'ViW! -v i-; I. / h iv: ikhmsi AlUllMtMMI ■"l .Wfencf at t alien ORIALS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19^8 Statesman, Knightly Gentleman?* • .! f ' 7BJ\ Rosa, Pounder ef Aggie Traditions . degt center. Whi ^ this ■ ^VL J- J r- ill Be A tiying Memorial . . i ■ i • j T ' '' * ■ ■ i j ' ^ ^fternoon atj 1U5 Piflfesident Bol- neither know or know about have further- ton broke ground fot tjhe M< morial ( Stu- ed the project in manners large[and small. t -j 1 j J. ’ r v :'Th4re -is' scarcely another/college in is only [the beginning r o| our country where a student union is more -actual construction ofj t^ie building, it rep- needed. Its value will nofbe fully realized tiUillr ‘ * ' * “ f • *' /,i ^ resents the suflcessf forts of'a great many of buildi late thi^t l * have ft I I iulmiriiatloif of ef- until it is completed and begais its opera- p^ple.| : ‘ tiomy . V' .i'l. • i rfous consideration’ pew of the people whdr haye done so injg a student ujnion began in the much in its construction will ever benefi ife literally thousands of people from it directly. Less' than half of- th< ftih.m , e4 this turning of the first students now in school will) be here to see , It com^Kted. * I ciation has But to those who think of the school igned financially since T942 and as something more than a collection, of diplomalti^aliy for several yet|rs> previous.^ buildings where education is dispensed the e Stark and his committee put’ 4 student center was properly named a me- K% l Test Cat Is Going msmmm r 4-. ■j the empty stomach, the animal would fear fully approach the device, timidly stretch to day tlfa "'mm - 'while with j Amplification Department i in many miles . and inuts on general con strue cioin and procedure! detail morialr lt will be here to make life more pleasant for Aggies after our names have 'I'hjgse »re tjiut twoi of the contributions faded.- which come, tp mindj immedj|atelj r . Mahy It will be that greatest of tangible gifts other grojups ,|ind individitalig whom we —a living memorial. f Weed [TOhm Mut Ihp Bufld them lip? ... • - • [ . •/ Of tihe thdiusandsjofi students who en- institutions fail to learn enough--about ter college .each year, more than half drop their prospective students before they ad- before gmluaion. ] j mit them. Even after thp students are acl- ^ The fijuijvej just President Macintosh iege (T ME; Sibpt. 201, l|948) Dreyeals some By CARROLL TRAIL Dear Sir: ( jTve heard crumby music and I’ve heard crumby music; but the crumbiest I’ve ever heard is “The Eyes of Texas.’’ What stoop could have written suth a thing, and how much had he drunk when he wrote it ? Sincerely, G. E. Answer: In the first place, G, E., I think you are entirely too over- cimpteied by Vice- mitted they do not receive enough atten- ojf Haferford Col-; tion. ' ' • ‘ , j Macintosh describes conditions that * 'interesting if bardly ildasant information confront the student as, too often,'a drab about U^icbll|ges. Mo|t pfJhe students a nd rigid schedule/overcrowded classes, who fai ed to domiblete flbeir courses drop- comparatively inexperienced and Uninspir- ped out becaiuse of academic |ailure. Most j n g teachers. He deplores the concept that during their *‘jt i s somewhat beneath the dignity of a fulUprofessor to stoop to teaching fresh men.” \ I of those who fialtered did so freshmen year* Where does the bh me ijfest-for this conditionf j 1 ' I. ' . . ■ - Jii •Edufcatol- iadntosll sajs that the n * B .... blame is partly the stmfeit’s. It is his con- states ’ “ '*“"*"* - tention t hat tki presJn$irt,t|e of “every case a « a, . niA » man (m thc ' s °- c one must go-.tlo college!’ has resulted in many persons Centering! colleijre who are not equipped $or such a strenuous task.' t:he co But fern the:most parjjt, says Macintosh, lieges are to blimte. He Inserts that In summary the Haverford educator up a (in the so-called weeding-put process) were spent in try ing to find out how to make him work more effectively, all concerned would be considerably better off.” / a-. Something io think about; isn’t it? of “The Eye* ofjTe'xas.” Thus the dong Was born. .