The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1948, Image 4
L PORTABLE Ssx. I ' “ I FOR >J2- r- ,'2 I i I i JAUE-Toi informal f Kippur r 1 * Gift sh £Sl£iSS’£’lZ lota. Each lot 01x160 ft 0*. Each apartment has til corner windows. 1404 3. A. Perrerl at Clayton ■wiaMflmiH«wii Saber; radio, vat cot- ilease. Reasonable. Call 6:00 and 7:QQ p. m. TO BUY -r One set of box 10-A, Vet VfllaRe or'eaU Bond. 5444. -Vets wife to accompany danc- Inc classes. Must be able to play by ear. Audition Wednesday moraine 9:80, Country Club. Brine mntie. T — LOST—Small resistered package contain- t ing identification bracelet in Academic Building, f Please return to James P. Gregory. Box 6763, College Station. ft. G. E. refrigerator— dition. New unit last College View. operator. Call £-6469 itehen cabinet, dining room bouffgt, washing machine wringer. Call G. L. Farrar, 4-53W. - 1 ■ — Iflcaly furnished, bedroom, WUegm. See at’107 Cooner. LOST—One Aviator Elgin Waitch between Vet Village and South .GatA Notify J W. Selby, Jr. 28-B Vet Village. P.0 Box 4105. College Station, Texas. OR SALE-, in excellent condition at half price. Slse 40. fbono 4-7194. 244 Lubbock Street. Campus. - L . | WANTED—BHde from 210 W, 24th St.. Bryap, (a Goodwin Ball, Monday thru Saturday. 9:00 ajn. to 6:00 pun., except Saturday til noon. Phone 2-8347. FOR SALE — Student work tables and desks. Finished and unfinished. Venetian blinds. Sturdicrsft Co., 4410 College Main, 4 blocks north of North Cate on -.old cutoff. - FOR SiALE OR POSSIBLE. TRADE—’48 Plymouth' Tudor Special DeLuxo; radio, heater, Goodyear super cushion tires, low mileage. Apt. B-17-D, College View. Box 1684. College Station j CHIROPRACTOR Geo. W. Buchanan, D. C. j 5 COLONIC X-RAT E. 28 St Ph. 2-6243 SALE SALE \ SALE Jefaiil Sheedy* Switched to Wfldroot Cream-Oil Because He Flunked The Finger Nail Test j ■ Closing out in the following colors of enamel paints: Silver gray, primrose green, light buff, sky blue, peach tint. Ideal for refinish ing your apartment or for any type of interior decorating. .. *2.nn a gallon—Me a quart BURGESS-PUGH LUMBER CO. 3 blocks south of Kyle Field on old Hwy. 6. Ph. 4-4236. Hi mm iHf mm ■i £mm r- ■r-i mar r S® . f > Ml » a Expert shoe repairs while you wait. Cowboy boots made to order. *JONES BOOT SHOP Southside BUY YOUR GJJ. RADIO TODAY Portables—Table Models—Consoles $19.25 and up McCULLOCH-DANSBY APPLIANCE STORE J .. 1 Bryan i- W. S. D. CLOTHIERS College Station ‘••’•‘V ,^ r y-'V- ™ \ HTr J', MAI* more thart you cajj^ear? Do^’t lumber around with ' 7 shaggy scalp. It'll be the rpin of you. Get busy with popular ^vm j a. r* r\i% U-.?- L. J—;_ ▼*.»_ Jl-.i »__i t a. _ ta. a \ Wildroot Cream-Oil hair tonic. It’s the berries I Just a little bit your hair neatly <md naturally without that plastered- Kroons / _ r 'dbwn look. ReBeves annoying dryness and removes ugly / ^'looae dandruff. Helps yoif pass the Finger Nail Test! Wildroot Cream-OU is non-alcoholic „contains ^soothing Lanolin. Get • tube or battle ;qf Wildroot Cream-Oil today at any drug or toUet goods coiafer. Awiyp ask 3 application. And bear this;;in mi pyjr ask your barber for a professional mind Wildroot Cream-Oil is "agaoraod again the choice of men who put good grooming, ‘antf- T •jj 1 k > ' -f ifrtf327 Burroughs Drtit,\Snyder, N. Y. ■ ■i. t.. r 1 l, 1 . Wildroot Company, Inc» puffalo U, N. Y. RADIATOR REPAIRS ONE-DAY SERVICE DISHMAN PONTIAC CO. ■ ^ I - V ■ B rya n, Texas ^ " ■ , : ir ft', I. Radio {Repair... , I is our specialty % Radio Shop : j I , . . ' ock wiistt of‘Post Office on \y. 26th St. ; ‘ b I . ife:.". 