•7-, • MCM'AY, JULY 12,1945 .■•*• ' ; '.?-•* r • ■.vv.?:--.. What’s Cooking? AGRONOMY SOCIETY, 6:30 p. m., Tuesday. Initiation Ceremony. A&M F.F.A. Collegiate Chap ter, 7:30 p.m., today, Ag. Eng. Lecture Room. DON’T FORGET MADELEY’S ANNIVERSARY SALE - PREVIEWS - Continued from Page 2) gests that they acquire a new gag writer. The plot in this cinematic en deavour is of little consequence. There is some sort of story that is secondary to the crudely comic antics of this hammy duo. There fore, I shall not bore the sensitive ears of the readers with the grue some details. There is positively nothing out standing about this flicker. One can only say that it is typically Abbot and Costello. The only redeeming feature of the entire program at the Queen is the extremely humorous cartoon. TRIANGLE INN at Midway l Come by for all kinds of cold refreshments BASKET O’CHICKEN & BASKET BURGER ‘'Best in Town” STEVE and HIS SILVER JACKETS will play request numbers Fri. Nite 8:30 -11:30 p. m. CLEANING — PRESSING ALTERATIONS AT THEIR BEST — AT CAMPUS CLEANERS Over The Exchange Store THINGS ARE GETTING TIGHT USE OUR CONVENIENT TIME PAYMENT PLAN FOR ALL NEEDED REPAIRS 12 MONTHS TO PAY NO DOWN PAYMENT “1st in Service Because We Put Service First” CORBUSIER CHEVROLET CO. Bryan Phone 2-1376 The Tom and Jerry offering is one of the best yet. “The Noose Hangs High” is recommended as family entertain ment. ★ “Raw Deal” (Eagle-Lion), star ring Dennis O’Keefe, Claire Trevor and Marsha Hunt. An Edward Small Production, Palace Theatre, Bryan. Edward Small again lives up to his reputation as a better than average producer in the current offering at the Palace Theatre. Using an old and overdone Holly wood plot, he weaves it into an enjoyable evening’s entertainment. The plot deals with the efforts of an escaped convict (Dennis O’ Keefe) to even things with the gang leader who put him “up the river” for a slight vacation. On the other hand, the gang leader strives to liquidate O’Keefe, the only one who can spill the prover bial beans. The love interest is supplied by two very attractive partners in crime, Claire Trevor and Marsha Hunt. The story drags on to a blazing, but tragic ending which RE-ELECT J. ALTON YORK Of Brazos County State Senator He has proved to be a friend of A&M College. Age — Ex perience — Serving in Senate. He is best qualified to repre sent A&M College in the Senate. (Paid Political Ad) NATION-WIDE SURVEY. SHOWS THAT MORE COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS THAN ANY OTHER BRAND "Chesterfield wins with me because they’re Milder " ^ OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL GOLFER WHY...I smoke Chesterfield ( FROM A SERIES OF STATEMENTS BY PROMINENT TOBACCO FARMERS) / like to sell tobacco to Liggett & Myers because they buy the best mild cigarette tobacco for Chesterfield and pay the top price. I’ve been smoking Chesterfields ever since l started raising tobacco. / know they’re made of mild, sweet tobacco. if riCiriirinFiiiiT Always milder Biettfu tasting Cooler smoking might not appeal to the niore sen timental fans in the audience. Small makes excellent use of somber photography to further create the- elements of suspense and danger. On the whole, it is an enjoyable thriller, well acted by a convincing cast. Your reviewer recommends it as adult entertainment. Graduate Seniors Have Until July 15 To Apply for Exam Graduating seniors who plan to do work toward advanced degrees have until July 15 to register for the graduate examination to be given August 2 and 3, C. H. Ber nard, a member of the examining committee, announced today. The examination, which consists of two four-hour periods, is a se ries of objective tests in eight ba sic fields of the undergraduate curricula plus an advanced test in the student’s major subject. Bernard is to handle the details of 'the examination this summer in the absence of Dr. W. A. Var- vel. Registration will be in Room 24 of the Physics building. The examinations are prepared and scored by the Graduate Rec ords Office in New York and are given four times yearly. Reports of test results are furnished the student and the school he intends to enter. A fee of $5 is charged the stu dent and is to be paid at the time of taking the