The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 30, 1948, Image 2

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t Be ‘Hall
■■L' :V ; ' 'fl I 3,1; a tit a lion " ' 'I
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; Page 2 " ' • • | ' . 1 r! • : ! . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30,1!
/ • • Li ’ / "SoLfaet: Knivhtl’* Gentleman”
Ignoble Priz<
The Battalion.
Beldojm awarded by
always scrtain the
recipients are, deser mg before we makei
the award.
lof Shame’ IVext Time? . . .
!i. in the September 1C, 194.7 Battj
. “Thihd, arid ; equ£ Ily as c iscr|eiiitable as
Not slnce‘Iast Se] ttember hai ( we made were in a state of; upheaval,
an infarrjous award ‘The -foiling was ' “So to the above winners we hereby
the thirds prize winn sr’s eita(tion Which ran present. Ignoble Prizes in hopes that things
Utilities jpepartmenjt for their failure to in possibly greater numbers than last fall,
look ahead.
‘■Barracks numbers wtere
i 4 i
“Sincp June 26, t{he B&
"knew th’it freshmen were
at Bryan Field, the A&M
“But not un td S tturdaji- fee jfcember 6,
’did anyone think to look ii|;o th< t barracks
in which students were a^sigi.(d to live.
(Freshmen were already legirming to ar-
„ rive with the great influx (of sjtijidents the
following day.). .(
One |of the most hearieniii
made int recent years in tire fie
management relatiDns was gi'4n June 9
by Charles liuckrmn, Pr®ider
Brothel^ Company, before the
eral Management Confirem
Americim Manage: nent i^soc
The | speech was a plejt for
ductivity in Ameri ran inc|ustn
than that, it coir ained. h co
woi'kable isolutiori to the jprob
hinder'Iprpduction, speci|icall> (
gulf wljiiclT. separates Iab$r ar
ment tejday
Poiijtirig out tiat Ar|eric£
forced into the role^of la wc
Luckmin said thi l
problems which be jet u
is increased prod ictivjit
not prbduction. fh^re as a
Productivity is rm asuyedj in t
output [per man; luroduction id
of individual prod .iptivitjf.
r\ 1 ‘ . i d [ ■
Increased prodjucijytit
suit ini meireased pro*
because America is sa
burdens, ea[ch of which
in itself fotjAmei icari i
they presefft an almost^ ensu
problem > which, never Useless,
surmoifnted. \ i' '(■
. pointed out that t will
labor rind management t
ing an
d devise a
Hr • '■ f
1 ;•
• ! 1!
;r -
■ V
talesman, Knightly Gentleman
i. [ j i. i.
Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
* I
It ■ it
Hr .
rwi ■
J "
, i
i I
. •
i h
many cases; chairs were broken, mat
tresses were slit open; desk drawers were
nowhere to be found; screens were cut;
and floors were filthy. All living quarters
will be "different the next time.’
The fresh-
“Next time’’ is now here.
II the first: two, is the Building ajqd College men will be at the Annex again this year
^ .4 ,j L ., i
'/] 'T .' • ,
pling Out the Vintage .
As Me Invaded B
Britain is being invaded again—this time by
beetles. Not the female kind, bft the potato eating
variety. A “beetle patrol” has been commissioned
to Keep the pests out.
The battle to keep the beetle from Britain’s
shores is—according to the Ministry of Agriculture
—“being fought on the beaches, along the roads, and
in the fields.” Vfe shall never surrender our British
r : ' ' ★
OT*) wires are hot with the story of a cow play
ing the role of midwife to Mme. Madeleine Mesnie
of Be$ancon, France. The young lady was busily
having a baby in her room which like most farms
in this department was situated underneath the
cow’s stable.
