The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1948, Image 2
f'i i •A' •v ^ v -:! . If . ‘ , ' i ,V !,/ • r - i' ■ ■ j <1- ■ h i ~ ■ k- l .. A- 1 1 1 ■ :■ ftft''||31'vff ft : ■ • U . ft ’ . ftft :■ ji . :| . - ; . ■ ft" '■ Ti ' ' ! , r fl .... . j ; - ’ J i Page 2 m ■ Mi ' M ' 'ji f, D A -' 1 j B IT .ft 'ft 1 1 . K a 11 a O! 1 ; • • . ' I ■ ^ ■ l ion j, RIALS MONDAY, MAY ,17, 1948 |;jf ft j ' ' . 'Lawrenc -if-T Soldier,'Statesman, knightly Gentleman” ' 1 ft j 1 ' | 5 Sullivan Ross, Founder pf Aggie Traditions Are Afo Bad, Boys’ i ill | i Despitfe! the death in (uermany la3t ; week of Msgr. Edward; J. Fla laganj his famous “Boys Town”: in I^ebraski. will probably con tinue its work. Ifor the ideas expressed at Boys Towp have gunk de< ply into our gociol- " ere is no such a thing i I -t 1 s wo ; x>uys iOWp| havc quiii' / ogical thmkingH “Th '» as a bad Ipby.: ; : j The 6t-year-old Neb -aska priest ;w a s stricken at, Harnack House in Berliiy an American; Military Government residence for Visiting oljticials. Father | Flanagan, w^o has championed the cause; of underprivileged boys for more than three decades, wdnt to Vienna 1 last March toj st^dy ’^.ustriah ybuth conditions, j j n rp exa g During his tdur hje was ijeceived in Rome by ‘ x-, .xJ‘ Pope Pius tation of the U. S. Army: In 1947 he made a similar mission to Japan. The Nebraska priest founded his world renowned home for needy boys in 1917 on the outskirts of Omaha. Originally it was a little house which he rented by borrowing $90 in the Christmas season. Boys Town has since grown into a busy community. Incorporated in 1936, it is now listed in the U. 9. Postal Guide. Since the moving picture told the story of Boys Town, with Spencer Tracy as Father Flanagap, many similar institutions have been foimded, with many variations. One such is the Boys Town at Old Tascosa, here XII. .. I •' Later he Came to Germany; at the ‘jinvi- ; J Father Flanagan is dead, but his creed, “There is no such thing as a bad boy” lives on. i J 1 1 Henry! "V^allajce supporters have been starting their meetings iy releasing a dove. This is supposed!.to symbolize a desire for peace, biit! it bnjy remind*'us of a fellow narhe^l Nbah wjhq sent u ) one of these birds because He was complete y lost in the middle of a high $eu. , h , , A stare ih Washington has this s the vvindpw: “We do not sell bull-point All our pehsidb is writer’ .' * - t -+- v Chester Bowles told Mr. Truman that the American Labor Party’s Wallace victory in a New York city congressional district will “wake the Democratic party up.” If the Democrats don’t wake up they may wake up to find themselves at the Democratic party's wake. ■ HkiSS H -I9SZS!. BETWEEN THE BOOK ENDS 1 Satire on Church, Left Wing Rebuttal Head Reading List On-Farm Trainees 50 Attend Si Qualify for Raise Under New VA Law Ag Council Most of the 45,000 World War II veterans taking institutional on- farm training in Texas, Louisiana, arid Mississippi may qualify for increased subsistence benefits due to changes in ceilings, rates, and number of dependents, the Veter ans Administration has reported. The law, signed by President Truman on May 4, raises pay ceil ings, establishes new criteria for computing income from productive labor, and provides for partial in creases in subsistence allowances for part-time school training and for combination school and job training programs such as insti tutional on-farm training. Under the new ceiling^ for GI Bill farm trainees, earned income plus subsistence may not exceed $270 for a veteran with one de pendent, and $290 for a veteran with more than one dependent. Approxinlately 50 businessmen attended Commercial Agricultur meeting held on the cam day. i j The group met organizatiopal pro with financial ma ship, revision of bp- stitution changes. Sherman W. Clark f>(| Hous manager of Texas Gu fl SuIph agricultural depart fne^ ,| ras e' man of the meetings llalvii’ Johnson of Dallas, dim Sears-Roebuck Founds!: chairman Of the coumii Logan of Waco, ayricijU! ager of the Chambjer o is secretary-treasurer.; Speakers! at the eou i were Dr. Sloan Jpne^: . 