The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 13, 1948, Image 1

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. • i--.Pi .
^OHnNKIweitoMi <
his hop^s
not 'beoh
exchange of notes.
Tinman' Saildj to<l^;y thaj.
far evefitiiaJipeadi;- have
incbeaseiil by the|receri*
! H
ittf Russia.
PRontAiJi 1
TrtMOfll OW
I. ;^ay
The Jowl
mont will prqciaini Hi'bre
sh- prnvi ilor til {avern-
jn Palesti ie. early|:tunic frow^nigh .
effective on* mini to aftej|-|, mid
night, wl en ; the iBriti h niindale
ends:: | : ; ’
The Battalia
Volume 47
AMSTERpAM, The N^hhlnmCs
May li! -Ki!P!>— Queen \\jilljolmitjh
of the > etjherlnrtclj v fill aluiien^‘
towui’4 tlie.. end bd S'pteraber
bchaff oil her dduf ht n-, li'mcei 51
.liiliumt, the fiueeb juiijouiiH'lii'id-
radio broadcast. . ■ j
nomiN^i e pkNv
DF.NTtiN,. Tei.fMi
In- h|.Cflllei'l nujo|iniH
nutthb^rs af Uie Nofth
-rrf'td I su utiilt tdtiftfs
uve iii sidbcltingl ia
Prenident W. .1. SfliiMi
l NKMl'lj.OVMHN'lf C DSIii
WAlSir NOTONj Mi y i:|
The Ann l iejin li(^{ ior tolJ Con
gress yes ,ejf(|ay tbi t 1 500,010 wjir
vote rains
ing the juixt yctkr
paiidc'd edlieral jse :vi
them find Wprk.
; .. I — u-j—^—j- i . ] —- *4L
Ross Volunteers to Dance
Saturday at Country Club
Holding their first social event of the year, the Ross Volunteers will give a dance Sat
urday night at 8 at the Bryan Country Club.
The dance will be formal am music will be furnished by the Prairie View Collegians,
’hia negro orchestra from Prairie View University. Since this event will be the only big
activity of the organization this semester, plans are being made to make it one of the big
social successes of the year. 4- +— f—— 4— ^4-4
Memjbers will have obtained all i :
y —OPi
Texnis Stab
ndlloffo iTbuil y wi|'n asA-
or aoSsi
spcci‘’4 , or
Me l I
ERAHSj fin;
NEW VOitK. ; si ay
TKc inot on t picttu r
Curtain” oipened ; v ith
at the ioxy Thpite
after a e ash betwfem
uiarlced he prefit w
- last night. |-i , h
1 V"7 ' J. \ | • i|
DETROIT;-May 4 i:i —OK
of the: white full-dress uniforms!
by thef time of the dance ajnd it
will be: the first time the complete !
unlf0ri|i has been worn.
Distinctive RV programs .were
planned by Monty Currie amlj Her-
>chcl Shelby.
I Jamt s TittUr is in charge, of the
I social committee and George But-
! ler [will be in charge of refresh-
i meptsJ Decorations will be ar-
i ranged by Johnny Hammond.
The dance will be exclusively for
||| ( , i members of the RVh, their date*,
T,, 1 and invited guests.. It will la.ft im-
til 12 , i
as Med
t|> hi-jl])
Jack Andrews, company com
mander of the Ross. Volunteer
Company,.was presented a watch
by the members at a brief j cere
mony (held last Monday afternoon.
, V M 11 i In presenting the watch, Dick Dix-
I <!v'' on ' ‘Etrst Sergeant of the unit,
' i r.rimmAn.ln.l A nelrAvvia fnr IHa ov-
commCnded Andrews for the ex
cellent work he had- done in get-
fhe organization formed and
.setting up plans for the unit in
_tni ii<tur«/.
Oi l iters of the company are Jack
i;t -i-CPI—[ Andrews, Company. Commander,
‘The Iron j Dick (Dixon, First ^Sergeant, and
mt i icident * Fred Hughes, Sjecond-in-Command.
ye terihy
Chief of Texas AP Will Speak
At Press Club Banquet Tonight
! PrinHpal speaker for the annual A&M Press Club ban
quet to be held in Sbisa Hall tonight at 7 will be Frank King
oi Dallas, Chief of Bureau of The Texas Associated Press.
