The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 30, 1948, Image 5
:fi f ■i-* > j n Ccnl ‘ .*>!•. 4" . ' :i . |: • : i Around Watson .... A:- By j B Rice Instiitujte’s ytsar jnfjii feat upon thcj Asrfiw are a£ain girding another crack at ed t tie, Footbtill He bilLClmi »P Id eoach J( Soithwpat ready ataricd hia cartymhrn ini thii ilculakly l^nid. I|ia PO t)wi4, *•' ! j , Nedcy has al annul!'■ewoininK ‘ a-.par- and woanijng' a jeent -ml jaruund, the OwI’h t’ouKl ichutule ttal hl( Umn of lott»irmci from Inerinitr'a •am.: ■ However, inyou« wftd tia» fol- Vafer me ■ iflta, M ave ey Will Ha Aggregation Th 'A :i i.ache(|ule tial he ^beyond the p iwel tion pecaiu le t is arranged .i ch :dule of t r rOMoiiiHle ■l [arid lowed SiMtl Wesjern football. to i ny lenklh of t trie [will ipdcr! thytj moat ol-thU n«dnj<> mad > by Nocfey b aiperfluoai and any rcseniblni cc to vhe re i tdiiri^ is purely co nc denial. 4 f. j Tf Hojw Ngelcpr cfn cry pbout the has ^ gre up r-1 has' iliiS year is s of IheJmllgina- prohtb £the best the ; jcdnfe en :e. Rice plays four out pf a total pf si) Soutlhwest Conffercnc! gimes at loustop and - included i 1 theie fou r are SMU and Texas, Jwo! of th:!r toiighest -opponents, flaying tlese tW at r ihodid will cj-r •'i' advantage ' Besides schedules m in inly 1 ei to Rice’s, bdvipg oneldf. thi best in trie conference; Rice Vailahl e for this Fall, especially in the ack field, that would be hard to overtook in selecting a winning tejtm. Huey Keeney and Tobin Rote, hardened, experienced baekfield- ers, are both returning. Keeney hip had three yeara’ experience af; a Rice regular and should be nr his best this year. Rote, who is only twenty, has lettered two years and handles the quarter* back poaitlon In th* ’T" with 'jpigh. •: ' •. 1 Also gunnlug-for positions in the liiiektU'ld are Bobby Luntrip, a no- UoiIIhI flr^trato fullback, Van Ballard, who, with experience will develop into a reliable performer, ami John Kelley, u soundman in 1046,. and; n letterman in 1047, who will see much service. 1 !Thc outstanding losses to the line are end Windjell Williams, nil- conference guards. J. W. Magee and N. L. Nicholson, arid Henry Armstrong, Jim Spruill, and Ralph Noble, ; all competent tackles. . ■| NceleyV center position wor ries have Just about disappear ed the last couple of years and ' will not bother him this Fall because big 225 pound Joe Wat son will fill it well and Jack ! Price will be his reserve. Wat- : son is one of the potential All- Americans in the Southwest * jConference this year. J are Parse kowskij wood Top ccjntende •are Schwarz pable of pei well. ^Ohly th log toi t! positions eat in fh g foi rmen S. J. twins the guard positions Carl Schwarz, Tom Roberts, Ed Kwiat- Delwood and Der- Earnest Reininger. for these positions ind Parsons, men ca- forming their duties ettermen are return- Ickle slots and these robubly be the weak- lino this Fall, p At; the tn|d positions, despite th#,lluss of the brilliant pass* snarer, Wendell Williams, th*rc) is. still nn impressive array of niaberial. Froggy Will.ams, Bill Taylor, Nick Uti/it, George Mineg, and Jack MeBnde have all shown their ability catch difficult passes and make it hot for jthe .opposing team. With these men to man the end po sition*, Rice may have the best ends! in the conference. Rich has eighteen lettermen, icfe ntjy . .H twOnt|y-eighti squaiimen, and ten last years’i ig this Fal ave had much expe- men [from last years 1 freshman team • reporting this Fall. Most of these! men ht wii _ 1 X rience With the “T” formacibn and this iis one of the deciding .fac- tfars. I ■ ; With this', array of experienced talent on hand, don’t let Neeley’s moanjing fool you. He’s