The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 09, 1948, Image 4
* ‘ ; 'M PsgeSR' ni * -fey'- iW!-,; •Ill -T See : -<■ r.i lie’s fori Bargain: DRESSES Immie’s Ph.'2*1618 If ' -! T-A j v A A u .'1 j - ; • Student lege Viel abode! ■ j, : [I ■ | ■ Brighten up your »i! .1. '.I! UAL! U I h, ^ PRES... ALS. REUSES'PENTF< su]?sn^rsiJn|sA^ if! & Tot Shop 001 So. Allege Ave. Hours—8:30 - 6:00 > ! . A i A -.v.. *», nd Wives occupying Col- Aparlments and other walls Colorful EX r ! . The world’s h 83,00 ^ j:- C • • est win ffiish In. per gflil- — LITE 2 attractive colors, §1.00 Qt. Then don’t forged that yowl Woodwork needs a new dress. Use 100% satin-fiilsh oi' high gloss ehamel for all wood trim. ' Nothing is more attract ive.jfurable or washable. I _ i Then cdmes the.;floors., Pittel font our New Hilco sander and sand back to the virg/n firfilln Apply shellac or varnish or vamishistaih. j ii j I 1 ; Three Hundred pa terns of wallpaper! Bring your color prob lems aiid plans t) Chapmirfs, Aby color to match can be made at Chapm; n’s. LI store n Aggie colors ... for courteous, hk for the — 7 _ ... TT , r ,■ friendly andj helpful seiwibe. HA Bull t A 1 VWIpapcr To. "Next to the PA it Off ce'l MAN’S Bryan What’s Cooking? , AGGIE AERO MODELERS, 7:20 p.m., Wednesday, Room 108 ME Shops Building , ENGINEERING GROUP, 479th Composite Group, Army Organized Reserve, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, 2nd Floor, PM A Building. ’ " Z Y ' - l , ’ Snimner Activities At Grove Given M . • J / Slimmer activities at the Grove will begin with a show tomorrow night followed by skating FHday and a dance Saturday, according to Grady Elms, assistant director of Student' activities. Elms said movies would be shown at the Grove Monday and Thursday nights. Softball and skating are scheduled for Tuesday and Friday with bingo on Wed nesday. This schedule will be followed except on special occasions. Next Tuesday night Earle Spicer, the firrt of the summer entertainers, will appear at the Grove. Classified SLL WITH A B ATT AM f lED AD. Britos ION CliASSt- 3!*l| a void per iwtion with a 25£ minimum. jSpace kies in Classified Section i . i 6<jc per ooHimn inch. Send all clarified ii with Activities Of- tnmed in by lD;00\a.m. of the day before publication. DWELLINGS FOB Sjcftled bids Will be mjeivnd utitii: 10: n.rn.. Thumay. June 24, l|9J>, forjsevi ilnyle family dwcllinRa with outbuildin f BE IBStifAfMS : -T—- j MMsmE fejfm&t mm ‘l-r*r$**-*m7**PW V! I, ' ■■ x! !’• i 1 iShty SOSHUBLE y. iSiMlSHTSf SC ^ 'IKSHT.T—> JT IT GOT OM 1 VONDER locatixi on the campus. Th|ej 'eryod to reject any hod further information addf. A. & M. Colleeix of Texai, iTetaj!. SALE :00 . .atran ih outbuildiny. rit>iht ji* re al) bii •I. Com ollejro rory r4- NURSF.RY SCHOOL for children 2-Ci year’. Special rate* by day or holir.'Blr^. C. H. hates. 