The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 18, 1948, Image 1

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were reporned
yesterday apoujt -
GcforRo pol
vcja<?tintf for jOB|S|.
Polk's truss
in the head, 1 w,
! i' !. r-, ; . ■ . -r : . _i I . ’ . ■ . V " I- ! .< WL ^
Irpeci*, May
more Communists
icle:' questijmink
fe ‘ trance, jleidh
Amfrit-an lilroiul'
ijp llody, a builcjt
found floating ih
te bay off j Salonika Sunday.!
The United
ti'rdny blart
^ -fiuy jo i—n'I! 1 )
£ofemtne7it yesjf
Eight Veterans Seek Positions For I
' . 1 ■ * * * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ; ' ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ + | ★ ★
Five Nominated For Senior C/as
panics, Ion; fshorefneti unions! Ani
stevedoring fifnisi ami the ciky!,o
Texas City for the claimed
Kjetice out o:' which a ipse the
000,000 in dijuniajge suits ir
Texas City disaster.
* Monster c r 4RRiEK
House Armjedj Services subcomt-
littee appiovedj unammouslyi jjes-
tifnlay a bi L'clearin^ the waiy ifoi:
" (15,' ^
• Officers Will Be
Elected Thursday
'! (
Number 176
■ .Til-
the Navy to gdt
tijn giant r irclva
1 \T<ix»tr o
Edwards, Kasper, Rochelle, Sprawls,
Schwarz Are junior Class Nominees
Five candidates for next year’s Senior Class president
INavy authoirit r s iy the duflerM ^^ elec ^ d ^ feeling of the Junior Class last night in
arrier, cap ibh> t f cijuising iifi Ar-phe Assembly Hall, j i ;i
silip T)f l am• t& tl ^r t ’builtt^ t ^ 1 Nominated for this position were GEORGE ED-
The carjierl 4m |be abo^t 10, WARDS, DON KASPER, J. B. ROCHELLE, HERB
Lartid on a 05,00(1)
ft carrier. | I i
any typi
e canier] vfill |be aboift 10 j
fijet longer thiin J\va>d the Norjmhn- j
J h luxury jini)
Edwards is a il9-year-cld pre-law major from Dallas.
, Kasper, a 19-year-od agricu tural economics major, is from
tap camer leitlrt i"o{ 90ci, 5*#4 Sh / ner ' ‘tocjielle is a 19-year-old .pre-med major irom Tex
overall lemith lirt-lud mr t!he knfer-'i arkana. Schwarz, j)l business major, is 19 years old and is
die, the for netf In re ns h luxury
er, Admira L.. E. |)enfield said.
Itis wuterlire Iphfth Swill
fejet,. compt rcif«0(f tie flight leek,
m fret
j ai|t(
J ' . <l f
' at»
[West Tej as;
ernoon, toni
lijy. Not much
East Texas:
afternoon, Lonijgjit
%'i(ll : be from Ft. Worth. S
if ir
partljy cloddy
dniyu Not truch i|h
at ires. Mo< eratej; mohly Southeast
winds op*<• )ast
|and Wejdi|es-
ante in] tcrtiper-
a Wavy Officem
%i)l Discuss
ampds| o i ‘ May,
dentil rf,u ) int'oriif
visit the
to [give : s
on [the Nayy’s 01]!fi
stuflents oBtair4u
.siohs.-, j j j
tlndjfer a plan
De'aaxtawcwi a
i-olliege grailuatlt>s kvll. be eo
. sioi ‘ ' '
old agricultural en
Six men were nominated for
!■'. \ the position of senior :lass viee-
tjhiis | president. Included were JACKIE
t hud : We dues-1 HEDGE DON JARVIS, A. K.
ante irMemper- j J ACOBSON, H 0 M R OS-
J IS, j , BORNE, <1. .D. PmtKK, and
Ifp^tlfc’ el(fg(dy this HIRAM SMITH.
