The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1948, Image 3

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•- ;
of Arkanais
points as 'le^aS’ Bokjert Waiters failed to;place.
over the Daj- Vtl idetj but rjudged it slightly with hie hand on the
way flown «m
Arkansas vi
was tourth.
Alter tl
. •
i !
i r
' • ' x - . If .
’ • L • • - 1 -A
• *
I-,. jiiu 11 i i| 1
7 tu .
r ; ’
. 1 .
-rY.!' ’
• ■
s 1 -]
t 11
! I
|s '
to Swamp Longhorns
'flL I
for first place
id from Page 1)
at 14 feet. Both schools! received S 1 /*
almost threw this
Ags Defeated Twice In Series
ZSttSSS <:h*
A&M '67 V*
T , f' r . ,
the 4 wind helpeu it drop, siord: A&M 3itV^, Tekas 31,
, jKHje i ilH, feiviu 1.
The Sprint jrelay ;ended an expected w'jithr the Lonf|hbms nipping
the Aggies bjfj three:yards wi ,h a tune of 4lS seconds flat. Arkansas
finiiiheu thira pitnoiigh Scott did run on the Kazoroack quanet as was
expected. Blue'nosed cjht Jrfaylo 1 for lourth. plac^. The scojre
Texas 36, A khnsas Kice 13, SMU 1.
JOHN R0BEKfSON of ^'exits edged out W ebb Ja> of A&M for
first plaice in llit- oruad jump. Jaf s prelintinary mark of 23 feet 8
incites looked good luutl nooertljm hit 24 leet 8 7/8 inches. But the
Aggies cat te out atnead wlteu J. K. Hill and L. O. t olemnn took
second ana third wnh 26 leet inches and 22 leet 5'> inenes. This
was one ot iheLskraws which broke the Is leers Pack as A&itl went
ftirtner alidad, bcore: AoiM 4.1 '/j i fexas 41, Arkansas 22 h, Kice 13,
SiUu 1. i [ :j
With ion yitweiity|minutes est after running the half mile Thomp
son came da :kltp cdpijthd two 1 iulq run in y:47.b. r ,
Aggie J iiiyf Boiuieh, \yno ran; the;hesi iace of his ci.reer, came in
seconu. nan pijoh; \vnp nad previbusljt taketi thiild In the mild, took
anomer tnuu W 'oommg in binanu rsonnen. Milton Niiper of Texas
Wu a t nn rt h i • ’ ^ r ! l ' ■ *! J - .
score stood; A&M 48Vi T
e livft miBe run the
Ajrgte Kobe t ihgii; ii. the •'220' yajrd low' hunties. fecott
scjcupas nat ti^d 1 trie idoniprence -record held oy Woicoit
flop pi AXiU tooK*th,r(i and t,rlurth 0.1 Uu
This i^It tre kuinaihgs as lo iowk; a<xM osvi, 'Texas
2fcjMs,.kice 1|1, bMlI'Tt ^ f ■
'.ansas 22^,, a:ij;e: 13, kMU 1. j ,
GEOKUK KADHRA twice sailed the discus over tie conference
of lb3 iee|i recoria. hjut one w is a practice throw and The other one
was sdraici ied wnenijne sieppi d dyer.the circle.
.Kadera uobk; nisijtirst place on a throw of 153 fee; ll 1 ^'inches.
HI (fridge au up of ttiut was secu’ndj with 140 leiet 2 Vt' men ss, and 'Texas’
TJlay rviamei tjeat pujn Uiarivs oatfer ot Arkansas by onc-iuurth ot an
incil tojs tnii d ppice. ^ i&.vi' jiicl eo up tnree points on tm d.scus tp go
fut'Tner'anei.d.! bicorei A<xM Oi‘/a,! fexas 4P, Arkansas : 13Ms, Kice 13,
SMU 4. ' • ; . > ' 1
1 ] ; .r. i
Seott dtydM his! tj|ir(l first plpce of the day when |he nosed out
,s time of 23
of Kice.
th,rd aiuj Kilurth ot Uicje was fourth.
exas 47, Ark-
1 ■ ■ • t
The A'gies cimihed the rown when the results c
came in. rfraiiK (juPim of Texas made the best throw,
inches, recorded in fhe nation
Town Koteioil Rice vias secon 1 wuh 186 leet bH inches! loUowea ny
Scon with Jlftljfvitet 3 inches. 1 ohert tiootle ot AsvM took tourth with
xas 54, Ark-
lj8i met a;i tdenes. The score
ansas 3U‘/tl nice 17, bait 4.
then stoc^d: A&M otl':, It
■ ; ' , l '
The final event (if .the day, the mile relay, came of
40. Arkansas
the javelin
211 feet b J /4
tnik year to take an easy.first piace.
