The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 28, 1948, Image 1

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I ■
r A
WHri Bi AN
If, T
I -
, i exits mtfs prpviifiiiig Beparate
Echools for White ui'i Negro stu-
• -f- •] h ; . .;•••
: 7.:- ■ U
ex., Jol
i dents' face a t4st frojm a nejiv angle.
J;V| A WhiU man, Jalclc Cofjfraan of
j/■! JU Houston, ms applied for entrance
into The Texas Uiiverfiity for
Negroes i t Housto^i, according to
information received by Attorney
Generaf 1 ’rictib Dan ie yesterday.
Officialii of the- negjTo university
have askijd the atitoniey ; general
for a lega opinion of the question.
Coffman, according; to informa-,
tion funii! bed; the ajttpmey general
demands pntnmce 'into the negro
university whichl fa£ esiablished
by jjhe 5|>th legislature. Coffman
V 28
■ •< '
<•' Vj;
Volume 48
iv •.
* . r
te of Penn Col-
o^ai' and! is fully
qualified for jcoursi ■s applied for.
Vi ASHINGTON, Idly 28 —<A>)_
House Republicans pijedictjed after
-a neetihg of their pplicy commit
tee Tuesoay that the! present ses
sion of Cingress will end in about
two, weeks.
While speaker Mirpin (R-Mass.)
. cha rman of the. ce
hel< cofn nent until i later meet
ing with Senate leaders!, House
policy !gro.
‘fin, geneiial; agreenjient” that Con
gress cat go honje jperhiaps late
next wee: or the -reek after.
[.hatl would leajvej little time’,
cojnc eded, for action on Presi-
^ denjt Thu nan’s an! i-^nflation pro-
J y h
! j /
• ) !
' l '
i ' •
■ •h'
DALLAS, July !!8 —<A1)^-Texas
grapefruit juice Wili be'sent to
Europe’s hungry cMdrejij in ever-
increasin; r amouTrti i i|n the future,
Drj E. 'li Roy Da kip, representa
tive of CARE, Rel ef Agqncy, said
Wednesdi ,yi - ' <! . I
.Shipmdnt of thii ,uice! will re
ceive an mpetus frori th4 offer of
a commercial valle jr < anner to pro
vide one free iS-otwice can for each
three purchased, he said.
Labels‘ from thrae can^ of Tex-
Sun juicle, sent lo the Tex-Sun
Cithis Ejcchange Weslaco, Tex.,
or turned over to t tie Dalljas CARE
booth, will result! in a free can
being sept to Eurppp’s orphans.
ivps UP A
] ^
Aggieland), TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28,1948 ''til , ""l Number 19
Army, Air, Navy ROTClxempi
irv._ _ A,. _ a A t ¥k h i
Quotas Announced b
n t
WINNERS of the "prep*
to right kneeling they are Md 1
g for travel” contest
afc Fort Sill line up for the camera. From left
Keyi, OU; John Luther, A&M;JPern E. La Roche, A&M; Ralph Jones,
St. Mary’s; and Thomas Keeling, Arkansas.
Standing from left to right are Leonard Kotzur, St. Mary’s; Ed Limes, Colorado; William Leske,
St. Mary’s; Leiland Jett, A&M; and peter Kleck, St. Mary’s. The group’s time for preparing to march
\yaa 8 minutes and 55- secoodji, j -I ) 7 • - '.7 , j ’
A&M Graduates Monopolize Ag
r i ( ©
Field, Cotton Tourist Decides
LAKE SUCCESfe, Julj^ 28 —<A>I
Th^ Un ted Natphs Commission
on conventional arinamenis virtual
ly gave up Wednesday all efforts
to regulhte arms cntil peace
made. ‘ |
The^ciymmissiorrfs wording com
mittee a jproved 9 2 a British-
Atifericaii resolutiiih Naypi^ peaefe
must be made with j Gerifnany and
Japan before jarms'can be effec-
tivjelyj Cc ntrolled. | Russia and thje
, Soviet! I krubie vltad (against thje
majority Ifl :
The| c immittoe decided to mept
again Monday to write its report
tb th,p Security Ojuhcil. Delegates
said, hovever, t mf th<| commiii-
sioti’s wjirk is virtually ended Urn-
til tha hjternation il ipictijre chan^-
“A&M graduates have a mono-
ply on agriculture, ot- so it seems(’
says Dr. Luther H.j Jones, Agro
nomy Department, in a review of
the annual Cotton .' Study Tour
from which he has recently teturri-
ed. 7 ! X j [ I
“Regardless of where wq. werv,
there were former A&M men suc
cessfully engaged in agriculture,
business, and even politics.”
