. r T'. KTVr* •; j v f* <* ■- i* it 1v>- I * SAID slated U" 0 hi 1 Lin, from Shanghai, receive hiLi Master’s < A&M in July, Six. students over i> v ■ 1 rr nvi :w ' ra jeiv Chin:jt, e^iee E» th 'i’ ■■ ■ CAMP !. ! 'i Mr rai' : r SUNDAY 1 m l‘ r im i ion V •; i haye' Twen n« HyKif&giM,rine. 1.. ( r a J^IE •i the fellov U School of sois |1 A June 1& VP)— ii th thi# of Federal land near E ashwqtq: transfer of A favorable report on the proposed ‘iO acres _ , Bro^n^Ule, Texas, tp the lift ted States section of the : U. S.-%xican Boundary and Water Coi mission reached tho Senate Tuesday from it* For eign Relations (Tommittee. I • PRESSING HONS THEIR BEST - AT EANERi hange Store • j. '< *• / FATHER’S DAY ■ •!> t :: C / RenjeM ier Your Dad with a ^ifct from Waldrop’s DRESS SH|RTS SPoitT isriiitTs r ‘.I i v BM. > i i -1 s i; HANDKERt SOCKS; SWIM TRUNKS BELT.<| SUSPENDERS GROOMINCt GCJSMETICS j j * ' | j * • rpiMrop^ I ^ .14 W | i ^Smoking pleasure means ChesterfidcL ^ time 1 -rr-i — L j- PT ■; - ^ 71 16,1345 . I Cotton Tour Taste Real Southern Hospitality! Winners (if which will carry them to the most important cotton centers in the nation. — f The group L. Hackler; L. Uy VIRGIL C. CARAWAY I 1- 1 ' I i :! the cotton tour are now on a i T*pf r ' 111 1 ■ ■ ut 1 I trip Ag School To Get Two New Instructors composed of Dr. Luther G. Jones; Wallace Ej Crane; Arnold Nowotny; and Virgil C. ♦Caraway, left College Station June 5. Their destination for the first day was Monroe, Louisiana. A brief atop wan made at ! the Indian Mound Forest Nursery near Alto, Texaa. W. L. Marsh- man, superintendent of the nur sery, showed the Aggies aroitnd. The winners of the tour spent Juno C on the Bell plantation hear Greenville, Mitmiisippi. Andrew Bell, an Aggie, ami Percy Bel, an The Department of Agri culture will add tivo men to its teaching staff in Septem ber, Dean Shepirdson an nounced today. The two additions are Mr. Joe $. Campbell, new associate profes sor of. farm management in the department of Agricultural Eco nomics and Sociology, and Dr. R. A. Darrow, associate professor in the Range Forestry Department. Dr. Dan-ow is a graduate of ,N. Y. State College of Forestry. He received his Masters Degree in range management fiom the Uni versity of Arizona and his Doctors Degree in plant ecology from the University of Chicagd. Since 1936 Dr. Darrow has taught range man agement at the University of Ari zona. Dr. Darrow is a recognized au thority on the plant ecology of the western ranges and will have a part time research assignment working on the ecology of the Texas range, in addition to teach ing upperclassmen arid graduated iii ecology in Range management. Mr. Jot* R. Cimpbel) is,a native of Hillsboro and a 19:18 graduate of A&M. He received his Masters degree in Agricultural economics at Louisiana State Uirivers.ity and is scheduled to receive; his Doctors Degree at Cornell this summer. ii rrsTH QUICKEST MOST HOOMIN vwv.soN.r DO YORE DOOnTY/7 / T Tf" J! acr.Tt- A ffisfi Et for a Erfejcl 'r»"‘ ' -r- it r r 7 it lt> LO/RTO WCH THEM f^PilPARE. THAT LUSCIOUS MORSEL-BUT m AFRAID THE E>CITEMENT MIGHT KILL ME BEFORE I TASTE THE SUPREME'ECSTASY OF UFE-I , ALABAMMUS ON RYE-HEAVY ON THE MUSTARD.'T— P i 1 00 <&> / U. >♦» M. 1 Ni (>**»*» ux INER Rock-a-Bye, Booby T —-iH" If 11 ? — A. m ox-Aggie, were the hosts. The plantation has never lost its] old southern atmosphere. The Bell home is quite modem and is sur- ^ rounded by towering oaks andjeot- tomvood trees. Colored servants, who make the plantation .all 1 the 1 ^ more