Suddenly the ceiling collapsed and one
was found munching hay near baby’s cot. The m ;
er and child were covered with plaster, l|ut, the
social announcements would put it, the ntotli the
baby, and the cow are all doing well.
liam Conwia;
fore him-( n
; * The d >\
case when
motions ir
nodded his
was ba
he; jji
little eye-
er whose
Warren V )(je. Vote
jhis parent! named
family nain4i aruHi|f
of either |)f the Re
replied, “
1 ^ I L • J i ? I
Along with a large number of students THOUGHTS
Department when they come to the Annex will be their
pp^^ed to live , parents and guardians who will have an
lle^e Annex, eagle eye to check all the accommodations
that are offered their sons.
That first impression is gqing to be im
portant to those students arid their folk.
A&M, in vifew of last year’s debacle and
the unhappy publicity associated with it,
i 1 . i
Republicans Swing Left
*•' i
can’t afford another “faux pas” at Little
rpissing in Aggieland.
Only Answer . ..
After the Republican coinvention last week and the subsequent pub
lication of the party platform, one cannot help but believe that the old
Republican conservatism is gone forever. . ,
The platform that the party adopted certainly wasn’t written by
a Taft, Coolidge, or Harding. The change from tile days of the 1920’s
is profound: the Republicans have swung left;
To be sure, the party itj still the conservative element, but its con
servatism isn’t whati it was before the Roosevelt administration. It
can’t afford to be.
During the past 16 years the American citizen has become more
A very definite note to the boys wbb have the
Say-so on College Station street repain: the streets
of Alexandria, Indiana, are absolutely hole-less,
hut it took 500 volunteers one day/to do the job,
The mayor, aroused thousands: of holes in the
streets, led a crew 6f men, women, and children
who spent the full day pouinng and smoothing
asphalt. / •
Now, wouldn’t that bo af nice way to cure our
local ills? Women and children first, however.
A judge not only has to be careful of what he
says but of every motion he makes!in court. Take
the case of a justice iii Springfiehj, 111., Judge Wil-
Esta Mu/ Caliente, No? . . .
one week<
tions will
General 4i4I
the bunk
ven, 6
Fearing t a I mate Ijuil fal
police we;
missing s
from a st >c
Wanting {o
bunks of
of the nitl
to get bad:
of labor-
of Lever
|25th Gen-
pf the
: 1
more pro-
but more
il erete and
(ms which
the wide
both more pay for the laborer and more,
work for" the employer.
The plan to meet these burdens must
encompass two things—increased produc
tivity muslj be the joint product of em
ployer and employee thinking, and labor
must be permitted to share fairly inithe
fruits of its.: increased productivity, j
When companies can increase produc
tivity with those two premises in mind,
everyone Will benefit. | f
The time has come for some action to
! take the place of the words which now
^dominate the field of labor-management
and more socialized.
Deal administration,
In trying to compete successfully with the New
the Republicans have been forced to liberalize to
Kuch an extelit that dnany of the party’s rudiments have been lost.
And so, the present platform is internationalist, endorsing the
United Nations, and asking for a world police fotce. It supports the /
new Jewish, Israel. It is for a civil rights program but is silent on FEP(
a$ it now stands. I
The platform calls for reciprocal trade agreements, an intensified
campaign against domestic jinflation, and a. federal housing program.
It refers to collective bargaining as an “obligation as wen as a
right”, and it attempts to square itself with labor by saying/that the
right to strike is “subordinate only to paramount considerations of pub
lic health and safety.”
In addition, thei platform makes imperative an “aecflerated pro
gram of sounder so|l conservation,” and it endorses farmer’s eo-opera-
ti\(es and rural electrification. ' / | /
There is a certjain familiarity about the platform. Is it . possible
that the Republicans have' adopted' some of the; ‘/radical, socialistic”
ideas of the New Dyal? Ope would think that: tin/party is still fight
ing Roosevelt. Apparently it has learned’ a lesson-in the last 16 years,
for it looks like the! party is going to put the ^cachings of its instruc
tor to work.