Hedge is 19 years old and is a
civil engineering major from Dal
las. Jarvis is a 19-yeai-old archi-
j lecture major from Fort VVprth
i Jacobson, a 19-year-old agricul-
l tural major, -is from Doble. Os-
J bornd is 19 years did and is from
“i Houma, Louisiana.; He I is major-
i ing in petroleum-mechanical engi-
; rteerihg Pitcock .is a. 19-year-old
civil engineer from Houston. Smith
;is 19 years old arid is; from De-
Ijeon, lie is] majoriilg in iecononiics.
Nomiruited for ^ecretaiy-treas
urer were JOHNNY DIEB, BUR
Dieb is from Fort Worth and is
. i a ; 19-year-old business major.
: or , I F ren vh is from Beaumpnt, He] is
aval codupi!?- hi. years old and is a civil engi-
'' 1 i neering strident. Gottlieb is an 18-
rawls is from Farwell and is a 19-year-
, % ■$&*>
■ 4#
f m
d ; :
Banta Award Winner
Krueger Ayrard Winner
Jones Award Winner
Z 1
officers! >’(11
— -22
P ‘q
sat is facto i
4^1 aL,„„ ,p L,
Blackburn, Liverman, Hicks
I ; ’ I f bj i ■ . ' ;
Named 48-49 Award Winners
| Three
Eight vetcrans
Thursday's eleciionij
horn editors. Aihlef
yell leader for the
Three men ea<
and Athletic Coiinci!
leader and Longjho
the only candidate
A&jVl in the summe
engineering. He is aj
A&M Clubs.
Unopposed in
'V ^
s| «and Rose
din Race
ittaliofr Editor,
I i
ivd qt a
let ir
Cfoai ici
§ar jj
MKS itiiijnaj
r ’ t* II
i u
r v eti n
r ■
Floyd II. Blackburn, Jamft L. |
Liverman, and Tommy R. Hicks'
hpve been named recipients of'
three scholarship awards for the j
1948-49 school year, E. E. Mc-
Quillen, director of the Develop-!
ment Fund, announced yesterday, j
LIVERMAN, an Air Corps vet
eran who served in the Pacific
Thyater of Operation^ : for two
years, fe winner of;the Krueger
[jflhWfltlld ' ' J / t f ] | .
Established by 0. C. pTolly’’
His first odd jobs at A&M
consisted of yard work,, carpen
tering, and painting. Since that
time Liverman has served as a
student instructor in the biology
A veterinary medicine student,
ho started A&M in the fall of 1945.
Blackburn, who has Worked his way
through A&M during the past
three years, has waited tables in
the mess hall, cut grass, and sold
Ho is president of the A&M Bi- cold drinks at homo football games,
dogy Club ami vice-president-of, ..j realIy hit the jack m m
the Texas College Academy , of i t ke w heat fields last summer,”
hcifence, organization of science | he recJl ii Hi -and saved a l m0 st
fjtuclents in Texas colleges iW»d | 1(500 from my tractor and com-'
f Htiie oj»enitIng'jobK. M
i Liverman ' ‘
1 /.
won first place among'!
Krueger and Walter H. Krueger of forty papers presented at the Aca-
San Antonio, the award goes each : demy’s annual meeting last De
year to a student who has acljieved j ceinber in Austin. He has been in-
an outstanding record for three vited to speak before the national
years despite the necessity of earn- j meeting of the American Society
ing all or part of his college ex-j for the Advancement of Science at
First sergeant of Battery A,
Artillery, Blackburn will attend a
six week summer training camp!
at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
1 p"' "
'• v .i
fi, i
ups! y ars old and is from Melvin, He i
is an agricultural education ma
ning alone for corps editor of
the 1948-49 Battalion is TOM
CARTER of Beaumont.
ml as eisigilii; ip iaVal avifetlon. i ^ < ‘ xlon ! s years bid, from
lor men who; qua ify, accorijing Houston, and is majoring m chem- ;
to jNavy ! peci pci tings, a flight ,c al engineering. Stewgrt (s 19
trafning: pngratn has been sit
at Fensaco a, Biorid i„ the “Anjr.a-
ttf thi? A r.’l ' ’his willf tike : . I
frorti 18 to 24 noijtj s after which. Nominated for the position, off
the officer pilots vyi 1 Uoin repijlar social secretary were RO
naval aviation units, shorcpajsgd j TON. WALLACE COX.
