(Ontimii ' 4 Captain, .1 Commander* , v First Serg fetich, Jr., I * ^ Sergeant, Bob ■ ■^■ysgsm Lt. Co: Commander Executive Q |, . i Captain, Lelland G{ Com maildejjr; Fir|i Gerald R. M< Command. - 1 First Sei Firat Sei i • ■ - • •; > f ■ ^ATtALTON FRIDAY, AUGUST 2d, 1948 Davl. a]or, ladk V. ']& er. | t w S te wk t Lieutepi jimmy $ I geant. •< nSS^n Flach, t, Lajatf* E. ,8b ter, StkfCf, Sergei Supply rolonejl,|Tames 5mmanderj; |.tf»C6l| G. Hodge, Exfceutiv* jor, Jamei TS-D-Ma; Major, Cu Lt. Commande ae, Jr., Exectiijive John G. WiJk -- Technical 1 Sykes, Serge. . Captain, F|oyd, -ell, Supply 1” Artillery lurton W. pply Sergeant. nfii Davis, 1, Edva fleer; Adji iti ther, ann, ilph 1 rr; Cai Wit (S-l Bobb y il R. Blackburn, irst Lieutenant a R. HaVei Jr., Second-in mand. First ler, First TODAt) —First features 1:30* 5:47 |f*65 « —Saturdwir- 11 r 1 ' ! i t tRU SATURDAY Bryan kl CoIlefefU T. n r. Clifton E. Pfeil, ••B’ Captain, Burtoh W.' French, -Commander; First Lieutenant, WilHam P. Henry, Second-in-Gom- mand. 'll,''! First Sergeant, Earl L. Grant, First Sergeant; Staff Sergeant, Herbert W. Beutel, Jr,', Supply Sergeant. , ' , ~. “C” Artillery Captain, J. B. Rochell, III, Com mander. , First Sergeant, Charles F. Weir die, First Sergeant; Staff Sergeant, D. H. Finer, Supply Sergeant quarters Second Battalion, Artillery Regiment Colonel^Wallace H. Cox, mmander; Major, Don D. Deck-| er, Executive Office^; Capt'ain, Lonnie D. Cole, 1 Jr., 9-1; Captain, M. S. Nixon, S-3; Captain, Jim.Ste-' phens, S-4; Technical Sergeant, J. T. Dotson, Sergeant Major; Tech nical Sergeant, David A. Sanders, Supply Sergeant. “D” Arttllefy Captain, J..A. Davis, Command* er. First Sergeant, A. G. Seelke, Jr., First Sergeant. “J£” Artillery Ckptain, Robert R. Smith, Com mander; First Lieutenant, Charles E. Estes, Secopd-in-Command. - First Sergeant, Samuel H. Bhrnes, First Sergeant; Staff Ser geant, J. Hllario Coronado, Sup ply Sergeant. ' * ' . , * Headquarters Air Group ^ Colonel, Theodore L. Copeland, Commander; Lt. Colonel, Guy B. Daniel, Executive Officer; Major, Robert C. Storrio, Adjutant (S-l); MAjor, Troy N. Crook, S-4. # Master Sergeaut, Edward J. Wij- llams, Supply Sergeant. , Headquarters First Squadron, Air Group Lt. Colonel, Charles E. Philos, Commander; Major, Charles W. Measley, Executive Officer; Cap tain, Herschel V. Shelby, Adjutant (S-l).. ' ‘ Technical Sergeant, Donald B. Gordon, Sergeant Major;; Techni cal Sergeant, John A. Williamson, Jr., • Supply Sergeant. ^ "A” Air Force Captain, John F. Hambright Commander; First Lieutenant, Ar chie Pi Andrews, Second-in-Com- mand. First Sergeant, Edwin J. Hatzen- .buehler, Jr., First Sergeant. “B” Air Force Captain, Ar$i K. Jocobson.'Com- Wllliam L. Mayb, Sup* -J- ^aar.t, Robert E. ftefree, Sergeant. Headquarters Eecond Squadron, Air Group Colonel, Billy J. -Shields, imander; Major, James A. Mc- ^u..ey, 'Executive Officer; Cap* tain, Kenneth F. Smith, S-4. Technical Sergeant, Rowland K. Egger, Sergeant Major; Technical Sergeant, ply Sergbant. "D” Air Force Captain, John D. Reitz, Com* mander. | First