The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 25, 1948, Image 1
y j V* i. /iV PAPPY 1 iBNIElli m— ■; B tAPTA$ILKTY FQRT wy sc heading hbek i to i\ ^ashingt^n last night, sain h4 vfjl not go! along with any dffoijt to|c raft himUh n)n for rp-olptjtio ! G.YI. Avt AFTO SI DETRO tors Cqrps, g strike f t-eont 'ar tci avert a . p^xxluction wcjrkeh?. . The eon pauy wiould hb( yi*ar. But CM approach itQ tihe lorn.” EXPECT TO BACK r* T 2$> «7P)—Ttjxas j WASHINGTON:, mjau T6 RIKE T, May 1 !f» tP)—( choral mi ited • an t TEXA TAFT CORFU ? CHRt? S 1 f6r-Presid^rtt i ovga lization j was' set to take wer thq Republican canvetitlion. TRUMAN SA , , dN SECfpiJY| Tj\X SAYBl T T P‘ , M Tex., May 25 Lee O’Daniel, f4, Volume 47 f w ■y 'J • 1 >1 ^ IT FFM . 1 ' T • j tialion PVBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST Ot A GREATER A & M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1948 ge boost? today of its 22f),0f)0 CTO a d the fprtnula $7f,,00( ,01)0 a i‘d it “the new i' ’ing cost* ijn-ob- upique GOP r - rr, Texl gih ly woven rU May faft- t ad ay • state r May 25 —tTt yesterday rec- taix- !< resident cAnmendetllincl’easieii in payriR eh as parti of ja. Into id expan upn jof the Sbciai Securit' ’ progra raii ‘ ! In a 'special m issage. t > Con gress, theiprdsiuon asked: 1. That |he lio)'^ < n earnin rsi tax able undel th<i‘ Social Secur t-yl law be raised 5 froluF^ iWO to i 4,}?00. ! 2. Thatj th^ payroll tax be in creased ndont l|to 1 Vi icfoent against einplpybtts and ennlayer?'! ijifective Pan] |,; 1949, instead b’f | Jan. 1, UUO, las tb ff• ■ j it] ISSUE ‘irNFAlR’i WRIT “■St JOHN i; LEwt AGAlNS’i j WASH An unfai Was issuei I y . Lewis ! I Final Ball, Review rP ^' 1 ; i 51 ■ Scheduled June 3-4 law ncjwlpyo- i ,1 .■ i 1 ipv.i'dit, m lalior pr Iorkers HILLSBORO. VP)—The I offjie' May 2f| -I—CP) . uctice co|np(laint ydsthili ,y against John aiijl j'tin Uniter Mine r ajlegei refusal to bar gain withl tbit $<iu hern Co il! Pro ducers Aisociitiojn HES MAY ffiTR * ENATEjRACE T x., May 2p — i'o! 1 Bali Oajvert thairnian j of thp ;S ate^Df hiodraU< Executive Cbrnipi tee,' aniioijncei 1 yesterday i.thalt ajni titioin b ul !bee>- received iSiioni.' Mon ague Co 'mf.y tf put Martin |)i|h 'a the racq for United Siate^' ?|dn; tor. NOMIN.dfrF, IRpt JNAN i AS AG^SECRR'PAKY I T , May 2|i (lharles FrancelU Bnrtnia Uominated yejxtbrd; iy-to-be Sjecre tary of y4p‘icfi.llujr». He notj,' ih as sistant -sfcreiaj'y. / CHRYSF FP k4lflTPRS MAY romplidMHE DETR( IT, [May lir. im Sir cf Itijiiii TEXAS ^■jhat Chr 'slcit r|»r i. arid toe United A ato ■ War Hers bad' to reopei ne^atibt ons jon [lay old htrike.^ i ,. DEMST|\(tREE r)N'“RU ,EsUr I BROW s\V(*,()D ,bpl—It'D: jon j bejtvjeen lea jthree fac!' J ' • ' ■ ! L ' ' ' ! MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING CONFERENCE SPEAKERS—Speakers at the Management En gineering Conference held on the campus Wednesday* and Thursday bf last week are pictured above. From left to right, they are: C. H. ELLIOTT, R. T. WALTON, H. T. SCHWAN, S. W. RUSSELL. DICK PRICE, aind R. R. ZIMMERMAN. _ | p- j--_- _r^ — -n - - Second Part of Constitution \ i ! was K" nee .