The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1948, Image 1
■VI ■ ■u ■ v ' r l i ri r i : ; ■ I; t; .i f- i i H rwi hAVlDHON HKNATR IH ABIliKNR ; if ttl T. ! Kjild Wcdnon lay, > t’ljmte ioay ittrwl ih tho nour. fluhl Lyndon Johjwon u Coke Stovonfron,11 .Iiu!p;e Dnvi(l«oit V newspaper j (fourt procec huiw no nd (HI S y i inp: yjji' - fw il 1 Stovensoii'a ; frauds in th ties. He told that he had not. torneys for; eithe Johnsoir*thisi mo The Supreme moved obstacles toj •ing on thi jS -Rodi’r* idriU ijretoiQ aid 1hciarit| liotiji of vp aa copn- i lr-» rOm nson ■is ion ‘"vm % appearing November already has ty election Of state, EIGHT MEN ME: IN H.2P CliAS^ i WAYCROSS, Gaji A B-29 boml^er eight, ctf d jihi allots for eKfction. tifjed|tb coiip,- i the'iteeretiry 1 i a’i rianftb he 1 m ■-1 ■: |J and eight killed i Pour of ;t|he plftpe’s tjocupapts. including Capt Wt ;'H. iftoore, af Wilkinsburei Pa„ jxliiletout ami landed safely. I |fT I! Eyewitne^es sar# the hjOge craft exploded in jtho Oh - [as jjt passed over Way cross and; fell !n flames on the outskirts, ntjilfr the edge d£ a swamp. |j i J r ji 1 .• Fbur bodies wot^ i found in thid. tail of the plane. Fdiitr others vem scattered about tM fiwi along with- bits anil piecmtfof the ^phunf. ; , ( Gaptain Moore declined to ex plain the cause ofdfe epash until ho could report to (Warned Robfina Field in Macon, Uaf iWheffi the big fouv-cnginer bombe^|waH based. ft.. :3:lilT II What’8(§< ki A^M flARDM^LuS ■, t Friday nficmoon VMCA, This ia tin.*: 1 ^ bf the s(m«afit2 BAYLOR , AftC BOUNTIES k:i,u a 74»10 Room BEAUMONT A .1 m„ TKurtidayi - ‘wssfei J:on p. m. iTh i-'ifi i i a T:.3P J Academic, d CLUB Jfi. KPonl J2j4!l Cadcmic Building.! llecUpn of Of- COOKE v 0 pith. meets tt the 14 pm After! Yi?R ight,’; Reading BAV CLU ? c Build- day-, Room mg- gifc FFNDERsOV C 1 after yell hrfeti^i 223 Academ e Bn||{Jfine. i-ij HU,!, COI TxT 1f1iiiflT-Uft. j after yell n’ , aet>co TPurs«i)jv. Third floor ’ Bu Iding. i i.j A'•e d»mic fico.r9.—. HOttSTOIC c0Tf te^ trpll pmqtirtoi ^ pf of fioors. 1 .ToiwvsoN ron t ler vel 1 ''raOico. f ’907 f nojnn , I,AND OF TM , 7'- ,f) n. m., .’Robmj ' J pundtmr. |;il LA MAI? ffltt r i f Pu m., Thursday! demic. [T' Fiji DEL RKV ! Cttlj Practice Thtirsdiy; Ronm VMrJj $!f| } EASTI.ANjl) CqfiHTYj CLUB, lifter yell prdifiw^f) itrs#y. Room 123 Academic Building- Election of 'officers. | -d] i . Jl , C-RAYSON IcOlf^TMi ' CLUB, p. in- ThihrMik Bpom 30*. Academic Buildfngi iOrgiiihize and j rr qi* ^)||nrfe. pj ’\ ' * 1 HEART OF TFTAS CLUB. 7:30 p. m Tha»«4iv. MtlfLectjrnyrtons. ' ’ “m. tr . \th lit rtiion moot m I i.j ER HIYOUNC 1 hui inlay (it * ncy JH, 7:30, l(Ul 06, A A? 07,' Acrt* IB* 7:1* Aca- jp. ip, IThurs- §der " ” INTY pi.TTB- ovsday^Roopi ;iectibn of Of- ; f. k-i ry CL TT B- nfr wiMmttv Room 308 Acf/demac Bmlaing !l Election - ~ a iHIIH- lil 1 i p. m„ Thurljday, <, !, > Ml, LABEnOAAMI? pnwHeo Tiv»Vsday,; j MAP«WAlt.T, A lug. Thursqny, iractice, in thip . ilm to be xh'iwi MO v, r ApUe ilfl '’ipn TVi»,r*/l|iw *I*ij >roT t vta t virE] yeH n recti re 'I’h'ifi Academic Biilldlri^j and elortlon NAVARRL 7 :$n Thursday, (lemic. ^ANHAN-IL practice Thni-ed^,. J ijl'cP’ic RiliUli ig. RANr.