The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1948, Image 1

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Volume 4
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Take SW Conference Track Cha
Seniors, Dates and Wiv&s SMU Presented
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Partmpdte in Ring Ceremony
One^thoulrind one
gjes and thfii- data*
ihundred I Aa-i. |
v.’ent thrjnijdi
spotlight cast the I words “Senior
Ring Banquet, Class of ’49’’ onto j
' ■ “ ' u
the ring atithe Bei]ior Ring Dku
id Sbisa H^Il Friday night.-frirfe!
the Wall above the]speakers table,
whilti the massed flags of the mili-
of the Moore-winping “E” Artil
lery by Bennie Zinn. 5
The class, [history was read by
Gus Vletas. N. R. “Jug’’ Leather-
w}aB. the laj
take part lii
moninl, wf
rest’ dumber ever tip
;the! picturesque • (feiff-
t-ary organization fluttered behind j wood was_master of ceremonies;
the tablies. |
[otr ‘
Nojt content with importing many
dates, from TSCW, the committee
\ya^ originate® ip had, hs [chief speaker Professor U.
thue band
playing atf^ a. m,! Saturday,
dot until 1|30 did [the last cm
fjile through the ring
jSam Don^'iue’F. orchestra furni
ished tljie ddpee tmisic.
Before . ttte dance, the seiiiorfc
and their IvivesL -sweetheart: I of 1 !
-daltes ci|owd]kl into! the west 'tin|;,
of; Dunpan pall llor ; the lai ges ,!i
E. Jackjson of that! school, a hum
orous after-dinner speaker. Jack-
son ^ - as inttbduceiji by President
KCy« were preisente<l at the
banquet to winners of “Who's
Whd’ nominations by C. G.
“Spike" White; tp organization
comd»anders by 0^1- Guy S. Me-
loy qnd to graduating members
Award by Batt
v : ?:>
« . w
Scott Si
In 100
L,' 1
Rev. Sam B. Hill gave the invoca
tion, and Corps Chaplain Cliff
Harris the benediction.
Bill Evans headed the banquet
committee, assisted by Bob Ken-
nelley, Joe Reuss. Bob Hollowell, I
1 Roy Neely, Bob Taylor, and Jim-
i my Jones. Decorations committee,
| headed by Jimmy Tittle, included
j Sam Marshal) and Henry Pate. The
! sales committee was headed by
I Howard Oliver, and included Joe
i Richardson, Pat Marks, Gene Lew
is and Robert Rogers.
banquet eveS sermt cin the can
The hall was decorated
.nmroop and
! white
streamer:. 'J
ells Tale
ring GJs
; , i
Do yob yjjn'nt toi hflar a
iijg story ? j!
Waco VA hast cine;
Each year latel ill, Muv or eal-ly
a lot
iii June, se 1 era) Thoupand vet
ays in colh to wlnll Up their
fairs and gp homc| Or go soi]i
wperq. Any vay, (they move.
That, say < yAi -iji q|uite a m
idg stor^. , ' ..I d j *, .
| Every au ifimorj VA jfi'nds its
if supfstencj* che< ks
itj can’t del |ver l>ecaujse a lot
'-Veterans m ived jaisd kiidn't
VA thciP m w fl.dihps.'jes.
If you have -it check cor
from VA a pi awn to move
fare it arrr eRv yAi pleads: i
' 'ns the ne\V iaddre. c .f NOW. p _Y.
When ym '»mn}l [that new sd- f 1-^ w
-►xhieas %« Wiaio. tell VA at tbc I ^ om i
same time jwhether you will tor . h,s ex P
wjll-nqt rp-fcnrqll later. Do that ,,i '
and you’ll gta: yourfehireks fa.-tfa”
when you do re-cnjroU.
Southern ijethodist University
was presented with the Southwest
Conference Sportsmanship Award
Saturday at the Conference Track
Meet in Houston.
President of the SMU student
body, George Crisp received the
three-foot trophy for Southern
Methodist from Battalion Co-Edi
tor Jimmie Nelson.