5 1 | , n, and Dr. R. t, Patterson, as- »nt director of the Experiment don; Jv D. Prewit, acting dl- >r of the Extension Service; ard B. Boswell, assistant state il conservationist; and W. I. tenault, administrative assistant ifield ini instruction for the Produc- ib'n Marketing Administration. Previous limits were $175 for a veteran without dependents and $200 for a veteran with one tor more 'dependents. * The firtot adjustments will prob ably be in the August 1 checks, retroactive to April 1, the Veter ans Administration said. William Gomberg To Address SAM Again jit looks as if the hopes of a!peace ful Europe fnay go up in smoke—from a smoke-fi led room. —Arkansas Gazette. gn in pens. Presidmt Truman appealed for quick ac tion on tld housing bill, but the Senate de cided to depute it. Dr. William Gomberg, director THE BISHOP’S Vj'IFE by Robert; Nathan. Grosset & Dunlap, j of the management engineering de- 192 pp. h |> | partmeijit of the International La- This bopk, upon wpieh the MGM movie was !based, is called a | digs’ Garment Workers’ Union, AF “gentle satire on the woj-ldiness of today ? s church” in the jacket blurb, : of L, of New York City, will ad- Gentle the tale is,'and told with charm for the, jnost part. Briefly, j dress the Society for the Advance ment of Management Tuesday “At noon,” reported the Biloxi (Miss.) Herald,, “the teachers and director’s will heave lunch at the Beach Park.” the story concerns a bishop who, involved in the building of a new cathedral, prays for divine assis tance. Assistance appears in the form of an angel who promply falls in love with the bishop’s wife. Development of the plot situa tion is done with a light, occasion ally insipid, hand. HAIFA —UP)— The dee^ water iikrbbr fpr Haifa, Palestine, \yas ifomplcted until 1933;. NOW—LAST I)/ Betty tii ill technicc “MOTHER TIGHTSl William “THE W1 Ford Driv Short Course On Crop Dusting Will Be Offered Pilots night at 7:15 in the YMCA Cha- pel ^ ' An ILGWU organizer and a un ion local business agent before be coming director of the manage ment engineering department, Dr. Gomberb is a prolific writer and speaker on the subject of indus trial labor relations. BURGES NSA’s RegiojnaT Organizations T I- ,! t C ■ . c l ■; (jThiyri of i ARTICLE IV. REGIONAL organization ; OF j THE tt’SNSA. A. The •regipnB,'|as defiled ip the By-Laws,j shall form ortsanjzat ons: consisting of all) Series) mem 1. Fad deep Coi The gani; blv. 1. All Studpnt Coti^ress. [shall l-)e members of -the 2.-T?hY ; a. 1 t' b. c. y | HOLLYWOOD ON TRIAL by a • * \ I Gordon Kahn. Boni & Gaer, New • \ I York, $1, 226 pp. '* • j ^ \ S. i . ; ^ r- .