The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 14, 1948, Image 2
j' 1 ('T' - ' He.' F : ? !-i •1 •■’T ■ •! 1 •. - 1 • 1 Paje2 , B at t a l i o n ■ 3 ORIALS : ■ ^ i. I.:! I 1 i H i ;i! n > ■V •• 1 - ■ •I ' ’ I. T I WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1948 La wren A woman office 4 Monda; ’ count; "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman’* ■ ".l ; • T 1. .x , ce Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditiona , • y® Information Ranted, Please {m •! 10*1 ttitoRe 1~1 d into The Battalion If you ever listened to someone try to the distressing news explain to a new arrival to the college how r wandered into * to get to Anch °r Hall, the baseball dia- ji, . i_, mond, or some other place, you know that . y no amount of pointing, map drawing or iojuslyi shtikeli by her e^per- ver b a i directions can replace the^good old but it h ,d one good effect, it pointed system whicji a few of the morel progres- u ““ J for an effective system of sive cities have picked up—marking their and streets and numbering their blocks. Many of the streets on the catnpus are already named, but Vvhat good is a name if Heed iag and isn but, h- numbering the streets on t le campds- the I lar gest college in , deiice. .Visitor, i are dop’t around with know the names of many of the street! or buil lings, eitjher. (WW Cave tioiiajl theh Si4oe the c perat ;aken les was is a hard place for a visito rj the like many Texas communi- nobody knows it ? Why not some s; lace~ for a visitor to curb markings, building numberls and a p ^ mi i . any degree of confi- good campus guide to help visit irs find KanuOm luOUgntH • •; • not the only ones who their way around? It would require money ' r ~~ : 1 > 1 T ■ ; ’ W' / v ; . ; Out for A Compliment . . their way around? It would require money effort and planning, but we think it would be a good investment. ' 1;' ■ ' gn posts i' < r-;’ l. ; 1 one who has- taken the trouble, to think jback and compare the Casey’s and of today \yfeh the Casey’s and of la it yeaf Will have to admit e bigj changes have been made.- still can’li get used to the names The nd Canfpus Corner.! i . ; Barkley Would Make Good Vice - Presidential Nominee | ’ By CARROLljRAlL, 'H ' ; | ' When Alben Barklby topk^ the rostrum Monday evening to deliver his keynote speech, he was faced with a group of bickering, spiritless Democrats. But 68 minutes provement ih the coffee, but the cither ser- H later, when he had finished his dcall to arms,” the delegates The mpk notable improvenent has been in the cleanliness of both locations. Granted j there is room li > Fur|d,!j. Wayie Stirk, there has be$h a 1 tit improvement in the quality of ion of the two.confec over last January by doubt resultj. nager the Memorial Student The credit for con thei the mosphfere of both places. jervic vices and products are better tqan they used to be. iGiven more room and better facilities evfen better service s goes not! Stark, but to the managers of locations arid the staff wipch e and the general at- daily hoards that decend uporr tHem with the regularity of fee payment diy itself Givi Rights And the South .. . r. . “Tlie Demdcratic party commits itself to continuing its effort to eradicate all racial, freltgioufe and economic discrimina- tid t again state our belief that racial "ous minorities must have the live, tie right to work, the right the full and equal protection of the a basis of equality with all citizens nteed by the=Gonstitution. it., [and' ?hit tt to vob law; o as gka TrampUng Out the Vintage , Okie Paper G< Than New Lo\ By CHUCK MAISEL The words are different but the frag- ranoa lingers on. Such is the plight of the Daily Oklahoman and Tims here after they cheerfully dumped 45 pounds of concentrated perfume essence into ihri 1 * presses Thursday. It was all a gag to put zingo into a de- ' partrrient store’s fullrpage advertisement for , a perfume called ‘’Black Magic.” They pulled that ad out yesterday, but sdr things are still under the spell or smell. v< rs|e Four moming and evening issues have gone site by and the company is still getting out one- . scent editions. •;.! • [ j f I[\j ■ • . j “Where we mafle our mistake,” one rue ful and redolent pressman said, “was in pour- aife ing that stuff into the main ink fountain. We should have used a little one made' for sajy colored ink. , j j''j .