going to have :qu»te a team this Fail. ■t J spot seven fn nu 'T Opens Olympics; inals End Today Two Teams Score Wm Vict o ri e s Tourney ThelOlyjmipip GamW opeil today in ,a setting of Royal pomp l‘ TWp, teams came through with witlj the powerful' Jaiited States team supremely confident of double wins last, night in the “42’’ Winning tto ^reatdst share of glory. •< ' . , tourjiament jsponsoted by tne Batt At 9 a .hi. yest( 1 day [Ring George spoke the solemn words ^^^om^SplTy-and R Morris 1 sr %% tests* Aggie Softball T Cameron 11-7 in By LEON SOMIER In a free-scoring tilt the A&M softball team over night on the lighted softball diamond. The game saw] and then come back strong to take the gamm 5 | ; The first inning was scoreless and then A.&M inning when Barney Welch, team manager, clouted a TT t “t The Aggies added to their in the fourth; inning when Bizzell, Mitchell, ; Trailer Camp, And Law Tied for Top j After the softball game* were over Wednesday night, the Ihtra* mural Sotlbail League was In a four way tie, wnh pizzell, ivnu-m-ll, laiw, and Trailer Camp lending the way. Walton U In the cellar again us It was Inst semester with Its cellar- mute, Dorm 14, one game ahead. ~* ww t^orm 14 pulled the surprise of the Baty beritnd the piatL*. Clark .^L day when it deflated Walton 8 to out three and walked three 7 in a close game. This is. the first uUowmg a total of five Imi) errors on ic Id- 0 ed he wered Aggies scored four mpre runs on hits, a walk, i^id two the part of the Can ere. The Camcn their first rim i fourth. In the fifth I their four rum or* tallied fl* hit*, a walk, and tw The Aggies came tisck in tiui idst half 01 " the fifth to scor il* runs and once again taka (lit ic id which they held through tike *lxih and seventh innings.' 1 Last night’s game saw I u Clgrk on tha .mout mmJziwIifiSm g%me that Dorm 14 has won all ‘Lockian started cjn thq hjiU|fo; L< rj'’ The best game of the day was and nine of the Agifie runs in tnc Lkjjtie, between Mitchell and Bizzell. lii^yur and one-tlhiwf umings t hje; L n a, rj!-j||b B. J. LOYD, outstanding [Aggie so tbali pitcher, is shown half way through his delivery as he prepares for the coming State soft ball tourney. Loyd took a night off last Cameron 11-7 behind the offerings of H 5,000 ath etes, from 5J) nati to cpmpqtit.on; in 17 different B a ti a l night as the Aggies trimmed ibert Clark. 0 n R T FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1948 11 i prbclsim'open j the Olym- of 1948 icelebjrating' pie | Games the 14t; 1 Olympiad jof the mod em eta A11 flai w, jlit onj Mbunt Olym . mis ami $|ed by I t’ujpers across j^uiype nml by wansifiw oyer the . amtj, am iv 1 otne into :e». littyr i Stadium- from-the destroyer Bicester. honors with only 287 points scor- U • ablaze DALACE P 1 *hom r i • Am’t) ifM I-! t ► IJtE; A SATURDAY NIGHT SUN. J- MON.I L TUBS. STMklNO BornfflEOH ..f Howard Dlb. IALC 1 HAP* f, 1. I I r ih ; e e bU eA^t ‘{f ht Until the i f* r ! Fhge beat Louis M organ and * tNM nle AU r S“'D„v„ Wed .l f- - —< riesduy night. It went out, but was 1. ' , , _ . _ . . relighted from a second torch car- Tf x Fields and Lehman Geist- died from the sacred mountain. m »ri stayed'in the running with a Fifty thousand persons cheer- _ of 48 0 i ,ul »bs while splitting f ed as the light symbolizing in- wiih Pat Brown and W. E. Brougb- ternational friendship in the field \ t ol b 'J*! Aggies Win Chai Three 'Sports At Page 5 Both teams got plenty of hits but Bizzell got tl\.