The award winner was selected
by conference school representa
tives, including the head yell lead
er, student editor, dean of stu- |
dents, athletic director, and a rep
resentative of the fonner student’s
organization at each school, to
gether with sixteen conference ath
letic officials! and the! executive
secretary of the Southwest Con
Characteristic traits of wports-
maaship displayed by both ath
letic teams and members of the
student body were considered
in the selection of the winning
The sportsmanship award pro
gram was initiated by The- Bat
talion I in an effort to J raise the
standards of sportsmanship ex
hibited by Southwest; Athletic
Conference member schools. The
award is to htf presented each year
to that school in the conference
that best fulfills the ideals and
aims of true sportsmanship us de
termined by student leader?
throughout the con fere rice.
According to present plans, stu
dent leaders from each conference
school will be invited to College
Station early in September of each j
year to discuss plans fdr, the im-!
jprovement of inter-school relations ,
and means for promoting a more |
active and i worthwhile rivalry j
among conference schools.
Col. Frank An<|^
I the Texas Longhor
' pions in Houston
i Aggies come from
race was run. 11
A&M totaled (fl
with Arkansas placing p
Clyde Scott of Ak;
followed by Texan .lerri-;
with 10. f;
?rful! Track Team swamped
aiting as Conference Cham-
jve thousand fans, sow the
nth the meet before the last
to 57 -for Texas University,
ugh point man with 17 points,
Sth 1|5 and Aggie George Kadera
the shot put. Kadera hlti
a heave of 49 feet 2 l ,iii
4G feet 9 VI inches to pi
hedged out Reichert of
failed to catch his sera
Arkansas 1.
iLIN; YOUNG placed one-two in
bot of thi 1 conference mark with
used his qualifying distance of
of Texas by a foot. Petrovich
llhi inches- when the head judge
the score was A&M, 8. Texas 2,
Results of the 44
sent the Aggies far ijh;!
Harnden. Ray Hollvnwd
and third places respect,
same order in last ytails <
Tom Cox, Rice’s mi 3
Desmond Kidd, TU’s
after this event was;
first running event of the day,!
rCst of the pack. Aggies Art'
GOING THROUGH RING—l^assing through the senior ring at
the Ring Dance Friday night are A. N. "DUTCH" HARTMAN,
Battery “E" commander, and MISS BARBARA BA1LL10 of Victoria.
Clyde Scott, the At
day in tht: second tracl^
the heavily favored Tt
Parker was Bccbiul whiijoj]
chump was .third. The - r
second off the confendirC
lilderback took first, second,! /
three men had finished in that
iirmlen’s time was 48.1 seconds.
rfermilcr, took fourth plaice while
ed out of the money. The Hcqro
J, Rice 1, Arkansas 1
pulled the biggest upse|t of tire
l|(l. yqrd (lash, when he npsed out
Charley Parker, for firfct plucdf
Perry Samuels, last, years SWlT
( nils, was only ope tenth of a
•«» U- -
Webb Jav, A&M’slj i
least eight points in tki
1 point to :* for Texa
RV Social Given
VNTIS COjllES HOME—Batt photographer GRADY GRIF-
ilcdnies henie the. Batt’s roving correspondent IVAN YANTIS
i globe-circling tour. YANTIS arrived just in tine to tell
riences at! the Press Club banquet Thursday night
three beaming faces behind the clasped hands belong to
Engine Editor PAUL McBRIDE, Commentator Editor ' PAUL
The three beaming faces behind the clasped hands belong to
i Engineef , “ ,
Hall Quits History Staff
| -
State Representajtiye from
26th district--Brazoi: and Grinies.!.“‘
L-a ! _ . 11. r _l*x. t . -U! • ^ I ■iri*»*o/In ii ♦
Ih his ahtg
rated that he
couhties—subject to I action of '4he i jgraduatk work and | teaching here j returned to Texas and after j u
Deihocratic ppiinnifyj : | feince 1945. Leaving his ship at | year in veterans hospitals entered
Ban Diego ift November of that; J?***) 8 / 01 Uor ^ * 11 agiicul-
year, hd flev,^ to Tdxas and hut- : economics,
fried dovi'n on! the Stmbeam to ar-
f ,
tfncermjntj Hall injdi-
is stpdiyiiig the m
Silver Taps to B
Held Tonight For
Lonnie Spann Jr.
' j : ' ' )■
Saturday Night
The standings afictij t
7, Arkansas, 6 Rice 1. j:
The Ross Volunteers held their first social event since
1943 .Saturday night at the Bryan Country Club.