“Some of 1 the men that we met
and flrho extended the old Aggie
brand of courtesy were Percy Lee
,Bell, ’43, manager of the largest
cotton plantation visited by the
group; Frandis Leo Gerdes, ’28,
chief cotton technologist for the
Delta Branch Extension Service in
Stonewood, Miss.; Dr. M. B. Stur
gis, ’25, head of Agronomy at
Louisiana State University and
Percy Redfearn, ’38, member of
the! New Orleans Cotton Exchange.
“In Washington, D. C., we were
*ft by Representative Olin
», r
! ;
landlle Resigns
jecomji Dean At
Western Reserve i, r
Dr. C W. Randl<J, head of the
Ecpnomics Depar mfcnt, [will leaive
July 31 for Cleve and, Ohio to as
sume hi i new positi)n aS Dean of
the! Self! ol of Bus inoss i^. Western
Reserve Universi ;y„ he said this
afternoon. {4 . . L
Randlt has beeb with the A&M
teaching .staff sii ce.July ’47. Be
fore thi > time h< seiwed as vice-
chairmap on thri National Wage
Stabilization Boaijd ih Kansas City,
Rhapsody In Blue
To Be Ilealrd On
Svnmhonv (lour
New Associate At Methodist
Church Trained Football Team
A. BY W. H. BE^
; t j . j ' '
Rev. Ferris Baker, -new associate pastor of the A&M
Methodist Church, was the ttainer of the SMU football team
for two years. ■ M : • .
Baker, a slim, brown haiired^an, says that he has a new
outlook from that he had on his previous visits here. He says
the people are some of the most
ter vdin will be
phony on Wax”
fiisic in a li
heard o nthe “Sl
hour tonorrow deeding !at six.
Twio compositions' by George
Gershwjn, Rhapsody In; Blue and
An American ~
duled t( be play
Jhje ! lhapsody i began as a piur-
Jgzz, (the critics
Inj I
Paris, are sehe-
pose, nit a plan
said, : hi d to be
had fto cling
Gershw n resolvej
r-i y
s|trict time and
dance rhythms.
t( kill that mis-
concept on with .tone stqrdy blow.
It w|ts during] a trarin ride to
Bostpn, with iti steely rhythms
rat ;les, thit Gershwin sudden
ly hgarp—and eyen say on paper
ruction of the
Rhapsody as a sott of musical
z* kaleidoscope of AH rica -
Durirg a trip to Eupope in the
spring of 1928, Gijrshjwin began
compos ng An A mei ienn In Paris.
the ide l in hjs mind to
his world b«jforq he even
landed an the C< ntihent, and once
he arrived in,tile grerch capital,
and vi: ited its cafes, went to its
unis, sjwitjts diagy historic
t nd rode dpwn its boulevairds
loisy taxicabs, his musiori
ideas tiok definite form.
One i an easily visualise a slight
ly homesick Anjeruan wandering!
about he stree s cf Paris when
i apositdon jjs Heard,
record irogranr
by the
can be heArd
)f ‘
^ °n
hospitable he has fever met.
' Haying the fortune, or misfor
tune, ‘to work his was through
college, Baker was manager of the
basketball team and director of
housing for the athletic dormitory.
His interest in sports dates, badk
to a letter in track from Central
College in Fayette, Missouri, Whei[e
he gradufeed with an A.B. degree
in 1943. 1 !
Seemingly non-compatible with*
his sports interests are his abil,
ity to play a violin and to sing
in choral groups and the men’:
chabel quartet at JSMU.
Baker hails from the corn-h:
country of the Missouri , hillfe
around Cainsville, where he sajj^s
his main interests were “cravjr-
dadin’, swimming, and; fishing[”
Giving up these activities, he ai
tended high school! in Blythedalle,
Missouri, before going to Central
College, svhere he preached pa^t
time in tjfre DeWitt circuit.