MONDAY, MAY 17, 1948
P 0 R T
Page 3 The luck of the!
Sons of Aggie
Coaches Star
. t
In Swim Meet
More sports writers are need
ed for the Battalion this sum
mer. Anyone interested see Art
Howard in the Battalion of
fice, Goodwin Hall.
Former Aggie Line]
Coach Accepts Job
With Trinity U.
f ! I
! Laitidr High bf Houston edged!
out Highland Pjirk 32 to 31, for I
I the State High School Swimming )
Championship at A&M Saturday, |
I but twb future 'Aggies took high j
point honors. . 1
Van Adamsoh, son of the Ag- j W. A. "Uncle Bill” James, one-
gie Swimming Coach, earned all ; time football great for the Centre
of Consolidated's twelve points College “Praying Colonels'’ and
to lead the scoring. Adamson for the last decade, line cohch at
won the 50-vard tree style in Texas A&M, has been appointed
25.7 seconds,’ and the lUO-yard Athletic Director at Trinity Uni-
backstroke in j :0tt,9. versity in San Antonio. ,
Billy: Karow of Austin High 1 James received his appointment
School of Bryan won the 100-yard from the president of the univer-
free style in, 58.9 and placed second i sity, Dr. Monroe G. Everett this
in the T00-yard breaststroke. Ku-: past Friday, May 14. The appoint-
row is fhe son of th 1 Aggie basket-j ment is subject to the approval
ball and baseball coach, Marty Ka- j of the university athlejtjc board,
row. Karow was second high point | Whi i 0 at Texas A&M, James i
man wfth 10 points. I turned out stout, rugged lines for
^ Johnny Craw-lord and \V ynant, SCV eral Aggies Bowl teams. Among
Wilson, both of Woodrow Wilson pj s products werg Joe Boyd, Mar
at Clark Field Friday}
Longhorns galloped ^
game and squeez
The Steers gre^i|d thi
hits Friday to score a f '
tory. Neither the effoi
Beesley, Alvis Nixon,
Morrisse stopped them;
In five innings of play jBeesh
gave up eight runs off ' ‘
hits. Ed Knieper,
fielder, broke into the;
a big way by slapping:
run ggainsf Beesley. He
ly three more times, tyiij ting]
and a double.
! .
Starting the sixth injjii g, Ah
Nixon relieved Becslej Hn
mound but failed to curh iie L04 f-i
horns as he walked twb, igave ! ijp
four runs and four hits| |
Morisse entered |h
f as expected
wi;th A&M coining ncjme lust, oy i good nTaigtii- lexak Was second;
Rfcewks tmrclj and Atrkansa^ 00k; fourth. - j .
A&M'Si iinjic' of 3U7.U was tbrjee tenths of a second off 'the Con'-/
feTence rt'fcj rdf The jfmal scor; wds A&M 64 ts, Texas 57, .Arkansas
31"-2, Kice 9, |SM.U 4. Tt Tf aid Baylor ihiled to score a point.
Jobless Vets Must
Work This Summ
ties; J. B. . dci
the Texas Emplcjyniji|nt
1 A&M Ftii
riot intended as vacation pay, Mc
Kinley stated, but vjeterans' seek- :
ing tempOraiw employment are
eligible, for unemployment pay if
they aii* not receiving subsistence
allowtint-es. .1 1' ' l -
A byre are the lour men who tied, for first place in the pole vault
at Houston Saturday. The two men on the left, JOHNNY DAVIS
and Al. RICKS, are on the Aggie team while the pair on the right,
CHARLES BAKER and M. I.. FARING, are from Arkansas. The
5,*j points which A&M got from this event was a big factor in de
feating the Longhorns.
/ . ' t . ;
Participation In Bowl Games
Discouraged By SWC Officials
expected to IdkeHin} • reasonible '.j\" V on . s are « u b-8tand«ml,
Wotk witbiij iLir physical a >,li- P ld -
^“'inileyq nuirmgei of j
siOn, advisijd A&M Ftiudent vefer
ans today.
