' : ■ :\. . . / i.. » . 'i ' ' !■ •I i.C. i- r * j : r !! '■ ' F • : • Hr -r—n—-T—'—* ^ : — •-r— 1 —r--—r-t t— , #rrn—T • _ j ■ ■ \ i ‘j j ^ r, '! :!' f : .. • || ^ the Bat •if a PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST Oh ■ •. ■ . ..j. A -'L fhj i — ' * I talion GREATER A&M COLLEGE —. .T[ —^ 1 , MONDAY, MAY 24,1948 ; . ! h Morgan,iond Have im Niuned ^ 1/ _ ± i | ■ Mr * :■ i i [ '4 '■ !' • • ? | •' f X V Voli 4* COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland) l t Egress Agency Asks Students To Cooperate “P-lnse don’t call fon n pick-up Until Hrouii things are packed -and propel Ijyi uldrc ised,” the College Statio i Railw:i; Express Agency ^dvise J stiuden!,: today, j kVe hnyo! only one driver, unaking it —T— '•ii — “At truck at imnosiilbte going dutjat tl Railway Exprei HoSi dwr,. all View.- Vet ies tnjrt;j“ picked ; The: ;E that s tiide sent one ‘to Idolleet aljl express ; eldse o(f school,” otficia]|s said, [pipress in Ck)Jlege e, and dormitor* ssibly can will be \ UP- si packet have timle ful thstt a All inust pres nts urj$l be|‘au to w Agency; ot phontj requests for pick- all things are the driver will hot it and it is doubt- be made. iiecoijt trifl can axes, a twcj tags Rowing, ci the a(i|ires*ee aid sender, hinn < the toialf j of the indi /idu; placed Ion each ! Offii |ials or tfgj be jrencC Ihl damp uni warnel J rtons, hnd bags address labels or mplctc niddress of Value of nt, not lithe value carton,-isbould be 1 ox. reqf ist thatljthe label or filled out in blot i| it gets i mean eMily, they lUUlgdli, UU1IU lid VC 1^ Co-Editors for Summ( Freshmen Invartor' M ' ,nr# *. Hammond, Trai|, Sells New Device Have Been Selected for j IV To Tractor Firm Louis Morgan and Kenneth Bond havie beth auon typ< wffl will Fra gile i item i cepted biy the ct n carbni in propfrly-rnarked and labeled. Youj : j,n this ] pick u ) i flible ait Agencj' aflfie wiy nojl be ac- mpany unless the M h issistance ARCHlTEtTS-i-WlLLIE PENA of Laredo, left, received the AIA medal last week at the Archi tectural Society’s annual banquet. PENA was named the most loutstandinjt graduating student in ar- cpiiecture. PRESIDENT GIBB GILCHRIST makes the presentation as ERNEST LANGFORD, head af the de partment, locks on sadly. partment, locks on sadly. I i ' i i ' , i , l Student Senate Constitution Ratified During Final Meet I 4 A c^tnpc .positioi neorin partm focal ifiits flCtf byVtbe . i Texas State ■ 1 EKaniimt H'rdth«**iViueeri Enginei finj :D .Dcnartncmt tri affiliated iuijiits, an evamdti perienc Vetei lowed hns MeJ Deiji ions ans ted States make c ; paisinj.. .^ninati in Aop Ijcat rant in tcus f’usitiqns tions ,/iwilt junior j public hea titivi? pi jn c an l ar I preference wfll Ue al- hot tppl cam * honora ly dischi .iged frotjt irmic forces score ott the ex- ions Will be (received y until further hoGce. for be sanitar; * Qual Sliest tjipns iraduasaioti school, nf e al license ienco in pu will be’teiye have -cnllifg engineering gmceiifig salariest ran according u ApplHtatidn taindd frimii Merit oxamini tion for blic health ertgi- Texas ||tate De- 1th and; iffiliated j net been announ- iV SysteA for the rtruent d. Chairmen of standing comf- mitteos; They shall be elected by the committees themselves It shall be their duty to (1) preside over meetings of his committee, (2) to report minutes of regular meetings! Men. d. The Exchange Store Commit tee. The Exchange Store Commit tee shall consist of six (6) college staff members and six (6) Stu dent Senators elected by the Stu dent Senate from its membership. It shall study the operations of the Exchange Store and make recom mendations for improvement of the service. It shall recommend a di vision of the profits of the etofe each yeai*. It shall concern itself with equipment and «up| Hospital Hospital Committoe shall consist of five ((>) college staff members and five (f>) student Senators elec ted by the Student Senate from its membership. It will study the t year, u snail concern icscn i equipment and supplies, ser- pric^ aipi-uqtaduj^^ -v, : Q The Hospital Committee. The ! I J ! i “Inventing is one thing, but sell ing the invention is sbmething else,” sajjsi J. R. Marshall,! 22-ryear- old freshman industrial education major. j!