* Graduating from Central in
1943, -he entered SMU Where Ike
sang in the glee club, worked |n
the chapel and itlfe theological
committees, played basketball and
football, and acted las librarian fbr
the circulating library. ,
He graduated from SMU with
a B.D. degree in 1944 and began
working on j his master’s while
teaching Old and New Testai-
ment literature and histdry.
Baker met his wife, the former
Marian Jane Laird, in the deanj’s
office at SMU where she was [a
secretary. Mrs. Baker graduated
frormSMU in sociology in 1944 aijid
was a resident of Dallas.
is spon-
the lawn
Hall eiach
amd 13u:
mm ^ m
Student Photo
Editor Needed
A photographic editor for'
Student Publications is needed,
Roland Bing, manager of Stu
dent Publications, announced to-
«i»y. v : 1 1
It will be decessary for the
photographer to have his pho
tographic equipment and havje
access to a dark room for de
velopment of picture^ Bing era-
hasized. The student would
ave to be available during
regular hours of the day.
Students interested may
tact Bing in Room 209,
win Hall anytime
and 5 p.m.
• j
(. NJ
Rev. Ferris Baker, new asso
ciate pastor of the A&M Meth
odist Church will assume h^s
duties here in September.
Ex-Student Opens
Insurance Office
• ’ * .
Bill Mitchell, a graduate of the
elites of ’42, has returned to A&M
to [occupy an office in the Casey-
Sptarks Building above the Aggie-
land Pharmacy.
hfonday morning at 8 he will
begin as an agent for The State
Fferm Life Insurance Co. As their
agent, he will sell fire, life, and
automobile policies.
Mitchell lettered in track while
at; A&M, his specialty being hurd
les. After he received his degree in
Rural Sociology in ’42, he accept
ed! his commission and went on ac
tive duty with the army.
He served with the 88th Infan
try Division as a Field Artillery
ofli'cer, receiving the Bronze Star
and the Air Medal with six clust
tea's. After the war, he went with
hija division to Korea to serve ',in
the Army of Occupation. He was
Assistant Director of Information
and Education, with the rank of
first lieutenant
.Mitchell will be at his office
daily from eight to five, and he in-
vijbes all Aggies to bring their in
surance proble
ince problems to him.
“Tiger” Teague, ’32, who per
sonally conducted us on a tour
of the Capitol. At Ames, Iowa,
we encountered three former Ag-
gies—^Frank Bortle, ’31; “Red”
Thompson, ’35; and Dr. Charles
E. Frilley, ’19, now president of
Iowa State College.”
“Dr. Friley, while a Student at
A&M in '17 and ’18, became the
first registrar. Later he was ap
pointed the first Dean of Arts and
Sciences, and initiated the. grade
point system." ! j
On the itenurary for the Cotton
Study ; Tour were visits; to state
colleges, experiment stations, cot
ton exchanges, and mills as well
as side trips to points df interest
such Us Niagara Falls, the Naval
Academy at Annapolis, tbe Bowery
in Ney York, and others.
“One of the high-points of the
trip,” continues Dr. Jones, "was
the honor paid uir by the porters
and elevator girts of the Jung
Hotel in New Orleans when they
turned out in special formation
to welcome us. They iwere re
paid in the A&M mainner for
this honor.”
Virgil Caraway, L. [E. Crane,
Wallace Hackler, and Arnold Now-
otny accompanied Dr. Jones on
the tour which is sponsored by the
Agronomy Society and paid for by
the proceeds from the annual Cot
ton Pageant.
, A j
Dean to Represent
A-M At Camp Hood
j •
Dean W. L. Penberthy will at
tend the final review at Camp
Hood Saturday, v
Representing A&M College in
the absence of President Gilchrist,
Dean Pertberthy will be: the guest
of the commanding officer at
Camp Hood Thursday. Officer’s
mess will be served at| 12:30 and
from there the reviewing party
will go to the field to see the re
view at 2 p. m. ^ i ^
This event closes six weeks
training at Camp Hood for the
Aggie? who are receiving their
summer camp there.
ter lexas
School System
ays Educator
“Failure of states to pro
vide adequate educational fa
cilities will be an open invita
tion for the federal govern
ment to come in and take
over education,’* State Sena
tor James Taylor of Kerens,
chairman of the Gilmer-Ai-
kih committee, told the 12th
Annual Texas School Admin
istrators conference which
ppened here Monday.
