The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1948, Image 4
x rs tRS: RAftAttOU •9***'. I III I ■!>■.■■ .1 » ■■ — itMia -y rfe. What’s Cooking? AGRICULTURAL COUMCIL, Wednesday, 7:15 p.m., Reading: Room of YMCA, A&M GARDEN CLUB, 3 p. ra,, Friday, in YMCA. DEL RIO CLUB Thursday. Y> CA Chapel. Election of officer.^, movies, and refreshments. . j 2930 Enroll FW Suiinner Seasipi T ■ j ; I - jl ^ Appn iximately 12990 students registered yeste^cley : or isum- me'r scloal. ,11. L.]'Heaton, iiiegis- trar,- at non need. \) ’ This figure vv; U . be u pfp etl considei ably by he tiitie purrr- mer seHool begirjik He* tow! said. Landscape Exhibit Slnijw n Here i * X Being ■x Vil j j]|. An ex j f a Hjliijl^npi Exehangt ii'iohlii i el*i'llJl Zod” \vil lii<> on ttspluji inllloon 317, Ag Engind •ringT' BuKliiu •t tltrough’ VUluy. \t i;y 14 tin LiihI • Kcilpe <h pjiftn.ienE [Aim are. ij. to day. ■ : ' , - • i The .pehUi'in wsj r ; iudeed. Jit n ,pi' )hlem Ohio Stn <• t'niv^ ity 14 and ht s dieen'of Idispliiy ‘‘ ' hefd I ••• '1 (•raj 4 ' i*eht: olid A&M. 3 The tv t?i)<y-six i l:iyi* i> exhibit o'i'It ling a red year «tu« entfS hi t| n lan Ivcjie at chitecturi lilftsses ] f tin schools: •: !- ; l Iowa I talte Coll ge,' University, iUni-veiHity <r University of IGh »Tia, State Co lepe a rut Jha of Masst chnsetts fh i: .h.|iiuary Se\ e riiiirii: , ti ns by l-.i’ v <f th< tlmi fol mvinv t)lee Slat. 1 tiiiois Mi -ity Nursery to Be Run For Senior Dance f i Ti i Mrs. N. A. Presswood jof Col lege Station will operate a jnursery Friday evening for children over one year of age. To be operated for the conven ience of senior! fathers planning to attend the Senior Ring Diihce and Banquet, the nursery will'jj)e open | from G:30 p. in. to 12:30 Appointments may be majde with 'j Mrs. Presswood at 2ill Park Place, j ‘College Station, of by mail. Box 1111. A&M Annex, College Sta tion. ' ’ . 1 j A fee of 30 cents an lioirr or a maximum of j $1.50 for the full evening will bit' charged, j | Sleeping quartern will be pro 1 vided in the nursery, Mrs.!. Press- wood said. ! 1 .1 j r Salary Brackets New faculty salary brackets, as adopted by the board of directors Monday, are as follows: 1 Post Maximum Department Head $8,200 6,700 4,900 4,000 . 3,400 Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Instructors Minimum $6,500 4,500 4,000 | 3,200 • | 2,600 BAYLOR - ARCHER - YOUNG COUNTY CLUB, 7 p. m., Thurs- day, Room 120, Academic Build ing. EAST TEXAS CLUB, 7:3j> m., Thursday, YMCA. Plans fo summer party. GEOLOGY CLUB, 7:30 p. mJ Wednesday, Lecture Room, Petrof leum Engineering Building. Elec tion bf officers. Classified Ads TYPING—Brine your PORT ARTHUR CLUB 7:1 m,, Thursday, Room 101 Acadymu 0 p. .... Weedon Announces For Tax Assessor Of Brazos County Civil Ser>it*<* lias PliotogriaphiT J<d»s | 1 The Civil Service Commission'}i , has- annuuiicejl exnmin»ti<)nR fur the positions ■|f photugi*aphu' aide | and photographer at entrance sal aries i nnging (from $1,951 to $.'1(121 \ per year. Employment will he with the J .Galveston District, Corps of Engi neers, Department of the Army in Galveston. Application I forms may ho ob tained from Roger Jackson at the College Statiolo Post Office. X. M. "Hit" Weedon has on- nounced that he will again bo a candidate for the office of tax aatenaoiucollcctor of Dragon Conn* Ik mo at lr p ' Weedon wan n_ office in 1942. ontf was elected to that position inter that year. In announcing hi* candidacy, Weedon said: M In 1942 the tax vnulation of Braids County was $11,(159,325.59, and in 1947 it increased to $13,- 826,-193.12, an increase of 25 per- "In 1942 automobile registration amounted to $74,441.44, and in 1947 automobile registration in- creaSed to $117,632.67. “Tax receipts issued m 1942 were 6,396, and in 1947 were 8,226. j •flCotal taxes of all kinds col-1 lectckl in 1947 were $386,001.97.” Building. Election of officers. PANHANDLE