Sergeant, John B. Simon- eaux, First Sergeant; Staff Ser geant, Herbert A. Frede, Supply Sergeant, i |' "E” Air Force j I ,, Captain, Roy L. Blanton, Com mander; First Lieutenant, Ernest E. Guthrie, Second-in-Command. First Sergeant, Charles K. Lan drum, First Sergeant. Cavalry and Regiment j Morris, Comman der; . Lt. Colonel, Norman C. H«f- fron. Executive Officer; Major, A. D. Sprowls, S-l; Major, James E, McLeimore, S*f. Headquarters Cavalry Squadron Major, Anthony L. Scamardo, Executive Officer. •'A’* Cavalry i Captain. Ruport P. Hall, Com mander;- First Lieutenant, Harold S. Leach, Second-in-Command. Staff Sergeant. William B. Pum- phrey, Supply Sergeant. . Cavalry First Lieutenant, Ellis D. Rus sell, Second-in-Command. Headquarters Engineer Battalion Ltl Colonel, Laurence J. Sexton, mmander; Captain, John C. Mc- Jr., S-l. “A”' Engineers Captain, Richard G. Taylor, Cbrnniander. ; » , Firtt Sergeant, William C. Mc Millan. First Sergeant; Staff Ser geant, I Oliver C. Blair,'Supply Ser geant. ■ I «B» Engineers Captain, William B. Londo'n, Commander.. First Sergeant, Monroe A 1 . Lan dry, First Sergeant; Staff Ser geant, James C.- Fennell, Supply Sergeant. Headquarters Composite Regiment Lt. Colonel, Nelson L. Borchardt. Executive Officer; Majoc Elbert R. Baugh. S-l; Majors Cole Y. Townley, S-4. * Master Sergeant, F. A. Gleland, Sergeant. Major; Master Sergeant, V. R. Porter, Supply Sergeant. Readouarters First Battalion, Lt. Colonel, Donald H. Barrett, mander; First Lieutenant, Charles Major, Arthur D. ^Schmidt, Jr., Second-ih-Com- niand. " J: , •: [ t. I , y First Sergeant, Jimmie G. Ma- gruder, First Sergeant. “C” Air Force Captain, Randolph W. Barker, Commander, L v ' | First- Sergeant, James L. Wal ker, First Sergeant; Staff Ser- EQR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . ’ t ( College Slioe Repair North Gate dassitied Ads to the Student ids should be of the day Wo Aethritte. Of- turned in by before publication. McKENZIE-BAI.DWlN BtJSINESS COL LEGE offerj refresher courses in short hand. bookkeepint and associated sub jects. Dial 2-66S6. Bryan, Texas. FOR SALE—My home located 2 miles sooth e on Hwy. 6 at Lakeview Acres. C. I. Miller residence at Lake, area. 1100 sq. ft. on 4% acres. of frontage, 2 bedrooms, all con venience*. Interior finish of high quali ty. This house is at a bargain and with in reach of a moderate'income. FOR SALE—Ostermoor! mattress and box spiring*. Double bed, bedside table, also hoys bicycle. See at Student Owned House No. 6 after 5:00 or write P. O. Box 5178. - ■ • FOB SALE—20' trailer house and room, complete with apartment cook stove aad electric refrigerator. A bargain. Bgluy. Trailer L-7, Area 4. WANT TO RENT garage in College Sta tion. Write Box 284 F. E. * WANTED—Riders to Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin on August. 28th. Contact Lefton, Box 2336. ' * FOR SALE BV OWNER — Equity in 2 bedroom home. Fir sided, tile features; n^w last November. Good . neighbor hood. 126 Kyle Drive, College Station. FOR SALE—Girls bicycle; in perfeit con dition. 