The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 14, 1948, Image 1

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The "Senate has sfdetijaolsed a'
Rights battle at thpf time b; re*
turning to ieomn Itte s ai soul tiern
Ktates’i ediHJ^tion ciomtoacit bill
Before tRe v!crt< ,"Be nator Ri ssell
(Il-Ga) said ithut ]r ^turning the
bill"to eomn ittieo mehjnt tlie ei cl qf
( it in this session of, congress. The
measure woluld give congress dual
approval fer soitne*n state; to
cnake a compact atu jointly fsun-;
poH; edueat ional ins itutions.fThe
southern states prop ise to set up
universities^ for iJeprtoes and keep
their stated UniVersjtiH^ as all-'fhitjc
. schools.
' ■ ■ *T
women fj.000 slrong
marched onj Adolf iHlitier’s fo
parade grotnd in Muiich yesterday
in protest ngain^tIfcjiod shortages
DETROIT, May 11 —UPi- Ar
$8,00o.000 ‘(kitty” Ibeing raise:! by
the CIO uiiited ante worker: i for
their Chrysler: Coir 0i ‘’—
i Strikers, gaiv'
the auto iridu!str|y| reason toffejit
i*a long wallaout
WASHK4GTQM' ifay 14 pA*
President Trum^iji ‘xpressec j the
yior yesteilday that prosjiectf Tor
world peace have" no. increased as
result^Of the Atiwi L an-Sovicf ex
cliauge:of hone's.:rle said thi’|fun-
elameritals ha^e ^ot !bec-n toi|-he<l.
TOKYO, May jl4 fokyo
police hav; canpell?d Saturday’s
scheduled battle : ro r al involving
four-big ball? dresspd in brocade
ajid silk sa sheip. jj*’ f ■Tc'
The reason:! Tap ops feareM X-kf
bulla; nsi’gW gft 4urt. ti
Japanese, bull jfignts arc (|Tfer-
dU from tljose iijrSphin. OvciCheire
the-bulls lo;k ho|ps and fight|each
,J— t—T ■ I !
WASHI> GTON, May 14 i-UPl
The United Stejtps will she* off
economic ad toUmyjRuropeain na-
tion which isupplifs war machinery
to Russia, ERIP jDiireHor Pauli HoT-
1 \ l . Ll i ' ... .
Number 174
Ring Dance, Banquet Set
.ii Tk 11 T lirkl:-;:
Tonight; RVs Ball Is
RODEO WINNERS—Pictured above are the members of the Saddle and Sirloin Rodeo Teuni
which took top honors at the intercollegiate rodeo contests held in Fort Worth and Austin this pjast
week-end. • I
I First row. left to right, are: L. E. GRIFFITH, J. P. WOOD. M. J. OVERSTREET, and II.IW.
ELLIS: second rojw: T. A. ROBERTS, J. R. DAY, W. GRESHAM, and J. M. POYNER; third rU:
C. IE SCHMIDT. J. R. MOFFETT, R. R. WOODW ARD. C. T. FRY, and 1). RANKIN; fourth rpw:
^embers not pictured are BILL HOGG. EARL GUTHRIE, and LYNN WILLIAMS.
Circus Will Be
Held On Kyle
Field, June 11
Plans.,, for the presentation of
the Gainesville Cdmipunity Circus
to be giVen on Kj’le Field Juno 11
have bden completed, according to
the arrangement committee.
The circus is sponsored by the
Brazos County A&M Club and
the College Station Mothers and !
Dads Club.
1 1
General chairman of ; the ar-!
rangements is P, Cj Colgin, and I
Mrs. 0. K. Smitlf and C. N. Hiel-1
scher ate co-chai -men. | f niai plans lor commencement exercises, Dacqai
The itpmitteel responsible for services, and other graduation activities hitve beerf
pmsentiitTOn of the circus include j ced by W. E. Street, chairman of the cdmmencenji|#iit
Brownrigg Dewey, Jr., chairman rnittee.
B,y?3wd a joc Sori^rSma" , Or. W. R. White, president of Baylor Umroij|ty
for College Station. be the principal speaker at the commepcemenFiViker
Other committees include: ( ’ ‘ f "♦which are t<> lx* held at fljlo
FI • June 4 on Kyle Field. Ifpe
r ormer rrisoners ^o^ssion u .-om h
gymnasium Und north o 5
for* the conijuiUR-emeivt:
Speaker fpr the l»j|
services will be Georgi
president- qf Haidiiu
Searcy, Arkansas. Sel'T[t|es
‘held at 1U la. m. un
Sam Donahue to Furnisl
Prairie View Collegians
Two big dances and a banquet are scheduled if|r lhi
Dance and banquet being held tonight and the RoSH|]v r qliu
at the Bryan Country Club.
