committee
\ltarvey Itlslen, Legged
Jon Coulter, At Urge i
Davkl Klston, Wajlton
Bobbin Svrlmuooor, Dorm Id
The man elected Frasllmnn Mice-
J Itlertions Committee
Ted Davis, Milner
Paul Landry, Dunn 1
Bert Huebner^unlor Vice Presi
dent \\, j :*
Keith Allsup, Doriu 3 1
The: mail! elected Sophomore
Vice-PreSidcnt \| |
Exchange Store Commlttee
Mickey McGuire, At Large
Haray Raney, Vet Village
Dan Davis, Bryan Field
Billy Martin, Dortn 10 \ \
G. E. Ghriktie, Dbrm 14
William Fritz, College View
Publicity Committee
Richard Hodges, Trailer Area \
MarVin Rice, At Large
Chuck Maisol, Dorm 8
The group discussed the part
the students themselves shouldplay
in the welcome to be given to TCU.
They decided to push a campaign
to make the welcome an active
one rather than a passive one.
"In order to outshine the rather
poor hospitality we received in
Fort Worth last year, we want
will receive a small plaque with
the names of the men in that unit
engraved on it They will also be
eligible to wear the George Moore
A Urge plaque in Ross Hall
carries th^ 'names of the out-
fito which win the award each
year. In addition the unit car-
rioa the George Moore flag along
.with itogUMMi . TV
A. N. Hartman was cammhndejr
of •'E" Battery ; Utt; spring
the-unlt won the award, i
♦•A” Company Signal Corps
the award last year and Company
VF" Infantry wpn itf the previous
Father of
Line Coach
Notice Student Senators
AH chairmen of Student Sen
ate Committees are urged to
turn in a summary of all their
meetings. These are to be plac
ed in the Student Senate Draw
er at the Battalion Office.
every Student to make a point to
speak to all visitors ami to be
more tlmn usually courteous that
weekend," chairmani Orr Bald. In
vitations to TCU students to spend
the night in tho dorms of homo
town friends will also help, h« ad-
dad TIT '■ ./TT 7] .••-•11
V Tho; Executive Committed' 4 will
moat again Monday at 7 n. m, in
thd\Wiro Room of tho Battalion
holastica, extra-curt
lee, and intramural
the winning uni
Funeral services were* held in
les jrostarday afternoon for
L. D. DuBosc, 8(1, father: of foot-
Mf|jinc coach, William T. Du-
elder Dubose died October 6.
as m rancher ~
He ia survived by
I two. daughters.
throe sons and
lent Life
Pen _
tee for the eoming year.
Fish at Annex
File Today I
Editor^ Race
Election prociessos for the edi
torship of tne freshmen page were
started last night by Tom R. Car
ter, co-editor of the Battalion.
Before officially opening the
race, Carter told the freshmen that
the Battalion was their newspaper
as well as the newspaper of the
people on the main campus. He
Raid that the paper represented
them to the people of the state
and of the United States.:
After asking the “fish" to take
a sincere interest in their page.
Carter explained the election rules.
The deadline ■ -for nominations
will be Monday at 5:00 p,m. After
all nominations havo been filed, a
board will screen them in order
tp eliminate unqualified persons.
This screening process is neces
sary since work on the page must
begin immediately and a previous
ly-trained man is essential.
Election by the Corps at the
annex will be held Thursday in a
manner similar to the election of
class officers.
The man winning the race will
be named editor while the runner-
up will rqceive the position of
managing editor.
In concluding his talk Carter
told the freshmen that ;one page
a week in the Battalion! would be
theirs. He said that this page
would promote a better understand-
pus nn idea of What’ was going on
at the Annex I and consequently
would promote a better! andestand-
ing between the men at the An
nex and those on the campus,
AAllfToTfear i
Dr. Powell Speak
Dr. Anna Powell, professor of
History at North Texas Stntc Col-
logo and specialist on Inter-Amdri*
can affairs, \v|ll be the featured
speaker nt iho October mooting of
the Brynn-ColUge Station BraMh
or tho American AsiteelnUon of
University Women, Mi's. Horace
IIeddy, pubiclty chalrnjmn of the
orgnnUntlmi, hits announced. Tho
meeting will he Monday night at
fiW In the Yll’A.