' on carriers] >lfn mum stirtjirig PIETSCH. and M. G. STAFFORD.
isv$2!K a ijiontl .• \ Blanton is a business major ’
lalifica .ionsi act up by the nhvy j from Gainsville. Cox is from Has- j
as folic ws: ihe ( pplieant must ’ kelD He is 19 years old ami fe
citizen oMhe United States,’ business major. Pietsch is ii 19- ,, w
bu Between the ugtis of 19 aiul 25 year-old business ma | or froni Dal- Mar r is l - pioic^oi ol
on July of the, cdhndar yepr in las. Stafford is from Eigle -Pass.! ^ncukura 1 engineering w.l! speak
whiqh ne isjcom^iw^i jned nnuimuBt [ He is 19 years old ami isj majcjria^
scompleteti at in agricultural economic
Economics Club
^ To Hear Talk
The $500 award enables the win
ner to have more timd his senior
year for studies and extracurricu
lar activities.
ILiverman graduated from Junc
tion High School in 1989 and enter
ed .the Air Corps in 1942, Three |
years later he was discharged as a
master sergeant and entered A&M
in the spring of 1940. :
HICKS is winner of the Jesse
Washington, D. C, in September. |H. Jones Award for Achievement, i
Majoring in biology, Liverman ! a $800 gift to a student who has j
expects to graduate in June, 19-19.j! worked his way through college
★ :j ! for the past three years.
BLACKBURN, who hails from! An electrical engineering junior;
Springtown, Parker County, Texas, I from Velasco, he is a sergeant in j
is recipient of the W. H. Biuita! Company A. Composite. lie will!
award, which is presented annual- j attend summer camp at Fort Mon-1
ly to ii senior who has worked his! mouth, New Jersey this summer. [
way through college for throe pro- Hicks is president of the Bra-
vious years. jj zoria County A&M Club.
opposed in the race
editor of the 19*8-4
Meets Thiirs*
f it
i;d for places on tht* ballot in
it* thp Battalion and Lonp-
rep recent alive, jind veteran
obi yettir. ' j. j T
inp for the Battalion editor
iMid the men running for yell
Jr., junior from Dallas, in
j’ell leader. Lonquint entered
in majorinp in maiiapement i
both the Dallas and Paleatine •
veteran Lojiphorn Editor is
[URL "O- ROSE of Abilene. The
year old jujnlor is president ;of
Abilene Al&M Club, Secretary
)jf the YM(!A Council, and mission
irectoh of the Baptist Student
nion. j • ; . I ,
Rose: seivoil in ttje infantry for
year; and a; jialf and was dis-
larged as a platooh sergeant. He
majoring in! archjtecturo.
twn n
npletiKl _ at
; accriiditcd
least four years ip Ian
college or ( nivqi sitii
. I 11 j
Applicants shill |n col lege, j\'ho
ma}- reasi nabjy expect to |neet j
the educational 'gequiremients m
within 80 day4 may also apply, i
Those interesiejd ^rnust take! the |
Aviation ( lassil icajtjcrt Test.l Me
chanical Cornprf hdnsion 'feSt;,
and Flight Apt itude Rating; and
mnii niaUq af leant a C ip all ,
lestjs. ) <
lx jwill htj ncenssiiry for. n|cn jtb ,
make defjiiite ippointmentsf iapd
BOB BLAKENEY wajs eldcted
unanimously as class hijSto-i;
He is a 19-year-old meehanica en
gineer from Oklahoma City,
Officers for the class will be
elected Thursday night}. These
elections will be held in [conjunc
tion with the electioij [of the
Longhorn editor, Town Hall
Manager} senior yell jeaders,
* the
On Cotton Fkker First Management Engineering
Conference Begins Tomorr
Thje Saddle and $
Harris P. Smith, professor of
to the Economics Club tonight on
the mechanical cotton picker, J.