The banquet will be held at 7 p. m. in the west
wood, social secretary of the Senior Class,will a|'l||as
fdr Tonight:
Plans Complete
June Gradnatio;
Final plans for commencement exercises, bactj,
tUjroq are
Full Suinmer Schedule Planned
H 1-
man said VesHerday.!
Tho Army] isi (Sabtianing its|J?|jd-
iors papers arid radio ■ stitiqhs
against'lewreMug an y edaorfeil
opinions aljout election icandifiatea^
Scotty Spicer, Jones to Appear
At Grove During Summer Term
* 1 it - • t Vi-." . 1. . • ■■'ft. -it—J 'A
| C. N. Hielschjer, chairman of
printing and advertising, J. G. Mc
Guire and P. C. Colgin; program,
Mrs. Qi K. Smitlji, chairman, Mrs,
Ted Martin, Mrs. [l. S. Rogers, Mrs,
Joe Davis, Mrs. Sam Hopper, Mrs.
Waynci'/Long, Mrs. Charles Tigner
and Mrs. T, H. Terrell; (concessions,
W. M, Sparks, chairman, Marty
Karow, Les Hichai-cison, W. E.
White {ind Joe Fugan; 'ticket com-
, inittee, C. D. Owentiy, chairman,
] Frank, ; AndersonJ Nayasota area;
P. T. Haines, Caldwell; area; ('lint
| Wakefield, Madisonvjljje area; and
Gordon Langson; Branham area.
The Gainesville Community
Circuit, known Ithroughout the
world, has 135 trained perform-
erH, musicians, and acrobats who
are all ainateuijs and residents
of Gainesville. |
Of War to Meet In
Houston, June 19
e|)<:en(jl with the Senior Ring
dance tomorrow evening
mean Hall. ‘Mug” Leather-
jf ceremonies. (Miff Harris
•j)^ (lhaplain, will deliver the In
ration. ] |
After dinner the guests of hob-
r will 1«| introduced. Who’s,WI
fV'fird'f will be presented by C. <
Spike!” Nliliite, director of studei
ies,] and keys will be pi
The Texas Prisoner of War Club, Guion Hall. Jhe lacul#j [a'oc|s!
will hold its third annual conven- f orn J tiije /
Uon in Houston at tho Kico H«rt^ fT "TS ^ '
, , a ir t ti •* i_ ’ The commission mg Mil
June 19-^0, II. L. Pritchett, | officers will;I,O!held ai,’
| tary-treasurer ,of the club, an-j June 3 in Guion Hall.
i nounced today. i Handy, commanding giwii
| A visit to the battleship Texas | Fourth Arniy, Brig, m
at its permanent berth near the t Johnson, cornmandingjj
San Jacinto battleground has been I the Tenth Air Force;
1 •
When not takijng part in their
famous circus tljey {ire business
men, teachers, laV- yerji, doctors, de
livery •men, and [housewives,
Hepryt {jeott, Eaijle Spicer, and land team tennis, open golf, volley-, maintenance, and for supplij-s for i Ung* Jin-i* w jhevorv-
Grandpai; Jones will appeal at The ball, horse shoe pitching, ami soft-1 the swimming pool. | I ^ ib high-flying
Grove is [part of J the scheduled . ball. This amount will also cover | The committee w orking] with | ^ 1 J 1 i> 0,n CIOW f ! *P » y »»k
_ r _„- _ summer efitertainment. [the cost of clerks, balls, bats, tro-1 White Consists qf Chairman H. V. 1 ■ ’
A Hi nation ski i-grohp Or th« r C. G. I'Spike” White, in a nmet-; phies, and officials. : Risien, [Neal Galloway, Jam *s Ed-
ted Nations special:'Pal.estLrie .)is- I jng yesterday with the Summer' Four cents of the activity fee I gar, W. W. Gardner, uhd Kenneth
sembly yesteildfiy!; apprdved a£ teni-1 Activities Committed, said that all will be devoted to the operation, .J Bond,
pdrary trusteeship type! i-egiRie iior j had signet) contractjs or expressed
The ‘Housd votjed yesterday
the so-calljed ‘[sejtre ,s” bill.
