K'} ?:C. •A • ♦- BM 9 'r-'i i j: ■T* • , FRIDAY, A f- c j 19^ ; To Ar] T J - ■ * — The Aggie morrow to eng 1 in 4 double All the t player-mankger tending the Nat o: 3amp Hood. v ! i". Wilkins stated that Tyr* s Vi T 7 ^ l T . y ttil'll i o n Hon Q R T S ' ^ . Page 3 &" Campus Softball League All-stars earn Journeys lor Two Games t De P\ is ;now atj m cad was f possible, he wotil# join the team, tomorrow nighit I; in Arlington. | T T1 J* J if not in] ‘•'hVlB. J. Lloyd’\jrilt pitch [ the li ' game and L. B.j VfWer will pitc! ! the second. j r -jh ' This team that the Afegies • I .taking ‘on diS] Well in state softball taiRnaipentj at WicH- nta Falls last v edk. The^ advan ter finals gara^,: the A|gies were defeated by the Ljubbock team thft _ .went on to the finals. . iE This is one. ‘ >fi the lafet outings for the Aggie Sjpftball team tbps season'. AlTHhdt jremain* on theiir docket is a possl le ganne with th' - Intramural^ Ajll;Stars semetimu -ot^hext week. 1. j. .j| , The-A&M Eie* Cjub iof Arlmt •Hoh is sponsoring Saturday nighf double-header. - the ou FAMILl Aj t; F1GGEU R. C. 1 .it/. i) will journey to Arlington to- frift Bui’ck team of that city rht^ ' T except for Taylor Wilkins, leers Face Sugar owl Jinx Against LSI), N. Carolina •AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 20 -^UP) Sugar Bowl champions last Jan uary 1, the Texas Longhorns must how face the jinx that has dogged the New Orleans participants the “year after.” . The lone consolation is that the Longhorps themselves have done most of the wrecking' te* cently. 1 Picture the plight of Oklahoma , A&M after its victory January 1, 1946s With' high hopes for the following autumn, the Cowboys ran into one troublesome situation af ter another, and wound up under, a 54-6 walloping by the Long horns. . *.> Last year, it was Georgia and North Carolina. Gebrgia, the win ner of the ’47 Sugar Bowl fell be fore North Carolina at the season’s outset, and then -the Tar Heels came to Austin for a 34-0 pasting. Now, jt’s I Texas’ time. The Steers downed Alabama, 27-7, last New Year’s Day. and must now face the Sugar Bowl music from LSU on September 1& in Austin, and then brave v North Carolina’s Wrath in Chapel If ill on Sept. 25. To prepare for this ordeal, Coach Blair Cherry will haver but ./i " . I BUZZ WILLIAMS second baseman, Mitchell : A. J. “CORT” CORTEZ outfielder, Law ■■■ f ’ ‘ : $Ski •mt <*>'«, tti itxm 'f The single elimination tournament was devised fcfe' Iitrartiural DSi ise of the early eliding of the Campus Softball £eai ui All hm ■ r BOB HOVEL third baseman, Bizzell -Hi ‘ — DAVE COLLIER catcher, Milner : • ^ .. . ^ • IP®?!! DAVID “GENE” BOWERS ' pitcher, Milner . r BATON ROUGliJv-La.-fBig Nuihl her 17, the jei y: numerals ma la) famous at LouisianaIStafe by Stei’C] fifteen days of practice, before. , Van Buren, wi l ije worp by Van’s the inaugural game in the enlarg ed-bfother Ejbdrt jin liic comife® ed Memorial Stadium against L. grid campaign f ] - j ■ S.IU. ToO^' out of this 15 days • i^- 1 i must come a Preis Day, dn Sept. J, and school registration, which splits up the-squad, , The Steers first -practice ses sion, With-411 lettermen expected to report, ywill be at 0:30 a. m. Wednesday, September 1. —. .» i Realtor Over Canady’s Pharmacy ■ ?. ■ iiytuk'i" Phone 2-6454 V ' 1 1 j i;V QLS J. ■ \ New Radianceifor yofir .. After we’ve] resoled them. Get ♦ur shine too! ><■'- 1 } “Bedt ’i- •i— n irs c Skoli IDE -a H ; H !i THE LARGEST ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE STORE IN BRYAN— Come in and see us for large Or small appliances: RADIOS. ELECTRIC IRONS STUDENT LAMPS! FLOOR LAMPS, PRESTO COOKERS . COFFEE MAKERS ’ KELVINATOR . t . . . HOTPOIN1 and many ether ueefuls ' ■' , UNITED ' t APPLIANCES FARM & HOME STORE ; v A AGGIE RADIO V\ Phone 2-1496 : V. '- r - 4- -H- For Your Sporting Goods Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 ' Pifck-up & SERVICE ijjd Dry Cleaning” ? garments, draperies, — Ph 2-S665 :'rf 1 B REPAIRS ,y } i WALLY DIXON utility ‘man, Mitchell - • l< -■ GEORGE MOLTEN! utility man,. Milner Ur JohD S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan. Texas Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST For Your Visual Problems 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 KELLEY’S Coffee Shop “Good Food — That’s All” Ralph Stacy, Owner j j, u . - 1 -1- -- VISIT OUR STORE OFTEN ^ '• jr Completely Air Conditioned ' i Black’s Pharmacy East Gate—Hiway 6 PHONE 4-1182 . i PONTIAC CO. Texas A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF • f ; • * * ’ Candies — Confections v.