The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 30, 1948, Image 1
' f l i k; ' • itesl I 1 • ■•a: I -\ .ti $k$ ■ . „ ■ v M In Bri : U ,'ll TF~ SOVIET FIGHTERS BUZZ AIRLIET, / BERLIN, Sept. 31 —h Soviet fiphter planes d| ill W offteiaji trjBnamittinit .il wntU o the/Ru8siimf;/«hwjil ^TIIREfe POWERS I / CHARGE RUSSIA / PARI«. Bejif, 30 / BHwn f I; / Goundl wen* dclivt'ifdliit t ■ f i tnry (ienwiu tryitvc ; ! ill'l itr /I It /«VI tit 4 v\h lifter 4 p/pi, lit the Rulidu l\ M i Jtii toiisli bi in nesday/u, S. 'iu^hdriticiij^ Iff« American Mr offlciajf iaiiii ii-wwja iitoitt to . P , lution ofy.nir safety ^Gujat and demadditili temedinli.ii Hwnl • r H ■ h i,/ hT 1 M . . s '' ill L.i ranee Vnlj|i ^tn ami tlm / eharifml in hiuid limt?d Natloini Wedntfe n llirtai|nt nn'Uiut'ri world p hi'r TMijln blocKfidl. | rv Thwo IdentloHl imtea j dn^y uetion by the ll. ‘ (Hindi Meilr |0t| r «i<3 (lb tup|l h STEELWORKERS EM TRUMAN ANf) HARK, EITTSBURGIU, Rent. llT-WU . Tne i 33«membt!r Tntcrtiit I a mail Bpard Of the cio-tlnftdd j Stoel- vvorkers of Amerlen Eajj.vofed, un animously to -'endorse Jfl in|ry Truman • for President sBijid; Albfjn W. Barkley for viee-pres J j union said. I ; -r MlTCHtlAf GROUP 1 PLEADS INNOCENT LOS ANGELES, Sept, Robert Mitenum and tmjo co-defendant d pleaded:. Wednesday to narcotics ?y faileid ii I ' ot bis i&r^ceht Volume 48 ,r - :!■ 1 1 ^ r - I- r ■ COLL&GE NTffE STATION OF A G I' — TER A & M COLLEGE \ 1 A I T after his attorney failddlihf a^r dit- . tempt to haye the indfitWntj dls- niissed on a le^jf tecHjiloajity. |{ Jerty Greslei-, nqt^'-'jdrimi^al lawyer representing Mitehuiln, ask ed dismissal jwith th|-!ai|pUiiieht that a portion the iifdiffthreht jis ""M|re) ajrd. L iik which l- 1 not in the ..English la is therefore unjtroristitiiiii He referred, tp Bie charged Uie deferfdaeta |\v|th session tind confepira/ty. |p tpqs '‘floweririg tops and 1 dian hemp (Cannabis ROSE FESTIVAL ^CT'I BEGINS TODAY ' TYLER, Sept-30 —TjyWrfs salute to thfe rose, tho! ijrlcyeritjh tmnual Texas Rose . EfitiVal, wid . Iregin T amid a rbowerij dri Ifl >\»W tofght. ^ I 'Mi I The fifst event .on thi!' jihcgiiaim tis the ebrohatiot* ojm|tti R®se Queen at! 8 p. m. ini thii iji 1 ?' 0 #|p*' torium. Mis* Mary Ahh tNatney, daughter 6f Mr. iarfrlViMri ’iVjLi F. Ncnney of Tyle^i isi|t&i| queen. / ‘t !;ph I Mi! if L i|L : ;tttD r.'ll ( /f nsgr'. | 5 |j The rose show in tiqiy n jarid the rose tours ul«ng the Di skill E^k 1 . . -H. . J fn; Road will bej g Saturday,] bade with 33 will atari m RING. HAS Uoll'yw# Yesterday kp' m Frida: tiyo-m bands am ving at ft) n| i M IP' NNIVHRHA OJJ, Sci|. N.4^ lo i vntvruuy x US BihjjjFi wiv Crosby’s IHtij wedding.nimi Gelebrntion !if the evfent J h- - I 1 fairy. |>f the eyfhlt, Ihowifver, wilP have tf await Ring's return worn hiii oh j luutiii town, Eirjokane, Wash., When? he’s (Idfirg a behbfit show. \ s 11 it r D.YYJDSONi TERMINATES FR.fUIl r> vestigAtion T ALICE, Tbx.» Se P t.#r4-bP> fhe investigatio h of nllefiejd ifi aifltl in the August ?8 U. S. Seoate election in Jim Wells County 1 Was .tiOi'ifni- nOlted ht 5 p. 