‘ni in the wrong places when they weren’t needed anu this caused them to lose the game. Green of Bizzell was the loser while Frank Wiley received credit as the w.nning pitener. Green walked seven batters to one lor Wiley and gave .up eight hits to four for Wiley. J Hodge ot Uizzell copped the bat ting honors, getting on sately two out ol thi(ee times at the plate. Surprise of Day! Dorm 14 Wins Game J ! ■ ' , i Downs Game >n 11-7 hero last a five run lead ruin ovir Stley |er ‘I o tren :e d and worked. Garrett filnished 4n j the ' Lbclklan, hill for Cameron anld gave Mp |two G|u|i‘ctt runs and two hits. Leading the A&M hittin : vaa Tjbtalk Preston Smith ^ho collected Spom three for three and Wclc 1 1 nd Jack Watson, stepnd has sir an, fAS Who. each got two for fqjur. Cpfierc 4~ Ti 1' Si li I’l I lit wLl K iv dll C B1 (, p Station Council Has College The first of &evera during the summer by t te of, sport was carried .ashore ^iprgan and Howard took low By BEN Al)i\IR A line T)f traffic five miles, long ed iri the t\yo games. follpwed it throug|i the night and into the morning, as runner after runner passed it onwards. At the climactic, moment in the great stadium there was a fan fare of trumpetSi a royal salute of 21 guns, the rclcjise of hundreds | of pigeons amt tht- singing of the Hallelujah Chorus by U mighty jeheiir. -. 1 ■ t This is the bigltest of all Olympic gnmek. The previous f jNext Tuesday will he the final night of the round robin tour nament. The winners will be de eded by tjhc highest point total, aqd a rujncff will be held in eiise of'a!tie. This meeting will also be k c bl hi the YMCA at iri In a close, surprising finish, Dorm 14 won its tirst softball game of the summer last Wednes day from Walton by a score of 8 to 7. The game was close all thq way with Walton leading most of the trine. In the last half of the sixth, with the score standing at 7 to 5 in favor of Walton, D6rm 14 pushed acrors three runs on tour dud mg a. ier was presented Wednesday jeven.i to a large and enthusia tti c audi p Mure man l5o o» ilte si jdi ins w ho are. working in the :1a ises taught by Art Adarosor took part in the carnival. The sv im- mers were divided int n two teams arid the Maroon tea m jivon a five point Victory ovi r the White team. The dargie number of partiti pants was made possible by SSL*** “ i * ht w^jhavebJ™ tailed Sport* Week for 9S-5S the ROTC camp here ut Camp Hoed. Three major champion- baseman for Dorm 14, was the bcgimners r.tity was win iby ships have been decided here rece itly. leading hitter of the tilt gutiing the White team, j Much support was given the participants, and from the t ^°. 8 ‘ lfe hit ‘ s out of thl ' ce timcB F |rst P lac ‘? : > n » 1)W inteimidiite 1 yelling that went on. one mjghtV f— —- at bat - . | f^“ ri ng Hvd tear* igh ini opn ti relayi %SV*k »• •«* 1— *• ( ^\ year. Em, the teaaippera in E fl Company, cpmpoked mostly of 1 | c »» l P a ''y M. P. made a few fcuble t , r ^ £J cU from H y Xt . w t , | attempt* to drown out the Agfcies th( 1’aaileira* came in last in the Kizes will be awarded to the V*’ 11 '"* “t. the.- «wimining_ r i|ect. t ® * ' wihnerk and runnerupa. r , h « organized yelling ot the .Ag, A doin.nb nt will start I wu » » nuch for «« m - Z * r m . » ■ I VA/M1 1 • 11mt• 11 v VI i»i r»Vlil 1* j y. ^ All * •riffbrd was 42 nations and 3,901 nekt Thursday night in the YMCA. though. All the spectators werp athletes at Berlin iri 1936. I Entries for this event should be " M> “* * u '' "* Some 80,000 spectators bought tui-ned in [to the Butt Sports de- tidtbta for the opening ceremonies p^tment dr to the Student Activi- in'this stadium, which is a eon- (1^ officcj Goodwin Hull. III verted dog racing track. Although austerity prevented the building of a completely new area, the bright red running track and sparkling green infield made a rich setteng for the parade of athletes behind their national flags. . ■. ■ J « j The