The banquet is being held in honor of Ivan Ynntis, Bat
talion roving correspondent, who is returning from his world
Robert Doss
Will Run For
SDAY, MAY 13, 1948
ry AJ Mtallacc, Ui rd-bartyRprovi
dential cj ndidatc, h >rci on ajspci lf r
ing engn reWient,!, abpif ureir iyentfi;-
day on tfie( ,: Chrysi|^.;j['orp.| f
“I am j tine iirrfi c||n(li(li|te-. for
Rixisident .ejiier to tpo; k to rick.-ts
on strike ” hie told {T( uiiitld a ito
workers jujtHde'j th .* ihdge |plairt.
negro |)ii:ivER<|n'
1IOUS’ 'ON, Jflaj IH — ( .f
Texas S atje Utiivi rsi y fc*- Neg
roes will Hrjld pri me ice mint |e>:
breises > ay j 128 [foil ill firsl ’
'mating cUsb| [
The cli sk ifnc|udk|
for Baflhi'lci 1 di‘gi'|cs
Master d “gyees(in!
rival pickets j
if tl|' fl jin :
-Hi n
2 Baylor Students
Will Be Guests 01
Baptists Saturday
► tour.
Sam B. Hill, eolleg<t chaplain,
j will deliver the invocation. ,). T,
j Miner will net as master of cere*
| monies.
President Gibb Gllcjhrist will |
t present principle awards to the
outstanding members [ of the var
ious college publications. Follow
ing the presentation of j awards to
1 outstanding members, awards .will
I be presented to the editors of the
, Battalion, Longhorn, Agriculturist,
Robert Doss, (/lass °f 19. na^| Commentator, and Engineer.
iiMin lleatef (’ompaity |
( iuclnmitl. will Im' ; one of :
principal speakers at the Mam
Iigement Engineering Conference J
toibe held here May 19-20.
Ring Dance
Friday Eveni
Moore Award Point Ra
For All Outfits Announ
Battery “K” Artillery won first place in the General < j
Award Contest with iutotal of 1880 points. The outf.i|t. tin l
in the scholarship rating with 1100 points, eleventh .plmi ■: |ifn rhllii
proficiency, ninth In intramiuals, and twelfth in exinj
Standings and points for the other units are |is(e«
Scholar Military Intram’l Extra-Cur.
I’rofcy I’rof’cy I’orlicip’n
f.T. McDonald
In Race For i I
State Senator
atinmmced his candidacy for Stiyte
f epresentaitivc, Place No. 1, Gniy-
Isnv County, Texas. Doss was/iwar-
(ilnlj an M. S. degivSe from A&M
i i 1941, arid served as/editor of
Ihg Battalion durmg/his senior
Whir. ,j '!
Doss has been employed by the
Kedjeral government, and is a vet
wan of three Year.-
vjicol. He pledges
ears military ser-
his efforts in the
legislature /toward harmoni o u s
working together of the farmer,
■: businessman and the laborer.
|)oxs says, "Fundamentally, 1
' Bob Braker, Bible
Tom Cole, music major, both from !
ye in minimum regulation,
s , (Slfete and federal, over the life
major, .and ; OfUhe individual.
.. .... * f “f pl«‘<lgc my efforts in the leg-
t0 ma . intair ‘ fl l 11 Payment correspondent,’ is ex peeled for the 1
at tin youth p e ‘ y. n S 0 A.t" c J/®*’ | ot ol ( | ago fionsiors, to the improve- occasion. If plane coniiections do'
BA-a^iV n m Ba S P aturdawe5ning f i n f 1 of ou . r ^rm-to-market road not interfere with his schedule, the
.ami Will haJe charge S Sfc ^sfom. and to improvement of our ; noted journalist will bo on hand to
IrVam at that time.
Bl ; ker brings hist/ devbtiqnail
talks i in conjunction With; extensive
.‘f). cat
-(/Pi—s” ^ ^
ay ,
x tieghu jioci fl w rk
■cutivos Uvlve iireucnt M fi »m
tering a! hmel ] b»|iqu
llrda.tes fere lit effe/ts from the same illus-
27' Tor • trations. /
CK%ce a|d Idu-1 Co e . is to supply the special
music.Tor this program. ||
r Bp)th of these men, who were ori-
ginaljly from Kentucky, have made
extensive tours among Southern
Tuesday iwlien ! tlii|.y
tend 'i\ tuichebn iof
lu ichemi i
County Social \Ve] ! ai(
They hue bVcn pivifcd
run. ; ,■ ,
this afteinrfon, toiught
\nd South
\ few s caMered iho
l eme siu.h bor joi
lorth port (in Fniiqy
inoderate^r ortlfeas U
./in ebasti
WEST TjjEXAS rf Pjbrtly | ck
this afte rnfjon.j toaigjit
Wv (.scatte! ed
from Pei:o| Vqlle.'
