The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 11, 1948, Image 16
p/' ! •'•J-Tr-V i' "5 '<>•.• V'T 4 f Page 4 THE BATTA.LIO SATURDAY, h . r ■ ?olicies Affecting Students , iced by Army, Air Force Polities affecting enrollment and continuance of stu- the senior divisions of the ROTC and the Air ROTC Selective Service Act of 1948 were under the provisions of announced jointly today ind Air Force. by the Departmen - ts of the Army id esrs r \ 1 STUD ai In tli ' i' WTBW ■Hi r CENTER Is equipped with pool tables, jihg room. The Information office udent Center. f i: r 1 *- % COMU AGGIES TT 4 ' See VARNERS . fo|; aU <if your JEWELRY NEEDS ir Eb pert Repair Service At Moderate Prices. VARNER’S JEWELERS # *i Jr 1 * Bryan — College Station T?r -i^,. j-t Deferment from the draft vHU be in force until after complet on of the normal academic and ROTC couree. The deferment policies will ap ply to selected ROTC students whether they are entering their freshman year at the beginning of the 1948-49 academic term or are returning to complete their formali education. To be eligible for deferment until the completion of their ac- demio training, students enrolled i must reman in ' good standing In both their aca- courses, must show sufficient aptitude in lead' and must attend —. -olning camp. Iri addition, they are reqi sign ap agreement to accept a Ion in the Army or Air Force and to serve not less Jthan two years on active duty as an of- Students who had been formally enrolled in the advanced course be- 8, and who remain Will automatical- finm Induction until after completion of the course. Brigadier General Wendell Westover, Array Executive for Reserve and ROTO affairs, pointed out that this deferment procedure does not allow the non-veteran eran of less service, any from his military obligation as set forth in the Selective Sendee ■Act . ! ; • I ■ All students at college level are liable to military service subject to temporary postponments for those who meet ROTC require ments and quotas. V After registration with his local draft board an ROTC student Will notify his professor of Military p; B. PKARSON, graduate school. n of the Civil Service Exam te exemption ri ■ r W *- i " • set for Mechanics figer, subject to a call by the Sec- Science and Tactics at the insti- retary of the service in which they, tution he attends of the number receive their commission. /1 of the board and its address. pofiir ■ ^ J r„, INI v- •- m ,t. : ■■ ‘! i -. w il8 fmm RIAOLI THEATRE at the' Annex. Movies are shown at the. Rivoli twice a week for students at the Annex. -j * £ l i ; rJ . / DECOKATED BY HASWELL’S CLAYTON is a _ r i A store partmk t } ITlfeA \ .■ I •i. ■. » . i EXCLUSIVELY A FURNITURE . \ wiaere yyujfiijd lots of. traffic, as in a large de- tore—a. r; tore where you find practically every- yt u |eed £i >r Ithe hom^ ;.. A store unique in many ways,— A. frienllj store and a good place to shop aiiy tune ior Snsr hoir e-f urnishings, such as: Bedding Shades • Lamps and • HoUMwaies • Electric Appliabcps • Stove* ami B' ' fnaaor oil MBm'Spread* ‘Toys ■. J' V I FTk i /Mirrqre UfLOlR dow i In tadr ~ enjo f lir/ * f-'l • Radios and Recording . Machines • Hotel Equipment • Used Furniture • LaunderaU • Sporting Goods * Juvenile Furniture FB LY CREDIT PLAN!'. required and you can take care of monthly payments out of your In- turo in your hotnei. i f *>- ^ "" 77 - ELIVERX : v . ;;: rv - ,l . ’ ■. *■ ■ ■ i " -i ' ■ ■'! i .• ‘ .