The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 25, 1948, Image 4
r • *}'• Page i kk Him Migrate 'fhe 1948 m, regulations, ap Truman and rfel . TJSJsiON . • iiPH by DaV« jry biM hunting |ved bj? President De- , partment 6f t ie Interipr, reflect better manage npnt of ws 1 " _ resources, Dr. W ;B. Davi of the A&M. I1 epiartmenit of Wild- life Alanagemetit stated today. States in tb< ‘ .tlantiq and Mis sissippi flyway: lave boen offered •a choice of a sirlight 3p day sea son Qr two spli seasons (of 12 days each.^-In the; e-'two regions the! daily bag ; llmi; ‘Jwls sdt at fodr ducks with a Ipqssessiotl limit of eight.". 1 f in' Central states, jbetter ranted longer raising of the? i: possession limi; The Central Texas is located, 35 day straight day split season: flyway, one 40 split season^. HOW ■ > inf Pacific flyway) ing success war- sons 'and the it to five with a f ion, : yway, j in which s a Choice of a eason or two 14 and the Pacific y or two 17 day 1 3DAY, August 25,194$ Appointeil Extension Agent Lucille Shulte, Hale County ex-- tension horn? demonstration agent, has been appointed foods preserva tion specialist effective October 1, according to Maurine Hearn, ex- tensioiiivice-director for. women and state home demonstration agent. 1; 1 Miss Shultz will have headquar ters at College Station. She \ received a BS degree from Texas State, College for Women in 1935.' > . • - She haS dpne outstanding work in food preparation, 4-H club work and organization .and is a board member of the State Business and Professional! Women’s Club. y :'•! 9 1 -■-J THE D(9K COSSACK CHORUS and DANCERS have been scheduled for December 7 on the TOWN HALL program. The enter tainers are under the direction of SERGE JAROFF, conductor. It New Soph Physics Boot to Be Used i , 1 .' s A new book, Will be adopted this fall for sophomore physics frhieh makes it necessary for students to be .taking .calculus at the same time they take Physics 203, Dr. J. G. Potter, hejad of the Phvsics De- • partment, has announced. - T 1 ' — CHANGE “BEFORE” TO “AFTER” Sfojf Chapman’s for. "trends-of-the-times wallpaper and color harmonjy.. :e “Carbon Copj” walls and woodwork cheerful and homey smartness. PS PAINT Bryan JV. V A- MI ■■ f & WALLPAPER CO. ext tg th« v post office’ I Phone 2-1318 I r•• 1 ^1 - ■ . ■ WAY f CEANEI^S ^ Special Rates 0)1 Cash & Carry A.’ I ' ^ TWO DAI Satisfactfo: AWAY ANDlll SERVICE Guaranteed COLLEGE ROAD v t f f 4^ — — y 4 y, K FAN t’,- -if S SALE 20*o 0 F F • • • *•'T , ifi r . I ;on any fan | In std^k >■ « . . I- ' J I , HI ■ . ' |. Several Staaijdkrd Brands * . • r iAmjpiZES '/ r' ,./' ' WILSON - BKARRIlf CO. ■!. !( *1.1 .• • ?! It- ’ ■ ■' ... One Block Blast-of Bank • . • • * College: Station -U- ! }■ 1 1 ‘ •-.Ik', 'tr ■ W V Ability! to Speak. Spanish Not Required for Mexico Visit ■ I 1 . * ■ -T- ■ k' 1 , T .• i By JOHN HOLMES 1 As you hurried to chow from that: late claps, or as you got “on the beam” to your sack after a “refreshing” lunch “down under,” have you Stumbled across those wires lying on the sidewalk in front of Sbisa Hall? In case you have! and just didn’t get your eyes open! ini time to find out what it was ) all about, those wires supply the electricity and the telephone line [ needed to broadcast “The Campus Qufiz” over WTAW, Col lege Station’s own man on the Street program. If you get slowed down by those wires, look out, because the odds are that you’ll hear a hearty voice greeting you with something like- Ihis. “How about you stepping up to the microphone to answer a few questions *for a pass to. that cer tain! cool, comfortably place, at the Yiorth gate?” (No, not Uncle Eds.