<41 unemp
Conn lis-
T j! .. • '
.o.yiiieitt; ^|o\vancv^
5E ! WROi;
CollejEje Shoe Repair
North Gatb
f edergl law proliib ts the claim- i n ^. irpm recruiting of atliKt
g of uheniploymeilit pay while lhe awarding of atlilet.c si
ships', range from
j (receiving educational
Successful Leaflet*
I n-1. ! ;
' AUSTIN, Tex. —to — Busc-
’ (haliers at the University of Texas
' havve captured, thj* Southwest
■‘(Conference diamond title 20 times
' out of the 321 ehampjionship races
“petd in 1 ;'the! confdrence. Billy
pisch has been at tin}' helm of the
pOnghorris nin^s sine? 1911
l-- -- 1—4- —
: , ','i' ' !
1 ^ to Hit
Your Stride i
■ • i '
iMIU C4>NiIT^lENT sfeftviCE IS WORLD Wllk
T •TT i 1 j ; tl ■ j j 1 I T
Ybu'lt line \i chajnoe to "break the tape’ in tom-
petition, for wcll-jpaiyin^, responsible positions if
ygu |fbui Mid-Co ntineni Supply Company. jNo w
thje larg4*k independent supplier to the Petroleum
Industry), tho fwtv is expanding and needs capable
yqung nicn who will qualify themselves.
l| // inter :itc<( Wri\
c Mip CD^TWE
.■ot^(*»t tyrnctii rost wouth. rtxj»s,
HOUSTON, May 17 -cPi-Fri-*
day the; Southwest Conference
adopted penalties to l>b entorced
for violations of its "purity code”
and set up a committee to study
possible expansion of the conler-
lhe purity code violations, to
deal primarily with problems ris
es and
probation of
conference Schools to -outright ex-.
pulsion, i 1 •;
Individiiial-athletes could be sus
pended oiie year with r loss of a '
season eligibility or could receive
permanent loss of eligibility.
L he conierence expansion com
mittee, instructed to make its
report in December, resulted
from a delegation of Lubbock
citizens lappearing before the
conferemje faculty committee to
ask that* ’Texas Technological
College be admitted to the con
ference. •
Heading the Lubbock committee
;.Was Bill McMillan. Ituilding eon-1
tractor. Nb officials of Texas Tech
\ appeaivd before the conference
Indirectly, the faculty group,
placed a'limitation on conference
teams participating in postseason,
football bowl games.
The group adopted a regula- !
tion whereby any school receiv
ing conference approval to parti-
pate in such contests will be re
quired to pa? the conference 25
percent -of all net receipts or
$1J),000, ■ w hichevcr is the great -
"This action includes the ( ttou
of Dallas, gained'9 1-3 points each.
The first five teams were, in ov*
i der, Lamar, Highland Park, Wood-
row Wilson with'28 points, Austin
High bf Austin; with 22 points,
i and Austin High of Houston with
I 13 points.
Crawford set a new record in
the breaststroke by going the
distance in l:0b.6 and then team
ed with Burnetl and Wilson to
set a record of 1:15,6 in the 18(K
yard Medley Relay.
The complete results arc as fol
lows: 5
S0-y§rd Freestyle: 1. Van Adam
son, A&M Consolidated; 2. R.
shall Robnett, and Milton Routt.
James resigned from A&M this
past spring. He also runs a camp
for boys at Kerrville, Texas.
Aggie Trainer
Returns to LSI!
Bruce Morisse entered tjne gn
and finished up for A&^L Mori
settled dowi} to steady ifc ill as
fabVied five Texans tol Ijicc h
Off of four hits, he all
runs. Two of these he wjaSced in
For a while it looieli as
Bobby Layne had a 4h»tout
his grasp. But in the bnfljth i
ning, Jim Calvert, whjijenjoy
a great day at bat, leil hfjf wjjl
a double. |.