• r- , I Hollywood on Trial is the coun- voting member of the Executive Com-v ter-smear issued by the left wing mittee. ] i!n answer to the Thomas Commit- The powers and duties of the Regional h* investigation which cited ten Officers shall be specified in the Region- i ? creen wr ‘- ers . for contempt of He . will be one of the principal A|i airplane operator’s short ; speakers' at the First Annual Man- course on the! safe usage of the a ^ ement Engineering Conference' chemical weedkiller, 2,4-D, will be | ^ Md 0,1 tho campus Ma * v j held at Bcaumopt on May 22 un-1 ' The meeting will be open to the | xfr schools wit lin. their areas, h: Regional Oiganization ; shall es-j tub i$h a. 3brarate ('on^titutibn which not-conflict with,any part of this) s:iti-itiolji. : I j egis|lati\le bixly! of the Regional Or-j atioin shall be pie Regional Asseml i epjreseintativep to the National .Regional Assemblies. Regional Assembly shdll: • al Constitution, ARTICLE V. THE COMMISSION SYSTEM OF THE USNSA A. The activities of the USNSA shall be ex ecuted through the commission svstem. 1. Each National Commission shall be ad ministered by one of the National vice- Presiden.fs and such other subordinate officers or personnel as authorized in the By-Laws. 2. Each National Commission shall: der the sponsorship of A&M and the U S Department of Agricul ture. publid- This short epuirse is one of a so-’ lies ot activities planned by a; committee appoiinted in March by | Director R. Uj Lewis of the Agri cultural Expeijiment Station, to dc-j velop infoi mation to safeguard [ crops susceptible to damage from the Weedkillerl. The committee, composed of plant scientists, extension person nel, county officials, farmers and airplane dusting company repre- Dpfermijie policies withiri its region), id! pijoMirted! that sMch.;policies shall not ntflief-jwith Ihisi Constitution or Afeh the })olicif:‘s and programs der qrnfiineq l)y tpfe Natio|tal Studenf " tfve qngre:s$. \ InsdR^s-: Ipronosed nations aijidiproigifams eff the US policies NS A; ojn. the poli- teijes! ant| progitams adopted by the cjt 1 [Rotnotei \vithirl its regi I Congres^ xtlrcisKf all, otlher powi rfe all! Congress. Gordon Kahn, the au thor, was not among the ten indic ted, but duRng the investigation, J. L. Warner, executive vice-presi dent of Warner Brothers Studios, testified that he discharged Kahn because he (Warner) was] “cer tain” Kahn was a communist. hailing to perceive any reason why Congress, as the nationV’ highest political body, does not have the authority (and duty) to investigate the political activity of j sentfttives, met in Houston, on „ the nation’s citizems, Kahn shifts April 2 and drew up precautions a. Initiate surveys on student problems the emphasis of Hollywood on Trial for the safe litsages of 2,4-Dl , i within its jurisdiction. ■ to the character and conduct of the j ■* . j h Prpnorp rpnhrU fnv tho mpmhpr stn ■: Thomas .Committee. j The short coarse will be held | 0. Prepare repplts tOl tne memou stu- j. , , ! ft , . at ihe court house in Beaumont. I (l^nt bodies, the Regional Assem- a Jliittui souree of mateSl The i‘ ,)r - A - A - head of the , bhes. the Executive Committee, and reader will pquirm at this defend-' <iei ! art ?. en , t ' of p, ?, n * |,h . > . s,ol#g >’ I the National Student Congress. ant’s eye view of the conduct of I aha patholog.\. Will preside. Plan and coordinate national pro- j members of his Congress. I Slated for discussion are: "Pub-j grams leading to the solution of stu- Highly colored, Hollywood on ’ lie; Responsibility in the Use of ; dent problems in accordance with’I? r . ial inte I?