Eifiday, aj d
lains t mijj
, - l i j , tip fttany respects disgraceful, and
chalk'illustratklns. These chalk W- j fjlvor reorganizatfob of both ■
lustrations are npt ordinary chalk] ‘jNew taxes are not, in my bo-
talks but they are unique in that ) ofy necessary at this time.”
they employ the use of vivid and 1
pastel lighting (to bring about dif-
Awards will then he preseiMeii
to the mcmbei's of the staffs of
the Student Publications by the,
editors of each publiejation. The
awards will be in the form of keys.
Each member with one year’s ser
vice will receive a bropze award,
two years a silver key,; and'three
years service a gold one.
Highlight of the program will
be a satire on the faculty panel
by members of the (Battalion
Music will be furnished by an
eight piece orchestra from the Ag
gie Band. A quartet pomposed of
staff members will render special
music fpr the occasion;
Ivan Yantis, Battalion foreign
W. T. McDonald, a 19:1.1 Aggie
graduate, has announced his cup-
didacy for the Texas State Senate
Tram the 14th senatorial d(strict,
which includes Braios, Biistrop,
Burleson, Lee, Robertson,; and
Washington Counties. j
McDonald is a 26-year old iWorjld
War R veteran from Bryajn. I
has a knowledge of )egi$lati'
practices \ancl procedure gain-
through 4 consecutive terms jin the
Texas House/
As ah attorney, former legisla
tor, war veteran, and graduate of
A&M, McDonald 'believes that he
is in a position to tfeflect the qe-
sires and needs of The people (of
the district and the state.
He speaks in favor of thje
rural road programs whiittb have
never been developed.
White Band |
Maroon Band
A Infantry
1 B Infantry
j C Infantry ;j
A h ield Art
I B Field Art
j C Field Art:
I I) Field Art
; E Field Art
l A. Air Force
B Air Force
C Air Force;
j A Cavalry
B Cavalry
C Cavalry
A Engineers.
B Engineers
A Veteran Co.
B Veteran Go.
C Veteran Co.
A Composite
B Composite
(. .Composite
i 790
I 720
' 240
7 760
n r
2m of public schools.
give a Jbcturo on his recent world
think our prison system and tour . slides on the.placep he visited
juvenilje correction systems arc w jjj .shown. [
I j : f ~
Borden President
I Marshall Will
peak Here May 18
12 Baptists in Texas and other, states
,*‘V! for tne purpose of presenting their ^ D1 , . ... ... ...
tii- jirogl'ams. They have not, however, Bryan Blalock of Marshall will
vicitdwl in Him /’/vllmro Sstut inn-‘Hrv- <IC*|jVCr HIl tluflrUSS clt «i IDCCtinK 1H
iere visited in the College Statipn-Bry-
at- an area prior to this time.
Btfxar The Youth Meeting of College
Association. Avenue Baptist Church extends a * n<? meeting win oe under trie
.2 tin lujich- cordial invitation to all people, re- POnsorship ot the Kream and Kow
R illy Udducly
and Friilay-
:h^ Petroleum Engineering Lec-
uH 1 Room at 7:30 p. m. May 18.
'The meeting will be under the
cordial invitation to all people, re-
gardpess of ago, to visit with them
for this program.
Klub. ;l
Blalock was
i pimuca was for many years
president of the Babblin’ Brook
Creameries in East Texas and is
liojw president of the Borden Com-
'iahy plant at Marshall. He has
een instrumental in the develop-
nent of dairying, particularly in
■last Texas.
Blalock gained national recog-
.‘c the arrival of a 7-pound, jition for work particularly dur-
ng the war in ironing out prob-
ems of production and distribution
if dairy products when the coun-
;ry. was called upon to provide ex-
ra milk for the armed forces and
he allies.
