p/' ! •'•J-Tr-V i' "5 '<>•.• V'T 4 f Page 4 THE BATTA.LIO SATURDAY, h . r ■ ?olicies Affecting Students , iced by Army, Air Force Polities affecting enrollment and continuance of stu- the senior divisions of the ROTC and the Air ROTC Selective Service Act of 1948 were under the provisions of announced jointly today ind Air Force. by the Departmen - ts of the Army id esrs r \ 1 STUD ai In tli ' i' WTBW ■Hi r CENTER Is equipped with pool tables, jihg room. The Information office udent Center. f i: r 1 *- % COMU AGGIES TT 4 ' See VARNERS . fo|; aU r Ithe hom^ ;.. A store unique in many ways,— A. frienllj store and a good place to shop aiiy tune ior Snsr hoir e-f urnishings, such as: Bedding Shades • Lamps and • HoUMwaies • Electric Appliabcps • Stove* ami B' ' fnaaor oil MBm'Spread* ‘Toys ■. J' V I FTk i /Mirrqre UfLOlR dow i In tadr ~ enjo f lir/ * f-'l • Radios and Recording . Machines • Hotel Equipment • Used Furniture • LaunderaU • Sporting Goods * Juvenile Furniture FB LY CREDIT PLAN!'. required and you can take care of monthly payments out of your In- turo in your hotnei. i f *>- ^ "" 77 - ELIVERX : v . ;;: rv - ,l . ’ ■. *■ ■ ■ i " -i ' ■ ■'! i .• ‘ .• i ■: i »ncf eompanu J.E.CIaqton li ! , !i. ! V Jesaa 1 mm '■ •[ -u \ WELCOME hACfc AGGIES .. . ★ * * Nila’s Newsstand and Confectionary NORTH GATE Owned and operated by students \ JACK & JEROME KERBY i .i > TO ACGIELAUD ;mco : J i J ; J.’f It Takes the Right Kind of Know-How ... "1: r on your car! ,ve that know- (heir tip** You Can always depend upon net eon, * >, t r WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS Try our “One Stop Service’* i ;i r > -m ■ m LEE & CO. NASH SALES '— SERVICE I ill' ' Tff Hfj-Sfitt -rn p - j. 1; : — EximinationB for the position of Automotive Shop Serviceman have been announced by the Civil Ser- vijee Commission. Eriployment; will be with the Army establishment in the vicinity of Camp Hood, Texas, and the' job will pay 99 ;'8 eady • Made mm ,i ■< • I * ■ V \ • •'' v \ [■ ' ■‘t . ■ I x! ■j 4 Always To: 4 9:45 A.M../lj . JU~ ...10;45 A.M. SSJON j \ 6:15 ^.M. 7:15 P.M. . 7:15 P.M. • Bwnwagiiw 'ses Offered (See Your Bulletin for Special “Gel'Acquainted” Meeting NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT — 7:15 P.M. : i ■ - - • r V Vx" ij I (Including Refreshments) •; : 4 :* *f - r-- •!: : • j ' * • m. ' Jrp'j; ’ ■ \ V i . ’ u'iMniir ii i—in' ^1 ■ 1 i >m I 4 " : ; 'l - ■ I . **> . 'dhM+M . % «1 A [I 4. : \M« • A A ~ . ■ > t i'x 1 1 -