•(l-i y» Gov. stqnlav CIO agreed tw i:i- For Student Government Thij pegond half of the Sfud'-in tives of the Student Life Commit-, any other measures to implement') oveijmnent Constitution, as rati-1 tee, members will be elected by the its own powers, ied bjy-tljo Student Senate is given j Student Senate from its member- Section VIII. Initiative arid dowl ! [ I ship. The vacancy created in . a referendum. Finn) approval I of the constitu-j committee by this election will be j on yt'in be madf by the Student j filled by the newly elected member sjr ROTC Students Draft-Deferred Teague Reports ’oum ife Committee and ihe\ Academic ! to the Senate. il. ! Thc\ last sectiom of the t'onstitu- on.ils ait follows:— ' ■•"Rer 1 pfesentatives to the Stu- j effective upon its presentation to nt Litg Committee. Thi le rbalj ! Student Senate stating the rea- >8 (4) memleis elected to the •; sons f or removal and accompanied Lite Committee by the: Section VI.' Removal from the office Of Student Senator. a. A petition for the removal of a Student Senator shall become I. A referendum may be de manded on any measure passed by the Student Senate by a pe tition signed by three hundred (.100) students. Such petition *shaH be presented to the Stu dent Senate in its next regular (Sep SENATE, Page 4)‘ nihjnt [Life Cdmmittjey hy thej^y .signatures of sixty-six and I WT 1 . Jj -> fih '-;Lawin L. Mieg* S3S s? -“"mr Rereives AlSt iSho-S.<*■»v hf T™* "r^iJ uemu> ll ' lj ^ - - - — i-t . . motion for the mnpval of a fstw- I ► j driit Senator nfust be introduced "\T » • 1 A at meeting J> 3110031 AWartl ; Student Life 1 Committee ie idecision-i thereof. At no! ions - led on thij gwe itioih, whi|h ope It anpifatred cross-cui'tentsl Ibe agreejl . upeiv! v ere the WAR”! Tex., M|iy !25— k‘l>' of ! [ill 'Ijexas Dejnioifrats | mount: conyen- ycuking e|ifltit|ljjof the party ' of] tl ie state n| twlay. her; were .so ttyai all th:i jof •War”«or iih^t was shaping up one df thf Hot ^st ioiv •on|tions ge^iral [.strike j U ■ h I lions M the Student Senate. im the pilrty hlsloiy. i I—*- COMMU »TS11S nill’PLE FINNISI DOClts ; HELSINKI^ Finland. Mak- 25 — . , ji/Pi—ConAnunjitf paralyztfd !Fin- , i i • i , ^ i «»v. »•? »» ». iC iiiish docl s’ wilth | a walkout] vaster- j ’’l l Vr .K l .‘f r fhvovgh October sixth delegated to it by the governing (day andferelHp+led plafinmg a] J ear ' In cas8 of a ' bodies of the College. iLcino, (lifmis4le[l: Communist Min-!' fill i that yacated l)0 - lister of fnteiloit i J I • I s,t,0 V-. TJ P:- * me will these deuresentatives be 1 ttS r( '<f ular husinesfi blLti!' m raflja thi Of S , tlKk ‘ nt Senat ‘;* A l " maso, r v, o\. iOt* such action must be made i iualificatiotis for known to the Senate. The member Edwin L. Stieg, graduating civil * ■ j must be)permitted the opportunity | engineering student from VYaco, tu defend himself. The motion had just been notified by the Attier- j must be seconded and carried by j jean Institution of Steel Constimc- a two-thirds majority of those tion that bis-entry in a nation-wide j Senators present. The voU' will be | bridge design contest has been ; iruule by secret ballot. (awarded an'honorable mention. St Section IV. (Qualifications for • he ielected members (^f the Stu dent Senate. , 1. j The studeit must i btr at least a dassif ed Sophomore, exceot In the cake of segregated fresjhnum. 2. THe .student must have a gra^e point rati^ of not le^s than - .'l.j The studenjt must hlive at- tendco the Agricultural and. Me- c. Any Student Senator failing to attend three regular meetings of the Student Senate during the two regular [semesters without justified excuse shall be automati cally disqualified from mombeii- i . , j chaeical College of Texas for the cajly disqualified from momben- ♦ cm!) C ‘ w< >i previous rejgular semesters, | ship to the Student Senate lor the v exetint in the ease of segregated j remainder of his term. An election “Rules except in the case of segregated freshmen. • . i . j will be held in that area for the ■l] The student! must live in the i election of a new representative. ; [ By JOHN B. SINGLETARY Two traditional highlights of the school year, final ball and final review, have been planned for June T and 4. re spectively. The final ball, last event of the spring social season, will be held this year in the Grove. The Aggieland Orchestra -♦will play for the event. 