Bain Girl Born
To Welch Family
• ■■ i
/j.1 5
WTAW Hill Carry Meet
Radio Station WTAW this
Saturday afternoon will carry
both the Southwest Conference
track meet at Houstort and fin
al conference baseball; 1 game at
Austin between Texas A&M and
Texas University, station man
ager Wally Pierre hak announ
The track meet will go on
the air at 1:45 p. m. With Kern
Tips at the microphone. The
final event, the mile: relay, is
scheduled for 3:50 p.; |n.
immediately after the track
broadcast has been completed,
a recorded play-by-pljiy report
of the baseball game by Milt
Frenkel, WTAW’s sportscaster,
will go on the air through a di
rect circuit from Austin.
McDonald says he is in favor
of better schools and realizes that
a higher economic and sdcui'ity • , ,.
status for the teachers mf$t i bell 7
Mt and Mrs, Barney Welch an-
lO-otjmce baby girl, Linda Jane,
horn j yesterday 1 at 4 p.' m.
They have one other child. Ros-
( a s tjtv £ rd. sell Leg, [aged 4.
h Pa#lliandlc . Welch is director of the intra
mural program at A&M.
Land Use Division
■ j -v
Approved by A&M
I ‘ • r j
D. W, Williams, vice-president
of A&M in charge Of qgT'culture,
approved yesterday thei basic pol
icy of proposed legislation creating
a division of land utilization in the
Agriculture Department
\\ riliams, who is noW irt Wash
ington in connection vfith a pro
posed bill on the new division, told
the House Agricultural Committee
that the operations should be con
ducted largely from the (state level,
with regional officers eliminated.
He also wanted local boards
named t o cover all agi&jultural ac
tivities, instead of a breakdown by
The bill before the | committee
places in the proposed new agency
the Soil Conservation Service, con-
servat.on activities of'the Produc
tion anq Marketing -Administra
tion, thC Fish and Wildlife Service
of the Interior Department and
part of the Reclamation Service
operations. *
obtained to reach thifc goal. It* be
lieves basic improvements are vi-
1 tal to the operation of the T-ppcas j >
; prison system and that tin* re
habilitation phase should bajfm-.
phasized and made as effective as ' *
j possible. ] v [
Redistricting Texas from a (jon-
gressional, judicial, and legisla
tive point is long overdue in jVlc-
Doimld’s opinion. Changes in the
game laws and especially ini their
administration are needed! Mc
Donald believes.
In view of steadily mounting
living costs, more consideration
and money for old age assistance
is regarded essential; by Ntcljon-
aild. Finances for these impryve-
ilientE should come from addition
al taxes levied against the natural
resources qf the statci. / 1/j |j i
McDonald was horn, in Madiion- j i
ville and moved to Bryan with; his
parents 6 years later. In 1926 Was
admitted to the practice of law
dftqr successfully coinpletitig | an
examination given by the Supreme ,
Court. He is married and has (two, if
children. 1 j ■!
AGO E INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATE SQUAD, shown laboe, has just completed its suc-
41*48 yeattuii. Riyst row, left ta right: Professor Charles O. Spriggs, Chairman, Speech Divis-
ion, 1) ‘|
Emil Huibki
ham, foe Fuller CSiarlei
Jim S ephens, Jbhiji
A. Po son.: Not po
H. e; Hierth. h s'
Sponsor*, ‘B* E. Elritquis
iiz; C. W. Howard, Jr.; Mllto i Abelaw; John A. Shortal; Mr.
a, InitriicLor WjEnglisH andiAssistant Debate Coach; second row, Igft to right; C. D. Kirk-
ijp. Cabaniss, A. J. Shepherd, Will a^n F. B ini pass,/third row, left to r'ght:
tiler. Larry Goodwyn, John L, Taylor. Paul B. Wells, Cotton Howell, Robert
ohn E. Regan, James Hipp, William S. DoWnaH, C* Peyton McKnight, Mr.
lish and Assistant Debate Coach; Mr. M. A. Hug gett, Instructor in
L. / B f-L • +1 JL J—1*-.! ' l-wt •'Oi — “ ‘
n English and Assistant Debate Coach; Mti L J. Martin, Instructor in Eng*
English and Debate Club Faculty
R. Kirkley, who was graduated
e current semester.
I \ • I I , i .1 .' ■ ■ .1
Associate Professor of English and Deba
• s snuad, and hot pictured above, are Chari
tn B* Wilson. 4’ho is not registered during
Y '
2 Bryan War Dead
Returned to US
George W. Louis and Aubrey L.