> ‘That genial, smiling fellow in front of the “mike” is radio’s own myj-poly Bill Guthrie, your Cam pus I Quiz Mastor. He is the fellow who just extended you the" invita tion). Continuing with the program, he asks you where you are from, your name, mdjor, and class., That smije of this becomes broader as he fries to relieve you of that certain tension brought about by storing down the throat of a microphone, a pfiobia which niost of us have. Now comes the reason why you have been sltopped. Bill mentions that ^ has a pass, a record, a record album, or some other prize which he is most anxious to: give you as soon as you give the ans wers to two out of three questions he just happens to -have. * Most of these questions are re latively easy, but once in a while Bill sneaks in one like, “Where is the Lost Chord?” If you get one like that and don’t knpw that the chord has been lost, then shake ttHat sleep wave from your eyes, forget about Ma bel and John for a few minutes, and tune-ypur ears to the whispers of: that sen/ii-cirele of hecklers be hind Bill. They are around every usually have the answers. By one process or another, they are very • ; i -j : ■!' ; Dr Galt > John S. Caldwell Optometrist Iwell’s Jewelry Store Bryaji, Texas \ i..,. ' ■ ' * ■ Tli anxious to help you get your two out of three. In pase you are one of the few who really get stumped and the hecklers can’t help you, don’t wor ry. Bill will invite you back for the next day’s program and an other chance at a prize. If you don’t come back voluntarily, he may grab you again when you stumble cjver the Wires or into the crowd around the Campus Quiz “mike” Under that shade tree in front of Sbisa Hall. Bradley Becomes Nftw Principal At A&M Consolidated ■ ' I Harry M. Bradley! elementary principal of A&M Consolidated School", assumed his new position recently. Bradley comes from Kissimme, Florida, where he held a similar position. He bus been , in ; public school , work since 1929 in Penn sylvania and Florida,'" Bradley is a veteran of three and one-half years service in the U. S. Army Air Force as a liaison pilot in the United States and European Theater of operations. ! He is a graduate of the Univer sity of Pittsburgh, holds a Masters degree in Education, and has done graduate w;ork at Duke University and University of Florida. He plans to continue work on his Ph.D. at the University of Texas in elementary education. Mr. and Mrs! Bradley have two children, son Ed and daughter Anne. Bradley will be in his office every day to counsel with parents concerning school curriculums. Bradley is a member of the Ki- wanis Chib; Phi Sigma Pi, which is a national honorary professional fratemifr; the National D|pajrt- ment of Elementary Principa'ls; the Southern States Work Confer ence of 194G; and the Florida day forj Campus Quiz and tKfcyjPrif^ teSch^g 5 ^ yid* an,d teachers. WRY PAY MORE? \ - Call today about our . . . 20% RATE REDUCTION Billie Mitchell, ’42 STATE FARM INSURANCE , v COMPANIES ; . ;! I Phone 4-7269 Above Aggieland Pharmacy AUTO — LIFE —■ FIRE » w School Closes! uir-i-.'.’l !,{ ‘ - ■ p iJ' j _ I td* 'tij—ft; I .1, ravel by Train ! • 1" v • V. 'IS; v. / Low Far HI it th vilie.. At. Waco. Ar. Ft. Wc Ar. Pale ‘ Jackso Tyler Longv^ At. Marsh# At. Texarkana ; 'v , li j ; J3 ne Ticket Ag , ' 1: . co: 8 i’:. K r ’ ii-"* l : I ... Air-Conditioned Comfort •rr 'if! A. : J. ■ r ■.. 29 AM ^:25 PM ..u...,,. 2:127 Pkl j.. 5:05 PM ±. 2:45 PM L. 3:47 PM [ r5:20 PM 5:15 PM 6:05 PM. ............ 