track, made of pulverized red tile on a base of .cinders, ap pears lightning fast. The chief disadvantage is the shortness of the straightway—barely enough for the 110-meter high hurdl rs in which the runner must ease off going around a curve. Full scale participation in the various sports starts today, except for a short swimming program last night. Today brings the finals in the | high jump, the 10,000 meter run •>nd the women’s discus throw;! There will be two series of pre- 1 liminary heats in the 100 meter/ dash and 400 meter hurdles arid 1- the first round of the 800 meter run. ; ; f therej is sun.ciem demand, a checkers tournament will be held a titer domino play is oVar. surprised at the organization of Aggies, who were led in iheir* yells by Asa HriUeman, yell lead er at A&M last fall. j The volley-ball playoff led the sports for the week. An ‘all- Aggie team from C Company (who were members of C In fantry at A&M last year) took the meet from D Company in two hard-fought games. Mem- ibers cf C Co. were Pete Stcfeall, Jerry Stewart, “Buck” Wheat, Tommy Splittgerber, Bob Mc- Giltcn, and Joe Negy. On the losing team from D Co. were Faburn Murray, Chuck Moisley, Lee Holder, Asa Holleman, 1 and Phil Moses, all members of the Cavalry at A&Mu. , The ROTC Sw.mming Meejt was next, and drew' more of a crowd Che soltbirll playoff decided th 1 RO IC Alhlelie Championship lii'jre. Tltis corresponds to the winuung of the Intramural Flag ^t iA&M. I) Troop Cavalry maul ed B Company eight to two and foir to two to win the champion* sliip in the first two games of the playoff series. Vwo firsts , and a , second Avon the fltig for the “Tankers,” with C Company Infantry and B Com- pai y Infantry coming in second am third respectively. Playing on the championship sof[ball team for D Troop were “S lider” Wolpman,, Ed Kruse, Jim Pa 'e: “Rupe” Hall, and “Rusty” RuJssqII. Jitn Page's big bat really helped out D Troop in the series. A ict her winning combination w 19 the doubleplay team of I'age ti Kruse to Wclpman. Several n Hies were nipped in the bud It X r FRIDAY -- ANN ‘td TODAY & SATURDAY : *1 ' • r-- ; —-Featured Begin Today4- 1:10 - 2:55^4:45 - 6:30 v- 8:20 r 10:10 • ' ‘ —Saturday-- 1:35 - 3:30 - 5:25 - 7:20 - 9:20' MAX GREINER, letterman guard on lat}t year’s varsity, still inas three years of eli;gibUity *j\eft. Greiner, who hails from Beaumont, w ill be trying for one iof the starting guard berths on | ithis yeir’s team. than the others. D Troon Cavalry h' the slick playing of these dominated the meet, taking every b >ys. 'first place. Gene Summers and 1 1 ) n the losing team for B Com- “Big Ed” Kruse were stars of the pa iy were Harrison, Grona, Fergus meet, with Summers collecting 15 Gc Idep, Oeroskov and Jories. points by taking first in the 200 Everyone was impress Q d by the yard free style, 100 yard free style S ni iritsmanship displayed by every and 100 yard breast stroke, Kruse 0 u fit. The softball games, swim- amassed a total of 10 points, tak- mi ig meet, and volleyball gam°s j ing first in the 50 yard free style j w dre fought hard and Jair by j and the 100 yard back stroke. jevrjy man participating. Speeta- Stanley K^ffese and Lee Holder to: s got tneir money’s worth and were two of the members pf the ev > t y mqn went back to his out- tean\ that,won the 150’yard piedley fiti proud of his teams' perform relay. The first place wats due a,^. mainly to Holder’s terrifies drive to regain a lead of several; yards that had been lost by the; other members of the team. relay featuring f(vd teams iva by Maroon team No. 1. T ic stroke relay for high inter ne wg* won by Mitropn tean 1 The freestyle relay for i'l'F'iCeil clUsses, featuring four ten won