T. Miller, president of the club, an
nounced today.
The meeting will be held in
Room 805, Academic Building, at
! 7:15.
Smith, who is in charge of agri
cultural engineering research, is
The first annual Management
Engineering Conference will offi
cially begin Wednesday morning
at 10 when President Gibb Gil
christ delivers the welcoming ad-
Hie author of “Farm Machinery ( l r P; ss i 11 jhe YMCA Chapel.
and the representative
Athletic Council..
TOM CARTER was the
s.chjobwirid olltjgC. Also bring proof
olltgd. A
bijor nf ita;y *ei rice,, Ihrde let
ters ]>f rec >mme ida ion flon rep
utable per ions ivho have I npWn
ypU for a perkd if 5-years; lor.
more and : re net employers, rpla-
tives-, or buiiineks associates.
Finther nfo cnatim may |ei $e-
eurj^d at th| plitcemeijt office tvHrii'e
ap'plidation| mpy be secured|
The Ap
act the; Artjhib
nual bhnqi|et ton
ict ira
be made |y Pr sslceht Gib| Gil
christ ito t le puts tainting gridpat-
ing sttjden se ected
of thi« at ihiledure
Selectibh s b» 5 i on
standitg aid personal cha
PrlnCipa s^ea ' fL " tL
Ca Jethn
an hitfect,
r 1
will be
the merits!
tioh in
in the bro;
-oei uue i ipomimenis ja m son to f;iA f or r 0 rn« Fditor of the
mgf I itorm itio i b.k 24^4 pho-; uRV in far f Beauhio, t. A
tographs ■ fill fate an<M pro- m< ; mber of , c - Fli ht Air ^ orc
lildg birthlerbf cam or PMosbu ; c u . r js also H membt , r
tic xx py or evi fence of mUmjabza- Ross Volunteers,
turn, pduca tior al tr inscript, high, Fili for the
dal W ill Be
ibe p retain ted
Societyls an-
at 7 infSbisa
f .t it awar
by the faculty
’ department,
i bn scholastic
cerifpr the fevent
W.t Adams,| A&M
“oi will present
tural fduca-
ctual practice
Filing for the position; o
editor of the Longhorn were
Chapman, first sergeant of B
Co. Infantry, is 19 yean} jold. He
is from Hewitt, Texas and is a
member of the Waco-McCIenjnan
County Club, a member of the
Marketing and Finance Club, and
•a Distinguished student. Chapman
is .majoring in agricultural admin-
isbration. , ; , . ■ It ,
Martin is a 19-yeai'-olrij agricul
tural education major fifonr Sils-
bee. He was awarded the IDanforth
Fellowship, and was winnjer of the
Transportation , Corps ; Junior
Award. In addition he is A member
of the Rpss Volunteers, tale Beau
mont Club, and the Colleg ate FFA
Chapter. ‘ \!
Sheets is an agricultural eco
nomics major from Wichita Falls.
He is 19 years old and a member
of “C”. Co. Infantry. Besides be
ing a member of; the'Sweetwater
Club he is also a meniV 1 ' the
San Angelo Club, and the; Market
ing and Finance Club. \
EDWARD8 were the onlyjtwo men
ito file for the position of Town
Hall Manager. ■ ]i \
Daniels is a 2i0-year-old mem
ber of the Corps Staff. His horn*
is in Abilene and he is majoring
in accounting. He is secretary Of
Club and is program
the YMCA Cabinet.
and Equipment,” published by Mc-
CJraw-Hill Booh Company.
In addition, fye has written bul
letins for the Agricultural Experi-
1 ment Station on subjects ranging
's. - from jeep use on the farm to eom-
only her- billing of grain. He is also the.
author of 14 articles on the me
chanical harvesting of cotton.