-p j, ' I ■ “I had to let my wife smell one of those papers before she’d let me in,” he added, as the crowd edged away. -i' li i . i i«' At least the Democrats are optimistic. One of the buttons seen around Philadelphia these days says: “All 48 in ’48.” They had a similar motto in 1900. e ■; I1i r; ] ne i ■ -I ! Tl for im- rould no only to the two feeds the to enact ;he indi parts of at have I el These leaders want the right civil i rights legislation left up to vidukl stated There , are other the jstates’ fights controversy tl helped in widening the split in tie party, bilt the states’ rights to handle tJfieir own program of.jcivil rights has been sore spot j - Behind the screen of “states’ lies the undeniable fact that these South- rive the the big rights” m Ken- pf civil £ 4 ?Tq secure these rights, we pledge pur- ern leaders Want to continue to dej 8elv- ! ** .. . . 1 i ------ - -I tee 1 Senator Barkley, 'Af lynchipg and mob violence. tucky, put the whole question Equal opportunity in employment, rights as plajinly as it could be pujt in his Full ancj, free political participation. Monday night keynote address at ;he con- 14. Equal (treatmerit in the armed ’ vention. Referring to the Cons dtution, Barkley saidi that when Jefferson wrote “All men arie created equal,” he did not distinguish linen by their race, e'eed or color, but simply stated “ALL men. gave him a 28-minute ovation while parading up and down the hall to the tune of “My Old Kentucky Home.” Some of his colleagues in the Senate mounted the plat form to congratulate him, and many voiced the opinion that the Kentucky statesman was the logical candidate for vice- president. ] J | j And that he is. His long legislative experience, his cam paigning ability, and his popularity among the various fac tions of the party make'him an excellent choice as President Truman’s running mate^ ( f His service in Congress has made him a most capable statesman. For 11 of his 35 years In Congress he has been the Senate Democratic leader. Taking office at the first in auguration of Woodrow Wilson, He has seen at first hand the effects of the roaring twenties, the subsequent depressioh, and recovery under the New De^l. He has attended Demo cratic Conventions since 1920, going as keynoter in 1932 and 1936 and permanent chairman in 1940. Often called the oratorical “iron man” Barkley has made as many as 40 speeches in <; ne day. His eloquent phra ses and smooth delivery make mim'one of the ablest cam paigners the Democrats can offer. | One has only to look at the response to the Monday night address to see that Barkley has appeal to nearly all groups. Here’s a local item which should cause some interest. Wjs all know how much trouble visiting firemen have in finding their way about our unmarked campus, but the clinch er came when a female newcomer to the school set out to find Goodwin Hall recently (although why she would want to find ine place this reporter will never understand). She got just a leetle bit mixed up and walked boldly into Hotel Bizzeif. ★ , u ' Labor is’getting to be quite a problem. A , wt aipiey^ j Portland, Me., druggist however actually had wi ;h tfheii* a volunteer for the job of soda-jerk. The creature, who had no doubt seen the Ijfelp Wanted sign in the front of the store, ;was a full grown deer—of the animal typer Deciding the animal couldn’t measure up to a soda dispenser’s qualifications, the man ager of the store tackled the deer behind the fountain and turned it over to the SPCA. ' ^ \ • !L h r ^ F. E. Booue Sounds Off . . iVVw Smel ■ ■ *',• !r ' t group wfll give the animal i and find, iU-rea. place^lii budted detinition of a statiaticiar ing like this: a statistician is aws a non-existant line from a jintto a foregone conclusion. 200 inch telescope at Paiomar alii., is having its share of ata-r hey are now engaged busily*con- || yardstick to measure the uni- ardstick is not exactly pocket- it is 60 million million million It has equally imaginary raarKs l inlches on a foot ruler. But out end of tne yards lick tne raarKs irately spaced, ! U ■ wnich tell the story forgot to ’ j 1 : 1 • j \l -t ■ life n(otet|| was killed on the spot. But his brhtl|( r to<j>k; to ,an elephant and crashed off inljo jthe jiungle via pach> f derm. A|l! ogetriCr |the booze and bullets bipge— to warm two fancy new houses the right it is a ruieir or ar measure. .'I re fairly popping with the of ^revival ot balloon cnasing by tne isus. Tne pre-war sport was re- rected wnen an automobile club ed suen ah event, ine oaiioor hW 2,200 cubic, meters of gas e Winds. Tmrty-seven motorists eissing and racing contest to id oe tne nrst on tpe spot wnen tanf^d. •• i | rnfcs sky the spdrt is most ancient, ess u) tnat jit is a youngster com- ;i)i« oid American custom of follow • l c||gei8e. / V j '-.