Morrisse got on by ilnlciTor ||y,
Joe Randerson, Longh^rfi sec
baseman. Russell Mak
blow scored Calvert on 11
second error;
In the ninth inning,
! picked up another threejjr
| mig walked.; Fretz an
! doubled to bring in. tw^i
! Calvert’s single scored
The Texas double p
nation of Zomlefcr,
and Hamilton racked
double plays and took/;
out of the Aggies attaci
•ritiii ly wasn’t with the Aggies
tiii^rd ty afternoons as the Texas’
A )uted SWC lead in Frjdayfs
ribs Saturday.,
es with ^ barrage of base
ctirvas and fast balls that held
tl|e Longhorns down to four kits.
ly Tbqji Hamilton was able to
Fret* successively. Ho singled
Inltihe second and homered in the
'mirth to tie the score.
he Aggies drew first blood jin
M second and picked up a 8Hm
end. Hollmig walked and Tex
imton hit to the infield as Holl-
Wjent out on second,
ike Strange batted another ih-
i«lld hall that Randerson let roll
lelwqen his legs and Thornton
nt to third. Peck Vass hit to
bird jasemah Joe Hunt but Thorn-
;oa slid under catcher Dan Watson
see rc.
liamilton tied the score in the
otirtli witli his centerfield blow
t lunded on the limestone! cliffs.
;e s:pre remained that way until
ij: nilnth.
Then Sian Hollmig stepped to
t)ie plate and connected with
bailie Gorin’s first pitch; The
,11 looked jet-propelled as it
,Jled deep into center field and
; ijind ?d at the hasp of the flag-
pole there, 390 feet from home
plate and forty feet above the
U ggjf H
nsi Hb 1-
h( rn^ >d
r s 4 M
lai 11
ndi rs^ 1
p hrr 5
0 Mi>:
Bowl at
feibnee football
James H. Stvwai't, executive sec-
retjuy of the conference, said the
conference last 1 football season
would have receiived between $40,- 1
000 and $45,00(1 from four howl
games had this rule been in effect, Claude; Hooten, Lamar; 4. John |
at.that time. - Endicott, Woodrow Wilson; 5.1
Cnder the new rule,. he ox- ' Buddy'Hoyt, Pascjhal. Time: 1:06.0 ;
pUiincd, the conference plans to j (new feeprd).
declare "dividends” whenever ex- |
cess funds accumulate. Such di- Ison
videmfs. growing primarily from ris, Highland Park; 3. Bob Tim-
boWl game receipts, would go iuins, Highland Park; 4. Arden
equally to all Seven schools. j Armenne, Lamar; 5- Bob Snell-
All schools still can request' con- j ing, Highland Paj-k. Time 2:25,5.
fV-ivnce permission' to participate lOO-^ard Backstroke: s 1. Van
in a howl game but the 25 percent : Adnmsbn, A&M Consolidated; 2.
or $10,000 fee due the conference ' Joe Burnett, Woodrow Wilson; 3.
would limjt participation to only j. Albert Kilgore, Austin of Houston
toji ranking bowl classics. i 4. Dudley Epps, Lamar; 5. Leslie
: 2 - Beddoes, , Highland Park. Time
Trainer Marty Broussard has 1
accepted a position at LSU, Ath-1 Saturday’s tilt prove
letic Director Bill Carmichael said | different contest. The
today. cocky over their previt
Broussard liad the job of taking j were surprised as the
Dallas, to which the con- Marsh; Highland Park; 3. H. Webb ; care of the athletes’ sprains and fense stiffened and thejr
botball champion is pled- of Lamar of Houston; 4, Cunning-! bruises this year. He came here I ting collapse^.
to I
jmg loitis,
vi cttjiy,
?gi' is * e-
owp b
Fnjtjz weakened in tho ninth as
walked the first man, Hobos
.{W Mil mis. A runner, Joe Webb,
His substituted' for Wi}lian)H.
bai l if. Munson bout out ai bunt
fir?|t. Then Dan Watson banged
high bounder toward third and
Mjays and Fretz collided in |nn ut-
mpl to field it. Pitcher Charlie
min came up next and cracked a
IjllMl t trough the mound that neith-
Frctz or Thorrtton was aide to
ind Webb and Munson scored'
wi 1 the game, 3 (to 2.
ham of Reagan rif Houston; 5. R. j from the University of Florida last
W inborn of Lamar of Houston-(year, where he performed' the!
Time 25.7 seconds. same job. ■
100-yard Breaststroke: 1. John- Broussard is returning to his j
ny Crawford) Woodrow Wilson; 2. alma mater, for he graduated)
Billy Karow, Austin of Bryan; 3.! from LSU in ’42.