| Marshall has just sold an inven tion whiqh he completed in 19-13. It is a draper to he put on a i Fnnnall H or M tractor to dig small tanks, terraces, or ditches. | According to Marshall, he built the scrdpjer while working at home, a fbrm near Temple. It took him throb j years to complete the , machine.! j ! i i : j j. Although he didn't patent the invention. International Harvest er Company has secured the rights from him to incorporate the basic design into a scraper Which will be put into production soon. Marshall said the scraper was designed ftjo be used primarily to help -the jsjnall farmer cope with his digging needs.” AIEEtoEndYear With Election Of Officers Tuesday A year's activity for the A&M Branch, of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers will con clude Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in the Electrical Engineering Lecture Room. Agenda include election of offi cers for next year, presentation of certification of award to J. E. Galloway and F. A. Tatum, dis cussion of the proposed establish- three inojvies. The!film! fare will consist of “Watt:j ip | (ilass,” “The World’s Have Been Selected for M Louis Morgan and Kenneth Bond have beth during the summer sessions, Roland Bing, dirdetc The first issue will be published June 9. (Mark Munroe has been named wire edit uj, Ci Ci Trail, John Singletary, and Harvey Cherlv 'Ml! include '-oi y : of the istudent government committees field Bimling, \ istin. I Gib|s W ins Fish Pouitrv (lonti H. L|' Gi ibs, studentpt !,itt ed fj.rst| jn i pi test helftlaAt w enrolled|in Ron classes, fj Gibbs I scqjrec a possible 100 most a jhunlrei E. G.| Jacksofi 550 poitlts, s.nd third with 545 placed TOtirt The iiontt ! reshmatij poultry Aggieldid, plac- u try judging con- -e : for all jsljudents tr: Husbandly 201 5 '5 points' put of to oiit-distaii'ce al- ivals. A'as seci hd 'with C, T. McC aleb was points. Nick,Deck J. R. Cook fifth hrit'be the Student Senate, Section II. Represenlation. Each dormitory shall elect one ! Student| Senator as pres et ibed m Sedtion IV, Article IV. 2.1 Each college housing area si all elect one Student Senator. One [student Will be selected from cj c^ Battalion of Corps at An ne X.| 3j There sihall be* elected two Si udent Senators from the Day Si udents. 4.1 The vice-presidents of the clashes shall lie members of the Si uijent Senate. 5.,There shall be a number of Si udent Senators elected at large to bring the membership to a total of forty-two (42) members. Section III. Organization. 1. The Student Senate shall have hi ‘ following officers: :,r {President, whose duty it is ' 1) t> The tsliegifani stated that Hall had bee i ios 1 T erbo L ar• j . Hall fetEd iaH _ frpm iThomas JeffeTsoa Hik b ^ciodl and V a bCforc jonim^ the. Students to Cast Ballots For Or Against NSA Ratification Printed below is the ballot which students may cast to indicate Jhetner or not A&M will formally ratify the constitution of the National Student Association, thus becoming a member of! that Kr° u P- ' 'i/ ' : ' • ’ S . j! During the past two wepks the constitution was run serially in The Battalion, giving students an opportunity to digest the contents of the document and to discuss each item with one another. ! The ballot will be run today and Tuesday. Tomorrow night at will be the deadline for accepting the ballot. Before that time s^udtjnts in each dormitory and veteran area should turn in ballots ;heir student senators or cast them in the ballot boxes placed in Student Activities Office, second floor of Goodwin Hall. —4——, .M 1 -", ’t——4H NSA Constitutional Ratification t! FOR ,1 junior at A&M Merchanjt Ml ril> c * so i u He is current!; troleum and a b_ Antohlo.l ■ i! iihei', i& es -Hal^ of San I aim in favor of ratifying the constitution of the National Student Association. 1 1 A G A INST vivid by hi? father, emjpl' by Oaole Pe- in Venezuela, I am not in favor of ratifying the constitution of the National Student Association. Name: ; 11 A . . Address: Mess of Tour (4) merribers of the Student Senate elected by the Student Senate from its membership. The director of Subsistence and the Director of the Student Uiiion Building shall) be members of the Mess Commit tee. It shall keCp 'abreast of all mess problems with the view of maintaining or impipving the ser vice, the quality,' thq. quantity of food and the regulation of prices. g. Publicity Committed. The Pub licity Comirlittee shall consist of two (2) members elected by the Student Senate from its member ship. The Director of Student Pub lications shall be a member of the Publicity Committee. It ‘shall be the duty of this Committee to re- nort to the studertt body the ac tions taken by the Student