220 Milner, Ccllrye Hills. Phono ; 4-8419. " r a 7II WANTED—Married student; ' to drive iee thick. Stephan Ice Ckj. Bryan. FOR, SALE—One boy'n bicVcie. Si nickel. Apt. A-8-X. Colleite View I Hor- DA(Y KURSERV near campcj wood. 301 Park Place. Mr?. [Press? FOR SALE—1941 4-doorf Pif condition. Se4 at 218 Drive. Welcome... AGGIES FOR GOOD FOOD."''' DRIVE TO ... . Youngblood’s On College Ave, FOR SALE—One desk. Onh dip^fe rot. ^ed at 219 Munnerlyn Dme. tooth] Good 'Munp f ' r * yn H FO|it SAi.R — Apartment . a Rive, nml oven. 75-lb. CoolerptoE O.H1, O-C-Z. College Vie’ leritoi ew. 44btirner ]■ |Rob<-r£ SCHEDULE CHAjicKS ! ll Any 'tudent desirinR tfl.„ r7 must present a written -L itemeatj the department concernod, 'hat tl|i V add a!course from is Ihat U(erp ^ ’ 1 mefit , must be present'd Vo the Dban of his| School. With the DeUn's iapphivpl, the Registrar will be authorized; to mnjko the chanRe. > 2. IVansfers' from one section jto an other in ti(e 'Sajme subject will ■ bd made i by the department head concerned, j | 3. Friday. June 11. will be ttye Intf. ! dajf that courses can be dropped Without ! a praue. It will also be the last -day on j which new oour=es may be ajdded. I H. L. REATdM ReRistrat NOTICE. FACUljrV WANTED j A correspondence codrse fdr POST GRADUATION KTUDlh'S Entitlnd 1 MECHANIZATION TAKES See Siegfried (iiodior of the same nane Interested faculty members C H V. M. Faires, Aiutil, Half NOTICE. FACULTY WANTEp A correspondence course for POST GRADUATION miDlfES Entitled f il TljlK GROWTH OF I’HYSK’AI. StflENCE See Sly Jnines ,leu(ii of the hi*me | mil in , inlereeteil fneulty ineisliers 1 M, Faires, A|ptl«, Hnll OMM boqk COMMAND Hv/y 11 Ml TON o „ . . MIKIEf/r—TAV/^R HOWCDf.'T rrf-rr t'M AN O-OID HAN, YOUNG YOKUM-A HttHTY O-OLD HAnrr ilt■ ~l 'TO oestcaintargui. WIF DODDERSVOPT HE’S AU-US RIGHT, **& TH TELLY-PI 7um 9, 191 -r*r~ V By Al Ca pp IJ’L ABNER ? n She’s a Real Gone Gal!! | J'M A HI6H1Y) SHORE YO' S, . , DODDERSWORTH- \MAN,$QNJ7} NOW, YO'JEST LIE DOWN—AN* SEE EF YQ' < iDO^TGIT OLDIR WIFOOT EVEN TRYIN' TRY THET DODDERSWORTH-^ AN' LET ME KNOW HOW YO' J MAKES OUT, IN TH' /?— MORNIN'^-v* tT HANG UR SON f I MAY B£ AN OLD * I-BUT,) AM GOING JO MILL YOUR MOTHER--/ Iw SHORE YO' IS, DODDERSWORTH- NOW.YO'JEST LIE DOWN, LIKE A NICE OLE MAN,AN'—, 1% ABNER D-DODpERSWORTH- WHO DID YO' SAY YO' WAS GOfN' Tx DO YOMUM.rf- TM GOING TO KILL / HERfT- / J MAY BE N AN O-OLP Smile When You Say That YOUR S — MAN/soNr*- —La *17 / SHORE YOIS, DODDERS ’WDRTH.'/’-AN'YO\S EVEN CIDER,NOW, THAN YO'! I S* im By Al fapp I- — YO'ISAOLD^ RAT Si ■V A MIGHTY OLD RAT, SON-ANDCcW-zr) A MIGHTY CRAFTY ONE/r-1 STUNNED HER WITH A STATUE OF THE LATE PRES IDENT ANDREW u JACKSON-A GOOD fR/END OF MINE, BY THE WAY---^ Vy f a •rr" — !; )X£her'all ] 7? USSED UP, W> TRUbSEtMJP ^ - - MAMMY. r . r .'IS J ' I By Al 'Calpp i v :| I i / ? I J' i. I . Vi- M 4- I .^1 I \ . ! w T mm f . I ! \ ii . Welcome.; Aggies I - : ii cr% Make This Store Y our Headquarters ' : r . J ' ; : ! '■ ' !'■ For School Supplies During The ,! ■: ■ ' ; i | ;J | . j ! : , Summer Session! .1» \ !■( The Exchange Store ‘Servin g Texas \ Aggies’ \ . ? i i ' j l • i —— i ' it ! Ni i:i; • '/.J : | ' 5 c. \ - \ V \ X M \ j v ■■a l, * .