'file hill, piidviilos fines ar
n-isonmeisi fdj- ijkaking pubfc
formation j given [to
al e’ommitjtee; ! aijid marked
•lentjal by] jthq ('orjfinqttee.
;o ex-
i»mpt newismetii tjroiii penalt bs ]of! Saturday (night dahee have been
((j, 1 ?)
kF of
WASH). . . ..
•Mans fpijla ijatpn-jwide str
.ong distance j telephone ope ratj<tf-s
have beeri iset pP by the CIO: Amer
ican Telep|hori^ Woriers Union nut
the-. : date | for ja walkout wap
. ..
their wSKhgness to present pro
grams Hew.
These!throe enteijt
part of | the full gcnedule planned
for Tho;Gjhove. Two movies, three 1
nights skating, bingo, and 'a
Press Club Banquet Held I
Sbisa, Staffs Receive Awards
The annual Press Club banquet was highlighted iu Sbisa
scheduled. Tentative plans call for
'n-’l a juke box dance tp be alternated !
a congrdksiljn- j hanih'andpossib’ly^ n>ad band'ap-! Hall last night bv the jiresentation of keys to all publication j
l ■ 1 eoijdfi-1 pearingilatdr in theTsummer, White | staff members and other awards to outstanding staffnjien.
«*id. j ! . ;; Editors Charlie Murray and Jimmie Nelson of the Bat- (
i u <°[ nm,i^ ki 'Wh7tIe^mul I ^ a ^ on » T’ouuuy-John and Bobby Williamson of the Longhorn, !
I nas oepn ipiann <i ipy yv . and Roger B. Letz of the Agricul ♦- —^— —t— ■ J-~—•—
ithe Summer Act.v.ies Committee: tuijst ive(j vvatch( , s frum Pr , s ., King of the Dhllas Office of the
Associated Press.
English Seniors
’ I | I
English majiirs (who plan to
graduate in Jujne are asked to
eentdet the^ departmental sec
retary as soon las possible.
Personnel data forms must
bp completed by FJnglish majors
and returned tp the Placement
f J
I* |
•Monday j..
(•eft | Thursday
1 Saturday
i Sunday
Candidates File
By | p.m. ! Tod|y
Deadline for candidatel to
file for; [Batitlilion iEditor. Ijorig-
i horn Editoir, Town Hall Man
ager, JunhiT andl Senior fYejll
Leader and] Afhldtic Represeiji-;
tative ?s 5 tl^is afternooii.
Students for tihe Battaliom
land Longhorn mijst file ieppli-
cations] jin tihei Dean of lien’s
Office i)i Goodwin Hall. ;
Applicants for the posi lions
of Towji Hall manager, jlmiqr
and sejtior. y!ell leaders, and
athletic representatives-si lould
fill onti personnel data f irms
at the Studfent] Activities OFficie.
C J ,. Ff
Meinorml Center
ToBeeome Reality
. Movie
Bingo or spec
ial entertainer
j / Movie
Ekating ,
.. Dance
Then] will be j no admission
] charge fo|- student* to any of the
! activities. The cos) of the enter-
Xainment iis taken jeare of by the
student] activitiy fefc.
In explaining the [use of the $1,70
3-Week Poultry
Course Planned
May 31-[June 18
activity % that islcharged, White
Categories. The maximum
ident Gik-hiist for their work
their respective publications. ! Mr. King whs introduced by !
Outstanding Battalion staff j toastmaster J. T. Miller aiid gave
member awards in the form of 1 a brief sketch Of the requirements
electric shavers went to Kenneth I he. felt; were necessary for a jour-
Bond, of the feature and editorial nalistici career.: . .
staffs, and Art Howard, Sports! President Gilchrist! introduced J
Editor. j Yantis and welcomed him back I Arrangements! have been made
Portable radios were presented ! from tho circumnavigation^ of the , for a Poultry Sjiort Course to be i
to Paul Cretien and Paul McBride, I I . " j ! held oh the campus from 8 a. m., j
second semester editors of the! YantiiS spoke on the customs he May <11,. to 5 p.j m„ June 18, ac-
('onjInenUitoi- and Engineer, for. encountered im his travels! and il-
theirT'uidance of those magazines.' lustrated his lecture with glides of
(Mavtpn Selph, editor of Brvan th ^‘ interesting points he Visited, fiee. !
Music for the affair was furn- Registration
ished by a five piece orchestra Room; 301, Agr
made up of Aggie Band members ] from 8 to 10 «.
