The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 13, 1948, Image 4
• I 3 Y U i AT' 'rwli , 3ENTLE? jS Razor T!HE WA reason! is-ou« . . .m i * Aru-a »oss , rY tmeMveI 1 &.ACKS ^ ' V .' ■ u . v . I s Cookin;: AGCalE Jr :30 p|. m PliAYEI^, Thu^day, ... v Assenlbgvf Hall* JfUijii- Ifoss AjEeetiti^.i * f ■ . fi j !• r A&^I GARDEN CUiUD, 3 fc.ujn Friday, in MCA. M I ■ BRAzoHiA cot^'n' cLjib. Room 1 327, Academ <f Dldp,,^' 1:130 1 CLUB, Tloom 105, Academic Bldg., 7 p.m., ]Tliursday. * plans for a summer party jwill be! made. HJSK CLUB, 7:15 p. m. t Thur sday, Ropm 334, Academic; Build- inp. I New officers will he elected at a meeting of the Dej Rio A.&M Club Thursday! night at 7:30 p.m. in the Residing; Room pf the Y. M. C. A p. m., Friday, Home of Mrs. Cecil Wamble, 303 Cresconb Drive, North Oakwood. UPSHUR COUNTY CLUB, 7 p. pi., Thursday, Room 105, Academic. Dr. Cook to Talk [Vick J COUNTY rUUB, 7 day, mg. p.m., Thui^lay, ^ for js^m-1 P0RT ARTHUR CLUB 7:30 p.: S m - _ _ i! t)r CA Clhapej. Elcctioin of crfficpirs " " P New Members - (Continued from Pago 11 Guy Raymond Norfleet. Howard Boss Oliver, William M. P \\HANDLF CLT/R 7•30 n m 1 Mt ' 11 C Rohorts ’ Robovt Mc " PANHANDLE CLUB 7 30 p^ n>. c U Robinson, Russell H. Ross, mrsday Inigbt, Rookii 228 Aca- Pi ’ Jnr . ’ R T > nlnh , dei m* civb m. to j rss£ if Mn, LTfeli'nte-M tX. ». IW- >!■<■ «*»*■ reshiflents. RCHIEF - YC U B, 7 p. m.JY hi I, Atjadcimic k Risil CLUB ' p. nn,| Thursday Over KAMT Friday m p_viejv_ anj! iiefr_esh^en(ts._ ; Thursday domic Bui ted for c< ii i >■- I r ^ ..'T* > " * -> | uurus i , sirone or., joe Mac CORPUS CHRIS’ffl CLUB) i:15j ’’ t dr. ( ay, ,in ro of | Swindl0( Norwood K. Talbert, Wil- ^ • 1 * 1 1 liam R. Thomas, Oliver A. Toombs, ■*“* si?-S“F = : I !=» Jg-l; day, Bo«nj 120, A#Mmic 1 qr|J3|e VAliLEY CLUB ; ; EAST U, IEXAS C1.UB, 4o| p. ^*^^4 -,f"«o m., Thursday! YMt|A.. Plnni jfor I SIGMA XI CLUB, 8 p. m., summer pa rty, ,, •GRAYSON cdlJNTY, :■ a rj Al|TO PAINTING Bod, ■ Si Femlttr Work ree Estiniates iki R. J. B< j ND S FI I • | Cdllt ge Statio n Texas .ING S LN if ; r oivi*ui-v I v'AJV'ikJ, n , . , Thursday, physics Lecture Room. AfSt-M ])j-, Arthuif W. .Melloh is guest 4 speaker. 1 SAfN AN (TON 10 CLUB, 7:30 p. m.. Thursdaj.-,jRooni 2|)8, Academic. Election of pflficers.' ble, Bobby Roy Votaw, Stuart Lee Wood, Allison Boyd Peery, Har rison Lewis Whitney, William L. Strait Jr. Dr. Gaines M. Cook, exceptive secretary of the Interriational Con vention of the Disciples of Christ, will speak over station RAMfT at •1:30 on. Friday, May, 21. He will be heard on the tran scribed program “Like if Mijghty Army” sponsored by the Christian Radio Committee. Dr. Cook will speak on thefsub- ject, Onward Christian Soldiers. Speakers following him will; con tinue with messages built abound phrases of this song, ij Classified | I SELL WITH A BATTALI FiBj) Ad. . . . si inaftrtioh with a 2!i<* mi rato$ in Clnseifiod Section colajnn ; inch. Semi all cl remittance to the Student; {ice. All ads should be | 10 3)0 a m. at the day befcj Ads ON r LASSI- a word per limum. Space . . . 60c‘ per asaifieds with Activities Of- turned :in by re publication. TYriNG—-Briny your thenie* and thexi. tp C-IS-A. College Vicvf Apartments, after S:00 p.m. or to thj* Scribe Shop, I00T E. 2.