examination. - SYSTEM - (Continued from. Page 1) A&M exhibit in the Agriculture Building at the 1948 State Fair. Requested the transfer of rights to all temporary veteran apart ments on the campus from the federal government to the college (includes the 594 apartments lo cated on and near the campus.) Authorized the transfer of $8,000 to the Student Loan Fund (money received from sale of tim ber at J. H. Kirby State Forest). Tyree Bell of Dallas was re elected as a member of the De velopment Fund Board of Direc tors for three years. Salaries Gilchrist, who received a salary of $15,000 as president, will re ceive $16,500 in his new post. Bol ton, drawing $10,000 as vice-presi dent, will be paid $12,500 as pres ident. Williams’ salary will be boosted from $9,250 to $9,750. Har rington will be paid $9,250 annual ly in his dual office. The presidents of North Texas Agricultural, John Tarleton and Prairie View, now receiving $7,000 each, will get $8,250 in their new positions. The name regatta (boat race) is a Venetian term early Italian dictionaries define as “strife” or “contest.” Copyright 1948. Liggett & Myth Tobacco Co. OTOTPS ’ 7k Fasrtsktt. & tKe OatocKwlt By AI CApp W IS BOTH TH‘ SWEELTEST GAI_ IN ALL. TH' WORLD .’V-YO' IS BOTH TH' ONLY 0,Al fFO' ME. r —AH IS A one-gal man-an' BOTH O' YO' IS THET gal rr- LUL ABNER The Way of a Man With a Maid! By A1 Capp NO REASON WHY AH SUCCESS : A BOOTIEUL ; AH ONCE TRIED T' WOO-SHE CALLED ME'REPULSIVE' RECKON THET MEANS AH IS SOME STUFF HUH, LFL ABNER No Stalling!!! By A1 Capp Classified Ads SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI FIED AD. Rates ... 34 a word per insertion with a 254 minimum. Space rates in Classified Section . . . 604 per column inch. Send all classifieds with remittance to the Student Activities Of fice. All ads should be turned in by 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. FOR SALE—Royal portable typewriters ur autl is, Bry; Dial 2-1328, 107 W. 22nd, Bryan, Texas pew: from your authorized Royal dealer, L. H. Adams, Bryan Business Machine Cc McKENZIE-BALDWIN BUSINESS COL LEGE offers refresher courses in short hand, bookkeeping and associated sub jects. Dial 2-6655. Bryan, Texas. R. C. ECHOLS Realtor Over Canady’s Pharmacy Bryan Phone 2-6454 FOR SALE—1947 Hudson, 4 door sedan, Radio, Plastic seat covers. Low mile age. Will accept older car as trade-in. Apt. A-7-D, College View, Evenings. WANTED—Two riders to share car ex penses from San Antonio to California August 1. Write Box 2715, College Sta tion. FOR SALE — ’36 Chevrolet standard 2 door. A real buy. See at College View, A-7-B, or write Box No. 1809. FOR SALE — Good looking gas range cheap. Available July 17th. See at 415 Throckmorton or call 4-9362. FOR SALE—98 acres, fronting 800 ft. on new Highway 6, nine miles south of College; 2,000 yard fish pond. $30.00 per acre. 10 year payment. Abstract furnished. 209 Park Place, West Col lege, Park, or at Brazota Ranch House on highway. PERSONAL—Mabel: If you will come back I'll get you anything you want. John. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 AF&AM Called meeting Tuesday, July 13, at seven p.m. Work ^ ^ * n F-Ch degree and exami- nations in E.A. KSZA J. J. WOOLKET, W.M. W. H. BADGETT, Sec. CLAYTON FURNITURE CO. now holding July clearance sale. Save 10-50%. It will pay you to come in and look around. Clayton Furniture Co., Bryan. Phone 2-1587. FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . . College Shoe Repair North Gate DON’T FORGET MADELEY’S ANNIVERSARY SALE a<. For Food of International FAME 311 N. Main Bryan GUY H. DEATON Typewriter Exchange New & Used Typewriters Guaranteed Repairs 116 S. Main Bryan JULY SALE PAJAMAS Smart shoppers will choose these smart Pajamas at these timely reduced prices. Cool '.short sleeves, knee length or long sleeve, regu lar length styles. Don’t miss these sharp values CLOTHIERS College and Bryan Mid-Summer Sale! Now at Waldrop’s BRYAN AND COLLEGE STORES MEN’S and BOY’S Swim Wear V2 Price Straw Hats 1-3 Off Sport Shirts Stock up for Summer ■ V- 1-3 Off - Slacks 14 Off EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN STOCK REDUCED SPECIAL GROUP Coveralls Button flys were $7.50 Now $4.95 COME IN AND SEE THE MANY OTHER SAVINGS YOU’LL WANT