★ Dear Sir: / How did the Brazos River get its name? What does the word “Bra-' zes’’ mei^n? Love and kisses, , R. Ei L. W. Answer: I’m not quite sure of the origin of the name, R. E., but I will give you what I can learn critical. Not every school can have froni the old timers. You can take an awe-inspiring song as we have, it for what it is Worth; Those kids at the forty acres are Tn 1632 when the Spanish paters doing the best they can. t setting up missions among The tune is admittedly unimagi- i the-pagair Indians, they happened. - native, arid the words arc utterly * to stumble upon the mighty river, impossible: an i animated state 1° the quietness rdf the evening, whose contortion^ ey^Nive placed w ¥e the wat « rs j vere flowii'P co upon you! renely from the ipany tributaries, Thc story goes that back in 190G th c pater narned it “Los Brazos de when TU was just a half-acre; Dl0S ” meaning the arms of God. William L. Prather,'president, of- In the subsequent years when ten encouraied the little tykes to the river went on frequent ram- do their best by saying “the eyes pages, damaging crops, destroying of Texas arc upon you.’’ / homes, and annihilating towns, The glee club, a bunch of red- many believed that Ac “of God’’ bloodied yourigsters always looking phrase! was inappropriate. So in fer a joke, once sang, “I’ve Been stead of changing the name, the Working on the Levee” in Pra- phrase was dropped and “Brazos” ther’s pnesence, but used the words remains today. out a paw ,and quickly bat the switch w cringing: from the expected shock. The (friar The technicians then placed a sabcer of vard wneit he] milk liberally spiked with- alcohol,’in the _ autorrion n )icc|in| hi£ road. Iftie obstacle’s pen. The picture changed. The cat still did- djrivet wm ta> not like the switch, but the feline Mickey desenbejd air a Finn helped his nerves no end. * about a I t e , The subject would first take a few deep Our h r I tjried belts from the saucer. Reinforced, he would to letl tlu iet;ers stick out his furry chest and stride confi- continue/n j >Urn dently, if unsteadily, over to the lever. With internal tor one masterful blow he would complete the about tm 1 or(n hotirk jthat necessary routine and then await his food, his pi.rlie ai, rar[ back to tjne waiung auto The whole situation must be.causing a and fit t lelsqrpn^ed driver:twice and tnen great deal of bother as to which society proce xiCc should condemn the experiment .and people The concerned. The WCTU and the A5PCA have Vatcting ^ a potential jurisdictional battle to rival the traditional union fights, concerning which j..,, one has the reforming task. - * - Christmas shoppers will be startled to and fjin _ — "1 rrn 1 ■ r The Sill| r Season of Politics . . . . Last week. Senatoj* Ti ment.- ! ■; vi" M 7 i. i aft niade a state- bag of marbles. As an illustration we give you two quo- The ^e ^s inothing/so uuiusual abhut r tations from a pair of the political stal- the act itself since the rood senator in his warts which we feel will go down along- long ani varied pojitfcaf carefr hps issiled 1 8 ide the Gettysburg address tqnd Churc- more f tatements tli jimes. But ail Rockefeller: has hill’s defense statements, j, | ^ . A l /! .The-first of these burning words of in thisi] partic^ 1 ar staj|emeirt Taft political prose was,>’‘You sit down!” and I exhibit^ore; wisddtnl thanjhe knew. It; the rcply> - Y ou try'ahd makeihe!”iPretty _ J - J ^inor iff the Ohio inspiring, isn’t it V '4 ' completjely. In was congre dent T ing the! IhtCrnfetiona ion. The statenfeit was, the^illy season jin politics. SenaW, ydiu‘ arc sol right l'!. fact* \ your sti&Tnonts we have agreed with in a long timd. Our only ventibii groups'k stm • : *; ’ The City of Friday talioh is year. kflfxas, v : in Fclrt Wqr aving with Presi- ottica! .jtlnm invblv-. ’ sh J typographical Un We idealize that a certain amount of “We have reached is is is necessary to a political campaign. We further realize that any itiove to discredit your opponent is consid- , . , efed good political strategy no' matter L c f c 7 l - how extreme the Wow may be. ^- We are also, A little reluctant to trust! ■y TI; our voice in the government to a man who hasn’t enough resource and self control to keep out of a quarjrel with some other ! J complaint is that you didn’t-pursue thh matterljfar enoughs Thok of 4 who hive bin watchins ' the political - scene' 6f ate fqel that you \ ^ > could have hardly picke :1 a belter descrip- ' Adtnitted that the voters sometimes live adjteMydlFrom national to local poli- show « questionable intelligence. But ; you f .