The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 29, 1948, Image 2
■ Ti' I j-. : ' Si : - Vi Ml i 1 - 1 y ' •1^ ' j l: X‘- - j III •j; h' ■'it: ! I- V: WEDNI1S ij y : '■ / " SMm : 3t| ? ce Sullivan Ross .roun^ jof khing l^e’re Familiar r f J: : TL.i Trsdi 1JS Ifpi I ;National Ki?« Prevention Week, to foe ! 1 Th obHer^w October;! through 9, received |n In tifeee |br|e unw^ciijne impetiw ftom locul Kourcea, j by tfiel (M \ \ ' i!' li ! f. [J :]-! ]-, V \ 29,1948 \ 5 ■ j' *■ > n \ i ,1; ,r! ,<• / >■ ji ij^. ; • f r 4 r : . :■} ^ r • '' P’ J i ! » ■ Ml" III ]; 1 1 1: . n ri; r ? iff Hi ! • •■;! 'm y k!" , / /" i • i^tSEfJIU nome^illirlocfll # the Axgln Variety , Uccord Shop, eittggcrirU $75%- months 1 Tlri lw*» arc Ijh- higher tiinji % u tloKtroyiui and uim oh KMul thv ^igglelaiul T 5 ' of particlr^tion by e^eryor VMJtafcive campaigtiH la ehow that fire loaae* In the tjwelvi’ tig! J^ne 80, 1948, w^re 12% fortne prrcewllng 12 montha liOO^ blghar than In 194H. 'irf m Out the Vintag I * tl ; : s Ife'Iii iftr ■ ; i i ii j- **• 1 •“'♦'rii j n; 1 I ; j ( of ‘Til take care of my- the de S th..yed b U .W.^ andMl ;„pC ^ the nnv douMI^* pe^nftlw ‘Mh muiiity tire ilosw fedord. Whn you tijkg A-L „ %! JJ? J, • ». ] , N . out an ijisotunce policy on some of your *,J il'jii ^ atil1 *. ^ lro ^ e y ent ' on l ". , 1^ Sp«>perty now or Sn the future, you will r, f.rc satdty camprirtw be condu^fe : ^ r4te j ascd „„ the recoi . a of y(nlr *1. “ th ] ‘> u ^ nd8 of Camparis ^{well as on yourself. / aimed at. saving liVesi jobs, and property i Ten thousand lives are lost in ^ , each year and President Truraau pointed op in hi| official Fire Preventi on * 0 ^ f' jVSieek. lUciamationlthat rpOift df th^m % Fire in^jans tragedy; v.e can not af- •r j ; Si By CHUCK MAISEL Surpiise ! Democrats and Repubta^^ idquaSers * l \ W^bimrtSSd in whatf Is c- of major few of the H \ifti went with: KtreamM should abtjund ^vlt | ! i| 1 i much, throw away that ain’t never had it bo Take the case oft He testified in that hi» wife dm , and tried to wet Yi jfl. The wrgeant got hln Mccddad ihe wife for wa during thin great erbift ;h f li know that your futii ykt’^Ullhoanili,] Si^pt, ^3, you v--i;Ho«nU, Svpt. "OurB in «; magnificimtiliuul, of irnPhoerdkiTSept. g4. «‘is ii, t» I Here’* the latfHt ; fronts The Electrical w j Auddind N, «r« HttWng a oil^bahver Seotl 91^1 l “ ,fllr } ah,) *?* cX oil —Denver, the fpntpiny in gu^tlon ub| ridea In a jwlic petr >1 mhm firm < nf» ♦ i» ahhad oi every pan .M. ( pull. fO feet ing many week'n Wofk 1^ in (jut of w|r* through “ ‘ elu Ki OCTOBER Jt«0 pcwjjy didn't »ay it, but I’m hum the e Sta. Dewey did Demin agree: ; s | fotifuu *4» ■ * 4i4 * I .«» ' ii ! Ampiifica turn ment “Whjon it rainx, it poufa’^Collug tion, dateless. i Things are tough all ovor. If Lr 1 M n ’ : ' / is are runlning oyer with half-wits kle ‘ n ' Mir • # ;:1 unijty action. | ford it. ' i ■ '/ h Anotl is ne^ri band ahi Hive A Shell j Shortage . .. door; end.; II If II.ryJI. \ rj pl % r outdoor; season; of The Grave ' its end, )and still the needed , |T Another season during Which the stu- flatianary period at present, but hoW long do you think a student would live if he failed to eat.because “food prices are un- Bi CARROLL TR Dear Sif: i | J jl/J •; j Und knuckle, heads, because nolreg- Unljke most of your correspond* illations ate imposed upon the var iants, I that my | name be k>us schools tuf | study. One has signed to my letter. 