'm. order of FbderaM.Iudg field'David |on‘ of 'DaJWs. Special J aster ! W*M' ^fmith of San Airjorud clos^l ;tl|e IpV gatioii aftfE tilkin&-;Mthj Judge Davidson liy telephodeJ qmithj tpld '“Judge Pavidfson M'trudtejd me to qlose this haarinC; kujd tO pro- ceedVno ifurther other itqnrr tO re store thi» httllot bottea hntl .docu ments to, the partiesf Avhdj produced l" P was him- i Jr., iesti- \ Ag Counc Manning *#.., K. A. Maftnihg, Senior tp |iange anagement, was elected president s. Management, was elect j. of the Agriculture^Go special meeting of ( night. Other officer Pat Henry, vice a 4odnril last fejefci et I were le Roy Carter, secretary; ahd U|,I. Kunze, reporter.-' 'i:M if | M Gerald York, a .lepidy In | Agri culture Education', |jflscwd by the qouncil to be the llewi Wlttrr of ‘The Agricultu I if 11(0 magazine Th j council diaci to bU'dWarded ttf: winning the moi danye content to be Kol r A coutniUD'" *tivoj!i pnweut hdej ■I Ktl«^ an the cunteftt wllh clmnkea whhK .mi ]UTby docKion w« of [thiPxl a- Hat of rrjcomlfi chmiges to alt itgi w, Wflh the Rtor men department In ml !| |il«n» to telwilrrln! V ; existing rules al jl M V Regular rtiwtl Agrlcultuie Cou and Wcdnoaday .j]vV ■a T ra ire i in yditor ikci ’pted.j dltl c jfdnque dejiiii'tiuent j|p0iJ|(jR|rn- ns! of ptisod a, j it.-nd with ilfor my- the ..ounoll Eon the Aggieland), TEXAS. THURSDAY. ' ■ ' mm i ! ER 30, 1948 Tf -II \ i v Cattle Judging Tryouts Begun For Contests Tryouts have boffun for an A&M cattle imlglng team to compote In the Senior Inter- ntest i led at 1 Candidates; H \ r ’ : ,-i,1 ver Eashig hik huge trailer truck between guide flags, A. KIM GRAY goes through just one many tripls in preparation for the Natimal A.T.Aj Roadeo. Gray, together ’''witiffiCECIL represen Texas at the truckers’ roadeo. . j Beist Shmoos in Years i • - M Schmoos Boost Grade Pojtnt Rdtios mykMsychology Prof collegiate Livestock and Meat .fudging' Contest at the Amer- ican Royal in Kansas City, October 15, Bill Warren, live stock coach, has announced, Elimination judging is being held iin Animal Husbandry 403 to select a five man -tcanj irj live stock judging and another five man squad in -meat judging, Warren said. j The men chosen to represent A &M at Kansas City will bo those who show the highest average in the results of judging done up to that time.; Warren land 0. I). Butler,! meats coach, announced that they 5 would take a group of prospective team hr embers to the Dallas Fair judg ing: for additional judging prac ticed B| C .C. M UN ROE “Nhmoi s know tfre answers, to any kquertion ever aSked!’’ Tlpit was the astohnding stattmiept is sued yes erday by a ! member of A&M’s Psychology Department “That is he rejason jihaf the Shmoo captuml on tpie cajhpujs by Pihky Downs j the Bat ‘‘And jj^on | Presl fating i \ in r j The field df twenty-two candidates will be cut to five tonitoht a« y Man” Contest rook into Its final day of bnllptjiitf in the fiomfn All ballots inimt he turhw in to tho Commenttitor office, Socoiui nm Hall before 12 midnight! tonitflit. The five nominees will lie announced 11 the lion, and the runoff will bo mild bni? day only—'rhursduyj Octfiber tl | Yet Seniors With Surnames M, Me Schedule^ for Piclpijes , ; , j i 1 - i jj] , ■ : . yl:) \z\ 'Veteran Heniors whoso surnames begin with M or Me are due to have their picture^ made at the Aggieland Studio tomorrow for the '49 lionghorn, according to T. G, Martin, Longhorn co-editor. ’ T, |;'j ,, ) Mr • Martin asked that veterans