reminiscent of the ''Old South,” are plentiful. After dinner Andrew and Percy Bell conducted the members of the cotton tour over the • plahtalion. Cotton is produced at the Irate of one to two bales per acre. Past ires of bermuda grass and various clo vers furnish nutritious grazing for the shorthorn cattle. Soybeans grown at the rate of 40 to| 60 bushels per acre are rapidly gain ing a place in the fanning sys tem. Negro tenants spread ever the plantation furnish the neces sary labor. From the Bell plantation the cot ton tour members traveled ! to Stoneville, Mississippi where iwo ! Day Nursery niar campus. Mrs. Prcss- WYAR 'tO/S0D/; IS T THANK SUH. HAMMUS X YCO, LAD- ALABAMMUS ON Y ryf. -Heavy on ) there TH'MUSTARD.'.' yWAStOMt; THING I WANTEDTO TELL YOU- c* —Ai • ^-1, •••>.■•« I * BUT, I'M AN OLD,) NtVAH t1|ND.f 0 OLD MAN-AND { THAR'S TH' J 1 FORQET THINGS-) (^f) SANG BUT-THERE WIpGEA'<1 WA1 V Sink YORE ' SOMETHING-f \ TEETH INTO! SOMETHING Classified Ads SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI- FIEn at*. Ratcl . . . 3C a word per irunrtion with a 25d minimum. Space ratef in Clttaaifietd Section ... 60(1 per column inch. Send all classified* with remittance to the Student Activities Of. fi«e. iAll ads should be turned in by 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. days were spent looking over Delta Agricultural Station. the | wood, 301 Park place. Experiment POK SALE -Dally I Stroller, excellent con- ilition. Apt. A-II-C, Collide View. Jkitatufo CAFETERIA For Food of J : International FAME 311 N. Main Brjan Ag Commissioners Of Texas, Georgia Indicted by Clark WASHINGTON, June 16 Gpj— A Federal grand jury today in dicted the agricultural commission ers of Texas and Georgia, two farm organizations and two other per sons on charges of violating tjhe lobbying law. Attorney General Clark, who a n * KOR RENT—Housd in Munnerlyn Village. See R. It. OleJa after 5:U0 p.iu. at Oolblfe Apt. X-J{-1, Colli'Rfi View. CHy.DRKN; cared) for by day or hour. Rfitdeht Owned ljlou?e No. 2 by Tenni* Ooujrtr. 7/ J ^ roni SALE CUT lltostvs. Friday. Satur day . (ind Sundajj at The Ro-e Stand, Thejdub spon i berg to attidid tl s ‘ the drib active few months wh will be good DR. N. B. McNUTT dentist < Office in Parker Building Over Canady's Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . f College Shoe Repair North Gate nouuced the grand jury action, said d. dimmer they are accused of conspiracy 1 lobby for higher commoidity pric without registering with Uongre He said they had a peisonal teresy jn higher prices because [of trading on commodity markets. Those indicted: J. E. McDonald, Texas Commis sioner of Agriculture. Tom Linder, Georgia Commis sioner of Agriculture. Ralph W. Moore of Granger, Texas, who maintains h4adquar- 1903 South I'ollejgo Road. Flying Aggies To i Meet Today Th^' Flying ^exas Aggies will meet‘{his afternoon at in the Aero Building to reorganize for *or urges all mem- ie meeting to make during the next, en flying weathei; TEETHES MAN r— Hfi VEN'T HA 5 kNV! Ti AIN'T BEEN ABLE TO a*' AN' MUSH AND MILK SiN( i. 19ia WHAT I FORGOT TO TT. -. Ya THE WHOLE THING.'! r ’ WE BUT, I'M ANDLD MAN -• XNP I TAKE A ,JOKC--a M'CH* Y .11. 1527 Boone, Brynn. ?$,500 iml|nrnishcd , bracelet. Robert oc aaa r,««.*%IaL-x.) j 1SIST9SS oD^mvod y return. Call 1.6261 POR RENT-Small or Sfi.000 Turnished. Newly ; painted. Equity down and $23.00 monthly. J. P. Campbell, 2112 South WaytlBo, Houston. Phone W-S-6$70. ! . : (liliatioi I). Lmteas n: i 1 ASH 3n front. R( w t it for or 4.$29