825.00. See at' B-7-C, College View. Ok SALK — Cheap two wheel trailer, 5x0 ft.; low sideboard. Call Mrs. Coft- nally, 4-6894. ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS—Day nursery for children, two to five year*. Special rates by the week. Make reserv ation now for fall Mr*. C. H. Bate*. 220 Milner, College Hills. Phone 4-8479. FOR SALE — Registered English Setter ■Rtpa; excellent markings; championship tine. 10 weeks old. Oden 4-8244,i 4-8274. FOR SALE—1 white enamel steel utility cabinet. 1 small White enamel steel table on coasters, 1 platform rocker J Priced to sell. See anytime at Apt. 84i-X, Vet Village. FOR SALE—1942 25’ Lighthouse Trailer Hcuse with or without air conditioner. ?ee Dahlberg, Trailer R14, Area 5, or write Box 2744, College. FOR SALE—Complete lot of household furniture. Includes furniture for living room, bedroom, and kitchen. Must be sold immediately. 226 North Munnerlyn. LOST--Fountain pen. Parker .’61.” silver fop. dark blue bottom. Contact Dickson, 3-J Puryear, or Box 877. Reward. FOR RENT—Cool bedroom, living room privileges and some kitchen privilege*. Children allowed. See at 107 Cooner. ATTENTION—Will keep children in my home by day. night, or hour. 107 Cooner. For MODEL AIRI’LANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 803 S. Main Brvan Pb. 2-2832 PAINT.;. J * / all purposes m ENAMEL 111 PORCH AND DECK SAND PAPER BRUSHES BNIOT a. MILLER /:■ II COMPANY ■ . 'Phone 4-1145 Wright, Executive Officer: Cap tain R. M. Rcofrems. S-l; Captain, Daniel £. Pfannstiel, S-4. Technical Sergeant, A. P. Wil liams, Sergeant Maior; Technical Sereeant, R. L. McClure, Supply Sergeant. h ? , \ “A ,r Signal I Cantain. Richard W. Denney, Commander. First Sergeant. Bobby J. By- ington. First Sergeant: Staff Sergeant, Garland R. Robertson, Supply Sergeant. j "A” Army Security Captain, John M. Wallace, Com mander; First Lieutenant, Robert S-4. S. O’Hara, Second-in-Cpmmand. First Sergeant, Doyle'R. Avant, Jr.. First Sergeant Gilbert V. Chambers, geant. ^ “A” Chemical . Captain, Elo H. Willman, Com mander; First Lieutenant, Mar shall E. Findley, Second-in-Com mand. f ' First Sergeant, Ralph H. Hahn- feld, First Sergeant; Staff Ser geant, Roberto V. Garcia, Supply Sergeant. Headquarters Second Battalion, Composite Regiment Lt.‘ Colonel, Truman G. Martin, Commander; Major, Albert W. SALE! | - \ Nationally advertised Continental Paints m various colors for inside decerning. Semi-gloss enamels. Gallons $2.00 Quarts i 60 BURGESS-PUCH LUMBER CO. Old Hwy. 6, 3 blocks south of Kyle Field Phone 4-4236 FOR SALE—Student owned house No. 11, near project house No. 5. PLACE TO WVE for married G.I. student and wife; near Bryan Field. Part-time employment operating smalt dairy. One with car preferred. Bus line near. D. L. Wilson. 