The Prairie View Collegians, Negro orchestra from
Prairie View University, furnished the music for the Spring j Napier. Parker's time
Texas' chances lookj-j
^Texas' great distance * '
lace to. break his owi
ickio Brook?, another
Aggies J. D. Hamuli
respectively. Thin event! ij
15, Arkansas 6, Rice 1|
A&M took four bnfli n<54(
yard dash. Texas’ CharlJyJ: Pa
Aggie Warreii Wilson
Ross Pritchard of
(look fourth to give the Aggies
|iid been expected to pick up at
| !
Silver Taps will be observed
tonight at 10:30 for Lonnie I.
Spann Jr. of Dallas, junior ROTC
student who was killed Friday
night in an automobile accident.
The car in 1 which he was rid
ing collided with a truck carry
ing oil pipes. The accident occur
red at 6:45 p. m. near Mexia and
he died an hour and fifteen min
utes later.
An electrical engineering jun
ior in ‘‘A’' Flight. Air Force.
Spann was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. I. Spann Sr., 2631 Lang-
don, Dallas, ije was 19 years old.
Funeral services were held
U/ j. I i I' j ! j .
To Run for Representative
' if,: r I ^ Mr
ter of state b mustjs or other
for VevVaidin]: vetenins foT
Hall, inowj owner jof a fanij be-; W. C. Hall joined the United;
tween [Bryan and j Navasota on j ^tate Navy and was among those j
4'ho put the aircraft carrier [
into commission. Dijs-
William C Ha)l has resigned •
from .the history teaching staff of
thej college jn oijdei- to run tor ! 6,’attendejl. Texas A&M J tt" IW
! in iq'i'tIoq. L„.i i.^ ! .ivanger
1937r38, land hojs been doitjg . c harged.for medical disability, he!
Juniors to Elect
194&49 Officers
Tonight at 7:15
The junior Class will meet to-
i night at 7:15 in the Assembly Hall
! to elect officers for the school
j year 1948-49, Johi) Orr; class pres-
] ident, ahndunced jtoday.
j Five offices for next year’s
l Senior Class will be decided at the
l election:. President, vice president,
secretary-treasurer, social secro-
yesterday afternoon at Cockrell tary, and historiaii.
Hill Methodist Church, Dallas.
services, and would (have $ stale'- - torch was applied tp the Turkey-
mept to mak: later outlining his p&y bonfire.
inn 14/» V- cj t» n r> n A L' nt I xriikin** • A
position. He has che«kej.i on vetkr
an’s aid proiTamu ; in all other
;..statles, and :s prejiaring recoln-
mendations fc r Texas.
J f
National Board Accredits
Vii 1 ; M.! ! I .x - . [ 1] !
Architectural Department
1 exa
tdbi . ,
T1 .,„ ......... ^ nnn „„ m Tn Being barred from WW II mili-1
asTphar!|Kream, jKow Klub
macist’s mate and sailed on avia- np„ FI
tion-gasoline tankers across the j A li0«r U31FA llldll
Atlantic, Pacific, Mediterranean,
Persian Gulf and Indian ocean?.
Hall is a member of the Baptist
ehurch, the Sul Ross Masonic
Lodge, and Woodmen of the
World, Paul Hall, 13-year-old son,
After ! receiving ehrly schooling
'in Dalla? (whrie hi? grandfather,
Leonidas Hall, was pommander of
the Dallas Coiifederite Veterans),
i '
t: ! .«
Bryan Blalopk of Marshall, pub
lic relations, director of the south
ern division of the Bordon Com
pany, will address the Kream ami
Kow Klub in the Petroleum Engi
neering Lecture Room at 7 p. m.,
I i
attends Lamar Junior High School j jj a y jg
and is a member of the Brazos Blalock is honorary president of
County 4-H Club, ! the Diary Products Institute, a di-
The class will also receive the
report of the policy committee.
This committee, composed of one
junior representative from each
military organization k>n the cam-
Ball. I This left the Ktandiijj
Attending as honor guests were ] R'ce 1. ^
Lt\C'ol. and Mrs. Bill Becker, Col. | x
Guy 'tS. Meloy, and P. L. “Pinky”
This vrirs th« fiPst time that the
Ross Volunteer Company had ap
peared in the white full-dress uni
form? this year.