Student Opinion of Summer Se
In New Study Made by Inqi
dno fro
r ) v raisi
mime is
;• j '
’ ^
[leaf mute appearing be
lt and battery.
.vinjg the court after the
_udge and made aoroc
_ Judge Conway absently
, T affirmative. \ iJ
ui -tll thi wife of the man charged
iT 1 tlhe j ' J ‘ ^ ‘ L
as it|
to tht
Jje tjo <1 the judge that he had
]>erm ssion to carry out', the
hej hud, made against her.;
■d h^B ruling with a shake of
the h** 1 wires that causes a
. Brndgate, Iowa, has a farm-
nd ■ ilways has been Dewey
^ys jttiat he doesn’t know why
Jim Dewev Warren. They aren’t^
doesn’t believe he is u relative
Ittblican nominees.
Asked Kjfbom ;Ht was jgoing to vote for, VjotC ;
K| | Republican. You can guess. ’
derail hpurs of this, Joyce emerged
roomj l^lqwi where he had fallen asleep
now W m ail the fuss was
has been
Id leader,
Oijly fsolutiion to the
s a world leader
p| iductivity,
e units of
the result
■ /
ch will re
led Hvith .three
irge order
relations. That action, Luckman suggest
ed, should jrome ill the form of a Joint TREATED LIKE GUINEA PIGS
Productivity Clinic. fj ' 1
The Cliriic should include five things
in its planning. 1. Full scale market
research on the problem of productivity
which would determine what labor and
management thought about present tech
niques for tfying to increase productivity.
2. ; A labor rhanagepieiit conference to for
mulate methods and procedures to in
crease productivity. . ' 3. Test plants to
try Out |he theories and ideas evolved
after joint I labor-management research.
4. Sale of the workable results of the
Clinic to all) labor and all management.
5. And, finally, continuation of the Clinic
to doctor the productivity headaches of
i >.
e’ Fort Meade
ic of ‘Sully’ Ross
Th$e three hi rdens irt thb necessity the American industrial system
We believe that if a,iiy program to lick
the headaches of labor - management
troubles wiljl work, that proposed by Luck-
man will, jit 1 is not a simple cuAe-all rem
edy, but rather it is a development aldng
:hreie biird’en i, Luckman sensible I lines which, if cajiTied out jn the
for production 1 fjr an iexpaii iing home
economy, the necessity for pro luction for
undefr the Marshall’
Plan, 4nd the rieejessity for production to
rebuild and'maintjam our miliiary might.
)lan w|iic
If fou were < ne of lthe f fends; who
kept j our finger j crossed fo • Mr. and
Mrsi Ralph Burt • 2917 |Coacl man Ave.,
you'really did a fine jbb, htbause they
had thbt little gir they-pave Ijeen hoping
for yesterday. 3h( was librn a I Municipal
Hospit il, and \eighec; neifly
pounds.—Taw?)*?. (Ela.) Tim a l
Yoii can’) l\ang it oi us; tiur fingers
weren’t crossed. [ i _• -
Thf Battalion^ official ri iwspa
City of 1 College Stat on, Texfcs, is
Friday afleraooh, exic^pt dm mg
I,- .iivi;ii<■>.j ♦ .; • >.* c?
on r
ni. is qjub
Nfeiirs coiitrlUitiins (nay
Goodwip Hall. Clasuified adfe.may
Office, Room 209, qaodwih, n a ji i
• +_ :, -r
credited to it or ndt{ otherwise ; crejii
cd herdiin., Rights c f republ cation
Kntercd as accond-olasi matter i it Pott
Office i* CoUo-.-e SUti in. Texal under
the Actfof ConEru-a oj March A 1870,
; | FT ■* j.. .. ^
C. If. * Trail. ..
^ Chuck
i’inuk L.
zm_ John siwti stary, ant
Lucf and Dick Adi nw
av. a.
i ^
netessary for
drop name call-
ich v ill produce
★ I
UshetS t:i-weekl| .' .Sups
.f’l j /• .-■■n
Press isfentitli
1 F
spirit in which it was proposedyshould
be a longjstep forward in the field of in
dustrial relations. .