• i ■: i »ncf eompanu J.E.CIaqton li ! , !i. ! V Jesaa 1 mm '■ •[ -u \ WELCOME hACfc AGGIES .. . ★ * * Nila’s Newsstand and Confectionary NORTH GATE Owned and operated by students \ JACK & JEROME KERBY i .i > TO ACGIELAUD ;mco : J i J ; J.’f It Takes the Right Kind of Know-How ... "1: r on your car! ,ve that know- (heir tip** You Can always depend upon net eon, * >, t r WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS Try our “One Stop Service’* i ;i r > -m ■ m LEE & CO. NASH SALES '— SERVICE I ill' ' Tff Hfj-Sfitt -rn p - j. 1; : — EximinationB for the position of Automotive Shop Serviceman have been announced by the Civil Ser- vijee Commission. Eriployment; will be with the Army establishment in the vicinity of Camp Hood, Texas, and the' job will pay 99<i par hour. Application 'forms mayj be ob tained from Roger D. Jackson at the College Station Post Office. /i Dean Pearson Head*- School For Graduates ■... r■ Graduate students and bo vine nutrition are the main interests oi Dr. Paul B. Pear son, D^an of the Graduate Schoo^lwho is also an expert on nutrition for the Agricul tural Ekperiment Station. ehrson was bom in Oaklfy, inrNovember 28, 1906. He the University of Utah* and rec< of Science degr Young Universit; teaching positioi Dr. Pearson was bom in Oakl tah on November 28, entered the Univorsity in 1924 gnd received his Bachelor ree from Brigham ty in 1928. His ffrst ing position was in (he Op- heim High School, Opheim, Mon tana. tfStftvanWMM a.' V. teaching to become an instructor in the Animal Husbandry Depart ment of Montana State College. The following year he entered the Graduate! School of Iowa State College. ; Upon leaving Iowa State, Dr. Pearson iwas employed by the Uni versity, of California in animal hus bandry research. Several years later he;continued this work with the University of Wisconsin, re ceiving his Ph.D. in the spring of 1937. Hej joined the A&M Animal Husbandry staff in the fall of that year, and since thal^time has been the nutritional expert of the Agricultural Experiment Station, .'.“l * ' 1 1 ■';! T, ( j SANITONE SERVICE “The better kind of Dry Cleaning” “We specialize in Reweaving garments, draperies, * upholstery materials” , We Pick-up & Deliver — Ph 2-8665 PERFECTO CLEANERS 8. i- ’ ' • u ' ' 1 1 • '* 'f\ ’• i !’ Ak ■ jt. 2005 South College Road < W Annex students WELCOME . ' , TE * • AGGIES • \ Por.r i KODAKS anc .. AGGIE X falBS *4 ■ | i*: -mi —•. f CORKY S -STT WELCOME i j AGGIES -SSX— / The Tailor»Mi ide f. ’ - Order rloW COLL! S 1 j Eslajlifehid )3QLIK i-ykU.. mem- t ■ 11 - : -i t t . t- ;|'' / • ; inctipn / “ ' pi)'- /■ .i p KODAK’ FINISHING : r p Eii K < \ " i i ' : . V S, j j \ \ • EM i M :■- ■ mm «« fo^- Fal Delivery s" N ] : m % WELCOM \ k/- A Co SUNDAY BIB SUNDAY MO SUNDAY EVE CLASS SUNDAY WEDNESDAY % A|&M. CHURCH 0P CHRIST LOCATED Vi. 1 ONE BLOCK NORTH OF NORTH GATE \ (Minister’s Residence Joins to Building on South Side) 3 ■ Accreditee By JaS. F. Fow cur ■i wt J4i *4 ;:4' UDIO i j Ij ■ i . TEXAS ' i r . •• i rM *• * rietor 'll l '■ .• OTHES est if j AGGIES! M V I ORSlUIP i—r‘ die Ch struc of the A of Christ in the He Education i . i. Suits V: i •* - *11 ' #. M r . - . " ! ' > ;'8 eady • Made mm ,i ■< • I * ■ V \ • •'' v \ [■ ' ■‘t . ■ I x! ■j 4 Always To: 4 9:45 A.M../lj . JU~ ...10;45 A.M. SSJON j \ 6:15 ^.M. 7:15 P.M. . 7:15 P.M. • Bwnwagiiw 'ses Offered (See Your Bulletin for Special “Gel'Acquainted” Meeting NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT — 7:15 P.M. : i ■ - - • r V Vx" ij I (Including Refreshments) •; : 4 :* *f - r-- •!: : • j ' * • m. ' Jrp'j; ’ ■ \ V i . ’ u'iMniir ii i—in' ^1 ■ 1 i >m I 4 " : ; 'l - ■ I . **> . 'dhM+M . % «1 A [I 4. : \M« • A A ~ . ■ > t i'x 1 1 -