Jack Andrews, company com
mander of the unit, gave a wel
come address to the guests and
cleared 6 feet 7 inches, kfj
McGrew almost loslriotnj
and final try. A&M th«‘
Robert Walters aud-EI
then read, A&M 28, Text
1 ''
ry (Uiod- ns folldws; A&M li», Texas
|i|U‘r the next event, the mile run.
Thompson;, louf|'<| h<nne| in fipst
with a time qf 4:20.2 isecondg
second. i' i t
Hahn finished third apd lourtr
igl« as follows; A&M 22. Texas
i ts, ip the npxt rVimt—Jhe 220-
home jfirst as was expected hut
heel? in second pjuce. ,
in third followed”by Aggrie Bill
as? I(
A&M 26. Texas 20. Arkansas 8,
Thc 120 yard high |i
dates of the members. In his ad- second first place of the|(
dress, he reviewed the purposes
and aims of the Ross Volunteer
Following his address, Bill Mc
Cormick read the history of the
Ross Volunteers.
Social Secretary of the Ross
Volunteers, James D. Tittle, was
in charge of the overall planning
and preparation of the dance,
while George Butler headed the
refreshments committee.
In charge of the program com
mittee were Monty Currie and
Boren of Tex^s was thir
Scott’s time of 14.(kj
Wolcott’s Conference re*
Aggies failed to place. !
Arkansas 15, Rice 9, SMi
pus, has been compdering the reg-; Herschel Shelby, with Johnny
ulations to be enforced on next | Hammond in charge of the de<pr-
year’s sophomores: who will move 1 ations.
" ’ As an added feature of the usual
decorations, cartoons depicting the
in from Bryan Field.
The committee, agreeing
Hall, is a Baptist missionary and
|-is remembered by many GI’s as
. ; • i i i I | | I chaplain at the Fort Sam Houston
The curriculum in Afchjiteqturje leading to a Bachelor of reception center.
Architecture hap been accredited oy the National Architec-!
tural Accreiitirjg Board, recording to wbrd [received by
Ernest Lan^ ford, head of the department
The NAAB inspecting team vis- , H—* i
ited! the camp is April 8 an4 9 to'
on a I
general plan to be followed by all
organizations, will submit the plan :
for approval by the class. The re- j
,.- * )011 w ’*t he given by J. B. Ro-;
C. Hall’s brother, Dr. Lemuel j rector of the Milk Industry Foun- chairman of the committee.
datjon, a fornier director of the
American Dry Milk Institute, and
a retired member of the Daily In
dustry Committee of Washington.
Ross Volunteers
tarvey Chelf.
were drawn by
Orr issued a special plea for a
large attendance, saying that the
“importance of the meeting is such !
that every junior khould attend.” j
Two to One Favor It
iC.'Jjoijesj president A( . ( . r pait i ,tioi'
; qf the board ind director pf tlpe ■' 5
scliool of Ai;cl ite.cturt at the Urti
r yersjity of Ml ineshM, Was chaiir
man of the in: pecting team.
Other me mb >rs ojfj tf
f the team.were
William L., P.*rkiiis of- Sheraton,
jiqwi, secretaijy. of thfe Nat'iohhl
Cbupcjil of Architectural: Regfetrji-
thm Boards, and Walter R. Rolfp,
of, the Houston A_rchi)tecitural fir pi
Vet Students ^ Favor Bon
• I . . J : .i . : | ;;
Supported by Resources Plan
of Goleman
» | I V
Officers Tonight
The N6wmanj| Club Will elect
"ficers for thei fall ^ienaestcy toj-
night at'7:15 Jn the basement (|f
St. Maiy’s . Chapel] ; [ r ' 1 .
Aik amendment concerning the
membership djiies [ asid anothjeji
change covering tihe election oif
;offict'rs will bei] voiced on.. f ]■
A joint report by Creed Ford
Titxas University de-
arjehitec 1 ure.
for ill schools of
^Architecture islfor.a period of five
years ex|tendihg to 5 1953. At the
end of tjhis tmie th * schools are
Revisited by ah NAAB team for
purposes i -of pontinujed accredita
tion^, ; . ' \ I
This mRicejdf acceptance is the 1
culmination of Lseverall years of of- By BILL BILLINGSLEY
j bit to bring A&M’s department of A&M veteran students wont a | natural resource tax. The natural
p.. Urehiteetijre Mlji to the standards 1 state bonus by better than a two iesources supportersledbyarous-
K^lte aind lotrm<|‘r j t j le Country. ; to one margin , and they want it; ing 94.7 percent.