1 The GrOve will be furnished with tables and chairs—nightclub style. The dance will last from 9 to 12. Final review will be held Juno 4, with the ceremonies beginning at 4:15 on the ipain drill field west of Goodwin Hall. For the review, the Cadet Corps will form on the drill field and pass in review once, after which it will return to original formation. Seniors then say goodbye, to the men in their outfits and fall out of ranks, after which the juniors take comluand of the corps. All the seniors come forward and foirnj one long line opposite the corps! which then passes in re view again for the seniors. Each company executes “eyes right” for its group of seniors. During this review the band plays "Auld.Lang Syne” as a march. Finail review in bygone days, ac cording to P. L. “Pinky” Downs, was the occasion for the gathering of almost as many people on the campuisi iis now come to see a con- ferencO football game. People circ led the drill field, which was in the same plate as it is now, and some times listood as much as ten deep, Downs said. : i;\. >'•• •• dormitory or aijea that he rep- res(jnts, whichever the case may he. fori his tenure of office. Sectiop V. Tenure of Office, The romite (jf.- office for Student Sen- f.ora shifl be froijn October seventh The ALSO, a national organiza tion of steel makers and users, sponsors the. annual contest, in which a specific stream-crossing probem is given to structural en gineers and architectural student's | in OH colleges. The contestant must choose* the type of bridge he thinks best* for j the given crossing, design the f ROTO students would be defer red from draft under the new Se lective Servijee Act being consid ered by Congress, according to Representative Olin E. Teague of College Station, Teague was here for the meeting of the exes asso ciation last week-end. Those students enrolled in ad vanced ROTC before enactment of the draft bill would be requir ed (o serve on active duty for two years a(ter graduation; those entering advanced training after the bill is passed would Ik* liable fdf three years service. High s-choql and college students ! generally would be deferred until | graduation, [under certain limita- j tions. i Bxempliohh would be given to I Purple Heart holders, veterans j with combat or 12 months service, members of organized reserve units as of the effective date of the draft act, ministers and minis terial students. Ihe generjal age limits for in duction are !19 through 25, and j two years service is I stipulated! ’Veterinarian^, oh the bfhfcr | Hand, woulq be liable for indue- | tion Up to age 45, along with : d(C tors, dentists, osteopaths, j pharmacists and optometrists. These nicijibcti's of the medical 5 profession, however, would be *call- : ed jby a priority system, those de- ! ferted during the war and those educated at government expense i toRic called first. Two-year volnn-, tary enlistments would be permit ted in lieu of induction. A&M’s Largest Class to _ At June Commencement l . DON KASPER. DS agricultural economies will be president of Jthe SAtijvr Class next year following! the Junior Class electionstlasl Tonight at 8 \vj)l :l$adline for accepting Dii the question of-k& Conflict Exam Schedule Posted Thie conflict examina tion