The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 27, 1948, Image 4
Page }: A •• 81 ■V ' ’<y THE BATTALION THTRSDaY. May 27, ISMS angjs Made in Schedule Of assefe for Summer Session classes for the reRiiltrai', has ’Additions: . . ki sm: gl 401, iRl 401, Kl 403, follov intr changes have been made in ! the schedule of Cour first ten) announc z: of the 1948 summer session, H. L. Hedton,! Sec. 5,1 flailv 9-10:15 Sec. 7,’if aily 8-9 Sec. 8r;I ally 9>-10 Sec. 3, 1 ally 9-10:15 gl 403, Sec. 4, t ally 7-8:15 ingl 403, Sec. .5, I a'ily 11-12:15 Sngl 403, Sec. 6, Ilaily 11-12:15 SurI 403, Sec. 7, ifaily 7-8:15 list 307, Sec. 2, Dhily 9-10:15 E. 324, pec. 1, ijaily 7-8:15 ie Drops: icct 203 icro 201, 1103, 404 fiiol 105, 111, 115 (Jihem 205, i' Sngl 103, 173 206, 214 302 ang 110, ffhys 202 Scctijm- Drops! hem 101, hem 102, “hem 207, inglj 104, ng!' 20.3, 201 7. 8 J list 1105. Sec. 1 Sec. 2 Sec. 3 Sec. 2i 4, 5 Sec. 2, 4s 5, 6 Sec. 1, 21 4, 7, 10, 11. 12 Cha ath 101, lath 102, ath 103, lath 104, ath 203, ath 204. hys ’204, es of Tii^ie: ort 201, etE 3(16, (|tE 308. ItetE 308, Sec. 3 Sec. 2 Sec. 1 Sec. 2. Sec. 5 Sec. 5, Bee. 2 4-4 -44 1 If Sec. 1, I aily 7-8 and MW 2-5 Sec. 1, 1 ailv 9-10:15 Sec. 1. MW 4-5:30 Sec. 2, ITh 1-5:30 Classified Ads SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI FIED AD. Rates w 3t a word per Insertion .with a 25C .minimum. Space rates in Classified SectKMl . . . fiOC per column Inch. Send all classifieds with remittance, to the Student\ Activities Of- First Issue of Veteri Will Hit Mails in Fe i li*hod by the ficer All ads should be turned in by ; su n ™; 1 , 10:Q0 a m, of the dav before publication. | ’•t) . The first Issue of the Southwestern Veterinarian, pub- Aj&M Student Chapter of the AVMA will he in lipsiiribers within a few dayit. Unlike rhany publications which start off weakly and rYPI1 i G V B . rin 5. ,r ur t 4, cmes .* nd theai ’ I endure a long struggle before making good, the SW Veteri- to, C-13-A, College View Apartments . , ,, , Ti. 4, , . ,■ * after 5:00 p.m. or to the Scribe Shop Harlan S Volume 1 AUinbcr 1 edl-'f——; — tton is.a full-fUdged, wcll-cditcd, Veterinary Cinferonce to be held publication of *18: ptiges. I here June 17-18; a “Profile” of Dr. An attractiveijcdver shows a little K. C. Dunn, dean of the Vet Med girl carrying tief pet dog to the School, and a photographic center vet. Inside, thejp ihagazine is filled spread, “Shots at Random,” show- WANTED—Play pen for youngster. Call i " ith technical aji titles in which dig activities at the college clinic. Crow, 4-6OM or 32-B. Vet Village. giaduate and smaeiTt veterinarians A number cf appropriate car- or-vrir c ^ ". » 7~Z r pass along the|r experiments and toons lighten the serious tone of her 1st. Three room house. Unfurnish-! experiences in pealing animals I the publicatipn, and are printed ed— sso.oot. Furnished - S3. r >.oo.' Call | The introductjbl y editorial stapes in the Alumni notes section. 