Dr. Powell I* n teacher nml
writer In Texas and tho Southwest,
Sin* has taught nt tltiree Texas
colleges and done extensive [re
search nml wnclng on ihevjhtstpry
of the Amerlcai She Is also South
west Central regional vice presi
dent of the AAUW and Will Is*
able to bring all members news
of the alms and progress of their
organization in this phrt of tho
Tho Bryan Cpllegc Station
Branch is extremely fortunate; to
havo a woman of Dr.; Powell’s
training and background as a
speaker, Mrs. Heddy said.
Following the business meeting
a reception will be held for Dr.
Powell, so that everyoM will have
an opportunity to meet!her.
-f — **-
Polk 1,065 Votesto
Charlie Mundea today brg:<tn hlw reign as A; & M.’s.ugiiost rtmn ftd]<tjwing T) utH(lmy
night's runoff election which mw him More A cfekr cut vjetor; r over * ^ uu ^ fix,A ]r
Tht» San Antonian, drawing heavy stit*ngtli ffofn the new si toi, )
win by a margin of 200. Prank Hogging.wts itocoijd with , 002 <|nd
Reeves was third with an even 700. Ru>ertj Hull! wss
Sound Lecture*Dei
fourth ijrlth
—TStepl cfis flnjubi
Engineering students observed new telephonic cpmmun
ication techniques at a lecture demonstration in the Assem
bly Hall last night. i Vi/'/ 'fj -!jV : U
The lecture-demonstration was presented by fir. J. O.
— ~->Perrine, assistant vice-president of
To Be Erected
:Ait'\i4 4 l: I
Safety signal devices wi|L|*)on
be erected on the Southern Paci
fic and Missouri Pacific railroad
crossings at Farm Highway 60 f
according to Raymond L. Rogers,
City Manager of College Station.
Ten thousand dollars has been
appropriated by the State Highway
Department for the signals Which
will be located inside the College
Station city limits. |
Construction has already begun
on a blinker-flasher system, of sig
nals nt the crossing west ot the
depot by the Southefrn Pacific.
This is the crossing where t!
people have been kUM within
past' year. 1
Tho type of signaling devices to
bo placed on Farm Highway 00 In
not known nt this time, R
• I ' "Tt-
Range & Forestry
Tim Range mid Forestry (Tub
plans n steak fry at l|ensel jrisrk
on Suttmky nflcrnoop ut Ail6,
Walter Dickens, dub president, An
nounced Monday.
ArllvRIcs for tho day will Iwtln
with a baseball gntno at II oVlock
nml other sport events will be held
before the sionk fry. !
Dickens urged club members to
attend, stating that 4 would lw
one of the elub’a major actlvltlos
of the fall semester. Families of
students and faculty members wore
also invited.
Students Who plan! to attend
should contact Dr. J. J(. Sperry’ or
the club president In ordcri that
proper arrangements can be made,
Dickens said;
Muitdcn, h^ckfl by a hard work.
Ing-r itopnljm difjW besdcd by ('/tr
ios I mith, Pab White, and Hill
Mnyi ard, secret tledslyc .majnri*
ties i| Dotfma 4, if,, tfl; 17 nlui
Wnlt)ii to dvojj tdine smaller mi-
jubrltlbR pufldUky Boggus In the
’cadet Torps mid i it the Annex. log-
gus, aided by' thumping majori
ties from fAmatld "B" AUibjtics
and p|M own Aly Force Regimmt,
cam |j| the cadet con>s over Rei |es
sf micro-j
i.riM'tt . j
! IT lit ;
dos rt ml'
the American Telephone hnd Tele
graph Co. to n pnekod additorlum.j
Speaking oyer a tiny crystal,mi
crophone wh ch was attached . to!
his necktie, Dr. PCVrinp showed
that many of tomorrow*;
will be results of today'
ing in thej broad fields'
' A simple experiment t
wavelengths their ampL__^
nodes, started an iljtereilting pro-;
gram of exp* trimen# Jth^wing hfi-'!
crowave acition: Other examples of!