Bobby Fretz took
for the Aggies and
heart out irt a victor;
His sidearm deliverjfj
Texans snowed as he
assortment of sharp a
nt'td m
tad t
c|nt n
I re: ki
F or Your Visual Problems
Consult '
] )r. Carlton R. Lee
20S S. Main — Bryan
Phone 2-1662
Appraisal Service
220-yard Freestyle: Wyant Wil-1 p, ■ ^ ra • Hm 1
n, Woodrow W ilison 2. Jack Mor- Jjeillfif l^.aCl(
Counselors Needed
For Summer Camp
The Veteran's Appraisal Service
has sent questionaires to all stu
dents, who have received testing
and guidance at A&M, according
to R. H. Hughes,-director.
Hughes expressed appreciation
for the cooperation received from
students, and said most of those !
contacted had already responded, j
Hughes is making a study of
! the results achieved by the Ap-
lOO-jrard Freestyle: 1. Billy Ka-!
row, Austin of Bryan; 2. Bob
Snelling, Highland Park; 2. Char-, • , s : : its t , S fblish-
les Davis, Austini of Austin; 4. | ‘S' I,,c c cstablisii-
^j Fotise Ragland, Highland Park; 5*j 111 ‘
Don Cunningham,l Reagan. Time
58.9. - I ' ,
St. Louis
New York
Hi (i .727
Cleveland ■
New York
Dallas Big Brothers, Int., is in-
terj'sted in locating nun qualified
tii work as counselors at their boys 1 ” as.ungton
summer camp, W. R. Hoivley, head , Chicago
of the office of placement and per-
' "S! Wildcat Brothers
t C(‘dar Hill, Texas. Applicants must
' like working out of doors av.d with VILLANOVA, Pa, t—UP*—Two 1
| bbysi between 10 and 15 years of; brother combinations are coming,
age. Boy Stout 01 YMC‘A expert-j up from Villanovav’s freshman j
eijce| will bq helpful to applicants, grid sqiiad to seek varsity posts .
Room, board, and laundry will this fall. Ends Mike and Jock Bo-'
bi[ fufnitshed piu.~ a salary of $175 gan arc from Philadelphia. Ray,
for the camp period. Interested up- aiidl Rudy Mantone, pi Phillips-
tiilicapts shbuld contact the Place- 1 burg, N. J., arc guard and tackle j
riijenti Office for fuithey details, candidates, respectively.
—-- —-- • - »»f—
Diving (low Board): 1. Skippy'
Browning, Highland Park; 2. Bob
Brodnay, Lamar; 0. Jack McCord,
Austin of Austin; 4. Buddy Dorn-
bc-rger, Austin of Austin; 5. Bob
Church, Lamar. [
180-yard Medley Relay: 1. Wood-
row Wilson (Buiinett, Crawford,
Wilson), 2. LamaC, 3. Austin of
Houston, 4 Austin bf-Austin. Time
1:45.6. (new record).
160-yard Freestyle Relay: Aus
tin of Austin, (J. (Davis, C. Davis,
C. Langford, and ;J. McCord); 2.
Lamar, 3. Highland Park, 4. Aus
tin of Houston, 5. jSan Jacinto. |
One Was Enough j
(k I BOSTON—to—W Boston Red!
6’r | Sox faded last season after win-'I
l u
ning the,. American League title
in 1946, but the Bosox led tho
loop itj one department—they won
more one run games than any
other team, 28. Tho Red Sox lost
20 tiltA by a single; marker.
Capp Honored By
President Truman
; v
For his volunteer work fo the
field of vocational rehabilitation
for veterans, Al Capp, creatorXof
“Li’l Abner,” was presentecf a ci
tation by President Harry Tru-\
It was the second tribute this
year for Capp, who wax recently
presented the Billy deBeck Me
morial Award in New York by tho
National Cartoonists* Society,
which voted him the outstanding j
cartoonist for 1947.
For Your Sporting Goods Needs
803 S. Main Bryaif
Ph. 2-2832
"Break for Seniors"
: j. ■ i ■ s,; - 1
: 'll .
At the first sound of trouble . . . drive
in here. We’re experts at finding trouble
spots and fixing them quickly, expertly at
low costs. Give your car the best of care—
always Ijet us do the repair! Complete one
Stop service.