Field’s ‘Little Batt,’ ) was given
, . i , ji., . . , r T t .'V r " l T a pen and pencil set in recognition
explained;that it v|as .§vuled into - <)f hjs work on th e,freshman pa
the plights of publication | men in
general were delivered by a Bat
talion Quartet dubbed the! “Print
ers Ink Spots.”
cr p _
faculty panel
amount \i-as passed by the last, .
: session 1 of the Statd' Legislature in ! . Dave Coslett was voted outstand-
Senate Bill No 9,> 8 1 1n F member of that publication and
One dollar' of] the fee will f™™ 1 a > )cn as his > ,Oi;iti0 . n
cover! the cost ofj the Battalion a < ‘ . , ,: The dinner program wad conclu-
subscription. The] Batt Will be Remainders of the staft receiv- J ( | L . ( j hy a faculty panel (skit in
published three days a week ( : ed kews ni recognition of their work which a ‘candidate’ for thk Batta-
through ; the summer—Monday, , an d 80 bronze keys for first [ |j on editorship was tried i for the
Wednesday, and KridayJ I year members, ,10 silver kejrs^ for] ( i ua i crimes of upstreanijing and
The I sujmmer acjtivities at The second year men, and 10 gold keys having a fan dancer campaign for
Grove are covered by 40 cents, of pr third yjear men were given out. j him. H T,
the fee. There will jbe no additional . The banquet honored the re-j W. C.] Bernard, Associated Press
cover [charge, Whijte emphasized, turn qf the Battalion’s roving cor-| columnist who. writes “Tepcas Day
Intrjamurals will preceive 20 cents, respondent Ivan Yantis, and the by Day;” made the trip !to A&M
Intramural sports (vill include open main address was given by Frank with King.
cording to Lucian Morgan, assis
tant director of (.he Placement Of-
vill he held in
• culture Building
m., May 31, from
and two vocal numbers describing! 8 to ff a. m.,[Jdne 8, and from 8
to 9 g- m., J(in<] 14. A fee of $5
will bg charged t for the one-week
course and $10 [per attendant for
two or three iwefcks.
Rooms will be available in
Walton Hall and a charge of $1
per night will he made.
All meetings \yill be. held in the
poultry department classrooms and
at the poultry fjirms.
Approximately 40 men and 10
women are expected to attend.
E. D. Parnell qf the poultry hus-
j bandry department will be chair-
I man Of the program.
planned as an added feature of the
reunion, and it is hoped that Fleet
Admiral Chester \V. Niniitz, as
commander of the Texas Navy,
will be able to attend the cere
Ggnera) Jonathan Wainwright,
hohorSary president for life of the
Texas POW Club, and Adjutant
General K. JL. Berry, his fellow
sufferer as a Japanese prisoner,
are expected to attend the reun
Over 3&0 reservations have been
I received from former prisoners
now living in Texas, and comman
ding officers of all Army, Navy,
and Air Force installations in the
state have been requested to grant
three-day passes to former war
prisoners in their commands to
permit these men to attend, the
The program will open with
j a business Session Saturday
morning, Jane 19, at which Rep.
Lindley Beckworth has been in
vited to discuss legislation in
Congress affecting former war
POW’s and their wives will at
tend the annual dance that night
in the ballroom of the Rice Hotel.
Memorial services Sunday morn
ing will be followed by a boat trip
down the Houston Ship Channel to
the Battleship Texas and the San
Jacinto Memorial.
■ i
New Survey ManE
Section Opened
Since many students were turn
ed down at registration for Man-j
agement Engineering 401, Survey j
of Management Engineering, an
other section may be provided.
V. M. Faires, head of the man
agement engineering deparffhent,
said yesterday that arrangefhepts
had been made for another section
provided there is still enough de
mand to justify it.
Students wishing to take Man
agement Engineering 401 during
the first summer term' aiyl who
have not registered for if should
leave: their names with tbe depart
mental secretary in Agutin Hall.
President Gibb Gilchrist?
at the ceremonies.
Final review will t><*|h|
p. In;, June! 4 on thi-1 lri|l|
west j of the Aeademi)
Tin? President’s Red
2 to 3:30 ijj. m. will]
graduates, ; their re)
friends, and faculty an
bors. [ i j ,
Street saij that all
the Experiment Statics, ;Rx
sion Service* Forest
teaching staffs arc ii
tend this afjfair. The
to be held Jiine 4. j| f]
Members (if the co hlienjjqer
Committee are W E. jcJ. ;iir-
man, Col. (J.
ton. S. A. Lynch, aud
The complete sched ||
nation ceremonies is w'i
i i
7:43 p. m„ June t-|Cumr|
sinning of Reserve (If;
10 a. mi., June I
reate Services. , ...