waves and what, they db were tlm
wave maker jand the use of floUr-j
escent lamps' clearly showing flit}
meaning ( "one-half wavq-length." |
Though; l)Jr. Perrine f:
poked fun at some NcienlN's
mathematical cquationsj he Se
riously warned the s»mleni« of
A&M to avoid tho .beaten paths
of science but search [for new
thinys and ideas. “0u
greatly enlarged by
rommunication," the
Uifing the! term *nn
the doctor described *<-
ptogranis Aro sont O’
sbort*wav« mjoodca|Unj.
that sliort-tvave cAntii
proccHR «»f sending An
a narrow heitm in rt cc
tlpn.- Ono eifiwrinmnt «i
audience to wnvrti in*;
in a glass tube glovyoil n
JfPi _
ed tin* iiiktterti of', wn cs, Whoii
the tube w«d placod’hi Jronli qC art
ivep Are
tor said.
rsons by
e Raid
wave* id
aided 4hc
form] Gat
id I’ollect'
did idwiud
'MfAotlmlof cnargy
WAVOS prtWrtd tel be an
Llgltl la lbs
dcmonRiralloh, Llgli _
cd on and off as Dr, Per
(minted rdfiiictlim biinU<i
With Ihi* ■niU'S.voi'wcm,
couid iroi g.*|j Ihrmigh. b
blades hchi ktorttnnihily
cnim* thiougli readily,
Perhaps (nt* nmrt til
ptriment ofJHT wnsHhe
sound wayffiT 555 scpnratdly . „
were playing at Ihdsatin* time by
merely turning Uic i-eeb ver elihet'
right or leftj,
Goneluding his show, Dr. jViv
rind asked for continue) nwi*arcb
by tomoitow’s engineers. "Blazt
pew trails,"jhe said. “Dr not trod
the beaten path. Tho 1) mten patn
It'ld of |ivo
10(15 voteH
while Jim ny
fifth with
Vi i.
, u i i ,
A* Junior also yor
Regiment As! expected and in
by 1|)0 votes,
Tho Air For.
tho (annex pitlj a small 2.4. rtm
mart in over Rfleves. Hall car riod
the OavaMr-Digincer Rogln ent
and juanaged ; some general nll-
araugd strength while Stoplui'is
won -itho AirtlD >iy Regiment 1 but
only [after n surprising fight from
Bogtom. The Mlorj-actually jj , ar-
ried phq Artillery outfit, "B" flat
tery by a 5 tq 1 margin.
I f , j' j
•Reeves carried the Infa
_ 2
ditiqn added (he Composite R‘g-
im<Ut to hik jttital. In gene al.
hov ever, the 'four Corps candi
dates splif thp cadet vote aide',
oprtt and ' simlply couldn’,! , rally
solid blocks
cnojugh oulsid
match Munden’s
vet (ran v*tfs|
Myndcn alsp carried,
sma |er / mkrtcihar Law,- FugjIcarL
Milrbr. .IfegTgrtU and Mite icll.
RaillidrtU, wAtehing the prci-i lecT...
tionH lineup Of [Votes for tbq five
uuuiidatoHjhaclTimlicted that Nlun-
:len would , Win |lf «s iminv asi* ,006''
ktif werijt cast from six (((lock
(n j voids' ! wbilo distributes lit
he ifltedO ikHiilino. Thy oi ilcinl
ul*es Hhowetfithnt just IROlMiort
at mtirbtt'-j-djH'JO- slldjj'ote f
“ ’ Trt|nde tilit* mqs uf
uid i Mund*n
Hie p. It was
Mt jtlM* vtije
fjjniui jtlp. gop-si
alqiiostloilidf art tin
■ in
low, mini Mil idtili
nut nte
and Wm
,, tin* w«vt*A .
In i with th(|
I he wivei
usual exf
dcklng ii^
.he beaten ,
Ss for bente
29 REA Meat Plant Manager
\..! /; J \ ( I j
Twenty-nine persoqs; represen
tatives of the ; REA Cooperative
Frozen Pood Locker Association
held a conference on the campus
yesterday and today.
Most of these persons are man
agers or workers, in REA coopera
tive plants scattered throughout
D. W. Williams, Vice Chance-
llor for Agriculture/ welcomed
the visitors to the campus with
a speech in the Meat Lab Lec
ture Room.