Tobias, both of Bryan, are listed
among the 2024 Ameritap World
War II dead whose remains are
being returned to this country for
final burial.
Louis is being returned to this
country at the request qf his next
of kin Mrs. Rissie Louis of Bryan
and Tobias is being returned at
the request of James (Tobias of
The remains of the (war dead
are being returned aboard the US
Army transport Cardinal O’Con-
nel. Arrival of the vessel will be
announced by San Francisco Port
of Embarkation officials.
Armed Forces dead originally
interned in temporary military
cemeteries in India, Burma, the
Solomon Islands and the Territory
of Hawaii are among those being
brought back in this gri>up.
Large Grasshopper
Infestation Near,
Entomologist Says
v j
A large part of Texas is dnj for
‘‘the worst grasshopper infestion
in many years, H. G. Johnston,
Head of the entomology c|el|art-
ipent, warns.
Young grasshoppers are (now
swarming in the ditchbanks, ajlong
the fencerows, roadsides, railroads
And the edges of fields and jpas-
tjures. Within the next 10 days
tlhey will begin to move into fields
and start in on the crops, Johnston
I ii ■ ( '■ 11
Hardest hit areas in the state
include the Blacklands from (the
(Red River Valley southward to
Seguin and Karnes City and
along the Brazos River bottoms
from Waco to Bellville.
Grasshoppers can be controlled
effectively and injexpensivelyj while
in fhe hatching areas, but control
fe more difficult as the hbjppera
migrate to cropland. Johnston says.
A bran-sawdust-sodium fliiosili-
date bait poison has been standard
for hopper control but this; year
many farmers will turn to the new
insecticides — toxaphene (riilori-
hated camphene), chlordanq and
bcniene hexachloride (BHC)'(
County agents in grasshopper
areas have information on control
measures, Johnston said, and some
bounties are setting up specid bait
mixing plants.
anquet Begins
t 7 p.m., Will
Feature Awards
! Tljio annual Senior Riny;
>ance will be held; in Shinn
iallltomorrow night at 9, ac-
(iof’dliiiK to N. R. “Jug’ ‘
Arwbod, social secretary of
t(hc Senior Class.
Dojndlitvo for the pure hand of
lck«‘|tK to the dance iiji f> p. in, to-
ilny. [They are «n sale in the stu-
pnt'j nctivitleH office in Goodwin
lallJ Tickets for the banquet, which
i» toj be held in the west wing bf
iun<nn Hall, are no longer avail
able. • • M- ''
The banquet will begin at 7 p.
in. ^vith Leritheiwood acting ns
mnstier of ceremonies. Cliff Har
ris, (jorps chaplain, will deliver the
invocation, mid guestq. of honor
'Vill be introduced after dinner.
Who’s Who awards, will be pre- -
ten toil by C. (L “Spike" White,
dlirecjtor of student activities, and
tjeysf will also be awarded to the
neniqVs of “E” Battery Artillery,
Winnier of the Moore Trophy,
Following the presentation of
iwards, fins Vletas, Senior Class
iistofi'ian,'(' will give the flask his
tory. College Chaplain Sam Hill
will (dose the program with the
W|th Sam Donahue furnishing
1 he music, the dance will begin at
t p.f m. Guests of honor will he
members-of the faculty. < -
Silice its. inauguration in 1926.
he Ring Dance has become •one
if the most popular events of the
/eait Students jock forward Uv-tle
lay (when.they may step into th#
li“pl|ca of the Senior Ring and
lavqi their own ring turned around
»y their girl so that the seal iq
Jacniig out. This places the,Aggii}.
pul military symbols facing the
qenidr as a rerriimler cif hf& .cotlego
1 '
Smith to Edit J [
Kenneth E. Smith of Ama-(
rilllo will edit the^AariculturiHl
magazine for 1948-19, the Stu
dent Agricultural Council de
cided last night.
,A member of the Class; of '19
Splith is maiming in agricul
tural economics'’
He was chosen over J. D.
Nixcti, an agricultural educa*
thin major.
Chester Chambers was selec-j
tedi new temporary chairman
of the Agricultural Council.
DONAHUE VOCALIST— Featured vocalist wijthl
DONAHUE Orchestra is SHIRLEY LLOYD. Donahue |r
will play here Friday at the Seinior Ring Dance..