schedlulie for the current semes ter lit [now posted on the oM bulletin board in the Academic Building, according to H. L. Heaton, registrar. All students w ho have conflicts at one of the ten regular periods should con sult this list to find put when such examinations are to be given. > at mijil iff t filiation with the Student Associatioii Student senators will ballots until that timl*. dent is ii.resident of ifryn of the veteran villagA, cast his ballot in tin] butiici|i vided at the Student AletiJiti fice, second floor of G lodtojj befon* 9 Wednesday i;ioi|ing By marking the bai lot Jm ficatlon, students in lica te vViini A&M fo take )pai t' activities of the Nuti ipal .S Association, including eonviei conferences, projects, and Up to the present tiim -i—— Section VII. Powers and Func-1 bridge, and prepare a formal pre- 1. Thle Student Senate shall be an administrative and legislative body. >It shall have jurisdiction over 'all matters of student life duppoj't Yrjo . bodies of the College. vaca,tcyj a special election will be j , Thfi StU(|ent SenaU , shaI1 have of vacancies, other 1 tht * to investl ^ and * JEWS (fcsIStiRl4c; i - the jepijesentativ J'A I Eq'lfNE NEVS • ' M GR e Committee, dERliaALEMi !Iay 20 ; tdielay- -memher,will sen ed ) —OTf-—Rij^i(l c pnsjorshil) of all [ n ^ ac< , , ^ • 1 - - ! memberi >> here the vacated post is j news nml pictarbs has beeipimpos- jed -byt HagaiBili through jJeWiish- I held Falcstimn { PhofoM-aphk) ij hive heed tlu;eat- ' xu enccb wish an'esl if they try to . 1,1 ; bring ca|ierasi! iptc Jewish Jcrusa- ! ,ero ‘- • j ■ IT i “TR VNf4» VrRVTI LOOK j IS RULED I ] NEWARK, M%1 May-45 —UM : When slfirts mCco pe trarsparent; | the new 5l(iiok s|)bco' lies a h that, acfronfiRig t»- publii . director Jjobhj B. Jivocnan/ a problem. j Keenaa ordt red ja local ! have. its| shapjy waitress i petticoatf berk-itb their t ■ansnar- ent, Ibnci akiriij : '• j' ? '.-I wi SAT HER East tVxasr-s-Cloudy t(| partly ! cloudy, fseattped ' 1 ; coast warm c< .this aftofooon And \Y bCjnesiffliy. nfcralj noon ami. tonijjrbt. t-- j orate, soi thead;] wi ids on'1 past. West jjTcxasiB- (loudy j cloudy jjvtth j pea tered ] showers | thisij jaft srnoon j night. Mot s(j|! ws rm froiji Yal|ey qa8twijii*d this sal er—amj safety craates nytel to es wear thundei showers tonight; ind near Not ^uite so iportion thib after * WednescSvy paji'tly cloudy. -Panhamile amiji South Baihs. chbirmanship, I will be. glee ted. In 1 ^ccuriinjg in the (ie pm! amoni sentation drawing! of his design. The finished drawings are then sent to the AISC, and a committee of judges chooses the winners on the basis of engineering jnerit! Stieg, a 25 year old married veteran student, served, in the Marine Corps from August, 1942 to February, 1945) part of which time was spent in the Pacific es to the Student if th '' C 0 \loge on,matters-oT^ca- Theater of Operations. [the newly elected ;. d(fnil <; ^ health, and housing j He has , )een an , act j Ve member e on the commit-i throu ^ h aPPropnatej^ the studcnt Abfc E and is ijeci- of the former ! C ! in . e jf' i pieitk-ofian opportunity award pre- J. The Student Senate sliall have sented by the Former Students As- a new chairman j the power to consider ..all other i soeiation. \ case of vacancies i measures which-shall be delegated* A distinguished student, Stieg Executive Com-; to it by the -governing bodies of has been president of the campus the college, It may also consider Radio Club. \ ! Walker Appointed Range Specialist Effective June 1 Navarro Aggies To Meet Thursday 90 colleges a ji ijl i|nivt r- Jj i ( throughout the United ratified the constitutuln. o- a working body, the| coiisti .