2 p. m.,| June .1-4)1 tesjilei <
Reception. }
1:13 p. m.. June 1(4
view. | !
fi:43 p, m., Junf
mencement Exercised
iei(tei) to the seniors of “E” Bat-
1 e y Artillery, winner of the Moore
I Following the prosoittation (of
.l4 awards, Gus jVletas, Sensor
'htss histjorian, will give the clnjss
iiWi|y. (tollcge Chiiplain Sam Hill
,v |1 closi the program with the
fa UNRctiun. T * , •
Sa(n lllonahue will furnish the
music for the Ring Dance begi t-
Lttiltig at 9 p. m. Guests of honor
’Gil (h- the members of the fan 1-
(yl ]]
n 'ii i ★ •.
The RY dunce, will be the only
i»ir swcial event of that organ! ztG
jtiqiii &*r (this year. It will also ho"
(tlijt first time that the compete
jivlfite full-dress uniforms' nave
ijivicjn j’ivoi'n, since thg outfit was re-
o ■gahiized. X
ijliljtincltive RV programs 1 ave
ib'njii; plannedH>y Monty Currie and
Hjerisyhel Shelby.
(jo’brge ButleX \vi)l he in charge
refresihmeiits \n(l James Tittle
is in'Charge of th\ social cohilniit-
Wfeji , [\
THti ilqnee, which tv exclusively
[foil- iqeinlJers of the ftoss Volun
teer^., tjuqr dates and invited
guests, will he formal. Music will
bit fpriiijlied by th(* Prairie; yjow
(|( (i|U})jriat|s.
ryan C. (!. Plans
or Brazos (bounty
Arrangements to make this yqar’s.
I'llraiipS' ilqunty FiJir tho» largest
'f tid j biggest in the S history of the
|iquu)tily were di awn up ' Monday
1 • •
air in
tiycnjiiig iiit a meeting of tit
Fqaiid ami eommittee memlx
rs, of
tjlie IBryqjn Chamheii of Coinijneice.
r was
U con-
Tne d:|te for this (year’s fa
y<jt fpr the wwk of! Octobur
Tig* eqnnniitec gbproved l .
Strati with Bill Humes Shows to
j j resicjit njhe midway eiitortainmcnt.
Ailsp discussed at tHe, meet in
the pyouosed construction
< LtittuaJ livestock .stall» and
ings together with hrena iimirdv«r-
’ijneliits. j j I •
Ppriniision for people outiidol
Brakbs County, blit living within ,
the Rrydn-College Station a tea, to.
a ntwr exhibit
dlege Si
si if sue
ch persons do-
natq extra premipmy was approved
hy bqarcj memhets, f
Ihristian Church ^
o Meet in YMCA
The Christian Church of College i
Station, will hob) services this
■liundlay morning' gt 9:30
YlMCjA Assembly iRooni.
Royerend T. MV! Sis torso t, pasf
r qf tjhc University Christian
Hburt’h qf Austin, willgicesi le over/’
the pioiining worship servi:e. His
i permpX^will be “Meeting Life."
Following the morning service
! (there will be: an j organh ationgl
i .
and former Battalion
announced his candiq|Dy tor
state house of re)
from Grnvson Coun i';Tdx
r M H f
i m
plans proceed' qccordin
ome ;t
reality if
to sched-
ule The Board! of Directors, meet
ing on the campus.Monday, author
ized the college to advertise for
bids onj the first three units qf th^
building. It jis hoped that the bids
will be [ready for the Directors to
consider Atiheijr July mejeting.
The StUdeht Renter will 1 be erect
ed on the! block between the Main
Drill Field end! the atjhletic area.
J -« * *WP4*8(j XW tlfc , m
adopt-" 1
neeting ’for (he pirrpose of
rig it cjbnstiiution, and
flans for ouif new church.
■ . j __4—L—
Sange-lForestry Hteak Frv
"i it ll J ' '
;# Thje Range and Forestry Club’s
winuial steak fry will be held at 4
l». mj. Saturday in Area 1, Hcnscl
Park!. I . ! \ ‘ F
• t— 1 - + "
• J:
» v. ■ ■
*s|||| |as
hi m
This bt<
tihl are!a
us(d now ah a residen-
parking 1ft.
r f-’.
■* •:
' C:
■ i j' .