1 Purpose of the Gilmer-Aikin
committee is to desigh patterns
for the improvement of education
in Texas. In its broadest scope it
is composed of senators, represen
tatives, school administrators,
(teaches and laymen who study
the present educational setup and
receive recommendations for its
Senator Taylor stressed that his
Iplmmittee will ask for radical
jenahges from the present educa
tional system.
“We believe,” he said, “that
we must act and act now. This is
the third commilitee that has been
appointed in Texas in recent years
ito study public education. Unless
Ithe Gilmer-Aikin committee is
successful, we may not have the
chance for a long time to make
iniuch-needed changes in our edu-
[cation setup.”
§ ] 1
| H. A. Moore, executive ylce-
chairman of the committee,
pointed out that minimum edu
cational requirements must be
reached before the state can
hope to start out on an ade
quate program.
[ i The sessions, which last through
Wednesday, were opened by Ter
rell Ogg of Freeport, president of
the conference. The guests were
Welcomed by President Gilchrist,
and a short talk was given by M.
IT. Harrington, dean of Arts and
J The sessions are being held in
the YMCA. George Wilcox, secre
tary of the conference, reported
that eighty registered Monday.
Lt Thomas Fowler
Reburied Tuesday
In Wichita Falls
Second Lieutenant Thomas W.
Fowler, ’43 graduate of A&M and
one of the first Texans to receive
the Congressional Medal of Hon
or, was reburied at Wichita Falls
Tuesday in ceremonies honoring
him as a symbol of Texas soldier-
hood. ’
The 22-year-old former student
was the first Armored Force Of
ficer to receive the nation’s high
est honor for gallantry in battle.
He earned it for his intrepid lead
ership of a platoon of tanks when
the Allies broke out from the An-
zio Beachhead.
With his hands he dug up Ger
man anti-personnel mines at Ca-
rano, Italy in May, 1944. Then, on
foot, he led his tank column safe
ly through the mine-field. With
all the other officers Of his out
fit dead, he rallied infantrymen to
his command and captured a squad
of Germans.
On the day before Rome fell,
ten days after his heroic exploit,
a sniper’s bullet killed the hero
who had spurned an offer to re
turn to a rest camp.
Allocations to Be Determ
Depts^ Deferred Studen
Quotas of Army, Air Force, and Naval ROTC it
draft have been announced by Secretary of Defense
These students will be selected by each service
der the Selective Service Act of 1948.
Allocations within these quotas to the individi al college |i will!! be made by the military
Draft Calls First for Men
25-Year Bracket, Hershey
WASHINGTON, July 28 —UP)— Selective St
rector Lewis B. Hershey announced yesterday thal
old men will be drafted first. Other age groups will
in order of their registration, he said.
Hershey made the announcement after an Hoilr con
ference with members of the Sen- 4,
ate and House Armed Services
Later he told newsmen that ap
proximately 5,000 men will be pro
cessed in the first six months of
the program, beginning with the
25-year-olds and working down
through those in the 22-year-age
brackets. .
Out of the 5,000,000 men to be
processed in age groups 22-25 in
clusive, Hershey estimated that
only about 70,000 would be actual
ly subject to peacetime service of
21 months. He called attention to
the fact that deferments for var
ious reasons would cut down the
number of men available.
The draft director said he has
not yet received word from the
Army as to when or how many
men they will require. He told
a news conference last week that
the first call probably will not
be issued before October 1.
Yesterday Hershey said .that if
the Army should ask for 30,000
men on the first call, selective ser
vice probably would have to dip
down into 23-year-olds to get that
many] He said he doubts that
more than 8,000 26-year-olda are
available for service. .
Registration of the 25-year-olds
starts August 30. Succeeding age
groups will register in September
ending with the 18-year-oJds on
September 18. .
Hershey stressed that all men
in the 18-25 age brackets' must
register, unless they are on ac
tive duty in the armed services.
Veterans and members of the
National Guard and other re
serve units are required to regis
ter, he said. He added that se
lective service has not yet writ
ten regulations to govern de
“But we are reasonably firm
now on how we will proceed with
selection,” he said.
aibd wi
ho will be exempted from the,
deferred from induction un-
’ depaiftm
ice li-
b s Aiak< n
To Reins
NSL Insur
Approximately $2j5£|,000 jol
National Service L
ance has been rehuti ted
veterans since July 1(1, J.
Varnell, Veterans Adminis
tration representatjivf, ! a n
nounced yesterday.