‘15C provides that, of the bodies represented! at !th( (.'invention last Heptpn her ope-haf must ratify t | within 9 months. In the SoufhweH, (nly The Navarro County A&M Club | F. Austin State Teac iers [will hold its last meeting of the j has accepted the cpiijd itut (pi year Thprsday at 7:!10 p.m. in j Ijer this year, student.- at, | Room 2J4, Academic Building. [ vers it y of Texas and SjV! Leldotij Harris, club president, | down the proposed ru requests that all members be sent. pro ■ | g the ijepresenta- Gentle to mod- partly hunder- abd to- Pecos ter noon. Warmer Kent to Speak pn Astrlmojjnv Today f 1 J. T. iBentiihf ibe mathematics departnifnlt w|fl speak this after boon at|5r.30 wer WTAW subject, i , “Star ; Cities in The pifograi^j p4‘t of the Speaks doled fbi wag pog on the Space.” . College xies, [ was origins ly sche- yesteirda nedl tint) today) «* aftern ion, buf 16th Century ‘Loving* Cup T \ Honor Battalion With ‘Trophy’ . f | I • { . , I : ! I • | ' • ; ■ ^ ; For Its Forward-Looking Policy •( j. , . : , Unexpected laurels caipe to rest on Thif Battai lion’s; brow yesterday as an unknown party enj shrilled ! in A&M Is most hallowled spot a monument to The Ratt’s prpgressiveness. A “Joving” cup was discovered yesterday mom ing jn the Troplijy Case in the rotunda bf the Aca- demijc Btiilding, a[nd later in the day a letter of com mendation arrivid in The. Batt offices from the Comjnittee on Honors of the awarding society. j The “loving cup, a child’s chamber pot of 16th century Flemish design and craftsmanship, worie the inscrilption: “Taka Krappa Batt (hon orary fraternity) hereby awards this ‘loving’ cup for outstanding journalism exhibited hy The Bat talion, ’47 to ’48.” M[ The commendatory message received [through the itiails is reproduced here in its entirety (includ ing [original spojlling): j-. To ORE All who conu aETINGS; Vhereas the ization (sic) uses (sic) this opportunity to take cognizance of the, outstanding efforts of the staff of the Uattallion (sic) Daily newspaper to bring culture and enlightenment to the aborigines of the Brazos Bottom area. ■ As the Editors are known for their modesty and unwillingness to publicly receive such commenda tions for their work. We have takeji the liberty of surptitiously (sic) placing in the main trophy case a highly honored vessel which we feel sure is perti nent to theii* outstanding jounialispi. Therefore, knowing that you will wish to pub- licaDy (sic) ■ acclaim this high honor, we hereby grant permission to publish all facts hitherto (sic) pertaining toAlhis act. Strickep by my hand on this 24th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hun- dredforty (sic) eight. A. H. “Fred!’ Walker, assistant j pasture specialist—range of the College Extepsji'on Service, has been appointed extdpsion range special ist, effective June 1, according to J. J). Prewit, acting director of the Texas Extcnsiton Service. Walker will !be a member of the tango and forestry department with headquiliters at College Sta- tidn. A native ojf West Texas, Waker whs raised in (jtomstock county. He is a graduate Of A&M in the Class of 1936, at whiicli time he received a B. S. degree in animal Husban dry. In 19117 Walker was appointed county agricultural agent in Cul berson county, where he served un til; 1940. At that time, he was transferred to Menard county. He setved as copnty agent here until he entered (hie army two! years later. After Serving four years in the army, Walker returned to his position as county agent in