CLUB 7:30 p. rr^. Thui*sday night, Room 228 Aca demic Building. Officers to be elec • ted for coming year. J ’ RIO GRANDE VALLEY CLUB. 5 p. m., Thursday, in front of YMCA. SCOUTERS, 7:30 p. m., Wed nesdav, Room 301, Goodwin. ; SUL ROSS LODGE, 7:30 p. m.L Thursday. SIGMA XI CLUB, 8 pi m.. Thursday, Physics Lecture Rbom, Dr. Arthur W. Melloh is j^ues. speaker SAN ANTONIO CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 208, Acadiemicj. Election of officers. TRANS - PECOS CLUB, 7;lf. p. m„ Thursday, Room 223 Aca demlo Building. Final meetirty o semester. WOMEN’S FOOD GROUP 2:3(J» p. nhj Friday, Home of Mrs. Cecil Wantplo, 303 Crescent Drive, North Oak Wood. ■ SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI- TIED AD. Rate's . . . '3<f a Word per insertion with a 2W minimum. Space rates in Classified Section . . . G0C per column inch. Send all clnsaifiMs with remittance to the Student Activities Of fice. All ads should bo turned in by 10 :00 n.m. of the day before publication. SPECIAL—Amric belts and buckles—33.50., now only $2.00, Caldwell's Jewelry Store. Bryan, Texa=. FOR SALE — Tires, battemics. trailers. You can buy cheaper from Baker Tire Co.. 105 W. 22nd. Phene 2-el59. FOR SALE-Senior boou. Size 10‘e C, Calf 10. Uoa-onable. See Harris. 101. No. 10. SPECIAL — For graduation all diamond rings and diamond jewelry at special discount. Caldwell's Jewelry Store, Bryan. Texas. 9 FOR SALE—Studv desk. $10.00 Apt. K- 10-B. College View. FOR SALE—1942 Ford station waaon, Go<k1 meeh.T-ical comliti<‘n. Good tires. Priced to sell. Fvans. Hart Hall. E-7. FOR SALE— Baby carriaue boufrht in January for $32.50 sclHne for *22.00. Peter N. Reesl. Box 1534. College, or (309 Forest Lane. Btyan. FOR SALE—.1933 Indian Motbrcycle .'74". S,’e Bill Mann'ng. Hart 1*15. FOR SALF—Doberman Pinscher pups sired l.v Haltwyre Kennels. Chamnion 111 CHICK. 209 Park Place. West Col- »lege Park. FOR SALE—9C acres fronting SOfl feet on new Hwv. C. nine, miles south of Colleire. Large fish pond with fish; beautiful site for home. Abstract fur nished. ten vear navtnant * tv>r acre. 209 Park Place. West College Park. for SALE—i Q 40 Coshman scooter-*!20. See at F. W. WooKvorth Co., Bryan. Ask for It. F. Swindler. R. C. ECHOLS Realtor Over Caniulv'u Pharmaty Bryan Phone 2-6164 e yo' to C-l.VA. CoUejre nfu*r r«:00 p.m. or to 1007 E. 2Srdi-Phone 2 WANTED-Student radii J it tact Mr. Kraft, Kraft FOR SALE—Nice '42 J Cash or terms. Dorm «»< ids a [115. FOR SALE—Apartment) condition. 3404 Collegie{| FOR SALE—Metal tains find rods. !h College View, B-13*CJ i WANT^’D—One .{idket u Banquet, Friday. May Mrs. Tucket, Room 10| l |-| FOR SALE-House No: U Fumisned or unfurni 4AL lisne ton. Box 5149. LOST Brown billfold, uable papers. Please Rood. Box 1534. Row; SIX ROSS LODGE N».j Stated m«( 7:30 ». GIBB OIL W. H[ BA — only Room r ove. Hi# 12,1943 — — - .- - - / >• • FOR SALE—24' National house trailer, Seie at Trailer Aren No. 6, Site Tx -Hr thofj; imp. oodw Proiecl mone. V 'ft e « AP’I AN:. Maiag n»uf| nil jRofreshl NOTICE. FA WANTED A Correspondence I J POST GRADLATIO) entitled CIVILIZATION See Toynbee's book of Interested facullty V. M. Falret. A PttTY TOwS TRIAL ,t st«me ; . nai f Itbera s* - Jlnr IS NOTICE. FAGr WANTED A Correspondence POST GRADCATIOI entitled s , „ , THE ODTLINE Op HISTOR S<e Well's book of tlret j Uimjo InP-rosted faculty nlttt|ib<-r(i V. M. Fains, Austin HdliJjPlejiuie 4- FOR THOSE W DEMAND THE %T. . College Shoe Impair ; North Gojila! A U -f Port Arthur Club To Elect Officers I ‘ . 