wear a light shirt and a 1: coat! of medium color tq obtain! fclM 1 best |effect. Ties! aire nd'essarj soW* i ll ! I • if V being ker/t under covbi'’’ t Qion’s inionuant Stated, f Jrthijji-mQrcM prf psycirol- made a brief appearance early this Week and was traced to the home of Pinky Downs has been; lost. The trail ended at ■the! ' Downs borne, and it has since been prpvenj that the Shmoo is f pecbl busy trailing every) person Sus- 1L • ■ Thg liaustoh Press this morning piefeed, the ieil of secrecy jsur- rounding - AAM’s private H imoo i this moraingi j .1 A Ibng distance phone cull from the Pres4 to| Battalion editor, re quested fulL information aril all available pit lures of the S moo for use n t Houston Press jstory on the Aggie Shmoo. In iadt itiiln, two four minute btxadcaM s which w ill sum marine the Shmhu situation on the cimpus w||l be hhoied into Houston radio station KATL from the Bnitalion office. T re broadcasts will bd tran scribed llhe^e nnd aired on the Houston Press’ radio proghi m. ogyj p|pf4sor continued, j “ijhc Shmoo riujArosedly capture <1 ;jby Jowns lfid Slot come oii the iambus : but is a membt r of n r <^ of Shinpos beiit];; stjbd- t m? Psychology J leptfrt- by accit reerpt f led iby ment ■ Que* Shmoo asked secret, being really cappd ‘‘ been i by (Pinky | Dow its. I ‘Tina ege,*’ t ionjd, uuqents meahin iioped by the Jlattkliop’s lEmitor, the professor, who that his name remain! a isajjd that every effortis Me to determine who the Shmoo thrt jas- m the herd ami has ted as being captured nfe the effect on the (Col- rofessor nerwOus y nien- ifil one of the all-knowing ihimoo' iwas made available: to the fThey know everything, the) Shnrpos, of course, Shmoo j-noty? than iesi r ? : 1 tih noo not there. The' Battalion’s Shmoo Ftorice has been Saddle & (Sirloin Club Wans Rodeo. Cattlemen’s Ball A M THls is thb shmooeit! Itlnng to fieh ighly Uliicdd profes-1 ... v , . and' as swn as a! Rodeo committee^ wore appoint- entier; the field of biolHicai re- i search,” ^ne highly Ulacerji profes sor statwl, “and' as; kohn as a! , .. lV . >r , , specimen ; is available,: \y;e intend jfor to pul| men off our oVster re- : Cattlemen’? Ball at\the regular search and counting . project to! meeting of the Sapdletjnd Sirloin peetgd of {having abscounded With the Vvalkjng diary with the en- cyclapedic {brain. • One of tie hottest leads tamed out to hq tr ; bl!ank wajl when it was rumored that steak tms to be ser ved in the college mesk halls.! It Is a well kiiown fact that only! such 'an event jus the appearance Of the ShmOo could;have cauaedNatch an about-faife ini policy. However, af ter a hurried consultation \wilh *ubSiWtaijce dffjcials; the Battrtlipn learned fhat ;the meat to be scrv Was liotj stejuk, hull a synthc fle ^teak-appeaijng .substance kno\(ir\ th ihller joinles as qi|uinehu)'geni. Officials of the Biology Ih • pnrtment have lH*en holding t {Kfrles bf 'Hfcrqt oonjferetictm to . discuH the possibility of obtain- j ing : a IShmov for use in their dcparUnont. A research project on lit lit* pigs is being shelved ijn favor hf the newer and moite interesting Shmoo. t Hi! i n jevote their full time ?hmoo.” thought Profesao del ! The Shmoo was with and horror) ip the EE t. Two Wools of awe rndht were deuronjst rated by ipr Andrews