Senate relative to student government. h. The Social Committee. The Social Committee shall consist of five (5) members elected by the Student Senate from its member ship. The Assistant Director of Student Activities shall be a mem ber of the Social ; Committee. It shall be the duty of- this Commit tee to coordinate, plan and execute the social calendar. ' (The other half of the constitu tion will be carried tomorrow). Student Activities, Goodwin Hall. \; J;' - . j ! / LARRY GOODWYN of San Antonio, above, will be associate editor 1 Of the COMMENTATOR next year. He was elected last week by the Student Arts and Sciences Council. tiort frfr a number of years and at present is a member of the Hous ton A&M Club. (The(Council elected two former students to the Development Fund Board] They are C. J. Davidson of Fort Worth and F. W. Heldonfels, Jtij of Corpus ^Christ!. Thf new representative on the j Athletic Council is Charles L. j Babcock of Beaumont, a past j president of the Association of j Former Students. Babcock is also a past president j of the Beaumont A&M Club and feu - ! irfany years served on the (Board of Directory, of the Associa- 1 tied add on the Executive Council. ijhe | three members of the Stu dent Loan Fund Committee were re-elected yesterday by the Execu tive! Council. They include Sterling Evans of Houston, A. F. Mitchell of Corsicana, and Ford Munnerlyn x of Horfston. xM'tohell, who has served on the Debelofpment Fund Board since its /injeephfon, was invited to continue serving on that Board for three years ps an ex officio member. The iCouncil approved a measure increasing thiKnumber of friends of thei college to serve on the' De- velopnjent Fund Board from 3 to 6- I ' jE. E. McQuillen, executive di rector of the Formef $t«i(i sociation for over ! 20 . > *> now head of the J &5 itlent Fund, was present by President A. E. ) Re< on behalf of the cntjro t sij i lent. 'l- sport Morgan, a 24 year old veteran from Konnard, is a junior majoring in rural sociology. He has been a feature writer and member of the editorial staff for the pa,st three semesters. ' ;]tfc - r M ’ J Serving [afl a Student Senate from Bryan for the Bond in majoring will bo «ne of the the 1948-49 nichbbl seiwing a; RepresentatN past fieme^t in English.' jpo-edifors |fo year. N Munroe i)s & 22 year old veteran (student frolm San Antonio. Major- iing inj hiuduc ified as a j* is, he will be elassi- ir at the end of this been acting as a >r for the past three is majoring in phy- year old veteran stu- frmn Fdrncy, Texas. Ho haft (served as a feature writer, report er. and managing editor during this semestier, Singletary, who is majoring in physics, is a: 20 year old veteran from Alto, as a featui fnanaging ittestert. eitefl' laiiT Extension |Wji| Attending In Cotton E. E. Lichte. A cotton gin special is day for Stonevilleij where he is attending course for Texas giniperf Lichte will assist |n (JO i the short course, and is of part of the progii iin. This short coursej; is step toward cQtton qu ilitj provement, mechanic‘d and better ginned }ott Should result in big] cotton producers ap toil v atcli i imp ion Attending the shioit cfeu be gin specialist frop ' c USD A and 150 Texas g AgRie Ruth Circlet to t ifi | ip cl gr in I a i ^ t Texas. He has served e writer, reporter, and editor during this se- SporU Staff Hammond, who is majoring in CjE, will ernaduate in July. Hu has jfieen workSijig in the sports ilepart- fent since Howard cen Work! 0jpce last) last September. U a ;24 yean old veteran io, is majoring in rdf, who hns ngi for The Battalion September, has been sport# editor this semester. He is a| senior. Enejeking, who served*as suorts nt vjion editor last .Rummer, is majoring in ; if , | CE. He is ''Classified as a senior. 'Thornton,! ..4 new man on . the staff, is a physical education ma jor. ; i j Febtilfe Writers Maisel hiap been working on the Commentator for the past seines- tiir. He is a Jjupior majoring in pre- med. ] Ride, a ' K majoring in EE. eeializing in feature j past semester, -j ry, brother of Harvey Cher- inagiikg fieditor, is a ‘ fresh- He is Piajorine in liberal id has been working for The Btatt lor thj*.past two months, Kunjzc is I njaioring in Agricul tural Engineering. Classified as n sophomore, (ho has been working for The Baft Tor the past semes* ter. Ifp has been! writ ing for tt jjChdi t' a (its a; Weird Laughter Shakes Duncan J The Aggie Ruth Circle tonight at 7:30 at thi| Go Farm on Highway 6| Mijs|. Vickens