901 W. 26th. Bryan. Ph. 2-6265. PERSONAL—Mabel: I promiae to cook Sunday breakfast twice/a month. John. t; Staff Sergeant, >ers, Supply Ser- Technical Sergeant, 1 Hans R. Wittenburg,»Sergeant Major. "A" Quartermaster Captain, Burton W. Hink, Jr., Cpmmander. < First Sergeant, William C. Mah- aley, Jr.Q First Sergeant; Staff Sergeant, Otto A. Yelton, Jr., Sup ply Sergeant. “A” Ordnance Captain, Albert M* Vincent, Commander. First Sergeant, ' -Thomas W. Woott, First Sergeant; Staff Ser geant, George S. Kent, Supply Ser geant. “A” Transportation First Lieutenant, Harold H. Hartstaqk, Jr„ Executive Officer; Brunkhorst, Second-in-Command; Captain, Wayne B. J McLaughlin, First Sergeant, Billy L. Powell, I S-l; Captain, Emory B. , Curry, First Sergeant. D CAR BUY Y0 M YOUR A RD CONVERTIBLE CUJB COUPE ... 'heasfttft 1 ; ked, fpadio, Heater, Whitewall .Tires, , ; . ' • ■ , Radl| f i Heater/ Spotlight, Whitewall HEADQUARTERS NEXT USED CAR ' , ORIZED FORD DEALER 1 J L to 4nR S'SPAN . . • ReidVi td Dri ve - ’ on‘SnD C ff iM COMPLETE STOCK OF USED CARS LATE MODELS DOWN. (TOR COMPANY 'Tour {friendly FoVd Dealer” TEXAS Highway South Swift? fMBBk EASY TO FIX WITH jKtfUbtlSicxLi, For mouth-witering goodness, spread Morton Sandwich Spread on your favorite bread. Give deviled eggs extra flavor with Morton Salad Dressing and chopped pickles. Use Morton Mayonnaise on meat and cheese sandwiches. And to please all appetites, take along, both Morton Potato Chips and Morton Twees Corn Chips. CLEANING - PRESSING ’ ’ ALTERATIONS i •' • , I .1 ■ V- AT THEIR BEST — AT i CAMPUS CLEANERS Over The Exchange Store « * Ylp-ppeee! If It’s food values you’re rounding up, throw’ dandy buys you’ll find at FUSSELL’S, where top-brand corraled for less money! Got a hankerin’ for the finest me ft a range? Want crisp, crunchy fresh vegetables or li^sckus stock you’re “chuck-wagon” with canned, packaged or fro:eri foods? can .t eyefty jrdatned Ready to Alt learn *1 to rely SELL’S you’ll buy the FAMILIAR BRANDS . . * foods y >u upon , for quality and flavor—and, again, you’ll find th* priejes m ghlty pardner! ’ / Thompson CRAP 2 25' California Sunkist ^ J. i.’ r LEMONS l«c lb. New Kiln Driz. k YOUNG PEAS... ...2 for 29c PETER PAN—12 or. PEANUT BUTTER. . . . 29c | • V - 1 1 . ■ i ; I . ALL PURPOSE GLADI0LA 1 f FLOUR.. . .5 lbs. 39c ' ! : ' 1 Libby’s TOMATO iL ' , — i JUICE j 2 No. 2 23c I ii. ; ■N' DEL MONTE CATSUP, 14-oz Alma Yellow . 1 ■ , |j. , CREAM STYLE CORN, No. 1 DUZ or OXYDOL, Large . . Duncan’H . ADMIRATION COFFEE . . UNCLE BEN’S RICE. 1 lb . . . PARD DOG FOOD, Reg. . . V UPTON’S TEA BAGS, 8’s . . . GULF SPRAY . . . Pts. 19c . t vMonarch All Green ASPARAGUS TIPS, No. 1 . .. J CRYSTAL APPLE JUICE, Qt. . ! Westfield Maid GRAPE jyiCE, Pint ..... Tea Garden Strawberry ]• PRESERVES, 16-o*. .... I fOTEX, 12 Reg. i ' . . . MEXI PEP HOT STUFF, Reg. 15c CIGARETTES, Carton . . . . . TOMATOES, No. 2 . . ; . . . OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, Reg. . 2 for 25c/ ... .32c 1 lb. tin 51c .... 21c • . . . 13c .... 0c Qts. . 35c m. . Golden Bantam Gl)^jEl|J PipS, lj2-oz. rTt NS, 10-oz. IANS, 12-oz. AM, giant..... 41c HDEK, Med 25c “** i •' • ISSUE' cents JIJ. QtutUZif THtiaU Rath’s Kom Land SLICED ON .. lb. 69c Rath’s Blackhawk FRANKfUI? RS... lb. 45e I 1 iE very1 OAV i tow. IpWCtS] FOOD STORES • BRYAN: 2Ki KJ. BRYAN AVE. 2011 COLLEGE ROAD COLLEGE STATION WALTON DRIVE college: hills fooo