-Eli'FOF Prrvir. 3-3d p. t llensel Park in arei i||li. SAN ANC Thnrsda r, jng. Plans ]f- ii m X'i,-! Voluaif 48 ! ;■ 1: ih- ■i 1 if' >• 1% • • r 1 * I 1 x, I iii . ne)Miiiiiim(i»«»e«rH - r /-it j .1 “ i. ■ ipwjitswi 1 ■: TTf;' 1 Jjli ! S -V ; - *4 fl 1 : U' r A IK Charles Kirkh; Landry Fill ,1 i Aw E r , / 0 ip Wff 1 ' 1 mm' il:, U il. \\Zl - -f-W IDA f, 0 er j . Lft. ie Sti VIN MCE was jelected president of Bob siriith was named secretary, j fill the position of parliamentarian, mejeting of the Senate for the y< 1948-4B began w^th a barbecue suppfer for aill the old an( new mei ibers.' Immediately folloiw- , tr ing. Jug Leatherwood, past preisi- dent, ca led tbe members to ort|er and awfjfrded Senate Keys to vajri- ous oldlmembors op the basis iof their attendance last year. Under old business, a moticin ) was pajjmed to send a recommei dation to the Executive Coun, to addf an extra day to the Thauktfgiving Holidays, in pla< of the holiday already scheduled Ifot thp week-end of the A&M- Buy lor (football game. If appro ed, Ihijj will give students a hoi 'day ou Momday. November 29, ia- ‘ a\holiday Saturday, Ida> on Mom ilomiiuitipns Ward then opened ihroiiiloht of Iho Senate. Kiijk- m iciifcived the majority of votes gM strived iip to iho prMidcn’s ftmiii* td. taki over j t ho* reins ijor thipfonflhgf year. he HerreUry and parliameii- tnrlan : were then elected along with four \Benate represent! • tlvia Who wljll serve on the SU* detit Life Committee. These four men aije TediL. Copeland. Chuck •en Cabanijki Jack Qulrey, and Rob- »MRa|i^ii.r>ir I.J... H;; : kemli'rs that wore elected serve on the Executive Commlttjec 1 Elbfi't Baiugh, Marvin Rice.lC. Orr, Chu (fjir’jTB nf> ;0ro«iiv nighjt R*)|Ll>n<r akbr rum i23, j Academic CtiiiB. 7-3e |om ?0S, Aca- ITB. after vc'i 00 njj 120,1 Aca- ■ClifiB nicci- t iftftor voR CAj Chapel ilviir CTTT» J lr» Boom 109 , after floor! Izatidr ! 1 ... e CLUB / dm ^22, Aeft- fi i! ' ’ / after yeB 125, Aca- L. Beatlonf Maiael, Fred Hambright, and W^l- itj n r. ;; .. Perfarming t!he many dutie* of the Welcoming Committee will bg B. A. Wyatt, Georg; Marble, Monte Moncrief, Richard Denny j and George Edwards. The Social Committee* ‘ whhh plans all 1 school; social .function s, will comist of Bob Smith, Arbr; Sprawlst James iWhateJy, Tomm' Bengfieu, and Julius Blum. To facilitate organization of tfve' rest of ; the committees;'a moli was‘ paised trt give 'the Executive Comtnitfce the power to appoint men to {servejonlthe Election, Ex change |Store, Hospital, Mess, a id Publicitt' Committees. These ni;n will be lappoihted tomorrow night.. It wak decided! before tne mel t ing adjqumed to,hold regular Sen ate mecjtings.ion the first Wednes day 1 of (each moiithJ jl DEVEIJOPMENTS IN THE CfHNA AREA NANjilNG, 0<*t. -7 -WPl- Lojig beleaguered Changchun, capital of Manchuria,.was abajidoned by the government