1 ajm j George only to look at; the-record to. see W. Auldarmy, Citatss of ’92. tiho few advaiicenients nmde in I was, and I, am now, ip jirfe^vet- d»cse fields in tpe last decade, erihaiy major., I entered schyc l in And so’you sec, George, the dis- 1888 and compfletvd the purseribed qrinjinaiiion shown in sdeqtjon of one-year pre-i-elt course. 1 then; Students In the; Vet Med field is i applied for admission to the Vet dn integral part of the horjored School amd wa| turned down. prot- ssi Waves New Prexy Of LaJtera Cluf d dd'yr I hay^i been here nearly jeVery ' By the way, atny rumor;you..bear >-ear aihw. Kayh year f nave d’ado which .lays that the selection is - application for I admittance, (and for the (purpose of protecting those each year I. have i^otteM - ijie suine ;jlrcndy, practicing veterinary med- anawer;/“Ne.\t; year Aalda|-my.” ijrine, is completely fatee, and you 1 received a «ichoior% degree in must nfject it immediately., biology in ’92, an M. S.; in. the ! k ,, 1 Roibcrt was telec Ckmyiia of the eljectjet dents and’ facul^ ajid theiy guests coiild not enjoy- the.full benefits of this school facility. favorable?” • Ii is sometimes necessary to sustain what appears to be a financial loss in or- Th<* fWTot wit* luM through by tkp ffeent of a rabbit. I The uniop fhu^getl the company w pioyi% fn |nre||liUrj^ wurket;, pgjflng h- «uji fi^ehlt wigenrjand eugHging k m j|»of. Jul 'ffrfjii ‘I HT ’ l |]l}| W|tcJ. dut rried ha# hl»^ve on ybur ,—11.,.i ■■ 111 **i, - M*— ra, a r-Kon isA- etters ! l /i' t GOOD WORK! -c Editors; The Battalion: We \youid like to Icommc^d the John F. Gt E. j^aueirj jforniftr ^ *tairs, jii-o on ' cotichihc sjlnff Corps before ficant, n| i y«lar, 4 ’e::on, Wayne Mai tijn, Abilene, was We thinlk. thatia moV^ secretiry-treasurer; and s hou d be made at A n.ul| (Hoff, Jn, jw|is:elected report- ., Ia ^ R. D. Rivers \v »sj selected to l “ce j Aj G. Edmonds as sponSsdr 5 such as this m OpHetfC. ftm OLoi / 7 M333EEZ2Z23 r of the club. Edmonds has retired pConi | this position. ....—, i/'i.eld in ’04, and a Phil), in ! S SsUffit ?: Employeie’s Club MfiHHH-'H- nmstli; l>wmfN*at All persons jnt ljUk n^xt |mc*tiiigi jwfiiiih will be field gtaphy are invited to attend the j t j s Monday^ October new, ed $19,pop for thje constructor) Host in the jsfense df paying nojw for what sMJtt Thciprpve 4urmg theiij mefet- {might be; cheaper fater sihee midst Textprs’ TUil iMrtV,' *)& irtfl tnaiW an4imlL - If \ ! i L _ ill ' l-il £_ !< L .. I_ ing; op ilflirch 20 p.^ last spfitiif. 'T .. wages awl!;Jhcomes have Increased i|^|6nj|r {lhyea|)|gatiori; hjis iibown that pir ns with the ming costs. v; Tim^ hi^Ve plreki' been tlrawij ■ fo|r the prppot ed Thet ApproachIhg winter months would brrtid shell .The excijsc hiis been given tl mV be the best timq to work'on the shell since BChooliiUifcliPritiaB ‘‘ure Waiting for favtir- the construction Would hot interfere with lible cpntpct td|^ionJf biforcj conHtjrjc- any activities. || r| tion vfiUi’Irtjgin. Ii' j . J I j. Will We Bee and be able t<> enjoy a blind It in (rae thgf we aifir living in nri In-j shell at Th A Grove nexli summer? i ’( .Irl j i| • f 11 : N I j i !'