OVES EK DEFEAT * ingoire » Ifittce in ie t< day on /'over the I rynnjBon Jew la?l riight. I TIlP 111'itnra Tfit 1 Tv)AT The Drillers 'Ten Trokns, kho iweie by tl e M4'shalit Ti t' er gumes.j Lufljin 9-3, uul : ifingtiicv, Wats*, 7-(| I capites tihat fbe TO SEC OiMl) ]iG i d; m6v< d into die; Lon? ;Star ijri cjodision AR Fit CA1IRQJ Mair 2fti tati 4 Arlb sources Arabs'rei uk‘ to lj|lt their ing Yarv ffainiiit Is statei is j biindbne l ish ahmy flisbrihde cl. Even bfEbreljthe Seebrity Council ceaiel finr; (noon, " cations had failed .1 in the Hoiy IK MARKET TPS} AND DrtWNS b|E|W yORK, iVny 26 .... stock | market fcontnued reluctant. today[ to |move v< r ,• far iif either dirocUon.l Cjlimbiifg ab tinns werei South- cm Pacific, Balt nore aiiki Ohio t after a ^’avorabh. earningR show ing)), Guli Oibrjlnt* rnational Tele- phone, Chrysler; ]u ) Pont] Oliver Coi)p.,|^ Twentieth fcentuify - Fox. Best Foods' (win ■ i announced a special dividend), liastman; Kodak Plnjlpi liodgej and. American Ma- chino [& Metals, (qi) a dividend it sumption). . I■' jackwilrd were (loodrichj, Deere..! yced-;the Tyler squeez nli out ?rs, 9-8. " ) ;at HehRi blanked; (ijlude 'A 5 )—Authori- said toJluy the jraot- nl ;st jtb'e the jJew- -TI < United. Nations i eadline EST —11 (iiine fron \ erld oi chin to land. f ir .a a.ip. Arab gajniza- hieve RCNjNER-UP — JACK HERRINGTON of Austin, left, received the runner-up award at the Arehi- ... ,. ... tectural Society's annual-.banquet last week. PRESIDENT' GIBB GILCHRIST presents the award. Standard Oil (N. Ji), Dmv ! Head of thei architecture o sin-aV ; sit the e 'reiinjny. leneral (Johnson will f re sent jUS Kir Fori'e com missions .. • | Appro timatelv .50 cadets who hatu mi cesslpillv .complefed the Adyarce l ROTC (ourse ahd sum mer bariP arid w o have Ifulfillod By yicK LIN )LEY Almost 2,000 Aggies crowded into Guion- I)all yesterday for thd pre-release scree ling of the movie “Red River,” h; Ing fvhat ;o expect, got was 1he most ft 'Western piotltifction Covered Wagon ago. In fact, Dud in the wasn’t. “Rpd River” is what Sun” tried to be and irdly know- Wnat they spectacular since “The 'twenty years Telling the story of the old Chisholm Trail, and the founding of»the Cattle industry of Texas, “Red River” begins with the en try into Texas of Thomas Dun- son (John Wayne). He establish es the lied River Ranch in the Big Bend country, of West Texas. Fifteen yefirs later, ho has 10,000 cattle, but no place to sell them. The drive tip St. v Louis is too dangerous, because of Missouri hj-jaCkers. But Dunson and his Correspondents Still Needed For 4 Camps Correspondents are; still needed y The Battalion for four summer ) '■amps, Co-Editor Jimmie Nelson said yestcrdjayi . i j As yet, The Batt djoes not have j orresponde(its) f .oi| Aberdeen I scademi mmirenents foj- a Re- Proving Grounds, Mary land; Camp serve Olf'Cers cot; mission; will re- Led, Virginia; Fort Monrfjouth, N. I.;- ijnd Aifmy ('hemical Center, Marvlari'd. i P. J. Thrash and il. Doug Pit- cock will represent jThe Bait at F^ort Meade, Maryland; T. G. Smith will be; correspondent from Edgewood Arsenal,’Maryland; W. ... '*1 - Up ceive tl ;ei4- fomi: Vssions |at tha* time, Cc ionef Mel y said. .! Melly extended in invitltion for a)J pure its, ffri"n ;s, faculty mem bers, aid studett ; to attjetuf jjie ijomm ;ss bihing pj igram. 