today, a high military source paid. Russian planes from the Poi|t Arthufr-Dajren area buz zed Amprican operated planes.,err- *8 fropi Manchuria, Tying evacuees retired f V. 8. Maj Chennntlt’s air line-: ^TB.j [pom rsy Club Sa|t inlay, at 7:30 b) ja|tionu. o: 5t ywrA. ■ d Jf,! ed to Friday, Hoom. { * ; UPSHUt " after yell on ct (?2. Acadenr Sc. |j;j^ VETERANS CLUB. 7:30 p. oor, YMCAt J THE VO OT meet dinned. lllWEATH m., Thu demic* WEATHEfr in Th»Jljt •. ■ ji fL I-j I ceting ehang- A J^cmbly ■ 1 Thursday n Room VES ! _ Thuradi 1 104, Plfl ii -ilk i • i M I i; w 1-li 1 “ it LU !lllt iktnj l ! JifiV 1 Gen. Cla announced. ‘ Build, Dance i pLUB Room BRIDGE y, 2nd B will ri^inally 7:30 Aca- - ii ■ ■ 1 . im.-. -4- Jljii-'ii! UUPE HALL 1 11:,-Ip rT ! •'/r R I] 8¥ j-i I! J frfn’ IL 1 , ■ f , fl - 1 ■■{ ■fir* Hi J if ■ -i ' 'i j; i| ,4 V - : ii M i-V 1 ^ !:[l- i. J-.: 'Vp’!', J :i J if S i ’j - : j, k' ■Srrt . .i 5 1 I LI f MM ipli lillllp. irkhibi Elected Student i fhi ^ wmm ffl lU I j ^UijlL . -! : 3 WflCes Forty Attend First Meeting Of Rifle Ti JIM STEPHENS rH"— Vi. r 1,1 A* n^te I ■ mm rhn i ■ in • *' ■ 1 j± .< . m l ne 50 I it, ti FRANK HOGGUS Battery “E” Artillery Will Receive Moore Award Tonight Formal presentation of the Moore Trophy will ibe mHjde tonight at retreat formation to BaUery “b, Field Artillery, Lieutenant Colonel Joe Davis, Assistant Commandant, an nounced iycHterdavj W. L. Penberthy, Dean of Men, will award. h earn In its initial (meeting iof the fall, the riflcj tenth elected Jim McCgltey as captain*: Nicholas Meets was unanimously elec!<ed (to tlie secretary’s position. j Approximately fortj- men at tended the meeting, which is cpn- siderably more than the tionm had t(j pick from last; yjeajr. Last year’s lettermen who will commander uno Hcmor uj major ifroii] Rule, TexaH, H&rtmnn vr»s eommaiuler (Unit spring whrtnkthe Was won, Joloiiet 1 Milttarjr profit igr: I extracu|rricilai* uHivitirti, and in- | tramural athletics, provide the 1>»- fire ag:iin this year Buchanan, G. S. Kent \6r, H. V. Shelby,. C are i Clyde C.IA. Tay-: C. UujT, J. V. McCullough, g. $. IfcJUton, Meesf and McCullc^. Captain G. E. Hedrick will be in charge of tlje team this year. M/S'gt. Truman ARenl wilt be un able to coach the teabi as he dill last year. It unexpected that the team, will have a s sergeant as coach who will, devote ibis full time to working with the men.jl Considerable epthiisiasm whs shown over the prospect of having a shoulder to shoulder match with T$CW. This is a form the team. cr custom of Dr. Benett Speaks Before Members Of A&M Wildlife Club Dr. Login. J. Bennett, Chief of " ‘ life Research, discussed the cooperative wildlife the Branch of \Vild|ife Research, discussed unit program at the Fish and Game Club meeting Tuesday nightJ Bennett jescribed the histdry of the cooperitive wildlife unit pro gram. He told of the,growing need for wildlifi* men with masters de grees to work on Pittman-Robort- uon project a, and cited the need of men with Jh.D. degrees for teach ing positions. Concerning