7:35 PM : , X- STATTON For farther Information ! ■ -4 h. rT • \ ; Birth registrations of leading countries indicate that one pair of twins is bom to about every 90 single births. | • ~ : r • A COMPLETE SUPPLY s'- >> i OF ^ Candies — Confections and Drugs Jones Pharmacy 101 N. Main > ; Bryan Tl . ^ ~ats—- Da#b Goft iofakto to dm Bcittote ^ ! -I ' .1 H. AkSSLEN NO’COWIN', &rm* klGNT OH,THIS IS QffH’SUA/ERY SHMOON.v AH CAiisfT POT UP . agin this savage, Blood- H THIRSTY GAL ON ACCOUNT, AM IS A -j ■< gennulmanl Pi MF rr JTF li LTL ABNER She’s Throwing a Dull Party ■ J 1 ■ i- I s 1 - -- *• 7V TOO BAD THIS FINE,YOUNG SPECIMEN DONE HEARD TH'CALL O’ Th’shmoo- BUT-AH GOTT, trvo'DON’r WANT HIM- ! X I ' ■' ii . ■ f By AlOW WHUT HE SAef M- L' ^ \ ■-f il - :-l Classified Ads SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI- FLED AD. RatM . . . ■ word per insertion 'with a 251 minimum. Space rates in Clsssified Section ... 60^ per column , inch. Send all Classifieds with remittance to the Student Activities Of fice. All ads should be.turned in fay 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. FOR SALE BY OWNER —Equity in 2 bedroom home. Fir sided, tile features; new last November. Good neighbor hood. 126 Kyle Drive, College Station. FOR SALE—1942 25* Lighthouse Trailer House with or without air conditioner. See Dahlberg, Trailer R-4, Area 5, or write Bos 2744, College. , i| SALE! Nationally ' advertised Continental Paints in various colors, for inside decorating. Semi-gloss enamels. Galloni ..!L..: t $2.00 Quarts X_i ! 60 BURGESS-PUGH LUMBER CO. Old Hwy. 6, 3 blocks south of Kyle Field Phone 4-4236 FOR SALE—Student owned house No. 11, near project house 1 No. 5. FOR SALE—1948' Plymouth. Super De- Luxe Tudor Sedan, black, radio, heater, supercuajhiioh tires, low ‘mileage. Box 584, or w-lS-D, ^College View. V WANTED—One male cocker spaniel be tween Six months and one year old. Preferably buff in color. Write Box 284, Fatuity Exchange, NEW TERMS go into effect September 20th. Until that date the following ar ticles may be purchased for 10% down- 24 months il to pay balance. ! Chambers Gas Ranges | i Magic Chef Gas Ranges Western Holly Gas Ranges (Serve! Gas Refrigerators Wilsqn-Bearrie Co., one block east of bank College Station. Ph. 4-8581. FOR SALE—One boys bicycle, in good condition. Also have one double bed, mattress, and box springs, in new con dition, n Also, one bedside table. See JThoma* at student owned house No. 6 after 5:00 or write P. 6. Box 6173, WILL YOU NEED A HOME SOON? We are prepared to furnish you an attractive home in Bryan or College Station within your price range. ALEXANDER-BEAL I" Bryan;; ; !• Ph. 2-5547 $ jj Associate: • • f Denton L. Murphy *46 , fr i J Box 644 , , -seL,, ii j. College Station, Texas ^ ■ FOR SALE — Registered English Setter pups; excellent markings, champion- ship line. 10 weeks old. Oden, 4-8244 — 4-8274, )! Ijf Garnett Succumbs To Polio in Manila f Ransford Garnett, class of ’45, died last week in Manila, of polio. Garnett; cafne to A&M in 1941 after graduating from Jefferson High School in San Antonio. He deceived his commission through the ROTC before entering the army, f * ! . J14 FOR SALE CHEAP-Two wheel trailer, 5x9 ft., low sideboard. Call Mrs. ConngUy, 4-6894. FOR RENT—Two rooms, two blocks from Post Office. Men preferred. Phone 4-4764. SEE US for these badly needed items. Large atoeks: s Used washers—like new : Used electric refrigerators Used gas refrigerators Portable electric washers WILSON-BEARRIE CO. One block east of bank, College Station : ; . WOULD LIKE to find a home for ‘•Rat tler,large collie-chow dog, years old. Prefer someone who lives on a ranch- See P. R. ConrikUy, 501 Luther Street or Box 1815. If you are accepted as his hew owner, the dog is yours upon peyment of this ad. —i-.