Final Tyler Club
Meeting Thursday
The Tyler Club will hold its Ijjat
meeting for the year Thursday,
Ma.\j 13, at 7.:30 pi m., in Room
106,! in the Academic Building.
Royjiil Harris, the club president
announced. *, . i. ,
IHans will be made for a party
to be held in Tyler at the end of
the (semester. All hoys from Tyl<|r
and (Smith Counties are invited.
125 New Members Elected To
The Scholarship Bi jhor Society
i: 1 : 1
Consolidated High
Tb Play Centerville
The A&M Consolidated bgseball
team will meet Centerville at 3
p.m. Friday afternoon.
This game, the laat district play
ctf the season, will be played on the
Consolidated High Campus.
!4r-j /•-'‘•j-' ••/
The election of 125 new niem-1 at 7 p. m. May 171
bers to Abe Scholarship. Honor So- lecture room. Certiiiijal
ciety has been announced by Dr. bership for those &n| ylod (
W. A. Varvel of the education and early January will iLfUtoiirih
psychology department. Dr. T. F. Mayo, hei
This society was first establish
ed in 1929 and reorganized early
this year to recognize outstanding
scholastic achievement.
lish department, W
New mcmbei's fi
of Agriculture are n
Election is based solely upon I Willis Barfield, Cha
scholarship and requires a mini
mum grade point average for six
completed semesters of 2.00 or
above and for five completed se
mesters of approximately 2.25.
Membership is limited td the top
eight percent of the seniors and
the top four percent of the juniors
in each school of the college.
These scholastic requirements
are equal or superior to those of
any of the national honor socie
ties recently authorized by the
Board of Directors. So until these
national societies establish chap
ters on the campus, the Scholar
ship Honor Society will be the only
way in which high-ranking juniors
arid seniors receive formal recog
nition for consistently high schol
Members will be entitled to a
certificate suitable for framing
and may purchase membership
keys. Dues are $1 per year.
A meeting of present and new
ly elected members will be held
Chalrles A. Burle
Chapman, Billy G<
Henry Jacob Killer
Kolberg, Edwin (
Doyle Burgen Peteiftji
fayette Self, Jona
beck, Jim Porter
C. Caraway, Jeff D
hardt Victor NienuL
Harvey Jr., John KM
lin H. Keathley,
Key, Hugh R. Me
Neill, Arthur O. P
Arch Powers, Free
Stanley L. Rogers
son Walker.
These new meml
ted from the Scho<J(
Thomas C. Adami}
thaus, Walter Led
dore H. Clark. Wall
per, William H. Dri
ton Keeling, CharlesJW
Wm. David Lewis,
ley, Billy Clint Li
, the S hi
Rdy h -oi
(#. ? if 1
>n, Gq r lm|id
|R u,
, 1 u *
lie Llvermafv JPaul Randall Lucas,
| Bobby Claude Moore, James .Otto
j Morse, A. M. Prescott, Walter E.
BeiflschJager; Boyd A. Rogers,
Richard E.- Scruggs, George R.
Shajip, Lloyil Calvin -Smith, Billy
Mills Vaughn, Reece. W. White,
Donald Eugene 'Wrngg, Georg**
Leslie Young, Albert J. MarucheBu,
Robjcft L. AtkiHsqnf f
* t 11 >
From the School of Engineering:
Edmund H. Anderson, Philip Mich
ael | Blair, Albert J. Bonar, Ijtuy
Spepcer Bmiis, Frank Smith Byi'd,
Leej Rqy Cajlcote, Edwin 0. Cart
wright ilr., Harvey J. Chelf, Chiur-
les »I). Coppinger, Troy Norrtwm
Cropk, Roy Connor Culver, Upw
ard] F DeVaney, James Rppert
Dickson, Walter Ewuld Ehlers,
Marshall Erving Findley, John W.
Flanagan, Traynum D. jGouldiijg.
Rjalph DJi Halhower Jr., Hance
Hejiry Hamilton, Robert Neal Hen- v '
yy, i Lester L. Hill Jr., Humbert
Geoirge Jaequin, Rudolph John Jr.,
Donald Edward Jarvis, Allen F.
Johhson Jr, Daniel W. Johnson,
Robert koemer Jolly, James Pow
ell Jones. Jerry N. Jones, Billy'W.
Klofcz, Charles W. Kreps, Harry
Lisbon Lane, John Richard Lavis,
io C. Livingston, James E.