tbe lack of person nel to tahe care of law enforce ment in the wildlife field, Bennett sitld, “There is a definite need for Trained personnel io work on game laws, hut such positions do not iny well rnough qt the present time to luic college graduuten into thorn.” I Bennett, recently promoted tp head the rctivitie^ of all research units, is a charter members of the cooperativi i unit movement ... but ttmre fM» ii "" i V-t BwraniSf IT? _ww»urtr. W. preuent tie awar The Ti'oj by. awarded to thi. 1 best ft ' qll-uround milithry mitfil, wfill be reeciyed by Bob Smith, bgtttry. commander ami; rtenior ugnpimnvy N, f the warn! el Davis sail Military proficiency, scholjjisties, plar pttivit hletlca] pto, ,mv- w , r sis for se ecting the winnejr, he Continued. After presentation ;of the award, the Cadet Corps will have a march- itmpr .. ' Members of the unit will receive a small plaque with the names of the men engraved' on it. They are also eligibjo to vicar the George Moore patch. A large plaque in Ross Hall car ries the names of the outfits which win the award every year, In ad dition the j unit carries a George Moore flag] along with its guidon. .] “A’’ Company Signal Corps won the award last year With Company “F” Infantry winning the previous year. Grill. Boh j Map-tin, Dr, D. R. KiWghl, jirslsthnt pro- fessc r of Veterinary Pathology and Bacteriologj,-, addressed the Poul try Science Club Tuesday evening on ‘‘Poultry Diseases and Their Effect Upon The MhrkH Quality Of Fowl.” Using a large color chart show ing the anatomy of a fowi. Dr. Knight gave, a description\of the interhal organs, and now their con dition, size, coior and shapeVere Useful in determining whether a particular bird was edible or inedi ble.. Preserved speciifnehts of qo nornfal and diseased oi^qhs w-erie presented for individual (inspection. Dn Knight stressed the need for inspection service at poultry pro cessing plants by qualified per sons,. then concluded his talk with a demonstration of post-mortem techniques using a White Leghorn pullet. Members of the Poultry Hus bandry Department and students majoring in Poultry Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Animal Hhs- ^ ^ ,, x , j Marshall\^.M Cldb among the club members who at tended. \ . j; * • :.A ■ ll'iriiiif 1 ’r H / ,w 'ii ■IL j f- ■ \ -f- New 4ui,lK ^ UN DEN ■i ■■■ei 'A AY ■ ■ l«4w Manager Takes Over at Gate #r MmpooDwv The Commentjator’d search for A& to an end tonight tvhbh campus-wide elr of five runoff candidates for jihe hono Voters will ie asked to ; make their candidates, cPimprised | of Frank '• tT n b r s list of ; - \y / . I j ! " Chased Martin of -Da|lad. ’i W. C. Martin was employed by the Holst m Faking Company of jilaalpripr to his purchase ot-the .... . Ji. w-ho| received aj j Bfi5 here Ifest Jannary in I mechanical engineering, is assistant sales ntaii- ager of the Butane Equipment Comply pf Dallas. ''Miy Si,Hie ;B. Clark and Mr sop, J<|6 (mirk, ’42, are the former ■ ♦wners of the Grill. Mrs. Clark, .who isiin ill heinlth, will