and Professor Ingranj*. to the i ! Nc Officers Spanish Club Elected \ rmi worst] Of all,' they tell every thing. No! longe^ would’it bet any ise toJ|givc exanunationf— The hmoo |possessing student! would ave at the quCstionskin advance, omethbng that, only tne rppst en- erpa-isllig student has been able to hayd BS (Before Shmoo),” This new development In the invasion hhs caused even cpciteiirent on me Campus |e inflation-busting proper- the animal! Ruiitor has it hali thg remaiining {members of the hmoo herd will bd flown to Blue- hirct| ok Shmoobomtet Farms to revenjt their escaping from the hidden Shmoo corral and making their Way mto—ttny ranks of the , jr ■nr*/ iden; Ho) students ever, (the ope Shmoo that 'ship Group tly Formed > M li Mart ill Moore wjis elected' pigs- ident cf the Spanish Clup at the first neeting of (the fall ternr. Other officers elected weire Alvin Hope, Vice-president; Dave Krcpg- er, secretary; Bill Bilfingsly, trea- SUrer; (and Hai-vey Johnson, So cial Chairman. “Anyone interested in Spanish and this club is invited to jojq.i” said'Moore. “High hopes are held for a big year with many social functiojns,” he addled!: I Said [Andrews, “The Shmoo is (ho greatest innovation to the clec- triicul world since the vuciuum tube. They will probably supdfeede the Vacuum tube, since who ever- heard of a burped out Shmo<>.’| “Since Shmoo skin resonates at n frequency 0#Sl times {higher than .mlai ti." Andrews cpnel>ded, ‘Tin- vimiied possibilities .ikri* offered. Win t the magnetron jin | for radar i and the cyclotron did tor atomic reisvWch, the Shmoptroln will do for the EE Departimiift.!' Buf\ Professor C. Ij Ingram Hrpr»seNtcd the opposite view point. “b»hmoo()(H»" moaned In gram. with the heat of;his emo tions fogglpg his glasses. “The clgctriraL engineering field is set hack 30 yenrs\ All our work has been nullified. The carefully com piled sets of reports that EE’s { have been handing down to each succeeding class fqr years will be voided.” There is talk around\the college that a special force of tnhrr is being imported to cope with Ihe Shmoo situation. No basis could nq found for this report,; but itj is known that several men with grade-point r atios of 4,5—ratios that would be Club lajd Tuesday night,\acoording to Jack) Kingsben-y, presiopnt. The Cattleman’s Ball Will be hold] e|ther tho 1.8th or Pith of Marrh. The exact date to be\nn- nounccll later. Prinqg Woods was elected A red: Director! for the coming rodeo.' Featutjod events will be bareback and saddle bronc riding, hull rid ing. calf tie-dowify bull-dogging, qither lap and tap'steer roping or wild cow milking, wild mule race, and a cutting horse exhibition by two of Ihc most famous putting hordes in the nation. “01b Paint” and “Flying H.” Prospective contestants are re minded that all men under 21 must have a waiver signed by their par ents before they can chter the contest. This waiver, to be pre sented at the time entrance fees ar paid, may be obtained (front the Animal Husbandry- Office o * thq Dean of Men's Office at th< An nex. Entrance fees will be $13 for bareback, saddle bronc, bul rid ing, cajf roping, or bull-dodging, and $6 0 bead for wild cow milking and the wild puale race. Rodeo tickets! arc) now oil sale in the! dormitories and housing areas bjy