1. Wan Dead Next Of Kin j Will Receive Gold Star Buttons ationfs r i|ead, thi eudjHi for 1 Jto the mjtt bf kin The i War II will ije Jun« ^and - ivoinen jbf who A made b; comniat Arm j of Jick Medul Hbnor to Mr. of Mi list niOrial to World lord Sta r Button distribution tffter ic i anned forces anil at roaq. ; ntbtion wiillj be Thomas T. Mindy ii(d at hon tdkeii fire, General ding gene ralj.of th^ Fojurth i d ; Mrs. Ro3j', A. 3, - Texas in the Convention Hall [if Minert! Wells aw Sun Ui(s. Kpiigh ii the! Buri iai theat with the medal cersiets Knig Ut,: Cong ressional Star oil a jpur| -grou id, horderei rqun iec by gold the i evi rs.e is tin ted St ites of Congre: s, engravifig t^e di piefli. WiGold Stii furnisked, wit) nyj May ape the vifiner, who .was 12|4th Ciiviih-y. )\i circular back- in gold jand sur- ajirel lehvefj. On inseriptiqm, “Uni- dlmerica, j Ac!t of with sba«?e| for ikiils of ithelreci- ajrem.s or a arnled foriies f while jun apivi military service between Dfcendieij 7, 1941, and August I,’ 31947. Gold Star butt 3ns will also be made ivailabjy; it cost price to cich el ilri, (itepfl iljd, brother!,, sis ter, haj f. brloJthejr hnd half sister of a! dei ieasecj nijej nper of he arm- orc|?s if! the death fell within above dijtesJ ; 7 U * j jxt of kin k deceased Army personrel m^y kurftait api licatioris tq the Adjutant 'General United States Army, Waihington 25, D. C. Apnlica tion forr abobt Jjunej i, ar from ahy Armj na'tilonaflly gan zat ion, or Button iwiP be dut cost,’; to, the widow I or Widower and to.eacih of the parentsi of ’ '* '* membeii »f) the iu lost |h>s life ivailable obtained ibstallatjion, any ized veterans or- Adjutnnf Gen- Nelsoil M. Duller Jr., physics mujor from Htmsjorj, the June graduation class. Duller has a grade point ration of 8.0 havin the Scholarship Honor Society and the Amateur Eadjo Bob Poison, Harold Hildebrand. | and laboratory assistant in the physics department ;i nd Charles Kirkham, members of! Duller is a veteran with 81 months seriee it| tlie the A&M “Operations Bonus’f com- j mittee, represented A&M veterans j at the Sunday morning session of the 12th District American Legion Convention in Fort Worth. The committee met Sunday af ternoon with the Northern Region al Committee of the state-wide or ganization. “Operations Bonus”, The bonus was the main item on the agenda of the convention. Jim Mussetter, TCU debater, If presented the affirmative case for a bonus at the Legion convention. He attacked business combinations as controlling state politics. According to Poison, MussCtter’s presentation was highlighted by the charge that as long as Beau- ford of the Flying Red Horse is, the Governor of Texas, ft will be rillli virtually impossible to enact bonus legislation. Ben Hearne, another TCU de bater, delivered the negative case. These two men, as a team, placed third in iho national debate tourna ment held at West Point a month ago. Poison outlined to the conven tion the purpose and proposals of “Operations Bonus;” Follow ing this a vote of 60 for, 39 against, and H undecided was registered by the delegates pre sent The Regional Committee meet ing in the afternoon session adop ted resolutions to instinct the A& I M, Baylor, and Westminster Col-1 lege delegations each to formulate a natural resource tax plan for 1 proposed legislation. Provisions j were made to establish a finance i committee which will draw up a i budget and submit pans of finance! to the state executive committee. , A method of disseminating gen-1 era! information relative to the Exercises 10, 6:45 ‘Wagon’ ■f 3,oung assistant start the drive myway, and^eventually switch to Abilene instead of St. I/mis. In this way, they