As'this is the last meeting of
the Economics Club for this term,
of the j an interim president w ill be ap-
| pointed to serve as chairman of
of corps j next fall’s initial meeting, Miller
All students interested in the
subject of discussion are invited
to attend the meeting, he added.
in aiiouuiiug
the Abilene (
chairman of
Yt * 1
Battalion Wants
From ROTC Camps
The Battalion needs a corres
pondent for each of the ROTC
summer camp^, Co-Editor Jimmy
Nelson announced’ today.
Nelson said that plans called for
at least one representative at each
of the particular camps. Jimmy
O’Connell has been named to han
dle publicity for The Battalion at
Fort Belvoir, Virginia, he said.
Nelson emphasized that no spe
cial training to qualify as corres
pondent would be necessary. “We
want a man who can put the facts
on paper. Wo will turn this infor
mation over to our re-write man
who will then write the news or
feature story}” Nelson said.
Copies of The Battalion will
be sent to each of the summer
camps attended by A&M stu
Volunteer correspondents are
asked to come by Room 201, Good
win Hall foil additional informa-
Featuiring labbr and manage
ment officials from all over the
nation, tju* conference ’is designed
to bring to student management
engineers an opportunity to gain
first hand information concerning
management problems in industry.
Presiding at the initial meet
ing will be Dean of Engineering
Howard IV. Barlow. The confer
ence will hear Fred Smith, di
rector of employee relations of
the General Shoe Corporation,
Nashville, Tennessee, on “Secur
ing Employee Cooperation in In
dustrial Management.”
Following Smith, H a r r.y T.
Schwan, manager of the Midwes
tern Division, Methods Engineer
ing Council, Kansas City, Missouri,
will speak on “Wage Incentive In
stallation and Operation.”
Hall H. Lpgan, chairman of the
State Board of Control, Austin,
will preside over the afternoon
session held at 1:30 in the YMCA
Chapel. The first speaker for this
session will be William Gomberg,
director of Management Engineer
ing, Intgreationjal Ladies’ Garment
W’orkers’ Union, New York. He
will address the group on “Union
Interest in Management Engineer
ing." i ■ j; j
Following Gomberg, R. T. Wal
ton, industrial engineer with Oli
ver Iron . & Steel Corporation,
Pittsburgh, will sneak! on “Union
Participation ip Time Study.”
The last speaker for the after
noon session will be Walter Tor-
gersen, associate professor in the
management engineering depart
ment. He will speak on “The Col
leges’ Place in Management Engi
neering.” ;
A banquet} will be held in
Sbisa Hall fojr the group Wed
nesday evening at 6. Andrew W.
DeShong, director of Industrial
Services in the Republic Nation
al Bank of Dallas will serve as
R. R. Zimmerman, vice-president
of Trundle Engineering Company,
—One of the principal speakers
at the First Annual Management
Engineering Conference to lie
held here May 19-20 is WILL
IAM GOMBERG. director of the
Management Engineering De
partment of the International
Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union.
Washington, D. C., will be the
principal speaker, and will talk on
“A Design For Maximum Produc
tion,” j | ! • s
Thursday morning and afternoon
there will be similar sessions in
the YMCA Chapel. Robert Trundle
vice-president of Trundle Engi
neering Company of Cleveland, will
preside over the monring session.
C. H. Elliott, assistant to the
president of Reed Roller Bit Com
pany of Houston, will speak on
“The Need for Management Engi
neering;” C. S. Carney, manage
ment engineer from Stevenson,
Jordan & Harrison, Inc. of Chica
go, on "Profit Planning and Cost
Control;” and Sidney W. Russell,
Job analyst with the Atlantic Re
fining Company of Dallas; on
“Job Evaluation Benefits in the
Petroleum Refining Industry.”
Gt N. Houston, director of
I «i ;
Personnel and I\abor Relations
of Southern Acid. & Sulfur Com
pany in Houston} will preside
over the afternoon session.