Men ard county. , i Walker received a Master of science degree in range manage ment in September, 1947, after a yettr's graduate study at A&M. He was then appointed assistant pas ture specialists—range, with head quarters at College Station,. As range specialist,' Walker will devote his activities to proper range and pasture management on native vegetation pastures and range lands. I Students may use (he today’s Battalion to v >te. Debaters to Air World Government AH Head Opera Farm Back in M dri ific (ti< ml itf P; the lots cji’ Ht 1- Oljic 10U pri-j OfJ Ha 1 ra! i tin y •'ll de it s, ion vefl. aiouid itjon ide it listen lend meiit pint ii C|) lefe Ear Uri- Number 181 uate ere Two University Presidents Are Guest Speakers ] Nine hundred and fifteen students, A&M’s largest Rrad- uating elitiiiS, will receive di plomas at commencement ex- ercises Jnne x 4. The baccalpurriite sermon will be gjiven at (iluion Hall at, 10 a. m. Ju.po 4 and commencenient will be held! on Kyle Field tnat evening at 0:461 .* | p D». W. R. Whittj, president of Baylor Univel^ity, will deliver the commencement address, and Dr. Gepfge S. Benson, president’, of Hardin College, Sqarcy, Arkansas, will! preach tht* baccahuireute serf moin; (klmniienceniieht j exercises * next Friday eyening will begin with a , prOtessional, "Marfh of Peers,” by i thV* Aggie Rami. [ Lt. Col, E. V. , Adams ,is band director. Rev. Sam B. Hill, A&M College •httjplain, will tiled deliver the in- vexjution, followed; by President Gibb Gilchrist, who will extend greetings to guestk present at tb(’ ceiti’monief. |]| ■ j j L , ■jljlr. White will then give the principal address, after which thle Aggie Band will again pre sent a medley of Cole Porter se lections. I Kelson Dpller Jr., graduating artpi and sciences (student, will be pr^imtpd by'Dean of the College K. ! <[!. Bolton os the valedictorian of the 1948 class. A. E. “Red” Hip- nuirt of .Corpus Christ!, immediate Part president of the Former Stu dents Association, will present a Development Fund gift to the eolldge. The gift (vill be made on iK-hkllf of thq Former Students As- :so<tation. j ; j ! . , ^(inferring of degrees by Presi-; leptj Gilcbrisitl will follow Hinman^s judlkj, after which G. R. White of Brady, president of the A&M Bojijrd'Of Dirdctora, will priwnt di plomas to thr_915f, graduates. ” . ' O. (L Holvey, vigar of St. Thoms as Episcopal Chapel, will give the\ benediction, and tb(> Aggie Band’s pm-ii'iitation <)f th|. "Grand Triuni- ph(t| March” will (jjonclude the cere- monjy. A ini'ti (]ii W. E-. Stfeyt, injemiicr of the'(Jn- gimiering drawing teaching staff and commencement chairman, saiiT that brevity will lie the theme Of the graduation exercises. So ,<(hat thffcje will not be a lectlrrchce Of last year’s perfoj|7na11oe,,‘^When [a halLfilled stadimii was present at ijhf [end of the protramj Street said that speakera had! been asked tb l[e [ brief. Presentation of the dipomas will take up njOsi of the time, lie snm ])'■ 1 j ■ “fl——r ^i~T" Office of T. K. B. Local M19A1U2 Committee .on Honors College Station, Texas 24 May, 1948 into these presents; GG/ela May God be with you, Committee on Honors T. K. B. ! - J purpose, of this ijevtly founded orgirjizajtion (sic)) was to see that outstanding colle giate! cultured journalism should not go Unrewarded. We the Committee on honors of the T. K. B., Honorary Fratujmity (sic) of Journalism, hereby "'4v> The Battalion is proud to receive the recogni tion of the T. K. B. and wishes to use this mutually public method of announcing its appreciation. The Battalion feels that as long as it