-tics the groundless ciiarges, iijjrelevant in- 1 have the word of an expert vhom they re- simiatidns, andljust rllain oUtind-out mud wel1 that W can ’ t f ° o1 of them all the time. ! It’s surprising how smart a jojwii nlost weejnt an| immediate v b tel ‘ 5 an £ et * . New York Cafe 118 S. MAIN BRYAN R. C. ECHOLS Realtor -> Over Canady’s Pharmacy Bryan Phom* 2-S454 SMITTYS COLLEGE GRILL North Gate Now Serving . “ • , HOME COOKED S . LUNCHES’ CMKY’S ~&j£CtuJL£ve C&>(Ae4~-* North Gate TO lEjACH AGGIE CUSTOMER.. . . “Quality Clothes” “Friendly & Courteous \ Servic^” Fellow we deeply appreciate your business . ! *' . ' - 1 . Owned & operated by— CORKY JACKSON, ’40 “Pinks and Greens” THE LARGEST ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE STORE IN BRYAN— 't b • Come in and see us for large or small appliances: RADIOS, ELECTRIC CRONS STUDENT LAMPS, FLOOR LAMPS, PRESTO COOKERS COFFEE ^MAKERS KELVINATOR T. . . . . . HOTPOINT and many other usefuls UNITED APPLIANCES FARM & HOME STORE & AGGIE RADIO Phone 2-1496 le ai ■■H % Distinct! By FRANK CUSHING see the ' Laboratory studies in the University of ^ Chicago brought out the information that ^sats are pretty human. The studies showed that the feline species too may be driven to the cursed beverage in order to face un- p. pleasant tasks. * reptii ■ A series of experiments were so con- as Mi Ik-V x tie structed that 'the cat-subject was educated ying the c ,p ac i td the fact that a certain switch must be is placeq )jbe pushed before food could be obtained. The T)ie ii wntjo catch was thatvthe switch gave off an elec- the udde ye tribal shdck.jwiich was non-harming but tried tc irrjpiio painful. !' —r. Therd an lo‘ The cat would wait as long as possible The alccejMi before gaining the courage, to throw the switch. Eventually, answering the howl of j. ofthi- manufac- bovine, to be a I viv*. . m’t content to just icezed.: The realistic produces milk. Billed has a glass tubejser- omach'in which milk toy;, satisfied with nature, have hot thel tow's design, facilitate milking, is still: necessary. 115. '• , California states 1 :he|er again tfy to interfere ^bf true love. vas drivirig along a busy boule »e| flbuild a r hapiuifardly parked u«y kissing his companion, io|as redhead, to worry hind; like pashe 4* i i'":. : I M « k nonk on his horn ihe desired to dr disiuted jthe in ilj*ct; he felt so strongly be jumped from )ite ur Ur John 8; Optometris 1 Caldwell’s Jewelry Bryan. Texas 'J MIDWAY Specia| wai 1 ’ tS?Q /Tu 1 MIDAWAY i We feature delicious . . • ICE BOX PIE with whipped cream topping . . . . JJSc Opens 1:00;!*, M.—Phone 4-1181 TODAY & TUESDAY v —Features Begin — l:ip - 3:10 -'5:25 - 7:45 - 10:00 Lj WELcdtaE^J BACK ratic con- ’ So we are in the silly season of politics, .•haire most of eh, Mr. Taft? Granted. What we want to v the: flojir cpnvkrsatibn' sounded like u know now is, “When are we gonna get urcHiiis fighltiug over a but of it?” ^ 6 "“’toU - v — —-a-——a t — - t5-rr m ■i ’ . 4 (’.'k. I e Battalion. £ LAST DAY Si 'die '• Entered Ottice ut the Act of Vi !l: News .Mi Office/ SKF wTnTdT! TT' cur:, i tannoy Cant. r": M ^ w. W *l* Station, Te icas, w except curing tri-week! y on ~ iilf rates! fiijrni: ~ AasoeiatldPjrcslj ei: to it ei- hot otheriviEe Rfetit l of repul lication .. ^ rJf ...nv- usa muftfer at Post, saation. nriaor™ . .. f MaroU 8. IStO. - - 1 . ,j ’ -y_ tiriiis ni4’ be tor qf the AgrTcjiltiftal and Mechanical. College of Texas and thc published five '-feinu's a. week and circulated every Monday through olidays and examination ' periods. During the summer The Bat- nday, Wedncbday and Friday. Subscription rate $4.30 per school mm I nitotary. ' iv- •f , i i > ... J...••••*.. oh' request. ' ‘"igli d exclusively to tlie use for ^publication of all news dispatches Uted in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin publilh- of 41 It other matter- herein are also reserved. ' CABTooy^-yEtvs WEDNESDAY ONLY —Double Feature— Member of i~ ms! Ug' 1 *. Jt Represented ’nationally by National Ad* Tt 4 Si. • . n 1 v * rtikt riK Service Inc., at' ftew York City, — ^ .. The Associated Press |Chicago, Los Angdca. and San FrancUco. TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY -Gl . • 1 . : r . • ' ft .. ^ _ [anwhig Editors Cdrttat Erck ..J_ ..Feature Editor. Joe Trevino. Hardy R, .Wire Editor Dun EngdM{iC, Larry ... SiwrU Editor Uook Editor —CiSUaatiou Uauag^r ' “&!cH s'poede. Bill Tli)rnton, a ’ J « * mm® rrT7-ST-1 •' - ; . :v, • ■- FOR GREATER MOTORING PLEA f CARS SEE US : ' [ k ' ■ •FRIENDLY SERVICE r *G • SKILLED MECHANICS ff +E • GENUINE PARTS j • ^ • BEST WORKMANSHIP I • EASY BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN » B • ALL WORK GUARANTEED ' »F • PROMPT AND FAST SERVtCR • M • PICKUP AND DELIVERY ' • F • MODERN SHOP EQUIPMENT •U • FACTORY APPROVED METHODS ‘ii: meek non low tnait i . The idvi [h< ths hero’s hand, ft tented herself with fight. I| iti ms. ?al o )AY SEllVT* Gkia a Si ti^f ;4 tliat tl e hqrn honker knew howi v fpli Hhinut the matter, the lovers drove lighter schhae-proceeded tp tne 'H hospital! to haye si rgeons sewlmp his thumb -r I KO L THOSE WHO t EMAND THE BEST . . . {College Shoe Repair North Cat# ' . 1 A .!■' ili ANERS Cany m 0 V ALL MAKE