Varnell assisted vetdrahs jin
instating $100,000 of tie sum
terday afternoon.
All veterans who wish to rein:
state their insurance spot ild do s<
immediately, Varnell varied. A|ft
er July 31, veterans w shlng!
reinstate their | insurance Will
subject to ;the expense of a phjfsi
cal examination.
Before the deadline, th s insure
may reinstate by c< m ileting
simple application fon i < ertify
that his health is as gi oc as wlie
the policy lapsed and papmlent o]
premiums for two month i.
The two! months renitthnee c )v
ers the^GOiday grace perbd allc
ed at (he time the pill y lap ie
and the first month aljter rci
statement, which is a [paiyment i
Varnell will be in ill 6 7A| ofljici
on the Cajmp'us on Tlui idtty im
will be in his office ill day Sst:
urduy, July 31 in Br/afi for htt
purpose of reinstatingt Isipsed polf
Varnell’? office is ir ti e Ho\^e
Building, which is lo ’at ed abfev
the Stacey Furniture (o. in (Brypr
Farm Safety Week Procl
To Curb Accidental Inj
President Truman and Governor Jester have:
ed the week beginning July 25 as National and T;
Safety Week in order to lessen the large number of disabljb
accidents occuring on American, farms. |
The immediate goal of National Farm Safetfy (Week
to eliminate 30 million hazards*
which exist on the farms through
out the United States. Farmers
can make their ! farms much safer
by accepting personal responsibi
lity for the elimination of one farm
hazard per farm resident during
this week.
The long range purpose of Na
tional Farm Safety Week is to
make every American farm and
every American farm resident i
safe as possible, to cut the annul
toll of needless deaths and injurii
to an irreducible minimum, and to
make farm life a safer, happier
Who Likes Westerns?
Historical Movies Preferred
By Students, Survey Reveals
The same things that keep Fords
Chevrolets, and Plymouths on the
road keep
pools full and the yacts afloat in
private swimming
,V Interviews with students on the
campus reveal historical movies
leading the field at A AM, follow
ed by films of a biographical na
ture. Straight musicals! ran poor,
and no one was loyal to the lusty
B. J. Langford, petroleum engi
neering student from Nacona, Tex
as, likes The Best Years of Our
Lives. “This portrayal of three
veterans returning to civilian life
is typical of the problems faced by
veterans everywhere,” Langford
said. “The story, good cast, and
i ]
i I
high humor combined to make it
my favorite movie.”
In the opinion of Ray E. DHt-
mar, senior electrical engineer
ing major from New Braunfels,
best movie of all time. “I am in
terested in American history/’
says Dittmar, “and this epic de
picting the changes in the sooth-
era way of life wrought by the
Civil War is s moving story. The
transition from book to picture
is good.”
An agricultural education major
from Sealey, Texas, Joe E. Burtt-
schell, favore The Joison Story.
’This show is a good life story of
my favorite singer. I like Jolson’s
voice. I saw the show four times.”
Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs is the most enjoyable show
Leroy Werchan has seen. Werchan,
an Agronomy student from Taylor
‘says, “Most movies today try to
tell a story, but usually fail to do
so. Snow White is strictly enter
‘The movie I enjoyed Moat?”
HENRY V, says Ivan NeviU of
Houston, an M. E. major, ^mia*
toricsl pictures are bast Laur
ence Olivier’s acting is superior,
sad unlike most American films
there is nothing superficial in
this movie. It is good history and
good entertainment”
J. E. Vaughn, an M. E. senior
from El Paso, likes Love Letters
“Its strong emotional quility tp-
me,” said Vaughn. _'Tt
pealed to me,” said Vaughn. “I
is very well cast with Joseph Cot
ton and Jennifer Jones.”
and more prosperous vay of li: i
Past records show tl at unlpi
extra precautions an takpn,
out of every four If rn * will |
the scene of a disablin ? i fijdry
farm resident in. th i, next
months. They also shi w that a:
dents, on the average, v ill
farm residents every dpy
these extra precautioi s
Except in rare cas >s,
ty measures , the ! artneri
asked to take are n< t postly.
fact, many times it h is
be more costly not t< h i
To advise the farnien
type precautions can ibe
the following ten
ente, Notices of these al-
ns and instructions for se
lection will be sent to i«e institu
tions ■ concerned when they have '
been ; determined, which prpbably
will be the latter part of August.