•■ ' if -/T f If ’I II gifwjptM Cleanup Campaign . ^ honorary LLiD In 1900 I received a ; Rhodes scholarship and studied barteifiolo- , „ ,, , gy af pxfoi'd. : V i 'j ! Div |W^ W. Artnistcad of the 'And each year I cpnfiiHiio to school of Vetoumiry Medicine has make application for admittance, been named ch;drn|an bf the com- f have been recommended by Coke niittio |to handle arrangements for SteVehBon, a wjell-known ra filch ei - ., the Employees’ Dinner Club, this and President Truman, a Wrangler year. The club will meet the third in hi| aim nglji* Still I ! cktff git L „ , - „ lil ^ u- admitted. I hall for dinner :ttt P- m> 1 Bro now 8|l years old, I realite \ 'Ihe Octoberjj 21 ideeting ty in the w<irld of indecision in the 5;' minds of men, ibis recognition of L 01 ; (jod isiof the utmost importance. This eVcaing fljbdervartce will bring credit fo the Corps and honor to in :: 1! >' ■ crested; in photo- the school diff^enti programs lire evening prayeL JAMES Ft JACKSON KERRIS BAKE* ! . VS BCUY LENOX p plan pied for thj^ coming year, And beginhc-is and : advanced canlerft fans should get in on the begin ning! °I ^hei seriejs, Mayes said,. - ' ■ Thursday in each month af Sbisa ipt ‘ ' '' >lfl, I ri)alue \ in* uenmerj, 21 meeting tvtll that iny dayH hre nundK-ted: I’m welcome the tfeweonters fo the i GIFTS »i UCESSIBIES not Ion# for lliis woi-R However, <HU»l»Uf. A bugp attonjlunc^ M ex- ' hild- 0. V. oh l would like tji pOMlikcl jify <|hild- ,D<^tod.| hood aiTi)u(mn| of becoming a I) M, hdbre I gofCun ypw do any thing to help the situM|ipS|?v . can A flew Htu<idht Beimtoi* wevknow ct me fou^htl If Would bo finu to the by todky^lKivinjpicjui cigarit and accitT^t slatf byi rbmoviiig all • :h« tif|ered ly givb tjlf witk u jgood; ideja. attd bantieiB fmm The _b|||?ej holder .stated that he joveir thd cjtmpus. eonspibuous clean Hign« places t - A 7 whs j so l^spy tb tipilurtijp.h over his opptv v Thfe iv|ih)lei*s shoult Ije jhappy to Ido ^jfcicfri thlt he-iiwduld be willing to gol most dnjjtidiig after wiiinlrig and the los- both his own and his. ers probbp|y want to . forget the whole posters..,- i affair., •; .! , ||. : I |!l ' 1 thei Anyj iHMuon coniiectcd with the collcgy ih uhgiUle to. Join tpe club, There jure no diu-H. Armistcad uskin#. thitt all ptmton t hpnnuct;|i|(l will) the, college ft tend the dub j meeting*. ‘'Ip this way we can. get l)Ottc|- ac(|uiii/iteit _ | and we propoMt] to make thy elub haven't reivlinad mV BnihltUmi* Inforcilmg that eycry.fterspn r. ’ ; s', j. -I j 1 will lo»ik forwap to uttemling the Von mu.Htn'trhc tojo, cdticul of dinner dub nVil ■ting*,?’ thf diiiir- 4 he Veti Med; SeShool, Tlfey have man nay*. ■ /J, i ; '• eeifidn «tandaidk;to kuep up, And , Membei* of Lheyomhilttee are ev«n though ymi puyj'itnxr* |i> Uie P r * J) h- HullBnd. Ty lijnm. L . ^ ,. r i r, ,bi ritii.. R Trpmption, llri \ ! Sltioerely, AiiHWfr: •nunithiya ed »0 be a writer, but a* (Uolrgo Aulldarmy \ydl. (iyofgiii if *ymNttHiK« wltih you. I want. around taking cWn oppbnentfl campaign ; r Although the statement came in : heat, of etnotioiii, it sounds like a j 1 “te : : 1 j ffnij t;':, . m nelly, wa greatly’ SPO: 7 cently: | m M>, i a i i . w . , 9 , language on tieiAP wire|re- lowing lappealitig copy It was a good clean! race a id it seems he campus gpodj the |^st we can do t|j; have -i, : . - | I I The rakupaign wgai spirited and fairly / How about it politidianaj? •rr'1; !! . . ,/| ' H . ; n Ji j' ,, ® ] , ih 1 ;- v l , A j i. i- ,| ' hj I . || "W j | U In (IdaA Dcihj Statcsn, m, If he can do the job. he isui first-class ;hi^,ckrts||e(jlr| j ■ | i| / ' working man; if he; wajtchep it donj*, he is “LOST: Betweeji Cascade and Don-1 an expert;'if he writes a book aljoyt it, he Wrobe suitcase containing ur- is? an authority. f MRobert Quillen led hb\f and- ^' .clothiijg.«| ' j J.i ! < 4 II vt1;4—«jj—. j), -v | Advertising an auction Was the Tol* school for it si littkee^ | thlis ;}n no way entitles ymi to'hn entrance ticket. : j 1 ■ : That! “Life, liberty, and pUr*uit of hfpiMneKs'’ duuse in |thci Dec laration! of llidtpendcnce, doesn’t give anyone t|>e right to entwr the icho<j>l.. : . I | I'Kj ; 4)ne can’f ai»preciate the selec tivity of the Medics until hp looks at the other schools of the college. MlCtMCtCOH umpeb wiih nn lUf n MOKOCRtM i I I oijr sincere hope and desire Ii. A seriediTf of that you continue the 1 Ii ii! I r G. (!.' McCutchan, Mrs. 1. C: Gaines, co-chairman; f'Klms, Melloh, Mr*. Fred Hale, Mr*. Gr; C. H. Oonemunl and Grady A. C l vet mTchojf: nCTt hRapge, Forestry Picuic Date Set Whilp tactically anyone can .enter; tyOcn^wV"^ for C (5fober 9 these schools.! it must! be remem- , ttt t U ^ nieeting of that organi bered that they haw «1» dtamlards aa tioA Bajtbecuc Steak will be Served to keep ijup.. For instance, the engineering and It was planned to hold the and physical; science professions picnitj in Honsel Park. ‘ T ee our vxtrtHh c tine «{/ that land thetytebves to j)cr$QiyHzing ... Pens, Pencils, Playini Cards, Billfolds and other items. 7 ' - r FFER’S NORTH GATE j Last DAtj , Sip’-^r w lit Verne Hunt 14-§i studio or WNl IplfLI COLLEGE STATION T-lephune 4-941 re (Penn&j) Journal & Gpwilf#: Jays lookaijike thd iifjhttsi pitcher iafthd fbr acciidhts.’ , Canadia ti Lafayette- j of Schenectady ,.I luej “LpAcl^ will be served.; Nn|t| responsible Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OinrOMETKIST |,L For Your; Visual Problems m S. Mato —I Bryan Phone 2-l6fi2 V IUPHOLSTERY SHOP SEAT COVERS . Plastic — Straw Convertible Tojw Back of Ea*lo Office i !; : ' ilHL&i Ti ' THT j ™ I ' !' the ajcohpi • gljaaBL letk W the (It . ii V *- <1 j Spoutsi item in thp PoHlond (Ore.) by 3Bt;})u{)KC! he^lth( officer |hatj Joimialti & m d highball won’t sterilize the I “McKosiley ran away njith his heat bfMfit the ojther wdyj iuj)-* i akhough jie is recovering fyom a trained ktoiieii' is boiled] , H.^. W ada groin m Welco; derette yojitot# 20 BENDIX Automatic WASHERS AH ydttr waiih automat- tu at no extra chanso. our 1 . ■ ^ TOY AND T out! to Announce ihe AY, AND FR1 —FKKE BAL Dolls, Idealj Dolls, Polls, Hollywd. T f S£/ f , 9 llw. or 25e lor each fe.lWiffmNCI'ON BBVAN, TEXAS jwith > in iSI, T~y»! Shunt » n>. PI«toW,!BoWMii,i wo lx ir \L / © ! Lf; i j 1001 (ramie’s Ly ’nTk SI Collflgo. Avenue •'Sell»ToH,Bf»: i 1 B R. Y A N J 1 >» ■ I ' 1/ ii/ii