^L | hi who you invite to youi daysi There was a party given us “Tiger Gang” in Siam at (no, tney weren’t tne twin ce iwined and dined wim l,uo0 . Ijnleii With no display of .manners If- • t 4i tige were ! en Yantis Arrives in Philadel Friends As Democratic i By IVAN \fANTIS peh<?d to run into! my Benjamin P’ranklin Hotel, Phii- Governor Bpauford Jes adelphla, I’ennsylvania, (By Car- ed him ^hat he though; riot- Pigeon). I finfahed my poli- state’s rights issue, ticking in Tennessei and Kentue- a Southern senators Connally, Johnston, and Hill all recom- ticking in Tennesse? and Kentue- think that President Trt ranteed m , , RQrlrlov fAr ; hA niirvihAr W .ProciH^i- Tmmon last Saturday anc madeany way, . 4 q. quotation above was taken from the tentative ' civil rigjhts plank of the Democratic party’s platform. It holds ■between the N irtiera tions of the pai ty. To avoid hi ving party platform ma dudingi Governor waged a stiff batt have threatened, v within iit the issues which have largely That inteirpretation is the on y beeh the immec iate cause of the open split for a just program -of civil rights. id Southern fac- be the basis; for future legislation, sooner Southern leaders y basis It will The this aid in- Southern leaders, in- stead of hinder a just program df equal Jester of Texas, have rights Tor all peoples, the'better e. Some of the leaders Democratic piarty, the South and j, recognize such a plank in the inescapable fact and pitch in to , revolt. • mg a iveyan .4 4 atioi sibly out lim tation. Entered #s Office toUege tlie A<H.«f! 59, vl tion as a whole will be. Tihejcandida|te whb icrkams at the top ; ice tha’ the ^orjner boy .. J s vf mended Barkley for the number 2 slot. President Truman has even given Barkley an approving nod. Evidently, a Truman-Barkley ticket will be the Demo crats answer to the Dewey-Warren combination. New York Citizens Attracted By Traditional Senior Boots I ' 'k ; ing educational and instinctive the tour itille. up here late Sunday evening. rights nrogram,\ nor (beJ 5out l h » The “Friendly City” is over- proposal would be'nncof flora ted fin* flowing with personalities from to the platform. Rklur, 1c pir? all ovet* the countryj—Texans with ( ]j c ted a compromise in 1, fotijn their ten-gallon hats, Arizonians that would unite the u hole with their boots and spurs, Cali- behind Truman. Cajlled thb fornians with their taincoats. Mil- SO uri Compromise^, he lions of every variety give the, would consolidate both k|itogi Quaker Town the Appearance of the party and increase |th<J a huge melting pot, stirring .and c hanec of victory in Nojve mixing ithe masses. I sa\y many of Hy T. G. SMITH Aggies attending the Army Chemical Service summer camp at Edgewood, Maryland are I now re cuperating from three day passed granted for Independence Day. Washington D. C. claimed most off the the na- Hilled three hours which might hdjve been devoted to lugging ^28 po|Mnd mortars around. Perhaps the most spectacular maneuver in which the Aggies , , b). C. claimed most hai’e participated was a “smoke of these men for the holidays, and s ^ ce n r ' problem. New York City the rest It jne police started shooting it out losta. . - i j hosts. • i” hridjbuilt—cost 16 lives. Four police ‘“ LJ 1sly founded and it serves them si ig so rowdy at a social function ] Chjuj I aiskU >ut tHe did ilt - Actress Who sued movie makers for he will be elected n>ay be ‘ $250,000 allesred that instead of jetting who jw^iistjed while' pass- promised billjing in the “Fuller Brush Man” she got The Fuller Brush ofjf nally, wb dc|n’t believe that tax- tioni, Without ^presentation could pos- money is being spent trying to d scover iblylhajve been worse than taxation with- a cure for the Common cold. Anybody who We can’t; understand why a doesn't have one knows how to cu official rl; ■ ■[>’ M——— Battalion 4.i4-i—- — --J-, ;ions Cl ssifie per of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas ind the oublished five times a week and circulated every Monday trough lidaya and