retire, she ytaftedlanl heri son will go to Ara bia nh (an agriciilture expert for an oiiyompany. A ' pan Tied I irT Martin hijnounecd., New< Grill hours iwai be fromi 6 in the: mrtrning to 11 dt night; on weekdays, dnd until 12 Saturday night. [ y ly Mi ill I, lition Stion [undcnL Stcpliens l | dormiiorie! [miek' I res vet; village |: mm umln dr ball its ; Dear VolerH.; I writ! this griHit kihlress ^With nil my if m ■ve boeln Ih nq Uprfim simio (We lined iff “Dear Lcni'ft’* death. f cb xuistly so! aijn not (ddy 10 havr llie i One oMh<f»e creattv ■ bnmpaigrt manager.s:(lq ugly myself, but rfWj, ugliest btmeh of cnnuui|n nidnitg- |ein on tbe campus) A^borteil the trqgic <lenth to me eal-lwyestei'day morningJ >■ J- He couldn’t, report It before eight o’clock; cVen slirotig IhkIM individuals can't stand my fare early in the morning. 1 have al ready donated a number of. my campaign manage** to the search but his tragic death calls for the services of aft expert “Fearless Shmoodjlli’L the 5-r .fa mous Despatch shmprt homicide * the call of “Itiverbuiit” J Charles L Reeves and Jirtift s : • |ntiijJents living K ilWribuS i>t thrf annex “ay affemodn am 7,two more udejh printtM and are ready, dibti'ihutioti io do m mm tors. J ihnitjiiergeaiitlt ni the ca) IMftmed Voftirqifc and day S dutlts' Wisning trt vote in the test can do so by imtaininir a I iroln the Htt deni Aetivitins .0; in 1 tJoodwjn Hall iuid cast voltv in Thd ; Crtrafieutau All! bnllols *ivHl (i| plckt ‘ho!! el4Hiil|m .eomii(iHt»’e b bui 0 wll naigit htiiwii we by ( sevi rul «ali r pf;iorlT( jlUta ih| dihqiihinii •minuts cm nbelift strujr jdatea, kud iklorj' detective is qnswerir ] WA^ CRIMES CLEMENCY RECOMMENDED BY ARMY Call 8 Pictures of the laqd; Sugi ir Bowl shown at * " n A '~ ! - WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 —bW— bers of t u> Marsh 1:30 this 1 veiling to ituem A special army comrtiisHloii has A. R. Hci gst, reporter rt recommended sparing the jlivcH of announce! today, a limited number of 130 Nazi sen- The six cial meet tenedd to die for war crimes, artny to dlscusi secrutnry Royall said today. he concluded, Hciigjsb said. Special Meet + io\a A&M-Tu- wdE Sit Clidp ing Was cMlilld club plans which im|st less” will uncover I 4 . concerning “Dear Ldpi” is nptt al together a dark one; | knowpsiatofl g n I have bjpught a lar^ft: quantity of ' Ugglewatert from (“Pin- iky” Dowjba. 1 . Pinky] didn’t want fio part with it, but When L loldl h{m that I planned to serve it ftree to every Aggie attending Guipn Mall W*r I am elected and become its pub licity manager, he agrard. Pinky tearfully said that. t$M would As H^ad of AIChE ,«n clep <4 his dutiles as atnean CftemU ent Affiliates ; Bill Oxley, cl last year, assum chairman! of the cal Society Si Chapter at a ra day evening, George “Savins, Beci-e- tary for the organization, announ ced. 1 .1 Other officers elected were A. C. Florj-, chairman-elect, and! Geo. ting held seBa Savins, secretary-treasurer. Members appointed to the pros gram committee Were James Hart, A.