4 s ‘ j “A member of Philco Service” BRYAN' rl , ■ Jill-- 1 [ CO : ONE i. on al 1 makes and models of radios, 1 ’ *• .1 • 4 ' is. . > • • ,1 1 1.^ * •• K •. 2-2819 - v' . 1 . ■ ' KLETE REPAIR ■. ■ ■ i l 7” :• ALSO t - <y batteries s ' FOR fOUB PORTABLE \---V j ’1 \ ’ 11 OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW' We Specialize in Refinishing ; Antiques and Venetian Blinds F. L. SUMMERS • ' j Furhiture! Refinishing : Painting Contractor 8200 Highway 6, S. Ph. 4-4682 WELCOME AGGIE WIVES Beauty Bar Salon 701 Inwood Drive ; 1 ■ Phonf/4^297 r" . WELCOME AGGIES!"; ADAM’S BARBER SHOP 107 South Main St. Bryan, Texas ERNEST NITCH t Teacher of PIAN6 and ■ VIOLIN" T 809 East 28 St. Phone 2-1683 Agents for « ' Merle-Norman, Cosmetics MELLIES BEAUTY SALON Masonic Building Phone 2-8855 USED FURNITURE Studio Couch .... ...$25,00 Washer .... 49.50 Electric Refrigerators,.$125.00 , Radios 10.00 up Desk Lamps 4.95 '■ Vacuum Cleaners 15,00 Easy Torms t •• KRAFT FURNITURE , Bryan * BARGAIN Beautiful Steel Engraved v L Aggie Stationery Sneeial at only $100 a box SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate Phone 4-8814 SPECIAL! Zipper loose leaf binders. Leather ette portfolio tvpo. Only $3.75. SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE 1 North Gate Phone 4-8814 T 4 gfoHSfogjcftjpriin ’THE SH MOO MOST BO/f-lTS EITHER nr-OR UK/r-THANK HEAVENS its SINISTER ltl“ HASb 7:30 p. m., YMCA Assembly Room. DISCUSSION and OEBATfi CLUB, 7:30 p.m. f Tuesday, Room 325, Academic HORTICULTURE MEETING, 7:30, Tuesday, Room 103, Agri culture Bldg. -s 1 SOCIETY F O R T H E AD- GETHNO A HOME PERMANENT? See us for the latest styles in haircuts— our specialty. WILSON BEAUTY SHOP North Gate > College Station Phone 4-4314 VANCEMENT OF MANAGE MENT, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday,? 31, Goodwin Hall. AGGIE WIVES! We have “The Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book” you’ve been looV'mr for! Only one dozen. SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate Phone 4-8814 NEWCOMER’S CLUB, 2:15 p.m., Wednesday, YMCA' Chapel. PRE-LAW SOCIETY, 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, YMCA Assembly. Room. RANGE & FORESTRY CLUB, Monday, 7:30 p. m., third floor Ag. Eng. Bldg. Colored pictures of the summer trip will be shown. “T” ASSOCIATION, 7i30 p.m., Tuesday, Civil Engineering Lec ture Room. •' -AGGIES- (Continued from Page 3) sports writers were of the opin ion that Villanova might beat the Army in their game next weekend at West Point. The Villanova coach, Jordan Olivar was very well pleased with the showing of his squad. He said he thought his team was nearing their peak of condition. On the other side of the field Aggie Head Coach Harry Stiteler thought his squad was far from their peak of condition. Coach Stiteler feels as though the team has a lot of room for improvement and he is confident that they will get better as the season progres ses. ! We Pick SPECIAL^— , 7 months Readers Digest and book....81.00 26 weeks. Saturday Evening Post 8.00 26 months. Good Housekeeping 6.00 ) ,»««- T tfe (rftiident. r»t»! 