examination periods.. During the summer Tie Bat- Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Subscription rate $4.80 pef school on request ' ir; ’ .1; 1 J Gc made : ay be p one (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Rof tn 201, or at the. Student Activities I s ■’] 'I-s ' Use LOCI rired lion < y telephone (4-5824 . -i V,7i-...r, , ; ■ ——r f exclusively to the use for rephblication of all news dis latches ited in of all o paper and local ne er matter herein are * eous origin l ublish- ... ■i S- lember of iated Prfess presented nationally by National Ad- sin* Service Inc., at New Y. rk CHy, Loa AnceieS. and San Francisco. .Wire bditor I ’ s . Witors JSeportera Zero lllaitmiond L Con Engrclkinc. Howard, BHi ...Spart Bob Alan Curry MaiipJf* Howell C. Oteawat. Matk that e one. re mains debatable as to whether New York was more interesting to the Aggies or the Aggies more in teresting to the New York Citizens. The traditional boots were worn majestically through the streets of that city attracting many curious stares. The men were - stopped by everyone, ranging from little boys and traffic cops to a girl just over from France. Those who made the sojourn to Washington D. C. returned] with plans for an Aggie get-together to lie held *in the Roosevelt ■ Hotel on the week-end, of July 10-11. All the Aggies on the east coast are expected to attend. [jA/ Francisco Guevera has been made first sergeant and Bill Whee ler squad leader and that constitu tes the sum of the rank bestowed upon A&M men. On July 8 the potential officers toured a supply depot where all sorts of interesting and fascinat ing things are stored. Besides be- r ■ ' -jl ■ problem, rhe men were instructed to screen an entire peninsula to thw art ah enemy amphibious attack. Thjfey sallied forth in full field unjform, including pack and gas masks. j.., Jeeps and trucks were every- whjpnh Smoke generators were everywhere. Men were everywhere. U 11 c r chaos was everywhere. Sn(6ke generators were set up, ra dio! . communication was installed, and after what seemed to be hours all;! was iq; readiness. . / There was one “fly ii^the qint- metbt", however, for thejwSvere op- eriiting in n 4.2 inch mortar target range and had overlooked a com- pa|y of mortars that were throw ing 25 pound shells with carefree abindph. They hastily got their heads to- geteeh and agreed Upon a “stra tegic withdrawal” and soon stumb led! around, over, and among each other until they were installed in a l&s frequented part of the range. Kelly Field Air Force Cadets Finish Up Last Week of Camp n.. f t DTC-r, it,. . : iuLi it , Last night I accident ill _ |iy old friends ^ j nU) my 0 ld bosom pa Sub Rij|* and acquaintances frbm home. Year burn, and asked Mm ' nlmtit Hq terday I was walking down Broad vice-presidential nomiw ti Street when I thought I saw one of my old cromies. “Hello, Senator O’—I cried, stoppi ig myself just 0 ■ ra in time. What I had taken for my oI103K 1 FCVl' old buddy was the D moCratic par ty’s mascot, being ! # to Conven tion Hall. I managed to nil elbows with several Texanb. As a U) a t ter fact, the Texas delegation has its headquarters in my hotel, giving it the dignified appearance of an old southern mansion. A Texas flag hangs over the door and a Confederate flag bangs in the lobby. “Dixie” an i “Beautiful Texas” are sounded periodically, and F.iE. Boone of Lexington, Ken- All of In Rom By ANDY DAYjlS And BILLY ISHIP1 “Romance .on the! H gli tucky, sounds off o^er the public (Technicolor) Warner 1 roll, address system-every hour on the ring Jack (parson, Dprisi D lj k D|)i, hour. Mint julip has replaced water De Fore, Janis Paige,i Osfcir Lc in the drinking foun(ains. vant, and 8. Z. Sakalt. Uppermost in mosl of the dele- Miss Doris Day itnakfs gale’s minds is the writing of the hut in this musical coinddir a platform. The stand on civil rights establishes herself as a no ientipl and tidelands may si)Ht the Texas candidate for stardom. Tl i pfi delegation. I am doing everything little blonde has a stipoi vi 4 e ati| I can to gain the Brazos River not only thaL she is plen ty ei >sy oili' tidelands for the farmers. As a the eye. W’ait until yoii hur hie pledged delegate, I shall do my ut- sing, “Its Magic,” ope of lb! su most to carry out my responsibili- hit tunes of the picture., i ty. However, things look pretty The stoiy revolves arown 1 a di black right