by White teauh Nu.,1. W nner* ip [the in eventa were-: . j boy* under Ifl, two li ngtlis lu'uistHtroker Daviil Bunn n, fit*t; , Tpm Bar low, seciirid; Ho l|oui th. free- laipe* third; '•i- ••t ‘’Enchanted VallV’ ARJORJlE “Ffeudin, Fussin —v/ith— DONALD tofco: MAINX CONNER i. J —Plus- CARTOON — 'NEWS / r Milner Gets Beat In Softball Game : Milner was one. of the teams that fell from the undefeated nks in the Intramural Softball ague Wednesday afternoon when iw defeated them 9 to 2. This as onei of the few defeats that owers pf Milner has suffered all iumnfejrJ . !,' Milner took the lehcLjn. the sec ond innihg with two runs to their j fcatdit bgt at the end of the fourth, ' li'Lftw wa k In the 200 yard free style re lay Jim Morris and Lee Holder did some fine swimming to take the lead, which they -Were never in danger of losing afte^ the first lap. 1 j ‘Rusty” Mc- a nic< First in diving was “Rusty rat- ,. - Gowan, who put on a nice ex-i^Sgftt hibition and displayed very good , 14 foriri. Softball Standings I * t? T« aitn W L Biksell 2 ; 3 1 M fcchell 2 1 Lj w 2 ! « 1 T. SV.V. - 2 f 1 M iner 1 } 1 Piiryear 1 1 V ilton SAT. PREVUE 11:00 PAI. SUNDAY thru TUESDAY -Features Begin— 130,1- 3:30 ; 5:40 - 7:50 - 10:00 8«£0«IC mar’ch ^ ANNsWU!#!>.:’} Pan ouevsA ■ rsfe**"' AN0THE PART off FOREST as ahead by a score of 3 to 2. In tli^ seventh inning, Law sew ed up the game by scoring six runs. ' ' Fisher of Law was the winning pitcher and allowed only ttyo hits in seven innings of play. He also proved to be the best batter of the day, hitting safely three odt of four times at bat. n ri—Flu , v ; |—riua— CARTOON — NEWS ; • vv—- | — • •*y» • . 1 " 1 ;■ . y I Aggies in the other companies were not to be outdone, however. C Co. came in second in th£ nret. Mainstays of the 450 yard -medley relay team were Don Whitley and Bill O’Mara. Tommy Snlirta-m-ber took second in diving. Bill O’Mara took second in the 100 yard back- stroke, and Marvin McClure one! Jerry McManus won third jlace in the 200 and 300 free style, respec tively. ; B Company placed thrif third iri the meet wih Jim Gaines win ning two second placeK—the 100 yard breast stroke and the 200 yardjfrec style. Jasper Jones won third place in the 100 yard backstroke. For Your Sporting GooUs Needs JONES SPORTING Gf)ODS S0.‘ S. Main ik\an The “Forir Horsemen” of Notre Djittie were Harry Stuhldreher, mes Crowley, Don Miller, and Wer Layden. - f ; f ■ RALPH DANIEL. Aggie Full back with two varsity letters to his credit, will be vyin^ this fall for the starting fullback position left vacant by the grad uation of Ed Dusek. Daniel, who will be a senior In the corps w'hf n he returns this fall, is from Jefferson, Texas. i Trailer Camp Wins Volleyball Match land, third; Tom] Terrell Boy* under 14, two lengthi style:-Pot* Hickman, firs : Burk, second; Joe Mother il, Don Draper, four.h. Girls under 14, tWo Ic igtihs backstroke: Ann Copelan 1, first; Pam Wilson, jsecond; M irtha Ergle, third; Judy Oden f< urth, Boys under twlelvo, or a length backstroke: Clinlpn Helvi y, first; Richard Smith, second; P itc Hick man, third; Joe stcen, f mi th. Girls under twelve, on» 1 :ngth Was the only Cameron get two hits, jl Weiaed, Aggie Sjiorts irector. called the balls from behind the plate. Box Scorer R H E si vimmi: Collegi & tt* i won buck- liirics Iflo.l 1 ier; (|!le- fjrkt; Mjartha freestyle: Nanty Halt, Eleanor Price, Isecond; Terrell, third; Mary J ins, four^li.. 1 , At the beginning of tht pfogjrat istance Rut Comes Back t< • ; <f T [tain C it crop Mr* dey S Vi ft, ! M h tley[ d-f V c ms, y it lilkik, OfNenl, lead in the second the center fielder. ■•••••■••Aft • I (f I l> • t.*t* a **«t*t|« | 1 ■fl" • •Ml *1...... . 