members of the club. The jrrext meeting of the Saddle and Sirloin Club is) scheduled for October 5 at :30 in the A^f Lec,- ture {Room. The remainder of the scMduh for Vet picture-taking ns % foj. lows,: Oct. 4 — N, 0, P i Oct. 3 — Q. R. S Oct. 6-7-8 -r T,U,V.W,X,Y,Z | In answer to re<iudsts Martini stated tjfat eoep nrerr may have! thoij- phhtos made on j these days if they go to the studio at a time wheh they will not interfere With the Vets. Hi* advises cadets to go in the morning since thpy will not have their photos made if .any veterans are (waiting in the studio. rps men wh(b go to the stu- V-u. JPi Y ill be required to wear their ■ one winter; uniform, blouse, and khaki tie. sergeants and all command- officers and staff members ” bring their garrison hat I so | that they « turel taken for thin- in the Lon ! timj, Martin u 1 comnuindi^g officers wil full length photos taken, .-vu willTrc Acquired to haverthpir gsY M m ■ | Rpqiors will wear Sam BrPvvii r' ■ ! iti?!! nou-, then Ink tin COMMUNISTS SUCCEED ; PEIPING, Sept 30 —CP) Com munist troops wefe reported today hi danger if the loving, loyal, taky to have blockaded Chmludcn, ma- ainigml were available {to answer jor base of the Chinese govern- shmoodent’s, or rather student’s,Yment in South Manchuria, questions—have been {in eorre-jY Shelling by the reds preceded spondenco with a noted extermi- j the move to encircle the city, press nator in the East. dispatches said. { ] ictures Yfj Last years favor- are in fbp Longhorn offirt Martin said. “We will hoh until October , then dispose of ihem.” nity Fair] pictures have pot returned py) theNprinter, Mur- •oncluded.' ace in Longhorn t Be Reserv ubs and organizations desirii Spa, c in the f it) Longhorn shoul] turd in » list of: their club officci! to Grady Elms in the Studept Ac tivities offii ley I (Rogers, ficuj immediately, Staii- , dctivi itfttOl u, Sli! aj hna Into allfled, trinted c|nn(iii|i o run The nkrt' told 1 of dent, >|qdmvl (li , tlm v gin to id'idv Tint; Hofut |i iv CviindadtljlKir umv; >i taifi gtjdliitwnfh odj nn I tliq |il«itl])n ifc fi'i lure ih’w'ry and laj ng ng edlbir of the j de won.jj.MIhirffh r, lill) A^ito Puhliclty Dei tin PhCsi was' “dtijfiiiiitMy in es W” (ti thq feontelt] (lidld hud fart, alj-eirdy rtm sdoj ih ItF. r T 1 ■ As )hC deidl tfons approached Leggrtt Hall L 14ad on the sjrcng ei for ; hiin| turned raentator Office V ( Hire,] recently vl J t udent (Ecnale, is t u I Patgii sh gan, jnf to bi “the lull vi ilfilft I position* 1 fn sdflbnd Inku “I eZqlMi” \Yhit “dhc Hom>” Hall tva “*ivei-h<)dt” 1 eevcv, J ACK C. HOLtlMON, clisK of ’42, has been named d(«r editor icinc at A&M. ^ Il —it Educational Movie Vjll Bi Presented To Women foday There will be a spdclat showing pf an instniftional film (mtltlcd “Hutnan ueproduiction” to thp wo men of the campus In the YMCA Chajrel at 4(;30 Thursday nfter- n. m C.itnglef, aikthi I th andj'Pfdnk , '..MW y Milt ■Bnniwc'U ojf Donjii < riy leader-. IB i . 