1 TJif* Port Arthur A AM Club will mert i at 7:30 p. m. Thurwiay in Roout 104, Academic Building. Otficors for 1948-49 will be elec- BENNIE A. ALLEN, a resi- dent of the Peach Creek com munity, has announced his can didacy for the office of county tax-assessor and collector. Bennie A. Allen Is Candidate For County Tax Post Bennie A. Alien of the Peach Creek community has announced his candidacy for county tax asses sor-collector, subject tb the deci sion of voters in the July primary j election. ! | A native of Braaos Courity, Alien ' is married and the father of one | daughter. He served in the Field Artillery during World; Wtir II and was discharged in November, 1945. Since that time, he has been farm ing and recently has been building houses in this area. Allen graduated from {A&M in! 194t, having majored Sn; agricul tural administration. He; also is a graduate fyom a business school in bookkeeping and finished cour ses in supervision and fonjmanship | from Southern Methodist; Univer-^ sity before he went into i the ser vice. j :| He taught school two year* dur- i n g his college cai'eejr, and taught in the Peach Creek com munity for three years; before joinjing the army. Allen jdso was employed by North American Avia-1 tion, Inc. for more thafi txyo years. Fib*8 to Add rests Strueture Seminar L $ The Structure and Muterialrt Se mluttP of the engineering facility originally scheduled for Mttjy has been reset for May 13 at p. m. in. the Petroleum led tun room. Professor Carl W. Files of th( ME department will present a pa per on Curved Beam Analysis. FOR SALF OR TRADE FOR CAR ♦ c»»nvi»nli‘ftHv liicattd. K«v Wnirmp. Triillrr K-.V FOU SALK 10M8 Packard d fvl. 4 door, to'w tmln(. kochI tlrcu. radio, hi'iitor. Cull t'OU RKNT 4 room fiirm*h* , d nnnrtmrnt frv*m J>»np tliri'ooH A -t'fii.OO per 22R0 A Kchnl. Itryun. FOR SALK N’vKi' Wintf*Hfc»'d atm porch with new linr>l«>oni. * , ' ,Q h«'nU»r ch4H»tvof dr»«w#*r« on»l divan. Pr»c«*d vt-ry r« k MAon- ahlo. S«h* J. p. Mando], Area L Trailer Nit. H*3. CORSAGES Specialties far Your Dances and All Occasions. 11 J. COI LT 1800 S. College Road ER SMITH Phone 2-6725 or in fully oouiPPH and four hurnm ftparttnont sifo pan ranpn. So* Bob Conger, Trailer Area No. 4, SttrC M. V ' ' with 22'xf one roof. Trail- and ha!» n new I Used Car Headquarters . '41, Ford, Tudor Ml, Mercury, Coupe !39, Lincobi-Zepher, Fordor ?39, Chevrolet, Tudor '39, Ford, Tudor '38, Chevrolet, Tudor "38, Ford, Tudor ti?, Chevrolet, Sedan - ’36, Plymouth, Coupe ’33, Pontiac, Sedan M8, Chevrolet, Pickup . * M8, Jeep M7, Dodge, Express M0, Dodge, Truck ’37, Ford, Panel Delivery j . ’35, Ford, Truck BRYAN MOTOR COMPANY ! ' r -j • Vour Friendly 'T'ord Dealer 415 IN. 'Main St. Phono 2.1333 Bryan, Texas i M 1 KELL Exams to Be Given j I For Draftsman Job Examinations for filling varan- ! t ies in the position of tengineering 1 draftsman at entrance j salaries j ranging from $1822 to |$3397.20 per year have been aiinoijmced by the Civil Service Comtnis$ion. Employment will tk 1 ^'ith the federal agencies in Texas!. Application forms may be ob tained from Roger Jadksojn at the College Station Post Office. Used Cars PLENTY OF LATE MODEL USED CARS Any make . Jl. any model . | : . Priced to sell DISHMAN PONTIAC Across from Post Office . . . * 7 O NOW AVAILABLE IN COLLEGE PEIFECTO C L El f S T E A K P L A 1 E S 81.00 ; Clubs or Fillets with Fruit Salad 'yn£*7 Telephone 2-8 •\ EAK HOUSE At 2005 So College Road Send us a garment for Sani- Atoning today. See how it brightens dulled colors and 7 f j brings out the lustre of the I ;|i I . cloth. U ■ j'. , , „ • j Samtone j is a gentler and > j * { [ • more thorough cleaning method that, in every makes j clothes cleaner than ever before. use Sanitonle. It penetrates to the heart of every fabric and nationally j fibre and removes the harmful and dis- ing method. if i coloring particles of imbedded dirt. Dur- your clothes la aMrovid a AT SANITONE We also specialize ii covers. . . . “We torn garments for lleanil g m-v a ERS ick Up and Deliver cleaning ©per- es sugar and ihost fruit juice iks all soils re- iiary methods. siding cleaners '' 7 ' L [' • i i licensed toj ly advertised mperior clean ing will make ,d look better. peries and chair -Bring us your fmm • A ,, ! |H / i 1