Effective last September, the j supported by a tax on natural re-!
new revised I ciirricuhim in Arcni-1 sources, according to a poll taken I
^ ■ ‘ 1 on the campus Friday afternoon. [
After hearing several Complaints j
that the first purvey, taken with
an eye towanj completing it be
fore the veterans bonus meeting
in Austin, was incomplete and non-
representative, the Battalion staff 1 live of how the feeling ran.
decided to rerun the questiopaire j C. D. K1RKHAM maintained
with better coverage. ' that “85 percent of our oil,' gas,
I lecture ihch]ded two major five
year options! of study. The design
. option, accredited by this notice,
; j leads to a Bachelor of Architec-
■ ! v ture and the ■ construction option
■ j th a Bachelor of Scie ice in Archi-
of- tectural construction.;
The National ArchitecUnul Ac
crediting Beard is acteptem by all
while the remaining 36 wanted a | distribute it over a long period
of time, or give it after the crest
of inflation is past.”
W. E. LOWRY claimed he was
neutral on the entire subject but
Last Battalion
Will Be May 27
Jerry Thompson mA|
the 880 yard run; Thonj
but the Steers wire tr
Thothpsort, easily ca
fast time of 11:54.2, but
Jim Hoff Rice’s improvinj
tance man, Don Sparks,Jtjf'iriy
expected first and second.!;
A AM’s Webster Stop]
being shuit ouf. After th
Texas 31, Arkansals 15,
qve •
I tig star in the high jump as he
inplh below the conference, mark,
he cleared 6’ I” on hk third
TeXas when Art Haws ‘tied w ith
Arkansas with 6’4”. The Score,
ite w 10, Rice 6.
vej with Clyde Scott taking his
h furth of Rice was second; Ken
t L4'' hmd of SMU was fourth.
itenth Of a second off of Frod
the only event in which the
hccariic; A&M 28, T((xus 24,
last minute before ciMcring
h if j Planned on entering this race
to win. ’ ;
i the half mile event with the
second] place was a close one.
ed out Texas’ second blest dis-
fii'$t and third rather than the
Ricks and Johnny David.
rth to keep the Aggies from
•ape the score stood; .4j&M 29,
!>4Iie vault as two Aggies, A1
irles Baker and M. L.
Page 3)
The last Battalion for the
1947-48 school year will be pub
lished Thursday, May 27.
Notices and news stories re
garding summer school an
nouncements and changes in
departmental teaching staffs
should be submitted to The
Battalion as soon as possible.
College Spelts
On Calayt. Fran
; i/-. i
~ r T~
C. O.i Spriggs of tl
following schedule for
broadcast over WTAW
to the radio audience a
This Week’s schedule
Monday, May 17,
Tuesday, May 18,
Wednesday, May 19.H]
Lipscomb’s Son
Being Returned
Opinion ran particularly strong
for taxing the state's oil and
gas exports. Several persons said
they had rather see these re
sources taxed than have a bonus
if the choice came down to that.
he ina-
iftid Pat Ramsey w
« their trip to Austin
: lives; of the Ney
official installajtion
\J. Rpicher as head
tholie Diocese df A
i “S nee a quorum
elect on of officers,
' are urged to attend,'
club reporter, said.
11 ;be given op
as repreienta-
wman Club at.the
of Bishop li,
)f the new Car
iStin. • v r
is needed fot
educational j agencies
ttonally recognized bpard for ari
crediting architectural schools, ip-
j eluding gri dUate schools.
The'boaid is sponsored by the
American institute olf Architects
which appO nts two nieimbers to the
bpard. Tw< members jare appoint-
e|i by the |Jational Cojuncil of Ar-
II member*
Bill Miller^
chitectural iRegistraliop boards and]
two from (the Association of Col-j
legiate Schools of Architecture.
With accreditation. A&M joins!
the ranks with such j schools as
MIT and Harvard in ithe field of
architectural educatioii.
- >
The questions asked were, “Do
you favor a state veterans
bonus?” and }Tf so, how do you
I propose to support it?”. Veter
ans were questioned from Geor
ge’s to the Nqrth Gate.