The Texas Aggi|e rebels 1 , of the
Army Security Brandi have land
ed in Yankceiand, and established
a beachhead. The/area has been
proclaimed j unde/1 capture in the
name of Ge/erjil Lawrence S.
Here at Fort Mjeade, Maryland,
a summer/eampi ij being held for
the first/time fori Army Security
Agency/Reserve Officers Train
ing Corps personnel.
iincc this is the first group
its kind in the army organi-
ition, it is being treated some
what as a “guinea pig” class
and therefore considerable at
tention is being drawn! to iti
Upon arriving the students un
derwent a very strict! physical ex
amination which quite a number
failed to pass. This [Was followed
by a clothing issue and company
This company is composed of a
balance of 3() men—23 from A&M,
and the other seven from the Uni
versity of Illinois.
The major part of this first
week has been taken »p by in
struction ih the nomenclature,
usage, and firing of caliber 30
M-l carbine rifle. The fire for
record was completed today with
Texas Aggie Jim Gregory being
the only one in class to qualify
as expert.
Catnp facilities are very good
and ejxrimidto effort has been put
forth to make each student’s stay
as enjoyable as possible, especial
ly mi hie time off. Many recrea
tional facilities have been prepar
ed. A service club with hostess is ,
open in addition to trips to points
of historical interests such as Get
tysburg and Washington, D. C,.
“Sooner or later we must all sit
down to the banquet of conse
quences”, Robert Louis Stevenson
wrote many years ago.
Today 3414 students of A&M
find themselves partaking of the
academic “feast.” For some it is
an involuntary meal which was
made necessary by some hard
hearted professor who wrote F on
that final grade report, when a D
might have done just as well. No
one has ever satisfactorily explain
ed why professors are like that.
For the veteran, who has seen
his schooling interrupted once, this
summer session is but another race
against time. It is a race against
that day when another interna
tional upheaval may take place
and call him from his studies. Go
ing to school in hot. weather is
seldom entirely to his liking and
he certainly cannot be held re
sponsible for preparing this; sum
mer school “picnic”
To other groups such as school
teachers, ^hort coursers and spec-,
ial students, summer school i/
comparable to a vacation or it/is
merely the lesser of two evibf in
the college versus home battle.
To find out just what students
thought of summer school, L made
a hurried survey. I contacted stu
dents in all brackets and: plied
then! with questions. / !
"Tell me just what you
do not like about summer ! c
In keeping with their rej:
for direct answers, they s4i
pounded w’ith all types of li
dislikes of the youngcsumnieHs
J. N. Hollamjl, Petroleunj Mngi- (
neer from McAllen, didn’t rH® the *i
idea of getting up so e>( d; | He 4 •
didn’t say exactly that, Wt h^jjsakl
that classes were toOy4*ar
land didn’t think he/lear idi
much as he did during a
term. He was certain that h
got the material i-much quice
. did think that/co-edg mqd
more bearable/ -
Kelse Williams, veteran
mies major' frbm Robatov
didn’t lik/the j early classes
ing tha/sleep; was al far
si/y function than l
As fVr the retent appear i
fenmie students, Williams
the / number was far too sn
attributed the shortage t<
/ficient advertising, voluit
this-statement | in the forn
suggestion (o the board o
Mildred Phillips, s^crctki
the English Department, j n
cran of several summer s mions,
disagreed with Williams, sf/ting
that the influx of co-eds hi s iiotic-
ably increased; competitio t, i ahd
seriously jeopardized her Kjjiitihn,
/ |Hol* «
as :
long 4
for- ( |
» e IN
■0119. ,1,
alsd- j ) (
feel- / j
ore *
ling. J
c of j
of a
police department has lost
wij[l ]
n)| If firmer w(|l please return, no ques-
asked A
lored it the
First jMate Richard C. Joyce empty.
en overboard, the harbor
tailed to gjapple for the body of the *
police 1 iilficqiS remained em
bout. Thej *
y the rest;
ltd b<come too foggy for them
o|ol Revealed
vdirwhe thinks that there art*
fewer ijirls this summer than
viounly attended A&M.