‘lrd. Phone 2-C703. FOR SALE-1933 Indian Motoreycle .'71". Sea Bill Manning. Hart I-1&. i FQR SALE—Doberman Pinscher pups airefi by Hallwyre Kennel.o. ‘Champion HI CHJCK. 209 Dark Place, West Col leen! Park. FQR SApE—90 acres fre on lieu) Hwy. C, nine Oolfcgei Larife fish po beautiful site for home rushes!,; ten year paynu acre. 209 Park Place, Park, j inline 800 feet [miles south of nd with fifh; Abstract fur- nt $10.00 per Wesi Collette FOR j?ALE—1946 Cushma See!; at! K. W. W'oolwor Ask: for it. K. Swindb-r. i scooter—$129. th Cd., Bryan. FOE JBAl.F)—199.9 Packarc 4 «oor; now paint, ro hrafcrr. Call 4-6199. Scdftn, C cyl„ D(1 tires, radio, FORWENT—4 room furnished apartment from June throutth August—$65.00 per month. 2200 A Echo!, Ijryan. FOR FAl.E—8'xlG' Wintfjrir.ed sun porch with new linoleum, yas [heater, chest of drawer)) and divan. Priced very reason- .'i 1,1 A See S-Syt. J. D. Mandclj, Area 1, Trailer No. B-3. ; ' FOE SALE—Niro ’42 Je*p: only SSTS.OO. Cash or tennis. Dorm lf>. Room 209. FOg SALE—Metal utility cabinet, cur tains and rods, linoleum, hathinette. College View, B-18-C. man, Apt. 2C9-2, Ajnncx. FOR SALE—Rouse No. 4. Project Arm. Furnished oy unfurnohrd. R. J. Carl ton. Box r, 149. WANTED-Theater. iir jjoctiji general theater heb. hours of 1:00 and (i FO t SAI.H—1940 Indian Mot, ttclc. fixe 71, i r Chl|>f\' In Cwd o.tniiil'.n With urday. Campus The ,ter. • lids (if extras. Price $550.00.fSee A. »V. JHeieein, l|7-103. FOR SALE—24’ National house trailer. Sc* at Trailer Arm No. 5, Site T-I. LOST—1 pr. of l iml ■ and dark blue c.a.H'i nvovery. aall Contact ' ilriffi FOR SALE Good meet Priced to sell. Pvane. Hart Hail, E-7, 1942 Ford station yapon. Good mechanical condition-: Good tires. SPECIAL—Acirie belt' and buckle*—$3.50. now only 42.00. Caldwell’s Jewelry Store, Rryan, Texas. SEE US, for electric :c r —jobs lar^c or rmftll. cbinery Co., New Uy y. C. Way Oafe. SPECIAL — For yraduation all diamond rinya and diamond jewelry at rpocinl discount. Caldwell's Jewelry Store, Uryan, Texas. McKENZIE-RALDWlN BUSINESS COL- Ic-fre offers refreslier eoursca in abort- band, bookkeeping and associated sub jects. Dial 2-0655. Bryan. Texas. Used Headqtiar! ’-II, Ford, Tudor Se^r A&M Cajiipus io* bedroom house with jjl^njgly of storage space, a big.. je, and a G. I. Ipan that >11* MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DE PARTMENT MAY ADD ANOTHER SECTION OK tot ■'Because many ftudonts were turned down at. registration last Tuesday for Man. E. 401, Survey of Man. K.. arrangemt ntt have been made to add a new section pro vided there is still enough demand to justi fy it. Those students who wiish to take Map. E. 401 during the first term of summer school, and who have not signed up for it. should leave -their names with the department secretary in Austin Hall immediately. Unltess the demand is suffi cient, this additional f.ectthn itvill not bo added." V. M. Fairos, Head, Managemt nt Engineering Ml, Mercury, (j'oupj ’39, Lincoln-Zfjihcrj ’39, Chevrolet^ Tudi 'orjlloii ’39, Ford, Tujlor ’38, Chevrolet), TtpSii: ’38, Ford, Tujlijjr ’37, Chevrolet!, j SedW More than half a billion dollars have been spent in building levees on the Mississippi River since 1927. Chinese Newspaper Tells Of Trotter’s Shanghai Arrival NOTICE. FACULTY WANTED A CorresD'o'd,."