begin the Chis holm trail. (Tad Mosejs,; supervisor of pnblieatkms at the Texas Experi ment Station, (says that the Chisholm trail ran from Red tiver Station to Abilene; that the trails in Texas which fed it were the East and West trails. The East Trail, through Texas,' taken by Dunoon in this picture, was sometimes called the McCoy rail). “Red River’!, produced by;,. i •, , „ I©ward Hawke* for United Ar> lK,nus Wa * u P° n ’ ^ c0,n -! CHAMPS-^—Winner in Ihe calf roping event at the western Livestock Show was JACK KINGSBERV, leftf the reining contest was CHAKI IE STONE, center. PI right, was winner in the matchrtl roping copteHt- .ists, cost ^3j0()0,000 and was )ver a year in Iproduction. Pho- ographing the! vast herd of attky seen constantly tbrough- >ut the picturej was a difficult md expensive task, but the shots )f the moving herd are what aise “Red River” wel) above the casual “shoot-jem-up” level. rm-ndations were made that the i state legislature upon their next j I regular session pass a ednstitu- j, tional amendment to be submitted ! to the electorate providing for! | payment of a state bonus to Texas Agronomy Society Will Mor Students’ Baggage for Slim me Members of the Agronomy Society will .storeilanip.f and veterans with honorable discharge*. | baggage .for Students who will not attend summer th^bonu.' >Jiil°in*'the''forrn^of ’ ^ u ^ il L re and personal belongings can be stored|eit i|e ’ . interest“beKi.^rbimls, ‘‘matming |«»x-week semester or for the entire summer. When names iof the cast were:, rafter 10 years but payable on do-1 Lamps Will be stored at ajCOSt of 40 Cents eaeft. A thrown onto jthjc screen, Aggies • | mand. Present provisions call for [of 35 cents per two cubic feet wilLf » —i —T .vildcatted for John Wayne, Wai- j .$10 per month for duty in the s)/iU»s ; be made for cartons and foot lock-:; -.jcl- ter Brennan, Noah Beery, Jr., and $15 per month for overseas ers. Other pieces will 1h» stored at ’ r ' un 1 :tnd Harry Carey. After the pic- j service between the dates of Sep- 1 rfites proportionate to their size, ture was over they had plaudits jtembor 16, 1940 to July 1, 1947. ; for a new actor, Montgomery ] Present plans call for a maximum | Cliff, who seems sure to achieve ; payment of $500. star status soon. B. Adair wi 1 sfcnd news from Camp Hood; Jake All cam come by leaving s< Russell iyHl Tinman G. J .GLENN KOTHMANN, sopho more in “C” Company, Infantry, is one of (he junior yell leaders j for next year. He is a 19-year- old animal husbandry major from San Antonio. —I— - Report of Kiwanis be; Batt^correspondents I | * i • • • , t i,. V;v B i»iu; „„,l ACtlVltlCS . p writers are asked to jThe Batt office before Martin will at Fort Eu Parsons will submit news items , ‘Yom Fort Sill, Oklahoma. J. !T. Miller Ivvill send news from Kelly Field, and Jim O’Connell is! correspond?nt^ for -Fort Belvoir, Virginia. | • • j Nelson requests that .students in terested in sending [news stories Tom the c their four damps contact The Batt office as soon as possible. Air mail stamps, envelopes, and stationary will be furnished cor- respondents before tjiey leave for camp.. I JIU7V i »» r irds t h in. YMCA Cabinet To Sponsor Sale Of Obsolete Books Presented Tuesday ! Piano selections by Miss La- j Verne Hunt and a brief review of the 1947 activities of Kiwanis Club were given at the luncheon meet ing of the College Station ■ club Tuesday. Introduced b y i Bill Tur ner, Miss Hunt presented three numbers. E. L. Elkins gave the re view of the Kiwanis Clubs’ activi ties. In 1947, Elkins aaid, a total of 135.268 farmers were entertained at Kiwanis-farmer meetings; 21,- 819 veterans were assisted in re employment: $6,665,605 were rais ed for the Community Chest; $9,- 820.866 were raised for cancer, heart, and other campaigns; 13,- ! 