4 *" S14 - ’■ j "We hope that this publication \yill The first [issue is edited by FOR SALE-*-Eicctrie n-fri»erator. double serve; as, a co n jn ui|que from cine Loui* E. Buck. Karl Wallace « , F0K RKNT Thr ,.„ room furnishe<1 a|)a baby bed. studio couch. Sec at: veterinarian to^metther. We feel associate editpr; assistant editors) m( . nt {or thr „, mont h s beginning Juri*' 1007 E. 23rd. Phone 2-6705. FOR SALE—Must sell iiuiekly, regar^lltss of loss, 1939 Harley "74” motorcycle in good condition. Only, 800 miles on com plete overhaul. See owner, 49 Milner, anan Days Classified Ads McKENZIE-BALDWIN BUSINESS COI-- LEGE offers refresher courses in «hor > hand, bookkeeping and, associated sul>-, jects. Dial 2-6655. Il)-yan, Texas. FOUND—Plain gold wedding ring. Write Box 647, College Station. ., FOR SALE -36Uteres, fronting 1.500 fe<jt on new Highway 6. nine miles, south i)[ College. Large fish pond, level lam), nice trees. Abstract furnished. |50.c|o per acre, ten year payment. Inquire at Brarota Ranch 'House, or at 209 Park Place, West College Park. 1 r.irn for t*» t» MUfiiiTic 1 June 3rd. Writjr «f| ^ * Bb.x 1088. Coll FOR SALE — Doberman Pinscher pup*, ten weeks old, ears and tail trimmed. Sired by HALLWYRE; H1-CH1CK. chani-i pion stud. *35.00 each. 209 Park Plac^., College Park. 1 I* Splti FOR SALE-Boy's 26 in .--1 issSU i lei rln: Fi ller FOR SALE—Bod, mattress, and spring^ See at C-16-Y, College View, afted) | 5 :00 p.m. bed, C-21-X, FOR SALE—Small, two bedroom house in West Park. Four blocks frbm Cam pus. Completely furnished for 32,975.00. Cull 4-1197. apart- College View. 6th. 3404- College Road. Sawder. that there is ,|i dire need for a include Max Lowe, A1 Price, and "iSS'iStS a ‘orlSSfcdSf Ja E,v H w| is advortisinp man- j Lewis Maguire, C-14-X, College View. 1 is practiced injue B ou thwest.” ager, ( with Hugh Wallace its as- I Rocker $5.00. Mirror 34.00. See j»f after o:9U p. ru. Among Speciill ftjutui'es of the distant. Bob Shell is business man- I College View. A-10-W, after 5:00 p.mi FOR SALF—Double unit prefab in Mun- ; first issue <11'e tj^l nerlyn Village. If interested see E. R. Olexa. 211 So. Munnerlyn Drive. 1 FOR SALE—Maple finished dinette table and chairs. Bedside chwt. See after 6:00. College View Apartment D-9-W. Urogram of the ager, assisted bv M. R. Callihs T FOR SA1.F— Baby carriage chrome fin ish : e<inipped with parking brake. A-7- D, Cblk'ge View. FOR SALE 226 South’ Munnerlyn. Down payment and pay out equity of 31,414.00. - $30.00 monthly. Better than rent. Private owner. Everett Hooe. Apt. 30-7., Vet Village, A&M Campus, FOR SALE—Roper stove, excellent con dition. Phbne 4-4814. 