Attending a summer cotton
. dajijrse, sponsored by the AgronoJ-
rhyi Dejiartpicnt,'Hampton- Oliver,
.■jl: f horn- >re- from Houston| thought
thi simmer sessions! werit to()
Irt fir learning, but-that good
des weite easier ( to make', He
pught that women made
1 oge life more interesting.
osaiia Koontz, TSCW sopkoj-
ire f ’om Bryan, congratulated
professors on their interesting
jturef,, She thought the “sur-
odirgs” were interesting, but.,
ris ugly enough, didn’t think
primarily a Spanish teach
qh the ught that the accelerated
| ihedule allowed a more cohce
i‘ated study of languages, there!
ikcreasing hsiruing. He concludeid
Tt “t* ' ith the statemeftt, “Es muyicall-
■I ifi{e, do?”
Aggies On Cotton Tour ¥isi
Highlights Of New York Ci
S |\
Mrs. JMin SchmaeJ'/le, a certified spir
itualist medium and/healer of Milwaukee,
will hold a special/message sendee at the
home, of Mrs. Lo/is Fabry, 1316 S. Van
Buren street, ay8 o’clock this evening.
For appointments, those interested are
to call Mrs.-Fabry, whose number is not
listed in the present book. — Green Bay
(Wis.) Press-Gazette.
That’s all right, it’ll come to us.
^ Zii ii •:/ i : ■
Ten Cartons of Cigarettes
In Germany Pay for House
(PMs. Note, Battalion Foreign Correspondent Spoede is visiting
his father, an officer in the Army of Occupatiopf'in Germany. Spoede
will write a series of articles on the Germap people and may cover
the Olympics for the Battalion this Hummer/)
•J. . • . /
I am now visiting the quaint Thorp' arc .plenty of kids swarm-
city of Numbergl The inhabitants ing/bver hipic, and many of them
here still talk of jthe air raid which at/ bvpltaife.
wracked the town the day after / THed U also no shortage of
Hermann Goermg promised-them /y ou ^/ men as ontJ would think.
of the, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the
tiblished five times a week ahd circulated every Monday through
days and examination, periods. Durtng the summer The Bat-
iription rate $4:30 per school year. Advertising rates furnished
bi m^d s by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201,
bje placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities
1 ■ « • ; V [ : j / '
V 4. 1 '
d exclusively to the use, for fepublicatipn of all news dispatches
’ fed itj the paper and local news of spontaneous origin publish-
cjf all other matter hercih are also reserved.
I Member off
The Associated Press j
that a bomb, would never fall on .
Nurnbcrg. ’ I /
The house in Furth, just outride
ofNurnberg, whore my parents-arc
quartered has a stairway ywhich
was shattered by bomb fragments
in this raid. /
My trip over on the cargo ship
Eugene Lykes was untyeutful. ex
cept for a fog in /tho English
channel which delayN our arrival
into Bremen by; one day. Luckily,
calm seas kept; me and the ten
other passengers from getting sea
sick- / [
From Brqmcni I rode the’ clatter
ing German trijins to Furth. All
along thp route j we picked up peo
ple who had been bartering for
food With the farmers. However,
| the /food situation here is much
better thaw in northern Germany.
The Germans aro using eVcry
Available inch of space for crops,
The -ffeissians still haven’t retutn-
ed all of theii' prisoners of war,
and I don’t think- the Yugoslavs
have returned any.