-’ cottrse for POST GRADUATION STUDIES entitled CARTELS OK COMPETITION? e Stocking’s and Watkins book of the same name. Interested faculty members ree V. M. Faircs, Austin Hall. Pleas*' burry. ’3G, Plymouth, Cou|||j ’33, Pontine, ‘Siedarj M8, Chevrolet, Bicii ’48, Jeep ’47, Dodge, Exjpr(‘4i mg. TRANS - PECOS in m., Thur$|ay, Ro From the School of Veterinary Medicine: William Wallace Bay, or ccucyi yjaivu-i^. , .miiiicme: tv luiam »v auace na TA LER (iLl B, Thursday, 7:30 ; p au i p. Brandos, Joseph B. Coult.. p. m., Roomj JOG, Act domic Buihl- | j r ^ Charles W. Edwards Jr., Hen- ry Grady Elliot Jr., Robert J. CLUB, 7:15 | H,ughes III, Max A. Paehar, Don- 3nr 223 Aca- i a i ( | ] r;l Riddle, Jack I). Robbins, ihmi'c Building. Final meeting of WiHie Joe Turner. Hugh M. Wal- si'incstcr. For MOI EL , v. ' • ' , AIRPLANE > SI PPLEES Jone i Sportir g Goods 80S S. Main Bryui Ph. 2-2ti!l2 ' V ‘^-j^WvlPv -v. '- i WOMEN’S [FOOD'GROUP 2:30,^,^ \ pi 0Wt . r c. lace Jr., Richard. C. Bass, and Ar- R. C.; EC HOLS Healto^ Over Cahady’s pharmacy i! Bryan Pttdne 2-&154 tr- _ Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas M j ^ . When Dr. Ide P, Trotter, Texas A&M Extension Ser vice director now oin leav^ in the Far East, arrived in Shang hai, China, it was an important news story to the Chinese press. • f A copy of the story—printed'in Chinese Characters— ; has been received on the f-r o—— ^TgradLS^mCnhnyicir. kin ^ to consult wi F h tho hi ^ her For Your Sporting Goods Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 ture. He translated the* iteiii for the Battalion as follows: “Dr. I. P. Trotter, cotton j spec ialist from Allied headquarters, ar rived in Shanghai last • Saturday, April 22, from Tokyo, Dr. Trotter is sent by the US ghvepnin^nt to ! Allied headquarters hy request of the Chinese government as advis or for the Chinese textile inti government officials fof accepting this 'appointment. Ilfs duty has no political signuTcanca.” , The story was printed in San Franjclsco by the Chinese Nation alist"; Daily, which received it by radio from Nanking. pay: Dents of- assumed. Monthly r $2,000 W|e have a nice small house gravel street just off ilviment. Lot size 60x180. I Furnished jTwo bedroom house with an efficiency apartment that re its for $35.00. Priced right at-l— i $6500 l! L P E P P E R Really Co. Eart Gate — Phone 4-1101 Brookfiellcl -i / • nf Carts Crickii! Ifr-J-- 'Tefley-Ifa Bbgs . —‘i- M oilman r' S IGA SUPER MART Before leaving Cjollege Station, Dr. Trotter secured j from Liao the astry. nam^.S of several jChihese A&M He is at present pieeting with graduates now active in China, and com- j arrangements were (made by letter am the members of the ; textile mittee, and will proceed to Nttn- for him to meet them there. A _ f* —|— iijerican - i^l 1'— irt 4 lb. Pack 29c Rruiikficld Vi isiconsin Cheese lb. 53c r C'i r: — i ' (iood Saltine (trackers 15c -i— h _j_. JS'tifl's Slrained Heats fort Babies ■ pph L ! t j— TcxUim €rap fruil Juic^ • • So -S Juice . 3 Bags 9c .j. 314 oz. 17e 6e A it H « a ® 1 & m ift * IT n n" IS X ' « ’ % m** f? ft & fer .* ft m # W> in ci 4 it. WnP ip* w w «! tfi mim 'll, H 11 li ft &-M ft t 5% oz. mm hiiC HU 5 •: -tT- Juicc deii . L • - - . - h \ • r .p S.l lol ^cr*s Coffee r' No. 2 5c Pi nls 23c Qts. 2 17c II). 