3125.00. FX)R SALE—Maple chair and flour lamp, desk and chair. A-S-Z, College View. Last ‘Commentator’ to Prese Large Array of Short Stories ' DOES YOUR HOUSE need painting? Coh] I tact Jennings H. Vaughn, Box 5098. So) Sta., Trailer Area 1 D-6. or G. N| Thomas. »Box 1073. Trailer Ar>’U 1, B-2l GET YOUR roundtrin tickets early f<u^ the summer holidays, avoid last minul^ Cush. All round trip tickets good for C mos. with a 10'e discount. 150 IbsJ baggage free with each ticket. Ci^ll 4-7114 or come to Bus Depot at Nor(H) Gate. Until several days ago, the most important question to ; 11 ^n^rexp-d ^^bpJ^uin^ the desperately working members of the Cqmmentator staff) ^ announcers, continuity writers and Commentator come out before the end of the t POLIO INStJHANCK - All exjx'nsi^ up to $5,000. Cover entire family for $0.00 per year. Phone 4-4G0G or 4-8719. . ERS FUR STORAGE HATTERS merican T‘ ti_ ffilm Kl Super Market j; i Betw ‘en Bryan and College^ Houston Highway No. G, South OPEN 7:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M —7 DAYS A WEEK rjliVAN'S LAI!Gi:ST N'K.';,imORII(X)I) STORE PHONE 4-1.222 i I r: . r SPECIALS FOE FRIDAY & SATURDAY yok KJH I.G.k.—SEr.y LNT^-|\o. •> (irapefiuit ... I.G.9 Pi. 69c 2 for 25e SUCKp OR ’dx -No. 2’, Peach <4 I.GjA—No. 1 f A Ffiiil Cfrckhjul i.G.k. C^rn—I CR. STO LE GflLDEN \ 22c ! i 1 i CRISTAIX—N o. 2 B$ke(l .1. - - pp 1 2 for 33c C(|dfislijCakes RECIPE Mhrshnialiows REi» RIVER--No. 1 Tomatoes i(lo/,I9c —1 1 u 10 oz. I5e — — “TV’T Snowdrifl 3 lbs. S»JJ5 Gladiola Flour . . 5 lbs. lie -4- No. 1 Dash Dog Food . . 2 for 25c Jellit .: . . . . 6e NATIONAL WHITE Vinegar . . . <p ; . N ATIONAL COLORED Vinegar [ BROOKFIELD Pimento Cheese . 2 lbs. 93c qt. flask I5e .' . 16 oz. 8c MEADOWLAKE PLAIN Margarine 1 lb. 35e V-12’h -i— 3 for 25e "j,. 1 - M E A Kellogg’s Variety Pack 29c Rinso MMS-WHo^or Half PORK mk ElVD R( BEEF ROIX ROAST B|EF pif k ROAST large ) 3! <• Wfldi-odt Cream Oil . . 53e [RING ORANGE \£ jswiftV . If Lb,. L\ 59c . j AST r'' 57c 1 - u I ' - ■ - v ■■ : Swift’s ! Lb. ..... l..|. . ' j 59c SWift’s . -! LU . il.l.!. . 59c 1 ^ D R U G I HLLETTE SUPER SPEED US Y [azor . . i. . . . each o9e j i Will) ID blaSt-s—SI-IO Vatub DUR SOAP COUPONS — THEY ARE STILL GOOD ot^toes ' . CELE BELL POTA RY ^ P R O D U C E ^ Home Grownt Fres|i Dug s . . r ._.L 2 lbs. Ijirge Texas t SiVeet & Juicy..).. Large California Pascal : j . +4- m »)>/ 23c Each PEPPERS TO !• CIGARETTES California Wonder CHIPS“ Dairycraft) )emonstraticn • = 3 l cZ 40c jPER CARTON;. . ’ ; ’ j i r 1 : ' / 1 j 1 . |: : j • i * i, : .• ] 7 , •-!