— By A1 Cupp DISAPPtAntD PERSONAL—Mabel: Please come I’ll buy you a present on you: birthday. John. WANTED-Ride tram 910 E. 80th, to Goodwin Hall. 'Monday thru Sal 8 to l' daily except Saturday 12 Phone 2-5888 after 5 p.m. WHY pack dirty rugs, curtails Wash everything before k those of our customers that uating, the Cunninghams wish to their thanks for your patronage Laundromat, and’ best wishes j fe: success. WANTED—To keep your children home or at 28b Yet Village. FOR SALE—Cocker Spaniel puppies reg istered, red and buff. No'. 4, Derrell Lane, College or Box 1672. WILL HAVE two vacancies for children 2 to 6 years in day nursery for fall semester. Apply now for reservation to . Mrs. Presswood, experienced in teaching nursery school and home economies. 301 Park Place, College Station,. ■ - - i i i — jUitoAxIlA CAFETERIA • J \ v v* • j*. For Food of - \ International FAME 311N. Main Bryan 1'; - V'-i 3; New Radiance for your shoes .. .. after we’ve resoled and heeled them. Get our “Best Gleam” shine too! [ : -v' ! 1" ! JONES; Boot & Shoe Shop SOUTHSIDE A .! - DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS imerican • 'j/- Y< ■ S i- , - / - fir. "W« \ ELECT WM. ALAN MUDCETT J .i| of Bryan, Your REPRESENTATIVE : Jv i f |! : j!:.' }th Dist. (Brazos & Grimm Co.) Practicing Attorney Veteran t I i yi ■ \ ! ■ A Brazos County attorney who fully realizes the value and need of A&M College to this district and the state as a whole, and who publicly pledged his support to the maintenance and progress of this great institution-* Veterans progtam to be submitted to the people. '■ RURAL KOAI) IMPROVEMENT — BETTER SCHOOLS - , / (Bald Political Adv.) ! . 4 i * - v - ” * •••*•♦ ' - r ■ -.i* ••«'.*••. • j i • j ; \.* j-V i 1 off in ai. NOTicz L«borgtory MilstgnU arc nt the fall semeater in the Physi ment. Men who have complete^ physics courses with superior \ for iiepi rt- j i- FRIENDS— Don’t pass by -IL Stop-is at JOHNNIE’S CIGAR STAND Main Post Office I . —— CLEANING) !:!! All AT CAMPLS Over T1 e BANK H ' wants to Assist with instruction, grading I' and t e handling of apparatus in the lab- ' oratoifles. The* scale - of compensation la .60 p r hour for new assistants and .70 per h «i ftp- experienced assistants, fm* oppor unity for experience, , aa well a* earna ca, should be considered. ‘ * Apn icanta for aaiistanuhipa are urged •' to ea|j gt the Office of the department,, sign •« p. and make tentative programs for assist tg aaj far in advance of their ref- intrat in am noaitlbl#. 'S. .i. iatrattyn; as possible. J. 0. POTTER . - . — jir ' £ Head, Physics Department — f - B BESt T OUBr £ OFTEN ily Air oned ack’s Pharmacy st Gate—Hiway 6 5 H0NE 4-1182 ’ '•• • jr PRESSING HONS ■ 7 ,!!• : ik °i | r ;• AT The Banks in Brya i an closed 1 Saturday r Day, a legal hol di.y. FIRStr i I - CITY! »i! - • ] Exchan HOI ■ j ' .L: IBAY r - '"i August NAL STATE B FIRS(r COLll^Gi: STATION STATE BANK 1 . '-i RADIO College will be 8, 1948, Electipn ■I-:' y BANK ALBANK & TRUST CO. Rlfr c ; J THE is oh 'i “T— EZT spe<|ia ?h|o Complete . v. FOB YOUR 1 1 . NJ' A: . .. .! i V “A memter oi Phi io Service” W os. One block veit of W?l26tl Bhran ■Vr' ... ty ; . . ■ SHOP 2-2319 ij' j ’’I. : makes and ^ t : •• -I ES ii'v‘l : ' • l; TABLE ^ - :A 1 ' . t -- ■ I .1 fwm i:! • :i •: , k .. .'V