1 • •* J 1 «L »• J h .0 t i-yf.........0 Im-p......!. 0 J.l.. .7 Wy innilrigs: R H E :010i 460 x — 11 13 ...000 160 0 — 7 6 : • ■ 1 * *■ i carnivals to be sponsored Sqttjon Recreation Council L. Downs Natatormm at teanlis width woft the Houstqn ICA ibeet arid the Teyai, Ama- tewr Athletic Federation meet were roducijd. It [was announced th^t Statt Amqtjeur Athletic Swim- ng i^hiimpiohships would be held Co lege' StaGon on- August 14 i>. Ti Three games were scheduled for Tuesday but only one was actual- Iy played, and that game was the | month in 1946 w hfen d Robert Allen Jof Houbtcjn, an outstanding middle-disG nc: [run ner ^vho woil) th<* all-Pai ifi: cross country championship i hi e sta tioned iri Japan! has e- ‘ntierecp Texas A&M College an 1 vill be eligible for four years >f South west Conference [track cc m| cti* i©n. Allen, a graduate of ol n Rea- gari High, was at A&!} fonty ri tt ft A Company came in fourth ip the meet Monty Currie was the only Aggie in A C°- to win a Pit. 2-2832 [ Consult' c Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST I For Your Visual Problems 203 S. Main — Bryan Phonrt 2-1662 r :[• ' * one between Trailer Caipp and Walton. Law' and Puryear forfeit ed to Leggett and Dorm 14- Trailer Camp had trouble get ting started but once under way they took two straight games from Walton to win the match 15-lri|fend 15-5. Nothing seemed to bother Trailer Camp’s smooth server^ AJahlberg who was re sponsible fer gelling the baR in difficult poHi'ioas for Walton. Musick of Trailer Camp round ed out the winning team with good spike shots. It was Fern and Ditt- mar for Walton who tried to keep the spark alive but failed only after playing a good game. ■ CORKY’S New Fall Samples Have Arrived - • ■ LARGER SELECTION, BETTER QUALITY ' Corky takes this opportunity to let everyone know that in the face of high prices this Fall, he will offer clothing as low as possible to operate business. Come down and examine ’ the amazing selection of Fall patterns at a price more reasonable than you will ever expect. sj / '‘ AVOID THE DELAY — ORDER NOW FOR FALL! at * CORKY’S 2 Blocks Down from North Gate *rf The freshman rule wh ielj allow ed first year mgn to c impute in varsity sports was in cljfcct at that time, so Allen will )e eligible to compete in yarsity Ipcjrta im mediately. nei- k-M t hitler Camp Team ins Night Game ■ PK On tie lighted softball diairinijit odnpday night, Trailer Carinii •it to Leggett 10 to 6 In gai|mi that, was highlighted by e steady ph|chi»# *>£• Piwn apd goijii lintllng of Cullinun. TI e Leggett Uam out-hit their ppuriHlon hut ten wild (ilU-he* y ’ittgen*, their pitcher, coijt 1 jtlie bill} bumc. ] . Builting honors for the night ent to Cullinun who got kim'iks liinloK out of four, at the. L< reel 1, | ishi r, Law 1 lie;', Mitchlell - lagi njt, Leggett owers, Milner J —— ^diiijs Pitchers BUztill TODAY’S' GAMES L»w vs. Puryear at 5:15 on dianijnd six. B zeetV vs. Leggett at 5:15 pn dianijjid five. M’aiiton vs. Milner at 5:15 on diamond feur. L. i Dojim 14 va. Mitchell at eight p.m on lighted diamond. -J —ft !7j ^ * INSURANCE For Your Every Need * AiUTO —LIFE—FIRE ,, -r4^E-l ' BILLIE luTCHELL ’42 Sf Building PHONE 4-7269 State Farm Insurance IS YOUR FiGUk,E SAGGING? Brace up with o 2^?^' Shoulders dfcroopinq, rfiiddle til fitting? Youill* wear the New B‘ v f ; elude a newly u i fesl Tt* anid Ic ’ Fxc fggii bet oil d top Uliou Iroll l ; ;air leg landk c i c ice, cu f y; rpnt po ing, litf of 11 kp ;'» a BRA nly if ter & B1 tit imiU.S.rloit. • : rj ■ . r ' doilies * r if you Mures in- gs up to, , special twpnt 11—d soft Vs self ad- i position. . h.. I \ »j C|Kl M ■' . •( ) nd Eryan [ , 1 I ; " : ! / ^ i ^ . [i '. A h A li 1 m