• ■ II i ‘ !; . i was, “Will the semester?” Now that;iit is safe to predict that the O' lie printed in time, the (iiiestioii js.T — “Will anybody 1)(| bore to read it?" bmmentator will a :<• *u . _ .u;. a summary of the af- j l , ' r ) fairs,of the Student Senate, Moon her ion o {{ jn whic It Stories than all \ 1 1 eU§ses the pec flights to outer Dwy.vs As the last issi copy will have'; having more shl the other issue:! dbmbined. The trend to the lighijer siile; was made possible by a lijeyy :of sboit story writers, ineluuSng KENNETH BOM), who dr(];|nie.d up Dry Bun, alliod radio arts, contact Radio Station s WTAW and/or appear for InUTvirw: Monday, May 31, at 7:30 p.m. Tl HE 1948 FORD 1947—CHEVROi light. 1947 KAISER 1946 FORD S 1946 FORD 2- 1946 CHEVRO miles. 1941 MERCUR 1941 FORD 2-' 1941 HUDSON |4 1939 CHEVRO 1939 FORE> 2- 1939 LINCOLN 1 1938 FORD 1938 CHEVRO 1936 PLYMOU i" ) or 2-jdbo BH.t, I COl.VlDtiK with Broken . . Record, and tl(e illustrious DR. editor uiKthe (Vmiinentator will bt KTAOIN SHUDLU, who relates T. MIIM.ER, who served as the another ol his ejebeiiiences with the managing editor last fall. Assist- student who bpjj-es! him— Gimlet.' 1 ) n g him will be LARRY GOOD- RICHAR1) li.VRrLE'rrS story of MYN, newly M eted associate edi SILVER -DOLLAR TABOR de-iN?-. Both havhj been members- of I scribes one ofi|th(5 West’s most the Battalion styff this year, Mil- famed exploiter^ :|lt‘r as nuinaging\editor and Good- CHKK .M A IS El, breaks into hwyn on the .*di|o^al staff, print with a bijing. His featured article, Oil cr (|)y$ters gives the low down on the reseaieh being carried on in PMiffer Hall and on the Gulf Coastj.j Brazos Legend. (Continued Ifrom Page li a brief history ||)f ,special events • ■' I \ that the Brazos)has seen, pioves lars fare James peAnda ahd Andy that as a river, j|‘thc Brazos is no Matula. who was also spoils edi- waslvout.” ;| tor tif the Longhorn this' year. || A picture stojily about TSCW Both are Marine Corps veterans, ■nough and })oth tall Hi -Staff Members - entitled -tlajitlgelj.- ' r uiiston home to Hit Your Stride mid-continent service is world wide YoU’ll have a chance to "break the tape? in com petition for well-paying, responsible positions if you join Mid-Continent Supply Company. Now the'largest independent supplier to the Plctroleum Industry, the firm is expanding and needi capable young men who will qualify themselves. 11 interested rite: ■ II! h ■ Hiii-Eii^nAr.M Covn^anq GfMtRAl OfriCfS. fORl WORTH,! UXAS wmmHcmmmm Sportswear i 4 Trjopical worsted slacks in grey, tan, i brown; teal—tailored by McGregor and fea turing the smooth comfort and appearance of a con tinuous waistbjand . . ,$17.95 J-ittiAvi,',! i • i ill I . ,)■ tr- 1948 1948 1947 1947 1918 1940 1935 FORD % to a CHEVRQIiEfl lights. 1 , . , FORD 4s To 7 Pifcltu FORD hi fTc i St4k< WILiLYS IERP. DODGE 1L FORD 1 Li. T j i Di m ). BRYAN 1 r 415 NORTH MAtl dt l&t 1!q CTop fe rhij . .... T* 2-dbo; Tfon Ijmfi: v i Will ssll cferatv—iT.RI).! Jnrpilre it Apt. •' It-18di. View. ; • } ! \ k FiJR SALK--R.frlEr.rxUr and he<L rrirw fot we.! HKon. 4-9(49. CAR J: UARTERS Ekiulipped. inmllne—Radio, Heater, Spot* ipj tejl i 975-00 r—adan and ready to go. f ktiffer! Deltixie—Fully Equipped. C|hib Coupe—Only 10,000 actual $.1.095!