* tin * f ’ 1)Ut hardly 'I M*V” by M ; K. Thornton, ex-' Dr John S. Caldyvell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas r PALACE Bryan 2*5^79 EAST; DAY “To the Victor” '"ti ; T . j’ : T r TCES. thru SAT. , VAN JOHNSON 1 JUNE ALYSON ■ ' T 1 ; ’ j ■] —in— i i6 The Bride t Goes Wild” i QUEEN NOW SHOWING YVONNE DeCARLO “Casbah si WAREHOUSE I. j 4423* X h W E HAVE THE SPACE . Call us for arrange ments to store ybur furniture, household furnishings,’etc. i/o Mi. South Kyle Field On Old Hwy. 6 ALTO PAINTING Body & Fender Work Free Estimates R. J. BONDS FILLING ST A. College Station, Texas C. rs and pet' ll ich may l^e sections of B. C. The 1' tqnjn a lit otherjduties w idi-logateti to it: by othe thiH Cohstitnthm, this National Stu- (ifnt Coitgressior its Regional Coil- stjitjut|on.' -r I ; : . ■ . Rbgioiiai Execiftive Conhmittee shall C. be ejmhposed iof the iRegiohal I Officers and ! U suet stitutioh •|: ! V' l.'Tb s a. rjther. niember.f as the Regional Coi|- tJoh shall provide. I er Regibnal Executive Committee r lietermhie theidate and) place of Re gional Assembly meetings. Supervise the ijollection and expendi ture of regional funds, c.; S upeiwRe the j execution, jof policies ^and proirrams.determinedT)y the Na- t onal Student iCo^gressj and the Re gional Assembly. £ jixjeiti'Jse such! powers and perform j sjuth other duities as are delegated this Constitution, By-Laws, and the resolutions of the National Student Congress. The Regional Assemblies shall establish administrative structure necessary for the functioning of the Commissions at j the regional level. The member student bodies shall estab- j lish administrative structure necessary for the functioning of the Commissions j at the Campus level. ARTICLE VI. MEMBERSHIP IN THE USNSA. Affiliation. 1. Student bodies of recognized colleges and universities or any other institution of higher learning which have been rec ognized by therStaff Committee and Which are located within the territorial limits of the United States mav affiliate with the USNSA if they ratify this Constitution and their Regional Consti tutions. Adequate proof of ratification by the student body or student govern ment of that institution must be pre- informativo, reading. Bishop Quin to Be Here Wednesday At Episcopal Meet The Rt. Rev. Clinton S. Quin, bishop of Texas, will be at St. Thomas' Episcopal Chapel Wednes day evening at 7:30 ifor a confir mation service. He will dedicate the new parish house at 8:30 p. m., after which a get-together hour will be held. Preceding the confirmation ser vice, there will be a covered dish parish supper at 6 p; m. This will be the first time that the new parish house has been used by members of St. Thomas' coijgregation for a parish func- ! tioto, Rev. Orin Helvey, vicar, said. ' Rev. Helvey hopes that all Epis copal Aggies will be present at Wednesday evening tension agricultural chemist; “Vo latility and Concentration of 2,4-D ; in Relation (o Crop Damage,” by ! W. C Davis, superintendent of the ! Beaumont rejseajrch station, “Mar gins of Safety in the Application j of 2,4-D," by DL E. C. Tullis, US- ; DA plant physiologist; “Practical ! and Proper i Application by Air- 1 planes," by j. M. Sedberry, Beau- ! mont airplaijc operator, and “Air plane Spray Equipment,” by O. K. Hidden, USD A agricultural, engi neer. . j / to it by tho Regional Constitution. D. The] Regional 'Officers >shall l|>e a Regional President. jVice - JPresidentl Secretary, :uu TreBsiut’et aiul sucl other officers as the Regional Constitutjion, shall provide, i. Apl Regional! Officers shall be elected aimjulilljr before the end of the National ° — J ' ' 1 : djed in the Re- L. !i ft' , Thu of ColUg Bfternop lished de hijill serve as a the Wednesday evening services seated to the national and regional of- and sapper, fices of the USNSA. B. Disaffiliation. 