and Mrs. Ja? act as co-hostesses- Town Meeting Set Tuesday Evening Residents of the City of College Station will hold a Town Meet ing Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the A&M Consolidated Gymnasium, Next year’s city budget will be on the agenda.' • / All residents of College' Station are invited to be present, accord ing to Francis Vaughn, cit/ secre- tary. i j : / Invitations Ready For Distribution Graduation invitations and - en- 'riaved name cards are ready for distribution in Room 204, second floor of Goodwin Hall. Not! all of the invitations are here yet, Grady Elms, assistant director of student activities, an nounced, but they will be issued in the order that they Were ordered.. Hitchhiking Art Has Pass\ From A&M; Hse Bulletin B( By William C. Barnard Associated Press Staff Hitchhiking as an art is passing j ten. Texas A&iM College. Once prac- able by demerits. Today it is rare ly mentioned and almost forgot- ticed as! a ritual, mass hitchhiking by the (Aggies was a casualty* of the wa*. No Icjngerjdo men of A&M seek rides fpom the squares of every Texas town bn weekends. The en treating thumb has been displaced by a beautiful chromium plated bulletin; board. Today thpre are Aggie soph omore! whp have not learned the meaning of “upstream ing," a campus crime during the nineteen thirties and before. To upstream was to break a car dinal njjle of hichhiking, and there used to be (many such rules at A&M. |f a (group of cadets ar rayed themselves along a high way, seeking rides, and a newcom er walked up the highway so as to be the first to meet oncoming traffic, he would be guilty of up- streaming. In the old days this was actually an offense punish- Jr l, 1 ..V. A faculty member said that a few years ago, eighty-five tq ninety per cent of the students were members of the cadet corps and irt uniform. Today little more (h«n half the students lire in the; Corps, j That is another reason why (he bjoys of A&M are less fre quently noticed traveling about the State. | Andj Vick Lindley, student veter Hn, explained: “Ohce. few cadets at A&M had their own cars. Then came the war and afterwards the in vasion of the campus by student veterans. Such a large number of these veterans brought their own automobiles that it no long er became difficult to obtain rides; The veterans offered space in their cars on a share-expense basis and cadets quickly accept ed. It made getting around on week-ends much easier and you can be certain that Aggies still ■ ■i.LI H ' travel as much as they They leave College fS Bryan in a searchj dates. There ar* girls in close range )of lit pus to meet t|he dale sjitua ' “Now,. the jirocbsi ol week-end rides jhasi wcoilile] ly refined. Btudeftsi rides and students) ojffeirin began posting hotwes or t lege bulletin bparq.j I*$0 pejp did this practice become; :1m college had to (install a new letin board, detlicateiji eiftirt I Aggie travel.” Lindley took jus 0y#r chromium bordered loa 65 ride-notices j had beei up. Some were elabc ratq,|, pf by artists. Rides wen snag) offered, to such poi * York, Boston, Philad dphli San Francisco. A studeiljt tises space in his rillo or Brownsville fend comes along and penc Is m ner of the card that fef space. Saihmy Yes I DO,7 con P(*ons muine (!»* , 4.' vaye’s "I Love You, wps playing in Dun- Hill Saturday noon. >d Polish sausage and capitalists strpg- ciibed steaks (35 ly noticed the mu- (133 ctnts)) gled with cents). Ndb ■IF* [ j I Then, half way through the spng, a gnlti of hideously ampli-p fil'd laugbjtT drowned out the vocalist. Fjoiis, capitalists, and even the guy iat the adding ma- dliiiK* 1 stopped. Two more out bursts, almost as violent as the first,: followed before the , song ended.' ■ j 1 . What waif if? No one seems to, kifowi. Peitljaps one of Sapimy Kaye’s band members went ber-^ serk. Or mdybe the prospects of dead week followed by finals had llovqd too huich for the Duncan tfu- J.B . jockeyi Guioii Hall To Premier Movie 'll 1 I f ' r( : The United Artists produc tion “Red (River,” will have its preniier’ at: Quion Hall tomor- row at 2 rf. Ira., T. G. Puddy, Gulch Hall manager, announ- oed today) i j Tie movili* [will be free, and guwts will : be invited to write tlheii' critilcisms of the picture on the provided stamped, self- addressed (postcards. , ( j. "The invitation is open to and students alike,” said. T hope everyone ome. If we have a large getting be in- d, oup ichanccs for 'first runs’ will «d." I •,ii4