<i) 1,095,00 »*♦ .•j*.'..# •• 595.00 795.00 695.00 395.00 695 00 525 00 445.00 D imt’CHLS n h -Heater. font pickup—Heater, Radio, Fog- -Btimpcr guard and Trailer hitch. hidl base. h J. T. KENT dis- ibubility ! of future space, and LARRY GOt^DWYN’S review of the latest best-tpcllms i(jund out a rather || full btyuc of the Comm^ntULor. •Succeeding PATL t RETIEN as SPECIALS FRIDAY AH 1 9 i )t. Bo ni FRESH HOME GROWA PRODUCE IS BElTER 11 1 . Horticulture Farm—Vine ItipeiuHl— TOMATOES . - lb. 21c Home Grown New Rod— POTATOES • • • Home Grown Tender— GREEN BEANS • ♦ • • 3 lbs. 25c lb 15c Large, Yellow — BANANAS ..... 2 lbs 25c Hr F. S. No. 1 New Crop— CALIF. POTATOES ill 10 lbs. 65c TEXAS JUK E—210 Sia«s—Texsun Brand— ORANGES . . WHITE—80 Size—Tex sun Brant GRAPEFRUIT . . 10 lbs. 55c lid ft EV 2;l|b R COMPANY djy |Ford Dealer” BRYAN, TEXAS SPR 3 Ibi . 10 lbs. 30c DUZ—Big Box Popular Brands CIGARETTES ‘ 129c T Fnlgfrij’k dr ijlalvwieU House— COFFttE tifT SATURDAY 'AFERS . 29c size 25c OF OUR LOW DAY PRICES YDOL, SUPER SUDS 33c 1 lb. can 53c ERSIHEY’S cocoa 18c 1 lb. . . L ick) SCO or SNOWDRIFT : . . . . $i,25 BiKF^y E L|M-i r cmmLjAlm . . . . Si' I f -f ----- Carton $1.63 Houston Club—Big 12 oz. Bottle#—(No DepoMt) GINGER ALE i . .1 6 for 25c CASE OF 24 BOTTLE jit—950 Mary land Cltil)— COFFEE-1 lb. pkg. 49c Trellis Brand—No. 303 Cikns— GREEN PEAS . . 2 for 19e f jl-L- 3( 0 lin I I s S|)l< <-xl j N MEAT K—Regular jar 43c Cl HYE 1 2 lb. 38c hells—FresJh Pack— PEAS . . . -- ank Dry; Pack Deieo— LWA BEANS 1is<( fKii ln« \yi Pinto*, Great North«‘ms) ■ (-L -I 1 Nnl tiicidftH (EKKR iH' Cone— AUT . , HYDROGENATED— ;j ; ! , SHORTENING .... 1 lb. 39c Nii-Crest, Can, Guaranteeai to Pleaee —r OLEOMARGARINE Meadowlake — Colored!. . Ib. 51c Decker’s lowana- Plain . lb. 41c LILLY’S—Any Flavor— ICE CREAM—Pint 25c FROSTED FOODS Hy-Grade—Readv to Heat and Eat.— IEEE STEW . . . . . lb. 19 Heat and Eat— HAM A-LA-KING . lb. pkg. 19< CREAMED—Skagit Brand—Heat and Eat— SALMON , . . . lb. pkg 19< Year ’round Brand— PEACHES . . . . . Ib. 17c Vi Polar Brand—Cuts and Tips— ASPARAGUS . 12 oz. pkg. 19c JEliiO—3 pkgs, . x . . 25c 1/4 Ib. *. . . 31c SGOliEH OK' OTHER OUTSTANDING n ''BARGAINS ^cornmeiid Sanitar ►airy Products *Uri ieijri: •hill; Milk . . . Qt. 2U Milk . 12 gallon 39c Tjun^bler— E CHEESE m i ooin dra|de South Side F \\ f ** ' !L;I C O L L E 10c 3 cans *250 —Ht ~Y each 19c tla, Rindless, Packer Sliced— ^ • • I’ II , J ’ . . . . lb. 64c CALF TONGUES .. lb. 43c Meat—Inspected— F° All dWQPS . . . lb. 67c jltry Farm’s Big Red Htens—Fat, fully dress- t -1 — cf fresh^— DRESSED FRYERS 1 I i-t * ^ /■ I