4.76 JOHNSON MAGAZINE AGENCY Box 284 College Station FOR SALE Several good used washing , pspyhlrioq —Priced right. WILSON-BEARRIE CO. One black oast of bank ' College Sttft’on. Texas • Phone 4-8531 Y FOR SALE New portable washing machines WILSON-BEARRIE CO. One block ea-st oT bank- College Station. Texas Phone 4-8531 , HELP WANTED at Triangle Drive-In. Car hop ex perience unnecessary. Must be 18 or over. Wages, and tips range arotiml $50.00 U $60.00 a week. See J. A. Ferrori’nt Clayton Furni ture; Co., Main Street, Bryun. i-OFFIC'AL NOTICE ‘ Premediral and Predmtal Students All premedical and predental students who expect to’ anuly for admission to a professional whool for Fall. 1949. must take the Medial CoPcae Admission test on Ortcber 80. Apnlidtions for Ibis test must be in Wore October 16. Application forms and instructions, may. be secured at Room 13, Science Rnildine. GlfcRGE E. POTTER Lr F er .. . . GOOD USED CARS —See ■ Y' H. L WHITLEY, JR. BRYAN, TEXAS PHONE 2-7009 BfAICapp draperies, tv H-iPhM685 . eaners # f WhaVs Cooking AIEE-IRE, after yell practice, Tuesday. EE Lecture Room. AGGIE WIVES, Monday. 7-30 p. m., College View Apartment C-21- Y. First meeting. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of UNIVERSITY WOMEN, Monday, T r ,r CLEANING - PRESSING ALTERATIONS AT THEIR BEST — AT CAMPUS CLEANERS Over The Exchange Store No astro i and prin Laundry worries got ycju 1 T let start using the direct jet nv sn lent, personalized Ija in Iry service offered by RAI .V> EXPRESS. By personaf/zlei f s^rv ice we mean your laund y Wil be collected by Railwcy press pick-up facilities^ s enf tel djrepdid at the other end. 1 our home promptly, and re- t irned to yopr college address, li-your folks insist on paying the bills, you can stretch your ish-on-hand |by sending laun- home'^harges collecf’and . Ijpving it returned with charges ••• o. pidiMipa 4 Valuati m Iivury in oil •• up t« $50.00 ■Al,. ri , "''kk. ■K-'f KRAFT FURNITURE CO. Bryan — Budget Terms WTHt NATION UADINOOWBUIPN CLASSICS AhU Annual m OAMce COAST COM- . , • vT' .' -7^. • m^AND SPAiOIKd MAOf THE FUST POOTIAU CVKR PROPWCIO fNTHI ONJTEP STATtt • . -'*' 4 'J k ’ "V •’i j\ . : • - sp/iuwe COMING YOUR WAY) SWK7S 'V GABANARO t ’ Here's a rugged and handsome shirt of rayon gabardine that Arrow's sports shirt experts designed for action plus comfort. Gabdnaro comes in several smart colon and is Sanforset* ^ labeled for cpmplete. washqbllity.,. $5,95 " ♦Will n«vtr ihrink or itratth out of (It. . £RROW SHIRTS and TIES UNDEtWIM • HANMCntCHliK • SPORTS SHUTS IUI LWAY-efe’’ iT T ^ TL I M m ■ AlilKPTV INC. NATION WiDl RAH AIR StRVICI I VY PRESS •• N f" if-- There's A ARROW DART! •j They're favorites ev i And why? Because They have collar i. hat s^t stay perfect, because thby Luxurious fabrics^ handsomely fit. Sanforized-sl rln|cc gel le s thai Buttons that ate on :h< re< I in pi We. have both. Y(hi II |va ARROW DAW a • ■ti There's \ f ARROW qwwnl i$4. DALE!. ll _ ■ * . tly on a man'rm^tk. And No star<hif > ilored into foAn-following • -t . V •'* 1 I / . t \ v " l »■ ■ f. *' \i: r J - OW DAIS... $4.50 - ■ 'I ' *• ,'v. TT ■'-•v