201 veterans were assisted in hous- One of the high points of the | picture is a stampede of cattle on the banks pflthe uppei Brazos. “Red Kiveh” l will be released in August, at which time it will probably be premiered at all cities along the old Chisholm trail. Postcards ©n which to write i opinions of the [picture were giv- j en to early copiers, but as only ! 750 post cards Were brought here and more than; twice that num- j ber were present, there were not j jenough to go aioumL i Secret Weapon Employed Deadline For Announcements Thursday’s Battalion will Ik* the last edition of the regular semester. Anyone having m>ws, announcements to run before the shutdown date must have them in the Battalion Office bc- for 7:30 this evening. mi n{.!’ 28, and from 2 to. 5, Students living ipfDoi rtM 2 Proceeds of the lamp and hag- 9, 10, aijd 11 may won gage storage will be used to send , except lamps, in the .giu i'di;)' the Crops Judging Team to Chi- ii Dorm 12 frpm 10 ti> 12 MaK; cago next September to the In- and from 2 to 5, June 2 mlp ternational Crops Judging Con- j Students living ;n| d< ijivjHk ! test. J other than 1 through|12 llipiy s baggage in the gun liiom oi D; Charges will be paid at the timeji 15 from 3 to 5, May 28, Bid fp of storage. j : 2 to 5, June 2 and 3 - I j Rooms to be used for storage;] Students living ini Do ink l purposes will be opened before ) if' may store lamps 'in (the i school starts in September for the j room of Dorm 3, fr(in ] 3 0 .5, convenience of students who re-l 29 and from ;3 to 5, M iy; .'11 turn early. ' Juno 4. . - ; ir ! ‘'Students living at jbiti i 1 Agi'je- Veverans living in Dorms 1, ;i r land t may store thef - hplong 15, 7. and 9 niay store all items, 1 in (Other of the pl^'cs j»ndic:i [except lamps, an the gun room of above, preferably in tlfy afcra \Vr I ; [ they plan to live newt yf?)ar. ——J - ;| All baggage will |>e|.sto|<<( at j I student’s own risk. is been named valedictorian of I j j * l(l wotny, L. E. Crane, suiid Vi. U, away, winners, of (hi aijnual ton contest tour, will .spo|rtl1T day in Houstop, J. k MpgjMir the agropomy depart uenj eed today. ! * They will visit tlluf Lei Plant warehouse pnfthe ship chaninel, the Cotfjpn '1 the South Texas Oil Ref: the Housbn Cotton Mill, return to 'College St|itioj The regular tmnj w Saturday, June 5, with port. Louisiana as me I lilr on the agenda. J || The tour will inctode the US Government Regi oratory in New Orleajis, ®(>tjto|i »,v-, ,-j search'- Laboratory jin , CSeii ion, l a * , t Cormthiai S. C., the US Departlien: c(f A Hr s ? mi ‘ datH ' culture in Washington, L j 0 , thi. bteabk* u-: t«ili Yacht [Club and tjwo crews to Ilk. a Regatta sponsored by the Tex- 3 hal ^ " “ ’ Yacht Club on the by Olin Teague, re the sixth congressi Washington, D. C„ guests of Anderson New York. Dr. L. G. Jones my department W the men on the tot: Reber said that he kixpectj Tex as University, Southern Methodist, Rice Institute, and the University i o[f Houston t|o enter teams in the meets, i ' | ] • f ' ; ' on will cap- the CorSn- Roy Tipton the first race at the teber and tain the firsi thian Yacht will captain Houston Yacht Club. A trophy Will be r inner; of the Corir Jd- - 1 [ ; irded to the ;hian, Reber i •iff J/T