Purpose of tho mheti|ig is. to
study the many problems of meat
plant operation. The! REA Coop
erative has been organized for six
months and this is their third
Dr. J. C. Miller, hood of tho
Animal Husbandry Department,
addressed the group. His talk was
nn outline of; tho College's pro
gram In moat work. ,
Following the nddretM by Dr.
Miller, a hog carcass was cut up
by Row W. Snyder, in charge of
the meat lab operatidns. Next on
the program was a Ulacusslon of
the various cuts of: pm
home use and curing-
Tho group is intetosted In the
and storage of pork rather
y LSU Baptists i
All Baptist Stuaentn
gave a lecture on Meat Inspec
tion and Sanitation. Things that
he discussed were odors, molds,
and diseased animals. He empha
sized that no animal should be
slaughtered that has a tempera
Dr., Jaggi told of a meat plant
where the stored meat tasted like
creosote. The taste was caused by
crepsoted beams above the storage
room. The sun’s radiation caused
thei fumes to (penetrate the ropf,
giving the meat a bad taste.
Carl Crawford, in charge of *11
REA locker plants in the United
States, told of a rather unique ex
perience with hams cut from bogs
raised In the river bottoms of
North Carolina. Little, round, black
pieces, marble-like, were found on
the! hums between (he skin and
the! flesh. \ !
welcomed to the LSjU ca
urday according to b
ceived by Reverend
have, beep;
mpus Sat-
egrum re-
rentifc W.
“The BSU of LSU welcomes „
BSUers to our gampua and Stu
dent Center.' Wje will • have opeii
house in the Baptilt Sit
ter immediately^ folk
game. ^ ;
Baptist Student CC
Saturday night,
BSU of
tho Vi
o, AA** nol «llhnyi its
<*v Monte aUt wn
illdMlra ; mel'odj
And urn* of Ifrni
•HiclUAily (nil led
ti .....h ptdlod 13 Vite-
Ifr im "(V lluUi*n l« rililsh Aldh
In tin* ram .luck Wirt brook fi*«
w* wl lit votoa from ibo Himl
ori l„ o. tMilog" Coltiim,
pl ’kwl up foiji from ihi* (Aljau
In. Clwii .hmkln and Jblin hjlb
brew Hod rpr nlitlh pmimoA
A III iwoVoiAs ouch.
i- Elcrt'u. dtltof cnmUibitoif. tliujmi
ml (MW vote, ’flu) list i^'uh h<uu
by W. L. Fm|f>(firt"hy, dark |o
ciiiptldate*' wh(i Hlumbleil nnid fdll
ufuei' n fust Ktal'i.
."Kf “ rkilrfi’ 4. , .1, ^
thorA roaciving'.votes wort
L. Thompson, Homer Hudson John
son,; CbnrloH jMattei, Fred (jrccfr,
M Iton tlannvqjl. Bob Dlrago* Louis
A. Wood. Dayid Gravely ailtl Red
M llpr. The class of !n2|4id (4t go
UnrCprasentodi one 4 ‘F|sh" , I jin ley
reaving one volte.
By winnihgj Mundjen [fell blir to
a j list of prices! that is attll not
cqmplete. Included in tlic Ijutest
cquiu of prizt}|f are: u payiti : job
nA "publicity dh*pcU)r" with Ouion
Ifalj, two tickets to A&M-Vexaii
tine, fTeo mpisportation to Atm-
n, ihotel rcfeeh’tttions in Uk* capi-
1 city, frefe night club privileges
me iialr of tiiiwr-
nkade pantg: fro a Corky’s U lotli-
tersj one 8 pIjtt j hoto from Aggie-
it >} p» wuw; o /
l*ndi Btjudio
—■all the cigatjiei
can-8moke duri
weekend,; «<
the K.;K
prize I
the Ugly M*n
tho Thuiilsgiv-
natedi by jflmp"
wnat they woro tltL_.
Crawford Mid that farmers
the;o claim the black spots cause
\if they aro not fo«
hull to
for moved.
A talk c
en by W..
meat froosir
Ut Jf. V
After lunch
ohuMi of A/ Hi
several nog
animals to
from lte«
carcasses was
two hours,
head of the
last thiar on jthe program
mrsday was a tour of tfit
a vlsHto the livestock
lerteining to individual
discussed with plant