1 ■ tl |J r I ! torioa Oi , nomifth McGu into i 260 V he Cc MM to g the CM for We While !' rd^Dc on®, to scr pjyjti field di ly leader, had drtvpper tr and;wins tri Rodndlng, put ih| jlislt of Maohi No: 8, Eddie I ur, I Kictrart! Hrar ce” Rufjfi aiid l Bullc| tjiom Committed f (jdntest fiei'Sddd Wodnoiday I ctitiom, drcmlutcid by cand dnd sigr t-d by ^tiidenjls now si irf /Vi-Md wotlJdl h<j accc lie dripinitteci, eoinOosid of nan Mirtin, editor mf the 1 lOtl);jBill Billingsley, Biitt ditOrr Alan Self, ferehur Ba 1 tor, J,'| T. MHlf'rr Comidcr dltorj jmd Larry Gfodwyh, rindau r - lissocinto) lied ito;. hq dikisjon when H 1 tocwnjl hncnf jj tlujit whkiH|irtnd •ll ¥' i „ . u ty editor of th(c njghom, said Wednesday, gers urged clubs not Vet ot gnnized to do so immediately apt to) forward thb necessary informa- ti^n to Elmaji 1 j j ihc unfertilized female egg is i r° shown, and the process bf mtmus- tration is carefully illustrated and The purpose-tof this film is to IVci parents iiifbrmntiou to divulge t ipir childicn. rip is a Tactual film ,on the humkn reproductive systems and ion the prqqCss of normal*, birth. Mor elMand nnimated diirtt ings are pset to^descrilw the auatofny and phykiologY of the reprrthiotive or gans of * men and women. ! The rowtn, eruption, and! qlspoidtion Questionnaires will be pent Out of Chute Ntuuber Three in A Diamoud T j# * , ■!>' a ) i LJ i I: ' 1 1 Li; !■ !:i 11 1 ' .• i ! iiL'.Y l l clubs which file) a list of Officers with Student Activities but j re- qtiests for spcrcc in the Longhorn cajnnot be- answered at the present, Rogers said. 1—"Mr i vers Texas Champ For Coming Notional A TA R TholiAggio Chriitian FjJltowahif hU bkjon officially orgarilzede Fellow Recently F * ThriiC ippHI mni-di! lominatloiiuf orgamsatlbn, Its |ii|fi)os« Ik “to draw (lose.' to were,tuw,i ut A&M hniHnipg upon Chmll,' Rurl Homo snid, T -M »Vjw WJh«l they c«n 1 Hng Vmjl ium{ gtmips Will mewl .daily !»«*»<»’ champion — on tin cimipua for pruyaiv and n Itlhh* Muay mooting will Ito hoht on Wlflmtdiiyr at 7tlR’p. In., Mfi- awriflnlha YMflA. !(Yi' j !| Thin irjfouy hat bm maotlng! ■ ■ pt Ml jltur# itne On Idcrtt of thn i. \Qv- m !!(. tnt, ht« fellow. Texun? have, been known as su perior horseback rider*: for! sever al years. Times have changed, how ever; and now the up-tjo-date man knows how to handle; his harse- Fgjfrer as well as hia horses. For the past three days two otjas horse power experts have been doing some mighty fancy driving down in (front of ! the greenhouse, ! : [ MM A. Kjm Gray, who wh* jockeying he International 28 foot semi- mi4>r truck, ami, Cecil Branson, driving lhe Ford ‘bobtail!’ truck we|a 4owii Ht-A4iM hnishlpg up on dally compete in theiRoadeo (sic), Branson. Texas State Champ ion Straight Truck Driver, is a ! ^ •’ ” r s liAnMeM- - ' . .. trftkjii.^T , be the secoM (consecutive >at the Container Corpora- II have a drireMin the na- J lij < For example ft ojn the National , ■ w. n ! ,,,,,,.1, ' in Washington,!!). C, t gext hwhth. ■ (i uves for tha rm haimdon hdnoru all Truck i Roicled 4 'j lima will enter Common ca f in T 'I T' , If tioiral meet. { ;Mj Coaching these two drivers are Charles MXpglv and Russell Fitz patrick. FitzPatrR-k i.j a member of the A&M hrduiHtifial Extension Service in «hargu of the Motor I Training Trans|>ort Division. Ogle is the Safety Dlrir flgjof the Tex- its Motor Transpor ath^i Asnocia- Mpn, the organisation sored the Tottis State last May lift., Wort! Heme of the i atupt practiced incr 1 * * “ Iftlt off-act m itorrof narroar ill thr^adlnr ^w— _.. barrel!, Mid airtight Bite driving. the through an off-set alley of driving a semi-tr through two allevs allel U •j thro* T i (-4 Sh. Mi dri U££ truck to one another. The entrance to the second l» forty feet ond ami fifteeij or twenty fi to the right o the first. T1 teat] b» just an Bard and compli-;| d as it aoudds. There is only nches clearance !