- and Drugs Jones Pharmacy ri_ ■ lt)l N. Main Bryan j m Swimmers Will l!> ' * Present Water Show Saturday The Swimming classes sponsored by the College Station Recreation Council will present the final Wa ter Carnival of the summer on Saturday, August 21 at 7:30 p. m. in the college pool. All students /gistered in the swimming classes ‘.his term will have a part in the prognint. M The opening event will be a backstroke race for girls under 12 years of age. Next will be a one length free style race for girls Under 14. ■j f Boys under 12 will then swim a free style race, followed by a backstroke content for boys under 14. The high intermediate swimmers will hold a relay, with each mem ber swimming one length of the pool. Then the beginners are sched uled to hold a flutterboard relay. One of the highlights of the night will be a wading race for the low beginner class. The more experienced swimmers are scheduled to compete in a free style handicap rac$. There will be separate heats for the girls and boys in this contest. Awards will be given to the new swimmers. The best beginners will receive a' turtle badge, while the intermediates will have an alliga tor badge for first prize. Scotty Potter, member of the Aggie water polo team, will v give a comedy diving act during v the I 8 h °f| .|J; There will also be an exhibition of the proper techniques in life-] saving presented bj^ Coach Art Adamson’s assistants. were in the Campus League have^ entiered the tourney. The two games played last nivht were in the upper bracket tourney. Milner Hall, the the first game last night will take on Leggett Mon day night while Mitchell, the w inner of the second game last bight, will play the winner of the Milner-Leggett game Tues- - day night. • j The lower bracket will get un-|Z7£ ~ ~ der way tonight when Bizzell, Wal- , In ove T, t ^ lat v 19 * ton, Trailer Camp and Uorm 14 ^ tangle in a double header. 4 The final game' of the tourna ment will be played Wednesday night. All of the twin bills start at eight o’clock. ^ Milner 11—Puryear 1 Milner opened their bid for the tournament championship j last night when they came from behind in the third inning and ^ f ent on to smother Puryear y outstanding hit of the inning David “Gene” Bowers hur brilliant ball for Milner as allowed only four hits and stri out seven. Bowers was the winning pit^hi while Belle was the loser.. Mitchell 12—Law 4 Mitchell Hall showed a lo fire last night as they .jumpe l Law to score a decisive, 12 0 Law,' minus two of their ular players, was never lied to take the lead which they never relinquished. I Dave Collier, Milner’s All-star catcher, started the rally with a single. Red Fennell walked and Jim Sullivan, manager and third baseman, slapped a double to center field to dear the bases. Milner struck again in the seven DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building (Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas - »f" : ' ■ , j L E T A N . . . Aggie Student a"" . SERVICE YOUR CAR ;> - \ ? .J • j ij \ ^ GAS OIL EXPERT GREASING I WASHING WAXING & POLISHING STOP AT THE GULF STATION n . ' l 1 block north Bronco Inn on Houston Hwy. . I l. .j!'.; Owned & Operated by J. W. Schmid^/ - A.&M Stu. Vet - Class ’50 H I li» di I IlSm. 1 II , ^ I. I ilner and Mitchell |C Round Tilts in Soft j : v : j Milner and Mitchell swept to easy Victories in t ic f rsjt ^ounc tournament as they downed Puryear and Law lesptctjvcly in ted softball diamond last night. r T ' ' ■ | ■ 1 ?■ ' ’■ Its ; . • 1 ( “v 1 ^ ' ‘ i j .