^C. Flory^and jDonald Ballard Middleton were el the chapter. en and E. “ sponsors 1*4 w. Bonding, Savins concluded. t plans for the ting in Shi-eVe- 0 and 11, were Hi meet cd each month the Chemistry ;■ 1 Jl y: I J. T. MBS. KA' contestants ! ! l / ■I I y- rtimpagn h Dorinltor] 1 lart" shivers ol t; jjlminy.Stf'lu' 1« alrtl UbM ilnt<" at f < ifclo ‘k 3 hui'sdft.v moriiing y ker ey|t*m imhlieix 1Br .._ 1X!Cwr . flidld} wum R ■r the loujMijbcnktft, Stifjp 1* I'kcii havb( cut simcial i i 1 lophl r », Thurs lay tifgh* and f the eoiit*»|t willin' ntmpunccqlln W ■•1 :*! j. tUr -J Vl lot ing tfteir r on d upjby 10 rtf ip. : J * ii- campaign d>* riousj ronn|n>|8 Stephens,! Chajtiic Rc vote In qCdlhoi r’a \ trslol ^spiiait; «i ThlC jioi why one Mr hph v I, Stephens,: ie Reeves Rupert Hull | jail |Hflve Btaged cut if the tin he wsek te.-Frhhk I rtg The Oqihfrnenta or NN he^lt«y r that h<' “ffclt confidenl! polling .at Ippst 600 votes f nm ,J J!n«" : !f f b <Meanwhile; Munden loomed | the -mWn to beat: Backed by 1 tSii'SlnJsr*" jnoff on the final nigl <o-woi nto 1 nigh|t of may Havel;» t IHH Up the oiqer km II cerpsrtieil, Hiflit Soitie if tbe cftMk are clan iwiWj linvift beeh? mmle on '] fdeq’sJl^rri^ryJjliiilt if tl>« 1 carries the InfcW a *ea as expc! nd holds bis owrt in th i cen 01 mltpry area, ^ appeirp I Am] fUl. > 4 Prizes as < of ; Wudnesdny nf I have pprposely luijj desrrRmd Cominentntdr); (Night Club! purposely hot described myself ybry mueli nipt Wanting, to make thy render rogurgitutd, but thftt I araithw only hu* got hit in jhiTfu(*d Wijih bUH but pnd dida’t g«t his look* mam'd. I dost asking the qualiff rt of all true ahmoo lovers otkur! Candidas/c|h| offer more 38 for your, vote afid no ! ' gc: Mi " ididato j has! hiqre nUtunU •*L Square Dating Club Hold ” A squire dance w*i Slab on the campus4nSt mght by a yet un-naftied "‘Mir JUld Mrs. R. R. Lyle a: and Mrs, Carl. M. Lyman are 8ors of this new dub am dances Were called by Lyma Mrs. Jones. J. ’ 1;^'fj ■ vi Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones vfcere named: temporary chairmen! - hnd Mr. apd Mrs. J. W. Page, Mr. «nd Mrs. N. Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Jones were named t« a committee : ' ' ~ **■ ‘ "Snirtitutioft- Pis-* 9m iipota); pa f (Cork g^i*l!3£»Sd« jMMjgpipKS, Uiloiimnde > | slac “‘■m ta tor ha m 0*10 m and still aitwhcff-i^n •tHge,” 1 IT ItIN*' jrTi'ii J ' f! ‘ The qii) “soeijet" jU vi heriMip thw plain Inr jom* “ -'i J . : j Aggies h|VB b tend at neth • dapt.! OBBi Gym-Armory from urday ‘ accord 199 The; Block girls of sponsoring chides A 3<^ and group «w 0 for dm Mrs. dat is a) gib e to ing up the lines said 1 married the club is being sought 1 gestions may be phoned Jones at 4-7874. ! T • and Mrtl. Calvin and hostess, Jones ■IS8H 1 A Id b Mr. host n Invitjcd M ih nqtpe at the jlwo tolfivi if ore the g| l]ter from * ] studem t Cot ndli Club,' and Dortnitory m vh ' ' campus forwa id tw» 1 do all d of sou ir wroi " l;1' I . after.. In the co-edl ! im . ,-r to. I I- 1 , : iM( M * *