This group will hear E. Hanson, I
supervisor of the Management En-;
gineering Section, E. I. DuPont de i
Nemours & Co. of Wilmington, |
Delav.are, on “DuPont’s Manage-!
ment Engineering Program;” Dick ;
Price, president of Dick Price Mo- [
tor Company-of Dallas on “Profit}
Sharing in a Small Business;” and!
J. Preston Field, general foreman }
of foundry at the Williamson Hea-1
ter Company of Cincinnati, on “The j
Foreman’s Part in Cost Control.” |
The Conference will be termina
ted Thursday at 4 p. m. by infor
mal discussions on Wage Incen
tives, Job Evaluation, and Time
Study, to be held in the YMCA!
Chapel, Assembly, and Cabinet!
Room, respectively.
Rooms for men will be provi
ded for the nights of Tuesday
and Wednesday in Walton and
PG Halls for a charge of $1.
Requests for reservations for
ladies or couplgs must lie made
at the Aggieland Inn or one of
the Bryan hotels.
Registration vHll lie in the YM
CA lobby from 4 until 8 Tuesday
afternoon and fhom 8 to 12 Wed
nesday morning} The fee is $5 per
person, and $1 for students.
Conference Director D. K. An
drews, suggested that campus per
sonnel interested in the meeting
should drop by the Management
Engineering office and sign up
now in order to expedite registra
hold its regular meetii
! at 7:30 p. m. in Ithe
I Room. i 4
I This meeting has h«i|
j to Thursday evening |}
number of the club mpj
take pail in the Bi
Tuesday and Wcdnesdaj
Final plans will be rj
annual barbecue ind
will be-named for nel
activities; All club busij
past year will bp
Kline to Address
ASME Tonight
E. I. Kline of the Lufkin Foun
dries will address the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers
tonight at 7:30 in the Mechanical
Engineering Lecture Room.
Oaffee-and doughnuts will be
served after the meeting.
The three mien running for Rut-
Jion editor, R. L. BILLINGSLEY
ENNKTH HON j). and Alt’!
OWJVKI), are all members of th<
j resent Batt sjtaff. il) .
Bililhigslpyj, ft 22-year-old junior
(from Waxahacbie, sprved with the!
Third Fleet in both the Atlantic"
i nil Pacific.. Majoring in electrical
t nginpcrmg, Billingsley currently
vrites both feature articles grid,
editorials for the Battalion.,
He has been with the Battalion
sjince September and is managing
litor of the Wednesday paper,
ird is a 24-year+old veteran
Pampas Majoring in English,
ond is a member of the English\
l|lub and the Student Senate. He
s srved in the army for 37 months "
a ; a staff sergeant and as a second
1 mtenant instructing in gunnery.
’ Borjd has been with the Batita-
lipn Mince last September and at
present serves on the editorial
s jaff and as nunagiiig editor.
Howard is a junior from San
Alntobio majoring in architecture,
I He is a member of the Architec-
nil Society and is now serving
ports editor of the Battalion.
the air force for 39
wtifl a navigation i»-
■rving in
ii pmihs, he
fnj addition to his work us sports
litor! he also serves as one of the
uttjaiion’s Managing editors.
TV ' I!★
Three met. C. R. HOLBROOK,
flTAUTZEN BERG F.R, are com pet*
(See VETERANS, Page 4) /’i
General fclei
(Scratch Ml if«S
\ rljllii it
I !i
[ i
Students Only
May 20, 1940
I 'Mr j ’
exqept your choice).
. ■ j ] j
i I' -
f ! f. ' i ;
i|c|ulist, Jr.
; j f . • r
lolbrook’j L
I j • j •/
liJVia ula
(Only noii-d
erans at the Annu
mav gend the
OFFICE without
in the Faculty) Erfcian
Signature of Voter
(Jampufi Address
Academic Buildipg.)
r : ■ :'}! r
•y vet-
i I
■mkmi wmmmmmmm*