!; a i j
Applications Open
For Naval Reserve
] Uhasias Editors
..i'ratoro Writew
: m iUi,
_Wiro Editor
Don Encelkins,
Charles' |R,
Represented nationally by National Ad-
vortifina Service Inc., at New York City,
Chkiigo. Lot Angalei, aud Saa iVancieGO. ! ,
••,,' , : 1 : i , \ / in places even [along the street,
i However, cigarettes are still'tho
•vl — "v -GO-itaitois i ^ ulldard eun^ncy i n this area.
The pilot into ; Bremerhaven told
Art Howard, Bill Thornton.
Lupdelius, Leonard F. Somer,
Billy D. 1 Moire, James F. Stuart—
Joe Trevino, Hardy E, Rom
Grady Griffin ~
JiellgioBs Editor
Alan Curry
Maurico BowaU
' i'
td ' '
me that he had built a house for
ten bartons. As I remember, that
was one of the few things our
troops didn’t get with them.
This towu- uf Nurnberg stinks,
and I mean that literally. It has
m odor similar to that of a zoo. pr<
I!) j ; / .• .
Ikations are desired from
Reserve Officers, both lino
and staff, who desire active duty
for at least twelve months. Offi
cers id the aviation branch are not
eligible. |
Particularly desired arc officeraj.
whoi have had sea experience or
junior Officers who want such ex
perience. ! t
The-approximate maximum age
limitations are forty five for com-
manfUfrSr, forty for lieutenant com-
mariddre, and thirty six for the
•ade Of lieutenant and beloww
/The Fourteenth Annual Cotton
Tour arrived in New York City
on June 21 and started out to
see not only the city but also the
Tho first two days and nights
were spent in visiting the New
York Cotton Exchange, New York
Board of Trade, Chase National
Bank, Marine Bank and Trust
Company, Empire State Building,
and Rockefeller Center. All of the
places mentioned were of great
interest to the members of the
A tour was then made through
the Bowery, China Town, Har-
lem, and the slums of the Bronx.
This wasTn sharp contrast to the
fine buildings and organizations
that had been previously seen.
These places were exactly as
they have been portrayed in
numerous movies and I UewspJ-
Tho group also attended a
Broadway musical, a baseball
game between the New York
Giants and Chicago Cubs, and saw
part of the proceedings of the
Republican Convention by televi
sion. The members of the group
had tickets to the Louis-Waleott
fight, but since the fight was post
poned for two nfeht#, they had to
sell their ticketa and leaVo for
Quebec, Cajiadav [
W. BL Johnson, Vice President
of the Marine Bank , and Trust
Company, was impressed by two
members of tho group and of*
ffered them jobs with ths
He liked the vigor and
ality of the two boys ai
that they did not have
fented look on their face i
so many young men
Caraway said the group
cided that New York waj
derful place to visit but n< t
place to live and make a i
-Features Begin-t-f
1^)5 - 4:17 - '7:10 •
KW* IHMC DIM incti
THCRS. — KM, _
—Features Beg
lrt5 - S:50-i5:60 -
First r
recalled may expect op-
s for further retention
live month period, but
mraitments can tmly be
T the period for which ap*.
ops are known.
Ar . '/
• records • Radios
School & Office.
Supplies; ]' /
Alggies were qs enthusiastic
ut rsew us they mi^jht bi*,
inta hing at thci.samc time that
Issies! had lost none of their iif*
1 -St jlj A&M. / . ; ,.v
ounding out the Survey with
rofmsional opinion, I questiop-
J. A. Moore, instructor in tlii^
bderr Language Department
Fqr Vour Visual PrtJblema
Ity. Carlton R.
203 $■ Main — Bryan
PH«ne 2-1 nr,?
'll f • M ( > N I > H 1 7 g
Wed. - Thure. - Fri. - Sat
UL ; / r/
From the ■
Belt-Selling Book!
Charles COBURN
i '
* • ,
. ./ ; .
Dennis Morgan
j-' •WU'—
•‘Bad Men Of
< '
• . * r '
Yluirs —Fri. — Sat.
Rainy Singleton
-Blondies Big
: ■