con tinues to merit the awards of organizations such as the T. K. B. it will know it is on the right track, f ! I A panel discussion on the sub ject of Fcdeijali World Government will be presented on the “College I Speaks” program at 5:15 p. m. to- ] day, Karl Elmquist, director of ! forensics, announced Monday. ! The 15-minute program will pre- Jsont a discussion—pro and con— concerning the advisability of set- ! ting up a federal government as a means of insuring world peace. Jack Shepherd, member of the varsity debate squad, will repre sent the affirmative side of the question while Larry Goodwyn, al so a member of the debate team, will speak f<i>r the negative. : fT fri- -4 IT By R. BROWN McGAUGHEY ♦ Dr. James Carlton Miller, head \of the £nimal husbandry depart ment at A&M, practices what he teaches. At his home in Missouri Dr. Miljer has produced one of the best crosses of Angus-Here- ford cattle that can be found. His stock breeding plan has been to alternate between purebred An gus and Hereford bulls. In addi tion to the Angus-Hereford cross Dr. Miller has a herd registered Duroc hbgs and some Hampshire sheep. A native-born Missourian, Dr. Miller attended grammar school and high school in Jackson, Mis souri. On graduation he entered the Army in August 1918 and served at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis. After the war he spent two years at South East Missouri State Col lege at Cape Girardeau. Largely because j of financial reaisons Dr. Miller temporarily stopped his ed ucation and worked for his father, who was at that time and until his death a purebred Angus rais- bandry. er. Dr. Miller spent his junior and senior years of college at The University of Missouri and re ceived his B. S. degree in 1928. He received his Masters degree the following year from the Univer sity of Missouri, using as his thesis “The Effects of Manage ment aid Sex on Carcasses of Yearling Cattle." He did graduate work in 1932 and 1934 at the University of Wis consin, returning to the Univer sity of Missouri to receive his Doc tors degree in 1937, after special izing in animal physiology and re production. Dr. Miller was associate profes sor of animal husbandry at Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, from 1929 to 1936. In 1937 he weit to Louisiana State University as a*J sociate professor of animal hus- wn Stock DR. J. C. MIRLE He remained! thfcre Coming to ^&M in 1 i From 1940 to 19411 Was professor of anil dry at Texas A&M. 1947 he served as hea| 6f t|! NSA Coi ! I am in fa Student Al I am not jin National ?tU( T un il ilty ban- 0 B Vi!ill- ' - ; /f , iktilKihg the constitution of the National I ' Alf IN S T r H avi i* 1r Askc ri Hills iii«l[ husbandry department at the Uniiyersity of Tennessee. He re turned to Aggieland to become head of the AH department here in 1947. This summer Dr. Miller plans to spend three wefks touring! the West and Northwest, visiting the t. 0. Ranch in New Mexico, the U. S. Ran£e Cattle Breeding Sta tion in Mjles City, Montana, and, Ttye Range Sheep Breeding Station in Dubois, Idaho. — SA Club to Give Dance On June 5 | ; i f « Final plans have been completed for the annual graduation dqncc sponsored | by the San Antonio CUib, Bill! Wahrmund, vice-presi dent, has announced. The danjee will be held at Club Seven Oaks in San Antonio on the nif;ht of June 5. A special floor show has [been arranged honoring the gniduiatiing seniors. All Ag gies and (heir friends are invited to attend, [ Mfahrmund said. onal Ratification itifying the constitution of the nation.; ' ! ■ •t \ I ! ! ; !h' I ' 'I. ! ' V V