51c ff W W >!* • mns, ♦ is ft pi 1% e if n %/ W p'H M m N . .J.... . THJS IS HOW l)r. Irle P. Trotter’s arrival inj Shanghai was Idc reported! in Chinese. Heavjy letters runhnjg up and down at right are the headline. .—4- CiGARFTl'KS — Per Carlbp .813)3 y; ■ -v- >! 12 oz. 45c 16 oz. 50c —lr—j- |7Jlr| Deep Sotith Ambrosia ■- lr—|i|-— filadiola iKloiir!! Glajli pi . L,!. Lit iola iFloikr ■f Sitilf )tix l r i Nal|iseo jliral OxiP)! —T ^aeial Tissue IIL T: ! : i • '•' E -rt- - - i Wax Tek Wax | Paper Ski finer Pi Mai _ —4— , i ; : —J -— ‘aioni or Spaghetti +—f—: ^7—: f—* j— am Crackje *s *< >• ■- 1 - , 8n '•f : i— • — t. -j • ——i— . 1 1 ii •fv i f —f . ■ J — Large 35c Dreft TT . No. 2 34c 51b. Carton 41c 10 lb. sack 79c 300 count 21c 125 count 18c . . 17 oz. 9c . 1 pound 28^ . Large 31c CLEANING - ! PRESSING Ii ALTERATIONS AT THEIR BEST — AT ( :A MPL S CLE ANERS Over The Exchange Store i Large,pSc' Camay-Reg. 10c & bath, 14c Tidje |Wb4kin^| Powders > .j . . . . . j Large 35c r 4+—fc- TEXASO SL NRIST LlfelONS I ^ t - (iARifoIrs )Rvi [ges [im Premium Franks No. 1 Cello . ! !* 2 doz. 49e CUCUMBERS . . . j . . 2 lbs. 25c 7 j -I doz. 19c (WHITE ONIONS . . . 2 lbs. 15c , bii. 12c (US No. 1 Cal. Shatter Potatoes, 10 lbs. 63c : -1 lb. 47c - —— -- Circle S| Picnics—4 to 8 lbs,average .... lb. 49c -t Swift’s). Arrojv Beef Ch tick Swift’s !. Gillette Siipe r Speec Hole [Sliced Bacb* DRUG ITEMS lb. 59c i lb. 59c Razor Set, 98c Sz, 59c Ipana Tooth Paste—50c size Listerine To th Paste>T-25c size . . 21c Lustre Cream Shampoo—4 oz. size . $1.00 ■4-r T-SHIRTS i | Styled By McGregor* i H —All colors and sizes —Washable Priced to suit you. 81. 25 to ! 82.00 I i I ! i 01M£Sj>«g H:: ii SUMMER CANDIES Elmer’s Fruit Bublets .... lb. can 41fc Elmer’s Mint Bublets lb. can 49c Elmer’s Pecan Flakes .... 11). can 79o Elmer’s Peanut Flakes .... lb. can 19c C ANDY BROS. FRUIT CANDY DROPS Carton 20 boxes, ($1.00 value) . . . 49<! , WINTER CANDY CLOSEOUT j 49c lb. pkg. cello Chocolate Drops . . . 2f)0 A few BOXES of Chocolates, half price. -- TEXAS Grapefruit ... 10 lbs. 29c Texsun Brand—80 size—White +— TEXAS Juice Oranges . . 10 lbs. 55c Texsun Brand—216 (Medium) size j Fresh Cucumbers . . lb. 10c Bananas . . . . . lb. 10c ARMOUR S DEXTER BRAND—Sliced; Breakfast Bacon . . lb. 59c Weiners lb. 39c Link Sausage lb. 49c Mission Pure Pork C O F F E E ■ MARYLAND CLUB—Pkg 49c MAXWELL HOUSE OR FOLGER S Everyday price ...... lb. 53c STOKLEYS or PICKSWEET—Choice Corn ..... 2 cans 35c No. 2 cans Cream Style DEL MONTE’S MISSION BRAND Peas . * . . . .2 cans 35c i ■ ' i No. 2 cans ” - SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & We reserve the right "if ir EY ANGELINP: DINNER >k)ra . . 2 cans 25c )| ^ (|ans—19c value 4—ft—•——y- -i UECOMMEND PAG IBahiMr 1 ' ■ GftiMm. Hf \RV FARMS PRODUCTS i:sE . . each 19c packed in a decorated, t active tumbler. ' ’ ^EURIZED MILK, (|t. 21c . 39c i--Qua . . . lb. 85c . ! j i ( 1 WARGARINK ^ “ T % . L . . . . 32c Ei-rCnliored .. . I -. lb. 47c Ml ] • ^ 4-J—I—; 1— ’* • J. . . f Carton Si.63 ^ ! 4 I •! - Njlibl&r kinds ] - tIb~i Hr—■—,— i— '■ '■—' i ~ ) ot SNOWDRIFT - ng . J3lb.can$1.09 —+■ . Lib. can 37c eiited, Vacuum can 444— /' e^r 'Round Brand . I lb. pkg. 17c I4H . i • * ;i ' v NEW! 5^ Pkgs. Du’R^e’s rink Preparation * ! 2 pkgs. 5c