‘i’ ./ >■ 'i. Plans Incomplele For All-star Ti t Plans are still incomplete : or game between the Campus I i|tr a- mural League 'All-Stars and t le Puryear started the scoring in Aggie Softball team, but Bitosy came home on a wild pitch. : that the game would be pjayfed In the fourth inning Milner ral- Monday night if it could biii u- ranged. One game in the Campus L< agjue Tournament is scheduled foi lighted softball diamond M< n night and double headers in tourney are scheduled for thi o| er two nights. ;1! j It is not known as yet when |qc transformer will be removed fr M ut. John “Bubba” barie Clearing double against the lijjtht host in lait field waa the' feature hit of-the inning. r tchers took the mound for Law in an ^effort to atop MHi icB. Don Fisher, the firrt of t e three twirlcrs, was charg ed 1 ith the lose. • A. er fir by a went ihning when pitcher Geiie Selle, the lighted diamond to be us?d)on who had 1 ‘ ^ for Purye high and^ lowed three hits. nd who had pitched a good ball game ; the football practice field. If{ ttljfey year-j^i to then, blew sky take the transformer out Mphi high and/walked four men and al p to then, blew sky take the transformer out M ittday the game will not be played j ] If the transformer is reinjoyei Red Fennell’s long triple to left the Intramural Tournament gaihcii field with the basesjoaded was’the will be played in the day. -H TT M CORKY’S ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS TO ORDER THAT SUIT 4' U j u FOR SEPTEMBER CORKY’S N . 4: .'J 4 - ■ — j-* •, : ii n ‘ ■ ; 4 «. - . 7 v. ■rsr — i ' lrf-1 DIAL ’2-1585 i^rican ■1 M •! ■ ' . ! ...L . :'U,: ■ GIBSON’S IGA Si|«U Market ’ ' i I- • • fj I I j, Between Bryan and College, Houston 1 lighWay ] [o. 0, South OPEN 7:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M.—7 QAFS J H ' - BRYAN S LARGEST NEIGHBOR 100) SI OR] PHONE 4-12 l liD r.J-i. 1 j • i ■: he Intramural Soft- double header bn the rector Barneyi Welch ^ of jhi teams that . ( r- i • r ,/W ganiJ aa Mitchell scored three runs in tfie first inning and six * in tl • .Se:ond to ice the contest. Mit hell pushed across their first hree Tins oh an error, a walk and wo 1 to, . ... j [ij In tht sfcond inning Mitchell ump^l in) Don Fisher, Law pitch- |*r. WJH 1 er, to ' six. more runs by pollecting four its land a walk. Two errors by I4(w n|| Lewi *« Wiley, manager and pitch- Mitchell, held Law intact the re ®ca f G) kilm r |. Pury ar Sec md Mific ell I^w only five hits. Wiley route] for Mitchqll re- ceivii g ci adit for the win. >•. • Score by Innings ame: : j I.... r ...000 210 8 Rif ...j -.;.10iO 000 0 Rl- Game: - ...L.-......v..i;...36o 03 me -! .020 .02 R4- ni! —f—If* — BROOKFIELD YELLOW Americau Cheese SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY 4 S.4TIJ] 1DAY Mi lb 31c 11 OZ. PKG. Baby Gouda Cheese . . . 51c N VBISCO 1 . ■ • LGE. PKG. Fig Newtons ....... J8c SWIFT’S—(For Babies) 3^QZ CAN Strained Meats ..... .18c i l 1 : 4 12 OZ. CAN . . . . 44c LYDIA GRFY K Facial Tissue PKG. OF 400 , . . 23c PKG. OF 50 Saybrook Napkins ... 7c Rtarajs ‘ ^ NO. 300 CAN Sliced Peaches . .... 17c MORGAIH Cher ’ii LIBBY Tomi TEX8CI Grape; Jell-It JktanJU C A F E T { R I A *|' " | ’if ' ; • " [I '■ { Jji • For Food of Intornational FAME 311 N. Main H* 1 / IGA CA J Spin i Jui ce ait Juice . ^ CUB Catsii DIAMOl Toi oes Gladiola F PR0DU 2 |/j's—CALIFORNIA PASCAL Celery . . Each 16c [ .ihi: • Grapes ......... lb. 17c ’’i : : 432’s Lemiohs . Oral 288 CA hi () it\IA MEAT SWIFT SELECT VEAL Chuck Roast . • • * . lb. 59c FRESH GROUND Veal . . . • • • • . lb. 49c SWIFT PREMIUM Franks ; t-t ■ . . . . lb. 49c SWIFT Fry i. NO. 2 CAN . . 25c 2 NO. 2 CANS . 25c 2 46 0ZICANS 25c —- Pkg. 6c NO. 2 t^AN . . 12c i l 14 02. BOTTLE 1'. . 15c NO. 2 CAN . 13c opr . 5 lb.sk. 41c ,f r ' mm . doz. 24c !’ ALE NCI A 2 doz. for 49c LEAN WILSfC She ADOLPHUS 1 LB. PKG; Long Grain Rice .... 19c ! , J VAL-TEX Tomato Sam 4 A." - j /4 SOZ. CAN . . . . » . 5c J ( . I, • : , . Babo . . . . * ■ • p ' . . . \ Can 11c Vel. . . . . ■ ji ' ! | Large Pkg. 29c SuperSuds. Large Pkg. 33« Lysol . i. ■. iit ■ • §7g LARGf: Hal ladon ' riilia 'i.i. 11 lv, I J : lb. 73c lb. 29c W: . . Ib. 57c i lt?9 ikajge for 59e ♦ • .39c ombination ' ■ ■ ) [. ve (Inn—50c Aqua Velva; Speedway Razor Bladfia y T' -i X- 1 /I ’ IK •• \