1. Upon notification to the national and regional offices of the USNSA, a mem ber student body may initiate disaffilia tion proceedings on its campus. ; 2. Disaffiliation shall be concluded upon ^presentation to the national and region al offices of adequate proof that the member student body desires to with draw and resign from the USNSA. The cooperating agencies hope to prevent ja reccurrence of the damage done in several Gulf Coast counties last year when the chem ical was ducted 1 from airplanes in rice fields ahd drifted onto cotton. FREE TUESDAY Drivers Free If you drive a Ford car you will be admitted to the Skyway free Tues day nite. . . Courtesy Bryan Motor Co. V / • torrlogj 7 with KENT SMITH ■ Sctem Play t>v JOHN vanjt Stas* PlO by JOHN van ( ITEM I For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 803 S. Main Bryan 1’h. 2-2832 Open* 1:00 P.M. Ph. 4-II8L TODAY thro WED. First Run Bryan- College —Filatures Begin’— 1:30 - 3:35 - 5:45 - 9:50 - 10:00 4- ■ COLLEGE STATION RESIDENTS e Battalion attalioh, official ne^spapeF of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City wee' . pe: _ , ription ratje $4.30 per fjchool year. Advertising rates furnislied on request Battalioh, official ngwepapeF of the Agricultural and Mechanical Collo ge Station, Texaij, is published five timeto a week and circulated every n] except during] holidays and examination periods. During the surar jnjh'Weekljy* Sub Neivs COntnliutioti Monday through Friday summer The Battalion is pub- win Hall.) Classiified ads 209, Gcjodwin 43all. •? Th cd to i Rights o. Entxrci Olficc 4 the Act if CoBgrcbS jot March ] <| [ | ' a CHARlilE*My&AY, 1 JMIB NELSON F L Vick Lii dl4y J, T. MU " ' Mack T. Horn R. Nelsor , Bob ys W|y»un>» is entitled Exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credit- eredited in the paper alnd local news of s publication Rf ail other'matter hereijn are also reserved Press hunjise 1 • > l#sa mat! er f :a|tion,' T4xa>!, Under S. 1870. cr, Xdleh B. L. Bi IlmnlW.! Carter, p. tltta R; ftfcynahd, “ lUnitctiii Bond, Lot is Rorsaii - T ' TTr ^ - ay be made by telephome (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, Good- may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room ■ - ’ tr Ut.Post pontanei ecus origin published herein. jl*' j v Mpmber of The Associated Press vey ChplL... 1 - MunrtH, tftC. ir«U, mze, J. ,C fails. Jnhn Goodyr%D....i.-—: - M..i. Wire Kdi Manucinir Editors Feature Edi Feature Writ J amts E. Singletary, : Reporter* Repreechted nationally by National Ad vertising Service Inc., at; New York City. Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. ...... Co-Editors jot t:n Bob Kenliellcy... Joe Trevino, Hardy E. Russ.— Art Howard J _,...CIrcuUtion Ranagcr .\.......Photo Engraver* .Sport* Editor James DeAnda, Andy ;Mhtula, Zero 1 Don Engelking, Bob Spoedc, Bill Evans [LijSpoirts Writer Grady Griffin ..... .-.^..-Photographer TIf I M n r« V C m rt, uin !** : ■ : : j Town Meeting For the Discussion of: STREET IMPROVEMENTS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT . SYSTEM - An the Public Hearing of the Budget for the fbal year 194M9.* ;i' 1 • 7 ' 1 ' ] —7:30 P. M— . A Tuesday, Slay 25, 1948 A&M Consolidated Gym 'I * ! " j' j ! f : !' -itirni—— ;' ... 4 | (jvLt |\ ELEANOR Parker a nyr 11 waync r r* IRVING RAPPER l10i«lo«u* by Chin** Hoffman • Oo' 1 *' O'* tiy Alfred d* Uctfre Jr • Move by M»« Slemar J bite UESDAYl D—THTTwh. ’Ifii * i| t,*l. ■m \ < ®SS"j Ct WALT DISNEY CARTOON SHORT — NEWS THURS. — FRI. _ SAT. First Run Bryan - College OttNN FORD (VIIVN KEYES Mi > i*" ^ • i't i •^1 • ■ ■ i • 'it as' STAN t-i (greeted b| •I; — ■r ’ j ■Jr mmru V -r-fr- MAOC. •«*>*>' ■1 r„ — — iil 111 TT I ttlft