now. turbed married coup! :, J Jar I I was talking to tey old side- Paige aiid pon De Fore) Wien kick Dan Moody, a mjember on the is compelled to cancel thi Sou piaftoim committee. He said that American crujsc signali iin j the my request seemed Impossible at third weddjng anniversi ry the present, but he thought that Paige hires Miss Day tile maybe his compromise plan could name and her cruise, iwqljB sp $ bun ii- ia; Meets Old ntion Begins though he didn’t want to commit himseit, it wan only after I ap pealed to him as a good-buddy that he predicted O’Mahoney or some one else would get the nomination. I hate to qee old Sam go but on a limb like that just for me. That’s whit I call a real pat I left my old chum about 9:30 I anti decided to shcak over to Con- vention Hall and eaves-drop on some Of the conferences going on in the back-rooms- Circling the |* Hall, I noticed a small crack of light coming through' a drawn shade in ’onie of the basemcrit win- dpwiis. I crawled up 'to it, placed my ear against the pane and heard: ‘ISorry Harry, but my full house bcat« your two pair.”* it ■ h A •: ■ ; 4 V agreed upon. The a commencement ^avo ht Bryan Gi given in does a little checking j p oja h Moody husbands pastimes in l ev York, ool last Simultaneously, De Yoiie i private detact ibbed by ploys a as the non* other than Ji farmer ter tha situatiou is all & Editor lan&gor A<iv»rtiKinff 1 By TOM CARTER In the true spirit of SNAFU, A&M men at Kelly Air Force Base prepared to finish up their last week of summer camp. t ] Squadron 11, the ‘ all-Aggie squadron, seemed to be on the re end of all the little hasty into the making of a The job that hlirt that of having to in up a bay occupied entirely “flip*/* ‘ ‘ " does addition to this unp Squadron ll was cboseh to put -to a physical trafcihg demon stration for visiting notables. The men in this squadron are under j I , 1 11 the; itbpression that they receive all Ithe details because they are’ the:only ones competent enough to see!that the job gets done. Any- way, they did the job and are now making sick dall every moming in an effort to get relief from sorp mu&les. -X ig • , f j One of the most mtereatmg things that has happened wap a talk on geopolitics given by LL Col. Keefer, professor at ane University. The Colonel the cadets bolt upright in t seats when hq, said that tas would go to Speaking with Voice, colonel (See KELLY FIELD. Page 4) ■11:1 ’ ’ 1 (|1, -ik : . I hen the nsidered with these mistaken idej title i, film gets underway. Ca rsdn 1 for Miss Day,'and she fib k Miss Paige, De Fora anil tbir ' ers finally ; come togethi r ir ivfe, who (>noit ‘ Sn four thrax i said Monday that tha disease vb -inA Mg) yet rep (Enterprise), starring Hinif JL' LL une and subsequ a phrpae-happy Moody Plan, will _ all the fish he catches water floods his fields too liberal by thb die-hard Re- publicans, the plan is designed to appeal to the masses. ___ , Late yesterday afternoon I hap- and all the wrinkles are i roie i outi The film has a tuneful arty df ! 1 numbsrs, with the comi!dj anglij BAN MARCOS ANTHRAX being ^supplied bv Osci r Leyata OUTBREAK CHECKED (dry humor) and B. i5. Sakallj FORT WORTH, July U-'.Pi- Watch for Johnny Bejkei, whd te SLSr are!!, w Sdervny. all this plui, Li-A. * 11 The iyoung ladies intolved inherit 11 a small fortune and their quiet 4 bomb life is disrupted. young, handsome, aud rich hus- gan, Rudy 1 Vallec, Grey. .Palace Theater, In the current attraction at the Palace in Bryan, the audience is taken back to the good old days of fast spending, flapper akirts, artd ; Prohibition. Yes, once again Hollywood uses the “Roaring Twenties!!” as the era for one of its Ijatctii productions. This the first starring part for Henry Morgan, one^of radios’ new; comedians. 'Morgan gives » mediocre performance as the ha rassed spouse of Virginia Grey. Although not an outstanding pic ture: in any respect, it is quite entertaining. j Let’s go back to the year;'1919. An sjverage American couple (Mor gan and Grey) are living peace fully; in South Bend, Indianr with the wife’s young aiud attractive eUtdr (Donna Drake). But alas. Then^they i off riurgcl meet a Wall who promptly fal fe. After this blows ove sistet meets and has quite *[flh with* an ex-explorer, "a gambli! :taliM them for quite ick a flop show. — After the ; show flops ,• j r i ■/ the sister. on any commended as . tnteruinraent. A ' •*vl