Students deferred in officer 4
training course? are not exempt
from: registration .under the Se
lective Service Act.
However, each will sign ar
agreement to accept a commission
if tendered at the completion
termlination of .his course,
thereafter to serve not less
two years on active duty. Thi:
signed agreement will autbortei
deferment so long as he conjtinuef
satisfactory participation in hi*
training course,
The overall quotas for each ser- l
vice will be apportioned as fol
lows |: ;V
Army—Freshmen, 38,500; Sopln'
omores, 23.900; Juniots, 15.400.-
Totail, 77.800.
Air—Freshmen. 24,000; Sopho- *
mores, 9,800; Juniors, 7,000. Total .
Navy—(including Marine Corps)
Freshmen. 7,000; Sophomores, 500;
Juniors, 300. Total. 7,800.
The Selective Service Act re
quires the Secretary of Defense to
prescribe the number of perspnei,
each! of the Armed Forces may se
lect for enrollment or continuahce
in certain officer training lyo-
graths. including the Senior.Divi
sion ROTC and midshipmen in the
U.Js. Naval Reserve.
This deferment provision of the
Act applies, during the current
yeait, to RQTC students who weft
freshmen or sophomores when it
became effective and to all incom
ing freshmen.
R0TC students who were jun
iors when the Act became effective
and jcontlnue thair courses as sen
iors : this, year are deferred under 4 ,
othfei’ provisioiis of the AcL *
Secretary Forrestal, in pres
cribing the ROTC quotas for the
current fiscal year, approved re-
conunenrlations of his Advisory
Coniimittee on Selective Servioe,
composed of representatives of the
three military departments .with
John Noblo, Jr., of his legal;staff,
as diairman.
While the ROTC quotas pres
cribed for this flues! year-,are the
maximum numbers which can be
selected by each service for de
ferment in that status. It does not
limilt the number of college and
university students who can parti-
cipalte in ROTC training.
F|deral law makes such train
ing mandatory for all freshman
ami! sophomore students in land
grant colleges, but only these RO
TC i students in these and] other/
colleges who are,, selected and mg'
agreement? to accept commissior
canjbe deferred from induction.
Last year’s Army ROTC enroll
ment included 5,082 seniors, 7,41'
juniors, 19,668 sophomores, and 40,'
781j freshmen. The Air 4 Force ROl
TC,1 last year, included 2,173 sen
iorsj; 3,996 juniors; 4,810 sophi
mores; and 10,962 freshmen.
bjavy officer training enrollmen
last): year, included 3,897 “regular’
NROTC students (U. S. Naval Re
serve Midshipmen), selected by
competition and pledged to service
after graduation, and 1,887 Naval
Reserve Midshiptneb in the Mer
chant Marine program, who afe
exempt from draft under the Se
lective Service Act.
for fi
1. Never grease, oil,
adjust a machine thst js
2. Keep i tools in a. sa.
3. Don’t wear flo ip;
that can batch in ma :n
4. Keep ladders andf *t|ai
good repair.
5. Apply first aid pfroifiptly,
to minor injuries. ...
6. Don’t smoke aroim
7. Keep all safet r
place. 'tl
8. Be careful not t) ftafetle-f:
0. Use la staff whjen
10. Teach others sajfe prgeti
A survey made fdr the me
te Fan
ayi f
the b|:
number of people
workers killed each
Of course it is true th|it
dustry has to rank
and third in the nujnbhr
dents, but if the raeiptyra
industry continue to
place the total numbc|r
will ra; ‘
■ • ■ r ;
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. '
Student Senators
Give Poll Results
Tonight In YMCA
The use of identification card
for A&M students J will be discuss
ed !by th? Student Senate at '
tonight in the Assembly Room o.
the YMCA.
All members of the Senate 'wen
asked by N. R. Leatherwood, pres-
during the last meeting te
rview at least 10 students,and
their opinions on the propos.
ed mpve. Each senator will make
a report tonight.
Plans for the reorganisation of -
the Studeht Senate in October will
be discuased, Leatherwood said.
Time and methods of conducting
the Senate election in the (all an
also on the agenda. ;
for ist
qccidgi Its
Show At Grove
Garfield and J
will be shown at
starring John
Joan Crawford,
be shown at the Grove to-
charge will be