Of ithe fifty-six men questioned,
18 wjere against a bonus in any
form, giving a percentage of 32
percent opposed. Thirty-eight of
them were for; a bonus making a
percentage of 68 percent in sup^
port of the measure.
Of these, only two could be
found who felt a sales tax should
be imposed to pay for the bonus,
if “enough people vote it in, I’ll
t<iK6 it.”
HUGH C. BEHRENS supported
his negative stand by saying, “I
don’t want a sales tax and we will
never be able to pass a natural
Individual comment was indica-1 resources tax because their lobby
is too strong.”
Two meh qualified theif want
ing a bonus only if there was a
tax on tile petroleum industry-
ami sulphur are being piped out
of the state when these resources
could be used to attract industry
here.” Kirkham said further that
“these industries are irreplaceable
and if they were taxed for ai bonus
the tax could be Continued later to
support our public schools as an
insurance policy iif we should lose
our tidelands.” |
BOB REED typified the oppos
ing group when he'said, “If they
award a bonus now, it will only add
to the present inflation. The only
way I would be for it would be
for them to use some measure to
Another man added that if a bonus
were given it should go to the
families of veteran^ who were kil
led as well as the veterans them
selves. He also favored a tax on
the oil industry. ' j
Results ,of the eptirc survey
might be summed up something
like this: Two out of three veter
ans want a bonus; hardly any of
them want to pay for it through
a sales taij; and everyone seems
to be loading >their guns for the
natural resource groups—bonus or
no bonus.
First Lieutenant Samuel Webb
Lipscomb, son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Lipscomb of College Station,
is being returned to the United
States from Africa aboard the US
Army Transport Barney Kirsch-
The ship is carrying the remains
of 2,530 Americans who lost their
lives during World War II.
Arrival of the transport will be
announced by the New York Port
of Embarkation. Of the above
number, 122 remains are being re
turned for burial in Texas.
non i
Exit it
arli pi
Two Offices Added
To Aero Building
Two hew offices for staff mem
bers are being added in the Aero
nautical Engineering Building, E.
E. Brush, department head, an
nounced today.
The offices, to be located on the
lower floor, will be next to Brush’s
Thursday May 20.
Friday, May 21, “V
Making hjs twentiet
J. T. KENT of the ma
department will give ar
his interesting talks on as
The galactic system—our
ar universe and the stars I
close to us—\yill he the j f
his discussion. Kent will Jc|
his series of' talks with
description of! this syst
Speaking Ti|esdav
BOOK of the modern langii,
partment who will d^vfl
talk on the philosophy
entialism” thajt he m
this semester! The
Book explained, had its b|
in France and is gaining
turn throughout that coi
is merely a modern cone
many old ideas concerning
istence of man; Book said.!
JESSE B. COON of thei
department will speak
on the "Modern Picture
Atom Bomb.” This will
discussion of the nucleu
atom with its relation
energy, Coon emphasized,
will be concerned with tljfeijou
rings of electrons that
about the nucleus of the j
A native of Indiana,
been at A&M for the pi;
artmient announced’today the
ptijlk i" this week. The program,
ouuh friday at 5:15 p. m., brings
e (|f interesting topics.
W 8
U rijvi rse'’ by J. T. Kent.
France” by 'Pruett Book.
jMiaHiireraemt” by Albert R. IVapple
dtart ( f the Atom" by Jesse B. Coon
fr. -da Life by W. L. Porter,
cj jot] the program this semester,
fates Programs
•e. Math. Atom
y 4's. He attended the University
o; jhi liana and later did graduate
w at the University of Chicago.
>nue comjing here, he taqght at
dja vja'V. and at Colorado I A&M.
M. L. TORTER, head of the
hematics department; will dis-
the use of inutheihatiics in
loms that arise 1 in everyday
|lite|oii Friday’s program. For ex-
h, he will explaih the interdst !
s that are incurred when buy-
jjoii the installment plan, Re will
give! a short history Of the
development of mathematics.
liber Club To
*■( ;
!• if
;ir ‘’Unfcle
: Plr il '
i de Ed” and his boys of Ag-
fii civ cru aim r.iB uoys vi ak*
gil^ljind Follies fame will be a spe-
tmtion at the new meeting
A&:M Employees Dinner '
SbUa Half,, Thursdij
I • in*
■ i
nher will be served promptly
ajnd tickets will be oh sale for
at Aggieland Inn until Wed
ay npon. j.