«|n each side ie truck. Thleading thi eiifiple, eithlftk, Is are Set i)2 f«et apart; In jht line, Tho trick is to.dri- a trtiek in and out of them both forwards and ba Awards. Few pe‘>* pie could do it li> a Jvep, Tlwae few driving tricks will he the least of the contestant* ‘tor ir * live (vn (Wen sitic I , j: •! i '|j rough barrels is no(t her, Ur thi* cas^ may expect four written quizzes rering first aid, vehicle opera tion, Interstate Commerce Coat- rission regulations, and fire ighting. Just to ring too ( Commi ; ep the contest from ||y, the National Road- has ihrown in ln- requifement. The entrants ill be required to select from ^ a ie assortinent of trucks; the explained. (Iijj. . .. . The film then takes up the nmc- tSoijs of the male organs in the reproduction process,! describing the manufacture of apernr tells ind the formation of i senren* :and ‘ e flow of semen thrtntgh the Ure nd canal Up to the point (where the vagina. 8 tq the fC- the Hied sperm move up into the iRopiarr tubes and boVr fertiliza oi(i takes place. ; c gradual cvolvemqrtt of the uijnan baby is shovfn,.fit>m earlj I Body mechanics o oCess are explainer Intjautt-rine life until tiro full tured fetus aasilmts its! pop' tioh fur birth t ivery process >y means of aninrab 11 The film stresses thprtbiologica Uoi-nralcy for reproduction and th, mm® and parenthood. .r^TTTr ^ ^ in tnatriag( shown bjl to the Hrlvlng Uto, Roadeo emUatant* ! ■■ i ■ \ \ U which c»f the t me defee r. Th\drl (orrect tf A satis! testa win the Iso be J ce. So, ey Wish to/H a however, will of one kind or t er must discover feet in his vehicle^ -r showing on all still not bo epough t. Each dj on made cast > Slayton Awarded $200 Scholarship C. Slayton of IHendvraon at AdiM und: majoring ir rul education, has beet n 10200 gift t>f; tho Jawc wins niaking-it impoH' y Htudonta'lv v)to. ImVq boon ral in jees; w^lji'c f-opics (dhtto' were k’jplcn troinilqdFmitorlei' to oefifplardd late(if» l ivi|lh the lot* crjjt' out.j ^ \ 8 r Na.i« n Sl mu ii Ifl' I t A af Amo ‘ 1 adhaljiiiadi' in ’tHf) slut from it!::?) t|o riegn )ro buildlg builds jicplijef’liwili IhAAhfl me* I m, ubliji rolaltionn (liltAct nd li. Al ( Vnd.i t Fiam es Arhol I ot tenRb'ii Scfvncc, wh i tout j'jkhe Texaii Fi and ii(i|M i|Urfn *’ 1 er, ffd: Jn . , Of 1*M’8 2 m <(iir, |0ctol>f I'M »•?? rCnnj Broqid niisb- denf^iimtrotdrs Ufi'ki) ijt of Ofjiity Ago ito U i- Gerd dine Ashford th TRai Stocktc na u*ll ip' oxpelienda >wi h sdll conHWrfi durlrg tha la^t three year^. ori £ ngtc AW ‘10. noil pait' n thd progra Paiticipitinjj ,i) will Int R.f fc. Jic dcnti'ipf thq .Soiir Agr-hfiAtuml Uxper Mr. rttid Mrs. Da Enlojiy Delta bour agn fo (dam, A&M {dlar (and wi 1 ' Ji d)ie oop 4 ela; u j MOLE , lllinoia. Was award 4¥ itoi >4 ri Tor Co mi stauimt, iwllfc jged to ie Individ i sides ! hoi ‘ frorti Howard Tcrtf has eusLof N« netto o» Ml£: Of " qiatloU'. t«|nil of nit ruction irt,, / ' n J (::( | a fould- terdp a I the t week c usd ntv legrti a. CtilleAt, nder W | : m j ii- M